

    Explore "top3" with insightful episodes like "2023 Year in Review and Season 10 Halftime Show", "Room 101 From Room 1017", "Night Spirit - New Cover-art by Roselyne Cazazian for Life is Feeling - Counting the Ways #15", "L'actu ciné du 17 mai avec Noor !" and "Die Kahn-Erdbeeren" from podcasts like ""How Soccer Explains Leadership Podcast", "Just Passing Through Podcast", "Life is Feeling - Counting the Ways", "Davy Sur K.I.F" and "Die Wohngemeinschaft"" and more!

    Episodes (77)

    2023 Year in Review and Season 10 Halftime Show

    2023 Year in Review and Season 10 Halftime Show

    In Episode 135, Paul and Phil cover their favorite moments from the second half of Season 10, including Paul’s favorite episode of all-time, their top 3 episodes from the incredible guests we’ve had on HSEL throughout 2023, their Top 3 books of the year (Phil had a few more), and Phil’s top 5 sports/leadership documentaries of 2023. It’s a great way to top off an incredible year of Soccer, Life, and Leadership!

    Resources and Links from this Episode

    ·      Uncut Video of the Episode

    ·      HSEL Facebook Group

    ·      Warrior Way Soccer

    ·      Providence World website

    ·      Coaching the Bigger Game Program

    ·      Phil’s email for DISC Training

    ·      United Soccer Coaches Convention Registration Page – Promo Code: LEADERSHIP24

    ·      Phil’s Top Sports/Leadership Documentaries of 2023

    o   “In Search of Greatness”

    o   “Break Point”

    o   “Full Swing”

    o   “Beckham”

    o   “That Peter Crouch Film”

    ·      Paul’s Top 3 Books Read in 2023

    o   Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Mind, Craig Groeschel

    o   God Has A Name, John Mark Comer

    o   Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, David Epstein

    ·      Phil’s Top 10 Books Read in 2023

    o   Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, David Epstein

    o   Chop Wood, Carry Water: How to Fall in Love With the Process of Becoming Great, Joshua Medcalf

    o   Win in the Dark: Some Think You Shine Under the Bright Lights, the Bright Lights Only Reveal Your Work in the Dark, Joshua Medcalf & Lucas Jadin

    o   Pound the Stone:7 Lessons to Develop Grit on the Path to Mastery, Joshua Medcalf

    o   Open: An Autobiography, Andre Agassi

    o   Quiet Leadership: Winning Hearts, Minds and Matches, Carlo Ancelotti

    o   Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence, Crawford Loritts

    o   The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams, Sam Walker

    o   Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Daniel James Brown

    o   The Life We’re Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World, Andy Crouch

    Room 101 From Room 1017

    Room 101 From Room 1017

    Welcome, fellow truth-seekers, to a rather intriguing installment of "Room 101," where we embark on a journey through the perplexing maze of Japanese idiosyncrasies. Today, we tip our hats to the great George Orwell and his infamous Room 101, as we delve into the top three things that tickle our fancy less than a plate of sushi gone bad.

    Oh, Japan, that land of cherry blossoms and cutting-edge technology, where tradition and innovation tango in an everlasting dance. But hold your matcha tea, comrades, for behind the neon lights and kimonos lies a side of Japan that requires a second glance.

    In the spirit of embracing truth with a sprinkle of dry humor, we shall unearth those aspects of Japanese culture that manage to wrinkle our brows. Fear not, dear listeners, for our aim is not to poke fun without purpose, but to engage in a lighthearted analysis that sparks introspection and contemplation.

    So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate this cultural rollercoaster. From vending machines that dispense everything but common sense, to the intricacies of politeness that can make your head spin faster than a sumo wrestler, and let us not forget the mind-boggling fascination with questionable mascots that could make even the boldest of souls do a double take.

    In this journey through the corridors of Orwell's Room 101, we shall embrace the delightful absurdities that make us scratch our heads and chuckle. For in the delicate balance between cultural appreciation and gentle mockery lies the path to genuine understanding.

    So, comrades, grab your umbrellas to shield yourself from the metaphorical rain of criticism as we navigate the uncharted territories of our bemusement. Let us peer through the lens of satire, and remember, a little dry humor can be just the right spice to make the bitter pill of reality easier to swallow.

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    Artwork @digitalnomadicart on Insta

    Night Spirit - New Cover-art by Roselyne Cazazian for Life is Feeling - Counting the Ways #15

    Night Spirit - New Cover-art by Roselyne Cazazian for Life is Feeling - Counting the Ways #15

    New show art design, the artist behind it, and the resonance that “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” has been receiving over the past few months..

    *BEHIND THE SCENES EXCLUSIVE, Show Description: media links, exclusive content and more at: https://iantonio.com/life-is-feeling/night-spirit-new-cover-art-life-is-feeling/

    *Exclusive: https://iantonio.com/life-is-feeling/night-spirit-new-cover-art-life-is-feeling/#exclusive

    Official Pages: https://iantonio.com/life-is-feeling-counting-the-ways-independent-podcast/

    Sister Shows: www.LifeisFeeling.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/englishcoachpodcast/

    Feedback Link (Voicemail)  |  Feedback Link (Text)  |  Private Listeners' Group   |  Value for Value Support


    L'actu ciné du 17 mai avec Noor !

    L'actu ciné du 17 mai avec Noor !

    Noor, notre "presque" chroniqueuse ciné, nous balance son TOP 3 des films à aller checker dans les prochains jours au ciné ou sur Netflix. Tous les meilleurs moments de l'émission à réécouter sur davysurkif.be. Whatsapp de l'émission 0472 22 7000. Noor sur K.I.F, c'est tous les mercredis entre 16h & 19h

    Die Kahn-Erdbeeren

    Die Kahn-Erdbeeren
    Ist Tobi der Seuchenvogel? Ist Hannovers Sportlandschaft einfach so kaputt? Man weiß es nicht. Auf jeden Fall war Tobi beim Basketball endlich! Die Luchse des TKH in der #mspWG und natürlich verlieren sie ihr Spiel. Wie sollte es auch anders sein. Andreas befindet sich in Sheffield und war natürlich einen Tag zu spät da um das vermutlich größte Ereignis der Snooker WM live mitzuerleben. Ein Beutel Staub in orange, ein grüner Tisch, leichte Teilchen und fertig ist ein beeindruckendes Bild. Beeindruckend ist auch die Angst vor den Reaktionen der Hörenden, wenn es um Pizza und die Belege eben dieser Pizzen geht. Aber ...

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    Velofit podcast - Tips og tricks til vinterpåklædning - lytterspørgsmål.

    Velofit podcast - Tips og tricks til vinterpåklædning - lytterspørgsmål.

    Vi får rigtig mange gode spørgsmål og vi forsøger virkelig at tage så mange med vi overhovedet kan. En ting vi ikke har talt meget om, er påklædning igennem vinteren, så da denne besked dukkede op, strøg vi i kælderen og har efter bedste evne forsøgt at besvare følgende:

    "Hej Velofit. Et spørgsmål/emne til jeres ellers fremragende podcast: Påklædning. Det kunne være interessant at høre jeres erfaringer, tips og tricks, særligt vinter og forår/efterår, i forhold til tøjvalg og træning. Fx hvad konsekvensen er ved overophedning eller kulde i et træningspas. Også hvordan man bedst håndterer en regnvejrsdag, fx en god eller dårlig ide at afkorte træningen? Endelig en snak om jeres favoritter fra PNS. Fx en top 3."

    Vi siger tak for spørgsmålet og inspiration. Lyt med her for at få svarene.



    Wir sind zurück. So wie Bushido auf Electro Ghetto. So wie Samy Deluxe auf, naja, Zurück. Ob ihr jetzt aber schon wieder sagt, wir wären wieder verrückt und ob wir wirklich so deluxe klingen, entscheidet ihr am besten selbst. Auf jeden Fall freuen wir uns wie Bolle, man merkt’s vielleicht. Denn: Pünktlich zur Spooky Season sind wir wieder da! Offenbar stilecht mit gruseligen Vergleichen von Rapzeilen aus den frühen 2000ern für den Episodentext. Nun ja. Diesmal in jedem Fall im Gepäck für euch: unsere Top 3 der Horrorfilme, in denen Totgeglaubte länger leben. So wie Die Firma auf.. na ihr wisst schon. Wir wünschen gute Unterhaltung!


    最近一定是宇宙能量太強 小楊直接買水晶球來幫大家占星 覺得最近頭痛睡不著? 覺得最近好像哪裡不順? 來!乖!這邊收聽起來六月運勢~ - 【本集重點】 。大楊直播的笑話 。雙魚座、天秤座六月怎麼了 。六月最差運勢TOP 3 。六月最讚運勢TOP 3 - 請大家一起聽下去 來~想斗內頭殼這邊請 ------------------------------ 請點主頁連結收聽 #六月運勢 #不要問為什麽不直接聽唐國師 #就算再無聊真愛們還是要聽下去


    【節目公告:一次錄兩集】 這個禮拜有一個蠻值得紀念的事, 就是我參加的一個錄影紀錄活動告一段落, 分享蠻多有趣的東西的, 等他有公告的時候再跟大家分享XD 雖然不一定會有我的樣子XD ===== 543傳送門 : https://linktr.ee/dajia.543.543 商業合作請洽 : dajia.543.543@gmail.com ===== #好玩 #有趣 #一個人嘻嘻笑 #有吸引力 #TOP3 #裏番 #興趣是看幹片 #會想再做一次 #黑色幽默 #偏正經 #有趣變性去

    Finding the Potential in Your Network (wsg Lisa Katz)

    Finding the Potential in Your Network (wsg Lisa Katz)

    Finding the Potential in Your Network | Lisa Katz, Senior Program Officer for Economic Vitality & Entrepreneurship at the William Davidson Foundation, joins host Gregg Garrett to discuss her storied career in public policy across many communities. Lisa speaks about her Top 3, including Mary Lynn Noah, who hired Lisa for her first job as a legislative assistant, Mike Gilroy, who taught her the social network theory, and Dr. Yugal Sharma, a dear friend, and biochemist, who shared in Lisa’s struggle in understanding impact. And you have to hear what she has to say about understanding your impact on the world.

    About Lisa Katz

    Lisa Baragar Katz is the senior program officer for Economic Vitality and Entrepreneurship at the William Davidson Foundation. Her efforts help guide the Foundation’s philanthropic investments to stimulate new business creation and job growth in Southeast Michigan and Israel.

    Prior to joining William Davidson, Lisa founded and served for six years as the executive director of the Workforce Intelligence Network — WIN — a Southeast Michigan collaborative of community colleges and MichiganWorks! agencies aimed at understanding the changing economy and responding to talent needs in the region. A social entrepreneur at heart, Lisa, while at WIN, launched several initiatives, securing partners and investment to move ideas forward.

    Over the course of her career, Lisa has worked with communities looking to innovate and transform their economies through a heavy focus on talent and entrepreneurship. On these topics, Lisa is a passionate speaker, writer, and strategist who relishes finding actionable solutions to tough challenges.

    In 2012, Lisa was named among Crain’s Detroit Business 40 Under 40 for her accomplishments. She has held prior roles with Corporation for a Skilled Workforce, Detroit Regional Chamber, Research Data Analysis, Public Sector Consultants and the Michigan Department of Management and Budget.  

    Show Highlights

    During this episode:

    Seeing the world in systems [2:22]

    The two lenses: wide angle & telephoto lens [3:45]

    Welcoming today’s guest, Lisa Katz [6:22]

    The “Top Three”

    The Public Policy space & how to help communities react to change [7:15]

    Mary Lynn Noah, a Michigan State University James Madison alumnus, who hired Lisa as a legislative assistant [14:55]

    Mike Gilroy, who taught her the social network theory [24:20]

    Dr. Yugal Sharma, a beloved friend from high school with a PhD in biophysics [37:47]

    You have to hear this…

    The struggle of understanding your impact on the world [44:08]

    There are people at the end of the macro [46:52]

    The need for humans vs. the need for automation [52:13]

    Stay in touch with Lisa on LinkedIn!

    Additional Information

    Contact Lisa Katz:

    Contact Gregg Garrett:

    Contact CGS Advisors:

    Finding Your Passion (wsg Dane Mathews)

    Finding Your Passion (wsg Dane Mathews)

    Finding Your Passion | Dane Mathews, Vice President of Precision Marketing at Conagra Brands, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on transforming organizations and brands. Of course, Dane shares his Top Three who include his wife and children who have been core to establishing a professional shift in his approach, a former Amazon executive who taught him how to work backward, a former boss who helped him change his perspective to accomplish goals, and a former podcast guest who helped him humanize leadership. And you have to hear what he has to say about the democratization of leadership.

    About Dane Mathews

    Dane Mathews is Vice President of Precision Marketing at Conagra Brands. He leads Conagra’s marketing transformation leveraging enterprise agility, personalization, technological enablement, and advanced analytics. With a focus on the digital consumer experience, Dane is responsible for enterprise consumer marketing efforts including brand design, media & advertising, eCommerce, CRM, and direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategy.

    Dane has 15 years of marketing experience and has led the development and scale of transformative consumer experiences at some of the most well-known brands including, Caesars Entertainment, Target, and McDonald’s. Dane received his BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and his MBA from The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

    Dane resides in Oak Park, IL with his wife Marlene, their 3 sons, Dane, Miles, and Jaden, and their Goldendoodle Frida.

    Show Highlights

    During this episode:

    The only thing constant is change. [1:06]

    Operationalizing transformation [2:53]

    Welcoming our guest, Dane Matthews [5:20]

    Discovering passion – simplifying the complex and making it relatable [12:24]

    The “Top Three”

    Marlene Aponte-Mathews and their children: make change management fun and remember that development is best done in public [17:17]

    Developing in public and bringing others in [23:23]

    Atif Rafiq: start with the end and work backward [29:56]

    Lisa Roath: getting help – “who can help me do this?” [36:20]

    DeLu Jackson: humanizing leadership and change management [42:25]

    “Nudging the positives” [46:50]

    You have to hear this…

    Democratization of leadership [51:10]

    Stay in touch with Dane via LinkedIn  [54:27]

    Additional Information

    Contact Dane Mathews:

    Contact Gregg Garrett:

    Contact CGS Advisors:

    Finding Your Passion (wsg Dane Mathews)

    Finding Your Passion (wsg Dane Mathews)

    Finding Your Passion | Dane Mathews, Vice President of Precision Marketing at Conagra Brands, joins host Gregg Garrett for a discussion on transforming organizations and brands. Of course, Dane shares his Top Three who include his wife and children who have been core to establishing a professional shift in his approach, a former Amazon executive who taught him how to work backward, a former boss who helped him change his perspective to accomplish goals, and a former podcast guest who helped him humanize leadership. And you have to hear what he has to say about the democratization of leadership.

    About Dane Mathews

    Dane Mathews is Vice President of Precision Marketing at Conagra Brands. He leads Conagra’s marketing transformation leveraging enterprise agility, personalization, technological enablement, and advanced analytics. With a focus on the digital consumer experience, Dane is responsible for enterprise consumer marketing efforts including brand design, media & advertising, eCommerce, CRM, and direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategy.

    Dane has 15 years of marketing experience and has led the development and scale of transformative consumer experiences at some of the most well-known brands including, Caesars Entertainment, Target, and McDonald’s. Dane received his BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and his MBA from The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

    Dane resides in Oak Park, IL with his wife Marlene, their 3 sons, Dane, Miles, and Jaden, and their Goldendoodle Frida.

    Show Highlights

    During this episode:

    The only thing constant is change. [1:06]

    Operationalizing transformation [2:53]

    Welcoming our guest, Dane Matthews [5:20]

    Discovering passion – simplifying the complex and making it relatable [12:24]

    The “Top Three”

    Marlene Aponte-Mathews and their children: make change management fun and remember that development is best done in public [17:17]

    Developing in public and bringing others in [23:23]

    Atif Rafiq: start with the end and work backward [29:56]

    Lisa Roath: getting help – “who can help me do this?” [36:20]

    DeLu Jackson: humanizing leadership and change management [42:25]

    “Nudging the positives” [46:50]

    You have to hear this…

    Democratization of leadership [51:10]

    Stay in touch with Dane via LinkedIn  [54:27]

    Additional Information

    Contact Dane Mathews:

    Contact Gregg Garrett:

    Contact CGS Advisors: