
    #108 Dr. Jordan B. Peterson - We Who Wrestle With God

    en-usMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger's Mealtime Inspiration and Jordan Peterson's Relationship PhilosophyKroger provides a vast selection of affordable meal options and savings, while Jordan Peterson emphasizes the importance of attraction, honesty, and addressing conflicts in relationships to strengthen bonds.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for mealtime inspiration, along with everyday low prices and additional savings through digital coupons and fuel rewards. Meanwhile, in the realm of ideas and philosophy, Jordan Peterson, a renowned author, psychologist, and professor, shares his insights on various topics, including the Bible and the importance of truth in relationships. With a successful marriage of nearly 35 years, Peterson emphasizes the significance of being insanely attracted to your partner, honesty, and the importance of addressing conflicts head-on. When faced with disagreements, it's crucial to listen to your partner, especially women, who are more sensitive to negative emotions and act as threat detection systems. By embracing truth and open communication, couples can navigate conflicts and strengthen their bond.

    • Women's sensitivity to threat in relationshipsEffective communication and understanding women's sensitivity to threat can prevent misunderstandings and divorce. Invest 90 minutes weekly for open discussions to maintain intimacy and prevent conflicts.

      Women's sensitivity to threat makes them more prone to initiate concerns in relationships, which can be perceived as troublesome but also serves as a valuable function of detecting potential issues early. Effective communication and understanding this dynamic can help prevent misunderstandings and even divorce. A minimum investment of 90 minutes a week for open discussions about domestic life and relationship concerns is essential for maintaining intimacy and preventing conflicts from escalating. Identity in a marriage is a constant negotiation, requiring maturity and flexibility.

    • Keep relationships dynamic and alive through communication and personal growthCommunicate effectively, foster personal growth, avoid putting partners in boxes, consider consequences, focus on brain health, and prepare for the future.

      Communication and facilitating personal growth in relationships can keep them dynamic and alive, while putting each other in a metaphorical box can lead to boredom and stagnation. Additionally, being conscious of the consequences of our actions, even if we may not fully understand the bigger picture, is crucial for avoiding negative outcomes. Regarding health, focusing on brain health is essential as brain diseases are on the rise. Laird Superfoods offers supplements with functional mushroom extract, which can support brain health, among other benefits. Lastly, preparing for the future, whether it's for physical or financial security, is a wise decision.

    • Securing Family's Future with Gerber Life and Learning with Hillsdale CollegeGerber Life's term life insurance solution offers convenience and affordability, while Hillsdale College's free online courses promote personal growth. Authenticity and truth are crucial for personal freedom and fulfillment, as illustrated in the Exodus story.

      Fabric by Gerber Life offers a convenient and surprisingly affordable term life insurance solution for parents, allowing them to secure their family's future in less than 10 minutes without a health exam. Meanwhile, Hillsdale College's free online courses provide an opportunity for personal growth and learning in various important subjects. However, it's essential to be truthful with ourselves and not build false narratives or characters, as these can lead to resentment and bitterness. The biblical story of Exodus illustrates this concept, with both the pharaoh (tyrant) and the Israelites (slaves) being morally culpable. By embracing truth and authenticity, we can free ourselves from self-imposed tyranny and live more fulfilling lives.

    • False pride and beliefs can lead to destructionHonesty and introspection can help individuals overcome false beliefs and move towards personal growth

      Holding onto pride and false presumptions can lead individuals and even nations into a metaphorical desert, causing them to wander for generations. This is because once a false character or belief is established, letting it go can be difficult and disorienting. The Exodus story of the Pharaoh is an example of this, where he clings to his power and eventually destroys himself and his people. In personal relationships, such as marriages or parenting, it's essential to use the truth as a means of communication and problem-solving rather than a weapon. The truth should serve the harmony of the relationship and facilitate development, not cause harm or indicate moral superiority. To help those living a lie get back on track, writing down an autobiography with honesty and introspection can provide clarity and understanding of one's life and identity.

    • Recognizing virtues and faults for personal growthAcknowledge your unique traits, develop a clear vision, treat yourself with care, and align choices with values for a fulfilling life.

      Understanding and acknowledging both our virtues and faults, based on our unique temperament and intelligence, is crucial for personal growth. The present helps us identify these traits, while the future authoring program enables us to develop a clear vision for our lives, reducing anxiety and increasing hope. Treating ourselves with care and specifying our goals within reason are essential steps towards achieving a fulfilling life. People often struggle with this, as they may be harder on themselves than others and carry guilt, but it's important to remember that we deserve happiness and can choose our friends and career paths to align with our values.

    • The importance of having a clear vision for a fulfilling lifeHaving a clear vision helps avoid anxiety and aimlessness, prevents reliance on external forces, and fosters maturity and personal responsibility.

      Having a clear vision for your life is crucial for avoiding feelings of anxiety and aimlessness. Without a vision, people can easily become lost and feel powerless, leading to a meaningless existence. This can result in a reliance on external forces or tyrants who offer promises of unbridled hedonism but ultimately take away personal freedom and responsibility. Instead, maturity and taking responsibility for one's own destiny are essential for escaping slavery and living a fulfilling life. Additionally, relying solely on hedonistic self-gratification, as seen in the celebration of pride, can reduce one's identity to the most immature and unfulfilling aspects of themselves. Ultimately, developing a vision and embracing maturity are necessary for living a meaningful and free life.

    • The importance of responsibility and self-sacrifice for personal growthRecognizing our responsibilities leads to meaning and character growth. Sacrifice and delay of gratification are hallmarks of maturity and community.

      Our focus on individual hedonistic happiness and instant gratification has left many people feeling lost and without direction in life. Instead, we should recognize that our rights come with responsibilities, and it's through shouldering those responsibilities that we find meaning and ennoble our character. This requires sacrifice and delay of gratification, which are hallmarks of maturity and the definition of community. Additionally, facing and confronting past traumas, though painful in the short term, can lead to long-term growth and healing. Ultimately, the proper direction in life is one of maximal voluntary self-sacrifice, as exemplified by the military and other communal enterprises.

    • Understanding and healing from traumatic experiencesTrauma healing involves investigating past experiences, finding a framework for dealing with evil, and making amends to move forward.

      Traumatic experiences can leave deep wounds, and understanding and addressing these experiences is crucial to healing. Trauma is not just about unfortunate events but encounters with evil that challenge our understanding of ourselves and the world. The religious approach, with its emphasis on confession, repentance, and atonement, can provide a framework for dealing with the reality of evil and finding a pathway back to good. The depth of the healing process depends on the magnitude of the trauma, and it may not be an easy journey, but the promise is that there is always a way to make things right. It's essential to investigate the details of the experience, especially if it continues to haunt us, and to consider how our actions impact not only ourselves but also those around us. The goal is to find a way to move forward and make amends, rather than getting stuck in guilt and self-torment.

    • Understanding the Interplay of Situational Factors and Personal AttributesConscientious people may overestimate their role in moral dilemmas and underestimate situational influences, but acknowledging the complexity of good and evil can help alleviate moral burden and provide a path forward through personal sacrifice, self-reflection, and the pursuit of good.

      Life presents us with complex situations where we may be faced with difficult choices, and it's essential to understand that situational factors and personal attributes interact. Conscientious people, in particular, may be prone to overestimating their culpability and underestimating situational influences, a phenomenon known as the fundamental attribution error. When dealing with the aftermath of making a morally questionable decision, it's crucial to acknowledge the reality of good and evil in the world and the depths of human capacity for both. Recognizing this can help alleviate the moral burden and provide a path forward, which may involve personal sacrifice, self-reflection, and the pursuit of good. Ultimately, the antidote to evil lies in embracing the deeper goodness within ourselves and others.

    • The importance of humility and sacrifice for personal growthHumility and sacrifice enable personal growth by allowing us to let go of old ways and learn new ones, while pride and insisting on being right hinder progress. Seeking truth and focusing on the present, as in the Sermon on the Mount, can lead to continuous improvement.

      Change and growth involve sacrifice and letting go of old ways, which can be a difficult and painful process. Pride and insisting on being right can hinder this process, while humility and a willingness to learn and find the right path forward can lead to personal growth and improvement. This concept is reflected in religious practices such as prayer and seeking truth over insisting on being right. Sacrificing for the future, whether through work or personal growth, is a communal human orientation and a form of faith that can lead to better outcomes. The Sermon on the Mount encourages aiming upward while focusing on the present, allowing us to have the best of both worlds. Ultimately, the goal is to continuously strive for personal growth and improvement, rather than clinging to old ways or insisting on being right.

    • Invest in quality sleep and self-care for a better daily lifePersonalized mattresses from Helix Sleep and self-care products from Bubba's Naturals can enhance your daily life. Continuously improving oneself and helping others do the same can lead to positive impacts.

      Investing in quality sleep and self-care can significantly improve your daily life. Helix Sleep offers personalized mattresses to ensure a good night's rest, while Bubba's Naturals provides various products to enhance overall well-being. Both companies offer promotional discounts for listeners. Additionally, aiming upward in life means continuously improving oneself and bringing others along on the journey. Jocko Willink, for instance, found that mentoring young men was a better alternative to a criminal path. By engaging in honest discussions and learning from each other, we can all strive for self-improvement and make a positive impact on those around us.

    • Exploring personal growth and communal well-beingAddressing unresolved childhood issues promotes personal growth and mental health, while expanding horizons leads to renowned reputation and societal contributions.

      Personal growth and communal well-being can go hand in hand. God's call to Abraham, as described in the text, represents the spirit of adventure and the push for individuals to expand their horizons. This process involves making sacrifices and facing challenges, but the rewards are a renowned reputation, the establishment of something permanent, and alignment with the needs of others. Unresolved issues from childhood can be a significant source of trauma, and addressing these past experiences is crucial for personal growth and mental health. By acknowledging and dealing with unresolved issues, individuals can prevent them from becoming pitfalls and causing further harm. Confession, therapy, and other forms of introspection can help individuals sort out their past and present, ensuring they don't carry unnecessary burdens. Overall, the text emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-improvement for the betterment of oneself and society.

    • Unprocessed experiences can turn into negative 'monsters',Understanding and processing past experiences, particularly traumatic ones, is crucial for personal growth and well-being. Ancient stories and psychology have observed this phenomenon.

      Our past experiences, particularly those that are incomprehensible or traumatic, can accumulate and turn into a 'monster' that can negatively impact our lives. This idea is rooted in ancient stories and has been observed by psychologists, including Freud. These unprocessed experiences are tagged with anxiety and entropy, making them confusing and difficult to deal with. The great heroes in mythology are those who face and tame these monsters, turning chaos into order. The Bible, as the world's first hyperlinked text, is a complex web of meaning, with verses referencing each other and creating a web of interconnected ideas. This complexity is what makes the Bible deep and meaningful. Each belief or idea exists in a web of related ideas, and understanding this statistical relationship between ideas is crucial for understanding symbols and exploring the symbolic landscape of the Bible.

    • Understanding the unity of God in the BibleThe Bible's interconnected themes reveal a deeper unity, such as the concept of God, despite various portrayals and interpretations.

      The Bible, like our brains, is organized around interconnected themes rather than a random collection of ideas. The speaker emphasized that the concept of God, for instance, is portrayed differently in various stories but ultimately represents the same unity. This monotheistic insistence is a way of understanding the reliability and coexistence of these patterns of character and order over thousands of years. It's essential to recognize that not everything that calls to us morally is a manifestation of one thing, but rather a matter of interpretation and context. The Bible, as a complex and interconnected body of work, invites us to explore and understand these various portrayals as expressions of a deeper unity.

    • Social media can enable harmful behaviorsSocial media platforms can amplify negative behaviors, leading to increased aggression, gossip, and reputation savaging, particularly for those with aggressive or psychopathic tendencies. The lack of consequences and face-to-face interaction can exacerbate these behaviors, resulting in a polarized society where critical thinking skills are lost.

      Social media platforms like Twitter can enable harmful behaviors, particularly for those who tilt towards aggression and psychopathy. The lack of consequences for negative actions online can lead to an increase in female aggression, gossip, and reputation savaging. The democratization of communication through technology can result in a polarized society where critical thinking skills are lost, and bad actors can easily organize and amplify their messages. The ease of access to large audiences can lead to careless or harmful speech, and the lack of face-to-face interaction can exacerbate the negative behaviors. It's important to be aware of these potential consequences and strive for responsible and respectful online communication.

    • Social media: A platform for psychopaths to manipulate and cause troubleSocial media's long-term consequences are uncertain and could be detrimental due to the presence of psychopaths, lack of critical thinking, and culture of complacency. A call to adventure is needed to encourage questioning, challenging, and taking responsibility.

      Social media, while enabling connection and the spread of ideas, also provides a platform for psychopathic individuals who manipulate, cause trouble, and derive pleasure from the suffering of others. These individuals, who are more likely to be found in the fringes of society, can polarize and disrupt communities if given too much power. The transformation of communication through social media is a major league technological development, but its long-term consequences are uncertain and could be detrimental. The inability to think critically and hold oneself accountable, combined with the proliferation of excuses and blame-shifting, has led to a culture of complacency and passivity. To combat this, a call to adventure is necessary, encouraging individuals to question their beliefs, challenge the status quo, and take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their words.

    • Living a Responsible and Adventurous LifeA fulfilling and meaningful life involves responsibility, adventure, serving others, and making sacrifices, according to the speaker. Hedonistic lifestyles lead to isolation and degeneration, and long-term relationships contribute to personal growth and healthy tendencies.

      Assuming a responsible and adventurous lifestyle, focused on serving others and making meaningful sacrifices, is deeply fulfilling and meaningful, according to the speaker. He emphasizes that this approach is in line with the Christian call to bear maximal responsibility and that it leads to a more satisfying and authentic life. The speaker also warns against hedonistic lifestyles, arguing that they lead to isolation and degeneration, and that they are not sustainable within the context of relationships and communities. He cites research showing that people who commit to long-term relationships are less likely to exhibit psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic tendencies. The speaker also criticizes the current trend towards short-term relationships and hedonistic lifestyles on college campuses, arguing that it leads to exploitation and a lack of meaningful relationships for the majority of people.

    • Women face greater consequences for sexual immoralityWomen often pay a higher price for sexual immorality due to societal expectations and greater risks involved.

      Women face greater consequences for sexual immorality than men due to the higher risks involved. While both men and women can be morally reprehensible in this regard, the price women pay is often more profound. The discussion also touched upon the societal importance of being attractive to and finding a committed partner, as opposed to being promiscuous or settling for less. The female sexual fantasy often involves finding and taming a "beast" - a man who is disagreeable but also generous and productive. This is a challenging target to hit, and requires both parties to navigate a tight line. Ultimately, the admirable goal is to have success and resist the temptations that come with it, demonstrating high-order mastery.

    • Embracing challenges with faithBelief in God is a profound commitment to a way of life, involving courage and faith, that leads to overcoming challenges and reaching one's promised land.

      Belief in God, as described in this discussion, is not just a matter of making a statement or holding an opinion. Instead, it's a profound commitment to a way of life that involves embracing challenges, pain, and even suffering with courage and faith. It's about fully confronting the darkness and malevolence in the world and choosing to follow a path of radical sacrifice and adventure. The speaker argues that this commitment is not easy, but it's what being human is truly about. The story of the Israelites in the desert, as told in the book of Exodus, illustrates this idea. When they lose faith and complain, they bring more hardships upon themselves. But when they turn back to God and make the commitment to follow him, they can overcome their challenges and reach their promised land.

    • The power of confronting challenges and maintaining faithFacing our fears and challenges can lead to growth and resilience, as seen in biblical stories of Moses, Job, and Christ's crucifixion. Embracing hardships and maintaining faith can make us stronger.

      Facing our fears and confronting our challenges can lead to growth and resilience. This idea is illustrated in the biblical story of Moses and the bronze snake, where the Israelites were called upon to look at the snake and be healed. This concept is also seen in the story of Job, who maintained his faith and persevered despite losing everything. Christ's crucifixion is another example of voluntary confrontation, representing all possible challenges and hardships. This theory of voluntary confrontation is a powerful reminder that the things that poison us can also make us stronger. It's a call to welcome the hardships in life and to maintain faith, even when things seem impossible. This belief in the power of confronting challenges and maintaining faith is a fundamental aspect of many spiritual and religious traditions, and it can be a source of strength and resilience in our own lives.

    • Voluntarily facing challenges for growth and fulfillmentEmbrace challenges, be radically generous, and create stronger relationships for greater rewards in the long run

      The most meaningful and fulfilling experiences in life often come from facing the greatest challenges, rather than seeking out mere fun or convenience. This concept, often referred to as "sacrificial adventure," involves voluntarily shouldering maximal responsibility and being radically generous with others. By giving more than we take, we not only create stronger relationships but also reap greater rewards in the long run. This selfless approach to life is a form of courage and a powerful strategy for growth and success. As the speaker emphasizes, this concept is not about resentful martyrdom, but rather about voluntary, generous productivity. This idea can be seen in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to academic pursuits, and even in religious texts like the Bible. Ultimately, the enduring meaning and value we seek in life can be found in the challenges we face and the sacrifices we make for others.

    • Sacrifices for the greater goodMaking sacrifices, like investing wisely and for the community, is crucial for maturity and building strong communities during times of change

      Life, with its inherent impermanence and rapid technological transformation, presents both opportunities and risks. Sacrifice, particularly the sacrifice of self for community and future, is a crucial aspect of maturity and building strong communities. The most admirable figures in our lives, whether they are our fathers or community leaders, are those who make significant sacrifices for the greater good. As real estate investors, we too must make sacrifices, such as investing in properties that generate profits rather than just being in desirable locations, and flipping properties to reinvest in other opportunities. Ultimately, the key is to use our resources wisely and for the benefit of the community, as we navigate the end times or rapid technological transformation that we find ourselves in.

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    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin
    Tu Lam is a former Army Special Forces Green Beret and CEO of Rōnin Tactics. Tu Lam escaped communist rule in Vietnam as a child and would ultimately immigrate to the United States and serve in Special Operations for over 20 years. Today, he continues to run Rōnin Tactics and is widely known for his appearances in the hit video game series Call of Duty. Most recently, Tu Lam has authored The Way of Rōnin, an incredible chronicling of his life and work. The book is available now to preorder. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://mypatriotsupply.com https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" Tu Lam Links: Preorder The Way of Rōnin - www.harpercollins.com/pages/way-of-ronin Train - https://www.ronintactics.com IG - https://www.instagram.com/ronintactics X - https://twitter.com/ronintactics FB - https://www.facebook.com/people/Ronin-Tactics/100064816893518 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbWCJCruG_3HlRlMaIq6xA Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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