
    120: How to Maintain Improvement Over Time. Healthy Competition. Too Proud to Ask for Help. Comfort Zones.

    enApril 11, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognize the difference between discomfort and dangerSpeak up when experiencing symptoms of hypothermia, heat stroke, or dehydration to avoid potential dangers, but endure discomfort without complaining.

      While discomfort is inevitable in challenging environments, it's crucial to recognize the difference between discomfort and a potential danger to your health or the mission. In the SEAL teams, team members were expected to endure discomfort and not complain, but they were encouraged to speak up if they were experiencing symptoms of hypothermia, heat stroke, or dehydration. Jocko shared a personal experience of facing water scarcity during a patrol, which led him to run out of water and emphasized the importance of team members communicating their needs to avoid potential dangers.

    • Hydration is vital for optimal performance and healthProper hydration is crucial for optimal performance and health, especially in extreme environments. Carry enough water and refill regularly to avoid dehydration and its serious consequences.

      Proper hydration is crucial for optimal performance and health, especially in physically demanding situations or extreme environments. Dehydration can lead to serious consequences, including heat injuries and even death. It's essential to carry enough water and refill regularly to avoid dehydration. Ego should not prevent individuals from admitting their needs or limitations, and proper preparation and research can help mitigate potential issues. In the past, there was less emphasis on hydration, but now it's recognized as a vital aspect of maintaining good health and performance. Proper pre-hydration and planning can help reduce the need for excessive water carrying and the associated weight and discomfort. Ultimately, prioritizing hydration can help individuals perform at their best and avoid potential health risks.

    • Communicate needs for hydration and medical attentionCreating a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable raising their hands for help, recognizing seeking help as a sign of strength, and providing breaks can prevent serious consequences and ensure team success.

      Recognizing and addressing limitations, whether physical or mental, is crucial for both individual and team success. In the context of military training, failing to communicate when in need of hydration or medical attention can lead to serious consequences for both the individual and the team. Similarly, in the case of mental health issues, such as suicidal thoughts, not seeking help can be detrimental not only to the individual but also to the team. It's important to create an environment where team members feel comfortable raising their hands and admitting when they need help, without fear of being seen as weak. This requires a shift in mindset, where seeking help is recognized as a sign of strength rather than a weakness. It's also important to remember that everyone experiences fear and stress, and it's normal to feel these emotions. However, if left unchecked, they can lead to more serious issues. Providing breaks and creating a supportive environment can help prevent these issues from arising and ensure that team members are able to perform at their best.

    • Recognizing and addressing signs of stressPrioritize mental health by recognizing stress signs, communicating needs, and seeking support to optimize productivity and team contribution.

      Just as it's important to maintain a vehicle when the check engine light comes on, it's equally crucial to take care of one's mental and emotional well-being when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Continuously pushing oneself beyond limits can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. It's essential to recognize the signs of stress and communicate the need for a break or support. The military and other high-stress professions have implemented mandatory counseling sessions to ensure everyone receives the necessary mental health support, reducing the stigma and encouraging open communication. By prioritizing mental health, individuals can optimize their strength and contribute effectively to their teams.

    • Overcoming Fear in Martial Arts and BeyondRegular competition and training for the unexpected can help us overcome fear of the unknown in martial arts and other areas of life. Embrace challenges and use them as opportunities to learn and grow.

      While martial arts tournaments can be effective in preparing for physical confrontations by exposing us to the unfamiliar and helping us become more accustomed to chaos, they can also elicit fear due to the unknown opponent. To overcome this, it's important to compete regularly and train for the unexpected. The more familiar we become with the unfamiliar, the better we'll be at handling it. This principle applies to any situation, not just martial arts. For instance, when learning a new skill, the first time can seem daunting, but with practice, we become more comfortable and confident. In jujitsu, for example, a position called 5050 or Kakariko can be intimidating for those unfamiliar with it, but for experienced practitioners, it becomes a position of advantage. So, the key is to train for a variety of situations and to not be intimidated by the unknown. Instead, embrace the challenge and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

    • Prepare for unpredictability in self-defenseIncorporate sparring with untrained opponents, learn to deal with unexpected attacks, and be aware of surroundings to effectively prepare for real-world physical confrontations.

      Effective self-defense training involves preparing for the unpredictability of real-world physical confrontations. This means going beyond traditional martial arts training and incorporating elements like sparring with untrained opponents, learning to deal with unexpected attacks, and being aware of your surroundings. Jiu-jitsu tournaments and boxing are good ways to build foundational skills, but it's also important to practice dealing with the wildness and unpredictability of real-life situations. Watching street fights on YouTube can help you learn what to expect and how to react. Ultimately, the goal is to minimize the number of holes in your game and be prepared for anything.

    • Unexpected outcomes from unfamiliar techniquesBeing unfamiliar with an opponent's moves can lead to initial success but requires adaptability to maintain an edge.

      Being unfamiliar with an opponent's techniques or strategies can lead to unexpected outcomes, even for experienced and skilled competitors. This was exemplified by the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter Majeed, who gained notoriety for his effective use of the baseball bat choke, a move that was not new but the setups he used were. His opponents were caught off guard, and even seasoned fighters like Zach Maxwell and Clark Gracie fell victim to his choke. The surprise factor of his technique worked initially, but as people became more aware of it, they started to prepare and adapt, reducing its effectiveness. This demonstrates the importance of staying versatile and being able to adapt to new situations in competitive environments.

    • Learning from diverse martial arts and unexpected challengesCompeting in various martial arts and facing unexpected challenges can enhance skills and mental toughness.

      Expanding one's competitive experiences and training in various martial arts, as well as facing unexpected challenges, can significantly improve one's skills and mental fortitude. This individual recognized the importance of competing in different disciplines like Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, wrestling, and Sambo, as well as scenario-based training for self-defense. Moreover, acknowledging and recognizing the fear and loss of focus during competition is crucial for personal growth and development. The shock and disorientation caused by getting hit in the face for the first time or experiencing overwhelming fear are common challenges that can hinder performance. However, with experience and familiarity, one can learn to manage these situations effectively.

    • The importance of experience and preparation in handling unfamiliar situationsContinuous learning and adaptation are essential for success in any field. Rehearsing scenarios and adapting to new situations can significantly improve performance.

      Experience and preparation are crucial for handling unfamiliar situations effectively. The speakers discussed how leaders who lack experience can struggle when faced with new challenges, and how rehearsing scenarios can significantly improve performance. They used the example of Echelon Front, a company that provides leadership training, to illustrate this point. Additionally, the speakers emphasized the importance of adapting to new situations and not being too set in one way of doing things. In the context of a chef's career, the speakers suggested that while it's important to listen to advice, it's also important to consider whether it aligns with one's values and approach to work. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that continuous learning and adaptation are essential for success in any field.

    • Stepping out of comfort zone for growth and successBuilding relationships is crucial for growth and success, whether in the kitchen or in leadership roles. It may be uncomfortable, but the benefits far outweigh the discomfort.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and building relationships is essential for growth and success, whether it's in the kitchen or in a leadership role. This was emphasized in a conversation about a cook being asked to develop a personality and become a chef with a reputation, rather than just being a good cook. The importance of relationships was further highlighted in the context of the military, where building trust and rapport with commanding officers and other units is crucial for mission approval and success. While it may be challenging for some to initiate conversations and build relationships, the benefits far outweigh the discomfort. As the saying goes, there's no growth in the comfort zone.

    • Stepping out of comfort zone for growthEmbrace new experiences while staying true to yourself, add value to role without abandoning values.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to personal growth and increased opportunities, but it's important to find a balance between staying true to yourself and being open to new experiences. Using the analogy of a relationship, just as a husband might need to accommodate his wife's wishes to add value to the relationship, an employee might need to step out of their comfort zone to add value to their role. However, it's crucial not to abandon one's values or become a "disgusting sycophant" in the process. Instead, approach new experiences with an open mind and be willing to try new things while staying true to who you are.

    • Ego as a barrier to effective leadershipLeaders can overcome ego to adopt valuable principles by focusing on the ideas themselves, not the source or military flavor.

      Ego can be a significant barrier for leaders in implementing effective leadership principles, even if those principles offer immense value. This was discussed in relation to public speaking and the influence of Jocko Willink's Extreme Ownership philosophy. The fear of the truth and the limelight can prevent leaders from embracing these principles, potentially due to comparison to other leaders or dislike for the military flavor. To help these leaders see the path, it's crucial to avoid an adversarial relationship and instead focus on the principles themselves. Encourage them to adopt these ideas as their own, using language that resonates with them. By taking this approach, leaders can effectively lead and inspire their teams without resistance.

    • Taking Ownership vs. Ego: Balancing Team DynamicsFocus on team success and growth, not just personal accolades. Listen to constructive criticism and give credit where it's due.

      Taking ownership and responsibility for your work can be beneficial, but it's important to consider the dynamics of your team and the potential reactions of those around you. If you're met with resistance or disdain, try not to attach your name to the project and instead focus on being a good leader. Additionally, avoid rubbing your success in others' faces and give them credit for their contributions. However, putting your ego aside and listening to constructive criticism is crucial for growth and team success. It's natural to want recognition for our hard work, but it's essential to remember that sometimes the focus should be on the project and the team rather than personal accolades. In the end, working harder for an incompetent superior can help you develop valuable skills and improve your own abilities, even if they may not fully appreciate your efforts.

    • Focus on your own growth and successInstead of getting frustrated with an incompetent boss, focus on doing your best and taking pride in your work for long-term professional growth and success.

      Instead of focusing on the perceived injustice of an incompetent boss taking credit for your work, it's more productive to focus on doing your best and taking pride in your work. This approach can lead to promotions, recognition, and professional growth, even if the boss eventually gets found out and you are given the credit you deserve. It's important to keep your ego in check and not let frustration and anger hinder your progress. Additionally, making your boss look good can lead to positive outcomes for both of you. It's a long-term strategy that requires hard work and dedication, but the payoff can be significant. The easy answer may be to let an incompetent boss fail, but that approach is short-sighted and may result in negative consequences for you. Instead, focus on your own growth and success, and good things will come your way.

    • Focusing on our own efforts and mindset shiftSuccessful people aren't just lucky, they've put in the work. Shift focus from others' luck to personal growth.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in determining our success in life. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that successful people are just lucky, but the reality is that they have worked hard to get where they are. Instead of focusing on the perceived luck of others, we should focus on our own efforts and find ways to improve ourselves. The speaker emphasizes the importance of flipping a mental switch and recognizing that successful people are not just lucky, but they have also put in the work to achieve their goals. This mindset shift can help us overcome the bitterness and frustration that can hold us back. Another important takeaway is the concept of being aggressively relaxed in jujitsu. This may seem like an oxymoron, but it's a crucial skill to master. In jujitsu, we want to be aggressive in our movements and escapes, but we don't want to rely on strength alone. Instead, we should use relaxation and proactivity to get ahead of our opponents. By being relaxed, we can move more efficiently and effectively, making it harder for our opponents to gain an advantage. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of having the right mindset and being adaptable in various situations, whether in life or in martial arts. By focusing on our own growth and developing the skills to overcome challenges, we can increase our chances of success and happiness.

    • Using Strength Wisely in Jujitsu and LeadershipIn both jujitsu and leadership, using strength or assertiveness is necessary but should not be the default mode. Clear communication and understanding of intent are crucial to prevent the need for aggression or yelling. Overuse of strength or aggression comes with costs, including exhaustion in jujitsu and damaged relationships in leadership.

      Both in jujitsu and in leadership, there are times when using strength or assertiveness is necessary. However, it's important to note that these actions should not be the default mode. In jujitsu, using strength may be required when an opponent catches you off guard or when you're too late to execute a technique. Similarly, in leadership, yelling or being aggressive may be necessary when trying to get a point across or when dealing with severe mistakes. However, it's crucial to ensure that communication is clear and that the team understands the plan and intent. If the team understands these things, they will likely do the right thing without the need for aggression or yelling. Additionally, using strength or aggression comes with a cost. In jujitsu, using strength may tire you out, and in leadership, yelling can damage relationships and create a negative work environment. Therefore, it's essential to use these tactics sparingly and only when necessary. In jujitsu, it's about making things happen, whether that means taking action or hesitating, and in leadership, it's about respecting others and communicating effectively to create a positive work environment.

    • Being proactive and aggressive in actionInitiate and make things happen instead of waiting, while staying self-aware and assessing for continuous improvement

      Being proactive and aggressive in action is crucial for success, whether it's in combat, business, or everyday life. This means taking initiative and making things happen instead of hesitating or waiting for others to take the lead. Self-awareness and self-assessment are essential for continuous improvement, which involves detaching from oneself to better understand how others perceive us and identifying our shortcomings. The key is to strike a balance between aggression and self-awareness to avoid making hasty decisions or pushing too hard. It's important to remember that there is a dichotomy in every situation, and being aware of this can help us navigate complex scenarios effectively.

    • Continuous cycle of self-improvementExercise for health, prioritize joint health, stay present-minded, practice jiu-jitsu, invest in quality gear, and commit to lifelong self-improvement

      Self-improvement is an ongoing process. Once you address major issues, you'll notice smaller problems that require attention. This continuous cycle of detachment, reflection, and refinement is essential for personal growth. Neglecting self-improvement can lead to acceptance of faults and eventual loss of self-awareness. Regarding practical steps for self-improvement, prioritize exercise as it positively impacts various aspects of life and contributes to overall health. Maintaining joint health is crucial to ensure workouts remain effective and enjoyable. Supplements like Jocko Super Krill Oil and Jocko Joint Warfare can aid in this. Adopt a present-minded attitude to combat absent-mindedness and stay focused on your goals. Jiu-jitsu is another valuable tool for personal growth, offering benefits that extend beyond the mat. Invest in an Origin gi, made in America with sustainable materials, for your jujitsu journey. Lastly, remember that self-improvement is a lifelong commitment. Embrace the process, stay disciplined, and never stop refining yourself.

    • Comfortable Clothing and Jujitsu Immersion CampPrioritize comfort and quality in clothing and equipment. Try new things and visit Onnit.com/jocko for workout tools.

      The most comfortable clothing, in this case, the Origin sweatsuit, is not only subjectively comfortable but also objectively high-quality, possibly due to its American-made origin. The speaker, who is a comfort connoisseur and deals with long export times in video editing, highly recommends trying out the Origin sweatsuit for ultimate comfort. Additionally, there's a jujitsu immersion camp coming up where attendees, including the speaker and a renowned jujitsu practitioner, will immerse themselves in the art of jujitsu. The speaker also encourages checking out Origin's website and Jocko's store for comfortable and supportive workout gear and equipment. The speaker emphasizes the value of trying new things, even if you're a beginner, and encourages visiting Onnit.com/jocko for a variety of workout tools. Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize comfort and quality in your clothing and training equipment, and to be open to new experiences.

    • Try out new fitness gear for workout rejuvenationNew gear can boost workout excitement, available on Itunespodcast.com, subscribe for more content, Jocko's album 'Psychological Warfare' offers support, Way of the Warrior Kid books provide valuable life lessons

      Introducing new fitness gear into your routine can help rejuvenate your workouts and keep them interesting. Just like getting a new toy as a child, the excitement of trying out new equipment can compel you to be more active. You can find new gear on Itunespodcast.com, and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and YouTube channel for more content. Additionally, Jocko's album "Psychological Warfare" can provide support when facing moments of weakness and helping you push through the discomfort of working out. The album includes tracks designed to help you overcome various obstacles. Lastly, the Way of the Warrior Kid books offer valuable life lessons for people of all ages. The first book is available now, and the second book, "The Mark's Mission," will be released on April 24th.

    • Help kids access life-changing material by pre-ordering 'Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual',Pre-order 'Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual' to support kids and gain valuable insights for personal and professional growth.

      By purchasing the upcoming book "Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual: The Dichotomy of Leadership," not only will you receive valuable insights for personal and professional growth, but you'll also help other kids gain access to this life-changing material. Pre-order your copies and encourage others to do the same to maximize the impact on children's lives. The book, co-authored by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, comes out on April 24th and is available on various platforms. Additionally, consider attending one of their leadership seminars, "The Muster," or their event for first responders, "Roll Call 1," for hands-on training. For more information, visit extremeownership.com or follow them on social media. Remember, continuous self-improvement is essential for becoming a better leader and person.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    c/o OWIA

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