

    Explore " reo" with insightful episodes like "Former music exec/producer Tom Werman who discovered REO Speedwagon, Ted Nugent, Cheap Trick to name a few "I also tried to sign KISS, RUSH & Lynyrd Skynyrd... my new boss at the time passed!"", "Knocking on Doors and Facing Shotguns | True Real Estate Horror Stories with Chris Bishop Part 1", "456. Costumbres y hábitos", "Real Estate Round Table with Damien Chiodo: REOs and the Future of Real Estate" and "מדוע צה״ל מתחדש בציוד מיושן?" from podcasts like ""Pete McMurray Show", "True Real Estate Horror Stories", "Había una vez...Un cuento, un mito y una leyenda", "The Power Is Now Podcast" and "ביטחוניסטים"" and more!

    Episodes (18)

    Former music exec/producer Tom Werman who discovered REO Speedwagon, Ted Nugent, Cheap Trick to name a few "I also tried to sign KISS, RUSH & Lynyrd Skynyrd... my new boss at the time passed!"

    Former music exec/producer Tom Werman who discovered REO Speedwagon, Ted Nugent, Cheap Trick to name a few "I also tried to sign KISS, RUSH & Lynyrd Skynyrd...  my new boss at the time passed!"

    Former music exec/producer Tom Werman who discovered REO Speedwagon, Ted Nugent, Cheap Trick to name a few

    His book: TURN IT UP!: My Time Making Hit Records in the Glory Days of Rock Music

    -How he wrote Clive Davis a letter and was hired soon after
    -Discovering REO, signing them
    -Discovering KISS, RUSH and Lynyrd Skynyrd and his boss passing on them
    -His thoughts on modern music doesn't have the same energy as past bands

    BuyTom's book here 

    To subscribe to The Pete McMurray Show Podcast just click here 


    Knocking on Doors and Facing Shotguns | True Real Estate Horror Stories with Chris Bishop Part 1

    Knocking on Doors and Facing Shotguns | True Real Estate Horror Stories with Chris Bishop Part 1

    In this heart-pounding episode, Mike McNamara sits down with Chris Bishop, a seasoned real estate broker, to uncover the hair-raising story of a door-knocking encounter that went horribly wrong - or did it? Join us as Chris takes us through the unforgettable experience that had him facing down a shotgun, and find out how he managed to turn a potentially deadly situation into an opportunity for compassion.

    Stay tuned for part 2 next week!

    If you have a horror story of your own, we would love to have you on the show!

    Instagram, TikTok, Twitter : @willowmanorlv 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WillowManorLV

    Mike McNamara S.0169544 Willow Manor powered by Keller Williams

    456. Costumbres y hábitos

    456. Costumbres y hábitos

    Había una vez un hombre que vivía desde joven del hurto y el engaño. Este hombre desde muy niño se dedicaba al robo de transeúntes en la plaza del pueblo. Todos los días desde que tenía memoria se dirigía a la plaza y sigilosamente se acercaba a aquellos que iban a la plaza a comprar alimentos o prendas de vestir y con habilidad metía su pequeña mano en los bolsillos de los hombres o en los bolsos de las mujeres y les robaba sus pertenencias o su dinero. 


    Habiendo vivido así desde muy joven, había desarrollado una habilidad especial para engañar y robar. Pero cuando llego a la edad adulta sus necesidades fueron cambiando y ya no solo era un hábil ladrón de pueblo sino que además se dedicaba a otras múltiples fechorías tales como estafas, robo de ganado, asalto a mano armada, extorsiones y uno que otro asesinato. 


    En su vida criminal múltiples delitos se iban acumulando y las autoridades del pueblo, llevaban varios años acumulando pruebas para finalmente capturarlo, enjuiciarlo y castigarlo. 


    El inspector general finalmente estaba listo para detenerlo y dio la orden de su arresto. Lo guardias salieron presurosos y al verlo cruzar la calle principal, lo rodearon y lo capturaron. 


    Todos se regocijaron en el pueblo ya que este maleante por fin podría pagar por sus delitos y posiblemente le esperaría la pena de muerte. 


    Efectivamente en poco tiempo un fiscal se hizo del caso y reuniendo las pruebas, lo acuso ante un juez y después de varios meses donde se llevaron cientos de testigos el hombre fue encontrado culpable. 


    Como era costumbre en el pueblo los reos encarcelados por múltiples delitos eran condenados a la pena de muerte. Pero era costumbre que la forma como seria ejecutado no se revelara sino hasta el día señalado por el juez. Pero por misericordia o posiblemente por crueldad al reo se le informaba los detalles de su ejecución. Era pues él el único que sabría como seria su muerte. 


    Aquel reo que había pasado años y años delinquiendo, no se perturbo con la noticia de como moriría e inmediatamente soltó una carcajada. Los guardias extrañados le preguntaron la razón por la que se reía y el solo atino a pedir que contactaran al decano de medicina. 


    Extrañados los guardias obedecieron a aquel deseo final del reo y trajeron a su presencia al decano y este intrigado se presentó ante el reo. 


    El reo se sentó frente al científico y le dijo. 


    Estimado doctor. Como usted sabrá yo he sido condenado a morir, pero soy consciente de que en su institución académica es muy importante contar con cuerpos humanos para que sus estudiantes practiquen disecciones y procedimientos quirúrgicos. Se además que debido a las costumbres conservadoras les es muy difícil conseguir cuerpos para ser utilizados. Le tengo pues un trato que dudo que quiera rechazar. 


    El decano le pregunto de que se trataba y el reo le contesto. He decidio venderle mi cuerpo. Estoy dispuesto a firmar un contrato aceptando que mis restos le sean entregados a usted una vez haya sido ejecutado y usted a cambio deberá entregar cien monedas de oro a mi madre para que ella no pase trabajos en el futuro. 


    El decano acepto encantado. Sabía que encontrar un cuerpo disponible para sus clases de anatomía era casi un imposible y que si este hombre les dejaba sus restos podría utilizarlo de forma efectiva en su escuela de medicina. 


    Presuroso redacto el contrato donde la justicia le entregaría los restos de criminal después de ser ejecutado y el entregaría las monedas a la madre de aquel desgraciado. Y el decano salió sonriendo de aquella prisión.  Mientras tanto aquel maleante soltaba una carcajada sonora. 


    Y llego el momento de la ejecución, el aboga

    מדוע צה״ל מתחדש בציוד מיושן?

    מדוע צה״ל מתחדש בציוד מיושן?

    בפרק זה אנו עוסקים בידיעה שפורסמה השבוע, על החלטת משרד הביטחון לרכוש אלף משאיות משומשות בארה״ב, כדי להחליף משאיות שהוזנחו במחסני החרום ל צה״ל. הבעיה היתה ידועה זה מכבר, ולא טופלה במשך שנים. אמנם, כבר ב- 2017 משרד הביטחון רכש משאיות ישירות מחברת אושקוש, והן משמשות כיום במערך הסדיר, אך במילואים עדיין נמצאות משאיות ריאו ישנות, שיוצרו באמצע המאה שעברה, שהוזנחו בימ״חים ואינם כשירות לשרות מבצעי באם מערך המילואים ייקרא לשרות.

    Que Cerra Cerra

    Que Cerra Cerra

    Considering it has been the case since 2015, we should be used to watching Freo free finals. However, there's always that ache in your heart. No Freo footy but there’s plenty of purple prattle.

    While we might not be playing finals we haven’t missed out so far in awards season. Andy Brayshaw and, as Jojo refers to him, the late Adam Cerra were selected in the best AFL 22 under 22, with the former receiving vice captaincy honours. He also went on to claim the Geoff Christian medal. 

    On the back of his 2020 rising star win and superb 2021 season the coaches couldn’t split Caleb Serong and Noah Anderson for the best young player award.  

    We talk the delistings. Were they harsh, fair, and will another club throw them a lifeline? Will Freo throw any of them a relisting lifeline?

    The Cez chatter is set to increase. He’s chosen the Blues and it may well set up a reintroduction with Ross ‘the Boss’ Lyon. Adam might want to stop in at the local florist before the possible rendezvous.

    What’s the starting point in terms of trade worth? Can we put the faith in Belly to get it done at the negotiating table once again? Is Sam Petrevski Seton or Zac Fisher part of the conversation?

    We don't want to light any fires but we'll lob it in there anyway.... it seems all has gone quiet on the Rory story. Is he not enough Gold for the Suns on the east coast?

    Thoughts on having Rosco Lyon back in the AFL coaching ranks. 

    And lastly Jojo brings us home with a distasteful, in more ways than one, closing quandary.

    Sure, we’re nowhere near as entertaining as a Ross Lyon press conference but there’s a purple void in the Freo football fan landscape at the moment and we’re doing our bit to fill it. So click play and you’ll get a stark reminder of the value of the sound of silence.

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    Episode #60: Appraiser Secrets – REO Genius Zone with Guest Ron Walraven

    Episode #60: Appraiser Secrets – REO Genius Zone with Guest Ron Walraven

    Ron was an auto mechanic for 18 years before he transitioned to being an REO broker for the banks. Real estate was his avenue to pursue another career when he got injured and was no longer able to be an auto mechanic. With over 3,500 REO’s, get strong and ahead of your deals as you listen and learn how to do BPO, Ron Walraven style.


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    Leave your thoughts and let us know what else you want, you are curious about, or if you would like to suggest any topics for MJ to cover, and we can find the answers for you!

    To your success!

    We Are Family: Fortune Title CEO Nicole Timpanaro

    We Are Family: Fortune Title CEO Nicole Timpanaro

    When the teacher asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" not many of us answered "title insurance abstractor".  Even for those who grew up in a family-owned title insurance agency, including Nicole Timpanaro, it wasn't the first choice. But when it was time for a career change, Nicole brought her business leadership skills back to the family business, leading the growth of Fortune Title. In this episode, Nicole joins FNF's Chuck Cain to share her family's success story.

    Moko and Te Reo, Te Hahi Mihinare: The Book, and our Three Favourite Politicians | S2 E16

    Moko and Te Reo, Te Hahi Mihinare: The Book, and our Three Favourite Politicians | S2 E16

    TheRevs are excited to be joined by one of the original Revs, the Venerable Doctor Hirini Kaa as they discuss Moko, Te Reo, and the idea of being a Colonised Maori. We preview VenHirini's new book, the background, kaupapa, and future prospects. And we close the episode with a quick fire round of our Three Favourite Things: Politicians Edition.

    Top of the Podcast Charts, Te Reo Mihinare, and Matauranga Online | S2 E10

    Top of the Podcast Charts, Te Reo Mihinare, and Matauranga Online | S2 E10

    Big news from the podcast with RevTalk climbing up the charts, we have a look at some uniquely Mihinare (Maori Anglican) words and kupu, and we round out the show with a discussion about the highs and lows of sharing Matauranga online.

    Spoiler Alert: Keep an ear out around 46 minutes and 10 second mark...for a special guest appearance from the wonderful Te Aomihia!

    Foreclosures from COVID? Lisa gives her thoughts on that and expert guidance

    Foreclosures from COVID? Lisa gives her thoughts on that and expert guidance

    Lisa flying solo this week on the podcast since both her Mother and George's mother were in the hospital this week. Lisa talks about the riots in Charleston, SC how it effected her. Changes in travel plans due to restrictions on international travel, and what the real estate market is doing now and what to expect when it comes to foreclosures. 

    89. El último deseo del reo

    89. El último deseo del reo

    Había una vez un reino donde se decía que el rey siempre, siempre hacia cumplir el último deseo de el reo. Era esa la más sagrada de las reglas que el rey se esmeraba hacer cumplir porque consideraba que el ultimo deseo de un rey provenia de Dios.


    Un día un reo había sido condenado a morir en el cadalso de manos de un feroz y terrible verdugo. El verdugo  que era temido por mucho era un ser de muy mal talante y orgulloso de ser el siempre el encargado de llevar a la muerte a cuanto desgraciado le era entregado en sus manos. El problema era que había mucha ejecuciones en el reino y solamente un verdugo. Se decía también que el rey era muy estricto en ordenar que solamente ese verdugo fuera el que ejecutara a todos los reos del reino. 


    Esta vez el reo era alguien que era muy astuto pero después de algún tiempo había sido capturado y rápidamente condenado a muerte. 


    En la mañana en que el reo iba a ser ejecutado todo el pueblo se había reunido en la plaza central y allí frente a todos estaba una tarima dispuesta para que todos pudieran ver al reo pedir su ultimo deseo y verlo morir de manos del verdugo. 


    El Juez subió a la tarima de ejecución y con voz ceremoniosa leyó el edicto del rey condenando al reo y luego dijo 


    El rey siempre concede un ultimo deseo al que va a morir, así que tu reo te conmino a que expreses tu ultimo deseo, el cual será cumplido antes de que seas ejecutado. 


    El reo sonrio cuando oyo esta palabras y mirando al juez, al verdugo y al pueblo dijo


    Mi ultimo deseo es muy simple


    Que ejecuten al verdugo. 

    Stacey Morrison, Magic Mike strip shows, Russian billionaires, and the power of language

    Stacey Morrison, Magic Mike strip shows, Russian billionaires, and the power of language
    Each fortnight, Trip Notes hosts Stephanie Holmes and Tim Roxborogh are joined by a special guest to talk all about travel. On this episode, we talk to Stacey Morrison.

    Stacey is quite possibly the busiest woman in New Zealand. Not only does she co-host The Hits Drive Show with Mike Puru, she’s also an ambassador for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, a best-selling author, a teacher at Massey University, and mum to three children.

    And somehow, among all that, she still manages to fit in a healthy love of travel.

    From her first overseas trip to Japan as a high school exchange student, to family holidays in Hawaii, to eye-opening trips to Russia, Stacey has loved — and learnt a lot — from seeing the world.

    She talks to us about the resilience she needed on her first trip overseas, what makes her a "Macgyver mama", and why she thinks all New Zealanders have a voyager spirit within.

    There's also talk of how she enjoyed a Magic Mike strip show in Las Vegas, but Stacey assures us it was only because of "the art"...

    Once you've listened, please leave us a review and tell us some of your favourite destinations - we'd love to know where you're travelling, and where you're dreaming of.

    For more travel inspiration go to https://www.nzherald.co.nz/tripnotes and, when you're ready for your own adventure, go to https://www.intrepidtravel.com.

    You can reach Stephanie Holmes at https://www.instagram.com/holmesstephanie or https://www.twitter.com/holmesstephanie, and Tim Roxborogh at https://www.instagram.com/timroxborogh or https://www.facebook.com/timroxborogh

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Brian Meara: Thousands of Properties Invested in Nationwide

    Brian Meara: Thousands of Properties Invested in Nationwide
    Brian Meara is a real estate investor based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He started off as a real estate agent that specialized in short sales and stopping foreclosures. He quickly learned that it would be more profitable to become the investor that purchased these short sale opportunities. Once he started investing in these properties, he quickly grew a team of negotiators to help him acquire as many properties as possible. It was at this time that there were changes made by the banks on how quickly you could sell a purchased short sale. Brian then created a new way to purchase and wholesale short sale properties. This led Brian to educating other investors on this new strategy. Brian is now successfully buying and selling properties nationwide, educating new investors on how to achieve financial freedom and has other means of residual income. This interview contains some great content and is one you do not want to miss out on!Support the show

    Nicole Espinosa: Foreclosure, REO & Short Sale Expertise with Passion

    Nicole Espinosa: Foreclosure, REO & Short Sale Expertise with Passion
    Nicole is the Director of REO and Foreclosure sales for JP and Associates based in Dallas, Texas. Nicole shares her knowledge and passion for helping people through the short sale process. She breaks down the process and how short sales can be a powerful option for real estate investors. Nicole is also on the board of directors for the National Association of Hispanic Realtors and she explains their goal of teaching others about the importance of home ownership.Mentioned in the episode:JP and Associates REALTORS: https://www.jpar.net/National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals: http://nahrep.org/Support the show

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