

    Explore "真主黨" with insightful episodes like "中東局勢升溫?美國:首要防以哈衝突擴大!停火難?以色列:哈瑪斯立場改變才能進展!(2024/02/15)", "中東衝突擴大?以黎邊境升溫!紅海商船又遭襲! 南北韓緊張?北韓連三日砲擊!南韓嗆緩衝區不存在!(2024/1/10)", "EP127(完)【康軒社會xLife~生活誌】哈瑪斯背後的金主為何?到底資助了哪些相關組織?|「不死不休」?以巴衝突冤冤相報何時了?能有解決的一天嗎?", "以色列「屠殺式反攻」哈佛生連署究責遭CEO封殺 台積電龍潭廠不蓋了有疑點|1030" and "以哈衝突的本質是什麼?|#明居正 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20231028" from podcasts like ""有話好說", "有話好說", "Life~生活誌", "小編沒收工-Today is my day" and "華視三國演議"" and more!

    Episodes (22)


    👤來賓: 林子立(東海大學政治系副教授) 沈明室(國防安全研究院國家安全所所長) 吳崇涵(政治大學外交學系教授) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB YT 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk #PTStalk#有話好說#論壇節目#張志雄 #PTS#PTSNEWS#公視新聞#公共電視#公視

    中東衝突擴大?以黎邊境升溫!紅海商船又遭襲! 南北韓緊張?北韓連三日砲擊!南韓嗆緩衝區不存在!(2024/1/10)

    中東衝突擴大?以黎邊境升溫!紅海商船又遭襲! 南北韓緊張?北韓連三日砲擊!南韓嗆緩衝區不存在!(2024/1/10)
    👤來賓 翁明賢(淡江大學國際事務與戰略所榮譽教授) 林子立(東海大學政治系副教授) 吳崇涵(政治大學外交學系教授) 💬 週一到週四晚間 8 點,也歡迎到 FB YT 收看直播,參與線上討論,有空一起來聊聊! ___ 更多新聞與資訊請上👇 ▎有話好說官網|http://talk.news.pts.org.tw/ ▎公視新聞網 | http://news.pts.org.tw/ 📢關注議題,開啟對話 💪陪我們繼續做不一樣的論壇節目~ ▎訂閱《有話好說》|https://bit.ly/34xc9Vh ▎按讚有話 FB|https://www.facebook.com/PTStalks/ ▎追蹤有話 IG |https://www.instagram.com/pts.talk/ ▎有話,用聽的|https://link.chtbl.com/ptstalk #PTStalk #有話好說#論壇節目#張志雄 #PTS#PTSNEWS#公視新聞#公共電視#公視


    ※※本集節目感謝康軒文教事業贊助播出※※ 這集我們會談到: 1.哈瑪斯發動此次攻擊的主要原因為何?? 2.反抗以色列的國家有哪些?可藉此次衝突彼此連結? 3.何謂「亞伯拉罕協議」?以色列逐漸與各國關係正常化? 4.伊朗早期與以色列「暗通款曲」?後期角色為何轉換? 5.伊朗政變後開始到處輸出伊斯蘭革命,做了哪些事情? 6.第六次中東戰爭可能開打嗎?各國背後的想法為何? 7.巴勒斯坦人民為何支持哈瑪斯?法塔赫有何執政包袱? 8.為何無法寬容?身家財產的損失能否看淡或放下? 9.2021年以巴衝突的原因為何?謝赫賈拉區爭議? 10.支持以色列與巴勒斯坦方分別有何種想法呢? 11.俄羅斯對此次以巴衝突抱持何種立場?原因為何? 12.以色列對俄烏戰爭原先立場如何?如今有何改變? 【背景介紹】 亞伯拉罕協議(英語:Abraham Accords)是以色列、阿拉伯聯合大公國和美國於2020年8月13日達成的聯合聲明。隨後以色列與阿拉伯聯合大公國之間的協議(以阿和平協議)和巴林之間的協議(巴林-以色列和平協議)也被視為亞伯拉罕協議的一部分。該聲明標誌著阿拉伯世界與以色列自約以和約簽訂以來再次正常化雙邊關係…..。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast

    以色列「屠殺式反攻」哈佛生連署究責遭CEO封殺 台積電龍潭廠不蓋了有疑點|1030

    以色列「屠殺式反攻」哈佛生連署究責遭CEO封殺 台積電龍潭廠不蓋了有疑點|1030
    以色列猛烈轟炸反擊哈瑪斯,圍困加薩更受到國際譴責,美國哈佛大學的學生團體連署究責,遭到數名CEO永不錄用。台積電則宣布放棄進駐桃園龍潭,改落腳台中,引發一連串的話題….. 🤩來Discord找小編們玩耍👉🏻https://reurl.cc/MR82QK 主持人:ETtoday晚班記者Ashley、鉄雄、蔡西 📣 來IG和鉄雄Ashley聊天 https://bit.ly/30xCKCt 🌝 請小編喝豆漿 https://bit.ly/2ZxkQz5 🤝 乾爹乾媽邀約合作請洽 podcast@ettoday.net

    以哈衝突的本質是什麼?|#明居正 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20231028

    以哈衝突的本質是什麼?|#明居正 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20231028
    以哈衝突的本質是恐怖行動?是代理人戰爭?或是民族解放運動呢?美國的中東政策受挫、未來展望又是如何?中國會趁機挑起動亂,取代俄國、拖垮美國嗎?中、俄、伊朗聯手的操作會影響美國的印太戰略?或者其實只是大國博弈各懷鬼胎!而從烏俄戰爭到以哈衝突,看到烏克蘭和以色列陸續遭到中國背信忘義,中共算計更勝猶太人,玩弄以阿於股掌之間?毛澤東說過:天下大亂、形勢大好,是誰在唯恐天下不亂?! 精彩訪談內容,請鎖定@華視三國演議! 本集來賓:#明居正 #矢板明夫 主持人:#汪浩 以上言論不代表本台立場 #哈瑪斯 #以色列 #兩國方案 #加薩 電視播出時間 📺華視主頻12頻道 首播 週一、週二 06:00 📡華視新聞資訊台52頻道 首播 週六、週日15:00 📱YouTube三國演議頻道 首映 週六、週日15:00 請鎖定 @華視三國演議 專屬YT頻道: https://pse.is/cts3scompany_YT 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cts3scompany APPLE Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_AP Google Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_GP


    ※※本集節目感謝康軒文教事業贊助播出※※ 這集我們會談到: 1.面對英、法、以的攻擊,埃及的人民如何反應? 2.「巷戰」有多麼難打?為何以色列極力避免發生巷戰? 3.蘇伊士運河危機到了聯合國後面臨何種狀況? 4.第二次以阿戰爭中,得到好處的有哪些國家呢? 5.第三次以阿戰爭的發起者為何國?後續如何發展? 6.以色列六日即贏得戰爭,戰爭導致領土極大化?? 7.六日戰爭後,巴解移到哪裡?卻發生何種事件? 8.巴解外移後,為何引發地主國的衝突或內戰? 9.巴解組織在那些因素考量之下最終決定和談? 10.1990年代,以巴衝突如何迎來和平的曙光? 11.以巴和談因為哪些事情的發生而無法維持? 12.巴勒斯坦內部為何會分裂成兩種不同派別? 13.激進的哈瑪斯為何能在巴勒坦獲得人民的認同? 【背景介紹】 第三次以阿戰爭、第三次中東戰爭,阿拉伯國家方面稱六月戰爭,亦稱六·五戰爭、六天戰爭,發生在1967年6月初,是「先發制人」戰爭的一個典範。它發生在以色列國和毗鄰的埃及、敘利亞及約旦等阿拉伯國家之間。戰爭從6月5日開始,共進行了六天,結果埃及、約旦和敘利亞聯軍被以色列徹底打敗,是20世紀軍事史上最具有壓倒性結局的戰爭之一…..。 請贊助我一杯咖啡,感謝您的贊助,讓我們能走得更遠、更久💕 →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f7e7e438-ba35-4962-85bb-8747fdea113b 【主持人】Joe、Anna、Fana ※追蹤、訂閱《Life~生活誌》 IG:lifejournal_podcast 業務合作:redstong@msn.com 各大平台節目連結:https://linktr.ee/life_podcast

    【2023/10/26 國際新聞】紐約警方破獲地下毒品組織 大量毒品價值超過400萬美元/日本最高法院裁定法律上性別變更得先絕育違憲

    【2023/10/26 國際新聞】紐約警方破獲地下毒品組織 大量毒品價值超過400萬美元/日本最高法院裁定法律上性別變更得先絕育違憲
    本日新聞重點: 📌紐約警方捕獲地下毒品組織 大量毒品價值超過400萬美元 📌日本最高法院裁定法規變更性別須先手術宣告違憲 📌真主黨領導人與哈瑪斯、伊斯蘭聖戰組織高層會面 📌美眾院新任議長出爐 「國會台灣連線」成員強生當選 📌美國爆發槍擊案 造成至少22死50人傷 🎤製作播報:藍衣涵、劉可媺 🎬監製編審:陳采妍 🎈如果喜歡我們,可以關注我們的IG: https://bit.ly/Instagram_TheTaiwanTimes 💰也可以請我們喝杯咖啡: https://bit.ly/support_TheTaiwanTimes 願世界看見台灣,願台灣走入世界

    陸海空備戰!以轟黎巴嫩警告真主黨 衝突燒向法!恐攻炸彈威脅警戒升級|方念華|FOCUS全球新聞 20231016

    陸海空備戰!以轟黎巴嫩警告真主黨 衝突燒向法!恐攻炸彈威脅警戒升級|方念華|FOCUS全球新聞 20231016
    【微軟以687億美元 收購動視暴雪】 微軟以687億美元收購動視暴雪,近二年調查,終於獲得英國批准;競爭對手Sony,推出全新電玩遙控器,圓盤型設計,專為身障玩家量身打造;另外,復古街機風格當道,全新橄欖球遊戲上線。 1970年代喜劇"三人行"中,飾演金髮甜姐兒的蘇珊薩默斯,因乳癌病逝家中,享壽76歲;蘇珊薩默斯演戲唱歌主持三棲,還轉戰商界,也是暢銷書作家。 東京築地市場,五年前將拍賣場搬遷到豐洲,留在原地的外市場,仍吸引大批國際觀光客造訪,店家還推出專為外國旅客開設的料理教室和體驗行程。

    中兩面操弄以巴|美無暇兼顧台海?|#宋國誠 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20231014

    中兩面操弄以巴|美無暇兼顧台海?|#宋國誠 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20231014
    全球關注以巴戰火!也要了解衝突背後、美中在中東地區的博弈!美國從伊拉克和阿富汗撤軍後,致力推動阿拉伯國家與以色列建立正常外交關係,以巴衝突意味美國在中東的和平努力受挫嗎?而中國近年也在中東擴張影響力,透過大力支持伊朗、敘利亞、巴勒斯坦自治政府,間接援助哈馬斯和黎巴嫩真主黨等恐怖組織,同時拉攏其它海灣阿拉伯國家,並與以色列交好,中國真能四面討好、漁翁得利?落實「兩國方案」就能解決以巴衝突嗎?! 精彩訪談內容,請鎖定@華視三國演議! 本集來賓:#宋國誠 #矢板明夫 主持人:#汪浩 以上言論不代表本台立場 #以巴戰爭 #加薩走廊 #中東危機 #兩國論 電視播出時間 📺華視主頻12頻道 首播 週一、週二 06:00 📡華視新聞資訊台52頻道 首播 週六、週日15:00 📱YouTube三國演議頻道 首映 週六、週日 15:00 請鎖定 @華視三國演議 專屬YT頻道: https://pse.is/cts3scompany_YT 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cts3scompany APPLE Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_AP Google Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_GP


    哈馬斯閃電進犯恐攻,以色列火速召集大軍反擊,列強都在觀望時機,更大衝突箭在弦上,但背後到底是誰在搞鬼?影子戰爭越演越烈,除了伊朗、俄羅斯……中國又是你!你也有份! 而中國積極布局中東,除了支援伊朗外,還與巴勒斯坦發表共同聲明宣告要建立戰略夥伴關係,一個邪惡軸心國已然成形撼動美國領導地位,美國將如何反制? 台灣竟是以色列的第十大出口國,兩國在半導體產業上其實超級像,且除了Intel以外,Nvidia也在以色列布局投資!Dov Frohman又是為什麼可以被稱為「以色列張忠謀」? 在戰火影響下,國際經濟情勢將被如何牽動?以色列央行拋售美元拯救幣值、以色列股市重挫、石油危機似要重演,我們從中又可以見到什麼投資的機會呢? 以色列、阿拉伯世界大戰一觸即發,邪惡軸心國蠢蠢欲動。想知道到底誰在搞鬼,世界政經局勢獨家大解密,快收看Emmy追劇時間! 成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUkwvRrpvWkocNdk9qIpRSw/join 👇👇更多精彩影片就在這👇👇 【 中國為何不敢打?秒懂台灣超強刺蝟島戰術!】中共解放軍超怕攻台!千億預算千枚新飛彈交貨!航太展中科院狂秀肌肉,世界各國驚艷波蘭搶買雄三!天弓三超帥!新型無人機大秀,萬劍彈癱瘓敵軍機場!|國際政經94 https://youtu.be/__DSXulFihE?si=cIqZhqchTvvuwRLA 震驚!台灣竟讓韓國成為全球第四軍火大國?空軍IDF經國號工程師大跳槽,南韓KAI航空宇宙公司撿到寶,T-50金鷹教練機外銷各國賣爆!漢翔工業落寞二十年,台灣國機國造能再起飛嗎?國際政經87 https://youtu.be/VP6W0MreKnw?si=CUT-QAlk602JijPu 李登輝攔下張忠謀保住半導體護國神山台積電!戒急用忍、反服貿運動成為台灣逆轉大勝韓國關鍵!文在寅親中搞出數千億貿易逆差,中韓FTA讓韓國三星等大企業崩潰|國際政經64|中國仆街67|半導體爭霸47 https://youtu.be/WV0X0AbkhBY?si=BfvoR1LtIsmyi5_O 台灣怎麼這麼強!?台積電拯救全球軍用半導體大缺貨!烏克蘭存亡關鍵!影響全球戰爭局勢!教訓習近平私下軍援俄國普丁,拜登讓蔡英文訪美!AMD蘇姿丰FPGA晶片萬眾矚目|半導體爭霸43|國際政經52 https://youtu.be/fO4CGrvl3wI?si=HMcgsqMIhYqF_xhy 華為任正非被美國痛揍制裁,大女兒孟晚舟被加拿大拘留竟表演服裝秀,小女兒姚安娜出道當明星!華為家族有病還是故意?中國5G產業還能起死回生嗎?|中國仆街 10 https://youtu.be/nWJhi3bMK2E?si=6v_aB_R2ICwfhgiQ 🔔 Youtube【追劇時間Emmy】:https://reurl.cc/WE23E7 👍 Facebook【Emmy 追劇時間粉絲團】:https://reurl.cc/4y0aaV ❤ Podcast【Emmy追劇時間】:https://reurl.cc/depEDy

    以巴血戰史上最慘一天 細數「千年恩仇」原因…怎麼變成死敵的?|1013

    以巴血戰史上最慘一天 細數「千年恩仇」原因…怎麼變成死敵的?|1013
    巴勒斯坦激進組織「哈瑪斯」10/7無預警大舉突襲以色列,加薩走廊百年來的煙硝重新點燃,爆發50年來最嚴重的武裝衝突….. 🤩來Discord找小編們玩耍👉🏻https://reurl.cc/MR82QK 主持人:ETtoday晚班記者Ashley、鉄雄、蔡西 📣 來IG和鉄雄Ashley聊天 https://bit.ly/30xCKCt 🌝 請小編喝豆漿 https://bit.ly/2ZxkQz5 🤝 乾爹乾媽邀約合作請洽 podcast@ettoday.net


    【2021/11/01國際新聞】 · 拜登社會支出法案大縮水!週二與基建法案闖關國會 · 波灣四國召回駐貝魯特使節!黎巴嫩閣員失言釀外交危機 · G20推動煤炭退場機制 遭印俄中澳重要出口國反對 · 日本國會大選結果出爐 執政聯盟取得絕對安定多數! · 西班牙騎士法保障外送員勞權 撼動餐飲外送市場! 🎤製作播報:陳威廷 🎬監製編審:呂若晴 本集資料來源:Axios、Asahi Shimbun、CNBC、NBC News、Politico、RFI、Reuters、SMH、The Storm Media、UDN 本集音樂來源:https://youtu.be/bjuCLLqlGcs 🎈如果喜歡我們,可以關注我們的IG:https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwantimes_tw/?hl=zh-tw 💰也可以請我們喝杯咖啡 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2d7f1c9e-52c7-4814-a0f9-baa35e338904 願世界看見台灣,願台灣走入世界

    【中天全球現場】1015 默德納加強劑 FDA建議65歲以上打 貝魯特街頭示威變槍戰

    【中天全球現場】1015 默德納加強劑 FDA建議65歲以上打 貝魯特街頭示威變槍戰
    🔊美國 美國食藥署FDA專家顧問小組,一致表決通過,建議為65歲以上及重症高風險群體施打莫德納疫苗加強劑。如果FDA批准莫德納加強劑,美國疾病防治中心CDC將就哪些對象應接種加強劑,提出具體建議。CDC顧問小組訂在下星期周開會討論。除了65歲以上及重症高風險群體外,FDA專家小組還投票建議授權18歲到64歲,因為工作而有頻繁暴露在感染新冠病毒風險的個人,接種第3劑莫德納。第3劑的接種時間必須在接種第2劑的至少6個月後。 🔊黎巴嫩 黎巴嫩首都貝魯特,真主黨在司法院外集結示威,抗議調查去年港口大爆炸事件的首席法官,要求罷免法官,指控他有政見偏見。結果抗爭演變成槍戰,至少6人死亡,60多人受傷,原本什葉派與基督教地區之間的緊張局勢就很高,代理總理米卡蒂呼籲各方保持冷靜,要民眾不要被捲入內亂。科威特外交部聲明,呼籲公民離開黎巴嫩,並要求有意前往黎巴嫩的人先等等。卡達駐貝魯特大使館也發布類似公告。美國拒絕評論該為這件事負責,但是重申美國對真主黨的立場。 🔊世貿-美國 在美國前總統川普時期,美國曾經阻止派任世貿組織上訴機構法官,使得世貿爭端解決機制,在2019年12月徹底停擺。美國貿易代表戴琪,在世貿組織日內瓦貿易平台,發表演說表示,美國希望緩和與世貿的關係,並改善化解貿易衝突的方法。但是認為世貿也必須要有彈性,就能成功改革這個談判的支柱。 🔊聯合國 聯合國大會選舉美國加入設在瑞士日內瓦的人權理事會。3年多前,前美國總統川普,以對以色列的長期偏見和缺乏改革為理由,宣布美國退出人權理事會。美國在由193個成員國組成的聯合國大會不記名投票中獲得168票,將在1月1號展開為期3年的任期,與北京及莫斯科展開對抗。 更多完整新聞請看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu_BJKxqGnk 全球大視野主持人林嘉源強力推薦 【全球大視野】頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwt1aanVMoPYUt_CQYCPQg 中天聽友 優惠看這裡: 重要新聞不漏接 聰明消費快點購 全球大視野聽眾專屬優惠,#超殺折扣 就是要幫您省荷包 🛍️挺又正買起來:Jvita全能蜂膠濃萃膠囊超值優惠👉 http://cti.news/AT075k 🛍️快點購👉http://cti.news/AN001c 🛍️快點購【PP波瑟楓妮】"懶人"塑崩褲👉 https://reurl.cc/Nr6MAe 🛍️【Jvita】全能蜂膠濃萃膠囊、商品專區👉http://cti.news/AA062c 🛍️中天文創商品專區(多款設計帆布袋、系列馬克杯)👉http://cti.news/AA044c 👉成為中天會員,幫助我們成長!

    2021.08.29 國際新聞導讀-拜登見以色列總理班耐特暢談多項議題、塔利班是否能搞定伊斯蘭國不再攻擊令人懷疑、真主黨打算接管黎巴嫩能源供應並從伊朗搞來更多汽油柴油

    2021.08.29 國際新聞導讀-拜登見以色列總理班耐特暢談多項議題、塔利班是否能搞定伊斯蘭國不再攻擊令人懷疑、真主黨打算接管黎巴嫩能源供應並從伊朗搞來更多汽油柴油
    2021.08.29 國際新聞導讀-拜登見以色列總理班耐特暢談多項議題、塔利班是否能搞定伊斯蘭國不再攻擊令人懷疑、真主黨打算接管黎巴嫩能源供應並從伊朗搞來更多汽油柴油 貝內特:拜登愛以色列;Delta變種被打敗後我邀請他去拜訪 PM告訴記者,他發現美國總統在“精彩的會議”中非常“關注我們的需求”;讚揚他遏制伊朗的承諾,但警告說:“時間不多了” 通過拉扎爾·伯曼和雅各布·馬吉德今天,上午 12:34 2021 年 8 月 27 日,總理納夫塔利·貝內特(右)和美國總統喬·拜登在白宮私人總統餐廳喝咖啡。(白宮/推特) 華盛頓——總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 週五表示,在與美國總統喬·拜登 (Joe Biden) 會晤期間,他邀請他在大流行消退後訪問以色列。 “在我們擊敗德爾塔變種後,我邀請總統訪問以色列,”貝內特在向與他一起前往華盛頓的以色列記者的簡報中說。以色列一直在推動第三次注射助推器以克服可能破壞疫苗接種運動取得的進展的變體方面處於領先地位。 貝內特強調他與拜登的會晤進展順利。 “這是一次美妙的會議,尤其是一對一的會議,”他說。“這主要是一次工作會議。有一種感覺,我們已經認識很久了。我找到了一位熱愛以色列的領導者,他清楚地知道自己想要什麼,並且關注我們的需求。” 總理說,即使在喀布爾爆炸迫使原定於週四舉行的會議取消之後,拜登仍堅持要確保它仍然發生並重新安排在第二天。 貝內特說:“我真的很感謝總統和他的全體工作人員決心召開這次會議,”他稱讚拜登政府“在復雜的美國事件的高峰期表現出的關注和專注”。 總理說,他很高興聽到拜登堅持認為伊朗永遠不會獲得核武器。 廣告 “拜登總統和我都決心伊朗永遠不會擁有核武器。我很高興我們就目標達成一致。我們的員工將在未來幾天、幾周和幾個月內努力開發合作渠道,”他說。 “但我必須說時間不多了。這個話題很緊迫,不能被擱置一旁,”貝內特補充道。 在兩人在橢圓形辦公室發表的公開講話中,拜登仍然澄清說,他更喜歡通過外交途徑來阻止伊朗獲得炸彈的道路,即恢復聯合全​​面行動計劃。但是,他表示,如果這些談判失敗,將尋求“其他選擇”。 後來被問及其他選項的含義,白宮新聞秘書 Jen Psaki 拒絕詳細說明。以色列一直在敦促美國在談判遏制其核努力的同時,將對伊朗提出“可信的軍事威脅”。 拜登在持續約 50 分鐘的一對一會談後與貝內特一起對記者說,兩位領導人的團隊將討論“我們在美國對以色列安全的堅定承諾”以及“方式”。促進以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的和平與安全。” 拜登補充說,美國支持以色列與其阿拉伯和穆斯林鄰國發展“更深層次的關係”,儘管他沒有使用“亞伯拉罕協議”一詞,這似乎是政府對前任政府調解的交易的政策。 廣告 這位美國領導人還承諾補充以色列的鐵穹導彈防禦系統,該系統在 5 月與加沙哈馬斯的 11 天沖突中被大量使用。他說他會指示他的團隊努力讓以色列加入美國免簽證計劃,“並完成這項工作。” 貝內特感謝拜登對以色列的支持,尤其是在五月衝突期間。 “那才是真正考驗友誼的地方,”他說。“而且以色列知道,我們在世界上沒有比美利堅合眾國更好或更可靠的盟友。” 他回到了他在訪問期間所表達的主題,即以色列政府將帶著“新的善意精神……希望、正派和誠實的精神、團結和兩黨合作的精神”到來。 他說以色列看起來在世界上做好事,但補充說“在我們地區,做好事是不夠的”,理由是伊斯蘭國、真主黨、伊斯蘭聖戰組織、哈馬斯和伊朗民兵構成的威脅。 “以色列必須強大才能做好事……我們在世界上最艱難的地區,一刻也不能忘記。” 他感謝拜登“再次幫助鞏固以色列的戰略優勢”。 納夫塔利·貝內特總理於 2021 年 8 月 27 日在白宮會見美國總統喬·拜登。 (GPO) 兩位領導人開始聲明,承認伊斯蘭國星期四在阿富汗喀布爾發動的致命恐怖襲擊導致數十名阿富汗人和至少 13 名美國軍人死亡。拜登說,“我們的心與所有在阿富汗失去的人同在”,同時誓言要在該國“完成使命”。 拜登說:“總理和我稍微談了談,他是一名軍人,參戰並失去了一個朋友。” 貝內特代表以色列人民向美國表示“哀悼和深切悲傷”。他說,被殺害的美國士兵是為了挽救生命,這是“勇氣和犧牲的真正定義。願他們安息。” 廣告 他說,特別是在這一天,他想強調以色列“始終明確地與美利堅合眾國站在一起”。 貝內特感謝拜登承諾確保伊朗永遠不會獲得核彈,以及如果談判無法達成協議,他願意考慮其他途徑。 兩人還提到了以色列和美國為 COVID-19 接種疫苗的運動,尤其是兩國在加強注射方面所做的努力。以色列幾週前開始進行第三次注射,本週擴大了對 30 歲以上任何人的資格。美國計劃在 9 月中旬開始提供助推器。 注意到他上個月做出的“艱難的決定”,即在其他國家之前率先向以色列人分發第三劑助推劑,貝內特說:“總統先生,我可以向你報告,並向我們幾乎接觸到的每個人報告300 萬以色列人接受了加強注射。最重要的是,它是安全的並且有效。最後,好消息是以色列的潮流正在轉變。” 2021 年 8 月 27 日星期五,納夫塔利·貝內特總理在華盛頓白宮橢圓形辦公室會見美國總統喬·拜登時發表講話。(GPO) 目前尚不清楚貝內特給出的數字來自哪裡,根據衛生部的數據,到目前為止,已經註射了大約 190 萬次加強劑。 在總結他的講話時,貝內特引用了聖經先知以賽亞的話,拜登星期四在喀布爾爆炸後也引用了他的話。 “你要舉目四望,這一切都聚集到你這裡來。耶和華說,在我活著的時候,你要把它們全都給你穿上,好像戴上裝飾品,把它們束起來,像新娘一樣,”他用希伯來語說。 談到翻譯,貝內特開玩笑說:“我現在可以說什麼了,對吧?” 在繼續說:“這 [段落] 的意思是,猶太人的兒女將回到我們的土地上,將照料我們古老的土地並重建它。而這個古老的猶太預言就是今天以色列的現實。這麼多年以來,你一直如此重要,並成為其中的一部分,真是一個奇蹟。” 他補充說:“你和我將在我們兩國友誼的美麗故事中再寫一章。” 拜登指出,感謝貝內特的話,應該歸功於他的前任老闆、前總統巴拉克奧巴馬,他在以色列並不是一個特別受歡迎的人物,“他確保我們致力於實現相對於你的公司的質量優勢。該地區的朋友。所以,他是值得稱讚的人。” Bennett 說:“也謝謝他。” Bennett: Biden loves Israel; I invited him to visit after Delta variant defeated PM tells reporters he found US president very ‘attentive to our needs’ in ‘wonderful meeting;’ praises his commitment to curb Iran, but warns: ‘there isn’t a lot of time’ By LAZAR BERMAN and JACOB MAGIDToday, 12:34 am Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (R) and US President Joe Biden have coffee in the White House private presidential dining hall on Aug. 27, 2021. (White House/Twitter) WASHINGTON — Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Friday that during his meeting with US President Joe Biden he extended an invitation for him to visit Israel after the pandemic has subsided. “I invited the president to Israel after we defeat the Delta variant,” Bennett said in a briefing to the Israeli reporters who traveled with him to Washington. Israel has been leading the way in pushing third-shot boosters to overcome the variant that threatened to undo the progress achieved by the vaccination campaign. Bennett was emphatic about how well his meeting with Biden had gone. “It was a wonderful meeting, especially the one-on-one,” he said. “It was mostly a working meeting. There was a feeling that we’ve known each other for a long time. I found a leader who loves Israel, who knows exactly what he wants, and is attentive to our needs.” The premier said that even after the blast in Kabul forced the cancellation of the meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, Biden had been adamant about making sure it still happened and rescheduling it for the next day. “I am truly grateful to the president and his entire staff for their determination to carry out the meeting,” Bennett said, praising the Biden administration for its “attentiveness and focus at the height of a complex American incident.” The prime minister said he was pleased to hear Biden’s insistence that Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapon. ADVERTISEMENT “Both President Biden and I are determined that Iran won’t ever get a nuclear weapon. I am happy that we agree on the goal. Our staffs will work in the coming days, weeks, and months to develop channels of cooperation,” he said. “But I must say there isn’t a lot of time. The subject is urgent, and cannot be pushed aside,” Bennett added. During public remarks the two gave in the Oval Office, Biden still clarified that he prefers a diplomatic approach to block Iran’s path to the bomb, namely the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. However, he said that “other options” would be pursued if those negotiations failed. Later pressed on what was meant by other options, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki declined to elaborate. Israel has been pushing the US to put a “credible military threat” against Iran on the table while negotiating to curb its nuclear efforts. Speaking along with Bennett to reporters after their one-on-one meeting, which lasted about 50 minutes, Biden said the two leaders’ teams would discuss “the unwavering commitment that we have in the United States to Israel’s security” as well as “ways to advance peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians.” Biden added that the US supported Israel developing “deeper ties” with its Arab and Muslim neighbors, though he did not use the term “Abraham Accords,” as seems to be administration policy toward the deals mediated by the previous administration. ADVERTISEMENT The American leader also committed to replenishing Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, which saw heavy use during May’s 11-day conflict with Hamas in Gaza. And he said he’d direct his team to work toward getting Israel into the US visa waiver program, “and get that done.” Bennett thanked Biden for his support of Israel, especially during the May conflict. “That’s where friendship is really tested,” he said. “And Israel knows that we have no better or more reliable ally in the world than the United States of America.” He returned to the theme he has expressed throughout his visit, that the Israeli government is coming with a “new spirit of goodwill… of hope, a spirit of decency and honesty, a spirit of unity and bipartisanship.” He said that Israel looks to do good in the world, but added that “in our region, doing good is not enough,” citing the threats posed by Islamic State, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Iranian militias. “Israel has to be strong in order to do good… and we cannot lose sight for even one moment that we’re in the toughest neighborhood in the world.” He thanked Biden for “helping yet again to fortify Israel’s strategic advantage.” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett meets with US President Joe Biden in the White House on August 27, 2021. (GPO) Both leaders opened their statements acknowledging Thursday’s deadly terrorist attack by the Islamic State in Kabul, Afghanistan, which led to the deaths of dozens of Afghans and at least 13 US servicemembers. Biden said that “our hearts go out to all those we’ve lost” in Afghanistan while vowing to “complete the mission” in the country. “The prime minister and I talked about it slightly,” said Biden, “and he’s a military man, gone to war and lost a friend.” Bennett offered his “condolences and deep sadness” on behalf of the Israeli people to the US. He said the US soldiers killed were there to save lives and that this was “the very definition of courage and sacrifice. May they rest in peace.” ADVERTISEMENT Especially on this day, he said, he wanted to stress that Israel “always stands together with the United State of America unequivocally.” Bennet thanked Biden for his commitment to ensuring Iran never gets a nuclear bomb, and his openness to considering other paths if talks do not lead to a deal. The two also mentioned the Israeli and American campaigns to vaccinate against COVID-19, and particularly both nations’ efforts to administer booster shots. Israeli began giving third shots several weeks ago and this week widened eligibility to anyone above age 30. The US is planning to start giving boosters in mid-September. Noting the “tough decision” he made last month to pioneer the distribution of a third booster shot for Israelis before other countries did so, Bennett said: “I can report to you, Mr. President, and to everyone that we’ve reached almost three million Israelis that have received the booster shot. And the bottom line is, it’s safe and it works. The good news, finally, is that the tide is turning in Israel.” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks as he meets with US President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, in Washington. (GPO) It was not clear where the figure given by Bennett came from, as according to Health Ministry figures, some 1.9 million boosters have been administered so far. Concluding his remarks, Bennett quoted from the biblical prophet Isaiah, from whom Biden also quoted Thursday following the Kabul blast. “Lift up thine eyes round about and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all as with an ornament, and gird thyself with them, like a bride,” he said in Hebrew. Turning to translate, Bennett joked, “I can say anything now, right?” before going on to say: “What this [passage] means is the sons and daughters of the Jewish people are going to come back to our land, are going to nurse our ancient land and rebuild it. And this ancient Jewish prophecy is today Israel’s reality. And it’s a miracle that you’ve been so central and so part of it for so many years.” He added: “You and I are going to write yet another chapter in the beautiful story of the friendship between our two nations.” Thanking Bennett for his words, Biden noted, that much credit should go to his former boss, ex-president Barack Obama, not an especially popular figure in Israel, “for making sure that we committed to that qualitative edge you would have relative to your friends in the region. So, he’s the one who deserves the credit.” To which Bennett said: “Thank him as well.” 在喀布爾混亂的陰影下,貝內特告訴拜登為什麼美國必須繼續參與該地區 想像一下,整個世界將面臨的“核噩夢”是激進的伊斯蘭主義者獲得炸彈,總理告訴一位被阿富汗動搖和流血的總統 由戴維·霍羅維茨 2021 年 8 月 27 日,晚上 10:16 2021 年 8 月 27 日星期五,美國總統喬·拜登在華盛頓特區白宮橢圓形辦公室會見了總理納夫塔利·貝內特。(美聯社照片/埃文武奇) 從他們的聯合聲明來看,納夫塔利·貝內特總理與美國總統喬·拜登的第一次會面被推遲並被周四喀布爾機場的毀滅性襲擊所蒙上陰影,但與這位以色列新領導人的預期一樣好。 在公共政策目標方面,拜登並沒有在巴勒斯坦問題上讓他感到不安,承諾支持以色列在該地區及其他地區的進一步和平協議,承諾補充以色列的鐵穹供應,重申美國對以色列地區質量軍事優勢的承諾,並強調美國對以色列“不可動搖”的承諾。 至關重要的是,當拜登向關注的世界發誓美國“永遠”不會允許伊朗獲得核武器時,貝內特愉快地聽著。拜登指出,雖然他的政府更願意通過外交來實現這一目標,但它對“如果行不通的其他選擇”持開放態度。 在他們一對一和更廣泛的團隊會議中,貝內特的目標是重塑美國和以色列在伊朗問題上的動態。在他的前任本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)的領導下——他的陰影籠罩在周五的會議上,因為它籠罩著貝內特在他擔任總理的頭幾個月所做的大部分事情——美國和以色列在如何阻止阿亞圖拉方面公開存在分歧。 相比之下,這位新任總理告訴拜登,他帶著一種“新精神”來到華盛頓,包括善意、希望、正派、誠實、團結和兩黨合作。無論 2015 年的核協議是否恢復,他的目標將是將這種新精神轉變為針對德黑蘭政權的複興戰略聯盟——在伊朗越來越接近核協議時就如何應對伊朗達成共識。能力,以及它是否以及何時試圖引爆炸彈。 就個人而言,再次在內塔尼亞胡的陰影下,貝內特在會議上表現出沉著和清晰——他代表所有以色列人對阿富汗的生命損失表示哀悼,強調以色列對拜登長期以來對以色列的支持表示讚賞,並欣然接受支持總統對巴拉克奧巴馬的熱情言辭,因為他確保美國保持以色列對敵人的戰略軍事優勢。 敏銳的是,在美國及其領導層這個嚴峻的一周裡,貝內特還找到了有效的話來強調以色列不會要求來自美國或任何其他國家的軍隊為我們冒生命危險,而是非常依賴美國的外交支持和軍事援助。 廣告 這次會議是 12 年來第一次在白宮舉行的會議,涉及一位不是本傑明內塔尼亞胡的以色列總理。貝內特的父母在美國出生,在對媒體的簡短講話中,他表明,他的前任並不是唯一能在世界舞台上講流利英語的以色列領導人。 2021 年 8 月 27 日星期五,以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特在華盛頓白宮橢圓形辦公室會見總統喬·拜登時發表講話。(美聯社照片/埃文武奇) 對貝內特來說,這次會議在政治上並不是一場本壘打。原定的周四峰會恰逢國內黃金時段晚間新聞發布。星期五的延遲和可以理解的較短會議在以色列安息日之前開始,在安息日開始之後向媒體播放了聯合講話。 因此,考慮到他領導的是相對較小的政黨 Yamina,貝內特 (Bennett) 成為總理的道路特別不可能,他錯過了給選民和潛在選民留下深刻印象的機會:他是東正教,他們中的大多數是東正教,他們不會違反安息日看他在電視上直播。 2021 年 8 月 26 日喀布爾機場外發生兩起致命爆炸後,志願者和醫務人員從醫院外的一輛皮卡車上卸下屍體。(Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) 然而,對總理和以色列國來說,最重要的不是周五峰會的公開情況,甚至不是幕後達成的共識。相反,它與美國在這個重要盟友參與該地區的關鍵時刻的政策和行動有關。 貝內特正在會見一位陷入美國從阿富汗撤軍的致命災難中的總統。政府越來越未能執行遠程有序的撤離,這本身就是其嚴重未能預測這種撤離將如何發生的後果,正在嚴重削弱其在美國的朋友和敵人以及我們之間的可信度。 貝內特和拜登公開慶祝他們的新友誼,並承諾我們國家對彼此的承諾。但是,即使在美國成為當前這一致命、痛苦事件的核心之前,美國在世界這一地區的參與的性質就已經發生了變化,現在不確定性和擔憂更加嚴重。 廣告 喬·拜登總統於 2021 年 8 月 27 日星期五在華盛頓白宮橢圓形辦公室會見以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特時聆聽。(美聯社照片/埃文武奇) 貝內特在他的言論中煞費苦心地強調,以色列被尋求殲滅的敵人包圍,“哪怕一刻都不能忽視我們身處世界上最艱難的地區。” 但他也試圖就美國在面臨極端主義敵人(伊朗等國家和伊斯蘭聖戰組織等恐怖組織)的威脅時的福祉提出類似觀點,他指出,“這些日子說明了什麼?如果一個激進的伊斯蘭政權獲得了核武器,世界就會變成這樣:這場婚姻對整個世界來說將是一場核噩夢。” 總理敦促總統不要讓美國背棄這個地區——為了以色列,但同時也強調,為了美國。如果他們週五的會談有助於讓拜登和他的團隊相信這一持久的共同要求,那將真正取得成功。 In shadow of Kabul chaos, Bennett tells Biden why US must stay engaged in region Imagine the ‘nuclear nightmare’ the whole world would face were radical Islamists to acquire the bomb, the PM tells a president shaken and bloodied by Afghanistan By DAVID HOROVITZ 27 August 2021, 10:16 pm US President Joe Biden meets with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in the Oval Office of the White House, on Friday, August 27, 2021, in Washington, DC. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) To judge by their joint statements, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s first meeting with US President Joe Biden, delayed and utterly overshadowed by the devastating attack at Kabul airport on Thursday, went just about as well as could be expected for the rookie Israeli leader. In terms of public policy goals, Biden didn’t discomfit him on the Palestinian issue, pledged support for further Israeli peace deals in the region and beyond, promised to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome supplies, restated the US commitment to Israel’s regional qualitative military edge, and stressed the “unshakeable” American commitment to Israel. Crucially, Bennett listened happily as Biden vowed to the watching world that the US would “never” allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. While his administration preferred to achieve this via diplomacy, Biden noted, it was open to “other options if that doesn’t work out.” In their one-on-one and wider team meetings, Bennett will have been aiming to remake the American-Israeli dynamic on Iran. Under his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu — whose shadow loomed over Friday’s meeting, as it looms over most everything Bennett does in these first months of his prime ministership — the US and Israel were openly at odds about how to stop the ayatollahs. The fresh prime minister, by contrast, told Biden he had come to Washington with a “new spirit” encompassing goodwill, hope, decency, honesty, unity and bipartisanship. And his goal will have been to turn that new spirit into a revived strategic alliance against the regime in Tehran, whether or not the 2015 nuclear deal is revived — with joint understandings on how to deal with Iran as it moves ever-closer to a nuclear capability, and if and when it tries to break out to the bomb. Personally, again in the shadow of Netanyahu, Bennett demonstrated poise and articulacy in the meeting — setting the appropriate tone with his condolences on behalf of all Israelis for the loss of life in Afghanistan, stressing Israel’s appreciation for Biden’s longstanding support of Israel, and readily endorsing the president’s warm words for Barack Obama as the man to thank for ensuring that the US maintains Israel’s strategic military advantage over its enemies. Astutely, in this grim week for the US and its leadership, Bennett also found effective words to highlight that Israel does not ask troops from America or any other country to put their lives on the line for us, but does depend profoundly on American diplomatic support and military assistance. ADVERTISEMENT This meeting was the first at the White House in over 12 years involving an Israeli premier whose name is not Benjamin Netanyahu. In their brief remarks to the press, Bennett, whose parents were born in the US, demonstrated that his predecessor is not the only Israeli leader who can manage fluent English on the world stage. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks as he meets with President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Politically for Bennett, the meeting wasn’t quite a home run. The intended Thursday summit would have coincided with the primetime evening news back home. Friday’s delayed and understandably shorter session began just before Shabbat in Israel, and the joint remarks to the media were broadcast after Shabbat had begun here. Thus Bennett, whose path to the premiership was particularly improbable given that he heads the relatively small political party Yamina, missed the opportunity to impress his voters and potential voters: He’s Orthodox, most of them are Orthodox, and they would not have been breaching the Sabbath to see him live on TV. Volunteers and medical staff unload bodies from a pickup truck outside a hospital after two deadly blasts outside the airport in Kabul on August 26, 2021. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) What is most important for the prime minister and the State of Israel, however, is not how well Friday’s summit went publicly, or even what was agreed behind the scenes. Rather, it relates to US policy and action at this crucial juncture for our vital ally’s involvement in the region. Bennett was meeting with a president caught in the midst of the deadly debacle of US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The administration’s deepening failure to carry out a remotely orderly departure, itself a consequence of its striking failure to predict how that departure would play out, are profoundly undermining its credibility — among America’s friends and enemies, and among ours. Bennett and Biden publicly celebrated their new friendship and pledged our countries’ commitment to each other. But the nature of the United States’ engagement in this part of the world was changing even before it found itself in the heart of this current deadly, bitter episode, and the uncertainty and concern are all the greater now. ADVERTISEMENT President Joe Biden listens as he meets with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in the Oval Office of the White House, Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Bennett took pains to stress in his remarks that Israel, surrounded by enemies that seek its annihilation, “cannot lose sight for even one moment that we’re in the toughest neighborhood in the world.” But he also sought to make a similar point about the United States’ well-being in the face of threats it faces from its extremist enemies — states like Iran, and terrorist organizations such as Islamic Jihad— by noting that “these very days illustrate what the world would look like if a radical Islamic regime acquired a nuclear weapon: that marriage would be a nuclear nightmare for the entire world.” The prime minister was urging the president not to turn America’s back on this neighborhood — for Israel’s sake, but also, emphatically, for America’s. If their talks Friday helped convince Biden and his team of that abiding joint imperative, it truly will have been a success. 現在掌權的塔利班在致命的爆炸事件後面臨著保衛喀布爾的挑戰 在長期聲稱它會帶來和平之後,叛亂組織現在被指控釋放伊斯蘭國的數十名成員,該組織實施了機場襲擊 作者:大衛·福克斯和大衛·斯托特2021 年 8 月 27 日,下午 3:24 2021 年 8 月 26 日,喀布爾機場外發生兩起致命爆炸後,受傷婦女抵達醫院接受治療。(Wakil KOHSAR / 法新社) 阿富汗喀布爾(法新社)——塔利班對阿富汗人民的宣傳一直很簡單——在他們強硬統治下的生活最終會在幾十年的戰爭之後帶來安全。 塔利班因在叛亂期間使用自殺式炸彈襲擊而臭名昭著,現在他們掌權的塔利班被指控防範同樣類型的襲擊。 伊斯蘭國聲稱星期四在喀布爾機場發生爆炸,造成至少 95 名阿富汗人和 13 名美軍喪生,這是一次早期試驗。 “昨晚的襲擊再次表明,沒有任何組織可以聲稱壟斷阿富汗的暴力或聲稱確保其安全,”新加坡拉惹勒南國際研究學院的研究員阿卜杜勒·巴西特說。 塔利班發言人比拉爾·卡里米在襲擊發生後告訴法新社,IS“將被擊敗”。 但他們迴避了自己在釋放一些囚犯方面的作用。 在以 8 月 15 日占領喀布爾而告終的塔利班閃電戰中,出現了一種熟悉的模式——當每個城市陷落時,聖戰分子都會前往監獄。 越獄狂歡 阿富汗各地有數千名經驗豐富的塔利班戰士被關在監獄裡,這種策略的重點是讓該組織補充他們枯竭的隊伍。 廣告 但與塔利班的喜好相反,包括來自伊斯蘭國阿富汗-巴基斯坦分會(IS-K)的久經沙場的武裝分子在內的其他人也被釋放。 2021 年 8 月 27 日,一名塔利班戰士在喀布爾機場的 8 月 26 日雙胞胎自殺炸彈現場守衛,該炸彈炸死了包括 13 名美軍在內的數十人。(WAKIL KOHSAR / 法新社) 雙方來自強硬聖戰思想的不同神學分支,多年來一直在阿富汗的血腥衝突中決一死戰。 越獄狂歡越來越像是一個致命的錯誤——用塔利班的敵人在未來的戰場上播種,而他們自己的力量卻很薄弱。 在喀布爾機場襲擊之前,塔利班已經試圖與監獄崩潰保持距離,將責任歸咎於逃離該國的前總統阿什拉夫加尼。 2021 年 8 月 18 日,在塔利班軍事接管阿富汗後,塔利班戰士站在喀布爾的一條公路上。(Wakil KOHSAR / 法新社) 塔利班發言人 Suhail Shaheen 本週對巴基斯坦廣播公司 Geo News 說:“我們非常謹慎,因為伊斯蘭國的囚犯逃離監獄,在喀布爾政府官員棄職後現在躲藏起來。” 沙欣說,塔利班知道該組織構成迫在眉睫的威脅的報導,因為一系列西方政府警告說,IS 的目標是該機場。 廣告 沙欣補充說:“我們的情報部門和安全部隊正在積極行動,以避免發生可能導致人員傷亡的事件。” 安全失敗 塔利班也將矛頭指向華盛頓,稱爆炸地區的安全由美國控制。 他們的戰鬥機繼續在通往機場的檢查站網絡中執勤,但一個鬆散安全的無人區將他們與駐守大門的美軍分開。 隨著美國人在幾天內撤出,塔利班將沒有任何藉口繼續前進。 在 1990 年代的最後一次統治期間以及近年來塔利班控制的地區,這個強硬的伊斯蘭組織以迅速而嚴厲地伸張正義而聞名——這與它被推翻的政府不同。 但無法防止未來的爆炸事件可能會侵蝕他們自佔領首都以來獲得的一點點公眾信任。 2021 年 8 月 25 日,分配給第 82 空降師第 1 旅戰鬥隊的美國傘兵在繼續幫助疏散阿富汗喀布爾的哈米德卡爾扎伊國際機場時進行安保。(國防部通過美聯社) 駐澳大利亞的阿富汗分析家尼尚克·莫特瓦尼 (Nishank Motwani) 表示:“遍布該市的塔利班檢查站未能抓住喀布爾機場襲擊的肇事者。” “但這是基於塔利班首先打算提供安全以保護生命的假設。” IS 和塔利班之間沒有失去愛情,機場襲擊事件暴露了敵對的聖戰組織之間長達數年的鬥爭。 IS-K 對近年來發生的一些最致命的襲擊負責,包括在清真寺、學校、集會甚至醫院發生的一系列可怕的爆炸事件。 廣告 然而,塔利班仍然相信他們有能力讓該組織屈服,即使在周四晚上的機場大屠殺之後,他們也想說服阿富汗人在他們的統治下他們會是安全的。 “人們應該停止離開阿富汗和出國,”塔利班發言人卡里米說。“他們現在安全了。” Now in power, Taliban faces challenge of securing Kabul after deadly bombings After long claiming it would bring peace, the insurgent group is now accused of releasing scores of members of Islamic State, the group that carried out the airport attack By DAVID FOX and DAVID STOUT27 August 2021, 3:24 pm Wounded women arrive at a hospital for treatment after two deadly blasts outside the airport in Kabul on August 26, 2021. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) KABUL, Afghanistan (AFP) — The Taliban’s pitch to the Afghan people has always been simple — life under their hardline rule would finally bring security after decades of war. Notorious for using suicide bombers during their insurgency, the Taliban are charged with guarding against the same kind of attacks now that they are in power. The Islamic State-claimed blasts at Kabul airport on Thursday, which killed at least 95 Afghans as well as 13 US troops, is an early test. “Last night’s attacks have shown once again that no one group can claim monopoly over violence in Afghanistan or claim to secure it,” said Abdul Basit, a research Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi told AFP after the attack that IS “will be defeated.” But they sidestepped their own role in freeing some its prisoners. Clothes and blood stains of Afghan people who were waiting to be evacuated are seen at the site of the August 26 twin suicide bombs, which killed scores of people including 13 US troops, at Kabul airport on August 27, 2021. (WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) During the Taliban blitz, which ended with the takeover of Kabul on August 15, a familiar pattern emerged — when each city fell, the jihadists would head for the prisons. Spree of prison breaks With thousands of seasoned Taliban fighters behind bars across Afghanistan, the tactic focused on allowing the group to replenish their depleted ranks. ADVERTISEMENT But contrary to the Taliban’s liking, others including battle-hardened militants from the Islamic State’s Afghanistan-Pakistan chapter (IS-K) were also freed. A Taliban fighter stands guard at the site of the August 26 twin suicide bombs, which killed scores of people including 13 US troops, at Kabul airport on August 27, 2021. (WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) Hailing from different theological branches of hardline jihadist thought, the two sides have duked it out in bloody clashes for years in Afghanistan. The spree of prison breaks increasingly looks to have been a lethal error — seeding the future battlefield with the Taliban’s enemies, while their own forces are stretched thin. Before the Kabul airport attack, the Taliban were already trying to distance themselves from the prison debacle, piling blame on former president Ashraf Ghani who has fled the country. Taliban fighters stand along a road in Kabul on August 18, 2021, after the Taliban’s military takeover of Afghanistan. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) “We are cautious and careful because prisoners from Daesh (IS) fled the jail and are hiding now after officials of the Kabul administration abandoned their posts,” Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told Pakistani broadcaster Geo News this week. Shaheen said the Taliban were aware of reports of the imminent threat posed by the group, as a string of Western governments warned IS was aiming to target the airport. ADVERTISEMENT “Our intelligence department and security forces are active in order to avoid such an incident which can cause loss of human lives,” Shaheen added. Security failure The Taliban has also pointed the finger at Washington, saying the security in the area of the blasts was controlled by the US. Their fighters continue to man a network of checkpoints leading to the airport but a loosely secured no man’s land separates them from the American troops manning the gates. With the Americans pulling out in a matter of days, the Taliban will have few excuses moving forward. During its last rule in the 1990s and in areas controlled by the Taliban over recent years, the hardline Islamist group has been known for handing out swift but heavy-handed justice — unlike the government it has ousted. But the inability to prevent future bombings may erode the little public trust they have secured since capturing the capital. US paratroopers assigned to the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division conduct security as they continue to help facilitate the evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 25, 2021. (Department of Defense via AP) “Taliban checkpoints that dot around the city failed to catch the perpetrators of the Kabul airport attack,” said Nishank Motwani, an Afghan analyst based in Australia. “But that’s based on the assumption the Taliban intended to provide security in the first place to protect lives.” There is no love lost between IS and the Taliban, with the airport attacks laying bare a years-long fight between the rival jihadist outfits. IS-K has been responsible for some of the deadliest attacks of recent years including a string of gruesome blasts at mosques, schools, rallies, and even hospitals. ADVERTISEMENT The Taliban, however, remained confident of their ability to bring the group to heel, and even after Thursday night’s airport carnage they want to convince Afghans they will be safe under their rule. “People should stop leaving Afghanistan and going abroad,” Taliban spokesman Karimi said. “They are safe now.” PA:拜登對兩國解決方案的承諾很好,但還不夠 拜登在與貝內特會晤期間的公開聲明中沒有提到兩國解決方案,但在會後白宮發表的官方聲明中提到了兩國解決方案。 由哈利·阿布·托梅 2021 年 8 月 28 日 20:16 2016 年 3 月 9 日,美國副總統喬·拜登在約旦河西岸城市拉馬拉會見了巴勒斯坦總統馬哈茂德·阿巴斯。 (圖片來源:路透社/黛比山/游泳池) 廣告 巴勒斯坦官員周六對美國總統喬拜登重新致力於兩國解決方案表示滿意,但表示他們對他沒有要求立即停止定居點建設和以色列對巴勒斯坦人的“襲擊”感到失望。 官員們在評論拜登和總理納夫塔利·貝內特週五在華盛頓舉行的會晤時表示,希望總統能夠通過向以色列施加壓力,要求其遵守有關以阿衝突的國際決議,來跟進他對兩國解決方案的支持。 . 拜登在與貝內特會面期間的公開聲明中根本沒有提到兩國解決方案。 然而,白宮在會後發表的一份聲明說,拜登“重申了他的觀點,即通過談判達成的兩國解決方案是實現以巴衝突持久解決的唯一可行途徑。” 聲明稱,拜登“強調了採取措施改善巴勒斯坦人生活並為他們提供更多經濟機會的重要性”。“他還指出,避免採取可能加劇緊張局勢、加劇不公平感並破壞建立信任努力的行動的重要性。” 作為回應,拉馬拉的一名巴勒斯坦官員將這一聲明描述為“積極的”。 他說,巴勒斯坦人希望拜登政府“採取實際步驟,阻止以色列破壞在 1967 年邊界上獨立的巴勒斯坦國的基礎上恢復和平進程和實現兩國解決方案的努力,東耶路撒冷是它的資本。” 另一位官員表示,雖然巴勒斯坦權力機構對拜登對兩國解決方案的承諾表示歡迎,但“美國人需要明白,改善巴勒斯坦人的生活不足以在中東重新啟動有意義的和平進程。” 廣告 他說,如果拜登政府認真對待恢復和平談判和實現兩國解決方案,就必須向以色列政府施加真正的壓力,要求其停止在包括東耶路撒冷在內的所有定居點的建設。 “拜登政府正在談論巴勒斯坦人和以色列人之間建立信任的措施,”這位官員補充說,“但以色列政府的行動和言論正在摧毀重建信任的任何機會。” 2021 年 5 月 25 日,美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯在約旦河西岸城市拉馬拉會見巴勒斯坦總統馬哈茂德·阿巴斯。(圖片來源:ALEX BRANDON/POOL VIA REUTERS) 巴解組織官員瓦塞爾·阿布·尤瑟夫宣布,巴勒斯坦組織的最高執行機構巴解組織執行委員會定於週二在拉馬拉舉行會議,討論巴勒斯坦外交措施以回應以色列政府的政策。 他說,由巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯主持的會議將討論巴勒斯坦在國際刑事法院起訴以色列的“罪行”的努力,包括建造定居點、拆除房屋、殺戮和威脅將巴勒斯坦家庭從他們在Sheikh Jarrah 和 Silwan 的東耶路撒冷社區。 阿布尤瑟夫指出,巴解組織官員還將討論阿巴斯下個月在聯合國大會上的講話。鑑於貝內特最近關於以巴衝突的言論,他呼籲巴勒斯坦權力機構、埃及和約旦之間進行協調。 在訪問白宮前夕,貝內特告訴《紐約時報》,在可預見的未來,與巴勒斯坦人的衝突不會得到解決。他說,他的政府既不會吞併約旦河西岸的任何部分,也不會建立巴勒斯坦國。 貝內特表示,政府將繼續在定居點實施“自然增長”的標準政策,並補充說“耶路撒冷是以色列的首都。它不是其他國家的首都。” 他的聲明引起了巴勒斯坦權力機構的強烈譴責,巴勒斯坦權力機構稱,在與拜登會面之前,總理已經“暴露了他的反和平立場”。 巴勒斯坦作家和政治分析家埃馬德·奧馬爾表示,拜登-貝內特峰會議程的優先事項中沒有巴勒斯坦問題。 奧馬爾說:“由於巴勒斯坦政治體系缺乏選舉產生的合法機構,以及巴勒斯坦民族解放黨和運動的分裂狀態、軟弱和分裂狀態,巴勒斯坦問題正在顯著惡化。” . “目前的以色列政府不能在當地為巴勒斯坦人提供任何政治成就,除了一些經濟措施,特別是在貨物和工人和商人進入領域,無論是來自西岸還是加沙地帶,因為這是一個軟弱的政府,由不同的宗教和政治傾向組成,”奧馬爾告訴約旦報紙Ad-Dustour。 他呼籲巴勒斯坦各派別領導人制定一項全面的國家戰略,“恢復對巴勒斯坦事業的考慮,首先恢復法塔赫統一,然後恢復巴勒斯坦民族團結,並舉行立法、總統和全國委員會選舉,以改造巴勒斯坦。政治體系。” 奧馬爾說,巴勒斯坦團結將使巴勒斯坦人能夠動員國際支持召開國際和平會議,以向以色列施壓,迫使其撤回 1967 年之前的路線。 PA: Biden’s commitment to two-state solution good, but insufficient Biden did not refer to the two-state solution in his public statements during the meeting with Bennett but did so in an official statement issued by the White House after the meeting. By KHALED ABU TOAMEH AUGUST 28, 2021 20:16 Then US vice-president Joe Biden meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah March 9, 2016. (photo credit: REUTERS/DEBBIE HILL/POOL) Advertisement Palestinian officials on Saturday expressed satisfaction with US President Joe Biden’s renewed commitment to the two-state solution, but said that they were disappointed that he did not call for an immediate cessation of settlement construction and Israeli “assaults” on Palestinians. Commenting on Friday’s meeting in Washington between Biden and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, the officials expressed hope that the president would follow up on his support for the two-state solution by exerting pressure on Israel to abide by international resolutions pertaining to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Biden did not refer to the two-state solution at all in his public statements during the meeting with Bennett. A statement issued by the White House after the meeting, however, said that Biden “reaffirmed his view that a negotiated two-state solution is the only viable path to achieving a lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Biden “underscored the importance of steps to improve the lives of Palestinians and support greater economic opportunities for them,” according to the statement. “He also noted the importance of refraining from actions that could exacerbate tensions, contribute to a sense of unfairness, and undermine efforts to build trust.” In response, a Palestinian official in Ramallah described the statement as “positive.” The Palestinians, he said, want the Biden administration to “take real steps to stop Israel from sabotaging efforts to revive the peace process and achieve the two-state solution on the basis of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital.” Another official said that while the Palestinian Authority welcomed Biden’s commitment to the two-state solution, “the Americans need to understand that improving the lives of Palestinians is not enough to relaunch a meaningful peace process in the Middle East.” Advertisement The Biden administration, he said, must put real pressure on the Israeli government to stop construction in all settlements, including east Jerusalem, if it is serious about resuming the peace negotiations and achieving the two-state solution. “The Biden administration is talking about confidence-building measures between the Palestinians and Israel,” the official added, “but the actions and rhetoric of the Israeli government are destroying any chance of rebuilding confidence.” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in West Bank city of Ramallah, May 25, 2021. (credit: ALEX BRANDON/POOL VIA REUTERS) The PLO Executive Committee, the highest executive body of the Palestinian organization, is scheduled to hold a meeting in Ramallah on Tuesday to discuss Palestinian diplomatic steps in response to the policies of the Israeli government, PLO official Wasel Abu Yusef announced. He said that the meeting, chaired by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, will discuss Palestinian efforts to prosecute Israel at the International Criminal Court for its “crimes,” including settlement construction, house demolitions, killings and threats to evict Palestinian families from their homes in the east Jerusalem neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. Abu Yusef pointed out that the PLO officials will also discuss Abbas’s address to the United Nations General Assembly next month. He called for coordination between the PA, Egypt and Jordan in light of Bennett’s recent remarks regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On the eve of his visit to the White House, Bennett told The New York Times that there would be no resolution of the conflict with the Palestinians for the foreseeable future. He said that his government will neither annex any part of the West Bank nor establish a Palestinian state. Bennett said the government will continue the standard policy of “natural growth” in the settlements, adding that “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It is not the capital of other nations.” His statements drew strong condemnation from the PA, which said that the prime minister has “exposed his anti-peace positions” ahead of his meeting with Biden. Emad Omar, a Palestinian writer and political analyst, said that the Palestinian issue was absent from the priorities of the agenda of the Biden-Bennett summit. “The Palestinian issue is witnessing a significant deterioration in light of the absence of elected legitimate institutions for the Palestinian political system, in addition to the state of division and the state of weakness and fragmentation in the Palestinian national liberation parties and movements,” Omar said. “The current Israeli government cannot provide any political achievement to the Palestinians on the ground, except for some economic measures, especially in the field of goods and the entry of workers and merchants, whether from the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, because it is a weak government and consists of different religious and political orientations,” Omar told the Jordanian newspaper Ad-Dustour. He called on the leaders of the Palestinian factions to develop a comprehensive national strategy that “restores consideration to the Palestinian cause, based on restoring Fatah unity first, and then restoring Palestinian national unity and holding legislative, presidential and national council elections to revamp the Palestinian political system.” Omar said that Palestinian unity would allow the Palestinians to mobilize international support for an international peace conference to pressure Israel and force it to withdraw to the pre-1967 lines. 真主黨希望接管黎巴嫩的能源需求 恐怖組織表示,它提供生計並減少痛苦,決定從伊朗進口燃料是為了服務人民並應對他們的挑戰 作者:SETH J. FRANZMAN 2021 年 8 月 28 日 18:23 2021 年 5 月 25 日,真主黨成員在黎巴嫩南部與以色列接壤的邊境附近的 Kfar Kila 舉著紀念抵抗和解放日的旗幟 (照片來源:路透社/AZIZ TAHER) 廣告 真主黨變得越來越強大,比黎巴嫩國更強大,執行其外交政策,派遣戰士代表黎巴嫩在敘利亞發動戰爭,現在希望控制該國的能源需求。這家由伊朗支持的黎巴嫩集團表示,將從8 月中旬開始從伊朗進口汽油和柴油。此後的兩週內,真主黨已經澄清了一些細節。 據伊朗塔斯尼姆新聞和艾哈邁德新聞報導,黎巴嫩真主黨執行委員會副主席謝赫阿里達穆什週五在一次佈道中表示,真主黨將解決黎巴嫩的問題。黎巴嫩正處於金融自由落體狀態,該國正從一場危機陷入另一場危機,通貨膨脹、貨幣疲軟和能源短缺。 這毀了真主黨養活的中產階級——這意味著隨著黎巴嫩的步履蹣跚,真主黨吸納了更多的經濟領域。因為它傳統上靠較貧窮的什葉派人口為生,它的目標是排擠遜尼派和拉攏基督徒,以便在黎巴嫩的宗派議會中獲得足夠的選票。 真主黨已經控制了總統職位,其基督教盟友米歇爾·奧恩(Michel Aoun)安插在那裡,並控制著該國的外交政策。儘管黎巴嫩有軍隊,但真主黨也控制著國防政策,儲備了15 萬枚瞄準以色列的導彈。據達穆什說,現在這個伊斯蘭組織表示它提供了生計並減少了人民的痛苦,並且已經做出從伊朗進口燃料的決定,以服務人民並應對他們的挑戰。 “他補充說,真主黨從伊朗進口燃料的決定並非出於政治動機,也不屬於衝突或政治解決的範圍,”塔斯明指出。“相反,這一決定是出於人類和道德動機,因為真主黨永遠不會容忍黎巴嫩及其人民的圍困和飢餓。” 這就是真主黨的敘述。 真主黨現在希望利用其控制權為經濟發揮作用。這可能意味著讓以色列的死敵騎在燃料進口上,賦予它更大的力量。這意味著真主黨的盟友和合作夥伴將變得富有,人們將排隊等候真主黨提供的天然氣。 這將意味著對伊朗的更多控制。真主黨已經爭辯說,黎巴嫩的經濟必須重新轉向東方:轉向伊朗和中國,它們之間有一項新的 25 年協議。正在接管黎巴嫩的伊斯蘭組織希望為其東道國達成類似的協議。 真主黨表示,進口伊朗能源的決定“也有政治後果,其中最重要的是美國對黎巴嫩人民的圍困失敗——而從伊朗進口燃料意味著打擊美國所有努力迫使黎巴嫩投降。” 廣告 文件照片:2020 年 8 月 4 日黎巴嫩貝魯特爆炸現場冒出濃煙(圖片來源:REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR) 真主黨的敘述還將燃料進口與其對外部勢力的“抵抗”聯繫起來。達穆什指出真主黨在 2015-2017 年是如何與伊斯蘭國作戰的,以及它如何與軍隊合作。 “在這次解放中,也揭示了勝利是抵抗的邏輯——軍國與抵抗的三角形是黃金方程式,”他說。 真主黨也使新政府無法成立。這很可能是導致去年首都貝魯特發生毀滅性爆炸的腐敗背後的原因。沒有人因在硝酸銨港口儲存造成的破壞和死亡而受到指控,這種產品很可能被真主黨用於爆破隧道或其他破壞性活動。這類似於黎巴嫩前總理拉菲克·哈里裡 (Rafic Hariri) 的謀殺案,這是真主黨在 2005 年發生的另一起罪行。 達穆什說,黎巴嫩人正在為缺乏政府付出沉重的代價。 “我們真主黨從一開始就負責組建政府,我們提供了所有設施以盡快實現這一目標,”他聲稱。事實上,正是真主黨阻止了政府的組建,以便從混亂中獲利。 Hezbollah looks to take over Lebanon’s energy needs Terrorist group says it provides livelihoods and reduces suffering, and decision to import fuel from Iran was made to serve the people and meet their challenge By SETH J. FRANTZMAN AUGUST 28, 2021 18:23 Hezbollah members hold flags marking Resistance and Liberation Day, in Kfar Kila near the border with Israel, southern Lebanon, May 25, 2021 (photo credit: REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER) Advertisement Hezbollah has increasingly become more powerful than the State of Lebanon, conducting its foreign policy, sending fighters to wage wars on behalf of Lebanon in Syria, and now looking to have a stranglehold on the country’s energy needs. The Iranian-backed Lebanese group said it would begin to import gasoline and diesel from Iran in mid-August. In the two weeks since then, Hezbollah has clarified some of the details. According to Tasnim News in Iran and Al-Ahd News, Sheikh Ali Dammoush, deputy chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah in Lebanon, said on Friday during a sermon that Hezbollah will solve Lebanon’s problems. Lebanon is in a financial free fall and the country is slouching from one crisis to another with inflation, a weak currency and energy scarcity. This has ruined the middle class, from which Hezbollah has fed – meaning that as Lebanon falters, Hezbollah sponges up more parts of the economy. Because it traditionally lived off the poorer Shi’ite population, its goal was to sideline Sunnis and co-opt Christians, in order to grab enough votes in the sectarian parliament of Lebanon. Hezbollah has already achieved control of the presidency, with its Christian ally Michel Aoun installed there, and it controls the country’s foreign policy. Although Lebanon has an army, Hezbollah controls defense policy as well, stockpiling 150,000 missiles aimed at Israel. Now the Islamic group says it provides livelihoods and reduces the suffering of the people, and the decision to import fuel from Iran has been made in order to serve the people and meet their challenges, according to Dammoush. “He added that Hezbollah’s decision to import fuel from Iran was not politically motivated and did not fall within the scope of conflicts or political settlements,” Tasmin notes. “Rather, this decision is motivated by human and moral motives, because Hezbollah will never tolerate the siege and starvation of Lebanon and its people.” This is the Hezbollah narrative. Hezbollah now wants to leverage its control to make a play for the economy. This could mean having Israel’s mortal enemy sitting astride fuel imports, giving it even more power. It would mean Hezbollah allies and partners would be enriched and people would wait in line for Hezbollah-provided gas. And it would mean even more control for Iran. Hezbollah has already argued that Lebanon’s economy must be reoriented toward the East: toward Iran and China, which have a new 25-year deal between them. The Islamist group moving to take over Lebanon wants a similar deal for its host country. Hezbollah says the decision to bring in Iranian energy imports “also has political consequences, the most important of which is the defeat of the siege against the Lebanese people imposed by the United States – and the import of fuel from Iran means hitting all US efforts to force Lebanon to surrender.” Advertisement FILE PHOTO: Smoke rises from the site of an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon August 4, 2020 (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR) The Hezbollah narrative also connects fuel imports to its “resistance” against outside forces. Dammoush pointed to how Hezbollah had fought ISIS in 2015-2017 and how it works with the army. “In this liberation, it was also revealed that victory is the logic of resistance – and the triangle of army and nation and resistance is the golden equation,” he said. Hezbollah has also made it impossible for a new government to be formed. It was likely behind the corruption that led to the devastating explosion last year in the capital Beirut. No one has been charged for the destruction and death caused by storage at the port of ammonium nitrate, a product likely being used by Hezbollah for blasting tunnels or other destructive activities. This is similar to the murder of Lebanese former prime minister Rafic Hariri, another Hezbollah crime that took place in 2005. Dammoush says the Lebanese are paying a heavy price for the lack of a government. “We at Hezbollah were responsible for the formation of the government from the beginning and we provided all the facilities to make this happen as soon as possible,” he claimed. In fact, it is Hezbollah that has blocked the formation of a government so it can profit from the chaos. 真主黨接受第三批伊朗燃料運往黎巴嫩 真主黨領導人哈桑·納斯魯拉週五表示,為了緩解短缺問題,已接受第三批伊朗燃料運往黎巴嫩。 通過路透 2021 年 8 月 27 日 22:10 2020 年 9 月 10 日,伊朗船隻 Khark 出現在伊朗的一個未公開地點。 (圖片來源:伊朗軍隊/WANA(西亞新聞社)通過路透社) 廣告 黎巴嫩支持的真主黨組織領導人賽義德·哈桑·納斯魯拉週五表示,同意第三艘伊朗燃料船,以緩解該國嚴重的短缺問題。 “我們已經同意開始裝載第三艘船,”納斯魯拉在電視講話中說。 “未來幾天將證明那些對運送燃料的貨物持錯誤態度的人……當第一艘船到達黎巴嫩時,我們的話就會清楚。” 週日,納斯魯拉曾表示,第一艘為黎巴嫩運送伊朗燃料的船隻已經啟航。 黎巴嫩真主黨的敵人警告稱,此次收購將帶來可怕的後果,稱這有可能對一個經濟已經崩潰近兩年的國家實施制裁。 週五早些時候,候任總理納吉布·米卡蒂在接受沙特擁有的 Al Hadath 電視台採訪時表示,他反對任何會損害黎巴嫩利益的行為,但也要求批評伊朗燃料交易的人士提供幫助,以便該國不必訴諸於此給他們。 納斯魯拉將該國的經濟危機歸咎於他所謂的美國經濟圍困,並補充說華盛頓對敘利亞實施的所謂凱撒制裁已經傷害了黎巴嫩。 廣告 納斯魯拉在演講中對美國說:“繼續給予黎巴嫩對伊朗汽油和柴油的豁免……繼續給予黎巴嫩對凱撒的豁免。” 黎巴嫩日益嚴重的燃料短缺本月達到了一個關鍵點,有可能使日常生活陷入停頓。 納斯魯拉還敦促高層政治家停止辯論新內閣的名稱,並緊急組建政府。 “現在是結束這場辯論的時候了,”他說。 黎巴嫩由總理哈桑·迪亞布的看守政府管理,一年前貝魯特港口發生大規模爆炸後,哈桑·迪亞布與內閣一起辭職。 米卡蒂是此後第三位試圖與真主黨盟友米歇爾·奧恩總統組建政府的候任總理。 Hezbollah accepts third shipment of Iranian fuel to Lebanon A third shipment of Iranian fuel to Lebanon has been accepted in order to ease shortages, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said Friday. By REUTERS AUGUST 27, 2021 22:10 The Iranian ship Khark is seen at an undisclosed location in Iran, September 10,2020. (photo credit: IRANIAN ARMY/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS) Advertisement The leader of Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said on Friday a third vessel of Iranian fuel was agreed to ease crippling shortages in the country. "We have agreed to start loading a third vessel," Nasrallah said in a televised speech. "The coming days will prove those doubtful about the shipments arriving with fuel wrong … and our words will be clear when the first vessel reaches Lebanon." On Sunday Nasrallah had said the first vessel carrying Iranian fuel for Lebanon had already departed. Hezbollah's foes in Lebanon have warned of dire consequences from the purchase, saying it risked sanctions being imposed on a country whose economy has been in meltdown for nearly two years. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah gives a televised speech following Tuesday's blast in Beirut's port area, Lebanon August 7, 2020 in this still picture taken from a video (credit: AL-MANAR/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati said earlier on Friday in an interview with Saudi-owned Al Hadath television he was against anything that would harm Lebanon's interests but also asked critics of the Iranian fuel deals to provide help so that the country would not have to resort to them. Nasrallah blamed the country's economic crisis on what he called an economic siege by the United States adding that so-called Caesar sanctions imposed by Washington on Syria had harmed Lebanon. Advertisement "Go ahead and give Lebanon an exemption for Iranian gasoline and diesel … go ahead and give Lebanon an exemption from Caesar," Nasrallah said, addressing the United States in his speech. Lebanon's worsening fuel shortages reached a crunch point this month threatening to bring daily life to a halt. Nasrallah also urged top politicians to stop debating names for the new Cabinet and urgently form a government. "It is high time this debate now ends," he said. Lebanon has been run by the caretaker government of Prime Minister Hassan Diab, who resigned with his Cabinet after a massive Beirut port blast ripped through the capital a year ago. Mikati is the third prime minister-designate since then to attempt to form a government with President Michel Aoun, a Hezbollah ally. 巴格達會議被視為地區轉折點 伊拉克鄰里峰會具有廣泛的國際和地區參與度,對伊拉克在地區重新發揮歷史作用寄予厚望。 作者:SETH J. FRANZMAN 2021 年 8 月 28 日 18:18 週六在巴格達舉行的一次獨特會議本應匯集主要地區官員和領導人,包括正在訪問伊拉克首都的法國總統。埃及總統阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西和約旦國王阿卜杜拉二世都表示計劃出席。目前尚不清楚他們是否在早上抵達巴格達,但馬克龍的飛機已在一夜之間飛抵。重要的是,地區媒體認為這是一次重要的會議。約旦的 Al Ghad 報紙稱這是一個轉折點。 一位官員表示,“峰會將地區鄰國和其他國家聚集在一起”,並解釋說“伊拉克在地區扮演著特殊的角色”。另一位官員說,這次會議的目的是“支持伊拉克和伊拉克人民”。“這段時期對伊拉克來說非常重要,因為我們即將在 10 月份舉行選舉。” 馬克龍“想表達他對伊拉克以及政治進程和民主的支持,”國家報的一份報告指出。 當地媒體稱,巴格達將舉辦國際和地區廣泛參與的伊拉克鄰里峰會,並寄希望於伊拉克在該地區重新發揮歷史作用。 “自上週四以來,伊拉克首都巴格達在敏感的政府和外交機構附近增加了安全和軍事部署,恰逢峰會召開,”報告指出。 據伊拉克外交部長福阿德·侯賽因(Fuad Hussein)稱,Al-Ain 媒體的報導指出,已向聯合國安理會五個常任理事國以及伊拉克的鄰國和地區國家發出了邀請。 “兩天前,根據伊拉克向地區和阿拉伯國家元首以及歐洲和西方國家發出的邀請,準備參加地區對話峰會的阿拉伯和外國代表團開始抵達巴格達,而根據洩密和未經證實的消息,參加峰會的大多數國家交替進行,”艾恩說。 週四晚,巴格達會議籌備委員會公佈了確認參會的國家和國際組織,並說明了迄今未公佈與會領導人姓名的原因。顯然,這種秘密性質可能使伊朗、土耳其甚至沙特官員得以會面。海灣地區的官員也可能會來。 “除了阿拉伯聯盟、海灣合作委員會和伊斯蘭合作組織外,參與國還有土耳其、伊朗、沙特阿拉伯、埃及、科威特、約旦、卡塔爾、[阿拉伯聯合酋長國]和法國,”委員會主席、巴格達會議發言人 Nizar Al-Khairallah 在與 Al-Ain News 關注的多家媒體機構進行討論時。 廣告 伊拉克總統巴勒姆·薩利赫在德黑蘭會晤期間與伊朗新總統易卜拉欣·賴西同行(圖片來源:REUTERS) 伊拉克不想成為衝突地區。近年來,它飽受親伊朗民兵、伊斯蘭國和土耳其空襲的困擾。這次會議應該表明巴格達現在可以將這個地區團結起來。這位官員補充說:“會議向關注經濟發展和吸引資金的機構發出了積極的信息。” 艾因說,這次峰會旨在讓伊拉克發揮“建設性和包容性的作用,以解決影響該地區的危機”。 如果伊拉克能夠做到這一點,並將來自伊朗、土耳其和沙特阿拉伯等不同國家以及法國、埃及、約旦和其他主要海灣國家的官員聚集在一起,那麼它將發出前所未有的信息。 它還將顯示美國在該地區的領導地位如何被邊緣化。美國正在離開阿富汗,許多人認為美國正在撤出該地區。近年來,由於親伊朗的民兵以美軍為目標,華盛頓已經離開了伊拉克的許多設施。土耳其一直在轟炸美國支持的敘利亞自衛隊戰士,它擔心美國領導的反伊斯蘭國聯盟不再關心他們。與此同時,伊拉克正在加強——法國也是如此。 Baghdad conference seen as regional turning point Iraq Neighborhood Summit boasts wide international and regional participation and great hopes for the return of Iraq’s historical role in the region. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN AUGUST 28, 2021 18:18 BAGHDAD, IRAQ, earlier this week. Iraq can learn from the processes Israel struggled through to create an open and democratic society. (photo credit: KHALID AL MOUSILY / REUTERS) Advertisement A unique conference in Baghdad held on Saturday is supposed to bring together key regional officials and leaders, including the President of France who is visiting the Iraqi capital. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Jordan’s King Abdullah II have said they plan to attend. It was not clear if they had arrived in Baghdad by morning, but Macron’s plane had flown in overnight. What is important is that the regional press sees this as an important meeting. Jordan’s Al Ghad newspaper called it a turning point. One official said the “summit brings together the regional neighbors as well as other countries,” explaining that “Iraq had a special regional role.” The aim of the meeting is to “support Iraq and Iraqi people,” another official said. “This period is very important for Iraq as we are approaching the elections in October.” Macron “wants to express his support for Iraq and the political process and democracy,” a report at The National notes. Baghdad will host the Iraq Neighborhood Summit with wide international and regional participation, and great hopes for the return of Iraq’s historical role in the region, local media say. “Since last Thursday, the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has witnessed increased security and military deployment near sensitive government and diplomatic institutions, coinciding with the convening of the summit,” reports note. At Al-Ain media the reports noted that invitations were sent to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, as well as Iraq’s neighboring and regional countries, according to Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein. “Two days ago, Arab and foreign delegations preparing to participate in the regional dialogue summit began arriving in Baghdad, based on invitations made by Iraq to regional and Arab heads of state, as well as European and Western countries, while the level of representation of most of the countries participating in the summit alternates, according to leaks and unconfirmed news,” says Al-Ain. On Thursday evening, the Preparatory Committee for the Baghdad Conference announced the countries and international organizations that had confirmed their participation in the conference, while specifying a reason for not announcing the names of the participating leaders so far. Apparently, the secretive nature may enable Iranian, Turkish and even Saudi officials to meet. Officials from the Gulf may come as well. “The participating countries are Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, the [United Arab] Emirates and France, in addition to the Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,” said the head of the committee, spokesman for the Baghdad conference, Nizar Al-Khairallah, during a discussion with a number of media organizations that Al-Ain News followed. Advertisement Iraq's President Barham Salih walks with Iran's new President Ebrahim Raisi during a meeting in Tehran (credit: REUTERS) Iraq does not want to be an area of conflict. It has suffered from pro-Iran militias, ISIS and from Turkish airstrikes in recent years. The conference is supposed to show that Baghdad can now bring the region together. The official added, “The conference sends positive messages to the institutions concerned with economic development and attracting capital.” The summit aims to give Iraq a “constructive and inclusive role to address the crises afflicting the region,” Al-Ain says. If Iraq is able to pull this off and bring together officials from such disparate countries as Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, as well as France, Egypt, Jordan and other key Gulf states, then it will be sending an unprecedented message. It will also show how US leadership in the region has been sidelined. America is leaving Afghanistan, and many see the US as withdrawing from the region. Washington has left many facilities in Iraq in recent years as pro-Iran militias targeted US forces. Turkey has been bombing US-backed SDF fighters in Syria and it is concerned that the US-led anti-ISIS coalition no longer cares about them. Iraq, meanwhile, is stepping up – and so is France. 關於改革以色列的猶太食品監管必須說些什麼? 專家應決定這些改革是否會改善 kashrut 服務和標準 作者:SHLOMO M. BRODY 2021 年 8 月 26 日 20:10 以色列宗教事務部長對該國的猶太食品監管進行了深遠的改革。 在目前的系統中,所有食品要獲得猶太潔食認證,都需要獲得首席拉比的批准印章。根據擬議的改革,將允許多個拉比組織在全國范圍內提供監督服務,首席拉比將作為這些獨立機構的政府監管機構。 該計劃得到了 Tzohar 拉比組織的支持,該組織認為競爭將降低成本並提高專業性,從而引導更多餐館選擇以色列消費者信任的監管。反過來,首席拉比認為新系統會混淆消費者並破壞猶太食品認證。 專家們應該決定這些改革是否會改善kashrut 服務和標準。然而,重要的是要了解去中心化的系統(在美國和其他地方已經發現)對於 kosher 監督來說是完全可以接受的。要了解原因,首先需要探索為什麼需要 kashrut 監督。 作為實施體罰和其他懲罰的條件,聖經以要求兩名見證人而著稱。相比之下,猶太法律在儀式事項以及相關的誡命和禁令中接受單一證人的證明。 例如,聖經指出,祭司對食用普通公民私下屠宰的動物的肉沒有任何顧慮。同樣,與月經和家庭純潔有關的法律依賴於個別女性的陳述。《塔木德》斷言,猶太法律信任虔誠的猶太人。否則,正如一些中世紀評論家所指出的,否則就不可能維持任何公共生活。在朋友家吃食物,甚至是自己家人準備的食物,都需要相信其他人會嚴格遵守法律。 事實上,猶太法律通常信任虔誠的猶太人,即使在此人從他們的證明中獲得經濟利益的情況下也是如此。傳統上,我們相信儀式屠宰者會檢查動物的肺部並確定它是 kosher 的,即使他隨後會通過出售食物而受益。因此,從歷史上看,猶太人擁有的農場、田地或旅館沒有外部猶太教監督。如果主人對他們的儀式很虔誠和一絲不苟,那就可以相信他們的話。 由於多種原因,這種安排不再可能。首先,當今參與食品生產的許多猶太人(當然也包括非猶太人)個人並沒有承諾遵守這些法律。塔木德並沒有給予那些不遵守這些法律的人同等程度的信任;即使是出於誠實的意圖,也有人擔心他們不會認真遵守規定的標準。Kashrut 食品監管通過確保有人向他們提供法律指導並監督他們遵守法律,從而緩解了其中的一些擔憂。 事實上,即使在塔木德時代,聖人也限制從敘利亞地區購買葡萄酒、奶酪和其他產品,因為他們認為當地居民在遵守這些法律方面不夠講究。更重要的是,頒布了一整套名為 demai 的法律來處理購買農產品的問題,因為大批人沒有充分承諾採取所有必要的十分之一。聖人明白,建立在信任基礎上的系統不能圍繞那些缺乏詳細法律知識或承諾的人建立。 事實上,有時即使是忠實於飲食法的人也會由於其複雜性而犯錯誤。其他人則因經濟壓力而走非法捷徑。 幾個世紀以來,這促進了對肉類生產的更嚴格審查。一些拉比建議屠宰者需要認證並定期檢查他們的工作刀。反過來,許多中世紀社區指定屠宰場並規範這些職位,以排除任何出售非猶太肉類的經濟動機。 有時,人們也會對其他食物進行更嚴格的審查。在 16 世紀,布拉格的馬哈拉爾表示,葡萄酒生產也應該這樣做。在同一世紀,管理波蘭和立陶宛儀式生活的四地委員會頒布法令,所有奶酪和黃油的鄉村生產商都必須得到當地拉比法院院長的認證,否則人們不應購買他們的產品. 當代食品工業具有歷史上學者們關注基於信任的系統的所有缺陷:食品生產中涉及極其複雜的技術,需要復雜的工業和猶太法律知識;完全融入食品生產線的無宗教信仰的猶太人和外邦人;以及一個巨大的金融市場,它創造了欺詐的誘惑。 Kosher 食品監管旨在幫助緩解這些擔憂,並為消費者提供一定程度的安慰,與前幾代人不同,他們與提供食品的人幾乎沒有接觸。 然而,最終,Kosher 監管者和食品生產商必須建立自己的信任關係,以使這種安排有效、經濟和可靠。 後三個特徵通常不是我們在自由市場經濟中適用於 a) 由政府管理和 b) 在市場上具有壟斷地位的機構的術語。儘管如此,首席拉比堅持認為,在猶太國家管理整個猶太教監督領域是最有資格的。 這種說法受到廣泛使用(昂貴的)“補充”猶太監督證書的破壞,這些證書由公眾信任度更高的私人機構(有時稱為 Badatzim)頒發,以及幾年前國家審計長發布的嚴厲報告強調了低效率和違規行為。在首席拉比的系統中。 一方面,我希望通過推進改革,大大完善製度。然而,很明顯,猶太法律當然沒有授權一個中央機構來管理國家的猶太食品生產。 What must be said about reforming Israel’s kosher food supervision? Experts should decide if these reforms will improve kashrut service and standards By SHLOMO M. BRODY AUGUST 26, 2021 20:10 Israel’s religious affairs minister has introduced far-reaching reforms in the country’s kosher food supervision. In the current system, all food, to receive kosher certification, requires the stamp of approval from the Chief Rabbinate. Under the proposed reform, multiple rabbinic organizations will be allowed to provide nationwide supervision services, with the Chief Rabbinate serving as a government regulator of these independent bodies. The plan has received the support of the Tzohar rabbinic organization, which argues that competition will lower costs and increase professionalism, thereby leading more eateries to select supervision that Israeli consumers will trust. The Chief Rabbinate, in turn, has argued that the new system will confuse consumers and undermine kosher food certification. Experts should decide if these reforms will improve kashrut service and standards. Yet it’s important to understand that a decentralized system (as already found in the US and elsewhere) is perfectly acceptable for kosher supervision. To understand why, it pays to explore why kashrut supervision is required in the first place. AS A condition for imposing corporal punishment and other penalties, the Bible famously requires two witnesses. In contrast, Jewish law accepts the attestations of a single witness in ritual matters as well as related commandments and prohibitions. The Bible indicates, for example, that priests had no qualms about consuming meat from animals privately slaughtered by average citizens. Similarly, the laws relating to menstruation and family purity rely on the statements of individual women. Jewish law, the Talmud asserts, places trust in pious Jews. Otherwise, as some medieval commentators noted, it would otherwise be impossible to maintain any communal life. Eating food at a friend’s house or even that prepared by your own family members requires trusting that others will follows the laws scrupulously. In fact, Jewish law generally trusts pious Jews even in cases when the person gains financially from their attestations. Classically, we trust a ritual slaughterer who examines the lungs of an animal and determines that it is kosher, even though he will subsequently benefit by selling the food. Thus, historically, there was no outside kosher supervision on Jewish-owned farms, field or inns. If the owner was pious and meticulous about their ritual observance, one could rely on their word. BEEF BOURGUIGNON at Dubai’s Armani/Kaf kosher restaurant. (credit: LINDA GRADSTEIN) Advertisement For several reasons, this arrangement is no longer possible. Firstly, many Jews (and certainly non-Jews) involved in food production today are not personally committed to observing these laws. The Talmud does not grant the same level of trust to those who are not scrupulous in these laws; even with honest intentions, there is concern that they will not carefully uphold the required standards. Kashrut food supervision eases some of these worries by ensuring that someone provides them with guidance on the laws and generally oversees that they abide by them. Indeed, even during Talmudic times, the Sages imposed limits on purchasing wine, cheese and other products from the Syrian region, because they deemed the local residents as insufficiently fastidious in the observance of these laws. More significantly, a whole category of law known as demai was enacted to deal with purchasing produce, because large groups of people were insufficiently committed to taking all of the necessary tithes. The Sages understood that a system based on trust cannot be built around those who lack knowledge of, or commitment to, the detailed laws. In truth, there are times where even pious individuals committed to dietary laws make mistakes because of their complexities. Others take illicit shortcuts because of their financial pressures. Over the centuries, this contributed to greater scrutiny over the production of meat. Some rabbis suggested slaughterers require certification and have their work knives regularly inspected. Many medieval communities, in turn, appointed slaughters and regulated these positions to preclude any financial incentive to sell nonkosher meat. Occasionally, one also sees greater scrutiny for other foods. In the 16th century, the Maharal of Prague indicated that this should be done for wine production as well. In the same century, the Council of Four Lands which governed ritual life in Poland and Lithuania issued a decree that all village producers of cheese and butter must be certified as trustworthy by the local rabbinical court head, and that otherwise people should not buy their products. THE CONTEMPORARY food industry has all of the pitfalls that historically concerned scholars with a trust-based system: incredibly complex technologies involved in food production that require intricate knowledge of both the industry and Jewish law; nonreligious Jews and gentiles fully integrated into the line of food production; and a huge financial market that creates temptations of fraud. Kosher food supervision is meant to help alleviate those concerns and provide a level of comfort to consumers, who, unlike in previous generations, have little to no contact with those providing them with their food. Ultimately, however, the kosher supervisors and the food producers must build their own trusting relationship to make this arrangement efficient, economical and reliable. Those last three characteristics are not usually the terms that we apply in free-market economies for bodies that a) are run by the government and b) have monopolies on the market. The Chief Rabbinate, nonetheless, insists that it is best qualified to run the entire field of kosher supervision in the Jewish state. This claim is undermined by the widespread use of (costly) “supplementary” kosher supervision certificates issued by private agencies that have greater public trust (sometimes called Badatzim) and by a scathing report issued several years ago by the state comptroller that highlighted inefficiencies and irregularities in the Chief Rabbinate’s system. I, for one, hope that the push for reform will greatly improve the system. It remains clear, however, that Jewish law certainly does not mandate a centralized body to govern the nation’s kosher food production. The writer is co-dean of the Tikvah Online Academy, a postdoctorate fellow at Bar-Ilan University Law School, and the award-winning author of A Guide to the Complex: Contemporary Halakhic Debates. 我們絕不能讓拜登分裂耶路撒冷 - 意見 拜登政府一直在公開和私下推動在耶路撒冷開設美國領事館,旨在為巴勒斯坦人服務。 作者:邁克爾·弗倫德 2021 年 8 月 26 日 17:57 在冠狀病毒捲土重來以及與哈馬斯在加沙的緊張局勢加劇之際,最近一個重要且引起高度共鳴的問題在很大程度上被忽視了:耶路撒冷作為以色列不可分割的首都的未來。 拜登政府表現出非凡的外交天真,一直在公開和私下推動在耶路撒冷開設美國領事館,旨在為巴勒斯坦人服務。 如果允許這樣的舉動發生,不僅會是對以色列的一記耳光,而且還會助長被誤導的巴勒斯坦人在該市站穩腳跟的希望,從而助長更大的極端主義。 近四年前的2017年12月6日,特朗普政府正式承認耶路撒冷為猶太國家的首都,邁出了承認歷史、現實和命運的歷史性一步。 在美國駐耶路撒冷大使館於 2018 年 5 月 14 日正式落成後,負責與我們的鄰居打交道的單獨的美國駐該市領事館被關閉,隨後併入大使館,現在是巴勒斯坦事務處。 2018 年 5 月 14 日,伊万卡·特朗普在美國駐耶路撒冷大使館正式開幕時滿臉笑容(圖片來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) 這是正確且合乎邏輯的做法。畢竟,在以色列領土上設立一個獨立的美國外交辦公室與巴勒斯坦權力機構等外國實體打交道是沒有意義的。因此,將其歸入大使館是明智、適當且具有成本效益的做法。 但現在拜登政府希望在這一舉措上倒轉時間,表明對分裂聖城持開放態度。 5 月 25 日,美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯訪問拉馬拉時,向巴勒斯坦主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯通報了重新開放美國駐耶路撒冷領事館的決定,該領事館將處理巴勒斯坦事務。 這對某些人來說似乎微不足道,但將其視為如此將是一個嚴重的錯誤。確實,符號很重要,尤其是在外交和國際事務中,毫無疑問,美國在耶路撒冷設立新的針對巴勒斯坦人的領事館意味著什麼。 正如前耶路撒冷市長尼爾·巴爾卡特最近所說,“在耶路撒冷設立巴勒斯坦領事館的行為意味著承認耶路撒冷為巴勒斯坦的首都。政府對此事的同意是災難性的。我打算積極對抗這個危險的決定。” 為了避免對巴勒斯坦人如何解釋提議的舉動產生任何疑問,請考慮以下內容。 在布林肯宣布這一消息後的第二天,法塔赫中央委員會成員侯賽因·謝赫告訴巴勒斯坦電視台,美國的宣布清楚地表明,東耶路撒冷是“被佔領的巴勒斯坦領土”的一部分。 同樣,正如 Al-Monitor 網站 6 月 1 日報導的那樣,巴勒斯坦外交部政治顧問 Ahmad al-Deek 堅持認為,“該決定確認東耶路撒冷是巴勒斯坦被佔領土的一部分,是巴勒斯坦被佔領土的首都。巴勒斯坦,並將繼續進行最終談判。” 因此,拜登政府成功地重新點燃了巴勒斯坦人的幻想,即他們將獲得對耶路撒冷的控制權,這種幻想只會助長更大的極端主義和拒絕主義。 幸運的是,根據國際法,華盛頓不能單方面採取這樣的措施。這樣做需要得到以色列的同意。 正如前外交部法律顧問艾倫貝克大使在耶路撒冷公共事務中心上個月發表的一篇富有洞察力的論文中所解釋的那樣,“宣布的重新開放前總領事館的意圖引發了複雜的法律和政治問題。” 貝克援引 1963 年《維也納領事關係公約》的條款指出,“領事館或構成領館一部分的任何其他辦事處,只能在接受國同意的情況下設立在該國領土內。 “顯然,”他總結道,“重新開放前駐耶路撒冷領事館,其管轄範圍旨在涵蓋與巴勒斯坦領導人、巴勒斯坦政府機構和領土上的巴勒斯坦居民的關係,這些領土均不受以色列主權管轄,將在政治和法律上存在問題。” 前美國駐以色列大使大衛弗里德曼提出了同樣令人信服的反對拜登政府計劃的理由。在 5 月份發表在美國主要政治新聞網站 The Hill 的一篇文章中,他寫道:“美國駐耶路撒冷領事館對外國機構的訪問顯然違反了美國法律。” 他說,這樣的行為“將是非法和不明智的”。 弗里德曼正確地指出,“耶路撒冷領事館的所在地將被視為未來大使館的實際所在地。對於繼續違反美國法律和普遍道德原則向恐怖分子付錢的巴勒斯坦領導人來說,這將是一份巨大且毫無根據的禮物,否則他們就沒有表現出該地區無威脅和平共處所需的任何特徵。” 這樣做將“闡明當地的事實,將保證未來和平談判的失敗。” 出於所有這些原因,以色列必須在這個問題上堅持立場,拒絕華盛頓提出的在耶路撒冷為巴勒斯坦人單獨開設領事館的任何要求。我們不能也絕不能同意讓拜登先生為分裂耶路撒冷奠定基礎。 世界上沒有其他國家甚至會考慮同意這樣的步驟,這只會破壞我們對自己資本的合法要求的國際合法性。 以色列也不應該。 這位作家在本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理的第一個任期內擔任副通訊主任。 We must not let Biden divide Jerusalem - opinion The Biden administration has been pushing both publicly and privately to open a US consulate in Jerusalem aimed at serving the Palestinians. By MICHAEL FREUND AUGUST 26, 2021 17:57 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah (photo credit: MAJDI MOHAMMED/POOL VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Amid the coronavirus resurgence and mounting tensions with Hamas in Gaza, an important and highly resonant issue has been largely overlooked of late: the future of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital. Demonstrating remarkable diplomatic naivete, the Biden administration has been pushing both publicly and privately to open a US consulate in Jerusalem aimed at serving the Palestinians. Such a move, if allowed to take place, would not only be a slap in the face to Israel, but it would serve to encourage greater extremism by stoking misguided Palestinian hopes of obtaining a foothold in the city. Nearly four years ago, on December 6, 2017, the Trump administration took the historic step of acknowledging history, reality and destiny when it granted official US recognition to Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state. After the US Embassy in Jerusalem was formally inaugurated on May 14, 2018, the separate American consulate in the city which was tasked with dealing with our neighbors was closed and subsequently absorbed into the embassy where it is now the Palestinian Affairs Unit. Ivanka Trump is all smiles at the official opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, May 14, 2018 (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) This was the proper and logical thing to do. After all, it made no sense to have a free-standing American diplomatic office on Israeli soil dealing with a foreign entity such as the Palestinian Authority. Hence, subsuming it under the auspices of the embassy was the sensible, appropriate and cost-effective thing to do. But now the Biden administration wants to turn back the clock on this move, signaling an openness to dividing the Holy City. Advertisement On May 25, when US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Ramallah, he informed Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of the decision to reopen an American consulate in Jerusalem that would handle Palestinian matters. This might seem trivial to some, but to view it as such would be a grave mistake. Indeed, symbols matter, especially in diplomacy and international affairs, and there can be no doubt what a new US consulate in Jerusalem aimed at the Palestinians would signify. As Nir Barkat, the former mayor of Jerusalem, said recently, “The act of establishing a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem means recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. The administration’s consent on this matter is disastrous. I intend to aggressively fight this dangerous decision.” And lest there be any doubt as to how the Palestinians are interpreting the proposed move, consider the following. On the day following Blinken’s announcement, Hussein al-Sheikh, a member of the Fatah Central Committee, told Palestine TV that the US announcement was a clear message that eastern Jerusalem is part of the “occupied Palestinian territories.” Similarly, as the Al-Monitor website reported on June 1, Ahmad al-Deek, political adviser in the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, insisted that, “the decision confirms that east Jerusalem is part of the occupied Palestinian territory and is the capital of Palestine and will remain subject to final negotiations.” Consequently, the Biden administration has succeeded in reigniting the Palestinian illusion that they will gain control over Jerusalem, a fantasy that only serves to feed greater extremism and rejectionism. Fortunately, due to international law, Washington cannot unilaterally undertake such a measure. Doing so would require Israel’s consent. As Ambassador Alan Baker, the former legal adviser of the Foreign Ministry, explained in an insightful paper published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs last month, the “declared intention to reopen the former consulate general raises complex legal and political questions.” Citing the terms of the 1963 Vienna Convention of Consular Relations, Baker points out that, “consular posts, or any other offices forming part of a consular post, may only be established in the territory of the receiving state with that state’s consent. “Clearly,” he concludes, “reopening the former consulate in Jerusalem, the jurisdiction of which would be intended to cover relations with the Palestinian leadership, Palestinian governmental bodies, and Palestinian residents of the territories, none of which are subject to Israel’s sovereignty, would be politically and legally problematic.” An equally compelling case against the Biden administration’s plan was made by former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman. In an article back in May in The Hill, a major American political news website, he wrote that, “A US consulate in Jerusalem to a foreign body clearly runs afoul of American law.” Such an act, he said, “would be illegal and unwise.” Friedman rightly points out that, “the location of the consulate in Jerusalem will be perceived as a de facto location of a future embassy. That would be a huge and unwarranted gift to the Palestinian leadership who continue to pay terrorists in violation of American law and universal principles of morality, and who otherwise show none of the attributes necessary for non-threatening peaceful coexistence within the region.” Doing so would “set forth facts on the ground that will guarantee the failure of future peace negotiations.” For all of these reasons, Israel must stand firm on this issue and reject any request by Washington to open a separate consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem. We cannot and must not agree to allow Mr. Biden to lay the groundwork for dividing Jerusalem. No other country in the world would even consider consenting to such a step, which would only undermine the international legitimacy of our rightful claim to our own capital. And neither should Israel. The writer served as deputy communications director under prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his first term of office.

    2021.08.22 國際新聞導讀-塔利班企圖恢復喀布爾等地正常運作、介紹塔利班中最強派系哈卡尼網路、與塔利班敵對的伊斯蘭國威脅攻擊喀布爾機場、黎巴嫩停電缺燃油陷入經濟崩潰地獄、以色列與迦薩哈瑪斯衝突再起、卡達與聯合國合作每月為10萬個迦薩家庭提供100美元共1000萬美元每個月

    2021.08.22 國際新聞導讀-塔利班企圖恢復喀布爾等地正常運作、介紹塔利班中最強派系哈卡尼網路、與塔利班敵對的伊斯蘭國威脅攻擊喀布爾機場、黎巴嫩停電缺燃油陷入經濟崩潰地獄、以色列與迦薩哈瑪斯衝突再起、卡達與聯合國合作每月為10萬個迦薩家庭提供100美元共1000萬美元每個月
    2021.08.22 國際新聞導讀-塔利班企圖恢復喀布爾等地正常運作、介紹塔利班中最強派系哈卡尼網路、與塔利班敵對的伊斯蘭國威脅攻擊喀布爾機場、黎巴嫩停電缺燃油陷入經濟崩潰地獄、以色列與迦薩哈瑪斯衝突再起、卡達與聯合國合作每月為10萬個迦薩家庭提供100美元共1000萬美元每個月 照片為被塔利班繳獲之D30榴彈砲 神學士要我繼續工作!喀布爾市長曝現況「正回復正常」 2021-08-21 15:36 聯合報 / 編譯周辰陽/即時報導 阿富汗首都喀布爾市長蘇坦佐伊20日接受俄羅斯官媒《RT》訪問。畫面翻攝:YouTube/RT 阿富汗首都喀布爾市長蘇坦佐伊(Mohammad Daoud Sultanzoy)20日接受俄羅斯官媒《RT》訪問,稱神學士(或譯塔利班)才剛重占城市,就打電話告知他應該繼續上班,同時也指根據他的觀察,除了機場的通行進出外,局勢正迅速「回復到正常」。 蘇坦佐伊指出,「就信任方面來說,每一個人都必須有來有往」,更指阿富汗要是往後想要成為國際社會的一分子,就將別無選擇,只能務實行事。他解釋,過去20年的形勢已經出現明顯變化,「雙方必須處理現實」,都必須首先牢記「智慧、毅力與國家利益」。 《RT》指出,喀布爾市內相對缺乏暴力場景令一些人士感到意外。蘇坦佐伊解釋,對神學士的廣泛支持、對美國人處理撤離方式的潛在不滿、高階指揮管控的毫無條理及軍隊基層之間的不平,種種因素導致官兵無心作戰放下武器,不願為「未知事物」而戰死,「一切的定義都圍繞著個人,而不是體制。因此,為一人或多人而戰的動機是不夠的」。 蘇坦佐伊告訴記者,道路與邊境關卡預期下周開放,至少市場將恢復正常,「這是預期」。 塔利班阿富汗神學士 美國要公民暫勿前往喀布爾機場 否則安全不保 2021-08-21 21:55 聯合報 / 編譯李京倫/即時報導 大批阿富汗人20日聚集在喀布爾機場旁馬路上,希望搭機逃難。(法新社) 美國駐阿富汗大使館官網21日發出安全警告,要滯留在阿富汗的美國公民別前往喀布爾機場。 官網寫著:「我們建議美國公民暫勿前往喀布爾機場和機場門口,除非接獲美國政府代表個別通知要各位前往。」 官網提醒美國公民,「可能會在機場門外受到安全威脅」。 目擊者說喀布爾機場仍然混亂。神學士說這不是他們的責任,是西方國家撤離計畫不周延。 BBC報導,美軍直升機已從機場附近一家飯店把美國公民載到機場。 Fox News 19分鐘 · SECURITY THREAT: ISIS triggered a sudden warning for Americans to avoid Kabul airport: official. A threat from the Islamic State’s branch in Afghanistan prompted a security threat from the U.S. embassy in the country that told American citizens to avoid traveling to the airport. https://fxn.ws/3j68qWz 塔利班首領,包括與基地組織有關聯的恐怖分子,在喀布爾談論新政府 擁有 500 萬美元賞金的哈利勒·哈卡尼 (Khalil Haqqani) 負責首都的安全,因為拜登聲稱恐怖組織從阿富汗“消失了” 通過AFP和TOI人員今天,上午 11:06 說明:2021 年 8 月 20 日在喀布爾的阿卜杜勒拉赫曼清真寺進行星期五祈禱時,武裝的塔利班戰士站在伊瑪目旁邊。(Hoshang Hashimi/法新社) 阿富汗喀布爾——一名高級官員說,塔利班聯合創始人毛拉·阿卜杜勒·加尼·巴拉達爾 (Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar) 週六抵達喀布爾,就在阿富汗建立一個新的“包容性”政府進行會談。 最近幾天在首都看到的其他塔利班高級領導人包括哈利勒·哈卡尼(Khalil Haqqani)——美國最受通緝的恐怖分子之一,因與基地組織有聯繫而懸賞 500 萬美元。 親塔利班的社交媒體動態顯示,哈卡尼會見了古爾布丁·希克馬蒂亞爾(Gulbuddin Hekmatyar)——他曾是 1990 年代初期殘酷內戰期間的死對頭,但在阿富汗政治中仍然具有影響力。 一名塔利班高級官員告訴法新社,巴拉達爾將與“聖戰領導人和政治家會面,以建立一個包容性的政府機構”。 巴拉達爾上週二從卡塔爾抵達阿富汗,選擇降落在該國第二大城市坎大哈——塔利班的精神發源地。 在他回來後的幾個小時內,該組織聲稱這次的規則將“不同”。 在這張 2021 年 7 月 18 日的照片中,塔利班談判小組的領導人毛拉·阿卜杜勒·加尼·巴拉達爾(Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar)在卡塔爾首都多哈。(卡里姆賈法爾/法新社) 塔利班曾表示,他們希望他們的政府的這次迭代具有“包容性”,但幾乎沒有提供將包括哪些人的細節。 Baradar 於 2010 年在巴基斯坦被捕,一直被拘留,直到美國的壓力使他於 2018 年獲釋並搬遷到卡塔爾。 廣告 他被任命為塔利班駐多哈政治辦公室的負責人,負責監督協議的簽署,該協議導緻美軍撤出並結束其 20 年的戰役。 塔利班在不到兩週的時間內佔領了該國,從而消除了與阿富汗政府談判達成和平協議的任何希望——這是一場閃電攻勢,最終他們在上週日無人反對地佔領了喀布爾。 星期五,有人看到哈利勒·哈卡尼(Khalil Haqqani)——塔利班副領導人西拉賈丁·哈卡尼(Sirajuddin Haqqani)的叔叔,美國懸賞 1000 萬美元——在喀布爾的一座清真寺帶領祈禱。 廣告 所謂的哈卡尼網絡的另一位主要領導人阿納斯·哈卡尼也在首都,並會見了前總統哈米德·卡爾扎伊和阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉,他們領導了前任政府的整體和平進程。 據周五報導,塔利班任命哈利勒·哈卡尼負責喀布爾的安全。 “我們讓 Khalil Haqqani 負責喀布爾安全的事實令人沮喪,”一位不願透露姓名的英國情報官員告訴美國之音。“哈卡尼和基地組織有著悠久的歷史,你可以說他們是交織在一起的,而且他們極不可能斷絕關係。” 週五,美國總統喬·拜登 (Joe Biden) 為撤出美軍的決定進行了新的辯護,他錯誤地說,基地組織已經從阿富汗“消失”了,五角大樓不久後就反駁了這一說法。 令人恐懼的哈卡尼網絡成為塔利班接管的強大力量 恐怖組織的幾名高級成員,在阿富汗一些最致命的襲擊中被指責,伊斯蘭領導人聚集在喀布爾討論新政權 通過AFP今天,下午 3:55 說明:阿富汗總統於 2017 年 5 月 31 日在阿富汗喀布爾的德國大使館前表示,阿富汗安全部隊站在因大規模爆炸造成 150 多人死亡的火山口旁邊。 塔利班的二把手和頭目哈卡尼人否認阿富汗指責它是爆炸事件的幕後黑手。(美聯社照片/Rahmat Gul,文件) 阿富汗喀布爾——塔利班的一些最高領導人聚集在喀布爾,討論組建阿富汗新政府的問題——包括該國最可怕的恐怖分子哈卡尼網絡的一名代表。 近年來,哈卡尼人被指責發動了一些最致命的襲擊,奪走了平民、政府官員和外國軍隊的生命。 儘管他們享有盛譽,但在塔利班上週接管阿富汗後,他們有望成為新政權中的強大參與者。 誰是哈卡尼人? 這個陰暗的組織由賈拉魯丁·哈卡尼 (Jalaluddin Haqqani) 組成,他在 1980 年代作為反蘇聖戰的英雄而聲名鵲起。當時,由於美國及其盟友(如巴基斯坦)向聖戰者提供武器和資金,他是中央情報局的寶貴資產。 在那場衝突期間和蘇聯撤軍後,賈拉魯丁·哈卡尼與包括奧薩馬·本·拉登在內的外國聖戰分子建立了密切聯繫。 他後來與 1996 年接管阿富汗的塔利班結盟,擔任伊斯蘭政權的部長,直到 2001 年被美國領導的軍隊推翻。 塔利班於 2018 年宣布賈拉魯丁·哈卡尼在長期患病後去世,他的兒子西拉賈丁正式成為該網絡的負責人。 廣告 在這張 1998 年 8 月 22 日的檔案照片中,哈卡尼網絡激進組織的創始人​​賈拉魯丁·哈卡尼在巴基斯坦米拉姆沙阿接受采訪時發表講話。塔利班說,阿富汗哈卡尼網絡創始人賈拉魯丁·哈卡尼(Jalaluddin Haqqani)已經死亡,他是前美國盟友變成了兇猛的敵人。(美聯社照片/穆罕默德里亞茲,文件) 由於他們的財政和軍事實力 - 以及冷酷無情的聲譽 - 哈卡尼網絡被認為是半自治的,同時仍留在塔利班的範圍內。 該組織主要位於阿富汗東部——據稱基地跨越巴基斯坦西北部的邊界——近年來,該組織在塔利班領導層中變得更加明顯,西拉賈丁·哈卡尼於 2015 年被任命為副領導人。 他的弟弟阿納斯曾被前阿富汗政府監禁並判處死刑,自上週末喀布爾淪陷以來,他一直與阿富汗前總統哈米德卡爾扎伊和前首席執行官阿卜杜拉阿卜杜拉舉行會談。 為什麼他們如此廣泛地害怕? 哈卡尼網絡被歸咎於過去二十年阿富汗發生的一些最致命和最令人震驚的襲擊事件。 他們已被美國列為外國恐怖組織,也受到聯合國製裁。 哈卡尼人以經常使用自殺式炸彈襲擊者而聞名——包括駕駛裝滿大量炸藥的汽車和卡車的司機——並展示了對包括軍事設施和大使館在內的主要目標進行複雜、高傷亡襲擊的能力。 廣告 據美國國家反恐中心稱,2013 年 10 月,阿富汗軍隊在阿富汗東部攔截了一輛哈卡尼卡車,裡面裝有近 28 噸(61,500 磅)的炸藥。 涉嫌來自哈卡尼網絡的叛亂分子於 2013 年 5 月 30 日在阿富汗喀布爾的國家安全局總部向媒體展示。 (美聯社照片,文件) 哈卡尼家族被指控暗殺——包括在 2008 年企圖針對當時的總統卡爾扎伊——以及綁架官員和西方公民,以索取贖金和強迫交換囚犯。 他們也一直被懷疑與巴基斯坦軍事機構有聯繫——美國海軍上將邁克·馬倫在 2011 年將他們描述為伊斯蘭堡情報部門的“名副其實的武器”。 巴基斯坦否認這一指控。 聯合國監察員在 6 月的一份報告中說,哈卡尼人也為塔利班的戰鬥隊伍做出了巨大貢獻,是該組織“戰鬥力最強的部隊”。 監測人員還將該網絡描述為塔利班和基地組織之間的“主要聯絡人”。 他們在新的塔利班政權中扮演什麼角色? 隨著關於組建下一屆政府的談判開始,哈卡尼人已經成為塔利班政治項目的重要參與者,他們的至少兩名領導人在喀布爾舉行。 分析人士說,Sirajuddin Haqqani 六年前正式晉升為副領導人,鞏固了這一角色。 2019 年,他的兄弟阿納斯從阿富汗拘留中獲釋,這被視為有助於啟動最終導致撤軍的美國與塔利班的直接談判。 廣告 Sirajuddin Haqqani 去年甚至在《紐約時報》上寫了一篇專欄文章,概述了塔利班對美國談判和阿富汗衝突的立場——儘管用外交語氣掩蓋了該網絡的暴力聲譽。 雖然阿納斯·哈卡尼與卡爾扎伊舉行了會談,但有人看到他的叔叔哈利勒·哈卡尼週五在喀布爾帶領祈禱。 Sirajuddin 和 Khalil 仍然被美國列為通緝令,懸賞數百萬美元。 當塔利班遊行繳獲武器時,美國仍在試圖衡量破壞範圍 從各方面來看,武裝分子多年來奪取了大量先進設備、車輛、飛機和槍支,這些設備、車輛、飛機和槍支多年來供應給阿富汗軍隊,價值數十億美元。 由TOI 工作人員和法新社提供今天,下午 5:45 2021 年 8 月,一名塔利班成員在阿富汗的一架美國 US-60 黑鷹直升機上擺姿勢。(未署名) 華盛頓仍在試圖衡量在阿富汗落入武裝分子手中後落入塔利班手中的美國武器和技術的範圍,儘管據信這是相當大的。 據信,該伊斯蘭組織獲得的物資包括數十萬支突擊步槍、數千輛裝甲車、數十架飛機、坦克、大砲、狙擊步槍、夜視鏡等等。 一些分析人士認為,奪取如此龐大的尖端火力,雖然代表著數十億美元的資金損失,讓美國感到尷尬,但主要是塔利班的公關政變。他們認為,缺乏專業知識和資源將阻止該組織以任何有效的方式使用最先進的武器。 Janes 負責恐怖主義和叛亂研究的國防分析師馬修·亨曼告訴《華爾街日報》:“與任何真正的能力提升相比,這些緝獲對塔利班來說具有更大的宣傳價值。” 其他人指出,槍支和裝甲車將顯著提高該組織恐嚇平民的能力。許多對武裝分子沒有用的設備最終可能會被賣給可以很好地利用它的美國敵人。 一位了解此事討論情況的國會消息人士周六向 CNN 表示,他擔心“某些 [武器] 可能最終落入支持塔利班事業的其他人手中。” “我最大的恐懼是,這些尖端武器將被出售給我們的對手和其他打算用它來對付我們和我們的盟友的非國家行為者。” 廣告 五角大樓發言人約翰柯比周三表示,該部門正在研究這個問題。 “我們顯然不希望看到我們的設備落入那些違背我們利益或阿富汗人民利益的人手中,”柯比告訴記者。 “可以做出許多政策選擇,甚至包括破壞,”他說,但沒有具體說明。 美國國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文表示,美國官員“顯然沒有關於每件國防材料去哪兒的完整圖景,但肯定有相當數量落入塔利班手中。” 廣告 阿富汗政府軍戰敗後,塔利班戰士乘坐美國製造的裝甲車遊行、揮舞美國提供的槍支並登上美國黑鷹直升機的視頻讓白宮感到尷尬。 社交媒體顯示,塔利班戰士攜帶 M4 和 M18 突擊步槍以及 M24 狙擊武器,駕駛標誌性的美國悍馬車四處行駛,在一段視頻中,他們顯然穿著美國風格的特種部隊戰術制服。 在本周致美國國防部長勞埃德奧斯汀的一封信中,25 名共和黨參議員要求對武器損失負責。 他們說:“由美國納稅人支付的高科技軍事裝備落入塔利班及其恐怖主義盟友手中,這是不合情理的。” “在宣布從阿富汗撤軍之前,保護美國資產應該是美國國防部的首要任務之一。” 2021 年 8 月 16 日,塔利班戰士在阿富汗喀布爾的哈米德卡爾扎伊國際機場前站崗。(美聯社照片/Rahmat Gul) 官方數據顯示,近年來,美軍向阿富汗軍隊提供了7000多挺機槍、4700輛悍馬和2萬枚手榴彈。 阿富汗人還收到了來自華盛頓的大砲和偵察無人機,以及 200 多架飛機,包括固定翼和直升機。 廣告 然而,它們的持續運營在很大程度上依賴於美國的技術支持和零件。 根據國防專家簡斯週三發布的照片​​,過去一周約有 40 架阿富汗軍用飛機飛往烏茲別克斯坦以躲避塔利班的進攻,其中包括 5 架 UH-60 黑鷹和 16 架俄羅斯 Mi-17 直升機和 10 架 A- 29 架超級巨嘴鳥攻擊機。 在 16 個月的縮編期間,五角大樓從阿富汗撤走了大量自己的裝備,並將其中一些交給了阿富汗軍隊。 但是,向阿富汗軍隊提供的、現在掌握在塔利班手中的硬件引起了人們的擔憂。 五角大樓發言人約翰柯比周三表示,該部門正在研究這個問題。 專家說,繳獲的武器和車輛只會以有限的方式擴大塔利班的權力。 “塔利班繳獲的最危險武器是 D-30 榴彈砲和阿富汗空軍資產,”華盛頓安全諮詢公司 CNA 應對威脅和挑戰項目主管喬納森施羅登說。 “目前還不清楚他們是否有能力使用他們捕獲的所有空中平台,但他們已經展示了使用這些榴彈砲的能力,”他說。 即便如此,它充其量也只能使它們對武裝較好的鄰國構成有限的直接威脅。 另一方面,施羅登說,他們繼承的大量小武器和彈藥“可能會找到通往全球許多不同地區和各種其他恐怖組織的途徑。” “在這一點上,美國能做的最好的事情可能就是與阿富汗的鄰國合作,試圖阻止任何此類設備跨越該國邊界的運輸,”他說。 As Taliban parades captured weapons, US still trying to gauge scope of damage By all accounts, the militants have captured a huge trove of advanced equipment, vehicles, aircraft and guns supplied to Afghan forces over the years to the tune of billions By TOI STAFF and AFPToday, 5:45 pm A Taliban member poses atop a US US-60 Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan, August 2021. (Uncredited) Washington is still attempting to gauge the scope of United States weaponry and technology that have fallen into the hands of the Taliban following Afghanistan’s fall to the militants, though it is believed to be considerable. Materiel the Islamist group is believed to have gained includes hundreds of thousands of assault rifles, thousands of armored vehicles, dozens of aircraft, tanks, artillery, sniper rifles, night-vision goggles and much more. Some analysts believe the capture of such vast amounts of sophisticated firepower, while representing a loss of billions of dollars in funds and embarrassing to the US, is mostly a public relations coup for the Taliban. A lack of expertise and resources will prevent the group from using the most advanced weaponry in any effective manner, they argue. Matthew Henman, a defense analyst who is head of terrorism and insurgency research at Janes, told The Wall Street Journal: “These seizures have more propaganda value for the Taliban than any real leveling-up of capabilities.” Others note that guns and armored cars will significantly boost the group’s ability to potentially terrorize civilians. And much of the equipment that is not useful to the militants could end up being sold to American enemies who could make good use of it. A congressional source with knowledge of the discussions on the matter spoke to CNN Saturday of concern “that some [weapons] may end up in the hands of others who support the Taliban’s cause.” “My biggest fear is that the sophisticated weaponry will be sold to our adversaries and other non-state actors who intend to use it against us and our allies.” ADVERTISEMENT Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday that the department is looking at the issue. “We obviously don’t want to see our equipment in the hands of those who would act against our interests, or the interests of the Afghan people,” Kirby told reporters. “There are numerous policy choices that can be made, up to and including destruction,” he said, without giving specifics. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that US officials “don’t have a complete picture, obviously, of where every article of defense materials has gone, but certainly a fair amount of it has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.” ADVERTISEMENT Videos of Taliban fighters parading in US-made armored vehicles, wielding US-supplied firearms and climbing on American Black Hawk helicopters after the defeat of Afghan government forces have embarrassed the White House. Social media showed Taliban fighters carrying M4 and M18 assault rifles and M24 sniper weapons, driving around in the iconic US Humvees and, in one video, apparently wearing US-style special forces tactical uniforms. In a letter to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin this week, 25 Republican senators demanded accountability for the loss of arms. “It is unconscionable that high-tech military equipment paid for by US taxpayers has fallen into the hands of the Taliban and their terrorist allies,” they said. “Securing US assets should have been among the top priorities for the US Department of Defense prior to announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan.” Taliban fighters stand guard in front of the Hamid Karzai International Airport, in Kabul, Afghanistan, on August 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) According to official figures, the US military supplied the Afghan army with more than 7,000 machine guns, 4,700 Humvees and 20,000 grenades in recent years. The Afghans have also received artillery and reconnaissance drones from Washington, as well as more than 200 aircraft, both fixed-wing and helicopters. ADVERTISEMENT Their continued operation depended heavily on US technical support and parts, however. According to photographs published on Wednesday by Janes, the defense specialists, some 40 Afghan military aircraft were flown into Uzbekistan over the past week to escape the Taliban advance, including five UH-60 Black Hawk and 16 Russia Mi-17 helicopters and 10 A-29 Super Tucano attack airplanes. In its 16-month drawdown, the Pentagon removed huge amounts of its own equipment from Afghanistan, and handed some of it to the Afghan army. But hardware supplied to the Afghan forces that is now in Taliban hands has raised concerns. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday that the department is looking at the issue. The captured arms and vehicles only expand the Taliban’s powers in limited ways, experts say. “The most dangerous weapons the Taliban have captured are the D-30 howitzers and Afghan Air Force assets,” said Jonathan Schroden, director of the Countering Threats and Challenges Program at CNA, a Washington security consultancy. “It is not clear that they have the ability to use all of the air platforms that they have captured, but they have already demonstrated the ability to use those howitzers,” he said. Even then, it makes them at best a limited direct threat to better-armed neighbors. On the other hand, the massive amounts of small arms and munitions they inherited, said Schroden, could “conceivably find their way to many different parts of the globe and to a variety of other terrorist groups.” “Probably the best thing the US can do at this point is to work with Afghanistan’s neighbors to try and interdict the transport of any of this equipment across the country’s borders,” he said. “人間地獄”:黎巴嫩因經濟和燃料危機加深而無法居住 居民要排好幾天的隊才能取到汽油,而電力每天只能運行 2 小時,而且在這個曾經充滿活力的國家,缺少街道和紅綠燈營造出一種反烏托邦的感覺 通過貝希爾薩爾瓦多·扈利今天,凌晨 4:37 2021 年 8 月 20 日,黎巴嫩人在貝魯特哈姆拉區一個封閉的加油站外排隊等候。(攝影:ANWAR AMRO / AFP) 貝魯特(法新社)——把艾拉帶到貝魯特咖啡館的不是深夜的渴望,而是空調讓她的孩子們懶散地坐在她旁邊的沙發上,得到適當的休息。 黎巴嫩的能源危機正將人們對生活必需品的絕望追求拖到不可能的地方,無論是新鮮空氣、電力、工作冰箱還是汽車汽油。 “兩天來,我們家裡一分鐘都沒有電。孩子們再也睡不著了,”30 多歲的婦女艾拉說。 “在這裡,我的孩子們至少可以在空調空​​間裡休息幾個小時,”她告訴法新社,她 8 歲的女兒蜷縮在沙發上,而她 5 歲的兒子則睡在她身上。圈。 每天持續超過 22 小時的停電已成為這個破產國家的新常態,從燃料和天然氣到藥品和麵包,幾乎什麼都用完了。 黎巴嫩的居民也缺乏耐心和勇氣,幾個月來似乎無底的經濟自由落體使該國變成了昔日的空殼。 “我們正在經歷的事情令人興奮。我們一無所有,我們被剝奪了一切,甚至連睡眠都被剝奪了,”艾拉說。 “這是人間地獄。” 廣告 在貝魯特的一家理髮店裡,艾哈邁德已經放棄等待燈光重新亮起。 這位 20 歲的年輕人在炎熱的夏季使用手機手電筒修剪客戶的鬍鬚。 2021 年 8 月 20 日,黎巴嫩與無休止的停電鬥爭,一名理髮師在貝魯特哈姆拉區的商店里為一位顧客剃須時使用手機上的手電筒。(安瓦爾·阿姆羅/法新社攝) “我們在非常惡劣的條件下工作,”他告訴法新社,汗水弄髒了他的 T 卹。 其他人則選擇將理髮椅移到人行道上以獲得直接日光。 羞辱 黎巴嫩的經濟崩潰剝奪了本國貨幣的大部分價值,並使五分之四的居民生活在貧困線以下。 在中央銀行行長里亞德·薩拉梅 (Riad Salameh) 宣布終止補貼燃料進口後,該州的緩慢崩潰本月轉為快進。 廣告 隨之而來的是廣泛的恐慌,分銷商減少了燃料供應,駕車者在價格上漲之前蜂擁而至。 到了晚上,無數的空車排著長隊,司機們回家睡覺,但又想在加油站排隊,堵塞了貝魯特昏暗的街道。 大多數交通燈在幾個月前就關閉了,不久之後路燈和商店招牌就關閉了,營造出一種怪異的反烏托邦感覺。 早上,當司機們回到雙人停放的汽車繼續等待加油時,情緒是爆炸性的憤怒和無聲的絕望的混合。 出租車司機阿布卡里姆在貝魯特車站告訴法新社:“我的車已經在加油站外排了兩天的隊,但我仍然沒有汽油。” 2021 年 8 月 20 日,黎巴嫩人在貝魯特哈姆拉區一個關閉的加油站外排隊等候。(攝影:ANWAR AMRO / AFP) “還有比這更丟人、更丟臉的嗎?” 他問道,其他空車在他身後排成幾公里(英里)。 阿布卡里姆說,該國領導人——被廣泛指責腐敗和疏忽——生活在一個單獨的泡沫中。 “他們什麼都不缺,不缺電,也不缺燃料,過著與現實完全脫節的生活。” 我會餓死 最近幾週,由於缺乏交通選擇,員工們一直呆在家里或上班睡覺。 廣告 由於電力和燃料短缺,許多咖啡館、餐館和商店被迫關閉。 那些保持開放狀態的人經常光顧那些希望為他們的設備充電或休息幾個小時的人。 一家在全國擁有 8 家分店的受歡迎的麵包連鎖店已關閉其 3 家分店並縮短營業時間以維持生計。 2021 年 8 月 20 日,一名黎巴嫩人走過貝魯特 Ashrafieh 區一家銀行的分行,因為黎巴嫩正在與無休止的停電作鬥爭。(安瓦爾·阿姆羅/法新社攝) 不得不求助於黑市來採購保持冰箱過夜運行所需的燃料,運營成本飆升。 “我們被迫在黑市上以每 20 升(約 4 加侖)的價格購買 500,000 黎巴嫩鎊(官方價格為 333 美元)的柴油來運行我們的發電機,”樓層經理 Elie Zwein 告訴法新社。 他說這是他上個月支付的五倍多。 在幾英里外的一家低調的小酒吧里,艾哈邁德·馬拉也不得不做出調整。 他使用 UPS 電池系統為咖啡機和存放酒瓶和冰袋的小冰箱供電。 但是他的設置不允許他打開燈甚至一個小風扇來讓他的顧客在酷熱中保持涼爽。 馬拉說,他的客戶寧願在黑暗中喝酒,也不願被困在沒有電或空調的家裡。 “我別無選擇,我不能關閉,”馬拉告訴法新社。“如果我不工作,我會餓死的。” 極右翼 MK Itamar Ben Gvir 因 COVID 並發症住院 立法者上週出現病毒症狀後首次進入隔離區;將繼續在 Hadassah Ein Kerem 接受監督 通過TOI人員今天,晚上 11:23 MK Itamar Ben Gvir 在以色列議會,2021 年 6 月 22 日。(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) 極右翼 MK Itamar Ben Gvir(宗教猶太復國主義)在他的 COVID-19 症狀惡化後於週六住院,這是在他首次被診斷出感染該病毒近一周後。 本·格維爾在一條推文中說,他已在耶路撒冷的哈達薩·艾因凱雷姆醫療中心住院接受檢測和監督。 上週日,在他自願自我隔離的第二天,他的 COVID-19 檢測呈陽性。 一個 停留 他週六補充說:“我感謝醫務人員的悉心照顧,感謝以色列人民的祈禱和祝福。” 目前還不清楚他的情況如何。 Ben Gvir 成為當前第四波病毒中第六位感染 COVID-19 的 MK。最近幾週,同黨成員 Simcha Rotman 與 MKs Gilad Kariv(工黨)、Vladimir Beliak(Yesh Atid)、Inbar Bezek(Yesh Atid)和 Ofer Cassif(聯合名單)一起感染了該病毒。 Kariv是 出院的痛苦COVID的嚴重情況後,週四。雖然他的病情有所好轉,但他在家中仍然需要吸氧。 2020 年 10 月 19 日,耶路撒冷 Hadassah Ein Karem 醫院冠狀病毒病房外的紅大衛盾會緊急服務人員。(Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) 本·格維爾 (Ben Gvir) 在時任總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu) 促成的一項交易中,將他的極右翼 Otzma Yehudit 政黨與宗教猶太復國主義合併後,本·格維爾 (Ben Gvir) 在 3 月的選舉中進入了以色列議會。 廣告 Otzma Yehudit 由已故種族主義拉比 Meir Kahane 的追隨者組成,Meir Kahane 是前 MK,其卡赫黨在 1980 年代被以色列議會禁止——這是一個政黨因種族主義而被禁止的第一例。 Otzma Yehudit 支持鼓勵非猶太人從以色列移民,並驅逐拒絕向以色列宣誓效忠的巴勒斯坦人和以色列阿拉伯人。 Far-right MK Itamar Ben Gvir hospitalized for COVID complications Lawmaker first entered quarantine after experiencing virus symptoms last week; will remain under supervision at Hadassah Ein Kerem By TOI STAFFToday, 11:23 pm MK Itamar Ben Gvir at the Knesset, oמ June 22, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) Far-right MK Itamar Ben Gvir (Religious Zionism) was hospitalized on Saturday after his COVID-19 symptoms worsened, nearly a week after he was first diagnosed with the virus. In a tweet, Ben Gvir said that he had been hospitalized at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center for testing and supervision. Last Sunday, he tested positive for COVID-19, a day after self-isolating of his own accord. “I thank the medical staff for their dedicated care, and the people of Israel for their prayers and well wishes,” he added on Saturday. It was not immediately clear what his condition was. Ben Gvir became the sixth MK to be infected with COVID-19 during the current fourth wave of the virus. In recent weeks, fellow party member Simcha Rotman was infected with the virus, along with MKs Gilad Kariv (Labor), Vladimir Beliak (Yesh Atid), Inbar Bezek (Yesh Atid), and Ofer Cassif (Joint List). Kariv was released from the hospital on Thursday after suffering a serious case of COVID. Though his condition has improved, he still requires oxygen while at home. Magen David Adom emergency service workers outside the coronavirus unit at the Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Jerusalem, on October 19, 2020. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) Ben Gvir entered the Knesset in March’s election after merging his far-right Otzma Yehudit party with Religious Zionism, in a deal brokered by then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ADVERTISEMENT Otzma Yehudit is made up of followers of the late racist rabbi Meir Kahane, a former MK whose Kach party was banned from the Knesset in the 1980s — the first instance of a party being banned for racism. Otzma Yehudit supports encouraging emigration of non-Jews from Israel, and expelling Palestinians and Israeli Arabs who refuse to declare loyalty to Israel. 電視:高劑量以色列製造的疫苗似乎可以提供持久的保護 230 人接受了這樣劑量的接種,仍在試驗中,不需要加強接種,但其他劑量較低的人確實需要額外注射 通過TOI人員今天,晚上 10:09 以色列生物研究所於 2020 年 10 月 25 日發布的照片​​中,在裝配線上可以看到幾瓶潛在的冠狀病毒疫苗。(國防部) 以色列本土生產的 COVID-19 疫苗試驗的最新結果表明,與輝瑞 BioNTech 開發的接種疫苗相比,該疫苗可能提供更長期的保護,後者是大多數以色列人使用的疫苗。 第 12 頻道新聞周六報導稱,230 名接受最高劑量疫苗的志願者被告知,他們不需要第三劑疫苗,因為他們的保護仍然很高,6接種第二劑後數月。 該報告沒有詳細說明如何衡量保護作用,但據推測這是基於抗體計數。 與此同時,接受低劑量或中等劑量的參與者被告知接種輝瑞或 Moderna 疫苗,因為這些劑量似乎沒有提供顯著的保護。 三週前,以色列發起了“加強”疫苗接種活動,敦促 60 歲以上的以色列人(自降至 40 歲以上)接種第三劑輝瑞或 Moderna 疫苗,官員們希望這將有助於保護民眾免受這種新的高傳染性變種的侵害,以及因為在接受最初的兩劑疫苗接種後的幾個月內,接種疫苗的人的抗體水平下降了。 以色列製造的Brilife疫苗仍處於試驗階段。12 月,以色列生物研究所 (IIBR) 成功完成了第一階段的測試,並開始了第二階段,該階段一直在進行中。 2021 年 8 月 17 日,一對夫婦在耶路撒冷的 Shaare Zedek 醫療中心接種了第三劑 COVID-19 疫苗。(Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) 以色列 COVID-19 疫苗研發工作的推動者、IIBR 負責人 Shmuel Shapira 教授於 5 月卸任,這齣人意料地引發了人們對當地接種企業未來前景的懷疑。 本土疫苗研發落後於國際競爭對手 廣告 幾種國際疫苗的批准和以色列的快速接種運動引發了關於是否需要一種國產疫苗的疑問,這種疫苗將在競爭對手之後很長時間內準備好分發。 然而,新的、更成問題的變種的出現以及人們對疫苗接種可能成為可預見未來的常規、必要需求的日益了解,很可能為該項目注入新的活力。 國防部表示,有必要確保以色列能夠獨立獲得接種疫苗。其他官員將其描述為補充從國外製藥公司購買的疫苗的備用計劃。 與此同時,衛生部周六報告說,在以色列 930 萬人口中,超過 580 萬人至少接種了一劑疫苗,近 540 萬人接種了兩劑,1,365,887 人接種了第三劑疫苗。 TV: High dose of Israeli-made vaccine appears to give long-lasting protection 230 people who received such dosage of inoculation, still in trials, do not need to get a booster, but others who had lower dosage do need extra shot By TOI STAFFToday, 10:09 pm · Vials of a potential coronavirus vaccine are seen on an assembly line, in a photograph released by the Israel Institute for Biological Research, on October 25, 2020. (Defense Ministry) The latest results from the trials of Israel’s homegrown COVID-19 vaccine indicate the shot may provide longer-term protection than the inoculation developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, which is the shot given to most Israelis. Channel 12 news reported on Saturday that 230 volunteers who received the highest dosage of the vaccine, developed by the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona, were notified that they did not need a third dose of the vaccine as their protection remained high, six months after getting a second dose. The report did not detail how protection was measured, though presumably this was based on antibody counts. Meanwhile, participants who received low or medium doses have been told to get vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna shots, as those dosages do not appear to offer significant protection. Israel launched its “booster” vaccination campaign three weeks ago, urging Israelis over 60 (since lowered to over 40) to get their third dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, which officials hope will help protect the population from the new highly contagious variant, and as the level of antibodies in those vaccinated have declined in the months after receiving the initial two doses. The Israeli-made Brilife vaccine is still deep in the trial phase. In December, the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) successfully completed the first stage of testing and started the second phase, which has been ongoing. A couple receives their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, on August 17, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) Prof. Shmuel Shapira, the head of the IIBR and the driving force behind efforts to develop an Israeli COVID-19 vaccine, stepped down in May, in a surprise turn of events that cast doubt on the future of the local inoculation venture. The local vaccine’s development has lagged significantly behind that of its international competitors ADVERTISEMENT The approval of several international vaccines and Israel’s rapid inoculation campaign raised questions about the need for a domestically produced option that will be ready for distribution long after its competitors. However, the emergence of new, more problematic variants and growing understanding that the vaccinations are likely to become a regular, necessary need for the forseeable future may well breathe new life into the project. The Defense Ministry has said that it’s necessary to ensure Israel has independent access to inoculations. It has been described by other officials as a backup plan to supplement vaccines purchased from pharmaceutical firms based abroad. Meanwhile, the Health Ministry on Saturday reported that, of Israel’s population of 9.3 million, over 5.8 million have received at least one vaccine dose, nearly 5.4 million have gotten two, and 1,365,887 have been administered a third booster shot. 以色列國防軍打擊加沙哈馬斯目標,以回應邊境士兵被槍擊事件 軍方表示,在邊境騷亂發生後,已進一步加強該地區的部隊,期間一名軍官受重傷 作者:伊曼紐爾·法比安、亞倫·博克斯曼和猶大·阿里·格羅斯2021 年 8 月 22 日,上午 12:04 · · 2021 年 8 月 21 日,加沙中部一處地點被以色列飛機擊中。(視頻截圖) 以色列國防軍錶示,以色列空襲週六晚間襲擊了加沙地帶的四個哈馬斯武器儲存地點,以回應對邊境的槍擊襲擊,造成一名邊防衛隊人員重傷。 這次襲擊是在哈馬斯恐怖組織和其他派系組織的示威期間發生重大衝突之後發生的,在此期間,一名以色列邊防警衛被擊中頭部並受重傷。 以色列國防軍錶示,它襲擊了恐怖組織用來生產和儲存武器的四個地點。它沒有提供有關目標的更多細節。 軍方表示,罷工是為了應對騷亂和邊防警察受傷。 軍方在一份聲明中說:“哈馬斯恐怖組織繼續帶領加沙地帶走向恐怖,同時剝削平民。” 哈馬斯發言人 Fawzi Barhum 嘲笑以色列,稱其“低估了局勢”。 “像往常一樣,猶太復國主義的佔領通過轟炸抵抗地點,試圖掩蓋自己的失敗和對我們人民的堅定和堅持以及他們英勇抵抗的失望,”巴爾霍姆說。 巴勒斯坦報導稱,襲擊的目標是加沙中部、加沙城外和汗尤尼斯南部的努塞拉特難民營地區。 在罷工期間,巴勒斯坦人用重機槍向沿海飛地上空的以色列飛機開火。斯德洛特的一些房屋和車輛被槍聲擊中並受損。 United Hatzala 救護車服務部門表示,一名 19 歲的男子在重機槍射擊中跑到斯德羅特的一個避難所時摔倒後被送往醫院,情況輕微。 廣告 Sdot Negev 地區委員會早些時候在一份聲明中表示,以色列國防軍正在進行空襲,但對該地區居民的安全指示沒有變化。 週六早些時候,數百名巴勒斯坦人聚集在北部地帶的邊界圍欄附近,並與以色列軍隊發生了數小時的衝突。 在當天發生的一起事件中,如社交媒體上廣泛分享的視頻片段所示,一名持手槍的男子跑到加沙邊境混凝土牆上的一個小洞,邊防警察的一名狙擊手將其用作射擊位置並通過它開了幾槍,擊中了邊防衛隊。 醫院發言人說,這名邊防警察頭部受傷,情況危急,被送往貝爾謝巴的索羅卡醫療中心,在那裡他立即接受了手術。 事件發生後和空襲期間,以色列國防軍宣布已增派部隊加強其加沙師。 加沙各派系在靠近以色列邊境的馬利卡難民營組織了周六的抗議活動,作為在停火談判期間向以色列施壓的一系列活動的一部分,並於週三宣布了其計劃。 據哈馬斯管理的加沙衛生部稱,在敵對行動中,至少有 41 名騷亂者被以色列軍隊打傷,其中兩人傷勢嚴重。 廣告 以色列國防軍周四還向邊境派遣了增援部隊,但它似乎沒有充分預料到本週末計劃的暴力程度。 最近幾週,以色列和哈馬斯之間的緊張局勢升級,因為加強停火的談判似乎遇到了障礙。週一,自 5 月升級以來,兩枚火箭首次向以色列南部發射,據稱是伊斯蘭聖戰組織所為。 2021 年 8 月 21 日,在加沙城以東與以色列的邊境圍欄示威後,巴勒斯坦抗議者在與以色列安全部隊的衝突中燃燒輪胎。 (Said Khatib/AFP) 幾個月來,以色列和哈馬斯舉行了間接談判,為新的現狀奠定了條件。在五月的戰鬥之後,以色列一直對加沙加強限制,大大限制了進出口,並使受虐飛地的重建複雜化。 儘管最近幾天談判有進展的跡象,但新的暴力事件還是發生了。週五,國防部長本尼·甘茨 (Benny Gantz)表示,在宣布將卡塔爾援助資金帶回加沙地帶的協議之前,他與卡塔爾官員進行了會談。 在以色列和加沙哈馬斯統治者 5 月份發生衝突之前,卡塔爾的資金流動被認為對於保持猶太國家和伊斯蘭恐怖分子之間的相對平靜至關重要。 卡塔爾駐加沙特使 Mohammad al-Emadi 在一份聲明中說,卡塔爾和聯合國將通過聯合國和聯合國世界糧食計劃署每月為 10 萬個加沙貧困家庭提供 100 美元的工資——總計 1000 萬美元。 自哈馬斯於 2007 年控制該地區以來,以色列已經在加沙地帶進行了四次大規模打擊恐怖組織的行動,同時還發生了數十次規模較小的交火。 IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to shooting of soldier at border Military says it has further bolstered troops in the area following border riots, during which officer critically wounded By EMANUEL FABIAN, AARON BOXERMAN and JUDAH ARI GROSS22 August 2021, 12:04 am A site in central Gaza is struck by Israeli aircraft, on August 21, 2021. (Video screenshot) Israeli airstrikes hit four Hamas weapons storage sites in the Gaza Strip late Saturday evening in response to a shooting attack on the border that critically wounded a border guard, the Israel Defense Forces said. The attack came following major clashes during a demonstration organized by the Hamas terror group and other factions, during which an Israeli border guard was shot in the head and critically wounded. The IDF said it hit four sites used by the terror group to produce and store weapons. It gave no further details on the targets. The military said the strikes were in response to the riots and the wounding of the Border Police officer. “The Hamas terrorist organization continues to lead the Gaza Strip towards terror while exploiting the civilian population,” the army said in a statement. Hamas spokesperson Fawzi Barhum mocked Israel, saying that it had “underestimated the situation.” “As usual, the Zionist occupation, by bombing resistance sites, is seeking to cover up its own failure and dismay at the steadfastness and persistence of our people and their valiant resistance,” said Barhoum. Palestinian reports said that the strikes targeted areas in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza, outside Gaza city and in southern Khan Yunis. During the strikes, Palestinians fired heavy machine-gun fire at Israeli aircraft over the coastal enclave. A number of homes and vehicles in Sderot were hit by the gunfire and suffered damage. A 19-year-old man was evacuated to hospital in light condition after falling over while running to a shelter in Sderot amid the heavy machine-gun fire, the United Hatzala ambulance service said. ADVERTISEMENT The Sdot Negev regional council said earlier in an announcement that the IDF was conducting airstrikes, but that there was no change in safety instructions for residents of the area. Earlier on Saturday, hundreds of Palestinians massed near the border fence in the northern Strip and clashed with Israeli troops for a number of hours. In one incident during the day, as seen in video footage widely shared on social media, a man with a pistol ran up to a small hole in the concrete wall along the Gaza border that a sniper in the Border Police was using as a shooting position and fired a number of shots through it, hitting the border guard. The Border Police officer sustained a head wound and was taken in critical condition to Beersheba’s Soroka Medical Center, where he was immediately taken into surgery, a hospital spokesperson said. Following the incident and amid the airstrikes, the IDF announced that it had bolstered its Gaza Division with additional troops. Gaza factions had organized the Saturday protest in al-Malika Refugee Camp near the border with Israel as a part of a series of activities to pressure Israel amid truce negotiations, announcing its plans on Wednesday. At least 41 rioters were injured by Israeli troops during the hostilities, two of them critically, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry. ADVERTISEMENT The IDF also sent reinforcements to the border on Thursday, though it appeared to have insufficiently anticipated the extent of the violence planned for this weekend. Tensions have risen between Israel and Hamas in recent weeks, as negotiations to strengthen the ceasefire appeared to hit a brick wall. On Monday, two rockets were fired at southern Israel for the first time since the May escalation, allegedly by Islamic Jihad. Palestinian protesters burn tires amid clashes with Israeli security forces following a demonstration by the border fence with Israel, east of Gaza City, on August 21, 2021. (Said Khatib/AFP) For months, Israel and Hamas have held indirect negotiations to lay the terms for a new status quo. In the aftermath of May’s fighting, Israel has maintained heightened restrictions on Gaza, significantly limiting imports and exports and complicating the reconstruction of the battered enclave. The renewed violence came despite signs of progress in talks in recent days. On Friday, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that he conducted talks with Qatari officials in the leadup to the announcement of an agreement to bring back Qatari aid money to the Gaza Strip. Prior to the conflict in May between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers, the flow of funds from Qatar was considered vital to maintaining relative calm between the Jewish state and the Islamist terrorists. Qatar and the UN will channel $100 salaries for 100,000 impoverished Gazan families — $10 million in total — each month through the UN and the UN World Food Program, Qatari envoy to Gaza Mohammad al-Emadi said in a statement. Israel has fought four large campaigns against terror groups in the Strip since Hamas took control of the area in 2007, along with dozens of smaller exchanges of fire.

    2021.08.07 國際新聞導讀-真主黨19枚火箭打擊以色列、以色列與真主黨相互放狠話、美國CDC表示染病痊癒者去打疫苗可增加抵抗力、以色列前國會議員Michael Eitan治療帕金森氏症

    2021.08.07 國際新聞導讀-真主黨19枚火箭打擊以色列、以色列與真主黨相互放狠話、美國CDC表示染病痊癒者去打疫苗可增加抵抗力、以色列前國會議員Michael Eitan治療帕金森氏症
    2021.08.07 國際新聞導讀-真主黨19枚火箭打擊以色列、以色列與真主黨相互放狠話、美國CDC表示染病痊癒者去打疫苗可增加抵抗力、以色列前國會議員Michael Eitan治療帕金森氏症 真主黨向以色列發射了 19 枚火箭彈,這是自 2006 年戰爭以來最猛烈的砲火 軍方稱,防空系統攔截了 10 枚砲彈,6 枚擊中空地,3 枚落在黎巴嫩;恐怖組織稱襲擊是為了回應以色列最近的空襲 由伊曼紐爾·費邊今天,上午 11:11更新於下午 1:11 黎巴嫩恐怖組織真主黨於 2021 年 8 月 6 日發射火箭彈後,以色列自行榴彈砲從北部城鎮基里亞特什莫納附近的一個位置向黎巴嫩開火。(Jalaa Marey/法新社) 週五早上,從黎巴嫩向以色列北部發射了 19 枚火箭,導致戈蘭高地和加利利潘漢德爾的一些城鎮的居民爭先恐後地避難。真主黨恐怖組織後來承認對這次襲擊負責,這是自 2006 年第二次黎巴嫩戰爭以來最嚴重的一次。 以色列國防軍錶示,鐵穹導彈防禦系統攔截了 10 枚射彈,其中 6 枚落在多夫山周圍的空地上。據軍方稱,另外三枚火箭未能清除邊界並降落在黎巴嫩境內。 警報在上午 11 點前不久在以色列北部與黎巴嫩和敘利亞接壤的邊界附近的 Ein Quiniyye、Neveh Ativ 和 Snir 響起。 伊朗支持的真主黨恐怖組織證實,它發射了這些彈丸,稱這是為了回應以色列最近在黎巴嫩的空襲。 “伊斯蘭抵抗組織用數十枚 122 毫米火箭炮轟示巴農場附近的空地,”真主黨在阿拉伯語媒體發表的一份聲明中說。 以色列週四清晨的空襲是為了回應週三來自黎巴嫩的火箭襲擊。 相關:黎巴嫩德魯茲人在向以色列開火後與真主黨火箭發射車隊對峙 目前沒有關於週五火箭襲擊造成人員傷亡或損壞的直接報告。紅大衛盾會救護車服務部門表示,不知道有任何人員受傷。 以色列國防軍錶示,它已開始對火箭發射源發動一波砲擊。 軍方補充說,該地區的居民沒有特別指示。以色列國防軍在一份聲明中說:“黎巴嫩邊境附近的日常平民生活應該得到維持。” 廣告 真主黨隨後發布了一段火箭襲擊的視頻。 以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特、國防部長本尼·甘茨、以色列國防軍參謀長阿維夫·科哈維和其他安全官員將舉行會談,以審查以色列在周五襲擊後的潛在行動方案。 2021 年 8 月 6 日,國防部長本尼·甘茨在特拉維夫的 Kirya 軍事總部會見了以色列國防軍參謀長 Aviv Kohavi 和其他高級官員。(Ariel Hermoni/國防部) 甘茨早些時候與科哈維和其他高級官員舉行了一次會議,他的辦公室發表聲明說,他強調“保持密切聯繫並為國內提供持續更新的重要性”。 聯合國駐黎巴嫩維和特派團(簡稱聯黎部隊)週五表示,情況“非常嚴重”。 “聯黎部隊探測到來自黎巴嫩的火箭發射和以色列的回擊。這是一個非常嚴重的情況,我們敦促各方停火,”聯黎部隊在一份聲明中說。 軍方發言人蘭科恰夫週五告訴記者,以色列“無意開戰,但我們不想把黎巴嫩邊界變成對抗線。” 2021 年 6 月 6 日,以色列國防軍發言人蘭·科恰夫在特拉維夫北部以色列國防軍發言人部隊總部舉行的儀式上發表講話。(以色列國防軍) “這起事件顯示了真主黨的威懾力,因為它向空曠地區開火,”科恰夫補充道。 他還聲稱真主黨故意向空曠地區發射火箭。儘管如此,Iron Dome 系統仍被激活以攔截一些火箭,這通常只有在射彈前往人口稠密地區、軍事基地或關鍵基礎設施時才會這樣做。 廣告 “這是真主黨的溫和回應,以免局勢升級,”科恰夫說。 週五晚些時候,一名國防官員表示,該國保留在其認為合適的情況下對對以色列北部的火箭襲擊作出反應的權利。 這位官員在一份聲明中說:“以色列國防軍目前正在黎巴嫩採取大規模打擊行動,主要是大砲和戰鬥機對基礎設施的打擊,這是我們多年來沒有做過的事情。” “國防機構正在根據[現場]的發展,通過不同的方式——公開和隱蔽——準備額外的應對選擇。我們的活動將根據運營需求和最適合以色列的時間表繼續進行,”他說。 黎巴嫩恐怖組織真主黨於 2021 年 8 月 6 日發射火箭彈後,以色列自行榴彈砲從北部城鎮基里亞特什莫納附近的一個位置向黎巴嫩開火。(Jalaa Marey/法新社) 與此同時,哈馬斯恐怖組織對真主黨向“猶太復國主義敵人”發射火箭的決定表示“全力支持”,稱黎巴嫩恐怖組織正在挑戰以色列強加自己的交戰規則的企圖。 真主黨正在建立一個公式,其中“轟炸將以轟炸作為回報,那些開始[敵對行動] 的人是過錯的人,”哈馬斯說,指的是以色列週四在黎巴嫩境內的襲擊。 “在[以色列]消失之前,與這個敵人的戰鬥必須保持開放,”哈馬斯補充道。 最近的襲擊被歸咎於黎巴嫩當地的巴勒斯坦團體,而不是強大的真主黨。然而,真主黨對黎巴嫩南部保持著嚴格的控制,這使得在沒有其默許的情況下,從該地區進行此類襲擊是不可能的。 週三,三枚火箭從黎巴嫩發射到以色列北部。兩枚火箭彈擊中了開闊地帶,而第三枚火箭彈擊中了邊界。 作為回應,以色列國防軍在襲擊發生後不久就向黎巴嫩境內的目標發射了砲彈。據軍方稱,大約兩個小時後,它在對“恐怖基礎設施”和火箭發射場進行空襲之前進行了第二輪和第三輪攻擊。 自 2006 年第二次黎巴嫩戰爭以色列與真主黨作戰以來的 15 年裡,來自黎巴嫩的火箭彈非常罕見,儘管它偶爾發生。然而,最近幾個月略有上升,在 5 月的加沙 11 天戰爭期間以及上個月有 10 次針對以色列的發射,導致一些人擔心這種現象可能會變得更加普遍,就像在一些地區發生的那樣在加沙邊境。 以色列已通過聯合國維和人員向黎巴嫩表示,如果邊境不能恢復平靜,它可能會加強應對。 以色列國防軍在一份希伯來語聲明中說:“在不了解發射火箭的人的身份的情況下,很明顯黎巴嫩政府對以色列領土上的任何火災負有全部責任。” “黎巴嫩政府對在其內部活動的恐怖組織缺乏控制。” Aaron Boxerman 和 Judah Ari Gross 為本報告做出了貢獻。 Hezbollah fires 19 rockets at Israel, in heaviest barrage since 2006 war Military says 10 projectiles were intercepted by air defenses, 6 struck open areas and 3 landed in Lebanon; terror group says attack was in response to recent Israeli airstrikes By EMANUEL FABIANToday, 11:11 amUpdated at 1:11 pm Israeli self-propelled howitzers fire toward Lebanon from a position near the northern town of Kiryat Shmona following rocket fire by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, August 6, 2021. (Jalaa Marey/AFP) Nineteen rockets were fired at northern Israel from Lebanon on Friday morning, sending residents in a number of towns in the Golan Heights and Galilee Panhandle scrambling to shelters. The Hezbollah terror group later acknowledged responsibility for the barrage, its heaviest since the 2006 Second Lebanon War. The Israel Defense Forces said 10 projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and six landed in open around Mount Dov. Another three rockets failed to clear the border and landed in Lebanese territory, according to the military. The alarms sounded shortly before 11 a.m. in Ein Quiniyye, Neveh Ativ and Snir, near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon and Syria. The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group confirmed it had fired the projectiles, which it said came in response to recent Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon. “The Islamic Resistance shelled open areas near the Sheba Farms with dozens of 122mm rockets,” Hezbollah said in a statement carried in Arabic-language media. Thursday’s early morning Israeli airstrikes were in response to a previous rocket attack from Lebanon on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage in Friday’s rocket attack. The Magen David Adom ambulance service said it was not aware of any injuries. The IDF said it had begun a wave of artillery strikes toward the source of the rocket fire. The military added that there were no special instructions for residents in the area. “Routine civilian life adjacent to the Lebanese border should be maintained,” the IDF said in a statement. Hezbollah later released a video of the rocket attack. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi and other security officials were to hold talks to review Israel’s potential courses of action following Friday’s attack. Defense Minister Benny Gantz meets with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi and other top officers at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv on August 6, 2021. (Ariel Hermoni/Defense Ministry) Gantz held an earlier meeting with Kohavi and other senior officers, with a statement from his office saying he stressed “the importance of maintaining close contact and providing the home front with ongoing updates.” The UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, known by its acronym UNIFIL, said Friday the situation was “very serious.” “UNIFIL has detected rocket launches from Lebanon and return artillery fire by Israel. This is a very serious situation and we urge all parties to cease fire,” UNIFIL said in a statement. Military spokesperson Ran Kochav told reporters on Friday that Israel has “no intention of going to war, but we do not want to turn the Lebanon border into a line of confrontation.” Incoming IDF Spokesperson Ran Kochav speaks during a ceremony at the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit’s headquarters in northern Tel Aviv on June 6, 2021. (Israel Defense Forces) “The incident shows Hezbollah’s deterrence, as it fired at open areas,” Kochav added. He also asserted Hezbollah intentionally fired the rockets at open areas. Still, the Iron Dome system was activated to intercept some of the rockets, which is usually only done when projectiles are heading for populated areas, military bases or key infrastructure. ADVERTISEMENT “This is a moderate response from Hezbollah, as to not escalate the situation,” Kochav said. Later Friday, a defense official said the country reserves the right to respond to the rocket attack on northern Israel as it sees fits. “The Israel Defense Forces is currently taking action with large-scale strikes in Lebanon, mostly with artillery and with strikes on infrastructure with fighter jets, as we haven’t done for years,” the official said in a statement. “The defense establishment is preparing additional options for a response through different means — overt and covert — in accordance with developments [in the field]. The continuation of our activities will be in accordance with operational needs and a timeframe that is best suited for Israel,” he said. Israeli self-propelled howitzers fire toward Lebanon from a position near the northern town of Kiryat Shmona following rocket fire by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, August 6, 2021. (Jalaa Marey/AFP) Meanwhile, the Hamas terror group expressed its “full support” for Hezbollah’s decision to launch rockets at the “Zionist enemy,” saying the Lebanese terror group was challenging Israeli attempts to impose its own rules of engagement. Hezbollah is establishing a formula in which “bombing will be reciprocated by bombing, and those who commenced [the hostilities] are the ones at fault,” Hamas said, referring to Israel’s Thursday strikes inside Lebanese territory. “The battle with this enemy must remain an open one until [Israel] disappears,” Hamas added. Recent attacks had been blamed on local Palestinian groups in Lebanon, and not the powerful Hezbollah. However, Hezbollah maintains tight control over southern Lebanon, making it unlikely that such attacks would be conducted from this area without at least its tacit approval. On Wednesday, three rockets were fired into northern Israel from Lebanon. Two rockets hit open areas, while the third fell short of the border. In response, the Israel Defense Forces fired artillery shells at targets in Lebanon just after the attack. Some two hours later it followed up with a second and a third round before conducting airstrikes toward “terror infrastructure” and rocket launching sites, according to the military. Rocket fire from Lebanon has been exceedingly rare in the 15 years since the 2006 Second Lebanon War Israel fought against Hezbollah, though it has occurred sporadically. Recent months, however, have seen a slight uptick, with 10 launches aimed at Israel during May’s 11-day war in Gaza, as well as last month, leading to fears among some that the phenomenon could become more common, as has happened in areas on the Gaza border. Israel has conveyed to Lebanon via UN peacekeepers that it could intensify its response if calm is not returned to the border. “Without getting into the identity of who shot the rockets, it’s clear that the Lebanese government bears full responsibility for any fire at the State of Israel’s territory,” the IDF said in a Hebrew-language statement. “The Lebanese state lacks control over terror groups operating within it.” Aaron Boxerman and Judah Ari Gross contributed to this report. 真主黨警告說,如果以色列國防軍發動襲擊,它將再次襲擊以色列,並發布攻擊視頻 恐怖組織和耶路撒冷都表示不太可能進一步升級,但已準備好進一步衝突;以色列國防軍告訴北部社區恢復正常生活 由亞倫BOXERMAN今天,晚上 9:03 真主黨於 2021 年 7 月 8 日向以色列發射火箭(截圖) 真主黨副首領納伊姆·卡西姆週五告訴記者,雖然真主黨不相信它會與以色列升級,但如果以色列再次襲擊黎巴嫩領土,他們“準備好做出回應”。 “以色列必須明白,它必須保持威懾。否則,我們準備做出回應,”擔任黎巴嫩恐怖組織二把手的卡西姆說。 過去幾天,以色列北部邊境的緊張局勢急劇升級。週三,從黎巴嫩領土發射的火箭彈降落在以色列北部,引發了快速蔓延的大火;以色列指責巴勒斯坦恐怖組織。 以色列週四上午對黎巴嫩南部的開闊地區進行了空襲,這是耶路撒冷自 2014 年以來首次公開承認的空襲。 星期五,真主黨向以色列北部發射了 19 枚 122 毫米火箭彈,導致戈蘭高地和加利利狹長地帶的一些城鎮的居民爭先恐後地避難。恐怖組織立即對火箭發射負責,自 2006 年戰爭以來,這已經超過十五年沒有發生過。 它還發布了一段襲擊視頻,顯示一個移動火箭發射器機動到位,升起發射器並向以色列發射火箭。 音量 90% 一位不願透露姓名的以色列國防官員說,以色列正在準備對火箭彈發射的各種可能的反應。 廣告 “國防機構正在根據[現場]的發展,通過不同的方式——公開和隱蔽——準備額外的應對選擇。我們的活動將根據運營需求和最適合以色列的時間表繼續進行,”這位官員補充道。 2021 年 8 月 5 日,黎巴嫩強大的什葉派激進組織真主黨副首領謝赫·納伊姆·卡西姆(中)抵達伊朗新當選總統(未露面)在德黑蘭議會舉行的宣誓就職儀式。(Atta KENARE / 法新社) 真主黨領導人哈桑納斯魯拉尚未對最近發生的邊境交火發表評論。他定於週六晚上發表預先計劃好的演講,可能會處理最近的升級問題。 以色列軍隊曾表示,希望在不發生重大升級的情況下控制局勢。軍方發言人蘭科恰夫週五告訴記者,以色列“無意開戰,但我們不想把黎巴嫩邊界變成對抗線。” 科恰夫辯稱,真主黨顯然已經被有效威懾,因為恐怖組織只針對開闊地區。但是鐵穹系統被激活以攔截一些火箭,這通常只有在射彈前往人口稠密地區、軍事基地或關鍵基礎設施時才會進行。 進一步表明以色列預計不會出現重大升級,軍方告訴當地市政負責人,不需要採取任何緊急準備,例如開設防空洞。 第 12 頻道的軍事分析人士表示,以色列會在自己的時間做出反應,並且在北部到處都是夏季遊客的情況下不願意做出反應。 廣告 與科恰夫一樣,卡西姆強調,“[真主黨] 不相信事情正在朝著升級的方向發展。” “這種侵略會加劇嗎?我們將在未來幾天看到。真主黨不會等待事件來做準備,”卡西姆說。 真主黨高級官員將火箭視為對以色列襲擊的直接回應。他聲稱以色列的空襲基本上迫使恐怖組織出手。 “真主黨所做的是對侵略的回應。全世界都看到了這種侵略,面對它是不可能保持沉默的,”卡西姆說。 黎巴嫩南部的空襲發生之際,以色列與真主黨的地區贊助人伊朗之間的緊張局勢加劇。伊朗領導人是猶太國家的公開敵人,公開支持企圖摧毀它的恐怖主義派別。 2021 年 8 月 6 日,星期五,真主黨向以色列發射火箭後,以色列砲擊黎巴嫩南部村莊 Kfar Shouba 附近的煙霧升起。(美聯社照片/Mohammed Zaatari) 伊朗和以色列正在進行的影子戰爭在過去幾天上升了一個檔次。據稱,伊朗在阿曼灣劫持了一艘與以色列有關的船隻 Mercer Street,導致兩名外國人死亡。這次襲擊給德黑蘭帶來了廣泛的譴責。 黎巴嫩前總理薩阿德·哈里裡譴責利用黎巴嫩南部作為“地區衝突平台”。 哈里裡寫道:“黎巴嫩不屬於阿曼海伊朗-以色列衝突的一部分。” Hezbollah warns it will hit Israel again if IDF strikes, releases attack video Both terror group and Jerusalem say further escalation unlikely, but are ready for further conflict; IDF tells northern communities to return to normal life By AARON BOXERMANToday, 9:03 pm Hezbollah fires rockets toward Israel on July 8 2021 (Screencapture) Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem told reporters on Friday that although Hezbollah did not believe it was heading towards an escalation with Israel, they were “prepared to respond” should Israel strike Lebanese territory again. “Israel must understand that it must stay deterred. Otherwise, we are prepared to respond,” said Qassem, who serves as the Lebanese terror group’s second-in-command. Tensions have escalated dramatically on Israel’s northern border over the past few days. On Wednesday, rockets fired from Lebanese territory landed in northern Israel, sparking fast-spreading blazes; Israel blamed Palestinian terror groups. Israel conducted airstrikes that targeted open areas in southern Lebanon on Thursday morning, the first to be publicly acknowledged by Jerusalem since 2014. On Friday, Hezbollah fired a barrage of nineteen 122mm rockets into northern Israel, sending residents in a number of towns in the Golan Heights and Galilee Panhandle scrambling to shelters. The terror group immediately took responsibility for the rocket fire, which has not happened for over a decade and a half since the 2006 war. It also released a video of the assault showing a mobile rocket launcher maneuvering into position, raising the launcher and firing the salvo of rockets at Israel. Volume 90% An Israeli defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Israel was preparing a wide range of possible responses to the rocket fire. ADVERTISEMENT “The defense establishment is preparing additional options for a response through different means — overt and covert — in accordance with developments [in the field]. The continuation of our activities will be in accordance with operational needs and a timeframe that is best suited for Israel,” the official added. Deputy chief of Lebanon’s powerful Shiite militant group Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem (C) arrives at the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s newly elected president (not seen) at the parliament in Tehran on August 5, 2021. (Atta KENARE / AFP) Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has yet to comment on the recent exchanges of fire across the border. He is scheduled to give a pre-planned speech on Saturday night that will likely deal with the recent escalation. The Israeli army has said that it hopes to contain the situation without a major escalation. Military spokesperson Ran Kochav told reporters on Friday that Israel has “no intention of going to war, but we do not want to turn the Lebanon border into a line of confrontation.” Kochav argued that Hezbollah was clearly already effectively deterred, as the terror group had only targeted open areas. But the Iron Dome system was activated to intercept some of the rockets, which is normally done only when projectiles are heading for populated areas, military bases or key infrastructure. Further indicating that Israel did not expect a major escalation, the military told local municipal heads that did not need to take any emergency preparations, like opening bomb shelters. Military analysts on Channel 12 said Israel would respond in its own time and would be reluctant to react while the north was full of summer tourists. ADVERTISEMENT Like Kochav, Qassem stressed that “[Hezbollah] does not believe that matters are moving towards escalation.” “Will this aggression grow? We shall see in the coming days. Hezbollah does not wait for events so as to prepare,” Qassem said. The senior Hezbollah official justified the rockets as a direct response to the Israeli strikes. He claimed that the Israeli airstrikes had essentially forced the terror group’s hand. “What Hezbollah did was a response to aggression. The whole world saw this aggression, and it would be impossible to stay quiet in the face of it,” Qassem said. The airstrikes in southern Lebanon came as tensions have risen between Israel and Hezbollah’s regional patron, Iran. Iran’s leaders are avowed enemies of the Jewish state and publicly support terrorist factions that seek to destroy it. Smoke rises from Israeli shelling near the southern Lebanese village of Kfar Shouba, after Hezbollah fired rockets at Israel, Friday, Aug. 6, 2021. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari) Iran and Israel’s ongoing shadow war has risen a notch over the past few days. Iran allegedly hijacked an Israel-affiliated ship, the Mercer Street, in the Gulf of Oman, leading to the deaths of two foreign nationals. The attack brought Tehran widespread condemnation. Former Lebanese prime minister Sa’ad Hariri condemned the use of southern Lebanon as “a platform for regional conflicts.” “Lebanon is not part of the Iranian-Israeli clash in the Sea of Oman,” Hariri wrote. 甘茨警告黎巴嫩:你的情況很糟糕,我們可以讓它變得更糟 真主黨發射火箭後,國防部長發出警告;內塔尼亞胡禁止利庫德集團就北部邊境升級問題公開發表評論,但一些政府反對者選擇大聲疾呼 通過TOI人員今天,下午 6:18 2021 年 8 月 6 日,國防部長本尼·甘茨在特拉維夫的 Kirya 軍事總部會見了以色列國防軍參謀長 Aviv Kohavi 和其他高級官員。(Ariel Hermoni/國防部) 國防部長本尼·甘茨週五警告真主黨和黎巴嫩政府,雖然他們國家的局勢已經很嚴峻,但以色列準備讓情況變得更糟,如果什葉派恐怖組織在北部邊界發起猛攻的話,如果不保持安靜的話。當天早些時候的火箭。 “我們不打算讓真主黨玩弄我們,真主黨知道這一點。黎巴嫩局勢動盪不安。我們可以讓它變得更加不穩定,”甘茨在談到以色列的北部鄰國時告訴第 12 頻道,該鄰國深陷經濟崩潰和政治混亂之中。 “我們建議真主黨、黎巴嫩軍隊和黎巴嫩政府不要測試以色列國,”國防部長繼續說道。 “我們在黎巴嫩沒有利益,除了[維持]安全和安靜,”他說,並補充說安靜會遇到安靜。 週五早上,從黎巴嫩向以色列北部發射了 19 枚火箭彈,導致戈蘭高地和加利利潘漢德爾的一些城鎮的居民爭先恐後地避難。 以色列國防軍錶示,鐵穹導彈防禦系統攔截了 10 枚射彈,其中 6 枚落在多夫山周圍的空地。據軍方稱,另外三枚火箭未能清除邊界並降落在黎巴嫩境內。 伊朗支持的真主黨恐怖組織證實,它發射了這些射彈,這是自 2006 年第二次黎巴嫩戰爭以來對以色列的最猛烈的砲擊,據稱這是為了回應以色列最近對黎巴嫩的空襲。“伊斯蘭抵抗運動用數十枚 122 毫米火箭炮轟了 Shebaa 農場附近的空地,”它在阿拉伯語媒體發表的一份聲明中說。 以色列以炮火作為回應,並警告說,如果不保持安靜,將進行猛烈的反擊。 廣告 黎巴嫩恐怖組織真主黨於 2021 年 8 月 6 日發射火箭彈後,以色列自行榴彈砲從北部城鎮基里亞特什莫納附近的一個位置向黎巴嫩開火。(Jalaa Marey/法新社) 週四清晨的空襲是為了回應週三來自黎巴嫩的火箭襲擊。 雖然本傑明·內塔尼亞胡領導的反對派在幾乎所有問題上都批評了納夫塔利·貝內特總理的新政府,但真主黨週五的火箭彈似乎揭示了一個陣線,聯盟之外的許多人都願意阻止。 內塔尼亞胡的利庫德集團的立法者周五保持沉默,Ynet 新聞網站報導說,反對派領導人已命令他的政黨避免就北部局勢升級向媒體發表講話,這似乎是團結和尊重政府的標誌。在緊張的安全局勢中。 但該指令並沒有擴展到其他政黨,包括貝內特的亞米納,反叛的 MK Amichai Chikli 利用這個機會再次挖苦總理,他不支持他的政府。 “一切都很好,”奇克利在周五火箭發射後不久發推文,嘲笑貝內特週三在以色列北部發射了一周的第一批火箭後開始安全磋商時對媒體的回應。 2021 年 8 月 6 日,從黎巴嫩南部發射了 10 多枚火箭彈,在戈蘭高地上空可以看到鐵穹攔截導彈。(視頻截圖) 宗教猶太復國主義主席 Bezalel Smotrich 的回應更為尖銳。 廣告 在一個冗長的推特帖子中,這位極右翼議員要求政府“改變遊戲規則”,以色列長期以來一直接受,他聲稱這阻止了以色列國防軍對火箭彈做出更強有力的反應,因為它沒有擊中任何以色列人城市。 “第二次黎巴嫩戰爭後建立的危險遊戲規則使真主黨得以大規模加強,”他寫道,並聲稱以色列允許黎巴嫩恐怖組織逃脫“低強度的恐怖活動”。 他補充說:“我們不能有針對真主黨的‘遊戲規則’,因此以色列對今天開火的反應的強度和對真主黨和黎巴嫩的損害必須不成比例。” Gantz warns Lebanon: Your situation is dire and we can make it even worse Defense minister issues warning after Hezbollah rockets; Netanyahu bars Likud MKs from commenting publicly on northern border escalation but some gov’t opponents choose to speak up By TOI STAFFToday, 6:18 pm Defense Minister Benny Gantz meets with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi and other top officers at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv on August 6, 2021. (Ariel Hermoni/Defense Ministry) Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned Hezbollah and the Lebanese government on Friday that while the situation in their country is already dire, Israel was prepared to make it even worse, if quiet was not maintained on the northern border across which the Shiite terror group launched a barrage of rockets earlier in the day. “We do not intend to let Hezbollah toy with us and Hezbollah knows this. Lebanon’s situation is shaky. We can make it even shakier,” Gantz told Channel 12, in reference to Israel’s northern neighbor, which is mired in economic collapse and political disarray. “We recommend that Hezbollah, the Lebanese army and the Lebanese government don’t test the State of Israel,” the defense minister continued. “We have no interests in Lebanon, except [in maintaining] security and quiet,” he said, adding that quiet will be met with quiet. Nineteen rockets were fired into northern Israel from Lebanon on Friday morning, sending residents in a number of towns in the Golan Heights and Galilee Panhandle scrambling to shelters. The IDF said 10 projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and six landed in open areas around Mount Dov. Another three rockets failed to clear the border and landed in Lebanese territory, according to the military. The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group confirmed it had fired the projectiles, its heaviest barrage at Israel since the 2006 Second Lebanon War, which it said came in response to recent Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon. “The Islamic Resistance shelled open areas near the Shebaa Farms with dozens of 122mm rockets,” it said in a statement carried in Arabic-language media. Israel responded with artillery fire and warned of a heavy response if quiet was not maintained. ADVERTISEMENT Israeli self-propelled howitzers fire toward Lebanon from a position near the northern town of Kiryat Shmona following rocket fire by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, August 6, 2021. (Jalaa Marey/AFP) Thursday’s early morning airstrikes were in response to a previous rocket attack from Lebanon on Wednesday. While the opposition led by Benjamin Netanyahu has made a point in criticizing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s new government on just about every issue, Friday’s rocket barrage from Hezbollah appeared to reveal one front where many of those outside the coalition were willing to hold back. Lawmakers from Netanyahu’s Likud were silent Friday, and the Ynet news site reported that the opposition leader had ordered his party to avoid speaking to the media regarding the escalation in the north, in what appeared to be a sign of unity and respect for the government in the midst of a tense security situation. But that directive did not extend to other parties, including Bennett’s Yamina, where rebel MK Amichai Chikli exploited the opportunity to make another dig at the prime minister, whose government he does not support. “Everything’s okay,” Chikli tweeted shortly after the rocket fire on Friday, mocking the response Bennett gave to the press on Wednesday as he headed into security consultations after the week’s first salvo of rockets were launched at northern Israel. Iron Dome interceptor missiles are seen over the Golan Heights, as over 10 rockets were fired from southern Lebanon on August 6, 2021. (Video screenshot) Religious Zionism chairman Bezalel Smotrich was far more biting in his response. ADVERTISEMENT In a lengthy Twitter thread, the far-right lawmaker demanded that the government “alter the rules of the game,” long accepted by Israel, which he claimed prevented the IDF from responding more forcefully to the rocket fire because it did not strike any Israeli towns. “The dangerous rules of the game established after the Second Lebanon War have allowed Hezbollah to strengthen massively,” he wrote, claiming that Israel has allowed the Lebanese terror group to get away with a “low-intensity terrorist routine.” “We must not have “rules of the game” against Hezbollah, and therefore the Israeli response to today’s firing must be disproportionate in its intensity and damage to Hezbollah and Lebanon,” he added. 特使埃爾丹說,以色列“最終希望看到伊朗政權更迭” 駐美國和聯合國大使的評論代表了以色列官員支持推翻阿亞圖拉政權的一些影響最深遠的評論 由雅各布馬吉德 今天,晚上 10:37 以色列駐聯合國大使吉拉德·埃爾丹於 2021 年 6 月 27 日在紐約與一群美國猶太社區領袖交談。 (Shahar Azran) 紐約——以色列駐美國和聯合國大使吉拉德·埃爾丹說,耶路撒冷最終希望看到阿亞圖拉被推翻,這是以色列官員支持德黑蘭政權更迭的最深遠的評論之一。 “最後,我們最終希望看到 [政府] 被推翻,[有] 政權更迭和伊朗,”埃爾丹週四在被問及以色列對伊斯蘭共和國的戰略時告訴陸軍電台。 外交部發言人拒絕就埃爾丹的言論是否代表以色列政府的官方立場發表評論。 到目前為止,以色列一直避免公開呼籲伊朗政權更迭,而是專注於召集國際社會對德黑蘭實施嚴厲制裁,以停止其核計劃並支持該地區的恐怖組織。 以色列有時還進行軍事和間諜活動,旨在遏制德黑蘭的核動力,並針對伊朗在整個地區的人員和代理人。 耶路撒冷還強調了最近易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 當選伊斯蘭共和國總統,國防部長本尼·甘茨 (Benny Gantz) 週五表示,這“表明伊朗正在採取更加極端主義和原教旨主義的方向”。賴西在 1980 年代擔任德黑蘭副檢察官期間簽署了對數千名持不同政見者處決的協議。 在陸軍電台採訪中,埃爾丹承認,讓該國被視為唯一一個對伊朗採取行動的國家不符合以色列的利益。他說,他作為大使的角色除了對伊朗政權施加軍事威脅外,還為對伊朗實施不斷加強的製裁建立合法性。 2021 年 8 月 5 日星期四,在伊朗德黑蘭議會宣誓就任總統後,總統易卜拉欣·賴西(中)向記者揮手致意。(美聯社照片/Vahid Salemi) “我們希望看到國際社會對伊朗採取更加堅決的行動,”他說,承認對全球對伊朗侵略的反應緩慢的性質感到一定程度的沮喪。 廣告 “我們希望國際社會盡快得出這個結論,因為我們需要結束這種殺戮,”埃爾丹補充說。 週二,埃爾丹呼籲安理會譴責和製裁伊朗,因為上週在阿曼海岸附近對一艘與以色列有聯繫的船隻進行了致命的無人機襲擊。 上週四的無人機襲擊目標是 MT Mercer Street,這是一艘由以色列著名億萬富翁 Eyal Ofer 擁有的英國公司管理的油輪。當無人機在阿曼海岸附近撞擊這艘船時,一名英國保安和一名羅馬尼亞船員喪生。以色列、美國、英國和羅馬尼亞都認為伊朗對此負責。 對以色列來說,一個積極的跡像是,七國集團週五聯合譴責上週對油輪的襲擊,並表示有證據表明伊朗是這起事件的幕後黑手。 “我們譴責對一艘商船的非法襲擊,”英國、加拿大、法國、德國、意大利、日本和美利堅合眾國的外交部長在一份聯合聲明中說。 在 Maxar Technologies 提供的這張圖片中,油輪 Mercer Street 於 2021 年 8 月 4 日星期三在阿拉伯聯合酋長國富查伊拉海岸附近被看到。(衛星圖片 ©2021 Maxar Technologies via AP) 他們補充說:“這是一次蓄意和有針對性的襲擊,明顯違反了國際法。” “所有現有證據都明確指向伊朗。這次襲擊沒有任何理由。” 廣告 週五,安理會召開緊急閉門會議討論此事。 埃爾丹在 2020 年上屆政府期間被任命為駐美國和聯合國大使。他將繼續擔任聯合國特使,但將由前準將邁克爾·赫爾佐格(Michael Herzog)接替擔任駐美國大使,最早可能由內閣確認。週日,據接近總理納夫塔利·貝內特的聯盟消息人士透露。 Israel ‘would ultimately like to see regime change in Iran,’ says envoy Erdan Comments by ambassador to US and UN represent some of most far-reaching made by an Israeli official in favor of overthrowing the Ayatollahs regime By JACOB MAGID Today, 10:37 pm Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan speaks to a group of American Jewish community leaders in New York on June 27, 2021. (Shahar Azran) NEW YORK — Israel’s Ambassador to the US and UN Gilad Erdan said that Jerusalem would ultimately like to see the Ayatollahs overthrown, in one of the most far-reaching comments by an Israeli official in favor of regime change in Tehran. “In the end, we would ultimately like to see [the government] overthrown and [for there to be] regime change and Iran,” Erdan told Army Radio on Thursday, when asked about Israel’s strategy vis-à-vis the Islamic Republic. A Foreign Ministry spokesman declined to comment on whether Erdan’s remarks represent the official position of the Israeli government. Until now, Israel has avoided publicly calling for regime change in Iran, instead focusing on rallying the international community to impose crippling sanctions against Tehran to stop its nuclear program and its support for terror groups across the region. Israel has also at times carried out military and espionage operations designed to curtail Tehran’s atomic drive and targetted Iran’s personnel and proxies throughout the region. Jerusalem has also highlighted the recent election of Ebrahim Raisi as president of the Islamic Republic, which Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Friday “points to the even more extremist and fundamentalist direction that Iran is taking.” Raisi signed off on the executions of thousands of dissidents during his time as deputy prosecutor of Tehran in the 1980s. In the Army Radio interview, Erdan acknowledged that it is not an Israeli interest for the country to be seen as the only one acting against Iran. He said his role as ambassador is to build the legitimacy for imposing ever-toughening sanctions against Iran in addition to wielding a military threat against the regime. President Ebrahim Raisi, center, waves to journalists as he is surrounded by group of lawmakers after taking his oath as president at the parliament in Tehran, Iran, on Thursday, August 5, 2021. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi) “We would like to see actions that are much more determined from the international community against Iran,” he said, admitting a degree of frustration with the perceived slow nature of the global response to Iranian aggression. ADVERTISEMENT “We hope the international community will draw this conclusion as soon as possible because we need to put an end to this murderousness,” Erdan added. On Tuesday, Erdan called on the Security Council to condemn and sanction Iran in the wake of last week’s deadly drone attack on a ship with ties to Israel off the coast of Oman. The drone attack last Thursday targeted the MT Mercer Street, a tanker managed by a UK-based company owned by prominent Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer. A British security guard and a Romanian crew member were killed when drones slammed into the vessel off the coast of Oman. Israel, the US, the UK and Romania have all pegged Iran as responsible. In a positive sign for Israel, the Group of Seven leading industrialized countries on Friday jointly condemned last week’s attack on the tanker and said evidence indicated Iran was behind the incident. “We condemn the unlawful attack committed on a merchant vessel,” the foreign ministers of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States of America said in a joint statement. In this image provided by Maxar Technologies, the oil tanker Mercer Street is seen off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. (Satellite image ©2021 Maxar Technologies via AP) “This was a deliberate and targeted attack, and a clear violation of international law,” they added. “All available evidence clearly points to Iran. There is no justification for this attack.” ADVERTISEMENT On Friday, the Security Council was holding an emergency closed-door session to discuss the matter. Erdan was appointed ambassador to the US and UN during the previous government in 2020. He will stay on as UN envoy, but will be replaced as ambassador to the US by former brigadier general Michael Herzog, who could be confirmed by the cabinet as early as Sunday, according to a coalition source close to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. 在緊張局勢升級之際,甘茨說以色列準備在伊朗發動襲擊 但國防部長補充說,需要全球動員起來反對德黑蘭的惡意活動,因為伊斯蘭共和國與最近的海上襲擊有關 由伊曼紐爾·費邊2021 年 8 月 5 日,下午 12:59 國防部長本尼·甘茨出席在以色列南部埃什科爾地區舉行的會議。2021 年 7 月 13 日。(Flash90) 國防部長本尼·甘茨週四表示,隨著伊朗增強其核能力以及強硬派易卜拉欣·賴西宣誓就任總統,該地區緊張局勢加劇,該國準備直接與伊朗進行軍事接觸。 在接受 Ynet 新聞網站採訪時,當被問及以色列是否準備好在必要時對伊朗發動襲擊時,甘茨簡單地回答說:“是的。” 儘管如此,他補充說,以色列仍專注於動員國際社會控制德黑蘭,“因為我們不能將伊朗僅僅視為以色列的問題,並免除世界其他地區的責任。 “世界需要與伊朗打交道,該地區需要與伊朗打交道,以色列也需要在這種情況下儘自己的一份力量,”他宣稱。 當被問及他是否指的是世界也參與對伊朗的軍事行動時,國防部長的回答是肯定的。 甘茨和外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 週三點名了伊朗指揮官,他們說他們是上周無人機襲擊阿曼海岸附近一艘油輪的幕後黑手。 2021 年 8 月 3 日,拖船停泊在阿拉伯聯合酋長國富查伊拉港附近與以色列有聯繫的油輪 MT Mercer Street 旁邊。 (Karim Sahib/AFP) “伊斯蘭革命衛隊空軍司令阿米爾·阿里·哈吉扎德是該地區數十起使用無人機和導彈的恐怖襲擊的幕後黑手,”甘茨在耶路撒冷外交部舉行的一次簡報會上告訴聯合國安理會各國特使。“有史以來第一次,我還將揭露對發射自殺式無人機負有直接責任的人——他的名字是賽義德·阿拉賈尼,他是伊斯蘭革命衛隊無人機指揮部的負責人。” 以色列正在尋求召集聯合國安理會討論對 MT Mercer Street 油輪的致命無人機襲擊,以色列和國際社會將其歸咎於伊朗。這次襲擊殺死了一名英國人和一名羅馬尼亞人。 廣告 以色列認為,這艘船之所以成為攻擊目標,是因為它是由一家以色列人擁有的公司經營的。伊朗否認參與了這次襲擊。 週二,以色列駐聯合國大使吉拉德·埃爾丹(Gilad Erdan)致函安理會,要求其緊急解決海上事件,並譴責伊朗對默瑟街的無人機襲擊事件。 簡報是在伊朗支持的部隊據報導也控制了一天之後發布的了阿曼灣的一艘油輪,英國當局將其描述為“潛在的劫持事件”。這艘船最終被釋放。事件的細節尚不清楚。 週四,伊朗新總統易卜拉欣·賴西在議會宣誓就職之際,該地區局勢緊張。他被以色列稱為“德黑蘭的劊子手”,因為他涉嫌參與 1980 年至 1988 年伊朗和伊拉克之間的戰爭即將結束時對囚犯的大規模屠殺。 2021 年 8 月 3 日,伊朗最高領袖阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊 (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) 在伊朗德黑蘭舉行的背書儀式上向新當選的總統易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 授予正式批准印章。 (伊朗最高領袖辦公室通過美聯社) 海上事件發生之際,伊朗與西方之間因德黑蘭與世界大國的核協議破裂而緊張局勢加劇,以及該地區的商業航運發現自己陷入了十字準線。 甘茨還在周三向特使的簡報中警告說,伊朗距離獲得足夠的濃縮鈾來製造核彈只有大約 10 週的時間。 廣告 美國總統喬拜登已表示他準備重返 2015 年核協議,並與伊朗進行間接談判,同時與該協議的其餘締約方英國、中國、法國、德國和俄羅斯進行正式會談。 以色列長期以來一直反對核協議,並反對拜登表明的重新加入該條約的意圖,而美國前總統唐納德特朗普已退出該條約。 Lazar Berman 和機構為本報告做出了貢獻。 Amid rising tensions, Gantz says Israel is ready to strike in Iran But defense minister adds that what is needed is global mobilization against Tehran for its malign activities, as Islamic Republic is linked to recent maritime attacks By EMANUEL FABIAN5 August 2021, 12:59 pm Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday said the country is prepared to engage militarily directly with Iran, amid rising tensions in the region as Iran increases its nuclear capabilities and as hardliner Ebrahim Raisi is sworn into the presidency. Asked in an interview with the Ynet news site whether Israel was ready to strike in Iran if need be, Gantz responded simply, “Yes.” Still, he added, Israel was focused on an effort to mobilize the international community to rein Tehran in, “because we can’t tag Iran as solely an Israeli problem and absolve the rest of the world from this issue. “The world needs to deal with Iran, the region needs to deal with Iran, and Israel also needs to do its part in this situation,” he declared. When asked if he was referring to the world also getting involved in military action against Iran, the defense minister answered in the affirmative. Gantz and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Wednesday named the Iranian commanders they said were behind last week’s deadly drone attack on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman. Tugboats are moored next to the Israeli-linked tanker MT Mercer Street, off the Fujairah port in the United Arab Emirates, on August 3, 2021. (Karim Sahib/AFP) “Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC’s Air Force, is behind dozens of terror attacks in the region employing UAVs and missiles,” Gantz told envoys from countries on the United Nations Security Council during a briefing at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. “For the first time ever, I will also expose the man who is directly responsible for the launch of suicide UAVs — his name is Saeed Ara Jani and he is the head of the IRGC’s UAV command.” Israel is seeking to convene the UN Security Council over the deadly drone attack on the MT Mercer Street oil tanker, blamed on Iran by Israel and the international community. The attack killed a Briton and a Romanian. ADVERTISEMENT Israel believes the ship was targeted due to it being operated by a company owned by an Israeli. Iran has denied involvement in the attack. On Tuesday, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan sent a letter to the Security Council demanding it urgently address the incidents at sea and condemn Iran over the drone attack on the Mercer Street. The briefing came a day after Iranian-backed forces also reportedly took control of a tanker in the Gulf of Oman in an incident British authorities described as “a potential hijack.” The ship was eventually released. Details of the event remain unclear. Tensions in the region come as new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi takes the oath before parliament Thursday. He has been branded by Israel as the “Hangman of Tehran” over his alleged involvement in the mass killings of prisoners toward the end of the 1980-1988 war between Iran and Iraq. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, left, gives his official seal of approval to newly elected President Ebrahim Raisi in an endorsement ceremony in Tehran, Iran, August 3, 2021. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP) The maritime incidents come amid heightened tensions between Iran and the West over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers and as commercial shipping in the region has found itself caught in the crosshairs. Gantz also warned in the Wednesday briefing to the envoys that Iran was just some 10 weeks away from acquiring enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb. ADVERTISEMENT US President Joe Biden has signaled his readiness to return to the 2015 nuclear deal and has engaged in indirect negotiations with Iran alongside formal talks with the agreement’s remaining parties, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia. Israel has long been against the nuclear deal and opposes Biden’s stated intentions to reenter the treaty, which former US president Donald Trump backed out of. Lazar Berman and agencies contributed to this report. 退役準將邁克·赫爾佐格宣佈為下一任駐美國大使 經驗豐富的和平談判代表,總統的兄弟將在貝內特和拉皮德任總理期間任職,等待內閣批准 由雅各布馬吉德 今天,下午 6:41 邁克爾·赫爾佐格於 2019 年 8 月 11 日接受美國之音波斯語採訪。(屏幕截圖/YouTube) 紐約——總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 週五宣布退役雙桅船。邁克爾赫爾佐格將軍將擔任以色列下一任駐美國大使。 據與首相關係密切的聯盟消息人士稱,赫爾佐格的任命最早將於週日提交內閣批准。 貝內特辦公室表示,如果得到確認,赫爾佐格——總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格的兄弟——將在外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 從 2023 年 9 月開始的兩年多總理任期內繼續留任,這表明政府的兩位領導人對這一決定進行了合作. 經過幾週的考慮,貝內特決定與赫爾佐格合作,“鑑於他在安全和政治領域的豐富和長期經驗,以及他對以色列國面臨的戰略問題,尤其是伊朗核計劃的深入了解, ”總理辦公室說。 拉皮德也對這一消息表示歡迎,稱赫爾佐格“正是擔任這一具有重要戰略意義的角色的合適人選”。 “我期待與他合作,進一步加強和深化以美關係,”拉皮德說。 赫爾佐格現年 69 歲,在以色列國防軍服役約 40 年,擔任過多個高級職位,包括軍隊戰略規劃司司長以及四位國防部長的軍事秘書和參謀長。 赫爾佐格還是以色列-巴勒斯坦和平談判的資深談判代表,包括 2013-2014 年本傑明·內塔尼亞胡擔任總理的談判。 廣告 總理納夫塔利·貝內特提名以色列駐美國大使邁克爾·“邁克”·赫爾佐格。(禮貌) 最近,他擔任華盛頓近東政策研究所和猶太人政策研究所智囊團的高級研究員。 “鑑於政治舞台上的重大挑戰,總理祝賀赫爾佐格獲得提名,並祝愿他在新職位上取得巨大成功,”貝內特辦公室說。 一位與貝內特關係密切的聯盟消息人士表示,雖然許多人為該職位發起了自己的個人競選活動,但只有一小部分候選人被認真考慮擔任該職位。他們包括前以色列國防軍軍事情報總監阿莫斯·亞德林(Amos Yadlin)——他在擔任國家安全研究所所長期間經常向貝內特介紹國防問題——以及雅科夫·卡茨(Yaakov Katz),後者是貝內特的前助手,現在是《耶路撒冷郵報》的編輯。前空軍指揮官阿米爾·埃舍爾 (Amir Eshel) 也曾短暫稱重。 但是,一旦赫爾佐格進入畫面,他的候選資格就變成了“扣籃”,消息人士說。“他檢查了所有的箱子。” 貝內特的辦公室正在尋找一位精通美以關係並且以前與總理有過關係的人。 赫爾佐格在華盛頓的人脈也很廣,包括與拜登政府的高級成員。 廣告 現任駐美國大使吉拉德·埃爾丹 (Gilad Erdan) 於 6 月宣布,他將在任命新特使後立即卸任。利庫德集團前部長埃爾丹也是駐聯合國大使,並將繼續擔任該職務。 一位消息人士上個月表示,貝內特希望在首相抵達華盛頓第一次訪問白宮時讓新任駐美大使。貝內特與美國總統喬拜登會面的日期尚未確定,但總理的高級顧問本週在華盛頓與白宮高級助手會面,目標是確定本月的日期。 Retired brigadier general Mike Herzog announced as next ambassador to US Veteran peace negotiator, president’s brother will serve during both Bennett and Lapid’s terms as premier, pending cabinet approval By JACOB MAGID Today, 6:41 pm · · · · · Michael Herzog is interviewed by VOA Persian on August 11, 2019. (Screen capture/YouTube) NEW YORK — Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced Friday that retired Brig. Gen. Michael Herzog will serve as Israel’s next ambassador to the US. Herzog’s appointment will be brought before the cabinet for its approval as early as Sunday, according to a coalition source close to the prime minister. If confirmed, Herzog — the brother of President Isaac Herzog — will remain in the post during Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s two-plus year term as prime minister that begins in September 2023, Bennett’s office said, indicating that the government’s two leaders cooperated in the decision. After several weeks of consideration, Bennett decided to go with Herzog “in light of his rich and long experience in the security and political arenas along with his in-depth knowledge of the strategic issues facing the State of Israel, especially the Iranian nuclear program,” the Prime Minister’s Office said. Lapid also welcomed the announcement, calling Herzog “exactly the right person to serve in this strategically important role.” Get The Times of Israel's Daily Editionby email and never miss our top stories Newsletter email addressGET IT By signing up, you agree to the terms “I look forward to working with him to further strengthen and deepen the Israel-US relationship,” Lapid said. Herzog, 69, served for roughly 40 years in the IDF, filling a number senior positions, including head of the army’s Strategic Planning Division as well as military secretary and chief of staff to four different defense ministers. Herzog is also a veteran negotiator in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, including the talks that took place in 2013-2014, when Benjamin Netanyahu was prime minister. ADVERTISEMENT Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s nominee for Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael “Mike” Herzog. (Courtesy) More recently, he served as a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the Jewish People Policy Institute think tanks. “The prime minister congratulated Herzog on his nomination and wished him great success in the new role, given the significant challenges in the political arena,” Bennett’s office said. While a number of individuals launched their own personal campaigns for the job, only a small group of candidates were seriously considered for the post, a coalition source close to Bennett said. They included former IDF Military Intelligence director Amos Yadlin — who frequently briefed Bennett on defense issues while serving as the head of the Institute for National Security Studies — and Yaakov Katz, a former aide to Bennett who is now editor of the Jerusalem Post. Also weighed briefly was former Air Force commander Amir Eshel. But once Herzog entered the picture, his candidacy became a “slam dunk,” said the source. “He checks all the boxes.” Bennett’s office was looking for someone well versed in US-Israel ties and who has a previous relationship with the premier. Herzog is also well-connected in Washington, including with senior members of the Biden administration. ADVERTISEMENT The incumbent ambassador to the US, Gilad Erdan, announced in June that he will step down from the post as soon as a new envoy is appointed. Erdan, a former minister for the Likud party, is also ambassador to the United Nations and will continue to serve in that role. A source said last month that Bennett was hoping to have the new ambassador in the US by the time the prime minister arrives in DC for his first visit to the White House. No date has been set for Bennett’s meeting with US President Joe Biden, but the premier’s senior advisers were in Washington this week for meetings with senior White House aides, with the goal of nailing down a date for this month. 美國疾病預防控制中心研究表明疫苗可大大增強 COVID-19 倖存者的免疫力 研究表明,未接種疫苗的倖存者再次感染的可能性是其兩倍以上,消除了認為康復後在很大程度上免疫的信念,尤其是新變種 作者:LAURAN NEERGAARD和MIKE STOBBE今天,晚上 11:28 在這張 2021 年 3 月 29 日的檔案照片中,一名工人在路易斯安那州梅泰里準備裝有 Moderna COVID-19 疫苗的注射器(美聯社照片/杰拉爾德赫伯特,檔案) 美聯社 — 即使是從 COVID-19 中康復的人也被敦促接種疫苗,尤其是在傳染性超強的 delta 變體激增的情況下 — 一項新研究表明,忽視該建議的倖存者再次感染的可能性是其兩倍以上。 疾病控制和預防中心週五的報告增加了越來越多的實驗室證據,表明感染了一次 COVID-19 的人在抗病毒免疫細胞方面得到了顯著增強——並且對新突變體提供了更廣泛的保護——當他們接種了疫苗。 “如果您以前感染過 COVID-19,請仍然接種疫苗,”CDC 主任 Rochelle Walensky 博士說。“接種疫苗是保護自己和周圍其他人的最佳方式,尤其是在傳染性更強的 delta 變種在全國蔓延的情況下。” 根據一項新的蓋洛普調查,美國人不打算接種疫苗的主要原因之一是相信他們已經感染了 COVID-19,因此受到了保護。從一開始,衛生當局就敦促倖存者獲得更廣泛的保護疫苗接種承諾。雖然這些鏡頭並不完美,但即使是 delta 突變體,它們也能提供強有力的保護,防止住院和死亡。 科學家們說,感染通常會讓倖存者至少免受類似病毒的嚴重再感染,但血液檢測表明,對令人擔憂的變異的保護能力下降。 CDC 研究提供了一些真實世界的證據。 疾病控制與預防中心 (CDC) 主任 Rochelle Walensky 博士和頂級傳染病專家 Anthony Fauci 博士於 7 月星期二在華盛頓國會山參議院健康、教育、勞工和養老金委員會作證2021 年 2 月 20 日。(美聯社照片/J. Scott Applewhite,游泳池) 研究人員對 2020 年實驗室確診感染冠狀病毒的肯塔基州居民進行了研究,其中絕大多數發生在 10 月至 12 月之間。他們將今年 5 月或 6 月再次感染的 246 人與 492 名保持健康的類似倖存者進行了比較。從未接種過疫苗的倖存者比完全接種疫苗的倖存者再次感染的風險要高得多,儘管大多數人在六到九個月前才第一次感染 COVID-19。 研究的主要作者、與肯塔基州衛生部門合作的 CDC 疾病偵探艾莉森·卡瓦諾 (Alyson Cavanaugh) 說,冠狀病毒的不同變種在 2020 年引起了大多數疾病,而較新的 alpha 版本在 5 月和 6 月在肯塔基州占主導地位。 廣告 她說,這表明早期感染的自然免疫力不如那些人在病毒進化時接種疫苗所獲得的增強作用那麼強。 關於較新的 delta 變體再次感染的信息很少。但美國衛生官員指出,英國的早期數據表明,一旦人們在之前的感染後 6 個月後,再次感染 delta 的風險似乎大於曾經常見的 alpha 變體。 美國政府頂級傳染病專家安東尼·福奇博士說,“毫無疑問”,為 COVID-19 倖存者接種疫苗可以增強免疫力的數量和廣度,“因此您不僅可以覆蓋原始(病毒),還可以覆蓋變種”。在最近的白宮簡報會上說。 2020 年 10 月 28 日,星期三,護士在法國南部阿爾勒的 Joseph Imbert 醫院中心的重症監護室安慰一名 COVID-19 患者。(美聯社照片/丹尼爾科爾) CDC 建議對每個人進行全面接種,即兩劑兩劑疫苗。 但在周五在 JAMA Network Open 上發表的另一項研究中,拉什大學的研究人員報告說,只需接種一劑疫苗,先前感染者的抗病毒免疫細胞就會顯著增強,這比從未感染過的人接種兩次疫苗所獲得的要多。 最近發表在《科學》和《自然》雜誌上的其他研究表明,先前感染和接種疫苗的結合也增強了人們對不斷變化的病毒的免疫力。這就是加州拉霍亞免疫學研究所的病毒學家 Shane Crotty 所說的“混合免疫”。 廣告 Crotty 說,接種疫苗的倖存者“可以製造出能夠識別各種變異的抗體,即使你從未接觸過該變異。” “挺甜的。” 對任何有過感染史而考慮跳過疫苗接種的人發出的警告:自然免疫力的數量因人而異,可能取決於他們開始時的病情。拉什大學的研究發現,29 名以前感染過的人中有 4 人在接種疫苗之前沒有檢測到抗體——疫苗對他們有效,就像對從未感染過 COVID-19 的人一樣。 為什麼許多先前感染者對疫苗接種有如此強烈的反應?它與免疫系統如何形成多層保護有關。 在接種疫苗或感染後,身體會產生抗體,可以在冠狀病毒下一次入侵時抵禦它。那些自然會隨著時間的推移而減弱。如果感染從它們身邊溜走,T 細胞會通過殺死受病毒感染的細胞來幫助預防嚴重疾病,而記憶 B 細胞會立即行動起來製造大量新抗體。 那些記憶 B 細胞不只是複制原始抗體。賓夕法尼亞大學免疫學家 John Wherry 解釋說,在稱為生髮中心的免疫系統新兵訓練營中,它們還會使產生抗體的基因發生突變,以測試一系列這些病毒鬥士。 結果本質上是一個抗體配方庫,身體可以在未來暴露後從中選擇——當疫苗接種觸發免疫系統對抗實際病毒的原始記憶時,這個過程會更強。 Crotty 說,由於 delta 變體的超級傳染性,儘管之前感染過,但接種疫苗“現在比以前更重要了”。“你的抗體的廣度和抗變異的效力將比你現在擁有的要好得多。” US CDC study shows vaccine gives COVID-19 survivors big immune boost Unvaccinated survivors more than twice as likely to get reinfected, research indicates, dispelling belief that recovered are largely immune, particularly with new variants By LAURAN NEERGAARD and MIKE STOBBEToday, 11:28 pm In this March 29, 2021 file photo, a worker readies syringes with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in Metairie, La. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File) AP — Even people who have recovered from COVID-19 are urged to get vaccinated, especially as the extra-contagious delta variant surges — and a new study shows survivors who ignored that advice were more than twice as likely to get reinfected. Friday’s report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention adds to growing laboratory evidence that people who had one bout of COVID-19 get a dramatic boost in virus-fighting immune cells — and a bonus of broader protection against new mutants — when they’re vaccinated. “If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious delta variant spreads around the country.” According to a new Gallup survey, one of the main reasons Americans cite for not planning to get vaccinated is the belief that they’re protected since they already had COVID-19. From the beginning, health authorities have urged survivors to get the broader protection vaccination promises. While the shots aren’t perfect, they are providing strong protection against hospitalization and death even from the delta mutant. Scientists say infection does generally leave survivors protected against a serious reinfection at least with a similar version of the virus, but blood tests have signaled that protection drops against worrisome variants. The CDC study offers some real-world evidence. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, testify before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, July 20, 2021.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, Pool) Researchers studied Kentucky residents with a lab-confirmed coronavirus infection in 2020, the vast majority of them between October and December. They compared 246 people who got reinfected in May or June of this year with 492 similar survivors who stayed healthy. The survivors who never got vaccinated had a significantly higher risk of reinfection than those who were fully vaccinated, even though most had their first bout of COVID-19 just six to nine months ago. A different variant of the coronavirus caused most illnesses in 2020, while the newer alpha version was predominant in Kentucky in May and June, said study lead author Alyson Cavanaugh, a CDC disease detective working with that state’s health department. ADVERTISEMENT That suggests natural immunity from earlier infection isn’t as strong as the boost those people can get from vaccination while the virus evolves, she said. There’s little information yet on reinfections with the newer delta variant. But US health officials point to early data from Britain that the reinfection risk appears greater with delta than with the once-common alpha variant, once people are six months past their prior infection. “There’s no doubt” that vaccinating a COVID-19 survivor enhances both the amount and breadth of immunity “so that you cover not only the original (virus) but the variants,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US government’s top infectious disease expert, said at a recent White House briefing. Nurses comfort a COVID-19 patient in the intensive care unit at the Joseph Imbert Hospital Center in Arles, southern France, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2020. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole) The CDC recommends full vaccination, meaning both doses of two-dose vaccines, for everyone. But in a separate study published Friday in JAMA Network Open, Rush University researchers reported just one vaccine dose gives the previously infected a dramatic boost in virus-fighting immune cells, more than people who have never been infected get from two shots. Other recent studies published in Science and Nature show the combination of a prior infection and vaccination also broadens the strength of people’s immunity against a changing virus. It’s what virologist Shane Crotty of California’s La Jolla Institute for Immunology calls “hybrid immunity.” ADVERTISEMENT Vaccinated survivors “can make antibodies that can recognize all kinds of variants even if you were never exposed to the variant,” Crotty said. “It’s pretty sweet.” One warning for anyone thinking of skipping vaccination if they had a prior infection: The amount of natural immunity can vary from person to person, possibly depending on how sick they were to begin with. The Rush University study found four of 29 previously infected people had no detectable antibodies before they were vaccinated — and the vaccines worked for them just like they work for people who never had COVID-19. Why do many of the previously infected have such a robust response to vaccination? It has to do with how the immune system develops multiple layers of protection. After either vaccination or infection, the body develops antibodies that can fend off the coronavirus the next time it tries to invade. Those naturally wane over time. If an infection sneaks past them, T cells help prevent serious illness by killing virus-infected cells — and memory B cells jump into action to make lots of new antibodies. Those memory B cells don’t just make copies of the original antibodies. In immune system boot camps called germinal centers, they also mutate antibody-producing genes to test out a range of those virus fighters, explained University of Pennsylvania immunologist John Wherry. The result is essentially a library of antibody recipes that the body can choose from after future exposures — and that process is stronger when vaccination triggers the immune system’s original memory of fighting the actual virus. With the delta variant’s super infectiousness, getting vaccinated despite a prior infection “is more important now than it was before to be sure,” Crotty said. “The breadth of your antibodies and potency against variants is going to be far better than what you have right now.” 足夠的合法體操:為什麼以色列應該讓其金牌得主結婚 Artem Dolgopyat 和他的未婚妻並沒有抱怨。但是他們和其他 400,000 人是一項荒謬政策的受害者,該政策賦予他們公民身份但剝奪他們結婚的權利 由戴維·霍羅維茨 2021 年 8 月 5 日,下午 1:07 2021 年 8 月 3 日星期二,以色列藝術體操男子金牌得主 Artem Dolgopyat 與他的未婚妻 Maria Sakovich 站在一起。(美聯社照片 / Ariel Schalit) 奧列格·多爾戈皮亞特 (Oleg Dolgopyat) 於 12 年前將家人從烏克蘭帶到以色列,因為“我是猶太人”,本週他說,此前他的兒子阿爾喬姆成為奧運會歷史上第二位獲得金牌的以色列人。 然而,奧列格的妻子安吉拉不是猶太人。因此,雖然這個家庭在以色列自動獲得公民身份——回歸法要求一名猶太祖父母作為公民身份——阿爾喬姆不能在這裡結婚,因為根據 halacha(猶太宗教法),猶太教是通過母系血統世代相傳的, halacha 禁止異族通婚,以色列沒有關於公證婚姻的規定。(2010 年的一項法律規定了“民事結合”,但這是一種複雜且有限的安排,而不是婚姻,而且僅適用於那些被視為不屬於公認宗教的人。) 除了這位藝術體操運動員在東京自由體操中取得世界矚目的成功,以他非凡的冷靜和謙遜為標誌,阿爾喬姆的國家強加的浪漫邊緣已經成為他新聲望的第二個故事。 24 歲的阿爾特姆 (Artem) 拒絕捲入這場爭議,他在周一溫和地說:“我認為在整個國家面前談論這件事不太合適……我的心和我自己的個人問題,所以我寧願不回答。” 他的未婚妻瑪麗亞·薩科維奇也堅決拒絕在公眾面前大驚小怪。她週二告訴法新社,無法在以色列結婚“對我來說不是問題”。在對著鏡頭善意地舉起她的訂婚戒指後,她告訴以色列的第 12 頻道,她知道他們可以出國結婚,但由於 Artem 的體操承諾而沒有時間這樣做。 2021 年 8 月 1 日在東京有明體操中心舉行的 2020 年奧運會藝術體操男子自由體操決賽中,以色列選手阿爾喬姆·多爾戈皮亞特 (Lionel Bonaventure / 法新社) 以色列目前的情況很荒謬,估計有 400,000 名以色列公民——足夠有資格獲得公民身份的猶太人,但不是猶太人——不能在這裡結婚,但如果他們在海外結婚,他們的公證婚姻可以獲得國家承認. 令人欽佩和恰​​當的是,回歸法在猶太復國主義對納粹的回應中提供了公民身份——如果你是猶太人,足以成為阿道夫希特勒的種族滅絕目標,那麼你是足夠的猶太人,可以保證在世界上唯一的猶太國家有一個家。沒有人要求 halacha 的監護人放棄宗教猶太法律的原則。(“我們知道遊戲規則,”薩科維奇告訴第 12 頻道。)但是沒有充分的理由說明以色列國家當局不應該在這裡引入與公民結婚時他們接受的相同的民事婚姻設施。海外儀式。 以色列公證婚姻的反對者聲稱這可能會使以色列的猶太人性格複雜化或淡化,但這是一個難以理解的論點。那些數十萬以色列不完全是猶太人並沒有試圖潛入哈拉奇猶太教;他們不是在推動快速的、不真誠的轉換;他們在民事婚姻後的國家文件不會歪曲他們的猶太人身份。 廣告 如果他們可以搬到以色列,為以色列在以色列國防軍中戰鬥,現在為以色列贏得金牌,他們應該被允許在以色列結婚。 在奧運歷史上相親相愛 最後,談談這屆奧運會最美妙的時刻之一,當時另一位中東人、卡塔爾跳高運動員穆塔茲·埃薩·巴爾希姆也獲得了該國的第二枚金牌。 Barshim 與他的對手和朋友意大利的 Gianmarco Tamberi 競爭了兩個小時,他們根本無法分開。兩者都在清除高達 2.37 米的橫桿時沒有錯誤;然後兩人都失敗了3次,以打破2.39——奧運紀錄的高度。 他們正準備出發時,巴希姆突然問負責人:“我們可以拿兩塊金牌嗎?” 表面上與體育比賽最純粹的原則不一致的要求。 2021 年 8 月 1 日,在日本東京舉行的 2020 年奧運會男子跳高比賽中,意大利選手詹馬爾科·坦貝里與卡塔爾選手穆塔茲·巴爾希姆共同慶祝。(美聯社照片/馬丁邁斯納) 事實上,“有可能,”官員從面具後面說道,並開始詳細說明,但巴希姆和坦貝里不再聽了。他們已經交換了共同同意的眼神並拍了拍手,Tamberi已經高高地跳到了Barshim的臀部,用雙臂摟住了他的脖子。 至少,這兩個是通過婚姻結合在一起的——奧運金牌式的。 Enough of the legal gymnastics: Why Israel should let its gold medalist marry Artem Dolgopyat and his fiancée aren’t complaining. But they and 400,000 others are victims of a nonsensical policy that gives them citizenship but denies them the right to wed By DAVID HOROVITZ 5 August 2021, 1:07 pm Artem Dolgopyat, Israeli artistic gymnastics men's gold medalist, stands with his fiancée Maria Sakovich, on his arrival at Ben Gurion Airportl, Tuesday Aug. 3, 2021. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Oleg Dolgopyat brought his family to Israel 12 years ago from Ukraine because “I’m Jewish,” he said this week, after his son Artem became only the second Israeli in Olympic history to win a gold medal. Oleg’s wife Angela, however, is not Jewish. Thus while the family was accorded automatic citizenship in Israel — where the Law of Return requires one Jewish grandparent for citizenship — Artem is not able to marry here, since Judaism is transferred through the generations via matrilineal descent according to halacha (Jewish religious law), halacha prohibits mixed marriages, and Israel has no provision for civil marriage. (A 2010 law provides for “civil union,” but this is a complex and limited arrangement, not a marriage, and is available moreover only to those deemed to be members of no recognized religion.) Alongside the artistic gymnast’s world-beating success in the floor exercise at Tokyo, marked by his extraordinary sangfroid and humility, Artem’s state-imposed romantic limbo has been the second story of his new prominence. True to his understated and apparently unrufflable character, Artem, 24, has declined to be drawn into the controversy, saying mildly on Monday that “I think it’s not so appropriate to talk about in front of the whole country… These are things that are in my heart and my own personal issues, so I’d rather not answer that.” His fiancée, Maria Sakovich, has also resolutely refused to make a public fuss. Not being able to get married in Israel was “not a problem for me,” she told the AFP news agency on Tuesday. After good-naturedly holding up her engagement ring for the cameras, she told Israel’s Channel 12 that she knew they could go abroad to get married, but haven’t found the time to do so because of Artem’s gymnastic commitments. Israel’s Artem Dolgopyat competes in the artistic gymnastics men’s floor exercise final during the 2020 Olympic Games at the Ariake Gymnastics Centre in Tokyo on August 1, 2021. (Lionel Bonaventure / AFP) And there lies the absurdity of the current situation in Israel, where an estimated 400,000 Israeli citizens — Jewish enough to qualify for citizenship, but not halachically Jewish — cannot get married here, but can have their civil marriage recognized by the state if they wed overseas. It is admirable and proper that the Law of Return offers citizenship in a Zionist response to the Nazis — if you were Jewish enough to be targeted for genocide by Adolf Hitler, you are Jewish enough to be guaranteed a home in the world’s only Jewish state. And nobody is asking the guardians of halacha to abandon the principles of religious Jewish law. (“We know the rules of the game,” Sakovich told Channel 12.) But there is no adequate reason why the Israeli state authorities should not introduce the self-same facility for civil marriage here that they accept when their citizens marry in a civil ceremony overseas. Opponents of civil marriage in Israel claim that it risks complicating or diluting Israel’s Jewish character, but that’s an argument that’s hard to follow. Those hundreds of thousands of Israeli not-quite-Jews are not seeking to sneak into halachic Judaism; they’re not pushing for quickie, insincere conversions; their state documentation after a civil marriage would not misrepresent their Jewish status. If they can move to Israel, fight in the IDF for Israel, and, now, win a gold medal for Israel, they should be allowed to get married in Israel. Wedded together in Olympic history Finally, just a word on one of the loveliest moments of these Olympics, when another Middle Easterner, Qatar’s high-jumper Mutaz Essa Barshim, also secured his country’s second-ever gold. Barshim had been locked in competition with his rival and friend, Italy’s Gianmarco Tamberi for two hours, and they simply could not be separated. Both were error-free in clearing the bar up to 2.37 meters; then both failed three times to clear 2.39 — the Olympic record height. They were headed for a jump-off when it occurred to Barshim to ask the official in charge, “Can we have two golds?” a request ostensibly at odds with the purest principles of sporting competition. Gianmarco Tamberi, of Italy celebrates with Mutaz Barshim of Qatar after they won joint gold in the men’s high jump at the 2020 Olympics, August 1, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner) Actually, “it’s possible,” the official said from behind his mask, and began to elaborate, but Barshim and Tamberi were no longer listening. They had already exchanged glances of joint assent and slapped hands, and Tamberi had high-jumped onto Barshim’s hips and wrapped both arms around his neck. Those two, at least, are bound together in marriage — Olympic gold medal-style. 前利庫德集團 MK 通過罕見的腦部治療帕金森氏症 Michael Eitan 希望通過記錄大腦深部刺激手術後的顯著改善來激勵他人,該手術平息了他的顫抖並讓他恢復了積極的生活 通過TOI人員今天,凌晨 4:08 前 MK Michael Eitan 在腦部手術後四個月拿著一杯咖啡來緩解他的帕金森病症狀。(Screncapture/Channel 12) 2月,前MK邁克爾(Miki)Eitan無法穿衣,幾乎不說話,大部分時間都在思考如何有尊嚴地死去,他的身心因帕金森病而虛弱。 幾個月後,他說話清晰,雙手的顫抖已經消退,在接受了罕見但冒險的手術治療症狀後,他恢復了積極的生活——慢跑、在公園踢足球和在咖啡店會見朋友。 77 歲的 Eitan 擔任了 28 年的利庫德集團議員和政府部長,他與以色列第 12 頻道的電視新聞一起記錄了他的旅程,以提高對這種疾病的認識以及深部腦刺激 (DBS) 手術的潛在好處. Eitan 多年來因其敏銳的機智和演講技巧而以 MK 聞名——曾在以色列議會的阻撓議事中發言超過 10 個小時——五年前被診斷出患有帕金森氏症。 雖然最顯著的影響是顫抖和駝背,但帕金森病患者往往會失去對初級和次級運動技能的控制,出現視力、膀胱和睡眠問題,最終失去記憶並陷入癡呆症。 隨著症狀開始惡化,從手顫到行動、思想和言語的減慢,Eitan 開始退出這個世界。 前利庫德集團 MK Miki Eitan 和他的搭檔 Karine Nahon 教授在接受 DBS 帕金森氏症治療幾個月後在 Ramat Gan 咖啡館喝咖啡(第 12 頻道截圖) “我不再走出家門,因為我不想成為任何人都不喜歡的東西,成為憐憫之源,”他在周四晚上播出的令人心碎的電視報導(希伯來語鏈接)中說道。 “當有人知道你是一個站在講台上演講的人,而現在你什麼都沒有;你不能說話,或者你說話像個四歲、五歲或六歲的孩子。” 廣告 MK Michael Eitan 於 2008 年 11 月 24 日在耶路撒冷的以色列議會出席會議。 (Michal Fattal/Flash90) Eitan 惡化到需要 30 分鐘才能解開襯衫的釦子,然後根本無法穿好衣服。他和他的搭檔、信息科學教授Karine Nahon開始尋找新的治療方案。 他的處境如此可怕,他們也談論了很多關於死亡的事情。 前 MK Michael Eitan 在被診斷出患有帕金森症後掙扎著脫掉夾克(屏幕截圖/第 12 頻道) “我開始覺得他正在消失——就像他已經不在那裡了,”Nahon 說。 “當然,我們開始談論死亡。還有什麼,當他們告訴你你會在一兩年內死去的時候?” 艾坦說。 “他總是試圖為最壞的情況做好準備:'我將如何有尊嚴地死去,我會被安置在一個機構中,什麼樣的機構,在什麼條件下他們可以讓我停止生命支持?'”Nahon 回憶道。 那時他們會見了耶路撒冷哈達薩醫院 Ein Kerem 的 Avinoam Reches 教授,他建議他們嘗試 DBS 手術,將電極插入大腦的目標區域。 廣告 DBS 雖然不能治愈,但可以幫助患者過上更正常的生活。DBS 涉及基於電刺激的精神病學和神經學治療,是當今帕金森病運動症狀和其他與帕金森病相關的運動障礙(如震顫、肌肉僵硬和運動困難)的主要治療方法之一。 該手術於 1993 年首次進行,並於 2002 年獲得 FDA 批准作為帕金森氏症的治療方法。在以色列,該手術於 2004 年進入健康籃子。然而,由於將電極植入體內存在風險,其使用仍然不廣泛。腦。 “每個人都告訴我們'不要這樣做,包括說'這很危險——他們打開你的大腦並玩弄它的神經學家,'”Nahon 說。 然而,Eitan 決心繼續前進。 “最壞的情況是我會死。所以呢?這不再是對我的懲罰,”艾坦說。“如果我還能再過幾年,我為什麼不去做呢?” 他說。 前 MK Michael Eitan 在耶路撒冷 Ein Kerem 的 Hadassah 醫療中心接受深部腦刺激 (DBS) 手術以治療他的帕金森症狀之前揮手致意(Screncapture/Channel 12) Eitan 在 2 月份進行了 8 小時的手術,幾乎是立竿見影的成功,醫生解釋說他們現在可以以幾分之一毫米的精度放置電極。 第二天,他幾乎是挺直著身子走出了醫院;特有的駝背姿勢消失了。 一周後,正如電視報導所顯示的那樣,震顫平息了,他的說話能力也有所改善。兩週後,他四年來第一次用刀片刮鬍子。 手術四個月後,埃坦和他的搭檔被拍到坐在拉馬特甘的一家咖啡館裡。他自信地點了一杯咖啡,打開一包糖,攪拌進去,沒有顫抖或困難地舉起杯子,他說這是幾個月前他甚至無法想像的事情。 廣告 前 MK Michael Eitan 在腦部手術四個月後將糖攪拌到一杯咖啡中,以緩解他的帕金森病症狀。(Screncapture/頻道 12) 在最近的視頻中,他在討論政治時又恢復了流暢性。他和他的姐夫在附近的公園慢跑和踢足球。他還和他的搭檔在沙灘上打板球。 在報告中,Eitan 和 Nahon 明確強調 DBS 不是治愈方法,即使症狀消退,疾病仍在繼續發展。 他還必須定期就診,醫生通過植入他鎖骨下並通過藍牙連接到醫生設備的脈衝發生器電池(如心臟起搏器)重新校準電信號。 不過,Eitan 表示,在他多年的公共服務之後,將他的故事公之於眾對他來說很重要。 前 MK Michael Eitan 在腦部手術四個月後踢足球,以緩解他的帕金森病症狀。(屏幕截圖/第 12 頻道) “我想接受采訪是為了將這個問題提上公眾議程,讓帕金森病患者了解這種手術選擇,”Eitan 說。“你可以獲得的結果可以將人們從抑鬱狀態轉變為像我這樣的活躍狀態,顯著延長他們的壽命,過上美好的生活。” Longtime ex-Likud MK staves off Parkinson’s with rare brain treatment Michael Eitan hopes to inspire others by documenting dramatic improvements after deep brain stimulation surgery that quelled his tremors and allowed him to resume an active life By TOI STAFFToday, 4:08 am · · · · · Former MK Michael Eitan holds a cup of coffee four months after brain surgery to relieve him of symptoms of Parkinson's disease.(Screncapture/Channel 12) In February, former MK Michael (Miki) Eitan could not dress himself, hardly spoke, and spent much of his time contemplating how to have a dignified death, with his body and mind debilitated by Parkinson’s disease. Months later he speaks clearly, the tremors in his hands have subsided and he has resumed an active life — jogging, playing soccer in the park and meeting friends at coffee shops — after undergoing a rare, but risky surgery to treat his symptoms. Eitan, 77, who served as a Likud lawmaker for 28 years and as a government minister, documented his journey together with Israel’s Channel 12 TV news in a bid to raise awareness of the disease and the potential benefits of deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. Eitan, who was known during his years as an MK for his sharp wit and oratorical skills — once speaking for over 10 hours during a Knesset filibuster — was diagnosed with Parkinson’s five years ago. While the most noticeable effects are tremors and a hunched stance, patients suffering from Parkinson’s often lose control of their primary and secondary motor skills, suffer from vision, bladder, and sleep issues, and eventually lose their memories and slip into dementia. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Editionby email and never miss our top stories 表單的頂端 Newsletter email addressGET IT 表單的底部 By signing up, you agree to the terms As the symptoms began to progress, from hand tremors to a slowdown of actions, thought and speech, Eitan began to withdraw from the world. Former Likud MK Miki Eitan and his partner Prof. Karine Nahon having coffee at a Ramat Gan cafe months after his DBS treatment for Parkinson’s (Channel 12 screenshot) “I stopped going out of the house, because I did not want to be that thing that no one likes, to be a source of pity,” he said in a heartrending TV report (Hebrew link) broadcast Thursday night. “It’s not a nice feeling when someone knows you as a person who would stand at a podium speaking, and now you don’t have anything; you can’t speak, or you speak like a child of four, five, or six.” ADVERTISEMENT MK Michael Eitan attends a session at the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem on November 24, 2008. (Michal Fattal/Flash90) Eitan deteriorated to taking 30 minutes to unbutton a shirt, and then to not being able to dress himself at all. He, and his partner Karine Nahon, a professor of information science, began looking for new treatment options. His situation was so dire they also spoke a lot about death. Former MK Michael Eitan struggles to take off a jacket, after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s (Screencapture/Channel 12) “I started to feel like he was disappearing — like he just wasn’t there anymore,” said Nahon. “Of course we started talking about death. What else, when they tell you that you can die in a year or two?” said Eitan. “He was always trying to prepare himself for the worst: ‘How will I die with dignity, will I be put in an institution, what kind of institution, under what conditions can they take me off life support?'” Nahon recounted. That’s when they met with Professor Avinoam Reches of Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Jerusalem, who suggested they try DBS surgery, where electrodes are inserted into a targeted area of the brain. ADVERTISEMENT While not offering a cure, DBS can help patients live a more normal life. DBS, which involves psychiatric and neurological treatment based on electric stimulation, is today one of the main treatment methods for the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and other motor disorders connected to Parkinson’s such as tremors, muscle stiffness and movement difficulties. The procedure was first performed in 1993 and approved by the FDA as a treatment for Parkinson’s in 2002. In Israel, the procedure entered the health basket in 2004. However, its use is still not widespread due to the risks involved in implanting electrodes in the brain. “Everyone told us ‘don’t do it, including neurologists who said ‘it’s dangerous — they open up your brain and play with it,'” Nahon said. Eitan however, was determined to go ahead. “Worst case scenario I’ll die. So what? That was not a punishment for me anymore,” Eitan said. “If I can get another few good years, why shouldn’t I do it?” he said. Former MK Michael Eitan waves before going into Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery at Hadassah Medical Center at Ein Kerem in Jerusalem to treat his Parkinson’s symptoms (Screncapture/Channel 12) Eitan had the 8-hour surgery in February and it was an almost instant success, with doctors explaining they can now emplace the electrodes with an exactness of a fraction of a millimeter. The next day, he walked out of the hospital almost upright; the characteristic hunched posture was gone. After a week, as the TV report showed, the tremors died down, and his speech improved. Two weeks later he shaved himself with a blade for the first time in four years. Four months after the operation, Eitan and his partner were filmed sitting in a café in Ramat Gan. He confidently ordered a coffee, opened a packet of sugar, stirred it in, and lifted the mug with no tremors or difficulties, something he said he could not even have contemplated a few months ago. ADVERTISEMENT Former MK Michael Eitan stirs sugar into a cup of coffee four months after brain surgery to relieve him of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. (Screncapture/Channel 12) In the most recent footage, his fluency is back as he discusses politics. He jogs and plays soccer with his brother-in-law in a nearby park. He also plays paddleball with his partner on the beach. During the report, Eitan and Nahon were clear to stress that DBS is not a cure and that even as the symptoms recede, the disease continues to progress. He also has to go for regular appointments where doctors recalibrate the electric signals through an impulse generator battery (like a pacemaker) that is implanted under his collar bone and connects to the doctor’s equipment via Bluetooth. However, Eitan said that after his years of public service, it was important for him to bring his story to the public. Former MK Michael Eitan kicks a soccer ball four months after brain surgery to relieve him of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. (Screencapture/Channel 12) “I wanted to give the interview to bring this issue to the public agenda, to make Parkinson’s patients aware of this surgical option,” Eitan said. “You can get results that can transform people from a depressed state to active like me, extend their lives significantly, and live a good life.”

    【中天全球現場】0806 習近平:今年努力向全球提供20億劑疫苗 回應攻擊以7年來首次空襲黎巴嫩

    【中天全球現場】0806 習近平:今年努力向全球提供20億劑疫苗 回應攻擊以7年來首次空襲黎巴嫩
    🔊以色列 在連續兩天遭到越界火箭攻擊後,以色列空軍表示,5號對鄰國黎巴嫩展開7年以來的首次空襲。 以色列空軍在推特發文表示,「今天(週四)稍早,從黎巴嫩發射的火箭,已經進入以色列領土。作為回應,戰鬥機襲擊了黎巴嫩境內、發射火箭的地點,以及用於從事恐怖活動的基礎設施」,並指出,另一個先前,曾發射過火箭的目標,也被攻擊。以色列空軍證實,過去,以國戰機,時常襲擊位在加薩 的巴勒斯坦武裝分子,但這次,是以國空軍自2014年以來,首次襲擊黎巴嫩"境內目標"。黎巴嫩什葉派組織,真主黨經營的"艾瑪納"電視台報導,以色列戰機、在凌晨約0時40分,對距離邊界11公里左右的馬穆迪雅鎮外,發動2次空襲。 🔊俄羅斯 美國CNN報導,白俄羅斯威權政府,最近在森林深處,疑似修建一座拘留營,可能打算用來關押異議人士,加上近期連串打壓事件,令國際間更加擔憂白俄羅斯的人權情況。 CNN報導指出,這座營區距離首都明斯克,約一小時車程、占地80多公頃。根據CNN見過的影片和目擊者說法,營區由3層電網包圍,有監視器和軍人守衛,標示牌寫著「禁止進入」,裡面還有好幾棟、新整修的建物。CNN指出,這個地點原本是蘇聯時期,存放飛彈的設施,目前不清楚有多少部分已翻修。而這裡可能作為白俄羅斯的政治犯監獄。 🔊南韓 南韓總統表示,韓國政府將疫苗、半導體和電池列為國家三大戰略技術領域。文在寅說,韓國除了將大力拓展疫苗研發,還將提供,減稅優惠鼓勵投資,並促進關鍵材料、零件和設備的生產,及技術自主,建構疫苗產業生態鏈,讓韓國疫苗生產力,達到最大化,一方面確保疫苗自主權,同時將韓國打造為"全球疫苗中心"。文在寅說,依照計畫,韓國每年,將培育約200名醫學專家、1萬名臨床試驗專業人才、和2000名生物製藥人力。 保健福祉部長權德哲,也在會議中表示,投資資金,也將用於支持國產疫苗研發,包括取得mRNA 疫苗的原始技術。據了解,有7家韓國藥廠,準備讓各自新冠疫苗,在下半年展開第三期臨床試驗,由SK生物科學公司,在這個月打頭陣。這是一款蛋白質疫苗,將力拚在明年初、配發給民眾施打。 🔊疫情-日本 日本疫情繼續升溫,周四(5日)全日本,首度新增超過1萬5000例確診病例,創下新高;東京都也以新增5042例,再寫下單日新高紀錄。由於疫情快速升溫,日本政府決定,追加福島、滋賀及熊本8縣,適用「防止蔓延等重點措施」,8日起、到31日止,總計將有13道府縣,實施重點措施。 🔊疫情-美國 路透社報導,為促進美國航空、旅遊業復甦,白宮希望重啟國際旅遊,目前正擬定計畫,要求所有外國入境旅客,須接種完疫苗,僅少數族群除外。白宮發言人莎琪,今天也證實,要求打完疫苗,才可入境,確實是美國跨部會工作小組,考慮方案之一,但目前仍在研議中,尚未做出最終決定。莎琪說,美國現行旅遊限制,引發不少疑慮,也缺乏一致性,有人會問:某國疫苗接種率較高,為何仍有限制等。跨部會小組希望,以美國公眾健康為核心,研擬出一套安全、且具一致性的國際旅遊政策,提供外界公平、且易理解的指引。但她強調,考量Delta變異株仍在肆虐,美國目前會維持、現有旅行限制,但希望在重啟國際旅遊的、適當時機到來時,美國政府已準備好一套作法。 🔊疫情-新加坡 新加坡去年12月,解除對來自台灣旅客的入境限制,但在台灣,今年5月中,爆發本土疫情,新加坡隨即加強,對台灣入境旅客的邊境管制措施,旅客抵境後,需接受PCR檢測、並且隔離14天,隔離結束前,還要再做一次PCR採檢。但近期台灣疫情趨穩,新加坡衛生部昨天深夜表示,從8月7日晚間11點59分起,過去21天都待在台灣的旅客,抵達新加坡後,須在機場接受PCR檢測,若結果為陰性,即可自由活動,無須隔離14天。 🔊疫情-中國大陸 大陸國家主席習近平,昨天加碼宣布,大陸今年將努力向全球,提供20億劑疫苗,並向COVAX捐贈1億美元。據新華社報導,習近平昨天,向「新冠疫苗合作國際論壇」首次會議發表書面致辭,做出了以上宣布。習近平表示,大陸會繼續盡己所能,幫助廣大、發展中國家應對疫情。今年全年,大陸將努力向全球,提供20億劑疫苗。他說,大陸決定向COVAX捐贈1億美元,用於向發展中國家分配疫苗,願和國際社會一道,推進疫苗國際合作進程。 🔊疫情-歐洲 歐聯則表示,已與美國諾瓦瓦克斯達成協議,最多將採購2億劑疫苗,除了提供給成員國的公民之外 ,成員國也可捐贈給其他國家。諾瓦瓦克斯,也在昨天宣布與歐盟達成採購協議,歐盟進一步發布新聞稿說明,協議內容除1億劑疫苗之外,另可在2023年底前,再額外購買1億劑。 諾瓦瓦克斯正向歐盟藥品管理局,提交疫苗的"核可審查",並希望在第3季獲得核准。因此歐盟採購的疫苗協議,將在歐盟藥品管理局、核准之後生效,並開始交付。 更多完整新聞請看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu_BJKxqGnk 全球大視野主持人林嘉源強力推薦 【全球大視野】頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwt1aanVMoPYUt_CQYCPQg 中天聽友 優惠看這裡: 重要新聞不漏接 聰明消費快點購 全球大視野聽眾專屬優惠,#超殺折扣 就是要幫您省荷包 🛍️挺又正買起來:Jvita全能蜂膠濃萃膠囊買2送1👉 http://cti.news/AT075k 🛍️快點購👉http://cti.news/AN001c 🛍️快點購【PP波瑟楓妮】"懶人"塑崩褲👉 https://reurl.cc/Nr6MAe 🛍️【Jvita】全能蜂膠濃萃膠囊、商品專區👉http://cti.news/AA062c 🛍️中天文創商品專區(多款設計帆布袋、系列馬克杯)👉http://cti.news/AA044c 👉成為中天會員,幫助我們成長!

    2021.07.14 國際新聞導讀-FDA說打第三劑無必要、土耳其真的想與以色列改善關係?以色列對迦薩重建的態度及對西岸法塔政權的海關稅返還扣除手段

    2021.07.14 國際新聞導讀-FDA說打第三劑無必要、土耳其真的想與以色列改善關係?以色列對迦薩重建的態度及對西岸法塔政權的海關稅返還扣除手段
    2021.07.14 國際新聞導讀-FDA說打第三劑無必要、土耳其真的想與以色列改善關係?以色列對迦薩重建的態度及對西岸法塔政權的海關稅返還扣除手段 FDA 表示,輝瑞冠狀病毒疫苗加強注射是不必要的 在 BioNTech SE 宣布計劃在變種和數據傳播的情況下,尋求美國和歐洲監管機構批准其第三劑 COVID-19注射劑之後,FDA 宣布了這一消息。 通過路透 2021 年 7 月 13 日 13:18 在這張 2020 年 10 月 31 日拍攝的插圖中,在顯示的輝瑞標誌前可以看到貼有“COVID-19/冠狀病毒疫苗/僅注射”標籤的小瓶和一個醫用注射器 (圖片來源:路透社/DADO RUVIC/插圖/文件照片) 廣告 該公司週日表示,COVID-19疫苗製造商輝瑞公司週一與聯邦衛生官員會面,討論在準備尋求授權時是否需要加強劑量的冠狀病毒疫苗。 會議召開前幾天,該製藥商及其合作夥伴 BioNTech SE 宣布計劃尋求美國和歐洲監管機構批准第三劑 COVID-19 注射劑,因為變種和數據的傳播表明他們表示初始接種六個月後感染風險增加. 這一推動促使美國食品藥品監督管理局和疾病控制與預防中心迅速做出反應,稱美國人現在不需要助推器。 輝瑞公司發言人表示,週一,輝瑞公司計劃與 FDA 的代表會面。華盛頓郵報首先報導了這次會議。 美國衛生與公共服務部的代表沒有立即回應置評請求。 喬·拜登總統的首席醫療顧問兼美國國家過敏症和傳染病研究所負責人安東尼·福奇,以及美國國立衛生研究院和疾病預防控制中心的負責人也被邀請參加簡報會,簡報會可能會移到另一天,根據郵報的報導。 福奇在周日的幾次電視採訪中表示,美國衛生官員並沒有否認未來可能需要加強劑——尤其是在接種疫苗的人中出現了突破性感染的情況下——但任何正式建議都需要更多的數據。 “現在有很多動態的事情正在發生,”他告訴美國廣播公司新聞的“本週”節目。 他在 CNN 的“State of of工會。” 儘管FDA 和 CDC 發表聲明,“這並不意味著我們不會非常非常積極地跟踪和收集所有這些信息,以查看我們是否以及何時可能需要它,如果需要以及何時需要,我們將擁有一切到位去做。” 美國衛生官員仍在努力讓某些地區的人們接受初步接種,因為具有高度傳染性的 Delta 變種已成為美國的主要毒株,而 COVID-19 病例主要在未接種疫苗的人群中上升。 歐洲官員還表示,疫苗目前似乎對變種具有保護作用。加拿大還表示正在監測變種和可能需要的助推器。 雖然一些科學家也質疑加強注射的必要性,但其他人表示,它們可能對老年人和其他弱勢群體有益,儘管尚不清楚何時需要。 一些公共衛生專家還表示擔心,在其他國家仍在努力應對初始接種的情況下,在富裕的發達國家授權加強疫苗將進一步加劇疫苗的不平等。 Pfizer coronavirus vaccine booster shot unnecessary, FDA says The FDA announcement came after BioNTech SE announced plans to seek US and European regulatory approval for a third dose of their COVID-19 shot amid the spread of variants and data. By REUTERS JULY 13, 2021 13:18 Vials with a sticker reading, "COVID-19 / Coronavirus vaccine / Injection only" and a medical syringe are seen in front of a displayed Pfizer logo in this illustration taken October 31, 2020 (photo credit: REUTERS/DADO RUVIC/ILLUSTRATION/FILE PHOTO) Advertisement COVID-19 vaccine maker Pfizer Inc met with federal health officials on Monday to discuss the need for a booster dose of the coronavirus vaccine as it prepares to seek authorization, the company said on Sunday. The meeting comes days after the drugmaker and its partner BioNTech SE announced plans to seek US and European regulatory approval for a third dose of their COVID-19 shot amid the spread of variants and data they said showed heightened risk of infection six months after initial inoculation. That push prompted a quick response from the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, saying Americans do not need a booster right now. On Monday, Pfizer is scheduled to meet with representatives of the FDA, a company spokesperson said. The meeting was first reported by the Washington Post. Representatives for the US Department of Health and Human Services did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser who also directs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as the heads of the National Institutes of Health and the CDC were also among those invited to the briefing, which could move to another day, according to the Post's report. Fauci, in several television interviews on Sunday, said US health officials were not dismissing the possible future need for boosters -- especially as breakthrough infections among those who have been vaccinated have emerged -- but that more data is needed for any formal recommendation. "There's a lot of dynamic things going on right now," he told ABC News' "This Week" program. "There are studies being done now ongoing as we speak about looking at the feasibility about if and when we should be boosting people… there's a lot of work going on to examine this in real time," he added on CNN's "State of the Union." Despite the FDA and CDC's statement, "that doesn't mean that we're not very, very actively following and gathering all of this information to see if and when we might need it and if and when we do, we'll have everything in place to do it." US health officials are still struggling to get people in some areas to receive their initial inoculations as the highly contagious Delta variant has grown to be the nation's dominant strain, with COVID-19 cases rising mostly among the unvaccinated. European officials has also said vaccines currently seem protective against variants. Canada has also said it is monitoring variants and the possible need for boosters. While some scientists have also questioned the need for booster shots, others have said they could be beneficial for the elderly and other vulnerable populations, although it is unclear when they would be needed. Some public health experts have also expressed concern that authorizing boosters in wealthy developed nations while other countries are still struggling against initial inoculations will further exacerbate vaccine inequity. 越南將混合劑量的輝瑞和阿斯利康 COVID-19 疫苗 根據初步結果,西班牙的一項研究發現輝瑞和阿斯利康的組合非常安全和有效。 通過路透 2021 年 7 月 13 日 15:50 2021 年 2 月 7 日,在奧地利維也納成立為冠狀病毒病疫苗接種中心的維也納展覽中心會議中心,一名醫護人員將一劑輝瑞-BioNTech COVID-19 疫苗交給醫生。 (照片來源:路透社/LISI NIESNER/文件照片) 廣告 河內——越南政府週二表示,越南將提供輝瑞和 BioNTech 聯合開發的冠狀病毒疫苗作為首次接種阿斯利康疫苗的人的第二劑選擇。 越南的大規模接種運動尚處於初期階段,迄今只有不到 30 萬人接種了疫苗。到目前為止,它已經使用了阿斯利康的病毒載體疫苗,並於上週交付了 97,000 劑輝瑞-BioNTech mRNA 疫苗。 政府在一份聲明中說:“輝瑞疫苗將優先用於 8-12 週前第一次接種阿斯利康的人。” 包括加拿大、西班牙和韓國在內的幾個國家已經批准了這種劑量混合,主要是因為擔心與阿斯利康疫苗相關的罕見且可能致命的血栓。 根據初步結果,西班牙的一項研究發現輝瑞和阿斯利康的組合非常安全和有效。 但世界衛生組織的首席科學家週一建議不要混合和匹配 COVID-19 疫苗,稱其為“危險趨勢”,因為關於健康影響的數據很少。 隨著感染速度的增長,越南一直在努力加快其疫苗接種運動,本月已八次創下每日記錄。週二報告了 2,031 例新感染病例,其中大部分發生在震中胡志明市。 在 2021 年 5 月之前,它總共記錄了不到 3,000 例冠狀病毒病例。它的案件量現在是 34,500,其中 130 人死亡。 越南周二表示,它將很快收到澳大利亞捐贈的 150 萬劑阿斯利康疫苗,以及本週來自日本的另外一批 100 萬劑疫苗。 Vietnam to mix doses of Pfizer, AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines A Spanish study found the Pfizer-AstraZeneca combination was highly safe and effective, according to preliminary results. By REUTERS JULY 13, 2021 15:50 A healthcare worker hands over doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to a doctor at Messe Wien Congress Center, which has been set up as coronavirus disease vaccination centre, in Vienna, Austria February 7, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/LISI NIESNER/FILE PHOTO) Advertisement HANOI - Vietnam will offer the coronavirus vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech as a second dose option for people first inoculated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, the government said on Tuesday. Vietnam's mass inoculation campaign is in its early stages, with less than 300,000 people fully vaccinated so far. It has so far used AstraZeneca's viral vector vaccine and last week took delivery of 97,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA shot. "Pfizer vaccines will be prioritized for people who were given first shot of AstraZeneca 8-12 weeks before," the government said in a statement. Several countries, including Canada, Spain and South Korea, have already approved such dose-mixing mainly due to concerns about rare and potentially fatal blood clots linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine. A Spanish study found the Pfizer-AstraZeneca combination was highly safe and effective, according to preliminary results. But the World Health Organization's chief scientist advised on Monday against mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines, calling it a "dangerous trend" since there was little data available about the health impact. Vietnam has been trying to expedite its vaccination campaign as the pace of infections grow, having hit daily records eight times this month. It reported 2,031 new infections on Tuesday, most of those in the epicenter Ho Chi Minh City. Prior to May 2021, it had recorded less than 3,000 coronavirus cases in total. Its caseload is now 34,500, with 130 deaths. Vietnam said on Tuesday it would soon receive 1.5 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine donated by Australia and an additional batch of one million doses of the vaccine from Japan this week. 以色列應該警惕土耳其的禮物 - 評論 埃爾多安是想升溫與以色列的關係還是向他們潑冷水?無論如何,誰會從評論如此矛盾的人那裡購買二手車? 作者:HERB KEINON 2021 年 7 月 13 日 22:40 土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2021 年 3 月 4 日在土耳其安卡拉通過視頻鏈接參加了他執政的 AK 黨的會議。 (圖片來源:總統新聞辦公室/通過路透社的講義) 廣告 18年後你會認識一個人。 18 年是雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安 (Recep Tayyip Erdogan ) 領導土耳其的時間:前 11 年擔任總理,後 7 年擔任總統。 在此期間,以土關係從黃金時代進入了黑暗時代。不是因為以色列在 2003 年埃爾多安上台後的行為方式與兩國戰略聯盟之前的行為完全不同,而是因為埃爾多安 - 以其根深蒂固的伊斯蘭世界觀 - 從根本上改變了土耳其對以色列的態度。 埃爾多安將以色列從盟友變成敵人、朋友變成敵人、在國際舞台上的伙伴變成方便的鞭打男孩,以在國內獲得政治點數和穆斯林世界的熱烈掌聲。 早在 2009 年,時任以色列大使加比·利維(Gabby Levy)在維基解密電報中被引述說埃爾多安是一個“原教旨主義者”,“在宗教上憎恨我們”。那是在 2010 年 Mavi Marmara 船隊事件之前,在 2014 年在加沙的保護邊緣行動之前,以及在 2018 年美國大使館搬到耶路撒冷之前。 週一晚上,同一個埃爾多安打電話給新總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格,並傳達了一個簡單的信息:讓我們重新開始。 可愛的情緒,儘管考慮到埃爾多安的過往記錄,但很難不質疑他的誠意。 5 月,在聖殿山發生騷亂之後,土耳其總統這樣評價以色列:“殘忍的恐怖主義國家以色列襲擊了耶路撒冷的穆斯林,他們唯一關心的是保護他們的家園和他們的神聖價值觀,以野蠻的方式沒有道德的方式。” 然而,週一,他的辦公室發表了他與赫爾佐格通話的聲明,稱土耳其總統“強調土以關係對中東的安全與穩定非常重要,而且存在巨大潛力。促進兩國在各個領域的合作,特別是能源、旅遊和技術。” 然而,就在第二天,他的辦公室發表了另一份不那麼和解的聲明,猛烈抨擊以色列拆毀房屋,並說“我們譴責以色列的非法和不人道做法,並在此重申我們支持司法程序,讓以色列對其在該國的罪行負責。被佔領土。” 那麼是哪一個?埃爾多安是想升溫與以色列的關係還是向他們潑冷水?無論如何,誰會從評論如此矛盾的人那裡購買二手車?就像一個男人追求一個女人,首先告訴一個朋友她很卑鄙,然後檢查她是否會和他約會,然後在他消除那些觸角後的第二天貶低她的外表。 是的,以色列很了解埃爾多安,18 年後它才知道是一個堅定的反以色列伊斯蘭主義者,他一直試圖煽動穆斯林世界反對這個猶太國家,並經常兜售反猶太主義言論來這樣做。 他是一位具有新奧斯曼幻想的領導人,他支持 2010 年馬維馬爾馬拉的挑釁,當時以色列突擊隊登上一艘被派往打破以色列對哈馬斯控制的加沙地帶的合法海上封鎖的船隻,並在遭到襲擊後殺死了船上的 9 人。 以色列知道埃爾多安的土耳其是如何接待哈馬斯辦公室的,在那裡計劃襲擊以色列人。它知道從土耳其出來的哈馬斯洗錢活動,以及為恐怖組織成員提供護照。 它知道土耳其為破壞以色列-塞浦路斯-希臘天然氣管道所做的努力;關於它在各種國際論壇上不斷試圖破壞以色列的方式;以及它對伊朗的偶爾支持(當它符合其利益時)。 而這些只是安卡拉對以色列採取的部分行動。它對該地區其他人採取的無數行動——從庫爾德人到埃及人,再到塞浦路斯人和希臘人——讓耶路撒冷感到厭惡。 但是,當埃爾多安打電話並輕聲細語時,自然會想說:“這太棒了——讓我們試一試,重新開始吧。” 然而,以色列不能對它在與誰打交道抱有任何幻想。 在宣讀埃爾多安辦公室與赫爾佐格的通話時,土耳其總統強調“為解決巴以爭端採取的積極步驟也將促進土耳其與以色列關係的積極發展。 ” 然而,以色列需要讓土耳其知道它有自己的期望和要求。 如果安卡拉希望建立更好的關係以緩解其地區孤立,幫助與白宮建立更好的關係,並從以色列在“能源、旅遊和技術”方面提供的東西中受益,那麼埃爾多安需要停止他尖銳的反以色列和反猶太主義修辭。 他需要停止指責以色列進行種族滅絕,停止將以色列與納粹進行比較,停止幫助和教唆哈馬斯,停止試圖入侵耶路撒冷,停止在經濟上支持那些在聖殿山上煽動的人,停止在北約阻撓以色列,停止試圖魚雷猶太國家與穆斯林世界其他國家的新興聯繫。例如,就在幾個月前,埃爾多安威脅要從阿聯酋召回他的大使,以抗議其與耶路撒冷建立關係。 顯然,以色列將受益於與土耳其改善關係和更好的關係,不僅因為貿易增加,而且因為它是敘利亞和更廣泛地區的重要參與者,如果不包括在帳篷內,可能會造成巨大的破壞。在它之外。 與此同時,任何為恢復兩國之間曾經存在的親密關係而採取的行動都不能以犧牲以色列在過渡期間與土耳其的地區敵人建立更牢固的關係為代價,其中有很多:來自羅馬尼亞和保加利亞在巴爾幹半島,到地中海東部的塞浦路斯和希臘,到阿拉伯國家中的埃及和阿拉伯聯合酋長國。 當埃爾多安在本世紀的第一個十年改變土耳其的外交政策路線時,以色列失去了一個重要的戰略夥伴。但與其舉起雙手大喊“gevalt!” 耶路撒冷通過與鄰國其他國家結盟,找到了彌補失去土耳其的方法。 這些聯盟現在不能僅僅因為埃爾多安今天認為與猶太國家建立更好的關係符合他的利益——他已經一次又一次地明確表示他實際上厭惡這種關係。 土耳其媒體將與赫爾佐格的電話大肆渲染,以期在耶路撒冷新領導層的到來之際重啟關係。 但這是關於以色列與土耳其關係的硬道理:只有當土耳其最終獲得新領導人時,關係才會真正重啟,而以色列則不會。即使那一天到來,重建信任也需要時間,因為埃爾多安已經成功——通過他對以色列的不斷妖魔化——讓他的許多同胞反對這個猶太國家。 Israel should be wary of Turkey's gifts - comment Does Erdogan want to warm up ties with Israel or throw ice-cold water on them? Regardless, who would buy a used car from someone whose comments were so contradictory? By HERB KEINON JULY 13, 2021 22:40 Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attends a meeting of his ruling AK Party via video link in Ankara, Turkey March 4, 2021. (photo credit: PRESIDENTIAL PRESS OFFICE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) Advertisement You get to know a guy after 18 years. And 18 years is how long Recep Tayyip Erdogan has led Turkey: the first 11 as prime minister and the last seven as president. During that period, Israeli-Turkish ties went from the Golden Era to the Dark Ages. Not because Israel acted in a radically different way after Erdogan came to power in 2003 than it did beforehand when the two countries enjoyed a strategic alliance, but because Erdogan – with his deeply embedded Islamic worldview – fundamentally changed Turkey’s attitude toward Israel. Erdogan turned Israel from ally into adversary, friend to foe, partner on the international stage to convenient whipping boy in order to gain political points domestically and tumultuous applause in the Muslim world. Already in 2009, Israel’s ambassador at the time, Gabby Levy, was quoted in a Wikileaks cable as saying that Erdogan was a “fundamentalist” who “hates us religiously.” And that was before the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident in 2010, before Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in 2014, and before the US embassy moved to Jerusalem in 2018. On Monday evening, that same Erdogan called new President Isaac Herzog with a simple message: Let’s start afresh. Lovely sentiment, though considering Erdogan’s track record, it’s rather difficult not to question his sincerity. In May, following riots on the Temple Mount, the Turkish president had this to say about Israel: “Israel, the cruel terrorist state, attacks the Muslims in Jerusalem, whose only concern is to protect their homes and their sacred values, in a savage manner devoid of ethics.” Yet, on Monday, his office put out a statement of his call with Herzog that said the Turkish president “underscored that Turkey-Israel relations were of great importance in terms of security and stability in the Middle East, and that there was a great potential for cooperation between the two countries in various areas, notably energy, tourism and technology.” The very next day, however, his office put out another statement, less conciliatory, slamming Israel for house demolitions and saying “we condemn Israel’s unlawful and inhumane practices and hereby reiterate our support for the judicial process to hold Israel accountable for its crimes in the occupied territories.” SO WHICH is it? Does Erdogan want to warm up ties with Israel or throw ice-cold water on them? Regardless, who would buy a used car from someone whose comments were so contradictory? It’s like a man courting a woman who first tells a friend that she is despicable, then checks to see if she might go out with him on a date, and then the day after he put out those feelers disparages her appearance. Yes, Israel knows Erdogan well, and what it has come to know after 18 long years is a staunchly anti-Israel Islamist who consistently tries to inflame the Muslim world against the Jewish state, often peddling in antisemitic rhetoric to do so. He is a leader with neo-Ottoman fantasies who supported the 2010 Mavi Marmara provocation where Israeli commandos boarded a ship sent to break Israel’s lawful naval blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and, after coming under attack, killed nine people on that ship. Israel knows how Erdogan’s Turkey has hosted an office of Hamas, where attacks against Israelis have been planned. It knows about the money laundering for Hamas coming out of Turkey, as well as the provision of passports for members of the terror organization. It knows about Turkish efforts to scuttle an Israeli-Cypriot-Greek natural gas pipeline; about the way it constantly tries to undermine Israel in various international forums; and about its occasional support for Iran (when it suits its interests). And those are just some of the actions Ankara has taken against Israel. There are also the myriad actions it has taken against others in the region – from the Kurds to the Egyptians to the Cypriots and Greeks – that Jerusalem finds loathsome. But when Erdogan calls and whispers sweet nothings, there is a natural tendency to want to say, “That’s marvelous – let’s give it a whirl and start anew.” Yet Israel must harbor no illusions about who it is dealing with. In the readout of the call with Herzog that Erdogan’s office put out, the Turkish president was quoted as stressing that “the positive steps to be taken for the settlement of the Palestine-Israel dispute would also facilitate a positive course in Turkey-Israel relations.” ISRAEL NEEDS to let Turkey know, however, that it has expectations and demands of its own. If Ankara wants better ties to ease its regional isolation, help build better relations with the White House and benefit from what Israel has to offer in terms of “energy, tourism and technology,” then Erdogan needs to stop his strident anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric. He needs to stop accusing Israel of genocide, stop comparing Israel to Nazis, stop aiding and abetting Hamas, stop trying to make inroads in Jerusalem, stop financially backing those agitating on the Temple Mount, stop blocking Israel at NATO and stop trying to torpedo the Jewish state’s burgeoning ties with other countries in the Muslim world. Just a few months ago, for instance, Erdogan threatened to recall his ambassador from the UAE to protest its establishment of ties with Jerusalem. Israel, obviously, would benefit from an improved relationship and better ties with Turkey, not only because of increased trade but also because it is an important player in Syria and the wider region, which if not included inside the tent, can cause tremendous damage from outside of it. At the same time, any move towards reclaiming some of the closeness that once existed between the two countries must not be done at the expense of stronger relationships that Israel developed in the interim with Turkey’s regional foes, and there are many: from Romania and Bulgaria in the Balkans, to Cyprus and Greece in the eastern Mediterranean, to Egypt and the United Arab Emirates among the Arab states. Israel lost an important strategic partner when Erdogan altered the course of Turkey’s foreign policy in the first decade of this century. But rather than throwing up its hands and yelling “gevalt!” Jerusalem found ways to make up for what it lost in losing Turkey by allying with other countries in the neighborhood. Those alliances must now not be jeopardized just because Erdogan today deems it in his interest to have better relations with the Jewish state – which he has made clear time and time again that he actually loathes. The Turkish media played up the phone call with Herzog as an effort to restart ties with the advent of the new leadership in Jerusalem. But here is the hard truth about Israel-Turkey ties: A true reboot of the relationship will only come about when Turkey finally gets a new leader, not when Israel does. And even when that day comes, it will take time to rebuild the trust because Erdogan has succeeded – through his constant demonization of Israel – in turning many of his countrymen against the Jewish state. 拜登在也門的戰略:縮編和外交——分析 總統並沒有採取紅線政策和追究沙特阿拉伯的責任,而是一直試圖在不搖擺不定的情況下推進他的平台。 作者:勞倫摩根貝瑟 2021 年 7 月 13 日 17:13 2021 年 7 月 8 日,美國總統喬拜登在美國華盛頓白宮東廳發表講話,就政府在阿富汗的持續縮編努力發表講話時指指點點。 (照片來源:伊芙琳·霍克斯坦/路透社) 廣告 在美國總統喬·拜登2021 年 2 月 4 日的首次外交政策演講中,他戲劇性地宣布他將終止美國對也門戰爭中“進攻性行動”的支持。拜登的決定似乎標誌著他的兩位前任的一個轉折點,他們幫助支持沙特領導的聯盟在也門打擊胡塞武裝。 伊朗支持的胡塞叛軍與沙特領導的聯盟之間在也門發動的戰爭進入了第七個年頭。2014 年,在胡塞武裝控制首都薩那後,胡塞武裝與軟弱的也門政府之間開始了戰鬥。作為回應,沙特阿拉伯和其他八個得到美國、英國和法國支持的阿拉伯國家發起了一場以空襲為中心的運動。 2015 年,在伊朗核協議談判期間,前總統巴拉克奧巴馬為沙特阿拉伯的聯盟開綠燈,包括提供軍事支持,部分抵消了該國對該協議的強烈反對。特朗普政府繼續提供這種支持,作為專注於強大的美沙關係的更廣泛戰略的一部分。 然而,在上任之前,拜登發起了一場運動,重點是限制對沙特人的無條件支持,包括增加對侵犯人權行為的問責,並“讓 [ing] 他們實際上成為他們的賤民”。 自上任以來,拜登似乎已經從這個職位上退了一步。總統並沒有採取紅線政策和追究沙特阿拉伯的責任,而是一直試圖在不搖擺不定的情況下推進他的平台。他的戰略在於製定更廣泛的政策,在不失去包括沙特阿拉伯在內的該地區主要盟友的情況下,平衡他希望減少美國在中東的參與。 例如,華盛頓自 4 月以來一直在從海灣地區拆除愛國者反導彈電池,包括從沙特阿拉伯的蘇丹王子空軍基地拆除,這是美國削減該地區部隊的更廣泛戰略的一部分。 與此同時,為了抵消這種脫離接觸的一些影響,拜登一直在向沙特人發出信號,表明美國仍然重視與他們的伙伴關係。即使在今年早些時候發布將王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼與沙特記者賈馬爾·卡舒吉謀殺案聯繫起來的報告之後,政府的反應仍然很平靜。 “我們已經從重新校準的角度討論過這個問題。這不是破裂,”美國國務院發言人內德·普萊斯在 3 月份關於殺戮事件的報告出來後談到美國與沙特的關係時說。 這種“重新調整”的一部分在於邀請沙特高級官員到華盛頓等舉措。上週,王儲的兄弟、國防部副部長哈立德·本·薩勒曼親王訪問了美國首都,談論也門和伊朗的威脅,但重要的是,儘管哈立德參與了掩蓋事件,但他並未討論卡舒吉謀殺案. 2018 年 10 月 25 日,一名示威者在土耳其伊斯坦布爾的沙特阿拉伯領事館外舉著一張帶有沙特記者賈馬爾·卡舒吉照片的海報。(圖片來源:REUTERS/OSMAN ORSAL) 也門的戰爭遵循類似的模式。拜登的政策在於依靠外交和軍事削減,以期最終退出衝突。 這一戰略的第一部分在於他在 2 月份宣布停止對進攻性行動的支持。這包括阻止向沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯聯合酋長國出售包括精確制導彈藥在內的武器,直接反對前總統唐納德特朗普在該國的政策,該政策的特點是支持沙特領導的聯盟。 支持這種行動的人表示,這是姍姍來遲,向沙特發出了一個重要信號。但批評者,包括國會中的進步民主黨人,表示尚不清楚“進攻性行動”是什麼。2月24日,約41名國會議員致信拜登,支持退出,並要求澄清措辭;政府的反應是沉默的。 這種對“進攻性行動”的限制並不一定意味著美國不再支持沙特領導的聯盟。例如,美國軍隊仍在幫助為沙特飛機提供服務,以保持戰機在空中,支持該王國戰略的一個關鍵要素。 該戰略的下一個分支在於加強外交。拜登本人說:“我們也在加強外交以結束也門戰爭——這場戰爭造成了人道主義和戰略災難。我已要求我的中東團隊確保我們支持聯合國牽頭的實施停火、開放人道主義渠道和恢復長期擱置的和平談判的倡議。 為支持這一目標,拜登任命蒂姆·蘭德金為美國駐也門特使,這是自戰爭開始以來第一個擔任該職位的特使。 Lenderking 上任以來的主要戰略在於專注於區域參與者,包括該地區的巡迴演出。近日,他於6月4日前往沙特、約旦、阿曼和阿聯酋會見高級官員和也門人,討論危機,並於6月18日返回沙特阿拉伯。 美國對胡塞武裝的態度也發生了變化。2 月,國務卿安東尼·布林肯 (Antony Blinken) 撤銷了胡塞武裝——其口號是“美國之死,以色列之死,詛咒猶太人,伊斯蘭的勝利”——被列為恐怖組織,從而扭轉了特朗普政府的決定。6 月 25 日,Lenderking 描述了這一舉動:“美國承認他們是合法行為者。沒有人可以希望他們離開或脫離衝突,所以讓我們處理實地存在的現實。” 對胡塞武裝的這種承認可能是為了增加與該組織的外交渠道,以試圖達成協議以結束衝突。但到目前為止,Lenderking 和胡塞武裝之間仍然沒有直接對話。 但拜登的策略奏效了嗎?到目前為止,不是真的。針對拜登的行動,胡塞武裝只是升級了他們的行動,包括加強對沙特阿拉伯的無人機和導彈襲擊,以及在也門境內擴張領土。外交手段並未取得成效,因為胡塞武裝既拒絕了沙特阿拉伯的停火提議,也拒絕了讓步的提議,例如放寬對荷台達港的限制和向某些目的地開放薩那機場,此外還拒絕了單獨的美國停火計劃. 胡塞武裝還加大了對北部石油資源豐富的馬里布省的攻勢,該省是國際公認政府的中心。馬里布是一個重要的戰略要地,因為它是也門國民軍在北部的最後一個據點,也是通往南部的門戶,被政府和南部過渡委員會分開,為胡塞武裝利用他們的分裂提供了機會。 作為回應,5 月 20 日,拜登政府對領導馬里布襲擊的兩名主要軍事官員實施制裁,希望阻止該組織繼續推進。然而,進攻並沒有被阻止。 華盛頓近東政策研究所魯賓家族研究員埃拉娜·德洛齊爾 (E​​lana DeLozier) 表示,“最近結束戰爭的國際政治意願似乎反而增強了胡塞對其談判立場的看法。” 拜登政策的批評者還強調,美國在其外交戰略中正在失去對胡塞武裝的影響力。許多人還指出,伊朗不希望胡塞武裝讓步,以便在潛在的核談判中保持影響力。 目前看來,也門的戰爭還沒有結束。隨著僵局的持續,衝突的輸家是也門人民,他們在世界上最大的人道主義災難之一中遭受廣泛的營養不良和疾病。拜登目前的戰略似乎並未結束衝突,這引發了一個問題:也門的戰​​爭會結束嗎? Biden’s strategy in Yemen: Drawdowns and diplomacy - analysis Instead of a policy of redlines and holding Saudi Arabia accountable, the president has been trying to advance his platform without rocking the boat. By LAUREN MORGANBESSER JULY 13, 2021 17:13 US President Joe Biden points a finger as he delivers remarks on the administration's continued drawdown efforts in Afghanistan in a speech from the East Room at the White House in Washington US, July 8, 2021. (photo credit: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/REUTERS) Advertisement In US President Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech on February 4, 2021, he dramatically announced that he would be ending US support for “offensive operations” in the war in Yemen. Biden’s decision appeared to mark a turning point from his two predecessors, who helped support the Saudi-led coalition against Houthi forces in Yemen. The war in Yemen, waged between the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel forces and a Saudi-led coalition, is entering its seventh year. Fighting started in 2014 between the Houthis and the weak Yemeni government after the Houthis took control of the capital Sanaa. In response, Saudi Arabia and eight other Arab states backed by the US, UK and France started a campaign centered around airstrikes. In 2015, amid the negotiations over the Iran nuclear deal, former president Barack Obama gave a green light to Saudi Arabia’s coalition, including providing military support, partially to offset the kingdom’s strong opposition to the deal. The Trump administration continued such support as a part of a broader strategy focusing on strong US-Saudi ties. However, before coming to office, Biden ran on a campaign focused on limiting unconditional support to the Saudis, including increasing accountability for human rights abuses and “mak[ing] them in fact the pariah that they are.” Since coming to office, Biden appears to have taken a step back from this position. Instead of a policy of redlines and holding Saudi Arabia accountable, the president has been trying to advance his platform without rocking the boat. His strategy lies in a broader policy of balancing his desired reduction of US involvement in the Middle East without losing key allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia. For example, Washington has been removing Patriot antimissile batteries from the Gulf since April, including from Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, part of a broader strategy of US reduction of forces in the region. At the same time, to offset some of the fallout from such disengagement, Biden has been signaling to the Saudis that the US still values a partnership with them. Even after the report came out earlier this year linking Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the response from the administration was muted. “We’ve talked about this in terms of a recalibration. It’s not a rupture,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said of the US-Saudi relationship in March, after the report on the killing came out. Part of this “recalibration” lies in moves like inviting top Saudi officials to Washington. Last week, Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman, brother of the crown prince, visited the US capital to talk about Yemen and threats from Iran but, significantly, did not discuss the Khashoggi murder even though Khalid was reportedly involved in the cover-up. THE WAR in Yemen follows a similar pattern. Biden’s policy lies in relying on diplomacy and military reductions, in hopes of an eventual withdrawal from the conflict. The first part of this strategy lies in his announcement in February of halting support to offensive operations. This included blocking arms sales, including precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in direct opposition to former president Donald Trump’s policy in the country, which was marked by support for the Saudi-led coalition. Those who supported such an action said it was long overdue and that it sent an important signal to the Saudis. But critics, including progressive democrats in Congress, say it is unclear what “offensive operations are.” On February 24, some 41 members of Congress sent a letter to Biden supporting the withdrawal and asking for clarification on the language; the administration’s response was muted. Such limits on “offensive operations” do not necessarily mean that the US no longer supports the Saudi-led coalition. For example, US forces still helping service Saudi aircraft to keep the warplanes in the air, backing a key element of the kingdom’s strategy. The next prong of the strategy lies in increased diplomacy. Biden himself said: “We’re also stepping up our diplomacy to end the war in Yemen – a war which has created a humanitarian and strategic catastrophe. I’ve asked my Middle East team to ensure our support for the United Nations-led initiative to impose a ceasefire, open humanitarian channels and restore long-dormant peace talks. In support of this goal, Biden appointed Tim Lenderking as the US special envoy to Yemen, the first one filling that position since the war started. Lenderking’s main strategy since assuming the post lies in focusing on regional players, including tours of the region. Recently, on June 4, he went to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman and the UAE to meet with senior officials and Yemenis to discuss the crisis, as well as returning to Saudi Arabia on June 18. AMERICA’S TONE toward the Houthis has also changed. In February, Secretary of State Antony Blinken revoked the Houthis – whose slogan is “death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam” – from being classified as a terrorist organization, reversing the Trump administration’s decision. On June 25, Lenderking described the move: "The United States recognizes them as a legitimate actor. No one can wish them away or out of the conflict, so let's deal with realities that exist on the ground.” Such recognition of the Houthis is likely intended to increase diplomatic channels with the group in an attempt to reach an agreement to end the conflict. But there have still been no direct talks so far between Lenderking and the Houthis. But has Biden’s strategy worked? So far, not really. In response to Biden’s actions, the Houthis have only escalated their campaign, including intensified drone and missile attacks on Saudi Arabia, as well as territorial expansion inside of Yemen. Diplomatic approaches have not proved fruitful, as the Houthis have rejected both Saudi Arabia’s offer of a ceasefire as well as offers of concessions, such as easing restrictions on Hodeida Port and opening Sanaa airport to some destinations, in addition to rejecting a separate US ceasefire plan. The Houthis have also increased their offensive against the oil-rich Marib province in the North, which is the center of the internationally recognized government. Marib is an important strategic location, as it is the Yemen National Army’s last stronghold in the North and a gateway to the South, which is divided between the government and the Southern Transitional Council, providing an opportunity for the Houthis to capitalize on their disunity. In response, on May 20, the Biden administration imposed sanctions on two key military officials leading the Marib attack, hoping to deter the group from continuing their advance. However, the offensive was undeterred. According to Elana DeLozier, the Rubin Family Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “the recent uptick in international political will to end the war seems instead to have emboldened Houthi perceptions of their negotiating position.” Critics of Biden’s policy also emphasize that the US is losing leverage over the Houthis in their diplomatic strategy. Many also point out that Iran does not want the Houthis to back down, so that it can keep leverage in potential nuclear talks. For the time being, it appears that the war in Yemen is not coming to an end. As the stalemate drags on, the losers of the conflict are the Yemeni people, who suffer from widespread malnutrition and disease in one of the greatest humanitarian disasters in the world. Biden’s strategy for now does not appear to be ending the conflict, prompting the question: Will the war in Yemen ever end? 以色列希望向加沙提供外援的憑證系統 “卡塔爾用於加沙的錢不會作為裝滿美元的手提箱進入哈馬斯。” 通過LAHAV哈爾科夫,路透 2021 年 7 月 13 日 20:07 在路透社於 2021 年 5 月 23 日獲得的這張講義圖片中,可以在埃及和加沙地帶之間的拉法過境點看到一輛載有埃及萬歲基金發送的物資的援助車隊的卡車。 (圖片來源:埃及總統/通過路透社的講義) 廣告 以色列公共安全部長 Omer Bar Lev 週二表示,以色列正在考慮向加沙支付外援的憑證系統,以防止捐款被轉用於支持巴勒斯坦飛地的哈馬斯統治者及其軍火庫。 總理納夫塔利·貝內特(Naftali Bennett)設想了“一種機制,其中的內容實質上將是食品券或人道主義援助券,而不是可用於開髮用於對抗以色列國的武器的現金,”巴列夫告訴陸軍電台。 巴爾列夫不排除卡塔爾繼續捐款的可能性,並提出了歐盟援助的可能性。 “卡塔爾為加沙提供的資金不會作為裝滿美元的手提箱進入哈馬斯,哈馬斯本質上是哈馬斯自己及其官員的重要組成部分,”部長補充說,呼應了貝內特最近的聲明。 “如果機制是這樣,我毫不懷疑以色列會幫助改善加沙地帶的人道主義局勢,”他說。 在 5 月份的 11 天跨境戰鬥之後,人道主義機構將貧困的加沙地帶的最新重建費用定為 5 億美元。 在 2014 年保護邊緣行動之後,卡塔爾為加沙的建築和其他項目提供了價值超過 10 億美元的資金,其中一些是現金。這些付款得到以色列的監督和批准,多哈在今年 5 月底承諾再提供 5 億美元。 一位接近貝內特的消息人士表示,重建加沙的資金必須通過聯合國分配,而代金券系統是他們正在考慮的一個選擇。以色列還沒有決定是否會同意聯合國巴勒斯坦難民機構近東救濟工程處或其他與哈馬斯合作歷史較少的機構提供援助。 “我們正在尋找聯合國充當中間人,”消息人士說。“我們希望對正在發生的事情進行記錄和監督。這不會是完美的,但總比將無法追踪的賬單發送到加沙而不知道發生了什麼事要好。” 哈馬斯沒有立即發表評論。 無法立即聯繫到卡塔爾駐加沙援助特使穆罕默德·艾瑪迪 (Mohammed al-Emadi) 置評。 一名巴勒斯坦官員告訴路透社:“一切都還沒有定論。” 歐盟、美國等一些國家已將哈馬斯列為恐怖組織。 美國國務院發言人內德·普賴斯上週表示,美國“致力於為巴勒斯坦人民提供他們在最近的暴力事件之後需要的人道主義援助,但由於多年的管理不善、忽視和哈馬斯的虐待。 ,事實上的管理當局。” 當被問及美國是否會通過聯合國向加沙提供援助時,普萊斯回答說:“很清楚的是,美國的資金不會流向哈馬斯,我們將與合作夥伴合作,確保資金得到有效分配。” Israel wants voucher system for foreign aid to Gaza "The Qatari money for Gaza will not go in as suitcases full of dollars which end up with Hamas." By LAHAV HARKOV, REUTERS JULY 13, 2021 20:07 An aid convoy's trucks loaded with supplies send by Long Live Egypt Fund are seen at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, in this handout picture obtained by Reuters on May 23, 2021. (photo credit: THE EGYPTIAN PRESIDENCY/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Israel is considering a voucher system for foreign aid to be disbursed to Gaza, as a safeguard against donations being diverted to bolster the Palestinian enclave's Hamas rulers and their arsenal, Public Security Minister Omer Bar Lev said on Tuesday. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett envisaged "a mechanism where what will go in, in essence, would be food vouchers, or vouchers for humanitarian aid, and not cash that can be taken and used for developing weaponry to be wielded against the State of Israel,” Bar Lev told Army Radio. Bar Lev did not rule out continued donations from Qatar, and raised a possibility of European Union assistance. "The Qatari money for Gaza will not go in as suitcases full of dollars which end up with Hamas, where Hamas in essence takes for itself and its officials a significant part of it," the minister added, echoing recent statements by Bennett. "Should the mechanism be like this, I have no doubt that Israel would help in the improvement of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip," he said. Humanitarian agencies put the latest reconstruction costs for the impoverished Gaza Strip at $500 million following 11 days of cross-border fighting in May. Qatar bankrolled more than $1 billion worth of construction and other projects in Gaza, some of it in cash, after Operation Protective Edge in 2014. The payments were monitored and approved by Israel, and Doha pledged another $500 million in late May of this year. A source close to Bennett said the funds to rebuild Gaza must be distributed via the UN and a voucher system is one option that they are considering. Israel also has yet to decide whether it would agree to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, to delivery the aid, or another agency that has less of a history of working with Hamas. “We are looking for the UN to be the middle man,” the source said. “We want documentation and supervision of what’s happening. It won’t be perfect, but it’s better than sending untraceable bills into Gaza and not knowing what’s going on.” Hamas did not immediately comment. Mohammed al-Emadi, the Qatari aid envoy to Gaza, could not immediately be reached for comment. A Palestinian official told Reuters: "Nothing is final yet." The EU, United States and some other countries have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said last week that the US is "committed to providing the Palestinian people with the humanitarian assistance that they need both in the aftermath of the most recent violence, but from years of mismanagement, of neglect, of abuse by Hamas, the de facto governing authority." Asked if the US will send aid to Gaza via the UN, Price responded: "What is what is very clear is that US funds will not be going to Hamas, and we will work with partners to see that it’s distributed effectively." 以色列國防軍、辛貝特、甘茨不願因恐怖主義津貼而扣押巴勒斯坦權力機構稅——報告 瓦拉表示,儘管最終決定通過了,但安全官員警告說,現在不是對巴勒斯坦權力機構造成經濟打擊的好時機。 由TOI 工作人員提供今天,晚上 8:58 國防部長本尼·甘茨出席在以色列南部埃什科爾地區舉行的會議。2021 年 7 月 13 日。(Flash90) 國防部長本尼甘茨、交通部長梅拉夫米凱利和衛生部長尼贊霍洛維茨都對安全內閣決定從巴勒斯坦權力機構扣留數億謝克爾以抵消其支付給恐怖分子及其家人的資金持保留態度,瓦拉新聞網站週二報導。 報導稱,部長們的立場與軍方和辛貝特的立場一致。 安全內閣最終決定在周日從巴勒斯坦權力機構扣押近 6 億新謝克爾(1.83 億美元),用於支付過去一年支付的資金。 據報導,由於巴勒斯坦權力機構已經面臨金融衝突,三位部長對此舉的時機感到擔憂。 該網站援引兩名熟悉內閣會議事件的未具名高級官員的話說,軍方與巴勒斯坦人的主要聯絡人、領土政府活動協調員 (COGAT) 少將加桑·阿利安 (Ghassan Alian) 警告不要預扣稅款,並向部長們表示,2019 年的類似抵消尚未完成。 Alian 解釋說,PA 需要現金,同時承擔 2019 年和 2020 年的稅收對管理局來說將是沉重的打擊,儘管不是淘汰賽。據 Walla 報導,Shin Bet 的代表支持 Alian 的立場和他的擔憂,建議將行動推遲到以後的某個日期。 藍白黨的甘茨支持 COGAT 負責人的立場,並表示支持延期。工黨的米凱利和梅雷茨的霍洛維茨也支持推遲,指出削弱巴勒斯坦權力機構不利於以色列的利益。 2021 年 7 月 12 日,梅雷茨黨衛生部長尼贊·霍洛維茨(Nitzan Horowitz)左翼在耶路撒冷議會主持梅雷茨派別會議。(Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) 隨後在會議期間,以色列國防軍代表介紹了有關由哈馬斯恐怖組織統治的加沙地帶的政策。 廣告 有人提出了削弱致力於摧毀以色列的哈馬斯的方法的建議,以支持與以色列有合作協議的巴勒斯坦權力機構。邁克爾和霍洛維茨隨後指出,建議的政策與預扣稅的計劃相矛盾,這會削弱巴勒斯坦權力機構。 據報導,關於預扣巴勒斯坦權力機構稅的討論只持續了幾分鐘,並沒有激烈進行,儘管這是自上個月新政府成立以來,聯盟夥伴首次在對巴勒斯坦人的政策上出現分歧。 在政治動盪中,以色列一直處於過渡政府之下,直到 6 月,新聯盟得到確認。 2021 年 7 月 12 日,工黨領袖交通部長梅拉夫·米凱利 (Merav Michaeli) 出席在耶路撒冷議會舉行的派系會議。 (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) 根據甘茨週日向安全內閣提交的一份報告,該報告由國防部國家反恐融資局準備,巴勒斯坦權力機構轉移了 5.97 億新謝克爾(1.82 億美元)作為“2020 年對恐怖主義的間接支持”。 總理辦公室在一份聲明中說:“根據這份報告,這些資金將從以色列向巴勒斯坦權力機構轉移的每月付款中凍結。” 這不是安全內閣第一次扣留其為巴勒斯坦權力機構收取的一些稅收資金,以懲罰它支付給被監禁的恐怖分子和襲擊者遇難者家屬的款項。 廣告 11 月,內閣投票決定從所謂的“支付殺戮”款項中扣除約 24 億新謝克爾(7.31 億美元)的約 6 億新謝克爾(1.83 億美元)。 巴勒斯坦官員表示,過去一年,他們正在考慮改革支付薪水的巴勒斯坦人被以色列安全犯罪和恐怖主義定罪的爭議PA政策。 囚犯問題長期以來一直阻礙巴勒斯坦權力機構在華盛頓的外交努力,以色列多次援引恐怖資金在國際論壇上批評拉馬拉。 今年 1 月上任的美國總統喬·拜登 (Joe Biden) 的政府一再敦促巴勒斯坦權力機構停止其“為因恐怖主義行為入獄的個人提供賠償”的政策。 但就在一個月前,據報導,巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯批准向穆罕納德·哈拉比 (Muhannad Halabi) 的家人支付超過 40,000 美元的款項,後者在 2015 年耶路撒冷的一次持刀襲擊中殺死了兩名以色列人,然後被安全部隊擊斃。 IDF, Shin Bet, Gantz balked at seizing PA taxes over terror stipends — report Even though decision eventually passed, security officials warned that now is a bad time to deal a financial blow to PA, according to Walla By TOI STAFFToday, 8:58 pm Defense Minister Benny Gantz attends a conference in the Eshkol region, southern Israel. on July 13, 2021. (Flash90) Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli, and Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz all had reservations about a security cabinet decision to withhold hundreds of millions of shekels from the Palestinian Authority to offset funds that it paid to terrorists and their families, the Walla news website reported Tuesday. The report said the ministers’ positions were in line with those of the military and the Shin Bet. The Security Cabinet eventually decided on Sunday to seize nearly NIS 600 million ($183 million) from the PA over funds it paid out over the past year. The three ministers were reportedly concerned about the timing of the move due to the financial strife the Palestinian Authority is already facing. The website cited two unnamed senior officials familiar with events at the cabinet meeting, who said that the military’s chief liaison to the Palestinians, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) Major-General Ghassan Alian, cautioned against withholding the taxes, reporting to ministers that a similar offset from 2019 had not yet been completed. The PA needs the cash and taking both the 2019 and 2020 taxes would be a heavy, though not knockout, blow for the Authority, Alian explained. Shin Bet representatives backed up Alian’s position and his concerns, proposing that the action be put off until a later date, Walla reported. The Blue and White party’s Gantz backed the COGAT chief’s position and also expressed support for a postponement. Michaeli, of the Labor party, and Horowitz, of Meretz also supported a delay, pointing out that weakening the PA is against Israel’s interests. Head of the Meretz party Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, left leads a Meretz faction meeting at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, on July 12, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) Later during the meeting, Israel Defense Forces representatives presented policy regarding the Gaza Strip, which is ruled by the Hamas terror group. ADVERTISEMENT A suggestion was made for methods to weaken Hamas, which is committed to Israel’s destruction, in favor of the PA, with which Israel has cooperation agreements. Michael and Horowitz then pointed out that the suggested policy was in contradiction to the plan to withhold the taxes, which would weaken the PA. According to the report, the discussion on withholding PA taxes lasted only several minutes and was not heated, though it represented the first time that coalition partners have disagreed on policy towards the Palestinians since the new government was formed last month. Amid political turmoil, Israel was under a transitional government until June, when the new coalition was confirmed. Labor party leader Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli attends a faction meeting at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, on July 12, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) According to a report presented Sunday to the security cabinet by Gantz, prepared by the Defense Ministry’s National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing, the Palestinian Authority transferred NIS 597 million ($182 million) in “indirect support for terror in 2020.” “In light of this report, these funds will be frozen from the monthly payments that Israel transfers to the PA,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement. It is not the first time the security cabinet has withheld some tax funds that it collects for the Palestinian Authority to penalize it for payments to imprisoned terrorists and the families of dead attackers. In November, the cabinet voted to hold back approximately NIS 600 million ($183 million) out of a transfer of around NIS 2.4 billion ($731 million) over the so-called “pay to slay” payments. Palestinian officials have indicated over the past year that they are considering reforming the controversial PA policy of paying salaries to Palestinians convicted by Israel of security offenses and terrorism. The prisoner issue has long hampered the PA’s diplomatic efforts in Washington, and Israel has repeatedly invoked the terror funding to criticize Ramallah in international forums. The administration of United States President Joe Biden, who took office in January, has repeatedly urged the PA to halt its policy of “providing compensation for individuals in prison for acts of terrorism.” But just a month ago, PA President Mahmoud Abbas reportedly approved a payment of more than $40,000 to the family of Muhannad Halabi, who killed two Israelis in a 2015 stabbing attack in Jerusalem and was then shot dead by security forces. 在加沙邊界平靜的情況下,以色列擴大了漁區和進出口 此舉是在國際壓力要求增加對加沙地帶的援助之際,在以色列和埃及外交部長會晤之後進行的;卡塔爾特使周日晚上抵達加沙 通過猶大阿里毛 2021 年 7 月 12 日,上午 10:35 2021 年 5 月 23 日,在哈馬斯和以色列在加沙城進行了為期 11 天的戰爭後,在允許有限數量的船隻返回大海後,漁民在將他們的貨物運送到市場之前裝載一輛馬拉車。 (美聯社照片/約翰·明奇洛) 以色列週一宣布了一系列針對加沙地帶的救濟措施,擴大了沿海飛地的捕魚區,並在邊境沿線相對平靜的情況下批准了額外的進出口。 此舉是在國際上越來越多的人呼籲為這個陷入困境的飛地提供更多人道主義援助之際,以色列與哈馬斯和巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰恐怖組織在 5 月份發生了大規模衝突,對加沙地帶的部分地區造成了大規模破壞。 在為期 11 天的戰鬥之後,以色列宣布將針對加沙制定一項新政策,在兩名以色列平民和兩名以色列國防軍陣亡士兵的遺體從哈馬斯返回之前,大幅限制可以進入該飛地的援助類型。囚禁。只允許食品、醫療用品、燃料、動物飼料和“關鍵行業的原材料”進入該領土。 一名聯合國官員告訴以色列時報,其他項目,例如重建被以色列國防軍轟炸摧毀的溫室的框架,仍被禁止進入,並感嘆耶路撒冷“對人道主義援助的定義非常狹隘”。 據巴勒斯坦媒體報導,卡塔爾特使 Mohammad al-Emadi 也於週日晚上抵達沿海飛地。卡塔爾資金繼續流入加沙——2021 年承諾提供約 3.6 億美元——是正在進行的談判的癥結所在。 這位聯合國官員表示,加沙地帶的總體出口也下降了 90%,並指出只允許少量農產品和紡織品離開加沙,但這些商品被禁止進入以色列——這是以色列的主要收入來源。飛地的出口經濟。 然而,最近幾週,通往埃及的 Rafah 和 Salah a-Din 過境點仍然對貨物和行人開放,但具體程度尚不清楚。 週一,被稱為“領土政府活動協調員”的以色列與巴勒斯坦人的軍事聯絡機構宣布將在一定程度上放寬這些措施。 廣告 2021 年 5 月 21 日,在埃及促成以色列和巴勒斯坦之間的停火協議後,一輛滿載人道主義援助的卡車通過 Kerem Shalom 過境點進入加沙地帶南部的拉法,該過境點是從以色列進入加沙的貨物的主要通道哈馬斯恐怖組織(SAID KHATIB / AFP) 從周一開始,允許加沙漁民航行的區域從 9 海裡擴大到 12 海裡。 額外的醫療設備、漁具以及當地工業和紡織品生產的原材料被允許通過與以色列的凱雷姆沙洛姆過境點進入加沙,科加特說。 此外,更多的紡織品和農產品可以通過過境點出口。 “政治梯隊批准的這些民事措施取決於持續的安全穩定,”COGAT 說。 在 5 月衝突後的幾週內,加沙地帶的恐怖分子開始向以色列領土發射攜帶燃燒裝置的氣球,引發了數十起火災,並燒毀了大片農田和自然保護區。 作為回應,以色列國防軍對加沙的哈馬斯基礎設施進行了空襲,以色列向恐怖組織發出信息,表示不會容忍此類襲擊。 隨著更多停火條款開始生效,這些縱火襲擊事件有所減少,過去一周半沒有發生跨境事件。 廣告 擴大捕魚區和進出口的決定是在外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德與埃及外長薩梅赫·舒克里在布魯塞爾會晤後做出的。 據以色列外交部稱,兩人專注於恢復加沙地帶的努力。 自 2007 年哈馬斯控制該飛地以來,以色列和埃及就對加沙地帶實施了封鎖。兩國都表示,這項措施對於防止恐怖組織獲取武器和材料來建造防禦工事和隧道是必要的。5 月衝突中使用的大部分彈藥都是劣質的國產武器。 Amid calm on Gaza border, Israel expands fishing zone, imports and exports Move comes amid international pressure to increase assistance to the Strip, follows meeting between Israeli, Egyptian foreign ministers; Qatari envoy reaches Gaza on Sunday night By JUDAH ARI GROSS 12 July 2021, 10:35 am Fisherman load a horse-drawn cart before delivering their haul to market after a limited number of boats were allowed to return to the sea following a ceasefire reached after an 11-day war between Hamas and Israel, in Gaza City, May 23, 2021. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) Israel on Monday announced a series of relief measures for the Gaza Strip, expanding the coastal enclave’s fishing zone and approving additional imports and exports as relative calm persisted along the border. The move came amid growing international calls for additional humanitarian assistance for the beleaguered enclave, which saw a large-scale conflict between Israel and the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups in May that caused massive destruction to parts of the Strip. Following the 11-day battle, Israel announced it was instituting a new policy vis-à-vis Gaza, significantly limiting what types of aid could enter the enclave until two Israeli civilians and the remains of two fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers are returned from Hamas captivity. Only food, medical supplies, fuel, animal fodder and “raw materials for critical industries” have been allowed into the territory. Other items, such as frames to rebuild greenhouses destroyed by IDF bombings, are still being barred from entering, a UN official told The Times of Israel, lamenting that Jerusalem had a “very narrow definition of what constitutes humanitarian assistance.” Qatari envoy Mohammad al-Emadi also arrived in the coastal enclave on Sunday night, Palestinian media reported. The continued channeling of Qatari money into Gaza — some $360 million was pledged for 2021 — is a sticking point in the ongoing negotiations. Overall exports from the Gaza Strip were also down 90 percent, the UN official said, noting that only small amounts of agricultural exports and textiles are being allowed out of Gaza but that those goods are barred from entering Israel — a main source of income for the enclave’s export economy. However, the Rafah and Salah a-Din crossings to Egypt have remained open for goods and pedestrians in recent weeks, though the extent of this was not immediately clear. On Monday, Israel’s military liaison body to the Palestinians, known as the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, announced that it was easing those measures somewhat. ADVERTISEMENT A truck loaded with humanitarian aid, passes into Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, through the Kerem Shalom crossing, the main passage point for goods entering Gaza from Israel, on May 21, 2021, after a ceasefire brokered by Egypt between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas terror group (SAID KHATIB / AFP) Beginning Monday, the area in which Gaza fishermen are permitted to sail was expanded from nine nautical miles to 12. Additional medical equipment, fishing gear, and raw materials for local industries and textile production were allowed into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing with Israel, COGAT said. In addition, more textiles and agricultural products could be exported through the crossing. “These civilian measures that were approved by the political echelon are contingent upon continued security stability,” COGAT said. In the weeks following May’s conflict, terrorists in the Strip began launching balloons carrying incendiary devices into Israeli territory, sparking dozens of fires and burning large swaths of agricultural land and nature reserves. In response, the IDF conducted airstrikes on Hamas infrastructure in Gaza and Israel sent messages to the terror group that such attacks would not be tolerated. As more terms of the ceasefire began going into effect, these arson attacks abated, and the past week and a half has seen no cross-border incidents. The decision to expand the fishing zone and imports and exports came after a meeting between Foreign Minister Yair Lapid with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Brussels. According to Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the two focused on the efforts to rehabilitate the Gaza Strip. Israel and Egypt have imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip since 2007, when Hamas took control of the enclave. Both countries say the measure is necessary to prevent the terror group from obtaining weapons and materials to build fortifications and tunnels. Most of the munitions used in May’s conflict were inferior, domestically produced arms. 真主黨播放了 2006 年引發第二次黎巴嫩戰爭的襲擊的新鏡頭 恐怖組織發布了以前看不見的視頻,其中有特工穿過樹木繁茂的邊境地區並對以色列國防軍巡邏車進行致命轟炸,然後劫持了 2 名人質 由TOI 工作人員提供今天,上午 8:56 真主黨附屬 al-Manar 於 2021 年 7 月 12 日播出的視頻顯示,2006 年 7 月 12 日對以色列國防軍吉普車的襲擊引發了第二次黎巴嫩戰爭。(截屏) 在第二次黎巴嫩戰爭開始 15 週年之際,真主黨週一發布了此前未公開的 2006 年對以色列士兵的邊境襲擊引發武裝衝突的鏡頭。 與真主黨有關的 al-Manar 媒體播放的鏡頭顯示,恐怖組織成員在襲擊以色列巡邏部隊使用的吉普車之前穿過邊境附近的一片樹林。 真主黨特工隨後前往車輛,包圍它,拖出 Ehud Goldwasser 和 Eldad Regev,然後帶著人質逃回邊境,將他們的屍體裝上車輛。 其他三名士兵在襲擊中喪生,此後不久在以色列的一次失敗的救援行動中,又有五名以色列國防軍士兵被殺。 Goldwasser 和 Regev 被以色列當局假定在最初的襲擊中被殺,但他們的屍體直到 2008 年才被歸還。週一發布的鏡頭是第一次顯示以色列人被捕的情況。 這段視頻於週一發布,當時伊朗支持的恐怖組織真主黨試圖在黎巴嫩不斷升級的經濟危機中維護自己的地位。 廣告 真主黨過去曾播放過襲擊事件的鏡頭,包括在 2018 年,恐怖組織發布的鏡頭似乎顯示了襲擊發生後的瞬間 2016 年,隸屬於什葉派恐怖組織的電視頻道 al-Mayadeen 播出了一部紀念戰爭 10 週年的三集紀錄片系列。它包括真主黨戰士為襲擊進行訓練的鏡頭。 數以萬計的以色列人參加了 2006 年在特拉維夫為士兵 Ehud Goldwasser 和 Eldad Regev 舉行的集會。(Flash90) 真主黨還在 2007 年和 2012 年發布了視頻,包括襲擊的鏡頭和當天以色列國防軍通訊的音頻。 2012 年發布的視頻包括真主黨戰士向以色列國防軍悍馬開火併越過邊界進入以色列領土的突襲部分。當真主黨突擊隊到達被毀壞的車輛時,剪輯結束了。 這場為期 34 天的戰爭見證了數以千計的真主黨火箭襲擊北部城鎮,奪去了 165 名以色列人的生命,其中包括 44 名平民。包括真主黨戰士和平民在內的 1,100 多名黎巴嫩人被殺。 Hezbollah airs new footage from 2006 attack that triggered Second Lebanon War Terror group releases previously unseen video of operatives moving through wooded border area and carrying out deadly bombing of IDF patrol vehicle, then taking 2 hostages By TOI STAFFToday, 8:56 am Footage aired by Hezbollah-affiliated al-Manar on July 12, 2021, shows the attack on an IDF jeep on July 12, 2006 that sparked the Second Lebanon War. (Screen grab) On the 15th anniversary of the start of the Second Lebanon War, Hezbollah on Monday released previously unseen footage from the 2006 border attack on Israeli soldiers that sparked the armed conflict. The footage broadcast by the al-Manar outlet associated with Hezbollah shows the terror group members moving through a wooded area near the border before the attack on a jeep used by patrolling Israeli troops. The Hezbollah operatives then head to the vehicle, surround it, and drag out Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, then flee with the hostages back across the border and load their bodies onto a vehicle. Three other soldiers were killed in the attack and five more IDF troops were killed shortly thereafter in a failed Israeli rescue attempt. Goldwasser and Regev were assumed by Israeli authorities to have been killed in the initial attack, but their bodies were not returned until 2008. The footage released Monday was the first time the capture of the Israelis was shown. The clip was released on Monday as Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group, attempts to assert itself amid Lebanon’s spiraling economic crisis. Hezbollah has broadcast footage from the attack in the past, including in 2018 when the terror group released footage that appeared to show the moments after the assault In 2016, al-Mayadeen, a television channel affiliated with the Shiite terror organization, aired a three-episode documentary series commemorating the war’s 10-year anniversary. It included footage of Hezbollah fighters training for the attack. Tens of thousands of Israelis attend a 2006 rally in Tel Aviv for soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev. (Flash90) Hezbollah also released videos in 2007 and 2012, including footage from the attack and audio from the IDF’s communications that day. The video released in 2012 included the part of the raid in which Hezbollah fighters opened fire on the IDF Humvee and crossed the border into Israeli territory. The clip ended just as the Hezbollah commandos reach the ruined vehicle. The 34-day war, which saw thousands of Hezbollah rockets pummel northern towns, claimed the lives of 165 Israelis, including 44 civilians. Over 1,100 Lebanese, including both Hezbollah fighters and civilians, were killed.

    2021.05.29 國際新聞導讀-以色列未來黨與右派黨之輪替執政協議達成,納唐雅胡準備下台去面對司法考驗,亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞軍事衝突再起、敘利亞總統阿塞德連任7年任期

    2021.05.29 國際新聞導讀-以色列未來黨與右派黨之輪替執政協議達成,納唐雅胡準備下台去面對司法考驗,亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞軍事衝突再起、敘利亞總統阿塞德連任7年任期
    2021.05.29 國際新聞導讀-以色列未來黨與右派黨之輪替執政協議達成,納唐雅胡準備下台去面對司法考驗,亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞軍事衝突再起、敘利亞總統阿塞德連任7年任期 伊朗稱阿薩德獲勝是和平的“重要一步” 俄羅斯稱讚敘利亞獨裁者的“決定性勝利”,拒絕西方對虛假投票的指責 由代理商和TOI工作人員今天,下午 3:46 0 2021 年 5 月 27 日,在選舉前一天,現任總統巴沙爾·阿薩德(Bashar Assad)獲得第四個任期,敘利亞人在首都大馬士革街頭慶祝時揮舞著國旗並攜帶總統的大幅畫像(LOUAI BESHARA / AFP ) 敘利亞政府的主要盟友伊朗和俄羅斯週五祝賀巴沙爾·阿薩德總統在一場被廣泛視為虛假選舉的選舉中取得壓倒性勝利。 週四晚間公佈的官方結果使阿薩德在周三在政府控制地區舉行的選舉中獲得超過 95% 的選票,從而延長了他對權力的第四個任期。 德黑蘭稱這是在十年內戰後恢復和平的“重大一步”。 “伊朗伊斯蘭共和國祝賀阿薩德總統和堅韌的敘利亞人民在這次選舉中取得決定性勝利,”伊朗外交部在一份聲明中說。 “選舉的成功組織和敘利亞人民的大規模投票標誌著在建立和平方面邁出了一大步。” 阿薩德的另一個重要盟友俄羅斯週五也向他表示祝賀,稱讚他的“決定性勝利”是“加強……內部穩定的重要一步”。 外交部補充說:“我們認為選舉是阿拉伯敘利亞共和國的主權事務,是加強其內部穩定的重要一步。” 敘利亞人在阿勒頗街頭慶祝,因為巴沙爾·阿薩德總統於 2021 年 5 月 27 日下旬第四次當選為飽受戰爭蹂躪的敘利亞總統(法新社) 有爭議的投票擴大了阿薩德的控制權,是自長達十年的內戰開始以來的第二次內戰,這場衝突已導致388,000多人喪生,數百萬人流離失所,並使該國的基礎設施遭受重創。 大選前夕,美國、英國、法國、德國和意大利表示投票“既不自由也不公平”,敘利亞支離破碎的反對派稱這是一場“鬧劇”。 俄羅斯一直是敘利亞政權在衝突中的關鍵盟友,其對2015年9月戰爭的干預被視為扭轉了戰鬥的潮流,對阿薩德有利。 2018 年 5 月 17 日,俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京(左)在俄羅斯索契黑海度假勝地會晤期間與敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德握手。(米哈伊爾·克里門捷夫、人造衛星、克里姆林宮泳池照片來自美聯社) 外交部將西方對選舉有效性提出質疑的聲明描述為“另一次試圖干涉敘利亞內政以破壞其穩定的企圖”。 “沒有人有權要求敘利亞人在什麼時候以及在什麼條件下選舉他們的國家元首,”它說。 Assad election win hailed by Iran as ‘big step’ for peace Russia lauds ‘decisive victory’ by Syrian dictator, rejects Western accusations of sham vote By AGENCIES and TOI STAFFToday, 3:46 pm 0 Syrians wave national flags and carry a large portrait of their president as they celebrate in the streets of the capital Damascus, a day after an election set to give the current President Bashar Assad a fourth term, on May 27, 2021 (LOUAI BESHARA / AFP) Key Syrian government allies Iran and Russia congratulated President Bashar Assad Friday on his landslide victory in an election widely seen as a sham. Official results announced late Thursday gave Assad more than 95 percent of the vote in Wednesday’s election held in government-held areas, extending his grip on power for a fourth term. Tehran described it as a “big step” towards restoring peace after a decade of civil war. “The Islamic Republic of Iran congratulates President Assad and the resilient Syrian people on their decisive victory in this election,” the foreign ministry said in a statement. “The successful organization of the election and the massive turnout by the Syrian people mark a big step in establishing peace.” Assad’s other key ally Russia also congratulated him Friday, hailing his “decisive victory” as an “important step towards strengthening… internal stability. “We view the elections as a sovereign affair of the Syrian Arab Republic and an important step towards strengthening its internal stability,” the foreign ministry added. Syrians celebrate in the streets of Aleppo as President Bashar Assad was re-elected for a fourth term as president of war-ravaged Syria, late on May 27, 2021 (AFP) The controversial vote extending Assad’s stranglehold on power was the second since the start of a decade-long civil conflict that has killed more than 388,000 people, displaced millions and battered the country’s infrastructure. On the eve of the election, the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Italy said the poll was “neither free nor fair,” and Syria’s fragmented opposition has called it a “farce.” Russia has been a key ally to the Syrian regime in the conflict, and its intervention in the war in September 2015 was seen as having turned the tide of the fighting in Assad’s favor. Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, shakes hands with Syrian President Bashar Assad during their meeting in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, May 17, 2018. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) The foreign ministry described Western statements calling into question the validity of the elections as “another attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Syria with the aim of destabilizing it.” “No one has the right to dictate to the Syrians when and under what conditions they should elect their head of state,” it said. 在以色列國防軍聲稱他感染了新冠病毒後,真主黨副手說納斯魯拉“很好” Naim Qassem 說恐怖領袖只需要 2-3 天就能康復,如果不繼續進行充滿咳嗽的公開演講會引發更多問題 通過TOI人員和亞倫BOXERMAN今天,上午 12:43 0 真主黨領袖哈桑·納斯拉拉(Hasan Nasrallah)在2021年5月25日的地址中咳嗽(Twitter屏幕截圖) 真主黨首領哈桑·納斯魯拉(Hassan Nasrallah)的副手週四表示,在以色列國防軍官員向以色列媒體洩露軍隊對他感染冠狀病毒的評估後一天,黎巴嫩恐怖組織的領導人身體狀況良好。 最初的預測是在納斯魯拉週二通過最近的電視講話中咳嗽和喘息之後做出的,他在講話中威脅說,如果以色列襲擊耶路撒冷的聖地,就會發生“地區戰爭”。 “秘書長很好,讚美歸於上帝,”Naim Qassem 告訴黎巴嫩媒體。“他最近幾天病倒了,需要兩三天才能康復;但因為愛他的人都在等他 5 月 25 日的演講,他不露面就會引起質疑。” 以色列國防軍的評估似乎主要基於間接證據,因為根據以色列第 13 頻道的說法,納斯魯拉實際上尚未接受 COVID-19 的測試。 在以色列國防軍佔領該地區 18 年後,以色列國防軍從黎巴嫩南部撤出 21 週年之際,以及以色列和哈馬斯恐怖組織在加沙地帶及其周圍地區進行了為期 11 天的戰鬥幾天后發表了講話。在以色列警察對聖殿山發生的騷亂作出有力回應後,後者向耶路撒冷發射了多枚火箭。 真主黨副秘書長 Naim Qassem(圖片來源:AP/Grace Kassab) 以色列軍方官員嘲笑納斯魯拉的講話,後者在鏡頭前顯得蒼白無力,稱這是一個錯誤。 在以色列和哈馬斯的衝突期間,真主黨的影子隱約可見,它有可能釋放其導彈庫——比哈馬斯的強大得多——以支持巴勒斯坦人。但伊朗支持的組織基本上保持觀望。 儘管真主黨沒有積極參與戰鬥,但在加沙戰役期間,黎巴嫩南部向以色列發射了三連串火箭彈,以色列認為這至少是真主黨默許的。 為了聲援加沙,在與以色列的邊界沿線每天都發生抗議活動,包括黎巴嫩真主黨成員和巴勒斯坦人的抗議活動。當以色列向試圖突破動盪邊界的抗議者開火以反擊時,一名真主黨成員被打死。 Hezbollah deputy says Nasrallah ‘is fine’ after IDF claimed he contracted COVID Naim Qassem says terror leader just needed 2-3 days to recover and that not going forward with cough-filled public address would have raised even more questions By TOI STAFF and AARON BOXERMANToday, 12:43 am 0 Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah coughs during a May 25, 2021, address (Twitter screenshot) The deputy to Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said Thursday that the Lebanese terror group’s leader was in good health a day after IDF officials leaked to Israeli media the army’s assessment that he had contracted the coronavirus. The initial prognosis was made after Nasrallah coughed and wheezed his way through a recent televised address Tuesday in which he threatened “regional war” if Israel attacked holy sites in Jerusalem. “The secretary-general is fine, praise be to God,” Naim Qassem told Lebanese media. “He was struck by illness in recent days, and needed two or three days to recover; but because those who love him were waiting for his speech on May 25, his failure to appear would have raised questions.” The Israel Defense Forces’ assessment appeared to be largely based on circumstantial evidence as, according to Israel’s Channel 13, Nasrallah has not yet actually been tested for COVID-19. The speech came on the 21st anniversary of the IDF’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon, following an 18-year occupation of the area, and days after Israel and the Hamas terror group fought an 11-day battle in and around the Gaza Strip, which began when the latter fired multiple rockets toward Jerusalem after Israeli police officers responded forcefully to a riot on the Temple Mount. Hezbollah deputy secretary general Naim Qassem (photo credit: AP/Grace Kassab) Israeli military officials derided the speech by Nasrallah, who appeared pale and weak on camera, calling it a mistake. Hezbollah’s shadow loomed large during Israel and Hamas’s conflict, with the possibility it could unleash its arsenal of missiles — far more powerful than Hamas’s — in support of the Palestinians. But the Iran-backed group largely remained on the sidelines. Though Hezbollah did not play an active part in the fighting, three barrages of rockets were fired toward Israel from southern Lebanon during the Gaza battle, which Israel believes Hezbollah at least tacitly approved. Daily protests, including by members of Hezbollah and Palestinians in Lebanon, took place along the frontier with Israel in solidarity with Gaza. One Hezbollah member was killed when Israel opened fire to push back against protesters who tried to break through the volatile frontier. Agencies contributed to this report. 貝內特同意與拉皮德組建“變革政府” 該報告是在 Yesh Aitd 與工黨就僑民事務組合達成協議之後發布的。 通過GIL HOFFMAN 2021 年 5 月 28 日 22:50 總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡在國民議會與納夫塔利·本內特聊天 (照片來源:RONEN ZVULUN / REUTERS) 廣告 據 N12 報導,亞米納領導人納夫塔利·貝內特同意與 Yesh Atid 負責人 Yair Lapid 組成聯合政府。 據 N12 報導,雙方同意貝內特將首先擔任總理至 2023 年 9 月,屆時拉皮德將接任至 2025 年 11 月。宣誓就職儀式預計將在周六晚或週日宣布新政府後的 10 天內舉行。 此前,本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理週五襲擊了貝內特,指責他拒絕右翼政府,而是尋求成為“左翼政府”的總理。 在社交媒體上發布的一段三分鐘視頻中,內塔尼亞胡透露,利庫德集團和亞米納的談判代表達成了他所謂的意義深遠的協議,但本內特拒絕簽署。該協議將創建一個由 59 個 MK 組成的聯盟,比需要的少兩個。貝內特拒絕組建少數派政府,並敦促內塔尼亞胡找到兩名叛逃者。 “納夫塔利·貝內特正在向左跑,”內塔尼亞胡說。“這違背了他們的所有原則和承諾,以及保障我們國家未來所需的一切。” 內塔尼亞胡指出,在城牆守護者行動期間,貝內特和他的二號人物 MK Ayelet Shaked 排除了變革政府的可能性。他警告說,貝內特和沙克德正在危及國家、以色列土地和以色列國防軍。 “要么是一場表演,要么他們沒有原則,”他說。 內塔尼亞胡表示,現在拒絕拉皮德提出的接替他的提議還為時不晚。 週五早些時候,在報告發布之前,拉皮德表示,儘管他在前一天與貝內特會面,但他不知道在里夫林總統組建政府的授權將於週三晚上到期時,他是否能成功建立一個聯盟。拉皮德與貝內特的會面引發了人們的猜測,即即將取代內塔尼亞胡的變革政府正在醞釀之中。 “我不知道我們是否會組建政府,”拉皮德在 Facebook 上寫道。“我們不遺餘力,盡我們所能,但這不僅僅取決於我們。” 拉皮德說,他所知道的是,即使他的席位比 Yesh Atid 贏得的 17 個席位多得多,他也會嘗試與右、左和中的相同合作夥伴組成他現在正在努力建立的團結政府,他說,傳達了一個信息,即社會的不同階層並不相互仇恨,而是希望為更大的利益而努力。 “即使 Yesh Atid 有 40 個席位,即使內塔尼亞胡不在,它仍然是我們需要的政府,”拉皮德寫道。“這是以色列人民和以色列國需要的政府,我們需要它就像呼吸的空氣一樣。” 他說,以色列需要一個政府,貝內特和 [梅雷茨領導人] Nitzan Horovitz 共同努力改善醫療保健系統,[新希望主席] Gideon Saar 和工黨領袖 Merav Michaeli 共同努力減少社會差距,[世俗主義者 Yisrael Beytenu 領導人] Avigdor Liberman 和 [宗教猶太復國主義藍白牧師] Chili Tropper 共同找到了解決方案,使以色列成為一個尊重宗教不能強制原則的猶太國家。 “當然,我有保留意見,包括看起來我們將擁有的部長人數,以及我們決定在頭一兩年內不涉及的問題,直到我們能夠帶來一些穩定,”他寫道。“但仍然考慮到所有的選擇,我會選擇這個。我會選擇它,因為我們需要一個宗教和世俗結合在一起的政府,其中左派和右派結合一個龐大的民族自由中間派集團,其中猶太人和阿拉伯人那些思想並大聲說他們相信共處、共同生活和法治的人坐在一起。” 對於內塔尼亞胡的支持者,拉皮德寫道,重要的是要記住,在一個活躍的民主國家,有時領導層會發生變化。 “妥協不是一個骯髒的詞,而是共同存在的基礎,”他寫道。“與我們想法不同的人不是敵人,也不想傷害我們(他們將是第一個站在我們一邊反對我們真正的敵人——哈馬斯、真主黨、伊朗)的人。如果我們真的形成了這個政府然後在六個月內有人會驚訝地發現它並沒有使以色列變得不那麼猶太人或不那麼猶太復國主義者,它只是降低了暴力和憤怒的程度,帶來了增長和繁榮,並提醒我們比我們現在擁有的要好。” 工黨和 Yesh Atid 週五宣布,他們已經敲定了一項聯盟協議。 預計工黨領袖梅拉夫米凱利將被任命為交通部長,MK Omer Bar-Lev 將擔任公安部長,該職位曾由他的父親海姆巴列夫擔任。 給予工黨的第三個職位將是僑民事務,拉皮德曾打算將其合併回外交部,如果政府成立,他將領導該部門。 工黨尚未透露其第三個投資組合的候選人,但可能是 MK Emilie Moatti 或 MK Gilad Kariv。該部將設立一個新的部門來推動宗教多元化。 該協議包括加強警察部隊、制止農業部門犯罪和打擊交通事故的措施。 Michaeli 將成為司法遴選委員會的成員。未來四年內將任命六名法官進入最高法院。 Bennett agrees to form 'change government' with Lapid The report came after Yesh Aitd came to agreements with Labor for the Diaspora Affairs portfolio. By GIL HOFFMAN MAY 28, 2021 22:50 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chats with Naftali Bennett in the Knesset (photo credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS) Advertisement Yamina leader Naftali Bennett agreed to forming a coalition government with Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid, N12 reported. The two sides agreed that Bennett will serve first as prime minister until September 2023, when Lapid will take over until November 2025, according to N12. The swearing-in ceremony is expected to take place in 10 days, following an announcement of the new government either on Saturday night or Sunday. This came following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attack on Bennett on Friday, accusing him of rejecting a right-wing government and instead seeking to become prime minister of a "government of the Left." In a three minute video released on social media, Netanyahu revealed that Likud and Yamina negotiators had reached what he called a far-reaching agreement, but Bennett refused to sign it. The agreement would create a coalition of 59 MKs, two less than is needed. Bennett has declined to form a minority government and urged Netanyahu to find two defectors. "Naftali Bennett is running to the Left," Netanyahu said. "This goes against all their principles and promises and everything necessary to guarantee the future of our state." Netanyahu noted that during Operation Guardian of the Walls, Bennett and his number two, MK Ayelet Shaked, ruled out a government of change. He warned that Bennett and Shaked were endangering the country, the land of Israel and the IDF. "Either it was a show or they have no principles," he said. Netanyahu said it was not too late to reject Lapid's offer to replace him. Earlier on Friday prior to the report, Lapid said that despite his meeting the day before with Bennett, he did not know whether he would succeed in building a coalition by the time his mandate to form a government from President Rivlin will expire on Wednesday night. Lapid's meeting with Bennett raised speculation that a government of change that would replace Netanyahu was on the way. "I don't know if we'll form a government or not," Lapid wrote on Facebook. "We're leaving no stone unturned, doing everything we can but it doesn't just depend on us." Lapid said what he did know was that even if he had many more seats than the 17 Yesh Atid won, he would try to form the unity government he was trying to build now with the same partners, from the right, left and center, which he said sends a message that different sectors of society do not hate one another and want to work for the greater good. "Even if Yesh Atid had 40 seats, even if Netanyahu wasn't there, it would still be the government we need," Lapid wrote. "It's the government the people of Israel need and the State of Israel needs, we need it like air to breathe." He said Israel needs a government in which Bennett and [Meretz leader] Nitzan Horovitz work together to improve the healthcare system, [New Hope chairman] Gideon Saar and Labor head Merav Michaeli work together to reduce social gaps and [secularist Yisrael Beytenu leader] Avigdor Liberman and [religious Zionist Blue and White minister] Chili Tropper find solutions together that allow Israel to be a Jewish state that respects the principle that religion cannot be coercive. "I have reservations, of course, including the number of ministers that it looks like we'll have, and the issues we've decided not to touch in the first year or two until we can bring about some stability," he wrote. "But still given all the options, this is the one I'd choose. I'd choose it because we need a government with religious and secular together, where left and right combine with a large national liberal centrist bloc, where Jews and Arabs who think and say loudly that they believe in coexistence, living here together and in the rule of law sit together." To supporters of Netanyahu, Lapid wrote that it was important to remember that in a lively democracy sometimes the leadership changes. "Compromise isn't a dirty word but the basis of shared existence," he wrote. "People who think differently from us aren't enemies and don't want to harm us (and they'll be the first ones to stand by our side against our real enemies – Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran). If we do form this government then in six months there will be people who will be surprised to discover that it hasn't made Israel less Jewish or less Zionist, it's just reduced the level of violence and anger, brought about growth and prosperity and reminded us that we're better than what we have now." Labor and Yesh Atid announced on Friday that they had finalized a coalition agreement. Labor leader Merav Michaeli is expected to be appointed transportation minister and MK Omer Bar-Lev will be public security minister, a post once held by his father, Haim Bar-Lev. The third portfolio given to Labor will be Diaspora Affairs, which Lapid had intended to merge back into the Foreign Ministry that he would head if a government is formed. Labor has not revealed its candidate for the third portfolio, but it could be MK Emilie Moatti or MK Gilad Kariv. A new department for advancing religious pluralism would be created in the ministry. The agreement includes steps to strengthen the police force, stop crime in the agricultural sector and fight traffic accidents. Michaeli would be a member of the judicial selection committee. Six judges are set to be appointed to the Supreme Court over the next four years. Jerusalem Post Staff contributed to this report. * 由於中國關係,美國擔心向阿聯酋出售 F-35 - 華爾街日報 根據 2020 年 8 月的亞伯拉罕協議,美國同意向阿聯酋出售 F-35,該協議由華盛頓促成,建立了以色列和阿聯酋之間的正常化關係。 通過耶路撒冷郵報STAFF 2021 年 5 月 28 日 19:11 F-35 飛機 (圖片來源:IAI) 廣告 據《華爾街日報》週五報導,由於與中國的關係, 美國的間諜機構對向阿拉伯聯合酋長國出售高度複雜的F-35戰鬥機表示擔憂。 根據美國官員引用的情報報告,兩架屬於中國軍方的飛機降落在阿聯酋機場並向阿布扎比運送了不明材料,引發了這種擔憂。在與《華爾街日報》發表講話時,美國官員還提到阿聯酋與中國之間的密切合作是引起關注的另一個原因 。  根據2020 年 8 月的亞伯拉罕協議,美國同意向阿聯酋出售 F-35,該協議由華盛頓促成,該協議在以色列與阿聯酋和巴林等阿拉伯國家之間建立了正常化關係,隨後蘇丹和摩洛哥也效仿。 針對美國的擔憂,阿聯酋駐美國大使向《華爾街日報》表示,阿聯酋 在確保保護美國軍事技術方面有著悠久的歷史。 雖然該交易最初是在特朗普政府的領導下組織的,但美國總統喬·拜登已表示他打算執行該交易,但雙方仍在討論具體條款。 另一位不願透露姓名的官員告訴 華爾街日報,除了確保不轉讓 F-35 和無人機之外,美國還試圖通過在幾個問題上設定參數來影響條件,即以色列的質量軍事優勢,這是華盛頓的一項長期政策。技術,以及在也門和利比亞持續衝突中限制使用該設備。 第三位官員在接受《華爾街日報》採訪時表示,中國在阿聯酋建立基地將終止該交易。 作為華盛頓戰略轉向關注東亞的一部分,美國繼續從該地區撤出軍事人員,中國與中東之間的關係日益密切,這引起了包括以色列、沙特阿拉伯、阿聯酋、巴林和其他國家在內的美國傳統盟友的擔憂。鑑於伊朗的影響力不斷擴大,海灣國家。 除了中國最近轉讓未知材料外,北京還努力加強與阿聯酋在貿易、非軍事技術和金融等其他領域的合作。 US concerned over F-35 sale to UAE due to China relations - WSJ The US agreed to sell F-35s to the UAE in light of the August 2020 Abraham Accords, an agreement brokered by Washington that established normalized relations between Israel and the UAE. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF MAY 28, 2021 19:11 F-35 aircraft (photo credit: IAI) Advertisement Spy agencies in the United States have expressed concern regarding the sale of the highly sophisticated F-35 fighter jet to the United Arab Emirates due to their ties to China, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. The concern came following two planes belonging to the Chinese military that landed at a UAE airport and delivered unknown materials to Abu Dhabi, based on intelligence reports cited by American officials. American officials also cited close cooperation between the UAE and China as another reason for concern when speaking to WSJ.  The US agreed to sell F-35s to the UAE in light of the August 2020 Abraham Accords, an agreement brokered by Washington that established normalized relations between Israel and the Arab nations of the UAE and Bahrain, with Sudan and Morocco later following suit. In response to the US concerns, the UAE's ambassador to the US said to WSJ his country has a long track record of ensuring the protection of US military technology. While the deal was originally organized under the Trump administration, US President Joe Biden has indicated that he intends to follow through with the deal, but the exact terms are still being discussed between the parties. Another unnamed official said told WSJ that the US is seeking to influence the conditions by setting parameters on a few issues, namely Israel's qualitative military edge, a longstanding policy of the Washington, in addition to ensuring the non-transfer of F-35 and drone technology to China, as well as restrictions on the equipment's use in the ongoing conflicts in Yemen and Libya. A third official speaking to WSJ said that the establishment of a Chinese base in the UAE would halt the deal. Growing ties between China and the Middle East comes as the US continues to withdraw military personnel from the region as part Washington's strategic shift to focusing on East Asia, raising concerns among traditional US allies, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and other Gulf countries in light of Iran's expanding influence. Besides China's recent transfer of unknown materials, Beijing has worked to increase cooperation with the UAE in other areas, such as trade, non-military technology and finance. 阿塞拜疆指責亞美尼亞通宵射擊 阿塞拜疆國防部表示,亞美尼亞軍隊從幾個方向向其在納希切萬的陣地開火,納希切萬是一個阿塞拜疆飛地,被亞美尼亞領土與阿塞拜疆其他地區隔開。 通過路透 2021 年 5 月 28 日 11:13 阿塞拜疆國防部發布的一段視頻中的靜態圖像顯示,阿塞拜疆武裝部隊成員在亞美尼亞和阿塞拜疆之間在納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫領土上的不明地點發生衝突時發射大砲,這張靜態圖像來自 2020 年 9 月 28 日發布的鏡頭 (圖片來源:阿塞拜疆國防部/路透社提供的資料) 廣告 阿塞拜疆週五表示,當阿塞拜疆陣地在一夜之間遭到亞美尼亞軍隊的砲擊時,其一名士兵受傷,亞美尼亞否認了這一指控。 阿塞拜疆國防部在一份聲明中說,亞美尼亞部隊向其納赫齊萬(Nakhchivan)陣地的多個方向開火,阿塞拜疆飛地被亞美尼亞領土與阿塞拜疆其他地區隔開。 它說,受傷的士兵得到了急救並被送往醫院。 據塔斯社報導,亞美尼亞國防部否認了巴庫的說法。 星期四,阿塞拜疆俘虜了六名亞美尼亞軍人,這是一場醞釀中的邊界爭端的最新轉折。 在去年 9 月至 11 月的六週戰鬥中,阿塞拜疆的納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫地區及其周邊地區的阿塞拜疆軍隊將亞美尼亞族軍隊趕出他們自 1990 年代以來控制的大片領土。俄國人最終促成了停火。 Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of overnight shooting The Azeri defense ministry said Armenian forces had fired from several directions at its positions in Nakhchivan, an Azeri enclave separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by Armenian territory. By REUTERS MAY 28, 2021 11:13 A still image from a video released by the Azerbaijan's Defence Ministry shows members of Azeri armed forces firing artillery during clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh in an unidentified location, in this still image from footage released September 28, 2020 (photo credit: DEFENCE MINISTRY OF AZERBAIJAN/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Azerbaijan said on Friday that one of its soldiers had been wounded when Azeri positions came under fire overnight from Armenian forces, accusations that Armenia denied. In a statement, the Azeri defense ministry said Armenian forces had fired from several directions at its positions in Nakhchivan, an Azeri enclave separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by Armenian territory. The wounded soldier was given first aid and taken to hospital, it said. Armenia's defense ministry denied Baku's assertion, the TASS news agency reported. On Thursday, Azerbaijan captured six Armenian servicemen, the latest twist in a simmering border dispute. In six weeks of fighting last September to November, Azeri troops drove ethnic Armenian forces out of swathes of territory they had controlled since the 1990s in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Russian eventually brokered a ceasefire. Report: Bennett, Lapid reach agreement on forming coalition to oust Netanyahu Unsourced TV claim says announcement expected in coming days, but Yamina may not have all MKs on board, as Likud attempts to portray right-wing party as propping up left By TOI STAFFToday, 10:50 pm 0 Yamina party leader Naftali Bennett (left) and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid during the swearing-in ceremony of the 24th Knesset, at the Knesset building in Jerusalem, April 6, 2021. (Marc Israel Sellem/Pool) Yamina leader Naftali Bennett has agreed to create a governing coalition with Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid, according to an unsourced report Friday on a deal that could pave the way for the ouster of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after over a decade in power. The report from Channel 12 news came as Lapid and Netanyahu were both scrambling to line up support for a government by a June 2 deadline, with Bennett potentially holding the keys to their political fates. “I intend to enter talks and efforts to form a government that we will both head,” Bennett told Lapid Friday, according to Channel 12, which reported that an agreement had been reached despite the message’s seemingly non-committal nature. Bennett will announce the agreement to the public in the coming days and the government will be sworn in as early as June 8, according to the network. According to the report, Bennett would serve as prime minister for the first two years and three months of the rotation government, before Lapid takes over in September 2023 for the last two years and three months. It said an announcement would come after Shabbat on Saturday night, or on Sunday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks in Caeasaria on May 28, 2021. (Screen capture/Twitter) The channel noted that Yamina No. 2 Ayelet Shaked could still torpedo the deal, fearing a right-wing backlash from voters who prefer a government headed by the conservative Netanyahu than one backed and eventually headed by the centrist Lapid. Channel 13 said that Yamina MK Nir Orbach was also on the fence. Netanyahu appeared to attempt to play into those fears earlier Friday, releasing a video in which he said Bennett had agreed to join a rotational government with him, but had reneged to throw his lot in with what he described as a “left-wing government.” Channel 12 did not give a source for its information. According to the Kan broadcaster, Likud has been pushing the idea that it believes a Lapid-Bennett agreement is a done deal and will be announced Saturday. Yamina and Bennett did not respond to the report, which came out just as Shabbat was beginning in Israel, when many religious Jews refrain from using technology. However, Haaretz reported he would make an announcement on Saturday night. Channel 12 later reported that unnamed Yamina sources believed Bennett was indeed headed into a government with Lapid, but the effort could be torpedoed should they be overtaken by events, such as the ethnic rioting in Israeli cities that led Bennett to announce earlier this month that he had suspended talks with Lapid Lapid still needs other key pieces if he is to complete the coalition puzzle before the clock runs out on Wednesday, with the most likely result being a return to the polls for the fifth time in just over two years, but Bennett’s support would give the chances of his so-called change bloc a major boost. Netanyahu has been in power since 2009, but has failed to garner enough support or enough partners to put together a new government since elections were called in early 2019, and his political future has been complicated by being indicted in three criminal cases. While some former Netanyahu backers have refused to entertain joining him in a coalition due to his legal issues, Bennett has left open the possibility, and coyly vacillated between Lapid and Netanyahu, leaving open the possibility of working with either of them and making himself into a kingmaker. Yamina MK Ayelet Shaked gives a statement to the press at the Knesset on May 26, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) But to succeed, the change bloc will require at least the passive support of the Islamist Ra’am party, which has been non-committal about its plans since the March election. Members of Yamina and New Hope, another key part of the nascent coalition, have balked at the possibility of being in a coalition with Ra’am. Channel 13 noted that even after an agreement is announced, Bennett could still face the possibility of defections within his party in the actual Knesset vote to form the government. Yamina MK Amichai Chikli already announced that he will not sit in a unity government with Meretz and Ra’am, leaving Bennett with no maneuverability, as without him the bloc would lose its majority. Earlier Friday, Netanyahu issued a video statement lashing out at Bennett and reportedly made a far-reaching offer to New Hope’s Gideon Sa’ar, offering him to be premier first in a rotational government, as he seemingly sought to halt Lapid’s march toward replacing him. Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid party and leader of the opposition, meanwhile, inked a coalition deal with Labor, moving him slightly closer to a long-sought majority. Labor party leader Merav Michaeli speaks during a faction meeting at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, on May 3, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) Yesh Atid has also inked deals with Meretz and Yisrael Beytenu that would make Meretz chair Nitzan Horowitz the next health minister and Yisrael Beytenu chair Avigdor Liberman the next finance minister. Lapid is also in talks with New Hope with an offer to make Sa’ar the next justice minister reportedly being offered. Haaretz reported that Yesh Atid had reached agreements with members of the change bloc which would grant the right-wing flank of New Hope and Yamina veto power over all government decisions related to judicial reform. This would be a major victory for Bennett and Sa’ar, whose parties have vowed to change the manner in which judges are appointed and have also sought to bring additional conservatives justices to the bench. Earlier this week, Hebrew media reported that Blue and White was demanding the same veto power in order to prevent such reforms. Report: Bennett, Lapid reach agreement on forming coalition to oust Netanyahu Unsourced TV claim says announcement expected in coming days, but Yamina may not have all MKs on board, as Likud attempts to portray right-wing party as propping up left By TOI STAFFToday, 10:50 pm 0 Yamina party leader Naftali Bennett (left) and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid during the swearing-in ceremony of the 24th Knesset, at the Knesset building in Jerusalem, April 6, 2021. (Marc Israel Sellem/Pool) Yamina leader Naftali Bennett has agreed to create a governing coalition with Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid, according to an unsourced report Friday on a deal that could pave the way for the ouster of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after over a decade in power. The report from Channel 12 news came as Lapid and Netanyahu were both scrambling to line up support for a government by a June 2 deadline, with Bennett potentially holding the keys to their political fates. “I intend to enter talks and efforts to form a government that we will both head,” Bennett told Lapid Friday, according to Channel 12, which reported that an agreement had been reached despite the message’s seemingly non-committal nature. Bennett will announce the agreement to the public in the coming days and the government will be sworn in as early as June 8, according to the network. According to the report, Bennett would serve as prime minister for the first two years and three months of the rotation government, before Lapid takes over in September 2023 for the last two years and three months. It said an announcement would come after Shabbat on Saturday night, or on Sunday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks in Caeasaria on May 28, 2021. (Screen capture/Twitter) The channel noted that Yamina No. 2 Ayelet Shaked could still torpedo the deal, fearing a right-wing backlash from voters who prefer a government headed by the conservative Netanyahu than one backed and eventually headed by the centrist Lapid. Channel 13 said that Yamina MK Nir Orbach was also on the fence. Netanyahu appeared to attempt to play into those fears earlier Friday, releasing a video in which he said Bennett had agreed to join a rotational government with him, but had reneged to throw his lot in with what he described as a “left-wing government.” Channel 12 did not give a source for its information. According to the Kan broadcaster, Likud has been pushing the idea that it believes a Lapid-Bennett agreement is a done deal and will be announced Saturday. Yamina and Bennett did not respond to the report, which came out just as Shabbat was beginning in Israel, when many religious Jews refrain from using technology. However, Haaretz reported he would make an announcement on Saturday night. Channel 12 later reported that unnamed Yamina sources believed Bennett was indeed headed into a government with Lapid, but the effort could be torpedoed should they be overtaken by events, such as the ethnic rioting in Israeli cities that led Bennett to announce earlier this month that he had suspended talks with Lapid Lapid still needs other key pieces if he is to complete the coalition puzzle before the clock runs out on Wednesday, with the most likely result being a return to the polls for the fifth time in just over two years, but Bennett’s support would give the chances of his so-called change bloc a major boost. Netanyahu has been in power since 2009, but has failed to garner enough support or enough partners to put together a new government since elections were called in early 2019, and his political future has been complicated by being indicted in three criminal cases. While some former Netanyahu backers have refused to entertain joining him in a coalition due to his legal issues, Bennett has left open the possibility, and coyly vacillated between Lapid and Netanyahu, leaving open the possibility of working with either of them and making himself into a kingmaker. Yamina MK Ayelet Shaked gives a statement to the press at the Knesset on May 26, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90) But to succeed, the change bloc will require at least the passive support of the Islamist Ra’am party, which has been non-committal about its plans since the March election. Members of Yamina and New Hope, another key part of the nascent coalition, have balked at the possibility of being in a coalition with Ra’am. Channel 13 noted that even after an agreement is announced, Bennett could still face the possibility of defections within his party in the actual Knesset vote to form the government. Yamina MK Amichai Chikli already announced that he will not sit in a unity government with Meretz and Ra’am, leaving Bennett with no maneuverability, as without him the bloc would lose its majority. Earlier Friday, Netanyahu issued a video statement lashing out at Bennett and reportedly made a far-reaching offer to New Hope’s Gideon Sa’ar, offering him to be premier first in a rotational government, as he seemingly sought to halt Lapid’s march toward replacing him. Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid party and leader of the opposition, meanwhile, inked a coalition deal with Labor, moving him slightly closer to a long-sought majority. Labor party leader Merav Michaeli speaks during a faction meeting at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, on May 3, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) Yesh Atid has also inked deals with Meretz and Yisrael Beytenu that would make Meretz chair Nitzan Horowitz the next health minister and Yisrael Beytenu chair Avigdor Liberman the next finance minister. Lapid is also in talks with New Hope with an offer to make Sa’ar the next justice minister reportedly being offered. Haaretz reported that Yesh Atid had reached agreements with members of the change bloc which would grant the right-wing flank of New Hope and Yamina veto power over all government decisions related to judicial reform. This would be a major victory for Bennett and Sa’ar, whose parties have vowed to change the manner in which judges are appointed and have also sought to bring additional conservatives justices to the bench. Earlier this week, Hebrew media reported that Blue and White was demanding the same veto power in order to prevent such reforms.

    2021.04.17 國際新聞導讀-古巴世代交替、美國制裁俄羅斯驅逐外交官員、黎巴嫩瀕臨崩潰真主黨準備末日之後、以色列73年國慶祝賀

    2021.04.17 國際新聞導讀-古巴世代交替、美國制裁俄羅斯驅逐外交官員、黎巴嫩瀕臨崩潰真主黨準備末日之後、以色列73年國慶祝賀
    2021.04.17 國際新聞導讀-古巴世代交替、美國制裁俄羅斯驅逐外交官員、黎巴嫩瀕臨崩潰真主黨準備末日之後、以色列73年國慶祝賀 以色列外交大臣阿什肯納齊(Ashkenazi)將與阿聯酋,希臘和塞浦路斯的外交部長開啟論壇。 議程上涉及經濟問題,安全,旅遊,與抗疫冠狀病毒分享成效以及建立國家彼此旅遊通行的「綠色通道」。 以色列外交大臣加比·阿什肯納齊4/15週四已前往塞浦路斯帕福斯會見了希臘,塞浦路斯和阿聯酋外交部長。 塞浦路斯外交部長尼克斯·赫里斯托都利迪斯(Nikos Christodoulides),希臘外交部長尼科斯·丹迪亞斯(Nikos Dendias),阿拉伯聯合酋長國外交部長阿卜杜拉·本·扎耶德(Abdullah bin Zayed)和阿什肯納齊計劃建立部長和外交官之間定期會晤的論壇,以促進雙方國家共同區域的戰略利益。 阿什肯納齊在四個人一起開會之前,他還將與塞浦路斯總統尼科斯·阿納斯塔西亞德斯(Nicos Anastasiades)見面。 美國製裁俄羅斯的“惡意”行為,莫斯科憤怒地做出反應 這些措施將俄羅斯公司列入黑名單,驅逐俄羅斯外交官,並限制俄羅斯主權債務市場,以確保激怒莫斯科。 由路透社 2021年4月15日22:01 美國總統喬·拜登發表講話,宣布將於2021年4月8日在美國華盛頓白宮的玫瑰園採取預防槍支暴力的行政行動 (照片來源:REUTERS / KEVIN LAMARQUE) 廣告 華盛頓/莫斯科-美國周四對俄羅斯實施了一系列 制裁 ,包括遏制其主權債務市場,以懲罰其乾預去年的美國大選,網絡黑客,欺凌烏克蘭以及其他所謂的“惡性”行動。 。 美國政府將俄羅斯公司列入黑名單,驅逐俄羅斯外交官,並禁止美國銀行從俄羅斯中央銀行,國家財富基金和財政部購買主權債券。美國警告俄羅斯,可能會加重處罰,但表示不想升級。 俄羅斯外交部對此作出了憤怒的反應,召集美國大使進行外交修整,以告訴他“很快將採取一系列報復措施。” 工信部發言人還表示,可能的首腦會議可能會陷入困境。 俄羅斯否認干預美國大選,策劃了一次利用美國科技公司SolarWinds Corp滲透美國政府網絡的網絡黑客活動,並利用神經毒劑毒害克里姆林宮評論家阿列克謝·納瓦尼(Alexei Navalny)。 美國總統拜登週二與俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)進行了交談,對這些問題以及俄羅斯軍隊在克里米亞和與烏克蘭接壤的邊界地區的集結提出了關切,儘管美國最高將領僅對此感到“中低”風險在接下來的幾週內俄羅斯入侵。 拜登還提議召開美俄首腦會議,他試圖在製止華盛頓認為的俄羅斯敵對行為的同時避免避免美俄關係的進一步惡化和保持合作空間之間取得平衡。 白宮發言人詹·普薩基(Jen Psaki)說:“我們的目標不是升級。我們的目標是為我們認為是俄羅斯政府不可接受的行動增加成本。” 在拜登的舉動中,拜登簽署了一項 行政命令, 授權美國政府制裁俄羅斯經濟的任何領域,並以此限制俄羅斯發行主權債務的能力,以懲罰莫斯科干預2020年美國大選。 從6月14日起,拜登禁止美國金融機構進入以盧布計價的俄羅斯主權債券的主要市場。自2019年以來,美國銀行已被禁止進入非盧布主權債券的主要市場。 但是,他沒有禁止他們在二級市場上購買此類債券,這一步驟可能會對俄羅斯債券和貨幣市場產生更為顯著的影響,由於製裁的消息傳出後才收回部分損失,這一舉措因此下跌。 美國財政部長珍妮特·耶倫(Janet Yellen)在一份聲明中說:“總統簽署了這項全面的新授權,以對付俄羅斯持續和不斷增長的惡性活動。” 財政部還將32個實體和個人列入黑名單,據稱這些實體和個人進行了俄羅斯政府指導的嘗試,以影響2020年美國總統大選以及其他“虛假信息和乾預行為”。 分析師:俄羅斯繼續對我們進行測試 與歐盟,英國,澳大利亞和加拿大合作,財政部還制裁了八名與俄羅斯對克里米亞的持續佔領和鎮壓有關的人,俄羅斯於2014年將其從烏克蘭吞併。 白宮表示,將驅逐華盛頓特區的10名俄羅斯外交官,包括俄羅斯情報部門的代表,並首次正式任命俄羅斯外國情報局(SVR)為SolarWinds Corp黑客的肇事者。該機構說,這些指控是“胡說八道”和“大張旗鼓”。 一位美國官員告訴記者,美國政府計劃制定一項新的行政命令,以加強其網絡安全性,並暗示其中可能包含加密和多因素身份驗證等元素。 白宮還表示,將對有報導稱俄羅斯向與塔利班有關聯的激進分子懸賞以殺害在阿富汗的美軍士兵做出回應。但是,它表示不會公開回應以保護美軍,並表示將通過“外交,軍事和情報渠道”處理此事。 它說,美國情報機構對這些報告的評估有“低至中等”的信心,部分原因是它們有時依賴被拘留者的不可靠證詞。 長期以來,俄羅斯一直拒絕對在阿富汗的美軍懸賞賞金的指控。 卡內基國際和平基金會智囊團分析師安德魯•魏斯(Andrew Weiss)懷疑美國的製裁措施會在短期內改變“具有很大競爭性和對抗性的關係”,或者從長遠來看會阻止俄羅斯。 他說:“如果拜登政府今天的精心調整的聲明會在任何一個方向上實質性地改變關係,我會感到驚訝。”他說,俄羅斯願意在某些問題上進行合作,但就烏克蘭而言,幾乎不可能就此達成共識或選舉干擾。 他補充說:“我預計新的製裁不會從根本上改變俄羅斯的風險計算,這是不現實的。” “可以預料,俄羅斯人將繼續探測和檢驗我們的決心。” US sanctions Russia for 'malign' acts, Moscow reacts angrily The measures blacklisted Russian companies, expelled Russian diplomats and placed limits on the Russian sovereign debt market in steps sure to anger Moscow. By REUTERS APRIL 15, 2021 22:01 US President Joe Biden speaks as he announces executive actions on gun violence prevention in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, US, April 8, 2021 (photo credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE) Advertisement WASHINGTON/MOSCOW - The United States on Thursday imposed a broad array of sanctions on Russia, including curbs to its sovereign debt market, to punish it for interfering in last year's US election, cyber-hacking, bullying Ukraine and other alleged "malign" actions. The US government blacklisted Russian companies, expelled Russian diplomats and barred US banks from buying sovereign bonds from Russia's central bank, national wealth fund and finance ministry. The United States warned Russia that more penalties were possible but said it did not want to escalate. The Russian foreign ministry reacted angrily, summoning the US ambassador for a diplomatic dressing-down to tell him "a series of retaliatory measures will follow soon." A ministry spokeswoman also said a possible summit could be imperiled. Russia denies meddling in US elections, orchestrating a cyber hack that used US tech company SolarWinds Corp to penetrate US government networks and using a nerve agent to poison Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. US President Joe Biden on Tuesday spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin to raise concerns about these issues and the build-up of Russian forces in Crimea and along the border with Ukraine, though a top US general saw only a "low to medium" risk of a Russian invasion in the next few weeks. Biden, who also proposed a US-Russian summit, is trying to strike a balance between deterring what Washington sees as hostile Russian behavior while avoiding a deeper deterioration in US-Russian ties and preserving some room for cooperation. "Our objective here is not to escalate. Our objective here is to impose costs for what we feel are unacceptable actions by the Russian government," said White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki. Among his moves, Biden signed an executive order authorizing the US government to sanction any area of the Russian economy and used it to restrict Russia's ability to issue sovereign debt to punish Moscow for interfering in the 2020 US election. Biden barred US financial institutions from taking part in the primary market for rouble-denominated Russian sovereign bonds from June 14. US banks have been barred from taking part in the primary market for non-rouble sovereign bonds since 2019. He did not, however, prohibit them from buying such debt in the secondary market, a step likely to have a far more dramatic effect on the Russian bond and currency markets, which fell as news of the sanctions seeped out before recovering some losses. "The president signed this sweeping new authority to confront Russia's continued and growing malign activity," US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement. The Treasury also blacklisted 32 entities and individuals that it said had carried out Russian government-directed attempts to influence the 2020 US presidential election and other "acts of disinformation and interference." ANALYST: RUSSIA TO CONTINUE TESTING US In concert with the European Union, Britain, Australia and Canada, the Treasury also sanctioned eight individuals associated with Russia's ongoing occupation and repression in Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. The White House said it was expelling 10 Russian diplomats in Washington DC, including representatives of the Russian intelligence services and for the first time, formally named the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as the perpetrator of the SolarWinds Corp hack. The agency said the allegations were "nonsense" and "windbaggery." The US government plans a new executive order to strengthen its cybersecurity, a US official told reporters, suggesting it could include such elements as encryption and multifactor authentication. The White House also said it would respond to reports Russia had offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan. However, it said it would not make its response public to protect US forces, saying the matter would be handled via "diplomatic, military and intelligence channels." US intelligence agencies have "low to moderate" confidence in their assessment of these reports, in part because they rely on sometimes undependable testimony from detainees, it said. Russia has long brushed off allegations of putting bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan. Andrew Weiss, a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think tank analyst, was skeptical the US sanctions would change a "largely competitive and adversarial relationship" in the short term or deter Russia in the long term. "I'd be surprised if today's very calibrated announcements by the Biden administration materially shift the relationship in either direction," he said, saying Russia was willing to cooperate on some issues but there was unlikely ever to be a meeting of the minds on Ukraine or election interference. "I don't think it's realistic to expect the new sanctions will shift Russia's risk calculus in a fundamental fashion," he added. "It's to be expected that the Russians will keep probing and testing our resolve." 勞爾確認退休後,古巴的卡斯特羅時代將結束 老古巴人說,他們會懷念卡斯特羅的掌舵,儘管大多數人承認是時候傳遞接力棒了。 由路透社 2021年4月17日00:13 古巴第一書記勞爾·卡斯特羅·魯茲(Raul Castro Ruz)於2019年1月1日在古巴聖地亞哥的聖伊菲尼根亞公墓慶祝古巴革命60週年之際發表演講。在後面,是菲德爾·卡斯特羅(Fidel Castro)的墳墓。 (照片來源:路透社) 廣告 哈瓦那-勞爾·卡斯特羅(Raul Castro)證實,他正在將全權的古巴共產黨的領導權移交給上週五舉行的年輕一代大會,結束了他本人和哥哥菲德爾(Fidel)長達60年的統治。 89歲的卡斯特羅(Castro)在為期四天的活動開幕式上發表講話時說,新的領導人是黨的忠實擁護者,他們在數十年的工作經驗上一直處於上升狀態,並且“充滿激情和反帝國主義精神”。 卡斯特羅曾在2016年的上屆黨代會上表示,這將是由“歷史一代”領導的最後一次競選,他們在塞拉·馬埃斯特拉(Sierra Maestra)進行了推翻,以推翻1959年左翼革命中美國支持的獨裁者。他已經在2018年移交給總統,以保護60歲的Miguel Diaz-Canel。 代表大會是該黨最重要的會議,每五年舉行一次,以審議政策並確定領導才能。 卡斯特羅對數百名黨代表說:“我堅信同胞的力量,模範性質和理解力,只要我活著,我就會腳踏實地地準備捍衛祖國,革命和社會主義。”在哈瓦那的會議中心。 這次大會是閉門會議,但摘錄正在國家電視台播出。 卡斯特羅(Castro)在2008年繼承菲德爾(Fidel)的領導後發起了一系列社會經濟改革以開放古巴,他稱讚迪亞斯·卡內爾(Diaz-Canel)為新一代領導人之一。 卡斯特羅(Castro)的橄欖綠色軍事疲勞與他的門徒的平民化形成了鮮明對比,人們普遍認為卡斯特羅(Castro)可以接替他出任政黨第一書記,這是古巴一黨制中最強大的職位。 老古巴人說,他們會懷念卡斯特羅的掌舵,儘管大多數人承認是時候傳遞接力棒了。 現年72歲的退休護士瑪麗亞·德爾·卡門·希門尼斯說:“這是另一個階段,但是如果沒有雙倍的照顧,我們會想念他的。” 卡斯特羅譴責在前總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的領導下對美國的新一輪敵意。現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)發誓要撤銷特朗普的部分制裁措施,儘管白宮週五表示,古巴政策的轉變並不是他的首要外交政策重點之一。 卡斯特羅說,古巴已經準備好與美國建立新型的關係,而不必……放棄革命和社會主義的原則。 改革壓力 自從前恩人蘇聯解體以來,古巴的新領導人面臨著最嚴峻的經濟危機,同時有跡象表明,越來越多的人感到沮喪,特別是在年輕的古巴人中。 數十年曆史的美國貿易禁運和冠狀病毒大流行的收緊加劇了陷入困境的中央計劃經濟的流動性危機,由於委內瑞拉的援助減少,該計劃已經在苦苦掙扎。 這甚至導致基本商品的短缺,許多古巴人花費數小時排隊購買雜貨。 分析人士說,這些問題在公民心目中最為重要,尤其是只知道危機的年輕古巴人。 哈瓦那居民,31歲的吉列爾莫·埃斯特拉達(Guillermo Estrada)說:“我希望在沒有如此多的內部和外部限制的情況下擁有一個更好的未來。” 自從近年來互聯網訪問的擴展以來,古巴人越來越多地使用社交媒體作為表達批評的平台,而在線非國家媒體正在挑戰大眾媒體對國家的壟斷。 當局對公共場所的嚴格控制意味著抗議活動仍然相對罕見且規模較小,但在全國范圍內這種抗議活動正在增加。 嚴峻的經濟形勢迫使政府加快了該黨在2011年首次同意的改革的實施。根據經濟學家的說法,今年的貨幣改革使通貨膨脹率飆升了四到五倍。 哈瓦那已經使經濟的一部分美元化,從而使那些沒有從國外家庭匯款或沒有從旅遊中掙錢的人掙扎求生。這已經蠶食了平等,而平等是該黨合法性的支柱。 卡斯特羅周五表示,加快改革非常重要,正如他過去一樣,他譴責國有公司的“慣性,順從,缺乏主動性”。 但他說,以非國有部門為基礎的改革不應超出一定的限制,以免導致“社會主義的極大破壞和國家主權的終結”。 像數學老師羅吉利奧·馬卡多(Rogelio Machado)這樣的黨派激進分子說,他們相信,新一代將走那條棘手的繩索。 他說:“我們的國家需要改變,新一代將更加科學地準備繼續社會主義的道路。” 但是哈瓦那指責是美國支持的軟政變企圖的一部分,像“藝術家”路易斯·曼努埃爾·奧特羅·阿爾坎塔拉這樣的政府評論家說,喪鐘為這場革命敲響了警鐘。 他說:“勞爾將權力移交給了一個沒有什麼魅力的人,卻沒有多少民眾支持。”他在上演反對政府的最新表演時說,他在大會四天中一直坐在絞刑台上。“這使我們向民主邁出了一步。” Castro era in Cuba to end as Raul confirms he's retiring Older Cubans said they would miss having a Castro at the helm, although most acknowledged it was time to pass on the baton. By REUTERS APRIL 17, 2021 00:13 Cuban First Secretary of Communist Party Raul Castro Ruz gives a speech, on January 01, 2019, during the celebration of 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution at Santa Ifigenia Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba. At back, the Fidel Castro's tomb. (photo credit: REUTERS) Advertisement HAVANA - Raul Castro confirmed he was handing over the leadership of the all-powerful Cuban Communist Party to a younger generation at its congress that kicked off on Friday, ending six decades of rule by himself and older brother Fidel. In a speech opening the four-day event, Castro, 89, said the new leadership were party loyalists with decades of experience working their way up the ranks and were "full of passion and anti-imperialist spirit." Castro had said at the last party congress in 2016 it would be the last one led by the "historic generation" who fought in the Sierra Maestra to topple a US-backed dictator in the 1959 leftist revolution. He already handed over the presidency to protege Miguel Diaz-Canel, 60, in 2018. The congress is the party's most important meeting, held every five years to review policy and fix leadership. "I believe fervently in the strength and exemplary nature and comprehension of my compatriots, and as long as I live I will be ready with my foot in the stirrups to defend the fatherland, the revolution and socialism," Castro told hundreds of party delegates gathered at a convention center in Havana. The congress is a closed-door event but excerpts are being broadcast on state television. Castro, who launched a raft of social and economic reforms to open up Cuba after inheriting the leadership from Fidel in 2008, hailed Diaz-Canel as one of the new generation of leaders. Castro's olive green military fatigues contrasted with the civil get-up of his protege, who is widely expected to succeed him as party first secretary, the most powerful position in Cuba's one-party system. Older Cubans said they would miss having a Castro at the helm, although most acknowledged it was time to pass on the baton. "It's another stage," said Maria del Carmen Jimenez, a 72-year old retired nurse, "but without a double we will miss him." Castro denounced renewed US hostility under former President Donald Trump. Incumbent President Joe Biden has vowed to roll back some of Trump's sanctions, although the White House said on Friday a shift in Cuba policy was not among his top foreign policy priorities. Castro said Cuba was ready for a "new type of relationship with the United States without… Cuba having to renounce the principles of the revolution and socialism." PRESSURE TO REFORM Cuba's new leaders face the worst economic crisis since the collapse of former benefactor the Soviet Union, while there are signs of growing frustration, especially among younger Cubans. A tightening of the decades-old US trade embargo and the coronavirus pandemic have exacerbated a liquidity crisis in the ailing centrally planned economy, which was already struggling following a decline in Venezuelan aid. That has led to shortages of even basic goods, with many Cubans spending hours lining up to buy groceries. Those problems are foremost on citizens' minds, especially younger Cubans who have known only crisis, analysts said. "I wish for a better future without so many internal and external restrictions," said Havana resident Guillermo Estrada, 31. Since the expansion of internet access in recent years, Cubans are increasingly using social media as a platform to express criticism, while online non-state media are challenging the state monopoly of mass media. Tight control of public spaces by the authorities means protests are still relatively rare and small-scale, but they are on the increase nationwide. The dire economic situation has pushed the government to speed up the implementation of reforms first agreed by the party in 2011. A monetary overhaul this year sent inflation soaring four or fivefold, according to economists. Havana has dollarized parts of the economy, leaving those who do not receive remittances from family abroad or who did not earn hard currency from tourism struggling to get by. That has eaten away at equality, a pillar of the party's legitimacy. Castro said on Friday it was important to speed up reforms, denouncing - as he has in the past - "inertia, conformism, the lack of initiative" in state companies. Yet he said reforms fomenting the non-state sector should not go beyond certain limits that would lead to the "very destruction of socialism and the end of national sovereignty." Party militants like Rogelio Machado, a mathematics teacher, say they were confident the new generation was up to walking that tricky tightrope. "Our country need changes and the new generation is more scientifically prepared to continue the path of socialism," he said. But government critics like "artivist" Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara, whom Havana accuses of being part of a US-backed soft coup attempt, say the death knell is sounding for the revolution. "Raul is passing over the power to someone with little charisma and who does not have much popular support," he said while staging his latest performance against the government, in which he sits in a garrote for the four days of the congress. "This takes us one step closer to democracy." 內塔尼亞胡(Natanyahu)至薩爾(Sa'ar):不要讓以色列有左翼政府,請回家 他在薩阿停留的時間比其他右翼領袖更長:“利庫德河就是你的家。你在這里長大,將張開雙臂歡迎你回來! 通過耶路撒冷郵報STAFF 2021年4月16日15:34 總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)出席2021年4月15日以色列獨立日星期四舉行的2021年國際青年聖經競賽。 (照片來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) 廣告 在副衛生部長Yoav Kisch(利庫德)在拉馬特甘(Ramat Gan)主持的活動上,總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)呼籲右翼政黨領袖與他一起建立“以色列現在需要的正確的民族主義政府”。 內塔尼亞胡提到Yamina負責人Naftali Bennett,新希望黨負責人內塔尼亞胡的呼籲,要求薩爾加入利庫德領導的政府。 “就像總理說的那樣,我們將張開雙臂歡迎您,您是我們的一部分,”比坦發推文說。他補充說:“有一個穩定的右翼政府的真正機會。” Netanyahu to Sa'ar: Don't let Israel have a left-wing gov't, come home He paused on Sa'ar for longer than the other right-wing heads: "The Likud is your home. You grew up here, and you will be welcomed back with open arms! By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 16, 2021 15:34Email Twitter Facebook fb-messenger Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 2021 International Bible Contest for Youth on Thursday, Israel's Independence Day, April 15, 2021. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 2021 International Bible Contest for Youth on Thursday, Israel's Independence Day, April 15, 2021. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) At an event hosted by Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch (Likud) in Ramat Gan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called out to the right-wing party heads to join him in building "the right nationalistic government that Israel needs right now." Netanyahu referred to Yamina head Naftali Bennett, New Hope Party head Gideon Sa'ar and Religious Zionist Party head Bezalel Smotrich. Read More Related Articles Richard Gere: Israelis won't have a home until the Palestinians have one Israel's kings: How the coalition crisis is reshaping political norms Entertainment – UPROXX (HitFix) Recommended by He focused on Sa'ar longer than the others: "The Likud is your home. You grew up here, and you will be welcomed back with open arms! "This is not the time to form a left-wing government. Join us in establishing a stable right-wing government we need to ensure and fasten our future in our land." The Likud's appeals didn't stop there. The party sent to Sa'ar of a petition comprised of the signatures of 307 public figures belonging to the Likud party, ranging from mayors to organization heads, calling on Sa'ar to "come home!" "Gideon, do the right thing for our movement, for our country, and for our land. Come home!" 真主黨在食物和燃料的支持下度過了黎巴嫩最嚴重的崩潰 據報導,來自真主黨合作社之一的貨架上擺滿罐頭食品的社交媒體上的照片上週散佈在黎巴嫩各地。 由路透社 2021年4月16日16:12 一張視圖顯示了2021年4月16日在黎巴嫩貝魯特郊區帶有真主黨口號的食品雜貨市場。 (照片來源:REUTERS / STRINGER) 廣告 三位知情人士告訴路透社,黎巴嫩的真主黨已經為壓裂國家的全面崩潰做好了準備,發放了定量配給卡,食品進口,藥物準備從其贊助國伊朗儲藏以供燃料使用。 此舉是對一場嚴重的經濟危機的回應,這標誌著武裝運動向其龐大的什葉派支持基地提供的服務有所擴展,該網絡已經擁有慈善機構,建築公司和養老金系統。 這些步驟突顯出人們對黎巴嫩國家崩潰的擔憂日益加劇,黎巴嫩當局無法再進口食物或燃料來維持正常運轉。他們強調了真主黨在解決緊急情況方面所起的日益重要的作用,否則政府將提供這些服務。 該計劃使黎巴嫩擔心,人們將不得不依靠政治派係來實現糧食和安全,就像許多人在1975-1990年內戰的民兵時期所做的那樣。 看守總理的顧問萊拉·哈圖姆(Leila Hatoum)在回答有關真主黨計劃的問題時表示,該國“無條件拒絕援助”,無論其政治如何。 親真主黨陣營的消息人士不願透露姓名,他說,針對潛在最壞情況的計劃已經加快步伐,因為在接下來的幾個月中補貼的迫在眉睫結束了,這加劇了飢餓和動蕩的陰影。 由於該國美元即將耗盡,黎巴嫩的貨幣已崩潰,目前尚無政府救助計劃。食品價格上漲了400%。 如今,在超市裡打架是很平常的事,人們在垃圾桶裡翻騰也是如此。本週在食品包裝上發生的鬥毆事件導致一個人死亡,另外兩個人受傷。 消息人士稱,真主黨的計劃將幫助其社區-不僅是其居民,而且主要是其所佔地區的什葉派居民-免受危機的最嚴重影響。分析人士說,這也可能會在核心支持者中帶來任何不安。 與盟友在議會和政府中佔多數的真主黨沒有回應置評請求。 其中一位消息人士說:“為下一階段的準備工作已經開始……這確實是一項經濟戰役計劃。” 大型網絡 消息人士稱,路透社看到的新配給卡已經幫助數百人以當地貨幣購買基本商品,其中大部分是伊朗,黎巴嫩和敘利亞的廉價商品,折扣高達40%,得到了該黨的補貼。 該卡以什葉派伊瑪目命名,可在貝魯特南部郊區和真主黨控制的黎巴嫩南部部分地區的合作社中使用,其中一些是新開業的。消息來源沒有詳細說明預算或收件人。 真主黨是一支由伊朗資助的準軍事部隊,批評者曾經稱其為“一個國家之內的國家”。近年來,真主黨越來越糾結於黎巴嫩的國家事務。 認為真主黨是恐怖組織的華盛頓已經加大製裁力度,以遏制其資金來源,包括據估計每年從德黑蘭獲得數億美元的資金。 伊朗的資助使真主黨比該國眾多政黨,包括反對其軍火庫的政黨更加富裕。一些派系已向其惠顧社區發放了援助籃子,但相比之下,伊朗支持的網絡仍然規模過大。 研究者約瑟夫·達厄爾(Joseph Daher)說:“他們都在做……但是,真主黨的範圍更大,更強大,擁有更多的資源來應對這場危機。” 他說:“這更多是為了限制災難的流行基礎。這意味著對真主黨的依賴尤其會增加。” 真主黨雖然發放了配給卡,但由於數十年的嫁妝和債務而陷入困境的國家一直在討論將這種卡用於貧困的黎巴嫩人的想法,將近一年而沒有採取任何行動。 部長們已經表示,需要議會批准已經推遲了內閣的信用卡計劃。 黑暗與飢餓 據報導,來自真主黨合作社之一的貨架上擺滿罐頭食品的社交媒體上的照片上週散佈在黎巴嫩各地。 法蒂瑪·哈穆德(Fatima Hamoud)五十多歲時說,配給卡允許她每月一次為八口之家購買穀物,石油和清潔產品。她說:“他們知道我們處境不佳。” “如果沒有他們,我們將在艱難的時刻做些什麼。” 什葉派的另一位消息人士說,真主黨已經填滿了倉庫,並發行了卡片,以擴大黨外的服務範圍,並填補了黎巴嫩市場的空白。在黎巴嫩市場,廉價的替代品比危機前更為普遍。 他說,該卡根據家庭人數為糖和麵粉等需求提供了配額。 這些貨物由真主黨支持,由聯營公司進口,或者通過與敘利亞的邊境免收關稅,自從參戰以來,真主黨軍隊就在那里站穩了腳跟,與伊朗一道支持大馬士革。 消息人士補充說,真主黨也有類似的藥品進口計劃。貝魯特南部郊區的一些藥劑師說,他們已經接受了有關伊朗和敘利亞新品牌的培訓,這些新品牌最近幾個月出現在貨架上。 兩名消息人士稱,該計劃包括從伊朗儲存燃料,原因是黎巴嫩能源部警告可能發生全面停電。這位高級官員說,真主黨正在清理隔壁敘利亞的燃料儲存空間。 這位高級官員說:“當我們進入黑暗和飢餓的舞台時,您會發現真主黨將選擇其後備力量……這是一個嚴重的決定。然後,真主黨將為該州填補空缺。” 他說:“如果涉及到這一點,該黨將採取預防措施,以防止出現空缺。” With food and fuel, Hezbollah braces for the worst in Lebanon collapse Photos on social media of shelves stacked with canned goods, reportedly from one of Hezbollah's co-ops, spread across Lebanon last week. By REUTERS APRIL 16, 2021 16:12 A view shows a market for groceries with a Hezbollah slogan on it, in Beirut suburbs, Lebanon April 16, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/STRINGER) Lebanon's Hezbollah has made preparations for an all-out collapse of the fracturing state, issuing ration cards for food, importing medicine and readying storage for fuel from its patron Iran, three sources familiar with the plans told Reuters. The moves, responding to a grave economic crisis, would mark an expansion of services provided by the armed movement to its large Sh'ite support base, with a network that already boasts charities, a construction firm and a pension system. The steps highlight rising fears of an implosion of the Lebanese state, in which authorities can no longer import food or fuel to keep the lights on. They underline Hezbollah's growing role in tackling the emergency with services that the government would otherwise provide. The plan chimes with worries in Lebanon that people will have to rely on political factions for food and security, in the way many did in the militia days of the 1975-1990 civil war. In response to a question about Hezbollah's plans, Leila Hatoum, an adviser to the caretaker prime minister, said the country was "in no condition to refuse aid" regardless of politics. The sources from the pro-Hezbollah camp, who declined to be named, said the plan for a potential worst-case scenario has gathered pace as an end to subsidies looms in the coming months, raising the specter of hunger and unrest. Lebanon's currency has crashed as the country runs out of dollars, with no state rescue in sight. Food prices have shot up 400%. Fights in supermarkets are now commonplace, as are people rummaging through trash. A brawl over food packages this week killed one person and injured two others. Hezbollah's plan would help shield its communities - not only members but also mainly Shi'ite residents of districts it dominates - from the worst of the crisis, the sources said. It could also contain any restlessness among core supporters, analysts say. Hezbollah, which with its allies has a majority in parliament and government, did not respond to a request for comment. "The preparations have begun for the next stage…It is indeed an economic battle plan," said one of the sources, a senior official. OUTSIZED NETWORK Already, the new ration card, seen by Reuters, helps hundreds of people buy basic goods in the local currency - largely Iranian, Lebanese and Syrian cheaper items at a discount up to 40%, subsidized by the party, the sources said. The card - named after a Shi'ite Imam - can be used at co-ops, some of them newly opened, in the southern Beirut suburbs and parts of southern Lebanon where Hezbollah holds sway. The sources did not elaborate on the budget or recipients. An Iran-funded paramilitary force which critics once called "a state within a state," Hezbollah has grown more entangled in Lebanese state affairs in recent years. Washington, which deems Hezbollah a terrorist group, has ramped up sanctions to choke off its sources of funding, including what it estimates as hundreds of millions of dollars from Tehran every year. Iranian funding keeps Hezbollah better off than many in the country's mosaic of parties, including those opposed to its arsenal. Some factions have issued aid baskets to their patronage communities, but the Iran-backed network remains outsized in comparison. "They're all doing it…But Hezbollah's scope is much bigger and more powerful, with more resources to deal with the crisis," said Joseph Daher, a researcher who wrote a book on Hezbollah's political economy. "This is more about limiting the catastrophe for its popular base. It means the dependency on Hezbollah particularly will increase." And while Hezbollah gives ration cards, the state, hollowed out by decades of graft and debt, has talked up the idea of such a card for poor Lebanese for nearly a year without acting. Ministers have said the need for parliamentary approval has stalled the cabinet's plan for cards. DARKNESS AND HUNGER Photos on social media of shelves stacked with canned goods, reportedly from one of Hezbollah's co-ops, spread across Lebanon last week. Fatima Hamoud, in her 50s, said the ration card allows her once a month to buy grains, oil and cleaning products for a household of eight. "They know we're in bad shape," she said. "Without them, what would we have done in these tough times." A second Shi'ite source said Hezbollah had filled up warehouses and launched the cards to extend services outside the party and plug gaps in the Lebanese market, where cheap alternatives are more common than pre-crisis. He said the card offers a quota, based on the family size, for needs like sugar and flour. The goods are backed by Hezbollah, imported by allied companies or brought in without customs fees through the border with Syria, where Hezbollah forces have a footing since joining the war to back Damascus alongside Iran. The source added that Hezbollah had similar plans for medicine imports. Some pharmacists in the southern suburbs of Beirut said they had received training on new Iranian and Syrian brands that popped up on the shelves in recent months. Two of the sources said the plan included stockpiling fuel from Iran, as Lebanon's energy ministry warns of a possible total blackout. The senior official said Hezbollah was clearing storage space for fuel in next-door Syria. "When we get to a stage of darkness and hunger, you will find Hezbollah going to its back-up option…and that is a grave decision. Then Hezbollah will fill in for the state," said the senior official. "If it comes to it, the party would've taken its precautions to prevent a void."

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