
    11/22/21: Rittenhouse Verdict, Arbery Case, Biden 2024, Hunter's Dealings, Supply Chains, YouTube Censorship, Delusional Dems, Amazon Union, and More!

    enNovember 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

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    • Jury found Rittenhouse not guilty based on self-defenseUnder Wisconsin law, if there's reasonable doubt for self-defense, the defendant must be acquitted. Rittenhouse's retreat and pursuers' actions made it difficult for the prosecution to disprove his self-defense claim.

      During the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the jury found him not guilty based on the undisputed facts that he was being pursued and believed he was in danger before ultimately firing his weapon in self-defense. The legal burden was on the prosecution to disprove this defense, and due to Rittenhouse's retreat and the actions of the pursuers, it was a challenging case for them. Under Wisconsin law, if there's even a reasonable doubt that self-defense might have applied, the defendant must be acquitted. The prosecution attempted to prove that Rittenhouse provoked the incident, but their efforts were hindered by the video evidence of him fleeing and being pursued. Additionally, there is no lesser charge for self-defense under Wisconsin law, it's either self-defense or not.

    • Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Controversial self defense caseThe Kyle Rittenhouse trial highlighted the complexity of self defense cases, the importance of legal precedent, and the role of the jury in determining facts and applying the law.

      Self defense can be a complex and contentious issue in criminal trials, particularly when the facts are disputed and the stakes are high. In the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, the initial shooting that led to the fatal encounter was the most controversial and crucial moment, as Rittenhouse was fleeing and being pursued after that point. The legal precedent and Wisconsin law regarding self defense and the age requirement for carrying certain weapons were also discussed as potential areas for reform. The political nature of the trial added to the intensity and complexity of the situation, with initial reactions from politicians reflecting the polarized public opinion. Ultimately, the jury's verdict, while potentially divisive, underscores the importance of the legal process and the role of the jury in determining the facts and applying the law to the case at hand.

    • Media coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse caseThe media's role in shaping public opinion on the Kyle Rittenhouse case has been significant, but it's important to separate legal facts from moral judgments and to recognize the law's application based on facts, rather than fueling the cultural war.

      The Kyle Rittenhouse case has become a polarizing issue, with different interpretations based on legal facts and moral judgments. The media coverage has played a significant role in shaping public opinion, often without providing enough context about self-defense laws and the specific facts of the case. This has led to confusion and misunderstanding, with some people viewing Rittenhouse as a hero and others as a vigilante. The law, in this case, was applied based on the facts, but the moral implications and the chaos surrounding the events have made it a complex and contentious issue. It's important to separate the legal analysis from the moral judgments and to recognize that the law applies equally to all, regardless of one's political or ideological beliefs. The media has a responsibility to report accurately and to provide context, rather than fueling the cultural war and contributing to the rot in people's brains.

    • Self-defense laws and polarized perspectivesUnderstanding the unique facts and laws of each self-defense case is essential for reaching a fair judgment, as polarized perspectives can be influenced by media portrayals and public sentiment.

      The application of self-defense laws in specific cases can lead to polarized perspectives, as seen in the Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmad Arbery trials. While Rittenhouse was found not guilty based on self-defense, Arbery's killers were initially not charged, leading to public outcry. The key difference lies in the facts of each case: Rittenhouse was retreating and being pursued, while Arbery was jogging and not involved in any crime. The media's portrayal of these cases, particularly the assumption that the victims in Rittenhouse's case were black due to its connection to racial justice protests, also influenced public perception. Ultimately, understanding the specifics of each case and the relevant laws is crucial to reaching a fair and informed judgment.

    • McMichaels' self-defense claim in doubt due to lack of immediate knowledge and potential jury biasThe McMichaels' claim of self-defense in the Ahmaud Arbery case is questionable due to their lack of immediate knowledge of a crime and potential jury bias, which could influence the trial outcome.

      The McMichaels' self-defense claim in the Ahmaud Arbery case is questionable due to their lack of immediate knowledge or witnessing of a crime committed by Arbery before the fatal altercation. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the composition of the nearly all-white jury and the defense's efforts to strike most black jurors, potentially leading to bias in the trial. The case has seen multiple prosecutors recuse themselves due to personal relationships with the McMichaels, and one was even indicted for giving them favorable treatment. The defense argues that the incident was a citizen's arrest, but the McMichaels did not have the required immediate knowledge or witness the crime to justify such an arrest. Ultimately, the jury will evaluate the case based on the text of the law, but the lack of immediate knowledge and the potential for bias could impact the outcome.

    • Bias and racial disparities in criminal justice systemWhite perpetrators with black victims cases are more likely to be ruled justified than those with white victims in the US criminal justice system, raising concerns in ongoing trials like Ahmaud Arbery's.

      The criminal justice system, particularly in self-defense cases, is subject to individual bias and systemic racial disparities. For instance, cases with a white perpetrator and a black victim are more likely to be ruled justified than those with white perpetrators and white victims. The ongoing trial of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, where a white man is accused of shooting a black man, has raised concerns due to the background of such biases. The facts of this case are different from the Kyle Rittenhouse situation, and the jury will decide based on Georgia's stand-your-ground law. Meanwhile, speculation about President Biden's plans for a 2024 reelection campaign persists, with some allies reassuring allies that he intends to run, but most Democrats are skeptical. If he does run, his top priority states will be Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Nevada. Notably absent from this list are Florida and Ohio, which have traditionally been battleground states but are now considered likely to vote Republican.

    • Democratic Party's Focus on Battleground StatesThe Democratic Party is focusing on key battleground states but risks losing opportunities in historically Democratic areas due to neglect and declining support.

      The Democratic Party is focusing their efforts on key battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, which played a crucial role in Joe Biden's presidency. These states have seen a shift in political coalitions, particularly in suburban areas, and the Democratic Party is banking on these voters to secure their victories. However, these voters are not loyal and can easily switch parties if they're not satisfied, as seen in the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election. The Democratic Party's strategy to write off states like Ohio and Florida, which have historically been Democratic strongholds, is concerning and may lead to missed opportunities. Biden's approval ratings in these battleground states are lower than his national approval rating, and potential alternatives like Sherrod Brown, who has a strong labor-oriented brand, could be viable options if Biden does not run again. The party's failure to address the reasons why voters in these states have turned away from them and instead focus on more favorable areas may hinder their chances of success in future elections.

    • Democratic Party's Political Landscape and Hunter Biden's Business DealsThe Democratic Party faces uncertainty over Biden's re-election and Harris as a contender, while Hunter Biden's business deals involving cobalt for Chinese interests complicate matters. The US is losing ground to China in the race for clean energy, and the need for transparency and ethical business practices is crucial.

      The political landscape for the Democratic Party is facing challenges, with uncertainty surrounding President Joe Biden's potential re-election bid and the emergence of Kamala Harris as a potential contender. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's involvement in international business deals, such as securing cobalt for Chinese interests, adds to the complexity of the situation. The US is losing ground to China in the race for clean energy, particularly in the production of cobalt for electric vehicle batteries, which is essential for the implementation of Biden's ambitious plans for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The geopolitical implications of these developments are significant, and the sketchy deals surrounding the mining of this valuable resource highlight the need for transparency and ethical business practices.

    • Global race for control of cobalt, essential for EVs, raises geopolitical concernsThe US lacks a robust industrial policy, allowing China to secure cobalt resources and gain an advantage in EV market, raising ethical concerns over Biden admin's ties to Chinese cobalt company.

      The global race for control of raw materials, specifically cobalt, which is essential for electric vehicles, is a significant geopolitical issue. The Biden administration's focus on electric vehicles and the importance of securing these resources has come under scrutiny due to the president's son's involvement in a Chinese company that acquired one of the largest and richest cobalt mines in the world. This situation highlights the lack of a robust industrial policy in the United States, allowing countries like China to secure resources and gain an advantage in the electric vehicle market. Hunter Biden's financial ties to this Chinese company, which he has not fully disclosed, raise serious ethical concerns and potential conflicts of interest. The lack of transparency and media attention to this issue is concerning, as it could have significant implications for the future of the electric vehicle industry and the United States' competitiveness in this field.

    • Global Supply Chain Crisis Improving but Not ResolvedThe global supply chain crisis is showing signs of improvement with increasing Asian output, declining shipping costs, and major retailers importing most of their holiday inventory. However, port backlogs and labor shortages persist, indicating the crisis is not yet over.

      The global supply chain crisis, which had threatened the cancellation of Christmas, may be improving. Asian output is increasing, and bottlenecks are beginning to clear, although labor shortages remain a significant issue. Shipping costs have declined significantly, and gas prices are expected to follow suit. Major retailers have imported most of what they need for the holiday season, and ocean freight rates have dropped from record levels. However, record-level backlogs at ports and elevated shipping prices indicate that the crisis is not yet resolved. Additionally, the labor shortage is a global issue, affecting countries like China and Vietnam, where production is outsourced. The pandemic-induced pause in the global economy has caused disruption and inflation, which has been exacerbated by companies raising prices to offset their increased costs.

    • Pandemic's Impact on Labor and EconomyThe pandemic has exposed the fragility of our economy and highlighted the need for better supply chain systems and fair labor practices, while independent journalists face challenges in maintaining independence through subscription-based models.

      The supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic have led to labor shortages and chaos, with both the US and Asia experiencing significant consequences. This has given workers more power and the ability to demand better pay and working conditions. The pandemic has also highlighted the fragility of our economy and the dangers of just-in-time manufacturing and supply chains. It's important for us to understand these issues and demand better systems that can withstand major disruptions. For independent journalists, the shift to subscription-based models is crucial to maintain independence and avoid relying on advertising revenue, which can limit the coverage of important but controversial topics. The recent censorship of a story about a Chinese tennis player who accused a vice premier of rape is a clear example of this.

    • YouTube's monetization policies limiting news coverageYouTube's monetization rules can restrict news organizations from covering certain topics, potentially leading to self-censorship or sanitized reporting, with implications for political figures and the public's access to unbiased news.

      YouTube's monetization policies can limit news organizations' ability to cover certain topics, potentially leading to self-censorship or a sanitized version of the facts. This was highlighted in the case of a news segment about sexual assault allegations against a high-ranking Chinese official, which YouTube decided was not eligible for monetization despite human review. This policy could have implications for coverage of political figures from all parties. The news industry's reliance on YouTube for distribution adds to the complexity of the issue, as it creates a system where the platform's incentives may not align with the public's interest in unbiased news coverage.

    • Democrats' Delusional Hope for Trump's ReturnThe belief among some Democrats that Trump would make an easier opponent in 2024 is a dangerous miscalculation. Trump's supporters remain loyal, and the Democratic Party's reliance on neoliberal ideology and failure to address working-class concerns risks further alienating voters.

      The ongoing speculation about President Biden's potential second term and the belief among some Democrats that Trump would be an easier opponent is a dangerous miscalculation. The Washington Post's report revealing that some donors are praying for Trump to run again highlights the delusional mindset that has persisted among some Democrats since Trump's first election. Despite Biden's narrow victory in 2020 and the many advantages he had, the election was far from a sure win. Trump's supporters, fueled by their belief in him and disillusionment with the Democratic Party, continue to present a formidable challenge. Moreover, the Democratic Party's reliance on neoliberal ideology and its failure to address the concerns of working-class Americans has led to a deep disconnect with voters. With Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg, who both have low approval ratings, as potential future leaders, the party risks further alienating its base and continuing its downward spiral. Instead, the party should focus on addressing the issues that matter most to working-class Americans and offering a vision for the future that goes beyond the failed policies of the past.

    • The Complexity of Unionizing: Amazon's CaseDemocrats' failure to deliver on progressive agendas leaves Americans with two major parties, Amazon uses misinformation in captive audience meetings to prevent unionization, Chris Smalls leads Amazon Labor Union in Staten Island, facing numerous obstacles, ALU chose to form a new union instead of joining an existing one

      The process of unionizing, as demonstrated in the ongoing Amazon case, can be a complex and challenging endeavor. Woke moderates within the Democratic Party have failed to deliver on progressive agendas, leaving Americans with two major parties, each with their issues. Meanwhile, Amazon, in its efforts to prevent unionization, conducts captive audience meetings filled with misinformation. Chris Smalls, an activist and organizer, is leading the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) in Staten Island, New York, and has faced numerous obstacles, including Amazon's attempts to delay hearings and collect additional signatures. Despite these challenges, ALU has disrupted the captive audience meetings and even had them suspended. Smalls and his team chose to form a new union instead of joining an existing one, believing it would better serve the workers' interests.

    • Amazon workers form their own union for deeper connection and understandingAmazon workers form an internal union to address safety, COVID-19 accommodations, and long commutes, focusing on democratic decision-making and donations through GoFundMe

      Amazon workers are choosing to organize themselves into a worker-led union due to a deeper connection and understanding of the issues within the company. This approach resonates more with the workers compared to external unions trying to learn the ropes of Amazon's unique work environment. The primary concerns from workers include safety issues, COVID-19 accommodations, and long commutes. The union, which currently doesn't have any dues, aims to have a democratic process to decide on union dues once an election is held. To support their efforts, donations can be made through their GoFundMe page, which can be found on their Twitter handle or website. The workers continue to face challenges, including demonetization on YouTube, which is why they encourage viewers to support their efforts through subscriptions.

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      Small business owners play a crucial role in keeping various industries running, and they rely on tools and resources to turn their ideas into success. From finding inspiration to managing payments and invoices, these entrepreneurs are the backbone of the economy. They work tirelessly, regardless of the circumstances, and their efforts keep hospitals, factories, schools, and power plants functioning. Grainger, a supplier of professional-grade industrial supplies, is there to support these hardworking individuals with real-time payments and fast delivery. By acknowledging their importance and providing them with essential resources, we can help ensure their continued success. So, tune in to "mind the business, small business success stories" on the Iheartradio app or wherever you get your podcasts, and join the conversation about the tools and stories that bring small businesses to life.

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Duncan: https://ruthlesspodcast.com

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    Viva: https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com

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