

    Explore "strides" with insightful episodes like "Your Mindset; What Do You Believe About Your Riding?", "Weight Aids & Using Them With Intention & Focus", "Improving Your Riding with Your Light Seat", "1124 Which Type of Rider Are You?" and "1123 Taking Action on What You Learn in Your Riding" from podcasts like ""Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians" and "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians"" and more!

    Episodes (32)

    Your Mindset; What Do You Believe About Your Riding?

    Your Mindset; What Do You Believe About Your Riding?
    I am fascinated by how our minds work.  I love seeing the co-relation between our beliefs and thoughts play out in our physical day to day lives.  Meeting and chatting with riders for the first time is one of my favorite things to do.  I pay close attention.  I love listening to the stories they tell me about themselves and their riding.
    So many riders have themselves convinced they cannot do something, and therefore take action from that place or that perspective.  The place where the thing they want won’t work.  This versus riders who believe they can do something.  They will take action based on their beliefs, and usually prove themselves right.

    Your Beliefs = Your Results

    What we believe is crucial to the results we get in our riding.  This, of course, is not just limited to riding.  It can be applied to any area of our lives.  I personally believe (there is that word, again!) that this is due to how we ‘show up’.

    Weight Aids & Using Them With Intention & Focus

    Weight Aids & Using Them With Intention & Focus
    Weight aids are often overlooked and underused by many riders.  I want to help you begin to see how powerful your weight aids have the potential to be in your riding.  I also want to use your weight aids to see demonstrate how power intention and focus have on your goals as well.
    Less is more where your weight aids are concerned.  Unfortunately, many riders seem to throw everything they have behind a weigh aid when they think they should apply one.  All this serves to do is unbalance both horse and rider.
    Your goals are similar.  If you put all your focus and attention on a single goal, you will soon find that life, in general, will become unbalanced.  And this can go against how many of us feel when we set goals.  We get all caught up in the initial enthusiasm of the potential outcome, often to our own detriment.

    Finding Balance

    Balance means that you have a center point where you feel happy.  As everything is moving and you are moving with it, you will make continuous small adjustments to make sure that you return to ‘balanced’ all the time.  Small little ‘course corrects’ that helps everything work together.
    In riding, I call this the ‘balance of aids’.  Yes, there may be a ‘leading aid’, however, all the other aids have supporting roles in order to keep the balance.
    Life is the same.  If you choose a single goal and decide to just focus all of your intention and energy on it, the rest of your life will suffer.  It may be able to sustain for a while, but sooner or later, things will begin to show the strain of this unbalance.


    Join the FREE Equestrian Fitness Challenge HERE

    Improving Your Riding with Your Light Seat

    Improving Your Riding with Your Light Seat
    Have you ever considered how much you are either helping or hindering your horse when you’re riding?  Do you wonder what you could do, today, to begin improving your influence in the saddle?  Well, I am going to give you something fun to do in the saddle that will improve your riding - and put a smile on your face as well.
    I want you to begin figuring out how independent you are in the saddle when riding. You are going to do this by riding the light seat or two-point seat.  Your bum out of the saddle as you ride.  Some lovely daylight between the arse of your trousers and the seat of your saddle.
    I already know that many riders will have clicked away by now, but if you are still here; good on you!  This exercise is for ALL riders.  Improving your balance will always improve the overall conversation with your horse, regardless of the discipline that conversation occurs in.

    What Is the Light Seat?

    The light seat happens when you are riding.  It involves you actually ‘standing’ on your own two feet while working your horse.  It requires you to balance yourself.  This means no leaning, holding on or crouching down on your horse's neck, a neck strap or breastplate, or the pommel of the saddle.  Also, no holding onto the mane...

    1124 Which Type of Rider Are You?

    1124 Which Type of Rider Are You?

    I believe that every rider or equestrian can be put into one of two categories. I know, a pretty big generalization!  However, from working with thousands of riders, I have yet to meet someone who does not fall into one or the other.

    Knowing which category you fall into will help you to get clear on what your ‘next step’ is when it comes to developing your skills as a rider.  I have named the two different types of riders as being either:-

    1. Passengers
    2. Influencers

    You see it all comes down to your focus when you’re in the saddle. You can easily figure out which of the above you are by noticing where you are focusing your attention in the saddle for the majority of each ride. Is the focus on you or is it on your horse?


    Other episodes & resources to help you with your riding:-

    1123 Taking Action on What You Learn in Your Riding

    1123 Taking Action on What You Learn in Your Riding

    Learning is great. As a rider or equestrian, there is a never-ending stream of knowledge out there just waiting for you to dive into and begin exploring. However, learning can sometimes be the very thing that holds riders back from making progress in their riding.

    You see, learning is only really useful if you go and then implement what you learn. And it is the implementation that riders fall short. They fail to take action on what they learn. All their newly gained knowledge just remains in their heads, never to be acted upon in the arena.

    I create a lot of free training for riders to use to help them make shifts and progress in their riding. Things like the 5 Days to Clarity Mini-Course or the Equestrian Fitness Challenge. What I see, over and over, is riders watching, listening or reading the training but then failing to take the next step.

    The vitally important step of implementing what they have learned.

    It’s a bit like the story about the dog lying on the nail; the nail is uncomfortable, but not enough for the dog to actually get up and move. He will rather lie on the nail and simply complain about how uncomfortable it is to lie there!

    I also see this happening with my paid programs. People invest money and then fail to take the required action… Lunging to Riding and the Clarity & Confidence Riding Program are just two examples of this.

    The What, When, How and Why of Riding…

    When you are learning to ride, knowing the above will make your life easier. it will also, usually, make your horse's life more pleasant as well! I am not saying not the learn the above. In fact, I believe that all of the above are vitally important, especially the ‘Why’ behind whatever it is you are learning to do.

    Time and again, I see riders know what, when and how, but they completely miss the bit about the why. The 'why' is what allows you to take your knowledge and apply it to different situations.

    Read More 

    1122 Overcoming Plateaus In Your Riding Progress

    1122 Overcoming Plateaus In Your Riding Progress

    It is inevitable. All riders find themselves there at some point in their riding journey. The point where progress stalls and the comfort of the plateau is no longer what they are looking for. Recognizing that you are feeling a little stuck is the key to making the necessary changes to ‘unsticking’ yourself. The key to starting working towards progress again.

    Before we dive into this topic, I just want to point out that this happens to all riders. It is absolutely inevitable. If you were never to reach a plateau, you would burn yourself out and become exhausted with the constant ‘effort’. However, remaining there leads to feelings of boredom and ‘same old, same old’.

    A Plateau is Often Necessary

    I love hiking. I especially enjoy it when there is a sizeable hill or mountain involved. One of the reasons is because I feel that it ‘tests’ me a little. There is a climb. The discomfort and effort involved in actually moving up to where I want to go. And then there is the feeling of relief and accomplishment when I reach the next plateau. The plateau almost compliments the climb necessary to get there.

    Horse riding is very much the same. There are feelings of discomfort when you’re learning something new. The feelings of ‘gosh, maybe I should just turn around and go back to where I was comfortable’. The doubting. The necessary focus and concentration. Your ability to ‘dig deep’.

    Episode 24 - Andrea Cottle

    Episode 24 - Andrea Cottle
    Community for moms to get their bodies and LIFE back after baby with Andrea Cottle - Owner of Fit4Mom / TOP Questions with Ashley Schubert

    00:02 - Intro
    00:33 - About me
    01:03 - Introducing Andrea Cottle
    01:25 - Self presentation
    01:48 - About Fit4Mom
    02:40 - Stroller Strides
    04:35 - The business
    06:54 - Joining the group
    07:28 - About the other classes
    09:38 - Balance motherhood and running the business
    11:44 - Enjoying the crazy
    12:36 - About the future
    14:06 - Contact details
    15:59 - Ending / Thank you
    15:27 - TOP Questions with Ashley Schubert

    Guest/s: Andrea Cottle - Owner of Fit4Mom
    Website: https://fit4mom.com https://okcmetro.fit4mom.com
    Blog: http://blog.fit4mom.com
    Podcast: https://fit4mom.com/podcast
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/fit_4_mom
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CORPFIT4MOM
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Strollerstridesfit
    Shop: http://shop.fit4mom.com

    Making Strides | 41

    Making Strides | 41

    Cancer. No one is immune, no one is safe from its clutches. On this episode, Amanda shares a short story centered around a brave woman who fought through the odds, which leads into an intriguing discussion on how one would handle such a revelation. 

    Enjoying SMIRK? Then please be sure to share the show through your social media outlets!

    Welcome to Smirk. A podcast that covers society and culture through a storytelling lens. Part creative writing, part discussion, and always interesting. Each week our hosts brings an original story to the show, which is immediately followed by a light-hearted discussion on the author's moral or theme.

    These stories can cover any topic the host wants to discuss, it can be lighthearted or more serious. No one but the author knows if these tales are truth or fiction, and part of the fun is guessing while you're listening before the reality is made clear.

    We want to hear from you! If you want to share YOUR story, join the conversation by writing in to mystory@smirkpodcast.com, and include your moral, or you can let us guess at it. This is the podcast that looks at truth, fiction, and reality. With a Smirk. 

    Don't forget to subscribe to Smirk and share the show with your friends!

    SFA486 Finding the Correct Diagonal in Trot

    SFA486 Finding the Correct Diagonal in Trot

    There you are, happily trotting around the arena, delighted at the fact that you can ‘post’ correctly; until someone goes and bursts your bubble by pointing out that you are on the wrong diagonal…  “Sit for two” they shout your way…  And you’re thinking ‘Come again?’!

    What is the Diagonal in the Trot?

    Being on the correct diagonal is to do with rising or posting to the trot.  We know that when our horse trots, his legs move in diagonal pairs, the front inside with the back outside and the front outside with the back inside.

    Your horse's way of traveling, in diagonal pairs, is what creates the two-time beat that we experience in trot.  The 1,2,1,2,1,2…  or, when we rise or post to the trot, the up, down, up, down, up, down.


    ATC: Picking A Power Meter, Year-Round Running Strides, OWS Pacing, and Lucho Wisdom

    ATC: Picking A Power Meter, Year-Round Running Strides, OWS Pacing, and Lucho Wisdom
    Want to run Ragnar Napa on Oct. 23-24, 2015 with Endurance Planet in beautiful northern California, going from San Francisco to Napa? Yes you do! Who wouldn’t?! Join our team now; inquire at events@enduranceplanet.com Also shop with & support the podcast at enduranceplanet.com/shop - it's a win win: get special discounts and deals on tried and trusted products and services AND support the podcast when you shop through us. Get on it!

    This week Tawnee and Lucho cover a ton of topics including power meters, running strides, open water swimming... and: Why did Tawnee stop drinking kombucha? Could kombucha be both good and bad? How do you know if it's good or bad for YOU? Should we use KBs to increase aerobic capacity or should we stick to sport-specific training to do the job? This is a follow-up discussion on a recent ATC where we talked about a new study showing how KBs increase aerobic capacity (VO2max). Investing in a power meter - how to choose based on price, types of power meter, what you’re getting with each kind of power meter, the veteran products vs. newer products, are the cheaper ones going to yield the same quality? Power meter resources mentioned: -DC Rainmaker’s Power Pricing Wars -Slowtwitch’s Power 101 -iBike review Do hill repeats, fartleks, intervals, tempo, etc (aka more intensity) fit into a MAF program? Or do you have to give those up? How and when to know when to do them. Plus how to keep training “fun.” Defining “drills.” Why strides are good to do year-round. How to measure consistent HRV when you have a rotating work schedule. Why Lucho needs to try HRV. How do you pace during an open water swim? And more OWS tips for training and racing. How to taper for a hilly ultras that are 50+ miles. Key: minimize stress, not just training stress but ALL stress! ...and we end this show with more Lucho Wisdom: 1) How Lucho knows how to rest and recover now that he’s “exercising” again. And 2) how he guides athletes to learn to listen to their bodies vis his coaching techniques.

    Grant Phabao and Djouls - 21st Century Afro Spectacular

    Grant Phabao and Djouls - 21st Century Afro Spectacular

    Grant Phabao and Djouls - 21st Century Afro Spectacular
    (MP3 Podcast on www.ParisDJs.com) 2012-01-14

    We've counted at least a hundred very interesting new releases in the 21st century afro scene since our last mix, 21st Century Afro Extravaganza. Here's nearly 20% of all those new cool afro grooves from all over the world, with an exclusive new track from the Grant Phabao Afrobeat Arkestra, friendly vibes from Afrolicious, Karl Hector, Les Frères Smith (mixed by Phabao!), or Kiala, more friendly vibes sent by our label collegues from Record Kicks, Tramp Records, Jazz&Milk, Enlace Funk, Kindred Spirits or Kept Records and a few things we grabbed here and there. 21st Century Afrobeat, Afrofunk, Afrolatin and Ethio grooves from Australia, Trinidad, USA, Germany, Japan, Canada, France, Spain or The Netherlands, selected by Djouls, mixed and fully mastered by Grant Phabao. Do you want more?

    Tracklisting :
    01. 00:00 The Strides - Umbi Gumbi
    (from 'Reclamation' album, 2011 / Record Kicks) AUSTRALIA
    02. 05:44 Debo Band - Lantchi Biye
    (from 'Flamingoh (Pink Bird Dawn)' album, 2010 / Debo Band) USA
    03. 11:05 Afrolicious - Foolin'
    (from 'A Dub for Mali' EP, 2011 / Eighteen Street Lounge) TRINIDAD/USA
    04. 15:19 Karl Hector and The Malcouns - Girma's Lament
    (from 'Tamanrasset' EP, 2011 / Now-Again Records) GERMANY
    05. 18:08 Cochemea Gastelum - Dark City
    (from 'The Electric Sound Of Johnny Arrow' album, 2010 / Mowo! Inc.) USA
    06. 21:30 JariBu Afrobeat Arkestra - Afro Soul Knows
    (from 'Mediacracy' album, 2012 / Tramp Records) JAPAN
    07. 29:19 Kobo Town - Corbeaux Following
    (from 'Independence' album, 2006 / MusicDish) TRINIDAD/CANADA
    08. 33:35 Bad Jazz Troupe - Breakdown Treat (Dusty Rework)
    (from 'Looking For Jupiter' EP, 2010 / Jazz&Milk Recordings) GERMANY
    09. 38:22 The Boogoos - Theme For Isaac Kirya
    (from 'Contemporary Afro Beat' compilation, 2011 / Tramp Records) GERMANY
    10. 41:58 Les Frères Smith - Gondwana
    (from 'Contreband Mentality' album, 2011 / Comet Records) FRANCE
    11. 48:35 Polyrhythmics - The Imposter
    (from 'The Imposter' 7 inch, 2011 / Kept Records) USA
    12. 52:20 Walko - Afrobeat trance feat. Kiala
    (from 'Walko' EP, 2012 / Walko) FRANCE
    13. 56:49 Pyramid Blue - African Jungle part 1
    (from 'African Jungle' 7 inch, 2011 / Enlace Funk) SPAIN
    14. 59:53 Grant Phabao Afrofunk Arkestra - Ymoja
    (exclusive unreleased track taken from 'Grant Phabao Afrofunk Arkestra' album, 2012 / T.I.M.E.C.) FRANCE
    15. 65:17 Chopteeth Afrofunk Big Band - Choferito-Plena
    (from 'Chopteeth Live' album, 2010 / Grigri Discs) USA
    16. 68:05 Jungle By Night - E.T.
    (from 'E.T.' 7 inch, 2010 / Kindred Spirits) NETHERLANDS
    Total time : 72:26

    All the original cover artworks are available on the Paris DJs blog

    Credits :
    Selected by Grant Phabao and Djouls from the Paris DJs Soundsystem (parisdjs.com)
    Mix and audio mastering by Grant Phabao (grantphabao.com)
    Artwork layout by Djouls (djouls.com) using a photo from hdptcar under a Creative Commons Licence

    Links :
    Paris DJs : official | facebook | myspace | parisdjs | soundcloud | twitter | youtube


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