

    Explore "#video" with insightful episodes like "Are You Planning Your Vacation?", "EP5: Sell More Of Your Stuff With Video Content", "Stop Giving Me All Your Books", "Why Church Then?" and "Panel Discussion @ Counterculture NA Beverage Festival 2024" from podcasts like ""That They May All Be One Podcast", "Legend & Co", "That They May All Be One Podcast", "That They May All Be One Podcast" and "Champagne Problems"" and more!

    Episodes (56)

    Are You Planning Your Vacation?

    Are You Planning Your Vacation?

    Well, it is a sudden end to Season 6 of “That They May All Be One”…but for very purpose of declaring the praises of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

    The main message I always want people to hear is the gospel, the very best news ever!  Regardless if you are a non-believer or a believer (especially a believer) the gospel is great amazing eternal news!!!!

    This last episode of season 6 I make a comparison of planning a vacation to seeking the Kingdom of GOD.

    Take time to watch or listen…it could save your life!

    Philippians 3:10–14 (NASB95): 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; 
     11 in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. 
     12 Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. 
     13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 
     14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

    Luke 14:26–30 (NASB95):  26 “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. 
     27 “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 
     28 “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? 
     29 “Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, 
     30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ “

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    EP5: Sell More Of Your Stuff With Video Content

    EP5: Sell More Of Your Stuff With Video Content

    Here's a quick guide on how to sell more of your stuff with Video Content. 

    • Content Is King - Specifically Video Content


    Content is important


    7 Touches for the sale.


    If you’re a roofer, a realtor, a chiropractor, or any other business that has low, mid - high-ticket services and you have your sales people, realtors, doctors, or office staff  that have a bio video & they send out a video of them asking FAQ’s


    They’ve already been touched


    Once by phone - appointment setter

    1nce by email - confirming appts

    1nce by text - confirming appointment

    1nce by phone from a salesperson confirming appointment

    1nce by Email from the sales person sending a FAQ video

    1nce by sales person texting confirmation of appointment & time once they get ahold via phone.

    1nce by Sales person calling when they are on the way or 30 mins before the appointment

    1nce by texting they are on way with ETA


    THAT’s NINE touches before your sales person even SEES a prospect at their home, or in your place of business.


    NINE touches, whereas most people have an initial call, have an appointment set and MAYBE they touch the prospect on the way there.


    For a maximum of maybe 3 touches, not including all the time it may take to get ahold of them.


    If you have 9 & competition has 3, AND you have people sending videos out to build know like & trust, who do you think is more primed to buy from you. Someone who’s been touched 9 times by your team & knows who they’re getting to see before they come out, or someone who has only been touched 3 times & has no face to a name?


    This is what allows you to build a business that’s not only SCALABLE, but also SALABLE.


    Becuase we don’t get into business for ANY other reason other than to scale & sell, or to scale & have lifestyle.


    You didn’t get into business for yourself to have a job, and a process like this, is what allows you NOT only close more deals, but also it is another system that makes your business MORE valable when you go to sell, because it doesn’t need. You.


    Go dominate your business & FOR more marketing tips, or to work with us here at Bourbon Eagle Media - you know where to find me.


    Stop Giving Me All Your Books

    Stop Giving Me All Your Books

    This discipleship episode deals with a soap box topic of mine.   I hear this so much it is just plain irresponsible for a believer to act this way, especially if they claim to love the LORD JESUS.

    You might think from the title I don’t like books.  You would be wrong.  Granted I don’t’t have as much time to devote to reading other materials.  Nor do I posses the reading ability of my wife.  However, there are several authors whom I have been blessed of the LORD to read and learn from.

    No, what I am in reference too here is when I engage with, or I hear other believers engaging with believers or non-believers in theological topics.  There is nothing wrong with thoughtful or even challenging doctrinal discussions.  Indeed, we are call to be able to give an account of the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3).  My soap box is believers should never have to say, “well if you just read this book then you will understand.”  Or if you are witnessing to someone and they ask you to go over and explain the gospel to them you tell them, “if you read this book it will explain it.”  As a believer you should be able to discuss your position (especially the gospel) from the Scriptures based on your own study.  Here are the three things I listen for in any encounter regardless-less if I am in the conversation or not:

    1.  What do you believe?
    2.  Why do you believe it?
    3.  Can you personally explain it without having to get another involved - save only the Bible?

    If you are unable to answer these three questions - you have no reason to be in a theological discussion - save to learn.

    ***This does not mean you should not share the gospel.  Even if you feel you don’t have the correct wording do not let that hinder you.  Indeed, it will be the SPIRIT of GOD who gives you words and insight.***

    Please do not give me your books!  Just speak to me from the Scripture so I know you are one who desires to make much of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

    Grace and peace to all who are in CHRIST JESUS the LORD.

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    Why Church Then?

    Why Church Then?

    A couple of videos ago I did the topic of Church Membership. I looked at is it Scriptural to have membership in a local congregation based on a formal process which has at its core an individual (s) sign a document stating they adhere to the polity of that congregation and/or denomination.

    What we found, by Scripture alone, is there is nowhere where a formal process is required or even necessary.  Indeed, the setting up of a formal process and declaration could and often does lead to hypocrisy. I, for one, have had this occur to me several times. As an evangelist called and appointed by GOD and confirmed by the unsolicited commissioning of the local church (Pastor, deacons by prayer and laying on of hands) I have had numerous times where churches will say they will pray for me but can’t support me because I don’t belong to their denomination. 

    Well, the question could and should be asked, “why church then?” Why should we gather together as a “church” if membership is not a necessary issue? There are many reasons why. In this video I examine but a few. Yes - it is extremely important to gather together in a local congregation!!!!! Make no mistake, if you say you’re a follower of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and have no desire to be with other saints…there is a problem!

    Join with me now as we examine why church.

    A special shout out to a brother and sister in CHRIST who provided the new A/V equipment! The sound is amazing! I praise the LORD JESUS for putting in their hearts to minister to UCJ in this way! Praise the LORD JESUS!

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    Panel Discussion @ Counterculture NA Beverage Festival 2024

    Panel Discussion @ Counterculture NA Beverage Festival 2024

    Champagne Problems host Patrick Balsey, facilitates a live panel discussion at the Counterculture NA beverage festival. Panelists include Counterculture Club founder Molly Ruggere, Jacob Virgil, Director of Strategic development at Noda Brewing, Miranda Michaels, Events Manager for The Mule and Devils Foot Beverage Company and Corinne Brown, the founder of Be Refreshed Beverage Company. Tune in to hear a wide range discussion on the topic of NA beverage and NA culture. 

    Thank you to our sponsor:

    Bonbuz: https://bonbuz.com/

    "Hearing Those Not Heard" w/ Liz Plank

    "Hearing Those Not Heard" w/ Liz Plank

    Liz is an award-winning journalist, international bestselling author and has been the executive producer and host of several critically acclaimed digital series at Vox Media and NBC News. She hosts Synced, a podcast with Monica Padman and Dax Shepard and the Man Enough podcast with Justin Baldoni and Jamey Heath where they interview influential figures about their journey to manhood.

    Her critically acclaimed book “For The Love of Men: a Vision for Mindful Masculinity” was featured in VogueEsquirePlayboy, ELLE Magazine, GQ, NPR, The Washington Post on Morning Joe and on Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert.

    She is the CEO of Liz Plank Productions and is a columnist for MSNBC and has been listed as one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30, Mediaite’s Most Influential in News Media, and Marie Claire’s Most Powerful Women, and was named one of the World’s Most Influential People in Gender Policy by Apolitical. She’s built a loyal following across social media platforms, but her proudest accomplishment remains being blocked by the 45th president of the United States.

    Robbie's co-host today is former guest and friend of the podcast, Sarah Olin.  Sarah Olin is the founder and CEO of Luscious Mother, whose mission is to support women in their pursuit and creation of great lives – however they define them. Robbie and Sarah go deep with Liz and shed light on the many passions that drive Liz to be one of the most powerful forces in the world of journalism today.

    Thank you to our sponsor:

    Bonbuz: https://bonbuz.com/

    “Out With the Old, In With the New” w/ Ditched the Drink founder, Heather Lowe

    “Out With the Old, In With the New” w/ Ditched the Drink founder, Heather Lowe

    Ditched the Drink is a wellness company dedicated to helping professionals drink less before it gets worse. Heather provides content, knowledge, coaching, and education to individuals and organizations seeking to be more alcohol free. Heather is passionate about coaching, connecting people with alcohol free resources, and creating a positive sober community. Tune in as Robbie and Heather have an enjoyable conversation around all things alcohol, alcohol-free, and the freedom from alcohol.

    Thank you to our sponsor:

    Bonbuz: https://bonbuz.com/


    “Exploring Emotional Health” w/ Miles Adcox

    “Exploring Emotional Health” w/ Miles Adcox

    Miles Adcox is a speaker, thought leader, advocate, advisor, and entrepreneur in the emotional wellness space. He is the Chairman and Owner of Onsite, an internationally-known emotional wellness lifestyle brand that delivers life-changing personal growth workshops, digital mental health master classes, emotionally smart leadership retreats, and residential emotional wellness and trauma treatment. Tune in to hear Patrick and Robbie have an in-depth conversation with Miles around his personal journey that led to this passion, Onsite, and all things emotional wellness.


    Morgan brings back relationship moderator, and Author, Dr. Andre Blaylock

    Morgan brings back relationship moderator, and Author, Dr. Andre Blaylock

    Returning for another empowering, thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Blaylock, the author, internationally recognized community strategist, widely-acclaimed relationship moderator, and Host of The Hot Seat Challenge talk show. Discussing the dynamics of Emotional Immaturity and Maturity.

    Introducing the "Good Morning Black People" podcast, where we're here to bring you that extra boost of positive energy to help you conquer your day like the incredible Black queen or king that you are! 💪🏾✨

    Get ready to conquer the world, one "Good Morning Black People" episode at a time! 🎙️🔥✊🏾 

    Morgan sits down with Motivational speaker and Illusionist Tom Coverly

    Morgan sits down with Motivational speaker and Illusionist Tom Coverly

    Tom Coverly is a talk show host (NFLNCD), professional comedian, magician and motivational speaker. Tom has performed live on stage for over 4 millions people around the world headlining several tours. He is the most requested motivational entertainer in America and recently nominated for the motivational & inspirational award for the Cheer Choice Awards at the MGM Grand in Vegas. Tom has been seen on TV (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, Access Hollywood) and heard on numerous radio stations around the country sharing his story.

    Introducing the "Good Morning Black People" podcast, where we're here to bring you that extra boost of positive energy to help you conquer your day like the incredible Black queen or king that you are! 💪🏾✨

    Get ready to conquer the world, one "Good Morning Black People" episode at a time! 🎙️🔥✊🏾 

    #1 Vincent Aubert - De freelance à directeur d'agence

    #1 Vincent Aubert - De freelance à directeur d'agence

    Vincent Aubert n'était pas forcément destiné à être producteur. À vrai dire, quand il a commencé comme professeur au lycée, il n'aurait jamais pensé qu'un jour, il deviendrait directeur d'une agence de pub spécialisée dans le Web.

    Dans cet épisode, je voulais partir des fondamentaux et comprendre comment, de vidéaste freelance, on arrive à être directeur d'agence. Avec des contrats à plusieurs centaines de milliers d'euros et une équipe à plein temps, Vincent nous raconte son parcours et nous donne ses typses pour se lancer.

    #64_Pierre Martin Oriol_Vidéo designer et photographe_Archiver le quotidien

    #64_Pierre Martin Oriol_Vidéo designer et photographe_Archiver le quotidien

    Aujourd'hui, j'ai la joie de vous emmener à la rencontre de Pierre Martin Oriol, vidéo designer et photographe. Pierre dit de lui qu'il fait des vidéos, qu'il fait des photos, cette notion de faire est le fil rouge de notre conversation. Avec Pierre nous sommes remontés loin dans le temps, nous avons parlé de nos adolescences mais aussi de transmission, de vivre ses rêves et d'expérimenter. 


    Nous avons enregistré notre conversation pendant l'été et j'étais bien malade, je vous prie de m'excuser pour ma voix légèrement éraillée. 


    Si vous avez aimé cette conversation et que vous avez envie de soutenir ce travail qu'est la création d'un podcast, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner sur votre plateforme d'écoute, à le noter, à laisser un commentaire et à le partager autour de vous, c'est par ces actions que le podcast sera visible alors merci à vous ! 


    Maintenant je laisse la place à Pierre et à cette belle conversation que nous avons eu le plaisir d'enregistrer ensemble. 


    Sa recommandation de livre: Mon combat (6 tomes), Karl Ove Knausgard 


    Sa recommandation d'invité : Tony Melvil, auteur, compositeur, interprète  

    La photo de cover du podcast est du talentueux Thomas Pinte.

    Morgan sits down with Minister, Author, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, and teacher Elder Paula Inniss

    Morgan sits down with Minister, Author, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, and teacher Elder Paula Inniss

    Elder Inniss, Author of Wind of God blow, believes and teaches that regardless of a person’s background or past mistakes, God has a place for them.  She understands; she’s been there, and she knows how to get out!  Her story is one of tragedy and triumph, poverty and prosperity.

    She gets' up close and personal about her journey dealing with domestic violence, and how her faith allowed her another chance at life.  Today, Elder Inniss, shares her heart with others who may need guidance and wisdom on being free from all things that have hurt people lives, and blocked them from living the life that God has destined. She has a passion to see God’s people set free.

    Introducing the "Good Morning Black People" podcast, where we're here to bring you that extra boost of positive energy to help you conquer your day like the incredible Black queen or king that you are! 💪🏾✨

    Get ready to conquer the world, one "Good Morning Black People" episode at a time! 🎙️🔥✊🏾