
    scripture study

    Explore " scripture study" with insightful episodes like "Are You Ready?", "Repent & Do the Father’s Will", "25. Mark 3", "19. Esther 6" and "Virtue of the Word and Names" from podcasts like ""Walk Boldly With Jesus", "Walk Boldly With Jesus", "Biblical Bytes Podcast", "Biblical Bytes Podcast" and "Conference in Review"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Are You Ready?

    Are You Ready?

    Are you Ready?

    Matthew 22:11-12 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.”

    This was the Gospel reading from Mass yesterday. I was excited when I heard it because it was one that I had heard several times, and yet I did not understand it. Let me read you the whole parable so you can see why I was confused. The verse above is from the parable of the Wedding Banquet. It can be found in Matthew 22:1-14.

    The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

    Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

     “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’ “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. The rest seized his servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged. He sent his army to destroy those murderers and burned their city. “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.  So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests. “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.  He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless. “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’  “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

    The reason I am always confused when I hear this parable is because the servants were told to go out to the streets and gather all the people they could find. The people were not intending to go to a wedding banquet that day. They were from the streets. I did not understand why the king came out and was upset that someone wasn’t in a wedding garment. Why would he expect someone to have a wedding garment if they were living on the street? Then when the man didn’t have a reason for not being in a wedding garment, he was bound by hand and foot and thrown outside into the darkness, where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. That seemed a bit harsh to me. The king told his servants to go out and get anyone they could find and invite them to this wedding banquet. Then he gets mad that one of the many people he invited wasn’t wearing a wedding garment. Not only was he mad, but he also punished the man. That never made sense to me. 

    This is why, yesterday, when I heard the reading, I was hoping the priest would do his homily on this reading, and he did! Well, I still am not sure I understand this parable completely. I want to share what I did learn in case you are confused and think this is unfair as well.

    First, the wedding banquet ultimately represents when we finally get to be with the Lord in heaven.  Although, we get to have a banquet with the Lord each week when we participate in mass. The wedding garment in question is our soul. The king was upset because this man did not keep his soul clean and ready to attend the banquet. We don’t know when it will be our time to join the Lord. We need to stay ready so that when the time comes, we are ready.

    This is a common theme in the Bible. There is another parable about keeping watch and not knowing when your master will arrive. The parable of the faithful servant can be found in Matthew 24: 42-51. Then there is the parable of the 10 virgins, which can be found in Matthew 25:1-13. All of these are telling us that we need to be ready. It is our job to make sure whenever the time comes that we are ready.

    I was upset because it didn’t seem fair that the man was caught off guard. He was invited to a banquet unexpectedly and yet was in trouble for not wearing the correct clothes to it.  However, now I see that it is our job to ensure we are prepared. I tell this to my kids all the time. For instance, the kids know they have a project due on Friday. They have all week to complete the project, and yet they wait until Thursday night to work on it. Then, on Thursday night, they start the project, but they don’t have enough time to finish it. Then they are upset that their teacher doesn’t give them more time. They did not understand that it was their responsibility to be ready to present on Friday.

    If this concept is presented in at least three different parables, I think it is something we should pay attention to. What are we doing to make sure that we are ready to meet the Lord? Are we paying attention to the state of our soul? Are we making sure if we hurt our relationship with the Lord that, we are doing what we can to repair it? Are we going to confession regularly, or are we expecting that we will be able to go at the last hour?

    If all of these parables have taught us anything, it is that it can be dangerous to expect we will have time to do it later. They have taught us that showing up unprepared is never a good idea. Do we want to end up like the man at the wedding banquet where we are thrown out into the cold darkness?

    Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless all those listening to this episode today. Lord, I ask that you help us not to take time for granted. Help us to appreciate every moment you have given us. Help us to be grateful for the time we have and not to put off the things we should do today. Lord, help us to be ready to meet you. If there is something in our way, help us to take care of it. We do not want to be kicked out of the wedding banquet. We do not want to miss out on meeting the bridegroom. We want to be ready, Lord. Please help us! We love you, Lord, and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and Jesus’ holy name, Amen!

    Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. I look forward to meeting you here again tomorrow. Remember, Jesus loves you, and so do I. Have a blessed day!

    Repent & Do the Father’s Will

    Repent & Do the Father’s Will

    Repent & Do the Father’s Will

    Matthew 3:8-10 "Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance. And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you, God can raise up children to Abraham from these stones.  Even now, the ax lies at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” 

    This statement is being said by John the Baptist to the Pharisees and Sadducees. In the verse right before this one, John calls them a “brood of vipers.” What John the Baptist is saying in this first verse is to make sure they are truly changing on the inside, not just on the outside. He is telling them to produce good fruit as evidence of their repentance. In other words, let me see the real change that has taken place. John is saying that he doesn’t want them to use the excuse that they are children of Abraham. The children of Abraham are numerous.

    I believe John is telling them that even though they are being baptized with water, if they do not change their ways, then Jesus will cut them down and throw them into the fire. Repentance is something we can all do. However, it can’t just be something we say we are going to do and then we don’t do. It can’t be an idea that we like, and we get behind, and yet we do not change our lives in any way.

    Change is hard. Staying the same is easy. It can be easy to say we will change our ways, and we might even really mean it. Then when we try, we see it isn’t as easy as we thought it would be. We realize changing and repenting means we need to give up some things that we might really like. For instance, maybe we really like gossiping. We like to sit around with others and talk about all the crazy things other people do. This would be something we would need to repent of and to do no more.

    I think this line in the verse above is an important one, “And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’” I think this is an important word for all of us to hear because it is something that I think many of us do. We assume because we are Catholic, or because we are Christian, or because we believe in Jesus that, we are automatically going to heaven. I have heard this a lot of times from a lot of different people. If we declare Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are automatically going to heaven. It also says in the Bible in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.  Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’  Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’”

    You can know Jesus, Jesus can be your Lord and Savior, and yet, if you are not doing the will of the Father, you will not be getting into heaven. Take a look at the things you are doing and look at the motive behind them. Are you praying for other people because you really care about those people, or are you praying for people so that you look good to others? Are you saying the rosary and attending mass because you want to be there, because of your love for the Lord, or are you doing that so that others see you and think you are a very holy person?

    The Pharisees and Sadducees followed the letter of the law. They made sure their prayers were out in the open, and they were long so that everyone could see how “holy” they were. They made sure they were doing what it said they had to do. However, they weren’t following the heart of the law. They were more concerned with the rules than they were with the people. We can sometimes hear about the Pharisees and Sadducees and think we would never act like they do. However, if we really examined our behavior, I am not sure that is true.

    Have we ever called someone out in an unloving way? We tell ourselves we are trying to help them, we are trying to get them into heaven, and yet we do not do it in a loving way. Have we ever walked by someone in need on the street and not stopped to see if we could help? Have we ever treated someone in need badly? How many times have we walked by the cold, the hungry, the thirsty, and not even bothered to look over at them? Jesus is in each one of us. Not each one of us that is doing good, that has our stuff together. Jesus is in those who are homeless, who are hungry, who are in need, who are in jail. When we do for them, we are doing for Him.

    We are all called to the same repentance that John the Baptist was calling people to 2,000 years ago. We need to repent and turn back to the Lord. This is not a one-time thing. It isn’t that we repent and we turn back, and then we are good. We have to be constantly turning back as we are constantly turning away. We might not feel as though we are turning away, and yet we slowly begin to put all these things before the Lord. We slowly, or not so slowly, begin to mess up again. We begin to turn away from the Lord and towards the world. The Lord is patient, and He waits for us to come back to Him. He welcomes us back with open arms.

    I think the moral of this verse is to repent and change our ways. To ensure everything we do is living according to the way Jesus called us to live. I also think it is important never to assume, just because we are children of God, that we are going to heaven. I think that is dangerous because if we assume all we have to do is accept Jesus as our Saviour, then we can live however we want to live. That is not what it says in the Bible that we get to do as we please. It says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” Are we doing the will of the Father? Do we need to repent and begin again?

    Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless all those listening to this episode today. Lord, we want to enter the kingdom of heaven. Please help us. Please put on our hearts any things we need to repent. Please put on our hearts any ways we are not following your will. Show us what you want us to do, Lord! We love you. You are so amazing. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are so grateful for all you do for us. We ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus’ holy name, Amen!

    Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. I look forward to meeting you here again tomorrow. Remember, Jesus loves you, and so do I! Have a blessed day!

    25. Mark 3

    25. Mark 3

    📖 **Exploring Mark 3: A Deep Dive into Faith and Theology** 📖

    Welcome to this special episode where we delve into the Book of Mark, Chapter 3! Join Adam and Alison as they unpack the profound teachings and parables presented in this chapter of the Bible.

    🔍 **What You'll Learn:**
    - The authority of Jesus over demons and how they must obey Him.
    - The significance of Jesus picking His 12 disciples.
    - A closer look at the parable of the "House Divided" and its implications.
    - The role of Jesus' family and public perception of Him.

    🎙️ **Key Discussion Points:**
    1️⃣ **Authority Over Demons**: Understand the power dynamics between Jesus and demons, and how Jesus is in control of the narrative (Page 8).
    2️⃣ **Choosing the Disciples**: Explore the significance of Jesus selecting His 12 disciples and what it means for the larger narrative (Page 10).

    3️⃣ **Family Matters**: Learn about how Jesus' own family reacted to His teachings and the crowd that followed Him (Page 15).

    4️⃣ **The House Divided Parable**: Dive deep into this famous parable and understand its relevance in the context of accusations against Jesus (Pages 17-18).

    5️⃣ **Jesus vs. Satan**: Discuss why Jesus and Satan are not opposites and how they operate on different playing fields (Page 19).

    📚 **Total Pages**: 28

    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth Bible studies! 🙏


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    Music used in intro: "Hard Answers" by JK Productions

    19. Esther 6

    19. Esther 6

    In this episode, we delve into the sixth chapter of the Book of Esther, exploring the themes of divine providence, faith, and the power of God's word. We discuss the significance of the king's sleepless night and the subsequent events that unfold, revealing God's work even in times of seeming silence.

    We explore the concept of 'Peripety', a sudden reversal of circumstances, and its application in the narrative. The discussion also touches on the importance of humility, patience, and trust in God's guidance, drawing parallels with our own lives.

    Join us as we dive into this fascinating chapter, unraveling the intricate details and lessons it holds. Whether you're struggling with doubts or seeking deeper understanding, this study offers insights into God's consistent presence and his perfect plans.

    Music used in intro: "Hard Answers" by JK Productions

    Virtue of the Word and Names

    Virtue of the Word and Names

    One way to know Jesus Christ better is to become acquainted with His many names and discover how to be more like them. He is known as "The Word", "The Light" and "The Way" amongst many others. Elder Schmitt confesses to a list of over 300 hundred and growing.

    Elder Eddy speaks of putting God to the test as we "Try the virtue of the word". We discuss these topics along with the two talks by Elders Eddy and Schmitt from the October 2022 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    Sexual Impurity - Ephesians 4:17-19

    Sexual Impurity - Ephesians 4:17-19

    It's common knowledge that scripture does not condone sexual immorality but is it common knowledge as to why?  Why is Sexual purity essential and how do an individual's private actions affect the larger culture and society?  These things rarely get discussed and unfortunately lead to a disdain for the purity prescribed in scripture.   

    To find more "Uncensored Christian" content including Video versions of the podcast, Social Media links, and more use the Link down below!

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    https://paypal.me/uchristianpod?locale.x=en_US. Your gift helps this podcast reach more people around the world!

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    Normal Habits That Can Sweeten Bitter Days

    Normal Habits That Can Sweeten Bitter Days

    Drawing from the talks given by Rafael E. Pino and Isaac K. Morrison at the most recent General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we discuss making certain habits a normal part of our daily lives. Why? Because dark days WILL come and we can do hard things when He is part of our normal lives.
    Music acknowledgements

    Music: In Dulci Jubilo by J.S. Bach

    Arranged by: Michel Rondeau (trumpet)

    Performers: Marthe Jobidon (trumpets), Eric Vaillancourt & Steve Guerin (trombones)

    Publisher Info.Michel Rondeau

    Copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 

    Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.

    How to Seek the Lord & Hear Him - Amos, Obadiah - w Niki Olsen

    How to Seek the Lord & Hear Him - Amos, Obadiah - w Niki Olsen

    What does it really mean to seek the Lord, and how do we know if we're actually hearing Him? Dr. Christina Hibbert and guest Niki Olsen share practical, small and simple methods to develop your relationship with Jesus Christ, hear His voice daily, and receive and act on personal revelation.

    Highlights include:
    00:00-05:23“QOTW: How do I hear the Lord and better seek Him, daily?”
    05:24-13:54“It’s about the small & simple things & Our relationship with God”
    13:55-25:50“Being connected to God vs. to the ‘natural man/woman’”
    25:51-32:49  “The Lord will ‘reveal his secrets’ to His prophets: Do we listen & ACT?”
    32:50-41:04“Seek the Lord; Receive personal revelation each day”
    41:05-52:41 “3 Steps to hear Him & receive revelation; Develop a daily practice”
    52:42-END“You and I are the ‘Saviors on Mount Zion”

    Visit http://www.nikiolsencoaching.com to learn more about Niki.

    For a special 20% discount on her "The Seeking Personal Revelation Journal," use code: 20OFF, https://www.nikiolsencoaching.com/revelation

    Find Study Guides, episodes, & SUBSCRIBE to our email list at : http://www.likeawateredgarden.com

    About this podcast:
    Welcome to Like a Watered Garden, a Come Follow Me-based podcast that shows you how to personalize the holy scriptures (starting w the Old Testament), to help you “overcome, become, and flourish” in physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health & wellness, so you may feel, as Isaiah writes, “...like a watered garden and a spring whose waters fail not.”

    I’m your host, Dr. Christina Hibbert, clinical psychologist, author, wife & mom, and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    For our first season, we’ll be  following along with the Come Follow Me study manual and learning in The Old Testament (& a few lessons in The Pearl of Great Price). Yes, that’s right—we begin where it all began, and we will draw closer to Christ, who is everywhere in the Old Testament, as Jehovah! 

    To learn more about Dr. Christina Hibbert, please visit http://www.drchristinahibbert.com  or http://www.instagram.com/drchristinahibbert or http://www.facebook.com/DrCHibbert

    To learn more about this podcast, find bonus materials, handouts, transcripts and videos, visit http://www.likeawateredgarden.com and/or find us on Instagram, http://www.instagram.com/likeawatered.garden .

    Join our "Like a Watered Garden Podcast FB Discussion Group," by visiting  http://www.facebook.com/groups/likeawateredgarden and be  sure to share your insights and takeaways.

    Original music written & performed by Braxton Hibbert.

    Please rate/review this podcast!
    Let's connect: http://www.likeawateredgarden.com http://www.instagram.com/likeawatered.garden
    http://www.instagram.com/drchristinahibbert http://www.facebook.com/groups/likeawateredgarden

    The Covenant Path by Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran and Conversion is Our Goal by Elder Mark L. Pace

    The Covenant Path by Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran and Conversion is Our Goal by Elder Mark L. Pace

    Sorry so late! We had quite the week with a new missionary coming home this last weekend. Our next podcast will be a few days late as well. The goal is to publish the last podcast of the season by Wednesday of next week (the 28th) so you can enjoy watching General Conference next weekend. Please check out our new Facebook group. We would love to hear how this next session went for you and which talks you are excited to review! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1053409465358835/
    Music acknowledgements

    Music: In Dulci Jubilo by J.S. Bach

    Arranged by: Michel Rondeau (trumpet)

    Performers: Marthe Jobidon (trumpets), Eric Vaillancourt & Steve Guerin (trombones)

    Publisher Info.Michel Rondeau

    Copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 

    Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.

    How to Gain Understanding & Wisdom - 2 Samuel 5-7, 11-12; 1 Kings 3, 11

    How to Gain Understanding & Wisdom - 2 Samuel 5-7, 11-12; 1 Kings 3, 11

    How might we receive & grow in understanding & wisdom? The stories of David & Solomon demonstrate what to do and NOT do. What is the difference between knowledge, understanding & wisdom, how might we work on developing these, and what might it do to better our relationships, personal growth, and world around us? We discuss these and the steps to gaining wisdom & understanding in this episode of Like a Watered Garden (a "Come Follow Me" podcast).

    Highlights include:
    00:00-04:44     “QOTW: How do I receive understanding & wisdom & overcome foolishness?”
    04:45-10:45     “Personal Growth—How we may ‘grow great’ with the Lord”
    10:46-15:52     “The difference between Knowledge, Understanding & Wisdom”
    15:53-24:17     “We don’t need to ‘steady the ark,’ Survival mode, & how the Lord gives us REST”
    24:18-34:00     “Life’s tutorials & Divine Tutoring enable us to GROW & gain wisdom”
    34:01-45:26     “Steps for gaining understanding, wisdom, & ‘largeness of heart’”
    45:27-END        “How to avoid the foolishness of Solomon & David”

    For this episode's study guide, visit:  http://www.likeawateredgarden.com 

    About this podcast:
    Welcome to Like a Watered Garden, a Come Follow Me-based podcast that shows you how to personalize the holy scriptures (starting w the Old Testament), to help you “overcome, become, and flourish” in physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health & wellness, so you may feel, as Isaiah writes, “...like a watered garden and a spring whose waters fail not.”

    I’m your host, Dr. Christina Hibbert, clinical psychologist, author, wife & mom, and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    For our first season, we’ll be  following along with the Come Follow Me study manual and learning in The Old Testament (& a few lessons in The Pearl of Great Price). Yes, that’s right—we begin where it all began, and we will draw closer to Christ, who is everywhere in the Old Testament, as Jehovah! 

    To learn more about Dr. Christina Hibbert, please visit http://www.drchristinahibbert.com  or http://www.instagram.com/drchristinahibbert or http://www.facebook.com/DrCHibbert

    To learn more about this podcast, find bonus materials, handouts, transcripts and videos, visit http://www.likeawateredgarden.com and/or find us on Instagram, http://www.instagram.com/likeawatered.garden .

    Join our "Like a Watered Garden Podcast FB Discussion Group," by visiting  http://www.facebook.com/groups/likeawateredgarden and be  sure to share your insights and takeaways, as well as your questions and concerns!

    And please be sure to "subscribe" to, rate, & review this podcast (It helps us a lot!).

    You can find videos of each episode on our YouTube channel, GrowWithScriptures, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZaD3sggdkUpiFfLgUwiAWw

    Original music written & performed by Braxton Hibbert.

    Please rate/review this podcast!
    Let's connect: http://www.likeawateredgarden.com http://www.instagram.com/likeawatered.garden
    http://www.instagram.com/drchristinahibbert http://www.facebook.com/groups/likeawateredgarden

    The Most Important Word In The World

    The Most Important Word In The World

    "The Most Important Word In The World"

    There is a Word that most people have never heard in all of their lifetime. Even Mashah (Moses) was an old man before he learned this Word. This happens to be the most important word in the world. Learn this word and immerse in it because it can benefit you for eternity. This Podcast breaks down, in very simple language, spiritual truths that many will consider UNDENIABLE. 

    This foundational information is based on "original" and/or "earlier" Scripture translations that do not cover crucial information.

    The modern day translators and scribes have left out the most important word and words in the world that lead to salvation. Listen in to learn the truth.

    Be sure to go to our website and Social Media for more valuable information on the TRUTH:

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    Blessings and Love,
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    Tammy Uzelac Hall: Embracing the Opportunities God Gives

    Tammy Uzelac Hall: Embracing the Opportunities God Gives

    Tammy Uzelac-Hall won’t lie to you—her life as a single woman was easier than when she married and became an insta-mom to two children who had lost their mother. But she embraced the challenge, gave up her job as a seminary teacher, and dove headfirst into motherhood. Now, as she uses her teaching skills to reach people worldwide through the popular Sunday on Monday podcast, she can see that God had a plan for her all along—she just had to trust in Him.

    "The Lord is going to take you further than you could take yourself. He's going to do more for you than you would do for yourself."

    Show Notes

    2:16- Seminary Teaching
    5:24- Women’s Prison 
    8:09- Into a Strange Man
    15:28- Becoming a Stepmom
    20:30- Honesty and Humor
    22:45- Student of Hebrew
    29:23- Hebrew Words That Change Everything
    33:51- Hebrew in All Things
    37:20- Where Two or Three Are Gathered
    41:15- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    Find the full episode transcript at ldsliving.com/allin.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Kerry Muhlestein: The Grand Adventures of the Book of Abraham

    Kerry Muhlestein: The Grand Adventures of the Book of Abraham

    When Kerry Muhlestein received a PhD in Egyptology from UCLA, he had no plans to research the Book of Abraham. But when people kept asking him about the scripture’s origins, he decided to devote his time to finding the answers. Years later, Dr. Muhlestein is considered an expert on all things Old Testament and the Pearl of Great Price. He joins us on this week’s episode to help us get excited for this year’s Come, Follow Me study.

    “If you lose faith in the Restoration, you have lost—in some ways—everything. Of course, you can believe in Christ and not believe in the Restoration, but believing in Christ, in the way He is taught to us through the Restoration, gives us a chance for an exaltation and a peace in this life and a joy in this life that really isn't possible any other way.”  

    Show Notes

    1:36- Egyptology
    5:53- Historicity of Scripture
    8:55- Symbolism
    14:36- Finding God in the Old Testament
    18:45- Getting the Most Out
    20:43- Being Okay With Ambiguity
    25:55- Lost Manuscripts
    33:01- Witnesses
    34:05- Translation
    40:18- Evidence of Truth?
    47:39- Book of Moses
    48:55- What Do We Have To Gain?
    51:37- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

    Find the full episode transcript at ldsliving.com/allin.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Like Father Like Son, Death, and Spirit vs Flesh - Romans 8:1-11

    Like Father Like Son, Death, and Spirit vs Flesh - Romans 8:1-11

    One of the most easily missed archetypes in the Torah is the similarities between the Patriarchs and their descendants.  The narratives of Abraham for example foreshadow the actions of the Israelites in Egypt.  Oddly enough Adam's descendants carry out his actions to this day (sin).  Paul is reminding the Roman church about this human truth in his effort to guide them towards trust in Jesus and not the Law.  Without Jesus can there be life? Can we live to indulge our flesh and still be saved?  These questions are in need of answers, especially for the Roman Church. 

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    https://paypal.me/uchristianpod?locale.x=en_US . Your gift helps this podcast reach more people around the world!

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    Original Sin and Adams Guilt - Romans 5:12-19

    Original Sin and Adams Guilt - Romans 5:12-19

    Are we born sinners?  Are we born with guilt before God?  Do we really have a sinful nature?  These are questions that the Church has had traditional answers to for centuries, but have we got it wrong?  Tradition will tell you that we sinned with Adam in the Garden of Eden and therefore we incur guilt before God.   After a careful study of Romans 5, I think it is safe to say that tradition might have got it wrong...

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    Is Faith Enough? - Romans 4:1-15 - Scripture Study

    Is Faith Enough? - Romans 4:1-15 - Scripture Study

    The house churches in Rome found themselves in an interesting situation.  The Gentiles lived one way while the Jews lived another.  Their disagreements give Paul no choice but to address these issues.  How should we handle disagreements within our Jesus communities?  Who's theology is correct? Most importantly, Is Faith Enough? 

    To find more "Uncensored Christian" content including Video versions of the podcast, Social Media links, and more use the link down below!

    If you would like to support this podcast financially you can give online by clicking here
    https://paypal.me/uchristianpod?locale.x=en_US . Your gift helps this podcast reach more people around the world!

    If you have questions or would like to reach out, email uchristianpod@gmail.com

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    The Prodigal Son - The Parables E2

    The Prodigal Son - The Parables E2

    Jesus' Parable of The Prodigal Son is one of the most well known parables for a good reason, we get a picture of forgiveness and reconciliation.  We have all heard different interpretations of this parable and have a base understanding of what The Prodigal Son means to us, but here is the important question... What did it mean to the people Jesus was speaking to?  In this episode of "The Parables" we look at different ways that Jesus' original audience would have understood this memorable parable, and reflect on how that understanding impacts us today.

    To find more "Uncensored Christian" content including Video versions of the podcast, Social Media links and more use the link down below!

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    https://paypal.me/uchristianpod?locale.x=en_US . Your gift helps this podcast reach more people around the world!

    If you have questions or would like to reach out, email uchristianpod@gmail.com

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    Scripture Study - 1 Samuel 8 - Is God good at being God?

    Scripture Study - 1 Samuel 8 - Is God good at being God?

    Despite all that God does for his people, one reoccurring problem we see, is the failure to trust that God is good at being God.   This not only applies to the ancient Israelites but to all of us today. 1 Samuel 8 covers a constant problem of Israel's, and that is, trusting that God is good. 

    To find more "Uncensored Christian" content including Video versions of the podcast, Social Media links and more use the link down below!

    If you would like to support this podcast financially you can give online by clicking here
    https://paypal.me/uchristianpod?locale.x=en_US . Your gift helps this podcast reach more people around the world!

    If you have questions or would like to reach out, email uchristianpod@gmail.com

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    Scripture Study - Luke 14

    Scripture Study - Luke 14

    This is a new mini series I will be doing! The goal is to allow us to dive deeper into scripture in an informal way so we can truly connect with God's word. In a way this is kind of like a bible study! I hope you enjoy this study of Luke 14. 

    To find more "Uncensored Christian" content including Video versions of the podcast, Social Media links and more use the link down below!

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    https://paypal.me/uchristianpod?locale.x=en_US . Your gift helps this podcast reach more people around the world!

    If you have questions or would like to reach out, email uchristianpod@gmail.com

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    BONUS: Sneak Peek of The Sunday on Monday Study Group

    BONUS: Sneak Peek of The Sunday on Monday Study Group

    If you're looking for an engaging and fun way to supplement your Come, Follow Me study of the Book of Mormon this year, the team at THIS IS THE GOSPEL has been working hard to help bring you The Sunday on Monday Study Group  - a Deseret Bookshelf Plus Original weekly podcast with host Tammy Uzelac Hall and friends that digs into the scriptures with real stories, new insights, and a whole lot of humor. 

    In this bonus episode, we share Episode 2 of the Sunday on Monday Study Group podcast covering 1 Nephi 1-7. If you love it and want more, head on over to ldsliving.com/sundayonmonday to find extensive show notes, transcripts and links to bookshelf plus where the full series lives and then come back in two weeks for brand new episodes of THIS IS THE GOSPEL. 

    Show Notes + Transcripts: http://ldsliving.com/thisisthegospel

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