
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and new beginningsDespite the challenges, recognize that seasons and transitions offer a sense of renewal and inspiration for personal growth

      No matter how unusual or challenging the circumstances, it's important to find ways to get back on track and prepare for new beginnings. This summer has been anything but typical, with many people dealing with cancelled holidays, staycations, and adjusting to working from home. But even in the midst of these changes, it's essential to recognize that seasons, like autumn and the upcoming holidays, can serve as a fresh start. Whether it's getting back into a routine after a break or focusing on feeling our best for the festive season, there's a sense of renewal that comes with these transitions. So, take inspiration from the castles, the changing seasons, and the resilience of the one-legged pigeon, and embrace the opportunities for growth and new beginnings.

    • Finding motivation in unusual timesPeople find motivation for weight loss from various sources, including upcoming events and visual representations of progress.

      People find motivation for their weight loss journey from various sources, even during unusual times. The speaker shares her experience of focusing on an upcoming wedding and her friend's wedding photos as her motivation, despite it being an unusual time of year. She also mentions how the pandemic has led people to find more motivating situations. Additionally, the speaker shares a story about a listener named Alison, who gave her consultant a piggyback when she reached the weight loss goal equivalent to the consultant's weight. This visual representation of weight loss can be a powerful motivator. Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of finding motivation and celebrating achievements, no matter the source or time of year.

    • Recognizing patterns in sabotaging behaviorsAcknowledging and addressing self-sabotaging behaviors can help prevent weight gain and promote long-term success in weight loss journey

      No matter how long you've been on a weight loss journey, there's always room for learning and growth. Rosalynn shared her experience of recognizing patterns in her sabotaging behaviors and how she's committed to making changes. She realized that her binge-starved mentality was causing her to consume most of her weekly sin allowance in one or two days, leading to weight gain and feeling deprived for the rest of the week. By acknowledging this pattern and making a plan to use her sins wisely, she hopes to minimize any weight gain during an upcoming holiday. As a consultant, Claire emphasized the importance of recognizing that everyone's weight loss journey is unique and that there will be ups and downs. She encouraged consultants to remember that they are human and that the journey is an evolving one. Rosalynn's continued commitment to learning and growth, even after many years on her journey, serves as an inspiration to us all.

    • Personal stories of teachers finding support during challenging timesCommunity, self-care, and inspiration helped teachers prioritize their health and navigate through tough times

      The past year and a half has been incredibly challenging for teachers, but finding support systems and making healthy changes have helped them get through it. Joanne, a head teacher, shared her personal journey of losing weight and regaining her sense of normality through Slimming World and listening to a podcast. Despite the difficulties, she found inspiration in these sources and is determined to prioritize her health as she enters a new school year. Another listener, Danielle, also shared her appreciation for the podcast's relatable content and the importance of recognizing the subtle signs of body changes. Overall, these stories highlight the power of community, self-care, and finding sources of inspiration to help navigate through tough times.

    • Noticing body changes as a sign of progressCelebrate small body changes, focus on personal progress, and not compare yourself to others. Find motivation, enjoy the journey, and reflect on your goals to keep moving forward.

      Body changes, no matter how small, are worth celebrating. The speaker shares her experience of noticing her own weight loss in an unexpected way - through the changing shape of her body, specifically a slimmer triangle area. She also talks about the importance of focusing on personal progress and not comparing oneself to others. The speaker's daughter even noticed her mother's weight loss and commented on it, making it a proud moment for the speaker. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding motivation and enjoying the journey of weight loss, whether it's through listening to podcasts or buying new clothes. The speaker also mentions the power of self-reflection and setting goals to keep moving forward. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing small victories and focusing on personal growth.

    • Personal confidence and small changesEmbracing change and taking small steps towards personal goals, even after setbacks, can lead to increased confidence and progress towards achieving desired outcomes.

      Feeling comfortable with oneself and having confidence in one's body can lead to making small but significant changes. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling more confident after losing weight and how it led her to make the decision to buy smaller knickers, which her husband noticed as a sign of her newfound confidence. This idea of embracing change and taking small steps towards personal goals, even after setbacks, was also echoed by another listener named Claire. She shared her journey of joining Slimming World, facing challenges such as MS diagnosis and family illness, but finding motivation and a new attitude through the podcast. Both women's stories illustrate the courage and determination it takes to start again and the importance of not striving for perfection but rather focusing on making progress towards personal goals.

    • The pitfalls of striving for perfectionFocusing on personal improvement and progress, rather than perfection, leads to greater success and enjoyment in various aspects of life.

      Striving for perfection can hinder progress and lead to self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. Instead, focusing on personal improvement and progress, without comparison to others, can lead to greater success and enjoyment in various aspects of life, such as weight loss and fitness journeys. Perfectionism can manifest in various areas, and recognizing and addressing it can be a significant step towards unlocking personal growth and achieving goals. By shifting the mindset towards progress and self-acceptance, one can find joy and fulfillment in the journey towards self-improvement.

    • Staying committed, staying curious, and staying true to our goalsContinuous effort and new challenges are necessary for maintaining health and reaching goals. Enjoy meals, stay active, and take care of oneself. Accuracy and clarity are essential in achieving goals. Seek knowledge and ask questions to deepen understanding.

      Setting and reaching goals is an ongoing process, not a one-time achievement. Sarah, who reached her target weight, discovered that maintaining her health required continuous effort and new challenges. She emphasized the importance of enjoying meals, staying active, and taking care of herself. However, Sarah also faced some misunderstandings and miscommunications, which reminded us that accuracy and clarity are essential in achieving goals. Additionally, Sarah's experience with mini cucumbers sparked a curious question: at what point does a mini cucumber become a pickled gherkin? This seemingly trivial question highlights the importance of seeking knowledge and asking questions to deepen our understanding of the world around us. Overall, Sarah's journey emphasizes the importance of staying committed, staying curious, and staying true to our goals.

    • Understanding the Role of Sins in the WW DietSustainable weight loss involves incorporating sins, not restricting them entirely, and managing hunger pangs with alternative methods.

      While the WW (Weight Watchers) diet focuses on free foods, healthy extras, and sins, it's essential to understand that sins are not off-limits but rather a part of a sustainable lifestyle. The discussion touched on questions regarding healthy extras, sin planning, and managing hunger pangs without giving in to high-sin foods. The consensus was that it's perfectly fine if you don't use your full allowance of healthy extras as long as you're getting enough fiber and calcium from other free foods. Sin planning, or planning when to indulge in sins, was suggested as a helpful strategy to maintain a balanced diet and prevent obsessing over high-sin foods. Additionally, managing hunger pangs without giving in to high-sin foods can be challenging, but finding alternative ways to manage, such as practicing mindfulness or finding healthier alternatives, can help. Overall, the key takeaway is that incorporating sins into your lifestyle, rather than restricting them entirely, can lead to a more sustainable weight loss journey.

    • The importance of a well-planned diet for weight lossA conscious approach to food choices is essential for successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Plan for healthy foods and healthy extras to keep hunger at bay and avoid making unhealthy choices out of desperation.

      Having a reactive approach to weight loss by only consuming "sins" or unhealthy foods when hungry, without planning or making conscious choices, can hinder weight loss progress. Instead, it's essential to have a well-planned diet that includes healthy, free foods and healthy extras to keep hunger at bay and avoid making unhealthy choices out of desperation. Lucy's question about feeling hungry while food optimizing led to the suggestion that she should ensure she has access to free food and plan for any desired sins. The importance of eating the right foods, even when hungry, was emphasized, as it can lead to guilt and cravings for more unhealthy foods. The speaker shared her personal experience of learning that not being hungry doesn't mean you're not losing weight and that focusing on eating the right foods, even in small portions throughout the day, can lead to successful weight loss. Meg's question about advice for maintaining weight loss after a year led to the suggestion of finding a diet structure that works best for her and focusing on healthy foods, even when it feels daunting or embarrassing. Overall, the key takeaway is that a well-planned, conscious approach to food choices is essential for successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

    • Focus on your own progress, not othersAvoid comparing yourself to others, find your 'why', change mindset, ask for help, and focus on small steps to reach weight loss goals.

      During weight loss journeys, it's essential to focus on your own progress and not compare yourself to others. You're the only one in control of your journey, and everyone in a group setting is dealing with their own unique challenges. It's crucial to remember that no one is judging you, and the negative thought process that can hinder progress is often self-imposed. Instead, focus on finding your "why" for losing weight and changing your mindset to overcome obstacles. Break down your goals into manageable steps, and don't be afraid to ask for help from your consultant or group members. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy, and every small step you take brings you closer to your goal.

    • Sharing weight loss stories can help others feel less aloneSharing struggles and providing guidance can help those feeling stuck in their weight loss journey.

      Everyone's weight loss journey is unique and filled with challenges, and sharing those stories can help others feel less alone. Claire, who is now at her target weight, emphasized that when she first started sharing her struggles, she resonated with many listeners who were also feeling stuck. The most popular episode they've ever recorded was called "I'm Stuck," which provided 10 steps to help listeners get back on track. Claire and her co-host admitted that they didn't always feel like recording the podcast, but the act of showing up and sharing their experiences helped them and their audience. Glyn, who struggled with stepping through the door and asking for help, was encouraged to revisit that episode for guidance. It's important to remember that plateauing or feeling stuck doesn't mean failure. Instead, it may indicate a need to adjust food optimization strategies as we progress further in our weight loss journey.

    • Identify and tackle subconscious saboteursWhen hitting weight loss plateaus, examine your adherence to the diet plan and recognize potential subconscious saboteurs using Slimming World's SAS log. Set interim targets for motivation, but avoid relying on them as a substitute for your ultimate goal.

      When facing weight loss plateaus, it's essential to reevaluate your adherence to the diet plan and identify any potential subconscious saboteurs. Slimming World offers a tool called SAS (Saboteurs Against Slimming) log to help recognize these deeper-level issues. If necessary, consult with your consultant for additional support. Regarding interim targets, they serve as waypoints during weight loss journeys, allowing members to set targets that feel more achievable when facing challenges. However, it's crucial not to use interim targets as an easy alternative to your ultimate goal. Instead, set interim targets only when you genuinely lack the motivation or drive to reach your final target. Remember, the power to overcome plateaus lies in your hands.

    • Personal Challenges in Weight Loss JourneysStay committed, stay open-minded, and never give up on weight loss goals despite personal challenges. Everyone's journey is unique.

      Weight loss journeys can be filled with unexpected challenges, and it's important to acknowledge and learn from them. Billy and Clare shared their personal experiences of encountering difficult times during their weight loss journeys. For Billy, the hardest point came after giving birth when she felt a lack of control over her eating and gained weight. For Clare, it was the moment she realized she had regained all the weight she had lost and more, which led her to rejoin Slimming World and face her weight gain. These experiences underscore the importance of staying committed to weight loss goals, even when faced with setbacks, and being open to seeking support when needed. It's also important to remember that everyone's weight loss journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Overall, the key takeaway is to stay resilient, stay open-minded, and never give up on your weight loss goals, even when faced with challenges.

    • Maintaining weight loss during holidays or periods of indulgenceSet an action plan, allow for occasional treats, have a healthy meal ready upon returning home, avoid guilt, and focus on enjoying food in a balanced way to maintain weight loss during holidays or periods of indulgence.

      Flexibility and planning are key to maintaining weight loss during holidays or periods of indulgence. Anna shared her experience of learning to make mindful choices while on vacation, instead of abandoning her weight loss plan entirely. She suggested setting an action plan beforehand, allowing for occasional treats, and having a healthy meal ready upon returning home to ease back into healthy eating. Anna also emphasized the importance of avoiding guilt and focusing on enjoying food in a balanced way. Ultimately, the key is to find a sustainable approach that fits one's lifestyle and goals.

    • Recognizing and addressing warning signs with a food diaryWriting down inspiring quotes and tracking progress in a food diary helps identify and prevent weight loss sabotage

      Effective weight loss involves facing the reality of your situation, using tools like a food diary and group support to stay accountable, and being aware of warning signs before they lead to sabotage. The speaker emphasizes the importance of writing down inspiring quotes and ideas from group sessions, as well as tracking progress with tabs or faces on the food diary. She also shares that even long-term members continue to ask for food diaries as a way to catch potential issues before they spiral out of control. The use of a food diary is seen as a way to recognize and address warning signs, ultimately leading to success in reaching and maintaining target weight.

    • Unlocking potential for a better lifeSlimming World is about personal growth, confidence, and unlocking potential for a better life through behavioral change and forming healthy habits.

      Losing weight through a program like Slimming World is not just about reaching a goal weight or earning stickers. It's about the personal growth and confidence that comes with the journey. The speaker shared how she used to hide behind her dress size as an excuse for fear of failure, but losing weight helped her face her fears and try new things. She also discovered health issues she wasn't aware of before, and experienced improved energy and quality of sleep. The speaker emphasized that Slimming World offered her the tools to change her life, but it was up to her to use them. She concluded that the joy of the newfound life after weight loss is the real reward, and the concept of behavioral change and forming healthy habits is the key to success. The speaker's experience reflects the idea that Slimming World is about more than just dieting or losing weight, it's about unlocking the potential for a better life.

    • Success is a new mind and bodyOur definition of success and recognition of it can differ greatly, find what works best for weight loss journey

      Our perception of success and how we define it for ourselves plays a significant role in our weight loss journey. Caroline shared her personal experience of viewing her success as the new mind and body she's created. The Slimming World podcast will be discussing different ways of thinking about the signs of being on plan in an upcoming episode based on audience feedback. The hosts also shared their experience of finding a surprising lack of crowds in Manchester City Centre and their plans to return for a food treat. Listeners are encouraged to share their own success stories and milestones by emailing the podcast. The key takeaway is that the definition of success and the ways we recognize it can vary greatly from person to person, and it's essential to find what works best for us in our weight loss journey.

    Recent Episodes from Slimming World Podcast

    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home

    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home
    Slimming World’s Woman of the Year 2023, teacher Kelly Barker, shares how she’s passing on the good habits she learnt during her journey to her family and the children at her school.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
    enJune 21, 2024

    228: Let's Talk Men's Health

    228: Let's Talk Men's Health
    Anna and Clare meet Aaron Walker, Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2023 to swap stories about how losing weight has helped to improve his health – and to discover the barriers he’s overcome on his slimming journey.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food
    There are few things more satisfying than growing your own – apart from, perhaps, enjoying the fruits of your labour! Our hosts give gardening a go, with the help of Slimming World member Hilary Sard, who has a Free Food-filled allotment!

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan.
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday
    Old clothes, old photos, old habits... what are you ready to let go of to truly embrace how far you’ve come on your journey? Anna and Clare celebrate members’ non-scale victories and mindset shifts.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It
    Anna and Clare meet James Stubbs, professor of appetite and energy balance at the University of Leeds, to find out how a flexible mindset can help with long-term weight loss.
    Read more about the latest Slimming World research here: https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/overcoming-setbacks/

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    224: Keep On Running!

    224: Keep On Running!
    If you’ve ever thought about lacing up your trainers but don’t know how to take that first step, this is it! Packed with inspiration from Slimming World’s 2024 London Marathon team, we hear how our runners have learnt to embrace the benefits of activity. 

    Plus, Anna and Clare have a little announcement to make about Slimming World sponsoring this year's Race For Life events!

    Interested in signing up to a Race For Life event? Find out more here! https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/race-for-life/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions.
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend
    Slimming World’s Mr Sleek 2024, Mark Marsden, joins Anna and Clare to share how he changed his mindset around food, his confidence and his life for the better – so he can enjoy the food he loves (like burgers and chips!) and lose weight.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know
    Slimming World and Diabetes UK have joined forces... and both can help if you have type 1, type 2 or prediabetes. Anna and Clare chat to two special guests – Slimming World dietitian Carolyn Pallister and Stephanie Kudzin, nutritionist at Diabetes UK – to find out how.
    For specialist information and advice on all aspects of living with diabetes, call the Diabetes UK helpline on 0345 123 2399. To find out your risk of type 2 diabetes, visit

    If you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World and the support we offer people living with diabetes, head to slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Read about how Food Optimising can help you manage type 2 diabetes here: slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/slimming-world-and-diabetes-uk-partnership/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions. Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    221: Fitness...With Benefits

    221: Fitness...With Benefits
    Building an active lifestyle is not only a great way to support weight loss, it also has all sorts of added wellbeing bonuses – some of which might surprise you. Evie Lovell, a registered nutritionist at Slimming World tells us more.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

    220: Fire-up Your Motivation

    220: Fire-up Your Motivation
    If your good intentions at New Year are starting to wane, how do you get back your motivation to keep going? 

    This week Anna and Clare meet the newly crowned Miss Slinky 2024 - Leanne Hemming! We find out how she lost over 7 stone with Slimming World and how she's managing to keep the weight off with healthy new habits.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    So, grab your favorite morning beverage, sit back, and join the D&D Morning Show as they dive deep into the world of healthy habits. Whether you're already on a wellness journey or just getting started, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and actionable steps to enhance your overall well-being.

    Remember, you can catch this episode on all major podcast platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more. Get ready to embark on a transformative episode with the D&D Morning Show, where healthy habits become the foundation for a vibrant and fulfilling life.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge and motivation to create positive change. Tune in and let the D&D Morning Show be your guide to cultivating healthy habits that will transform your life from the inside out.