

    Explore " reskilling" with insightful episodes like "Jos et upskillaa, katoat!", "71. Training AI models, the Microsoft Learn platform and entrepreneurship - with Sherry List", "Preparing Today's Youth for Tomorrow's Jobs", "El gran reskilling del talento hacia la economía tecnológica, con Juanjo Amorín" and "Navigating Career and Life Transitions: a Coaching Chat with Matt Barthel [EP 18]" from podcasts like ""Tech-puhetta", "Betatalks the podcast", "Where Parents Talk", "Humanos con Recursos" and "Coaching chats"" and more!

    Episodes (59)

    Jos et upskillaa, katoat!

    Jos et upskillaa, katoat!

    Nopeasti muuttuva teknologinen kehitys vaatii jatkuvaa oppimista ja taitojen päivittämistä. Erityisesti tekoäly asettaa uusia vaatimuksia, ​jotka edellyttävät uusien taitojen, työkalujen ja toimintatapojen ​oppimista. Osaamisen kehittäminen onkin päivä päivältä entistä ​keskeisempi osa menestyksekästä työuraa. ​Miten voimme luoda kulttuurin, jossa upskilling ja reskilling ovat innostavia eivätkä pelottavia? Entä kuinka teknologia voi auttaa meitä tässä? Näitä teemoja Saija pureskelee yhdessä ​Microsoftin digitaalisen oppimisen strategiajohtaja Kati Tiaisen kanssa. Tervetuloa mukaan! 

    71. Training AI models, the Microsoft Learn platform and entrepreneurship - with Sherry List

    71. Training AI models, the Microsoft Learn platform and entrepreneurship - with Sherry List

    In this episode, we talk with Sherry List. She has worked with a variety of web technologies in the past and currently works as Senior Program Manager at Microsoft. Apart from her everyday job, she is chairperson of the board at Hack Your Future. She is also a co-founder of Synthetic AI Data and of the ngVikings and ngSpain conference, as well as some Meetups groups, such as ngCopenhagen, Women Techmakers Denmark and ForDevs. We talk about her work at Microsoft managing the Learn platform. They discuss how Learn brings together documentation, tutorials, Q&A, and the Architecture Center. Sherry also talks about her side projects - she is a co-founder of a startup called Synthetic AI Data that generates synthetic images to train AI models, and she is chairperson of HYF (Hack Your Future), an organization in Denmark that helps people from disadvantaged groups become web developers. We also dive into Sherry's motivations for helping others and the impact of her work.

    About this episode, and Sherry List in particular: you can find @sherrrylst on X and LinkedIn. Also, check out HYF and her company website Synthetic AI Data.

    About Betatalks: have a look at our videos and join us on our Betatalks Discord channel 

    El gran reskilling del talento hacia la economía tecnológica, con Juanjo Amorín

    El gran reskilling del talento hacia la economía tecnológica, con Juanjo Amorín

    En este nuevo episodio del podcast Humanos con Recursos, hablamos con Juanjo Amorín, Fundador y Presidente Ejecutivo de Qualentum, del grupo Proeduca. Juntos exploramos el mundo del talento tecnológico, altamente demandado por las empresas y de difícil retención. Además, examinamos cómo reinventarlo para adaptarse a las futuras necesidades de la economía digital y tecnológica.

    Nuestro invitado de hoy es emprendedor, educador, comunicador, innovador y nativo digital. En su búsqueda de soluciones para abordar la escasez de talento tecnológico, creó Qualentum, una empresa que se inspira en el modelo anglosajón de “Apprenticeship” (aprendizaje) y que permite a las personas adquirir, de manera intensiva, las competencias necesarias para trabajar en compañías que se encuentran en búsqueda de perfiles profesionales escasos.

    Juanjo destaca que para resolver el desafío del desempleo juvenil y satisfacer la creciente demanda de profesionales tecnológicos, se requiere aplicar soluciones del siglo XXI. En Qualentum, han transformado radicalmente el proceso de selección de talento mediante la integración de tecnología e inteligencia artificial.

    Hablamos también sobre el papel fundamental de la innovación tecnológica y la inteligencia artificial en el desarrollo y captación de talento. Juanjo subraya la necesidad de readaptar competencias para trabajar en un entorno impulsado por la inteligencia artificial, porque las empresas van a buscar profesionales capaces de mejorar el rendimiento y la producción utilizando esta tecnología.

    Juanjo nos lleva a cuestionar el paradigma de "me formo y luego consigo empleo". Vivimos en una era que exige formación continua, tanto para quienes ya están empleados como para quienes buscan trabajo. Esta demanda de aprendizaje constante, sin precedentes en la historia, es esencial para mantenerse relevante en el sistema laboral.

    “La tendencia en los años 2024 y 2025 va a ser que las grandes compañías se darán cuenta por fin de que apostar por la formación de una cantera propia es la única salida a los grandes problemas de captación y talento tecnológico…. Creando cantera digital junior aumenta la fidelidad a la empresa, aumenta la productividad, porque la gente es feliz haciendo carrera profesional, y se resuelve el problema de la inflación salarial.”

    Además, Juanjo nos explica que este modelo también se implementará en las pymes, lo que promoverá la creación de canteras de talento.

    Terminando la entrevista, Juanjo nos dice que todos tenemos capacidad para reinventarnos hacia la economía digital con pasión y curiosidad, sobre todo si es una curiosidad orientada a la tecnológica. Lo esencial es posicionarnos adecuadamente y combinar de manera efectiva nuestras habilidades en la economía analógica con las demandas de la economía tecnológica.

    Te invitamos a escuchar este fascinante episodio del podcast y compartir tus reflexiones aquí, en el Club.

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    Navigating Career and Life Transitions: a Coaching Chat with Matt Barthel [EP 18]

    Navigating Career and Life Transitions: a Coaching Chat with Matt Barthel [EP 18]
    Welcome back to another episode of Coaching Chats! In today's interview, we have the pleasure of speaking with the insightful and experienced Matt Barthel. Matt is the CEO and founder of LifeWorks, specialising in teaching and learning, German language coaching, and empowering individuals to lead authentic and purpose-driven lives. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating topic of career and life transitions through transformation. Matt shares his wisdom on the key elements of transformation, the importance of self-awareness, and the courage required to pursue new paths. We also explore his personal journey, from pursuing an MBA to homeschooling his children and defying societal norms. Stay tuned as we uncover valuable insights and practical tips on making meaningful career changes and leading a life of authenticity. Let's dive in!

    FDE Express | From Clients to Candidates to Employees: A Balanced Approach to Business Growth

    FDE Express | From Clients to Candidates to Employees: A Balanced Approach to Business Growth

    On this episode of The Full Desk Experience, we learn about the three key audiences that staffing and recruiting organizations must serve for sustained success: clients, candidates, and internal employees. Kortney Harmon emphasizes the importance of investing in and acknowledging the value of internal employees as the third audience, highlighting their role in finding and convincing candidates to work with the company. By empowering employees with training, development opportunities, and recognition, organizations can cultivate a motivated, engaged, and successful workforce. Join us for a quick-hit episode filled with inspiration and food for thought for talent businesses.

    Revolutionising Learning for Lifelong Growth and Success: The Power of Competency-Based Education

    Revolutionising Learning for Lifelong Growth and Success: The Power of Competency-Based Education

    Dan McFadyen, Managing Director at Edalex speaks with Dr. Charla Long, President of the Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN) where they cover various aspects of competency-based education (CBE) and its future impact. Overall, the interview provides insights into the revolutionary nature of CBE and its potential to revolutionise learning for lifelong success.

    0:00 - Introduction
    5:11 - The Formation of Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN): Missions, Values, and Goals
    11:53 - Redefine Learning Outcome Metrics: The Shift from Time-Based to Competency-Based Education
    16:42 - A Global Shift towards Competency-Based Education: Unleashing the Potential of Skills and Competencies
    25:52- Building a Common Language for Skills: Unlocking Learning Exchange and Global Collaboration
    30:52 - Empowering Learners Through Personalised Learning Pathways and Asset-Based Approach to Education
    38:06 - C-BEN Vision for the Future of Competency-Based Education as a Nexus of Lifelong Learning

    Credentials just got personal - Unleash the power of your skills data and personal credentials

    Credentialate is the world’s first Credential Evidence Platform that helps discover and share evidence of workplace skills.

    Find out more at: edalex.com/credentialate
    Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/edalex
    Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/edalexsolutions

    FDE Express | Dawn of the New Job Landscape: Upskilling, Reskilling and Future Jobs

    FDE Express | Dawn of the New Job Landscape: Upskilling, Reskilling and Future Jobs

    On this episode of The Full Desk Experience, Kortney Harmon from Crelate discusses the pressing need for personalized upskilling and reskilling approaches to address the skill gap and potential unemployment crises faced by millions of students worldwide. In light of the release of the 2023 Future Jobs Report by the World Economic Forum, Kortney emphasizes the need for a radical shift in upskilling methodology towards faster and more personalized approaches, which should be a lifelong learning process. She also highlights the role of staffing and recruiting organizations in identifying skills, sourcing talent, and supporting upskilling, as well as the importance of collaboration with education to align curriculum frameworks with the evolving needs of the job market. The episode concludes by emphasizing the need for adapting, changing, and acquiring new skills to ensure long-term career success in the future.

    Key Topics:
    [00:01:12] "44% of Workforce Must Reskill by 2027"

    [00:03:49] "Upscaling Strategies for Evolving Skill Requirements"

    [00:06:57] "Prioritizing Upskilling in Evolving Job Market"

    The power of re-skilling and upskilling

    The power of re-skilling and upskilling

    As one of the most popular learning trends around at the moment, reskilling and upskilling is on everyone’s radar! Join us as we discuss the power of reskilling and upskilling (and how to get it right!) with returning guest, Dani Saadu.

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    LIVE from SOAHR 2023: Sheryl LaPlace, Insperity

    LIVE from SOAHR 2023: Sheryl LaPlace, Insperity
    LIVE from SOAHR 2023: Sheryl LaPlace, Insperity (North Fulton Business Radio, Episode 643) Sheryl LaPlace, HR Consultant with Insperity, joined host John Ray LIVE at the Business RadioX® remote at SOAHR 2023. She talked about her work at Insperity, her fireside chat topic at the conference, “Reskilling and Retooling,” the biggest mistakes she sees employers […] The post LIVE from SOAHR 2023: Sheryl LaPlace, Insperity appeared first on Business RadioX ®.

    Beyond Tomorrow | #28 Maria Gottenhuber

    Beyond Tomorrow | #28 Maria Gottenhuber
    #28 Maria Gottenhuber: „Die größte Herausforderung ist der Wissenstransfer entlang der Mitarbeitenden.“
    Wie kann ich nachhaltiges Handeln kurzfristig und pragmatisch in den Alltag integrieren und damit echten Impact bewirken? Antworten hat Maria Gottenhuber im Gepäck. Maria ist Nachhaltigkeitsbotschafterin und Unternehmensberaterin für nachhaltige Entwicklung bei Terra Institute. Die Expertin ist überzeugt, dass der Planet die Grundlage für unser Leben und Wirtschaften ist. Diesen Zukunftsfit zu erhalten, ist eine enorme Aufgabe, an der Unternehmen einen wesentlichen Beitrag haben, denn der Hebel der Wirtschaft in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit ist enorm. Diese Überzeugung teilt Maria mit dem Team des Terra Institutes, das an die Kraft und Vision von Unternehmen glaubt, sowie ihrem Streben, einen positiven Beitrag zu leisten. Welche Rolle Wissenstransfer in Unternehmen beim nachhaltigen Wandel spielt und wo die Wirtschaft in der DACH-Region im Kontext Nachhaltigkeit heute steht, verrät die Expertin im Gespräch. 

    Episode 22: The Perfect Labor Storm

    Episode 22: The Perfect Labor Storm
    Welcome to the Pivot2First Podcast, your go-to source for all the latest trends, tips, and strategies in the world of recruitment. Join us as we chat with the leading experts in the industry about the latest recruitment tools, best practices, and more. So if you're looking to get ahead in the recruitment game, this is the place to be. Tune in every week for your dose of recruitment knowledge! On this podcast episode, we have the pleasure of hosting Ira Wolfe, who has been a dentist and is now entered the world of HR. He shares his valuable insights on how the labor market has transformed. Wolfe discusses the challenges and opportunities that have emerged with the rise of automation and the growing demand for more specialized skills. He also touches on the importance of upskilling and reskilling for employees to stay relevant in today's ever-changing job market. Finally, Wolfe shares his thoughts on the role of HR in shaping the future of work and how companies can adapt to the changing trends in the labor market. Topics From Dentist to HR. Ira Wolfe's journey Ira Wolfe has been projecting exactly what is going on in the labor market since the 1990s. What has been happening Post pandemic labor market Special Guest: Ira Wolfe.

    Ep. 61 Jennifer Dole - Optimizing Workforce Restructuring

    Ep. 61 Jennifer Dole - Optimizing Workforce Restructuring

    Although layoffs and job losses come to mind for many people when they hear ‘restructuring,’ it’s time to reconsider how we think about workforce restructuring. This week on the Talent Experience Podcast, we were joined by Jennifer Dole, Director and Principal Analyst at 3Sixty Insights, to discuss the many forms of workforce restructuring, the future of work, succession planning, and so much more. Listen to this valuable episode with Jennifer Dole and host Rhonda Taylor!

    Connect with Jennifer through her LinkedIn, her website, or Twitter @valuedole, and for more insightful conversations visit www.talentexperiencepodcast.com. We hope you enjoy this episode of the Talent Experience Podcast!

    Ep. 60 Bill Boorman - The Job-Full Recession

    Ep. 60 Bill Boorman - The Job-Full Recession

    On this episode of the Talent Experience Podcast we have a returning guest, Bill Boorman, Founder of tru. Together with host Rhonda Taylor, Bill discusses the current workforce challenges including a job-full recession, skills-based hiring, and changing the way we view turnover. If you’re curious what HR trends are forecasted to be prominent in 2023, this episode is for you!

    Connect with Bill through his LinkedIn or Twitter @BillBoorman, and for more insightful conversations visit www.talentexperiencepodcast.com. We hope you enjoy this episode of the Talent Experience Podcast!

    Beyond Tomorrow | #24 Dirk Ramhorst

    Beyond Tomorrow | #24 Dirk Ramhorst
    #24 Dirk Ramhorst: „Wir alle müssen uns mit Datennachhaltigkeit auseinandersetzen.”
    Der Beitrag, den IT und Digitalisierung für Nachhaltigkeit leisten können, ist signifikant höher als der CO2-Fußabdruck, den sie verursachen. Dennoch ist es entscheidend, dass Unternehmen sowie Privatpersonen jetzt lernen, was Datennachhaltigkeit bedeutet, erklärt Dirk Ramhorst. Dirk ist Chief Information Officer bei Evonik, einem global operierenden Spezialchemiekonzern. Evonik entwickelt chemische Produkte und Systemlösungen für verschiedene Branchen, wie die Pharmaindustrie oder auch den Energiemarkt. Als CIO verfolgt Dirk das Ziel, die IT als Treiber der Digitalisierung im Unternehmen zu positionieren. Warum Homeoffice entgegen der landläufigen Meinung kein Meilenstein der Digitalisierung ist, welche Herausforderungen die Chemie-Industrie im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit umtreiben und was Sustainable-Data-Management für eine nachhaltigere Wirtschaft tatsächlich leisten kann, erklärt der IT und Data-Spezialist im Podcast.

    ChatGPT will change everything - #135

    ChatGPT will change everything - #135

    ChatGPT is a variant of GPT that is specifically designed for dialogue generation. It is trained on a large dataset of human conversations and can generate responses to user input in a natural and conversational manner.

    The potential impact of ChatGPT and other AI technologies on the future of work is significant. They could potentially automate many tasks currently performed by humans, leading to efficiency gains and cost savings for businesses. However, there are also concerns about the potential displacement of human workers as AI technologies become more advanced. It is important for businesses and governments to consider the ethical implications of adopting these technologies and to ensure that their use benefits society as a whole.

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    Bridging the Gap Between Digital Skills and Employability for the Future of Work

    Bridging the Gap Between Digital Skills and Employability for the Future of Work

    In this conversation-style interview, Dan McFadyen and Lyndon Blanchard, Chief Operating Officer of the Digital Skills Organisation (DSO), discuss the demand for digital skills supply at both national and global levels and how the DSO is working to enable digital upskilling and reskilling and create a job-ready workforce.

    Note: This discussion was first published about a year ago as a way of looking back at how far we've come in this fast-moving sector.

    Their topics of discussion include:

    0:35 - The DSO and its Mission to Support a Successful Economy Through Digital Skills
    4:24 - The Impacts of Digital Revolution and Its Significant Role in Learning, Upskilling or Reskilling
    11:22 - Addressing the Digital Skills Gap With the Cremorne Project
    18:21 - How Can Learners/Employees Maximise the ROI from their Education?
    24:18 - Personalised Evidence and its Importance to Learner’s Employability in the Digital Era
    30:30 - The DSO’s Vision of Digital Skilling in the Near Future

    Credentials just got personal - Unleash the power of your skills data and personal credentials

    Credentialate is the world’s first Credential Evidence Platform that helps discover and share evidence of workplace skills.

    Find out more at: edalex.com/credentialate
    Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/edalex
    Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/edalexsolutions

    Beyond Tomorrow | #18 Kristina Jeromin

    Beyond Tomorrow | #18 Kristina Jeromin
    #18 Kristina Jeromin: „Wir müssen aufhören, Nachhaltigkeit im Silo zu diskutieren“ 
    Kristina Jeromin steht für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Finanzindustrie. Als Geschäftsführerin des „Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany“ treibt sie ihr großes Ziel voran: den Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Finanzsystems. Denn die Initiative begleitet und fördert den Transformationsprozess der deutschen Finanzindustrie hin zu einer Green and Sustainable Economy. Was Nachhaltigkeit an der Schnittstelle der Finanzindustrie eigentlich bedeutet und leisten kann, warum Sustainable Finance ganzheitlich gedacht werden muss und was eine Nachhaltigkeitsampel für Finanzprodukte bewirken könnte, erklärt die  Philosophie- und Politikwissenschaftlerin im Gespräch.  

    Beyond Tomorrow | #17 Vanessa Gentile

    Beyond Tomorrow | #17 Vanessa Gentile
    #17 Vanessa Gentile: „Gleichstellung und familienfreundliche Strategien gegen Fachkräftemangel“ 
    Digitalisierung und Technologie verändern die Arbeitswelt rasant. Menschen und Unternehmen befähigen, ihr Potenzial in der digitalen Welt voll auszuschöpfen, ist das Ziel von Vanessa Gentile. Getreu diesem Leitgedanken hat die Head of Marketing von Salesforce Schweiz 2020 die Initiative „Bring women back to work“ ins Leben gerufen, die Frauen nach längerer Karriereunterbrechung beim Wieder- oder Quereinstieg in die Techbranche unterstützt. Warum dieser Ansatz nicht zuletzt dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenwirkt und wieso Vanessa für mehr Diversität im Unternehmen dem Leitsatz „Hire for Attitude, Train for Skills“ folgt, verrät die Digital-Enthusiastin im Gespräch

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