
    #15 DJ Shipley SEAL - Team 6 / DEVGRU Operator

    en-usNovember 25, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the unpredictability of life and warDespite preparation and skill, unexpected challenges arise in both military service and business. Adaptability, community support, and exclusive access can help overcome these hurdles.

      Life and war are unpredictable, and no matter how skilled or prepared you are, things don't always go as planned. This was highlighted in the discussion about the experiences in the military and the creation of the Vigilance Elite subscription service. The loss of team members and the dangers faced during missions were described as harsh realities that couldn't be avoided. Similarly, in building the subscription service, there were unexpected challenges and the need to adapt and evolve to meet the needs of the audience. The importance of community support, whether in the military or through subscriptions, was also emphasized as crucial for success. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of behind-the-scenes content and exclusive access for subscribers, which can add value and deepen engagement with fans.

    • A former Navy SEAL applies military skills to build successful businessesA Navy SEAL veteran builds businesses employing gold star family members and offering premier training services to military, law enforcement, and select civilians, ensuring top-tier results through rigorous hiring and training processes.

      DJ Shipley, a former Navy SEAL and founder of Tribeskates and GBRS Group, is using his military background to build successful businesses. He employs gold star family members in Tribeskates and offers premier training services through GBRS Group, which caters to military personnel, law enforcement, and select civilians. The companies have been operating for nearly two years and have gained significant popularity. Shipley's unique approach to hiring and training, including thorough background checks and vetting processes, ensures that his clients receive top-tier services. GBRS Group offers a range of training programs, from private lessons to group events, and is based out of Virginia Beach. Shipley's success story is a testament to the valuable skills and experiences gained during his military career and his ability to apply them in the business world.

    • Personal journey of dealing with loss in high-risk professionsFocus on how the deceased would want us to live, rather than moping around, for healing after loss in high-risk professions.

      Dealing with loss, especially in high-risk professions, can be a challenging process. Will, who has experienced loss in the military, shares his personal journey of initially ignoring and compartmentalizing his feelings, but later finding solace in honoring the sacrifice of those who have given their lives. He encourages focusing on how the deceased would want us to live, rather than moping around. Will grew up surrounded by SEALs, including his father, and his childhood was shaped by his father's frequent deployments and farm life. Despite the challenges, he looks back on it fondly and finds inspiration in the commitment and loyalty of those who serve.

    • Childhood shaped by military family's expectationsThe speaker's desire for validation and recognition led him to pursue a career as a Navy SEAL, influenced by his upbringing in a military family and the assumption that he would follow in his father's footsteps.

      The speaker's upbringing in a military family shaped his identity and desires, driving him to seek validation and recognition through competition. Growing up in the 80s and 90s with a father in the special operations community, the speaker's childhood was marked by his father's frequent deployments and the assumption that he would follow in his footsteps. This pressure to perform extended to various aspects of his life, from physical challenges with friends to his eventual passion for skateboarding and later, the DEVGRU. The speaker's need for approval and acknowledgement from his father was so strong that he was willing to dismiss other potential career paths, such as veterinary medicine or professional skateboarding, in favor of becoming a Navy SEAL. This drive to compete and please his father continued to influence him even as an adult.

    • From Troubled Past to Navy SEALDetermination and resilience can lead to remarkable opportunities, even with a troubled past. The Navy recruits people for jobs with a shortage and those who make it through can have unique and formative experiences, leading to personal growth and success.

      Even with a troubled past, determination and resilience can lead to remarkable opportunities. The speaker joined the Navy at 17 after getting into legal trouble and having to go through various waivers. Despite the challenges, he was able to join the Navy SEALs by passing the screen test at bootcamp. The speaker also mentions that the Navy recruits people for jobs with a shortage and that many people quit, allowing those who make it through to fill those roles. The speaker's childhood in the Navy was unique and formative, but he later realized that Buds was just the beginning of his career and that the realities of war were much different. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of perseverance and the potential for personal growth and success, even in the face of adversity.

    • Perseverance and support during BUDs trainingSpeaker overcame challenges with determination, found strength in support from loved ones, and was eager to deploy, shaping him into a resilient individual.

      Perseverance and determination were key factors in the speaker's successful completion of BUDs training. Despite the challenges and hardships, he refused to quit, even when faced with setbacks like failing the pool comp. His experience was isolating, but he benefited from the support of those around him, including those who knew his father. The speaker's eagerness to deploy early with Team 10 demonstrates his dedication and readiness for the challenges of Navy SEAL training and eventual deployment. Ultimately, his experience at BUDs confirmed his belief that this was the best thing that ever happened to him, shaping him into a strong and resilient individual.

    • A young soldier's first deployment to IraqAt 19, the speaker was introduced to military life's intensity and danger during his first Iraq deployment. He formed bonds, adapted, and gained valuable experience.

      The speaker's experience during his first deployment to Iraq at the age of 19 was a humbling and intense introduction to military life. He arrived at Team 10 with little preparation and found himself in a platoon with a high standard of training. Despite some initial challenges, he formed good relationships with both new and experienced soldiers. However, the environment was vastly different from what he had expected, with long hours, intense security duties, and the constant presence of danger. The soldiers were all new to the sustained combat in Iraq, and they adapted together. The speaker was fortunate to be assigned to a strike force, which allowed him to work with a larger group of soldiers and gain valuable experience. Overall, his deployment was a formative experience that tested his resilience and prepared him for future challenges in the military.

    • Experience of War: Fear, Uncertainty, and Life-or-Death DecisionsWar is a real-life situation with fear, uncertainty, and life-or-death decisions, contrasting the preparedness from training grounds.

      War is an unpredictable and intense experience, filled with fear, uncertainty, and the constant pressure of making life-or-death decisions. The speaker shares his experience of conducting raids in Iraq, where the lack of armor and the strict curfew made every day a potential threat. He recounts the pressure of deciding who to shoot and the emotional impact of losing team members. Despite the training, the mental preparation was lacking, and the harsh reality of war was a stark contrast to the training grounds. The unexpected loss of team members and the lack of communication added to the anxiety and uncertainty. War is not a game, but a real-life situation where every moment can be a matter of life and death.

    • A harsh reality of war: unexpected loss and brutalityWar is unpredictable and can result in unexpected loss and brutality, despite preparation and skill.

      The speaker experienced a significant shift in understanding the realities of war during his first deployment to Iraq. He was initially relieved to be working with familiar faces, but was later devastated to learn that all the experienced team members had been killed in an ambush. The magnitude of the loss didn't fully hit him until later, during his second deployment. The speaker also noted the unexpected brutality of war and the unpredictability of who might be targeted. Despite the team's training and skill, they were unable to prevent the tragic event. The experience served as a harsh reminder of the realities of war and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected.

    • An unexpected encounter during a mission leads to nerve damage and a change in team dynamicsWar is unpredictable and dangerous, emphasized by an ambush resulting in injury and team adaptation, highlighting the importance of preparation and effective response.

      War is unpredictable and dangerous, as illustrated by an encounter where a team member was shot during a mission, resulting in nerve damage and a change in dynamics for the team. This incident occurred during an operation to target an enemy HQ cell in a different area, which kept the team busy and feeling like they were part of a strike force. However, the true reality and intensity of the situation hit them a few months in, during an ambush in a town outside of Fallujah. The team had to react quickly and effectively to neutralize the threat, with one member taking a bullet to the chest plate and magazine. Despite the danger, the team's training and equipment played a crucial role in their survival. The experience served as a reminder of the inherent risks and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected in warfare.

    • A harrowing military engagement with unexpected twistsMilitary engagements can be unpredictable and dangerous, requiring focus, adaptability, and quick thinking to overcome unexpected challenges.

      Military engagements can be unpredictable and fraught with danger. The speaker recounted a harrowing experience where they faced multiple shooters, including one hiding in a sandbag position with a suicide vest and a PK machine gun. The speaker narrowly avoided being cut in half by this enemy, as they had just bolted the door shut in time. The fight continued with grenade exchanges on the roof, resulting in injuries to several team members, including their chief. Despite the chaos, they had to continue fighting to win the battle. The speaker also shared an unexpected turn of events when a team member tried to send a man from the courtyard to call out to his cousin, only for the cousin to kill him instead. The situation became even more complex as they faced multiple maneuver elements of the enemy in and around the city, forcing them to fall back. The speaker described the intense adrenaline and confusion of the situation, and how they didn't even realize they had been hit until later. The bullet had hit the magazine they were holding, but they didn't even notice it at the time. The situation could have had much more severe consequences if the bullet had hit a breaching charge with exposed blasting caps. Overall, this experience highlights the unpredictability and danger of military engagements, and the importance of staying focused and adaptable in the face of adversity.

    • Navigating through close-quarter combatAdrenaline rush in combat can mask injuries. Preparation and adaptability are crucial in high-pressure situations.

      Being in a close-quarter combat situation is a vastly different experience than what one might imagine. The speaker, who was involved in a firefight, shares that the adrenaline rush during such an encounter can make it difficult to realize you've been injured. He also mentions that the training and planning they had done paid off, as they were prepared for the worst and managed to successfully navigate through the situation. However, one of the most dangerous moments came when they were trying to locate a suspect in an open field, where they had to walk towards him with interlocked arms due to the lack of visibility. This experience underscores the importance of being fully prepared and adaptable in high-pressure situations.

    • A deadly ambush on the battlefieldTeamwork, quick decision making, and bravery are crucial in dangerous situations on the battlefield.

      Situations on the battlefield can quickly turn dangerous and require quick thinking and bravery. Our team found themselves in an open field, unaware of the enemy's presence, leading to a deadly ambush. Despite the chaos and confusion, they managed to reconsolidate and save some of their team members, but not without loss. The bravest moment came when one team member, Matty, risked his own life to save their corpsman, getting shot multiple times in the process. This event highlights the importance of teamwork, quick decision making, and bravery in the face of danger.

    • Applying training during combat saves livesEffective training enables quick thinking and decision making during dangerous situations, ultimately saving lives.

      Effective training and quick thinking saved lives during a dangerous combat situation. The speaker recounted an experience where several team members were injured and they had to go into damage control mode. Despite the chaos and intensity of the situation, they were able to apply the skills they had learned during their training, such as applying tourniquets and using hemostatic dressings. They also had to make quick decisions, like deciding not to engage the enemy due to the risk of hitting friendly forces. The speaker emphasized the importance of the training they received and how it prepared them for the situation, ultimately leading to the survival of their team members. The speaker also shared an instance where one team member begged for a quick lot, but the speaker pretended to give it to him to calm him down. In the end, they called in a fire mission to eliminate the threat and focus on treating their injured team members.

    • The importance of being prepared and trusting in teamwork during combat situationsStaying calm, being prepared, responding effectively, maintaining a realistic attitude towards danger, and the value of teamwork and moral support are crucial in combat situations.

      Combat situations can be unpredictable and life-threatening, requiring quick thinking, effective training, and teamwork to ensure survival. The story shared highlights the importance of being prepared for the worst, staying calm under pressure, and trusting in the skills and support of your team. Despite the harrowing experience, the speaker learned valuable lessons that have stayed with him throughout his career. These lessons include the importance of maintaining a realistic attitude towards danger, being able to respond effectively in emergency situations, and the value of teamwork and moral support. The story also underscores the physical and emotional toll that combat can take on individuals, and the importance of processing and addressing these experiences afterwards. Overall, the experience served as a sobering reminder of the realities of war and the importance of being ready for anything.

    • A powerful learning experience in combatReal-life danger can teach valuable lessons and reinforce the importance of training realistically

      Experiencing real-life danger and the consequences of it can be a powerful learning tool. The speaker shares a story of a time when he had to save a fellow soldier's life during combat, an experience that left a lasting impact on him. He explains that this event gave him a new perspective on the seriousness of injuries and the importance of training realistically. The speaker also shares how this experience affected him emotionally, leaving him hyper-vigilant and obsessed with training. This experience served as a turning point for him, shaping him into a dedicated and effective member of his team. It's clear that this event had a profound impact on him and influenced the way he approached his role in the military.

    • The Importance of Understanding and Support in RelationshipsConnecting deeply with someone who understands your experiences and provides support can lead to a successful relationship, especially after experiencing trauma.

      The Sean Ryan show's Patreon community provides exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content and personal interactions with the host, making it a crucial part of the show's existence. A meaningful connection from this discussion is the importance of understanding and support in relationships, especially after experiencing trauma. Sean shared how he met his wife, Patsy, through the Gold Star community after the loss of her previous husband in military service. Despite societal judgments, they connected deeply due to their shared experiences and commitment to the military lifestyle. Sean's relationship with Patsy provided him with understanding, encouragement, and support during challenging times, including his struggles with anxiety and adjusting to civilian life after deployment. Their shared experiences and dedication to each other made their transition into marriage smooth and successful.

    • Finding the Right Mentor Can Impact Personal GrowthSeeking out and learning from individuals who challenge us and set high standards can help us eliminate distractions, stay focused, and achieve our goals.

      Having the right mentor or leader at the right time can significantly impact personal growth and development. The speaker in this discussion found such a leader in Barrett, who challenged him to be the best version of himself and set the bar high for the development group. Inspired by Barrett's example, the speaker made a conscious decision to eliminate distractions and surround himself with people who shared his commitment and drive to succeed. This mindset helped him stay focused and achieve his goals, even during challenging times. Ultimately, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of seeking out and learning from individuals who can help us grow and reach our full potential.

    • Comfort can hinder productivity and moraleExcessive comfort can negatively impact focus, motivation, and unit cohesion. Effective leadership and clear communication can help maintain morale and productivity.

      Morale and productivity can be negatively impacted when conditions are too comfortable, leading to a decrease in focus and motivation. This was demonstrated during a military deployment where unnecessary luxuries and a lack of clear communication and purpose led to a decline in unit cohesion. It took a strong and inspiring leader to turn things around by refocusing the team on their mission and the importance of their work. The experience served as a valuable lesson in the importance of maintaining a balance between comfort and productivity, and the power of effective leadership in maintaining morale and motivation. The army units involved learned new tactics and techniques from each other, making it a worthwhile deployment despite its initial challenges.

    • Apple's Green Team selection process: A high-stakes debutThe intense Green Team selection process at Apple pushes candidates to focus, eliminate distractions, and perform at their best under pressure, producing top-performing employees.

      The Green Team selection process at Apple was an incredibly intense and pressure-filled experience designed to weed out the weak and produce top-performing employees. The speaker, who went through the process himself, described it as a dream come true, but also a source of immense stress and anxiety. He shared how he had to completely focus on the experience, eliminating distractions and commit fully to the process in order to succeed. The speaker also highlighted the intimidating nature of the process, with veteran employees observing and evaluating every move, making it feel like a high-stakes debut. Despite the pressure and challenges, the speaker embraced the experience and used it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Ultimately, the Green Team was a critical part of Apple's success, producing some of the best employees in the industry.

    • Navigating the rigorous Navy SEAL training processThe Navy SEAL training process demands peak physical and mental fitness, with no room for error, and a commitment to intense, pressure-filled experiences.

      Becoming a Navy SEAL is an incredibly challenging and pressure-filled experience, both physically and mentally. The training process involves a rigorous regimen of CQB, shooting, jumping, and land warfare, with no room for error. The candidates must be in peak physical condition and mentally prepared to handle the stress of the day-to-day training. The experience is humbling and intense, and the pressure to perform is addicting. Upon graduation, the feeling is anti-climactic, with little fanfare or ceremony. The journey includes a jump block where candidates must learn to manage their parachutes in various wind conditions, and the risk of injury is always present. Despite the challenges, many aspire to join the ranks of the Navy SEALs due to the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment it brings.

    • Overcoming severe injuries with determinationEven when faced with a devastating injury, maintaining a strong mental attitude and refusing to give up can lead to surprising outcomes

      Even in the face of a seemingly catastrophic injury, determination and a strong will to recover can lead to unexpected outcomes. The speaker in this story suffered a severe hip injury, which was initially believed to be a broken back. Despite the gravity of the situation, he refused emergency surgery and instead focused on healing naturally. His quick recovery allowed him to deploy with his unit, and he even brought his rehab specialist with him to continue his physical therapy. This story highlights the importance of mental fortitude and resilience in overcoming physical challenges.

    • Encountering a rehab specialist during first deploymentProfessionalism, calmness, high proficiency, and focus inspired speaker during first deployment

      During the speaker's first deployment with a special missions unit, he encountered a rehab specialist who advised him not to attempt a challenging physical test if he was uncertain. The speaker was impressed by the professionalism and calmness of the team, which he described as being on an "even keel" despite the high-stress environment. The speaker also noted that there was a strong emphasis on maintaining a high level of proficiency and not drawing attention to oneself. This experience had a profound impact on the speaker, as it represented the pinnacle of his career and showcased the highest level of performance he had ever seen. Overall, the speaker was humbled and inspired by the team's unwavering focus and dedication to their mission.

    • The loss of Extortion 17 and its aftermathThe loss of Extortion 17 was a devastating event for SEAL Team. Despite the tragedy, the community came together to support the families and the team refused to let it define them. The experience underscored the realities of war and the importance of unity during difficult times.

      The loss of Extortion 17, the largest loss in SEAL Team history, was a devastating reality check. The speaker, who was there when he received the news, describes the experience as surreal and overwhelming. In the aftermath, the community came together to support the families of the fallen, recognizing the critical role foundations played in providing immediate financial assistance. Despite the tragedy, the team refused to let it define them and instead focused on rebuilding and continuing their mission. The experience served as a harsh reminder of the realities of war and the importance of coming together to support one another during difficult times.

    • The impact of a helicopter crash on a teamUnexpected events, such as a helicopter crash, can result in significant loss of life and emotional scarring for survivors. The experience serves as a reminder of the importance of every team member and the inherent dangers of their work.

      Unexpected events, such as a helicopter getting shot down, can have devastating consequences and significantly impact a team. This event not only resulted in the loss of 31 lives, including American and Afghan forces, but also left a deep emotional scar on the surviving members. The aftermath required the team to rebuild, but the memory of the loss remained, haunting those who were there and those who weren't. The experience served as a constant reminder of the inherent dangers and the importance of every team member. The team came together to rebuild, but the memory of the loss remained a sombering reality. The experience was a reminder of the importance of every team member and the dangers inherent in their work. The team continued to face challenges, but the loss remained a defining moment in their history.

    • The impact of losing a mentor and close friend on a teamLosing a mentor and close friend on a team can be a deeply emotional experience, especially when the team has gone through challenging deployments together.

      The speaker's team and mentor were a significant source of inspiration and motivation for him. When his mentor was injured and had to retire, the speaker was devastated, as he felt like he had invested all his energy into this team. The loss was especially difficult as the team had gone through a dangerous deployment together, and they had all become close friends. The speaker's reaction to the news of his friend's injury was intense, and he felt the weight of the loss deeply. The team had a profound impact on the speaker's life, and the loss of his mentor was a hard one to process. The speaker's military background and the presence of his uncles during this conversation added to the emotional impact of the news. The speaker's friend had been on a hostage rescue mission when he was injured, and the team's success in saving the hostage was the only positive outcome of the situation. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of team dynamics and the impact of loss on individuals.

    • Coping with the Loss of a Loved OneThrough intense obsession and denial, the speaker found comfort in his wife's support during the grieving process. Notifying the deceased loved one was essential, despite initial reluctance.

      The sudden loss of a loved one can be a profoundly devastating experience, leading some to cope through intense obsession and denial. The speaker, having experienced this loss, struggled to come to terms with his grief and found solace in the support of his wife, who had also lost a spouse. Together, they leaned on each other and encouraged each other to move forward and continue living. Despite the initial reluctance and fear, notifying the loved one of the loss was a necessary and unavoidable part of the grieving process. The experience left a lasting impact on the speaker, shaping his perspective on life and death.

    • The cost of single-minded dedicationOverfocusing on work can lead to isolation and burnout, causing regret later in life. Balance is essential for overall well-being.

      The speaker's intense focus on his work led him to sacrifice personal relationships and experiences, causing him to feel isolated and burnt out. This single-minded dedication began after a series of events in 2011, including a friend's death and the retirement of key team members. The speaker became increasingly obsessed with his work, justifying his neglect of other aspects of his life and even separating himself from loved ones. This linear focus provided him with a sense of purpose, but it came at a great cost. Looking back, the speaker wishes he had retired sooner and allowed himself more balance, acknowledging that there is more to life than just work.

    • Personal experiences of addiction to painkillersRecognize when coping mechanisms become harmful and address root causes instead of masking symptoms.

      Individuals may use various ways to cope with challenges in their lives, some of which can become detrimental in the long run. The speaker in this conversation shares his personal experience of dealing with physical pain and injuries through the excessive use of painkillers for an extended period. He admits that he didn't realize the addiction he had developed until he ran out of the medication and felt the pain again. This conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and recognizing when coping mechanisms become harmful. It also emphasizes the need to address the root causes of challenges instead of masking the symptoms.

    • Unexpected resistance during a missionTeamwork, experience, and quick decisions are essential in unpredictable military situations. Prioritize safety and adapt to unexpected challenges.

      Encountering unexpected resistance during a mission can lead to chaotic and dangerous situations. The fortified compound described in the discussion was a formidable opponent, with enemies prepared and waiting in ambush. The team encountered heavy gunfire and explosives, making it difficult to advance and complete their objective. Despite the orders to keep the target alive, the team found themselves in a life-threatening situation, with no clear way out. The importance of teamwork, experience, and quick decision-making became crucial in such a high-pressure environment. Ultimately, the team had to prioritize their own safety and retreat from the situation, unable to complete their mission as planned. The unexpected challenges they faced serve as a reminder of the unpredictability of military operations and the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

    • Surviving a High-Pressure SituationStay calm, assess the situation, and take bold action when necessary to survive in high-pressure situations

      In high-pressure situations, quick thinking and decisive action are crucial for survival. The speakers in this discussion found themselves trapped with an enemy PK directly behind them, and the only escape route was to run through the enemy's alley. They were under heavy fire and had limited resources, but they didn't give up. They sent an overpressure charge, launched grenades, and executed a real-world flea flicker to distract the enemy and make their escape. Despite the danger and chaos, they managed to get out, but not without injuries and close calls. This experience highlights the importance of staying calm, assessing the situation, and taking bold action when necessary.

    • Severe TBI leaves speaker strugglingA traumatic brain injury can cause debilitating symptoms and require extensive medical attention, affecting one's ability to function normally and remember important information.

      The speaker experienced severe head injuries during a deployment, resulting in traumatic brain injury (TBI) with symptoms including memory loss, disorientation, and photophobia. Despite previous concussions, this injury was significantly different and debilitating. The speaker was unable to function normally, struggle to remember important information, and even forget the names of loved ones. The injury was so severe that it affected his ability to perform his duties and required extensive medical attention. The experience left him feeling lost and confused, struggling to regain control of his life. It's important to note that TBIs can have long-lasting effects and require proper medical attention and support.

    • Mental health crisis and the importance of open communicationRecognizing signs of mental health issues, communicating openly, and seeking professional help can prevent a crisis from escalating.

      The speaker was experiencing a mental health crisis, feeling suicidal and disconnected from reality. He was consumed by obsessive thoughts and struggled to communicate his feelings to those around him. His wife, sensing something was wrong, reached out to his employer who intervened and helped him seek professional help. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of open communication and the need to address mental health issues before they reach a critical point. Despite having a seemingly perfect life, he felt isolated and believed he was the only one experiencing these issues. The experience of sensory overload and feeling like he was losing touch with reality were signs of anxiety and panic attacks, which he didn't recognize at the time. Seeking professional help and learning about mental health conditions saved him from further despair.

    • A life-changing medical experience at NikeDespite initial reluctance, a comprehensive medical treatment at Nike saved the speaker from major surgeries due to various conditions. The facility's empathetic care, including acupuncture, helped address work-related symptoms and improve overall health.

      The speaker's experience at Nike for medical treatment was a life-changing experience that saved him from a potentially devastating condition. Despite initial reluctance due to the perceived distraction of being away from work, he was diagnosed with various conditions including concussion, operator syndrome, and TVI related ocular dysfunction. The facility's comprehensive approach, including acupuncture and other treatments, helped him recover and avoid major surgeries. The staff's empathy and understanding of his military background may have contributed to their exceptional care. The speaker's excessive phone use and fear of missing work were symptoms of his condition, which the facility helped him address. Overall, the experience taught him the importance of taking care of his health and letting go of unhealthy work habits.

    • The Cost of an All-Consuming CareerAn unchecked career obsession can lead to personal destruction, strained relationships, and physical/emotional pain. Prioritize balance for overall well-being.

      An unchecked ego and relentless pursuit of work can lead to personal destruction and strained relationships. The interviewee shares his experience of sacrificing his family life for his career, leading to deep resentment and regret. He describes his obsession with work as all-consuming, pushing away his attachments to his wife and children. This single-minded focus ultimately resulted in physical and emotional pain, including a debilitating fibromyalgia diagnosis. It's crucial to strike a balance between professional and personal life to maintain overall well-being.

    • The destructive power of escaping realityOver-reliance on external activities as an escape from internal struggles can lead to isolation, unhappiness, and unfulfillment in both personal and professional life.

      The speaker's intense focus on escaping his pain and reality through skydiving led to a destructive separation from his family and ultimately contributed to his unhappiness and misery. Despite the initial relief he found in this new hobby and community, it ultimately became an unhealthy escape from the challenges and responsibilities in his personal life. The speaker's addiction to this escape left him feeling isolated and unhappy, unable to find fulfillment or joy in either his work or personal life. This experience highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional pursuits, and the potential dangers of using external activities as a means to avoid facing internal struggles.

    • Personal experiences as wake-up callsRecognize the importance of prioritizing health over fear of vulnerability, and listen to medical professionals.

      Our experiences, no matter how exciting or seemingly insignificant, can serve as wake-up calls that reveal important truths about ourselves and our lives. The speaker shares a harrowing story of a skydiving accident that left him with a dislocated shoulder and the realization that certain medications he had been taking for years could have potentially caused a stroke mid-air. Despite the pain and fear, he pushed through and sought help, ultimately discovering the importance of listening to medical professionals and prioritizing his health over his fear of revealing his vulnerability to others. This experience served as a reminder to him to be more mindful of his body and the impact of the medications he was taking.

    • Ignoring warnings can lead to severe injuriesListen to experts, respect limitations, prioritize safety over ego to avoid injuries and complications.

      Underestimating one's limitations and ignoring warnings can lead to serious injuries. The speaker shared an experience of dislocating his shoulder during a skydiving jump and attempting to hide his injury, only to face more complications and surgeries. His ego got the best of him, leading him to ignore advice and push himself beyond his capabilities. The consequences were severe, including multiple surgeries, infections, and a long rehabilitation process. This story serves as a reminder to listen to experts, respect one's limitations, and prioritize safety over ego.

    • Unexpected complications after surgery leave patient in dire situationDespite facing physical challenges, it's crucial to seek help and support for emotional well-being.

      Even after undergoing a successful surgery, things can take an unexpected turn. In this case, the patient received a nerve block incorrectly, leading to paralysis of his throat, voice box, tongue, and right lung. This experience left him in a dire situation, leading to conversations about suicide with his wife. Despite going through rehab and starting the medical retirement process, the patient's situation continued to worsen. However, he eventually found relief through a specialized rehab program that helped him regain strength and improve his overall health. Despite feeling great physically, the patient still struggled with the emotional toll of his situation and ultimately sought help at a neuro-behavioral ward. This experience serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it's essential to seek help and support when needed.

    • Unexpected transformations from hitting rock bottomExperiencing isolation and pain at rock bottom led the speaker to discover art therapy and skateboarding, which became essential in his recovery process.

      Hitting rock bottom can lead to unexpected transformations. The speaker, a veteran dealing with addiction, was stripped of his medications during a hospital stay and was forced to detox. He was left in isolation for seven days, experiencing intense physical and emotional pain. However, this experience led him to discover art therapy and eventually, skateboarding, which became crucial in his recovery process. The Red Cross even snuck him out of the hospital to buy a skateboard and start his first project. This unexpected turn of events helped him cope with his anxiety and depression, and provided a newfound sense of purpose. Though the journey was difficult, the speaker found solace in creativity and the support of those around him.

    • Fostering Personal Growth and ResilienceThrough various means, including art therapy and passion projects, individuals can foster personal growth and resilience during challenging times. Maintaining mental and physical health and replacing negative experiences with positive ones are essential.

      Personal growth and resilience can be fostered through various means, even during challenging times. The speaker's experience in an inpatient detox program helped him develop effective pain management techniques and led him to create Tribeskates, an art therapy outlet. However, retirement from his career brought new challenges, including financial struggles and depression. Despite these hardships, he found solace in his passion for skating and ultimately achieved a world record in skydiving. Through it all, he emphasized the importance of maintaining mental and physical health, and finding ways to replace negative experiences with positive ones.

    • Unexpected accident during skateboard hobby leads to severe injuriesSkateboard hobby, though dangerous, can provide therapy, but always double check equipment before use to prevent accidents

      The speaker found solace and therapy in the dangerous and dangerous hobby of fracture burning skateboards, but an unexpected accident during Father's Day resulted in severe injuries. The speaker was burning paddles for an EOD unit when a friend brought over unsanded boards, causing a confusion that led to the speaker's machine being plugged in instead of the sander. The resulting electric shock left the speaker with injuries, including a shattered collarbone, and a near-death experience. Despite the danger and the accident, the speaker continued to find therapeutic value in the hobby, but with increased caution.

    • A man's remarkable will to survive despite severe injuriesDespite severe injuries and potential death, the human will to survive and maintain composure can be extraordinary. Deep breathing techniques can help keep one alive until help arrives.

      Even in the face of severe injury and potential death, the human will to survive and maintain composure can be remarkable. The speaker in this narrative was electrocuted and suffered numerous injuries, including a broken collarbone and shoulder, yet he managed to maintain his composure and attempt to drive himself to the hospital, despite knowing something was seriously wrong. However, his condition worsened, and he became blind and unable to move. Despite this, he used deep breathing techniques to stay alive until help arrived. The doctor's diagnosis was that his body was producing enzymes that could turn his muscles into mush and cause septic shock if not removed. This near-death experience underscores the incredible resilience of the human body and the importance of maintaining a calm and focused mind even in the most dire circumstances.

    • Determination and Resilience After a Skydiving AccidentDespite severe injuries, the speaker began rehab the next day and returned to skydiving with new safety measures, demonstrating determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

      The speaker experienced a near-fatal skydiving accident which left him with severe injuries and uncertainty about his future in the sport. Despite the doctor's initial prognosis, the speaker's determination and resilience led him to begin his rehab the very next day and eventually return to skydiving with new safety measures in place. The incident served as a reminder of the risks involved in the sport, but also reinforced the speaker's passion and commitment. The medical mystery surrounding his survival added to the sense of uncertainty and adversity, but ultimately, he refused to let the accident define him and instead chose to push forward.

    • The destructive power of deceit and egoDeceit and ego can lead to the loss of relationships, personal happiness, and even professional success. Prioritize honesty and loyalty to loved ones.

      Letting ego and deceit take control can lead to the destruction of relationships and personal well-being. The speaker's decision to cheat on his wife and prioritize toxic relationships over his family resulted in the loss of his team, his retirement, and ultimately, his happiness. Despite his wife's unwavering support and their eventual journey to healing together, the speaker's dishonesty and the weight of his secrets kept him from fully recovering. The experience served as a defining moment of self-reflection and a reminder of the importance of loyalty, honesty, and prioritizing loved ones over personal desires.

    • Sharing emotions leads to collective healingEmotional burden from keeping feelings bottled up can hinder personal growth. Sharing traumas and emotions with others leads to collective healing and relief.

      Keeping emotions bottled up can lead to significant emotional burden and hinder personal growth. The speaker's experience with Ayahuasca ceremony revealed the importance of sharing traumas and emotions with others, as it led to collective healing and relief. The inability to share his own emotions left the speaker feeling isolated and burdened, leading him to contemplate drastic measures. The experience emphasized the importance of open communication and vulnerability, especially for those who may be dealing with deep-seated traumas. The act of acknowledging and sharing emotions can lead to significant relief and growth, and not doing so can lead to further suffering.

    • Psychedelic therapy leads to emotional purging and revelations, but consequences can be devastatingExperiencing emotional purging and enlightenment through psychedelic therapy can have profound effects, but the consequences of past actions and returning to everyday life can lead to devastating consequences.

      The speaker's experience with psychedelic therapy brought about intense emotional purging and a profound sense of connection, but also led to the discovery of his infidelities being exposed by his wife through hacking into his social media accounts. The therapy provided a feeling of invincibility and a desire to share the experience with others, but the consequences of his actions ultimately resulted in devastating consequences for his marriage. The speaker's business partners had similar experiences, but their outcomes varied. The therapy provided a sense of enlightenment and a feeling of having a secret, but the reality of returning to everyday life and the consequences of past actions proved to be a harsh reminder.

    • Redemption and Growth from Rock BottomEven in the darkest moments, there's always a chance for redemption and growth, leading to stronger bonds with loved ones.

      Hitting rock bottom can lead to a turning point in life, even after making terrible mistakes and causing significant pain to loved ones. The speaker in this story, after contemplating his past regrets and contemplating suicide, was unexpectedly confronted by his wife. Instead of ending in tragedy, the encounter led to a heartfelt reunion, where his sobriety and commitment to change were recognized. Since then, he has dedicated himself to making amends and proving himself worthy of his family's forgiveness, resulting in a stronger bond with them. The experience serves as a reminder that there's always a chance for redemption and growth, even in the darkest moments.

    • The importance of loyalty and trust in relationshipsAcknowledge mistakes, express gratitude, and rely on support systems to make things right in relationships, especially after infidelity.

      Loyalty and trust are essential in any relationship, and the breach of those can lead to profound regret and pain. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges his mistakes and the harm he caused to his partner. He expresses his gratitude for her resilience and his determination to make things right. He also emphasizes the importance of having a support system, especially during challenging times. The conversation sheds light on the common theme of infidelity in the military community and encourages openness and communication to prevent unnecessary suffering. The speaker's advice for those transitioning out of the military is to remember that they didn't accomplish anything alone in the military and that they should continue to rely on their team for support during the transition process.

    • The importance of open communication and commitment to excellenceCommunicate openly, stay committed, have a support system, stay true to values, and add a 'PS' to cover letters for increased chances of success.

      Open communication and a commitment to excellence are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success, even in the face of adversity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a support system and checking in with each other during difficult times. He also stresses the significance of being fully committed to one's career, especially in high-stakes fields like military operations, where half-hearted efforts can be dangerous. The speaker's reflections on his own experiences underscore the importance of staying true to one's values and doing one's best, even when faced with hardships. Additionally, he shares a practical tip for job seekers, suggesting that adding a "PS" to a cover letter can increase its chances of being read.

    Recent Episodes from Shawn Ryan Show

    #119 Sheriff Mark Lamb - Fixing the Border Crisis & Defending the Constitution

    #119 Sheriff Mark Lamb - Fixing the Border Crisis & Defending the Constitution
    Mark Lamb is an author and Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona. Lamb spent his early life as a missionary to South America and through his work, developed a strong faith and love of the United States. He then began his exceptional career in law enforcement that has carried him from being an officer, promoted to detective and later elected as Sheriff. Lamb helped foster community policing and transparency in his county via the hit series "Live PD," a show that follows law enforcement live. Often coined as "The American Sheriff," Lamb is nationally recognized and is now running for U.S. Senate. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://babbel.com/srs https://hvmn.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Sheriff Mark Lamb Links: IG - https://www.instagram.com/americansheriff X - https://x.com/sherifflamb1 FB - https://www.facebook.com/americansheriff Campaign - https://sherifflamb.com Foundation - https://www.americansherifffoundation.com Book - https://www.amazon.com/American-Sheriff-Traditional-Values-Modern/dp/1734805390 Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJuly 01, 2024

    #118 Nick Irving - "The Reaper"

    #118 Nick Irving - "The Reaper"
    Nick Irving is a New York Times bestselling author and former Sergeant and Sniper with the Special Operations unit, 75th Ranger Regiment 3rd Ranger battalion. Nicknamed "The Reaper," Irving has 33 confirmed kills in a single, three and a half month deployment. His authored works include: The Reaper and Way of the Reaper, hit thriller novel Reaper: Ghost Target and Reaper: The Board. Irving also starred in the FOX reality TV show American Grit.  Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://moinkbox.com/shawn https://mypatriotsupply.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Nick Irving Links: Book - https://a.co/d/gCmhu9c IG - https://www.instagram.com/officialreaper33 X - https://x.com/irving_nicholas FB - https://www.facebook.com/officialreaper33 Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 24, 2024

    #117 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - CIA Propaganda & Information Manipulation

    #117 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - CIA Propaganda & Information Manipulation
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an author, attorney, activist and 2024 Presidential Candidate. Kennedy is known for his family's long history of public service and his dissenting opinions that circle the rigid "Left" and "Right" view points. Kennedy has spent many years "fighting corrupt government agencies" and corporations alike. He has won environmental cases against dozens of municipalities and corporate giants like General Electric and ExxonMobil. Kennedy also co-founded the WaterKeeper Alliance, the world's largest nonprofit devoted to clean water, protecting 2.7 million miles of waterways. He is now running for President in 2024 and pledges to "end the forever wars, clean up government, and increase wealth for all." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://helixsleep.com/srs https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://blackbuffalo.com https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Links: Campaign - https://www.kennedy24.com X - https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr IG - https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr FB - https://www.facebook.com/rfkjr TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@teamkennedy2024 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ewc5vQcMpLticvqPDcSQw Store - https://merch.kennedy24.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    #116 Sarah Adams (AKA Superbad) - CIA Targeter Tracks Down #1 Enemy of Benghazi Attacks

    #116 Sarah Adams (AKA Superbad) - CIA Targeter Tracks Down #1 Enemy of Benghazi Attacks
    Sarah Adams (call sign: Superbad) is a former CIA Targeting Officer and author of Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy. Adams served as the Senior Advisor for the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi. She conducted all-source investigations and oversight activities related to the 2012 Libya terrorist attacks and was instrumental in mitigating future security risks to U.S. personnel serving overseas. Adams remains one of the most knowledgeable individuals on active terrorism threats around the world. Get Sarah's intel briefing via the newsletter: https://shawnryanshow.com/pages/newsletter Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://babbel.com/srs https://shopify.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Sarah Adams Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahadams IG - https://www.instagram.com/askarimediagroup Website - https://askarimediagroup.com Book - https://www.amazon.com/Benghazi-Know-Enemy-Sarah-Adams/dp/B0BHMV2Q8S Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon

    #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon
    Tucker Carlson is an American journalist, commentator and host of the Tucker Carlson Network. He is most widely known for his 2016 - 2023 stint as host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, an extremely popular political Fox News show. Carlson's long career in media is marked by both critical acclaim and criticism. His expression of alternative view points shook the industry and mesmerized viewers. Carlson continues to carry on his mission with the Tucker Carlson Network, which aims to "build an alternative to legacy media...that empowers us to do our job without fear." Tucker and his team pull no punches in stating "It’s time they stopped hiding the truth from you. We’ll expose them together." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tucker Carlson Links: Network - https://tuckercarlson.com X - https://x.com/TuckerCarlson IG - https://www.instagram.com/tuckercarlson FB - https://www.facebook.com/tuckercarlsonTCN Store - https://store.tuckercarlson.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 03, 2024

    #114 Tim Parlatore - The Weaponization of 3 Letter Agencies

    #114 Tim Parlatore - The Weaponization of 3 Letter Agencies
    Tim Parlatore is a former Naval Officer and founder of Parlatore Law Group. He has represented Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher and President Donald Trump, among many other high profile cases. In this episode, Shawn and Tim discuss the falling recruitment rates of the U.S. Military and the current outlook for the armed forces as a whole. They also discuss the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ and how the country will look post the 2024 election. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://expressvpn.com/shawn Tim Parlatore Links: Website - https://parlatorelawgroup.com Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/timparlatore IG - https://www.instagram.com/parlatorelawgroup Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 30, 2024

    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons

    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons
    Tim Gallaudet is a retired Navy Admiral and Oceanographer. Gallaudet's afloat tours included Oceanographic Unit 5 aboard USNS Harkness, USS Peleliu, and USS Kitty Hawk. During these tours, Gallaudet served in Operations Southern Watch, Provide Promise, Sharp Guard, Deny Flight, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He also led management of the nation’s fisheries, coastal resources and waterways, weather satellites, weather services, and environmental research as Deputy Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Today, he is the CEO of Ocean STL Consulting, a firm that is enabling public and private entities to explore USOs (unidentified submerged objects) and the ocean at large. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://bubsnaturals.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tim Gallaudet Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rear-admiral-tim-gallaudet-phd-us-navy-ret-b18185149 Ocean STL Consulting - https://www.oceanstl.com X - https://x.com/gallaudettim IG - https://www.instagram.com/gallaudettim Podcast - https://www.coastalnewstoday.com/curator/adm-tim-gallaudet Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release

    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release
    This is a special Memorial Day weekend message from Host Shawn Ryan. God Bless our fallen heroes and God Bless the United States of America. Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

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    >Join Jocko Underground<

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    Listen to this episode to learn more:

    [00:00] - Welcome notes and Kyle’s introduction

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    “We’re resilient, and we adapt to it. When we’re wearing the basic training, when we’re in the crack, when we don’t have sleep for a week, we learn how to lead and motivate ourselves each and every day.” 

    “The number one motivator for employees is recognition and appreciation.” 

    “Organizations need to focus on training managers how to recognize and appreciate their employees to keep them motivated.”

    “There are differences in how to motivate and recognize different personality types on a team. Leaders need to understand individual needs.”

    “A key to empowering others as leaders is understanding their capabilities and supporting them to lead in a way that fits their strengths.”

    “What is the number one thing that makes a great leader? Someone who is always looking to replace themselves.”

    “Leaders that create followers, anybody can do that. That’s not hard to do. But helping somebody see the potential that’s in them, drawing that out, and setting them up for success, not just today, but 5, 10, 20 years from now. That is a fantastic leader.”

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    Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz - https://jeffscheetz.com/

    E173 - Embrace The Suck - Brent Gleeson

    E173 - Embrace The Suck - Brent Gleeson

    Today you’ll hear life and business lessons from a high performing entrepreneur and former Navy SEAL. From tough lessons learned on the battlefield to reinventing himself and building successful businesses, today’s episode is jammed packed with actionable knowledge.

    • 0:20 - Meet Brent Gleason, a former Navy SEAL turned successful serial entrepreneur and bestselling author.
    • 03:40 - What embracing the suck means as an entrepreneur and business leader. 
    • 4:50 - Discover the story behind how Brent was inspired to become a Navy SEAL. 
    • 11:20 - Hear about Brent’s first combat mission as a SEAL and how a picture of Muhamid Ali showed up during the mission. 
    • 24:28 - Next, Brent shares how he mentally prepared himself for a successful transition from the military to becoming a civilian entrepreneur. 
    • 30:43 - Brent shares the mindset and strategies he used to grow and scale a digital media based company despite having zero technological background or experience.
    • 34:08 - Bedros asks Brent a tough question about why some people have a truly hard time understanding and accepting constructive feedback.
    • 34:30 - Brent shares why he created his best selling book “Embrace The Suck” and tells how it’s different than the majority of other self help books. 
    • 54:48 - David Goggins endorses Brent’s book and Brent shares when they first met while serving as Navy SEALS. 
    • 59:40 How to dive deeper into Brent, his story and his resources available for Entrepreneurs. 

    "Don’t just accept adversity or accept pain and suffering but lean into it. Be intentional in the fine art of expanding your comfort zone. " - Brent Gleeson

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