
    #136: Boys Adrift With Dr. Leonard Sax

    enSeptember 08, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Gender differences in children's development from age 5 or 6Gender influences children's intellectual and emotional development, with distinct differences between boys and girls in drawing and other activities. Recognizing and addressing these differences supports healthy growth for both genders.

      Gender matters in the intellectual and emotional development of children, as evidenced by research showing distinct differences between boys and girls as young as five or six years old. For instance, when given a blank piece of paper and crayons, girls tend to draw people, pets, and nature scenes, while boys often create action scenes. These differences are not negligible, but rather significant and worthy of consideration in creating environments that allow both boys and girls to flourish. Dr. Leonard Sachs, an expert in this field, has spent his career studying these sex differences and advocating for policies that take them into account. Instead of dismissing gender as a social construct, it's crucial to recognize and address these differences to support the unique needs of each gender in their development.

    • Ignoring gender differences reinforces stereotypesRecognize and respect individual differences in interests and preferences without reinforcing gender stereotypes.

      Ignoring gender differences in education and other areas can unintentionally reinforce gender stereotypes. The example given was in a classroom setting where teachers praised girls for their drawings of people, pets, flowers, and trees, while discouraging boys for their drawings of violent or action-oriented subjects. This lack of awareness sends a message that certain activities are for specific genders, perpetuating stereotypes. This phenomenon is not limited to drawing, as seen in the decline of girls taking AP computer science from 34% in 1987 to 19% in 2021. To break down these stereotypes, it's essential to understand and acknowledge the differences in interests and preferences between genders without reinforcing stereotypes. For instance, boys may be more inclined to draw action scenes, while girls may prefer drawing people and animals. It's crucial to create an inclusive environment that encourages all students to explore their interests without being influenced by gender stereotypes.

    • Sex differences in testosterone levels are genetically programmed despite no significant difference in young boys and girlsSocietal expectations and attitudes towards boys' behavior have shifted, potentially hindering their development, as seen in an anecdote of a boy being suspended for writing a graphic story about war.

      There is no significant difference in testosterone levels between young boys and girls, yet sex differences are genetically programmed and observed across species. Additionally, American schools have changed in the past 30 years, potentially disadvantaging boys. For instance, a boy writing a graphic story about war was suspended and required a professional evaluation, while in the past, similar assignments were encouraged. This anecdote highlights how societal expectations and attitudes towards boys' behavior have shifted, potentially hindering their development.

    • Boys in Schools: Unfriendly EnvironmentStrict policies and educational approaches not catering to boys' unique learning styles can lead to their alienation from education, while recognizing and adapting to gender differences can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

      Schools today are increasingly unfriendly towards boys due to strict zero-tolerance policies and an educational approach that doesn't cater to their unique learning styles. The speaker shares personal experiences of boys being suspended for bringing toys resembling guns to school and describes how such policies don't reduce actual violence but rather alienate boys from education. He also emphasizes that boys and girls have different motivational needs and that successful schools adapt their teaching methods accordingly. For instance, in schools where girls excel in AP Physics, teachers start with complex concepts, while in schools where boys enjoy writing poetry, teachers use engaging methods to teach literature. Overall, understanding and addressing these differences can lead to a more inclusive and effective educational environment for all students.

    • Breaking down gender stereotypes in educationRecognizing and addressing shifting gender dynamics and investing in research-backed approaches can foster equitable learning environments for all students.

      Breaking down gender stereotypes and encouraging students to explore diverse interests can greatly benefit education. However, the political climate in some schools and the federal government's stance on certain programs, such as single-sex classes, make it challenging to implement effective solutions. Contrary to popular belief, girls are no longer intimidated by boys in the classroom, but rather, boys may be less likely to participate due to perceived academic superiority among girls. It's crucial to recognize and address these shifting dynamics in education. Additionally, it's important to challenge outdated assumptions and invest in research-backed approaches to fostering equitable learning environments for all students.

    • Girls and Boys Learn Differently in STEM SubjectsEffective teaching methods are needed to engage and motivate girls in STEM fields, while over-diagnosis and over-medication of ADHD in boys is a concern in the US education system.

      There are significant differences in how girls and boys learn, particularly in subjects like computer science, physics, and electrical engineering. These differences are not due to intimidation from boys, but rather a lack of effective teaching methods for engaging and motivating girls in these fields. On the other hand, there is an alarming trend of over-diagnosis and over-medication of ADHD in American boys compared to other countries. This is likely due to a cultural acceptance of medication as a first resort rather than a last one. In education, the focus on politically correct methods rather than data-driven approaches continues to hinder progress in effectively teaching these subjects to girls. Overall, it's crucial to recognize and address these unique learning needs to ensure equal opportunities for success in all areas of education.

    • Detrimental Effects of Over-Prescription of ADD MedicationParents should be cautious about over-prescribing ADD medication to their children due to potential risks, including harm to the motivational center of the brain, and consider alternative approaches to support their child's development.

      The over-prescription of ADD medication to children in the United States, particularly stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin, can have detrimental effects on the motivational center of the brain, leading to a lack of drive and contentment in young adults. Parents face significant social pressure to have their children evaluated and medicated if they're not performing at a high level in school. While it's important to consider professional evaluations, parents should also be aware of the potential risks and consider alternative approaches to support their child's development. The author suggests that his upcoming book, "The Collapse of Parenting," will provide guidelines for parents to help them decide if their child meets criteria for ADD before considering medication.

    • Parents should question psychiatric professionals and medication for children's mental healthParents should advocate for their children, question diagnoses, and explore alternative treatments before accepting medication for mental health issues due to potential conflicts of interest and ethical concerns among some psychiatrists who accept large sums of money from drug companies.

      Parents should question the judgment of psychiatric professionals and the use of medication as a first resort for children's mental health issues in the United States. The speaker, Leonard Sacks, shares his concerns about the over-prescription of medication and the potential conflicts of interest among some leading psychiatrists who accept large sums of money from drug companies without disclosing it. The speaker also references investigations that revealed the undisclosed financial relationships between psychiatrists and drug companies, which raises ethical concerns. Parents are encouraged to advocate for their children, question diagnoses, and seek alternative treatments before resorting to medication.

    • Acceptance of Money from Drug Companies by LeadersLeaders accepting undisclosed money from drug companies can result in biased statements and a lack of trust, while endocrine disruptors in plastic water bottles can negatively impact hormones and lead to health issues in children.

      Leaders in the United States, including those at prestigious universities and institutions like Harvard, Emory, and the National Institute of Mental Health, have accepted large sums of money from drug companies without disclosing their conflicts of interest. This has led to biased pronouncements and a lack of trust in their expertise. Additionally, the use of endocrine disruptors, such as those found in plastic water bottles, can negatively impact both boys and girls. These chemicals, which are odorless and tasteless, mimic the effects of female hormones in the body and can lead to early onset of puberty in girls and decreased testosterone levels in boys. The consequences of these issues are far-reaching and harmful for individuals and society as a whole.

    • Challenges for young people, particularly girls, in AmericaThe influence of technology and societal pressure lead to challenges for young girls, including the decline of courtship, increase in pornography use, and sexualization at young ages, affecting their development and well-being.

      The influence of technology and external factors are leading to significant challenges for young people, particularly girls, in America today. One such challenge is the decline of courtship and the increase in the use of pornography over real-life intimacy. To mitigate the effects of endocrine disruptors, parents can avoid cooking in plastic and limit the use of plastic-packaged products. Additionally, many cosmetics contain high levels of these disruptors, and manufacturers are not required to disclose this information. Another challenge facing young girls is the sexualization of girls at a young age, which can lead to dislocating their sexual frame of reference and identifying as lesbian or bisexual at higher rates than before. This sexualization is evident in the availability of provocative clothing for young girls and the societal pressure to conform to these standards. These issues have significant consequences for young people's development and well-being.

    • Sexualization of girlhood and its harmful consequencesThe sexualization of girlhood in society and popular culture, which starts as early as eight or nine, can lead to body dysmorphia, anorexia, bulimia, and further issues later in life.

      While the proportion of men identifying as gay or bisexual has remained constant at around three to four percent over the past fifty years, the sexualization of girlhood in society and popular culture has led to significant issues for girls at a young age. This sexualization, which includes girls being encouraged to present themselves sexually as early as eight or nine, can lead to harmful consequences such as body dysmorphia, anorexia, and bulimia. Dr. Leonard Sacks, the author of "Why Gender Matters," "Boys Adrift," and "Girls on the Edge," discussed these issues in detail during our conversation. He emphasized that this sexualization of girlhood, which includes the Disney Channel and even third-grade classrooms, is harmful and can lead to further problems later in life. If you're interested in learning more about Dr. Sacks and his work, you can visit his website at LeonardSacks.com. His books, "Why Gender Matters," "Boys Adrift," and "Girls on the Edge," are also available on Amazon.com.

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    Connect with Sarah Dosanjh

    Website – www.thebingeeatingtherapist.com

    Instagram – www.instagram.com/the_binge_eating_therapist

    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBingeEatingTherapist 

    Sarah’s book I Can’t Stop Eating is available on Amazon