

    Explore " sowing" with insightful episodes like "It's Not Just Financial; Galatians 6:6-10", "Always Looking Forward", "Episode 496: Reaping What Is Sown", "Kingdom Generosity; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 11" and "Sowing & Reaping" from podcasts like ""Crossroads Church", "Rightly Divide the Word of Truth", "Jesus for Everyone", "Crossroads Church" and "Keystone Church Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (95)

    Always Looking Forward

    Always Looking Forward

    A devotional study about looking forward in all that we do, but especially in our spiritual and evangelistic experience.  We cannot forget that the judgment is coming and that souls need salvation.

    Ecclesiastes 11:6 KJV
    In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

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    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    Sowing & Reaping

    Sowing & Reaping


    📖 Key Highlights:

    🌾 Sowing and Reaping Explained: Unpack the metaphor of sowing and reaping in your spiritual life, especially in the context of giving. Understand why this word picture resonated with the early believers in an agricultural society.

    🌟 The Promise from Malachi 3:12: Explore the overarching theme of our series, rooted in God's promise to make us a "land of delight." Learn how the Apostle Paul connects this promise to the churches he addresses.

    🏛️ Tale of Three Churches: Corinth, Macedonia, and Jerusalem—discover the unique financial situations and challenges each church faces. Follow the Apostle Paul's efforts to gather funds for the struggling Jerusalem church.

    💖 The Heart of Giving: Delve into the principles of sacrificial giving and understand the difference between obedient tithing and the deeper, relational aspect of sacrificial gifts. Learn to listen to the voice of God in your giving journey.

    😄 Cheerful and Hilarious Giving: Grasp the importance of giving willingly and cheerfully, even hilariously. Understand the spiritual impact of aligning your treasures with Kingdom interests and breaking the bonds of materialism.

    🌱 Expectant Reaping: Embrace an expectant attitude as you sow your seeds, recognizing that God's blessings may come in various forms—financial, relational, personal growth, and more. Reap the harvest with gratitude and an open heart.

    🙏 Let this sermon inspire you to sow seeds of faith and generosity, eagerly anticipating the abundant harvest God has in store for you and our community. Together, let's make Keystone Church a land of delight for all nations.

    Episode 36-What About Tithing?

    Episode 36-What About Tithing?

    Many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing. In some churches giving is over-emphasized. I promise you I have been in churches before where all the preacher talks about is church attendance and tithing.  I want to let you know that I do not subscribe to the lie that God is going to get His money!!

    As if God needs your money to accomplish His purposes.  Can I get a witness!  While I say this emphatically, this is also not a way to establish a lifestyle where a person never gives off their monies to the work of the Lord.  

    Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the Law in which the Israelites were to give 10 percent of the crops they grew and the livestock they raised to the tabernacle/temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes—one for the Levites, one for the use of the temple and the feasts, and one for the poor of the land—which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system.

    After the death of Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, the New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside, but only says gifts should be “in keeping with income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). “On the first day of the week let every one of you lay in store, as God has prospered him…….Some in the Christian church have taken the 10 percent figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving. 

    Saints we are no longer under a mandated 10% tithe.  One of the things that has always bothered me is the mandate.  Listen to what 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says….

    “But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Let every man give according to the purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that you, always having enough of everything, may abound to every good work.”  2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬-‭8‬

    How can we be under a mandated 10% and then Paul say under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we are to give as we purpose in our heart, not grudgingly or out of necessity? Saints if I have to give, if it is a command, then how can it be cheerful? How can it be out of a heart of love? No, he says give as you purpose in your heart, don’t do it grudgingly, and remember that you will reap what you sow.  He gives a reminder that if you give sparingly, then you will get sparingly. The opposite of that is true as well.


    Although no tithe is demanded of the Christian, the New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the body of Christ. Every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in the matter (James 1:5). Above all, offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ. (2 Corinthians 9:7).

    Neville Goddard - What Are You Sowing?

    Neville Goddard - What Are You Sowing?

    Tonight’s subject is “What are you Sowing?” We’re told in scripture, “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that also will he reap” (Gal. 6:7). Here we have the law of identical harvest: As you sow, so you reap, and the harvest is always the multiplication of the identical seed. We are told, “While the earth is yours, seedtime and harvest…shall not cease” (Gen. 8:22). Now tonight, you be the judge of the seed that you will plant. I’ll try to show you how to plant it. You have to feel the feeling in your mind; you plant it right here. It may not be cultivated, not be prepared to receive the seed, but you can pick the seed and then plant it.


    Now the individual himself must accept the burden of the incarnation of his dream. The dream is always ready to be incarnated, but unless we, ourselves, offer it human parentage it is incapable of birth. It can’t be born of itself; it has to be born through man. So when Blake spoke of the combats of good and evil as eating of the tree of knowledge, and the combats of truth and error were eating of the tree of life, he said, “There isn’t an error in the world that it has a man as its agent, that is, it is a man; there isn’t a truth but it has as its agent a man, therefore, it is man.” So man is not only the field, he is the sower. He selects the seed and then he plants it on himself, and whatever he plants he is going to bring forth if he doesn’t modify the seed. He’ll bring forth, well, thirty, sixty or 100-fold. If he accepts it completely, he’ll bring 100-fold. If he modifies it because he can’t quite believe in such a vast dream coming true, well, then he’ll modify it. He’ll bring forth according to what he has accepted as true.


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    Exploring Hardy Annuals: Seasonal Flower Growing Tips with Roz Chandler

    Exploring Hardy Annuals: Seasonal Flower Growing Tips with Roz Chandler

    Welcome to The Cutflower Podcast, In this solo session with Roz Chandler, we're diving into the world of hardy annuals. Roz explains the distinction between hardy and half-hardy annuals – hardy ones can endure winter frost, while half-hardy varieties need protection from the cold. She suggests focusing on mid to late August for half-hardy annuals. At Field Gate Flowers, they begin by sowing these in a tunnel and then transplant outside in September, allowing roots to establish before winter.

    Covering different flower options, Roz shares her favourites: **Ammi Visnaga**, a hardy filler with lovely seed heads; **Calendulas** like Indian Prince, Snow Princess, and Pink Surprise; the striking **Cornflowers** including Centaurea cyanus (blackball) and Blue Diadem; the intriguing **Daucus carota** which is hardy biennial; and the elegant white lace **Orlaya grandiflora**. Some delicate hardy annuals like **Larkspur**, **Cerinthe**, **Antirrhinum** and **Californian Poppies** are best grown under cover for the winter.

    Sweet peas also make an appearance! Roz advises starting them in November or December under cover or doing a spring sowing. Sweet peas might seem delicate, but they're actually hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to minus five. They can be sown in autumn, strengthened in spring, and sown again. Don't miss the episode where Roz chats with sweet pea expert Roger Parsons for more insights.

    Roz emphasises the importance of planning your flower year, considering when to sow and whether to sow directly, under cover, or for spring. She teases the upcoming release of the 2024 Cut Flower Planter on Amazon. Your feedback is appreciated, so make sure to rate and review the podcast. Until next time, happy gardening and flower growing!

    Positioning Yourself For Favor

    Positioning Yourself For Favor

    To be truly successful in position it takes more than luck, it takes favor.  Favor from employees, favor from vendors, favors from customers, favor from business associates and most important favor from God.  In Today's podcast, Harold discusses how God wants to show His people favor and how the Bible teaches we can find favor with man.  Be sure to download this podcast and learn the steps and principles for positioning yourself to receive favor in your personal life and in your business and career.

    EP#68 What To Do When You’re Waiting For Harvest - Seed Sowing Summer

    EP#68 What To Do When You’re Waiting For Harvest - Seed Sowing Summer

    From Today’s Episode:

    Welcome! We’re in our Seed Sowing Summer Series and today’s topic is What To Do When You’re Waiting For Harvest.


    James 5:7-8


    God, will you talk with me about the season that I'm in and how I can participate in cultivating a future harvest?

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    Devoted - Week 7 - A Universal Principle

    Devoted - Week 7 - A Universal Principle
    While Luke is quite clear about many of the factors and characteristics at work in the early church of Acts 2, there is also a universal principle in play that receives no mention. This principle - which operates in both the natural world and spiritual world - is crucial to our ability to experience the abundant life that Jesus promises in the Gospels. Join us this week as we discover this universal principle at its role in our spiritual lives.

    Prayers for Sowing and Reaping

    Prayers for Sowing and Reaping

    Prayer meditations can help you align our mind and body with Christ. Pray on topics that are relevant to your spiritual journey by listening to these prayer meditations based on scripture. Listen to nature sounds and mindful music and pray along with these prayers based on sowing and reaping. For more Prayer meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Ep. 166 - It's time to start growing your own food! Lucy takes you on a tour of her kitchen garden this week, while Saul rests his voice after a spate of gardening talks.

    Ep. 166 - It's time to start growing your own food! Lucy takes you on a tour of her kitchen garden this week, while Saul rests his voice after a spate of gardening talks.

    We are in the depths of winter, and whatever the weather may - or may not - have in store for us in this traditionally chilly month, Head Gardeners Lucy and Saul turn their thoughts to the year ahead. Often mistaken for a quieter season, there are plenty of winter tasks to complete and projects to initiate. Winter pruning, leaf clearing, renovations and new plantings will all be discussed (we can't promise that conversations about biscuits and lists won't also appear...). Whatever the topic, the duo hope to prime us all for the unfolding gardening seasons.

    This week, Saul rests his mighty voice, while Lucy takes us on a tour of her home kitchen garden, just outside Colchester. Here, she talks you through her 2023 grow your own plans, as she daydreams of early broad beans, baby carrots and lush spinach. Fruit pruning also needs to be completed, and while some trees should be cut back in summer, there are plenty of edible berry and orchard crops that warrant attention now. The episode is also audio-bombed by Isaac (the cat). Never let it be said that we don't go the extra mile to lay on a suitably furry Saul stand-in...!

    Twitter links:
    Saul @GardeningSaul
    Lucy @HeadGardenerLC

    Intro and Outro music from https://filmmusic.io
    "Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
    License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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    The Law Of Multiplication

    The Law Of Multiplication

    Join us as Pastor Joe Gonyea shares the next law of farming: the law of multiplication. When we sow the Spirit, the Lord shows us that we will reap more than we sow.

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    Our mission at Abundant Life Church is to love God, love people, and to make followers of Christ.

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    Our Only Harvest - Audio

    Our Only Harvest - Audio
    Galatians 6:1-10 needs to be that for me. It’s more than just a list. It has a culture, a milieu behind it. It has the Spirit of God under it - which we believe in the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of the Scriptures, so we know that. There is this imagery of harvest: of sowing, of reaping. But it is this first fruit of Jesus, the wheat that falls into the earth (John 12:24) that under-girds it all. That is the flowerbed for all. Jesus.

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