

    Explore "seekinggod" with insightful episodes like "Episode 452: #454 - God-tracking is wanting what God wants", "S2-E17 (Part 2) Knowing God", "Who do you confess? - Matthew 10:28-33", "Your Will Be Done! -Part 3 - Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:10)" and "Safe in the Upper Room – Jason Wright" from podcasts like ""Sixty-Second GodTracker", "Confessions with Mayra", "Aletheia Fellowship", "Aletheia Fellowship" and "Bethesda Shalom"" and more!

    Episodes (72)

    Episode 452: #454 - God-tracking is wanting what God wants

    Episode 452: #454 - God-tracking is wanting what God wants
    "God has new things for you. If that’s you, then continue to acknowledge the Lord in all you do, and always seek to do what God wants for you." THESE RADIO PROGRAMMES HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY KIND DONATIONS OF SURE REALITY VISION PARTNERS. TO PARTNER WITH US VISIT, https://www.surereality.net/become-a-vision-partner/ This radio programme has been sponsored by: Frontline Cleaning, specialists in commercial & domestic cleaning. https://frontlinecleaning.co.uk/  ................................................. A Sure Reality production http://surereality.net

    Who do you confess? - Matthew 10:28-33

    Who do you confess? - Matthew 10:28-33
    In this sermon, we dive back into Matthew chapter 10 and talk about who we confess. We learn there is no middle ground, you either confess Christ or you deny. We learn that the true confession is the confession that we are not righteous and we cannot obtain salvation apart from His grace! As the cost for confessing Christ gets higher, the genuine continue to stand because He is the one holding us!

    "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven." Matthew 10:28-33

    Your Will Be Done! -Part 3 - Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:10)

    Your Will Be Done! -Part 3 - Sermon on the Mount  (Matthew 6:10)
    In this sermon, Doug unpacks what Matthew 6:10 is calling us to do. We learn what it means to pray for God's will to be done, and how we submit our desires to His. We learn that in order to pray for God's will, we first need to listen to God to find out what His will is by reading His word to us. We talk about how Jesus was our perfect example of this. If He had to submit His will to the Father, how much more do we?

    6 Trusted Truths The Penny Points Me To

    6 Trusted Truths The Penny Points Me To


    In today’s episode, Jodi takes us on a unique journey where God revealed six trusted truths from a penny she found during a walk. She ends with some practical steps to create a natural habit in recognizing God throughout your day.

    There are some days that we feel down and out and need God to remind us that He has already equipped us to fight the battle, but it’s up to us to use the tools He placed before us.

    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:12-13)

    The following are six truths that can be trusted to point us to God: (Pennies printed from 2010-present have the shield on them.)

    1.)    The Union Shield >>> SHEILD OF FAITH

    “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Ephesians 6:16)

    “As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him.” (2 Samuel 22:31)

    2.)    The Scroll draped across the shield “One Cent”>>>THE BELT OF TRUTH

    “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.” (Ephesians 6:14)

    “Righteousness will be His belt and faithfulness the SASH around His waist.” (Isaiah 11:5 “)

    3.)    E Pluribus u num (out of many, One) The motto of the US at the top of the shield>>>ONE TRUE GOD

    “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” (1Timothy 2:5)

    “To you, it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God; there is no other besides Him.” (Deuteronomy 4:35)

    “Know therefore today, and take it to your heart, that the Lord, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.”  (Deuteronomy 4:39)

    “There is one body and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6 “)

    4.)    IN GOD WE TRUST= (Has been inscribed on the front of the penny since 1909)

    “Some trust in Chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

    “In that day they will say, “surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in Him; let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.” (Isaiah 25:9)

    5.)    Liberty>>>FREEDOM IN CHRIST

    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)

    “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:13-14)

    6.)    The penny represents people that are marred and overlooked by others, but not by God.

    The following women are examples of marred lives redeemed and restored by our loving God. The world condemned them, but Jesus had compassion on them. Jesus saw them as valuable and worthy of His forgiveness and love. Look up their stories for a more in-depth study.

    ⇒    Some women healed of evil spirits:  Luke 8:2-3

    ⇒    Woman with Issue:  Luke 8: 42-50

    ⇒    Woman Caught in Adultery:  John 8:1-11

    ⇒    The woman at the Well:  John 4:1-42

    The following three scriptures are some encouraging truths from God’s word I want to share with you as I wrap this episode up.

    2 Corinthians 4:6

    “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

    Psalm 113:4-7

    “The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.”

    Matthew 10:29-31

    “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So, don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

    When our minds focus on seeking His presence, then our thoughts will be held captive in Christ. It’s one of the ways I fight the battle on the battlefield of my mind. I believe it will be useful for you as well. If you are new at seeking His presence daily then begin with a simple practice of acknowledging Him several times throughout your day. Once you find that you are naturally doing that without much effort, then add prayers when you recognize Him. They don’t have to be long or complicated, nor do you have to be in a particular position. Simply converse with God. I believe once you’ve exercised these new habits you will find that God will begin opening your eyes to seek and see Him in the simple things.

    I would love to hear from you. Also, if this has blessed you please share it with a friend. If you would like to help me get the word out about "Pennies In Your Path" please take a minute to sign into iTunes and leave a review. Be blessed!

    Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

    Photo by Catherine McMahon on Unsplash

    How to Seek God (Part 3)

    How to Seek God (Part 3)
    Preparation is a vital component to seeking the Lord. We prepare ourselves when we are getting ready for different events in our lives, for an interview, an exam or even when we go watch a movie.

    Pr Kenneth shares with us why it’s important for us to prepare our hearts when we want to seek the Lord.

    Back to Basics in Christianity

    Back to Basics in Christianity
    We can stray away from the fundamentals of Christianity at times. We need to get back to the basics.

    My blog was about national repentance 2 Chron 7:14;
    Fundamentals are important in football and God;
    The prophetic football dream ;
    Disciplining ourselves to write our dreams down;
    Some major revelations are fundamental Christianity;
    Proverbs 9:10 Fear of the Lord is the beginning;
    Loving God above all else is fundamental;
    Dad terminally diagnosed to the exact day;
    Panic attacks because I relied on dad and not God;
    Hollywood chews up and spits out wholesome people;
    Believe- 'Pisteuo' means to 'rely upon' John 3:16;
    Seeking God in Spirit and Truth;
    Seeking the Spirit of God by meditating on the Word;
    God came through for groceries miracle;
    God came through on rent miracle;
    God's plan for salvation is bigger than me;
    My prophetic phone;
    Seeking God in Spirit and in Truth;


    Back to Basics in Christianity

    Back to Basics in Christianity
    We can stray away from the fundamentals of Christianity at times. We need to get back to the basics.

    My blog was about national repentance 2 Chron 7:14;
    Fundamentals are important in football and God;
    The prophetic football dream ;
    Disciplining ourselves to write our dreams down;
    Some major revelations are fundamental Christianity;
    Proverbs 9:10 Fear of the Lord is the beginning;
    Loving God above all else is fundamental;
    Dad terminally diagnosed to the exact day;
    Panic attacks because I relied on dad and not God;
    Hollywood chews up and spits out wholesome people;
    Believe- 'Pisteuo' means to 'rely upon' John 3:16;
    Seeking God in Spirit and Truth;
    Seeking the Spirit of God by meditating on the Word;
    God came through for groceries miracle;
    God came through on rent miracle;
    God's plan for salvation is bigger than me;
    My prophetic phone;
    Seeking God in Spirit and in Truth;


    Benefits of Seeking God

    Benefits of Seeking God
    People seem to be more concerned with escaping hell than with seeking God. In this podcast I talk about some of the by-products of seeking God

    Adam and Enoch walked with God;
    Grow in Word and Spirit ;
    Moving away from hell;
    Depression is a spirit;
    God turned it around;
    God loves the rebellious children;
    Jerusalem slays the prophets matt 23:37;
    Prodigal son selfishness vs love;
    Sin is rooted in selfishness Luke 15:11;
    Faith works by love Gal 5:6
    Benefits when seeking God;
    Seeking God Hebrews 11:6;
    William Seymour prayer life;
    Repent and do the first works; first love;
    Charging your phone when you feel like it;
    Matt 6:9,10 prayer life;
    Matt 6:33 seek God first and He takes care of our stuff;
    Outer Darkness vs Sitting In Jesus Throne;

    Benefits of Seeking God

    Benefits of Seeking God
    People seem to be more concerned with escaping hell than with seeking God. In this podcast I talk about some of the by-products of seeking God

    Adam and Enoch walked with God;
    Grow in Word and Spirit ;
    Moving away from hell;
    Depression is a spirit;
    God turned it around;
    God loves the rebellious children;
    Jerusalem slays the prophets matt 23:37;
    Prodigal son selfishness vs love;
    Sin is rooted in selfishness Luke 15:11;
    Faith works by love Gal 5:6
    Benefits when seeking God;
    Seeking God Hebrews 11:6;
    William Seymour prayer life;
    Repent and do the first works; first love;
    Charging your phone when you feel like it;
    Matt 6:9,10 prayer life;
    Matt 6:33 seek God first and He takes care of our stuff;
    Outer Darkness vs Sitting In Jesus Throne;

    Our Goals VS God's Goals

    Our Goals VS God's Goals
    I was meditating on how to make my goals line up with God's plan for my life. How do we get transformed into what God wants us to be? I explored this in a live video.

    It isn't profitable to fight God;
    Satan's 'I wills' Isaiah 14:13-15;
    Moth seeking the light example;
    Seeking to save our lives Luke 17:33; Matthew 16:25;
    Fear the One that can destroy soul and body Matthew 10:28;
    Being saved verses knowing Jesus;
    Having an encounter with God and THEN doing exploits;
    Five 'I wills' of Lucifer is infiltrating the church;
    Proximity with God and how God defines death;
    Outer Darkness Matthew 8:12;
    Overcomers sit with Jesus Revelation 3:21;
    Sinners outside New Jerusalem Revelation 22:14,15;
    Matt 7:21-23 do you KNOW Jesus? ;
    Meditating on the Word Josh 1:8; Psalm 119:11;
    God is a spirit and Must be worshiped in Spirit John 4:24;
    God searches the reins of the hearts Jeremiah 17:10;
    Seek God first Chronologically and priority wise Matthew 6:33;
    Paul's example ;
    Rigid requirements to be a Rabbi back then;
    Matt 7:21-23 explored - Relationship versus Religion;
    Notice the proximity between the relationship and the religious;
    Prophesying lies in the Name of God Jeremiah 23:25; Eze 22:28;
    Seeking God exploring Hebrews 11:6;
    My encounter with an atheist that didn't know about revivals;
    Coming to God starts with believing that He is;
    Repentance after tasting the Kingdom to come Heb 6:4-6;
    Praying with God is a dialogue;
    Start with belief In Hebrews 11:6;
    Psalm 37:4 delighting in the Lord and getting His desires;
    God meets our needs Philippians 4:19;

    Please like, comment, subscribe and share!

    Our Goals VS God's Goals

    Our Goals VS God's Goals
    I was meditating on how to make my goals line up with God's plan for my life. How do we get transformed into what God wants us to be? I explored this in a live video.

    It isn't profitable to fight God;
    Satan's 'I wills' Isaiah 14:13-15;
    Moth seeking the light example;
    Seeking to save our lives Luke 17:33; Matthew 16:25;
    Fear the One that can destroy soul and body Matthew 10:28;
    Being saved verses knowing Jesus;
    Having an encounter with God and THEN doing exploits;
    Five 'I wills' of Lucifer is infiltrating the church;
    Proximity with God and how God defines death;
    Outer Darkness Matthew 8:12;
    Overcomers sit with Jesus Revelation 3:21;
    Sinners outside New Jerusalem Revelation 22:14,15;
    Matt 7:21-23 do you KNOW Jesus? ;
    Meditating on the Word Josh 1:8; Psalm 119:11;
    God is a spirit and Must be worshiped in Spirit John 4:24;
    God searches the reins of the hearts Jeremiah 17:10;
    Seek God first Chronologically and priority wise Matthew 6:33;
    Paul's example ;
    Rigid requirements to be a Rabbi back then;
    Matt 7:21-23 explored - Relationship versus Religion;
    Notice the proximity between the relationship and the religious;
    Prophesying lies in the Name of God Jeremiah 23:25; Eze 22:28;
    Seeking God exploring Hebrews 11:6;
    My encounter with an atheist that didn't know about revivals;
    Coming to God starts with believing that He is;
    Repentance after tasting the Kingdom to come Heb 6:4-6;
    Praying with God is a dialogue;
    Start with belief In Hebrews 11:6;
    Psalm 37:4 delighting in the Lord and getting His desires;
    God meets our needs Philippians 4:19;

    Please like, comment, subscribe and share!

    Seek God First

    Seek God First
    Seeking God first and making His will our priority. I will be talking about how to do that.

    Devil works in religious hierarchy;
    The Sons of Korah Rebellion;
    The 5 “I wills” reveal Satan's desire;
    Self exaltation permeates the church;
    Camping out on confession and repentance;
    Jesus gives us a model to pray in Matthew 6;
    Entering His gates with praise Ps 100:4;
    The FEAR of the Lord;
    Blocking out time if necessary;
    Jesus manifests Himself those that love Him;
    Seeking God chronologically;
    What is tugging at our heart strings;
    Join the Inner Circle ;
    http://bit.ly/ConradsInnerCircle ;
    Please subscribe and share;

    Seek God First

    Seek God First
    Seeking God first and making His will our priority. I will be talking about how to do that.

    Devil works in religious hierarchy;
    The Sons of Korah Rebellion;
    The 5 “I wills” reveal Satan's desire;
    Self exaltation permeates the church;
    Camping out on confession and repentance;
    Jesus gives us a model to pray in Matthew 6;
    Entering His gates with praise Ps 100:4;
    The FEAR of the Lord;
    Blocking out time if necessary;
    Jesus manifests Himself those that love Him;
    Seeking God chronologically;
    What is tugging at our heart strings;
    Join the Inner Circle ;
    http://bit.ly/ConradsInnerCircle ;
    Please subscribe and share;

    Seeking God through Prayer

    Seeking God through Prayer
    This is a 'right now' word for somebody! 'After this Manner therefore pray';

    Draw near to God and He will draw near to you James 4:8;
    From wicked to pure heart Gen 6 to Matthew 5;
    He rewards the diligent seeker Heb 11:6
    'After this Manner' is a model for prayer;
    Early Christians prayed the Lord's prayer 3 times daily;
    Do not pray with vain repetitions Matt 6:7;
    Psalm 119:15 Meditate in thy precepts;
    The Inspiration 'pneuma' behind the text;
    Joshua 1:8 speaking the Word of God;
    We are to meditate day and night;
    Understanding the precepts;
    Meditating on the Word is drawing Nigh to the Father;
    Example of meditating on the Lord's prayer;
    The Quickening Word;
    The Word becoming part of our thought life;
    Praying the Psalms podcast http://bit.ly/PrayingPsalms ;

    Seeking God through Prayer

    Seeking God through Prayer
    This is a 'right now' word for somebody! 'After this Manner therefore pray';

    Draw near to God and He will draw near to you James 4:8;
    From wicked to pure heart Gen 6 to Matthew 5;
    He rewards the diligent seeker Heb 11:6
    'After this Manner' is a model for prayer;
    Early Christians prayed the Lord's prayer 3 times daily;
    Do not pray with vain repetitions Matt 6:7;
    Psalm 119:15 Meditate in thy precepts;
    The Inspiration 'pneuma' behind the text;
    Joshua 1:8 speaking the Word of God;
    We are to meditate day and night;
    Understanding the precepts;
    Meditating on the Word is drawing Nigh to the Father;
    Example of meditating on the Lord's prayer;
    The Quickening Word;
    The Word becoming part of our thought life;
    Praying the Psalms podcast http://bit.ly/PrayingPsalms ;

    Prioritizing God - The Word and The Spirit

    Prioritizing God - The Word and The Spirit
    Prioritizing The Word and The Spirit;
    We need to diligently get into the Word and develop a relationship with the Spirit of God for ourselves. I share a trial that i went through that showed me the importance of this.

    Nature cries out to the glory of God;
    Jesus uses metaphors for us to ponder on;
    The dove lighted upon The Word;
    The 'right now' Word of God;
    Matt 4 and Luke 4 Model for successful warfare;
    Prioritizing the Word and Spirit;
    My trials at 3 am ;
    Inclination is to grab medication;
    Desperation is a vehicle for Kingdom Seekers;
    Laodiceans forget they need Jesus;
    Knowing The Word gets us through fire;
    The Spirit wields The Word;
    Esteeming the Word more than food;
    Our soul panting after the Lord;

    Prioritizing God - The Word and The Spirit

    Prioritizing God - The Word and The Spirit
    Prioritizing The Word and The Spirit;
    We need to diligently get into the Word and develop a relationship with the Spirit of God for ourselves. I share a trial that i went through that showed me the importance of this.

    Nature cries out to the glory of God;
    Jesus uses metaphors for us to ponder on;
    The dove lighted upon The Word;
    The 'right now' Word of God;
    Matt 4 and Luke 4 Model for successful warfare;
    Prioritizing the Word and Spirit;
    My trials at 3 am ;
    Inclination is to grab medication;
    Desperation is a vehicle for Kingdom Seekers;
    Laodiceans forget they need Jesus;
    Knowing The Word gets us through fire;
    The Spirit wields The Word;
    Esteeming the Word more than food;
    Our soul panting after the Lord;

    Seeking God through The Word

    Seeking God through The Word
    Seeking a spiritual relationship with the Biblical Jesus through The Word.
    Discipleship has a price;
    The Words in Red cannot be ignored;
    Jesus is The Way to the Father;
    Worship in Spirit AND in TRUTH;
    God spoke the universe into being;
    Analysis of a spoken word;
    Spirit of Truth guides us into Truth;
    Mentorship to maturity; 
    Word over our necessary food;
    Our flesh fights The Word; 
    Mediate on the word day and night;;
    The uncut word of God - no leaven;
    Who is at the foundation of our belief?;
    The real war for our minds;
    Authority and Victory!; 


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