
    418: Keep Your Eyes on That Target Because That's Where It's Happening. With Mark Coch "Cochiolo""

    enDecember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Surround Yourself with Positive InfluencesChoose friends wisely, emulate good examples, and reject negative influences to become the best version of yourself.

      The people we surround ourselves with significantly influence who we become. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, shared his experience of being shaped by the diverse individuals he encountered in the SEAL teams. He emphasized that we are the average of our five closest friends and that the people we work with, especially during our formative years, leave a lasting impact on us. Jocko highlighted the importance of emulating good examples and rejecting negative influences. He shared a personal story about a SEAL named Mark "Coach" Cocciolo, who left a positive impact on him as a young, motivated new recruit. Mark's positive attitude and dedication to his craft set an excellent example for Jocko and others. Overall, Jocko's message emphasizes the importance of choosing our friends wisely and learning from the positive influences in our lives.

    • Growing up with simple joys despite adversityThroughout his life, the speaker found happiness in simple experiences and persisted through challenges to pursue his passions

      Despite growing up in challenging circumstances, the speaker found joy in simple experiences and discovered passions that shaped his future. He spent his childhood in a rural area without much money, chasing horses and swimming in the ocean. His family later moved to a dangerous neighborhood in San Jose, California, where they faced new challenges. However, these experiences didn't deter the speaker from pursuing his interests, such as taekwondo and photography. He eventually joined the Navy to pay for college and follow his passion for photography. Throughout his life, the speaker's ability to find joy in everyday experiences and persevere through adversity has been a defining characteristic.

    • Unexpected tasks in military boot campMilitary boot camp presented unexpected challenges beyond physical demands, teaching the importance of adaptability and persistence.

      Military boot camp was a surprising experience for the speaker, as it was not as challenging as he had anticipated. Instead, he encountered unexpected tasks like folding clothes and other seemingly mundane activities. However, during boot camp, he learned about the UDT SEAL program, which piqued his interest due to its physical demands and exciting aspects like jumping from airplanes and shooting guns. Despite his initial desire to join actively, his mother wisely insisted he join as a reservist first, which turned out to be a smart decision as many young recruits struggled to keep up. The speaker eventually managed to join actively by not showing up for reservist duties, but the process was lengthy and involved various trainings and waiting periods. Throughout this journey, the speaker's determination and drive to become a SEAL never wavered.

    • A transformative experience filled with highs and lowsDespite the extreme challenges, individuals who complete BUDS training feel a deep sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.

      BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training, also known as "hell week," is a challenging and transformative experience. It's a time of survival and evolution, filled with highs and lows. People often describe it as the worst time in their lives that they'll ever miss due to its purity and the sense of accomplishment it brings. During this training, individuals face various obstacles, such as freezing temperatures and physical challenges, like swimming with hands and feet tied. Some people may struggle more than others, but everyone is encouraged to never quit during an evolution and to focus on their goals, like seeing the sunrise or making it to the next meal. Despite the difficulties, many people make it through, motivated by their determination and the support of their team. The experience of hell week is unique and can be a life-changing event for those who go through it.

    • Overcoming Limits in SEAL TrainingLearning from experiences and adapting to new challenges are crucial in SEAL training, as there's no one-size-fits-all approach to success.

      The SEAL training experience, particularly during Hell Week, tests the limits of individuals, proving not only their physical toughness but also their ability to adapt and navigate the system. While information is more accessible now, the instructors continue to challenge trainees in new ways. The importance of learning from every experience and avoiding set training habits was emphasized, as there are many ways to succeed and no one method is the only way. The speaker shared his personal experience of overcoming challenges in BUDS and becoming an instructor to improve training methods. Despite the difficulties, the ultimate goal is to produce better SEALs, shaking off initial molds and instilling good habits from the start.

    • Military training focused on mental toughnessDuring military training, mental resilience and adaptability were prioritized over nutrition and hydration.

      During military training, such as BUDS, nutritional information and hydration were not prioritized as much as they are today. Instead, mental toughness and the ability to perform under pressure were emphasized. The speaker shared an experience of swimming underwater with a Jaws theme song playing and being hit repeatedly, which he found amusing and manageable. He also mentioned failing pool comp the first time due to an instructor's prank, which could have had serious consequences but didn't. The speaker noted that 2nd phase was more focused on tactics and less on actual training, while 3rd phase on the island was like "hell week with a gun." Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of mental resilience and adaptability in military training.

    • BUDS training: Adapting to unexpected challengesBUDS training teaches individuals to adapt, recognize signs of blacking out, and apply basic tactical principles to solve problems in various environments

      BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training prepares individuals for problem-solving in various environments by teaching them to adapt and figure things out, even when faced with unexpected challenges. The training, which includes learning to hold breath for extended periods, can be applied to various situations, such as urban environments where SEALs have provided security. Even though breathing techniques can be improved, the real value comes from learning to recognize and push through the signs of blacking out, which is a crucial skill in high-pressure situations. The training also emphasizes the importance of an open mind and the ability to apply basic tactical principles to solve problems in different environments.

    • Applying problem-solving mindset to various situationsSEAL teams' success stems from their adaptability to apply fundamental tactics to any problem, demonstrated through their key leader engagement training and obstacle loading mentality.

      The SEAL teams' ability to solve complex problems comes from their training to adapt and apply fundamental tactics to any situation. This was demonstrated through their key leader engagement training, where they applied the same problem-solving mindset to meeting with village leaders instead of engaging in combat. This mentality, known as obstacle loading, was used extensively in World War 2 and requires teamwork, coordination, and the ability to identify and overcome challenges. The SEAL teams' experience in overcoming obstacles in challenging environments, such as the surf zone, further reinforces their problem-solving skills. Despite the glamorized portrayal of their missions, the reality is that they face numerous challenges and must work together to find solutions. As the focus on underwater warfare decreased during other conflicts, the SEAL teams had to adapt and maintain their problem-solving skills through other means. Overall, the SEAL teams' success comes from their ability to approach problems with a solution-focused mindset and work together as a team.

    • Learning from Challenging EnvironmentsEffective problem-solving and continuous learning are crucial for success in challenging environments. By discovering and applying fundamental tactics, individuals and units can adapt and succeed in various situations.

      Effective problem-solving and continuous learning are essential for success in challenging environments, such as military training. During their training, individuals encounter various obstacles and learn valuable lessons through experience. For instance, they might discover the importance of waterproof signaling devices or long tow ropes during nighttime operations. Over time, they apply these fundamental tactics and build upon their knowledge. This mentality of peeling back layers and getting to the core principles is what makes units like Breachers, snipers, and JTACs so effective. Even after graduating from rigorous programs like BUDS, individuals continue to face new challenges and adapt to changing circumstances. In the case of the Iranian conflict, new recruits were deployed to fill gaps and faced the realities of combat. Regardless of the specific situation, the ability to learn, adapt, and apply fundamental tactics is crucial for success.

    • Emphasis on self-reliance in Navy SEALs trainingIn unstructured environments, adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience are crucial for success.

      During the speaker's time in the Navy SEALs, there was a greater emphasis on self-reliance and figuring things out on your own. Training was minimal, and if you didn't pass certain tests or accomplish tasks within a certain timeframe, you were out. This created a sense of urgency and necessity to learn and adapt quickly. However, in modern times, SEALs are given more resources and structured training, which while beneficial, may be missing the element of self-starters and problem-solvers. The speaker shared an experience of a deployment to Palau where his platoon got into trouble with the locals, resulting in a ban for life from the island. Upon returning, they were interrogated over alleged misconduct, which led to a prolonged period of studying and waiting for clearance to go home. This experience highlighted the importance of adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

    • Military experiences shaped characterThe speaker's military experiences, including camaraderie and adapting to strict rules, significantly impacted his character and sense of determination.

      The speaker's experiences in the military, specifically in his first platoon in the Philippines and later on a ship deployment, shaped his character and sense of determination. The speaker describes the camaraderie and freedom he experienced during his first platoon, which made him want to stay in the military. Later, during his ship deployment, he learned to adapt to strict rules and find creative ways to maintain his freedom. Despite the challenges, the speaker looks back on these experiences with fondness and sees them as formative in his personal growth.

    • Unexpected career advancements from stepping upVolunteering for unexpected tasks can lead to career advancements and opportunities, even in unusual circumstances.

      Being ready and willing to step up when needed can lead to unexpected opportunities and advancements in one's career. The speaker shares an experience where he was unexpectedly promoted to 1st lieutenant and deployed twice in a short period due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite being in training cell and not wanting to be there, he was the first to volunteer when the need arose. His readiness and eagerness to deploy impressed his superiors, leading to further opportunities and advancements. The experience also involved an unusual mission during a coup in the Philippines, where they had to figure out how to extract the president using an inflatable duck, demonstrating the importance of being adaptable and resourceful in challenging situations.

    • Unexpected injuries and external factors can disrupt emergency plansStay prepared and flexible in high-pressure situations, unexpected injuries and external factors can occur and impact emergency plans.

      The interviewee's team was prepared and trained to handle various emergency situations, including underwater rescues and combat jumps, but sometimes unexpected injuries or external factors could disrupt their plans. During one mission, the interviewee himself got injured and was unable to participate in the platoon's deployment to Subic Bay due to the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Despite the setback, the team remained focused and adaptable, handling the unexpected ashfall and making the best of the situation. The experience underscores the importance of being prepared and flexible in high-pressure situations.

    • People's reactions to a volcanic eruption ranged from shock to resilienceAmidst a volcanic eruption's destruction, people found ways to adapt and socialize, even military units had to adjust and wait for clear instructions

      During a major volcanic eruption, people's reactions ranged from shock and awe to adaptability and resilience. The speaker recounted experiencing a powerful earthquake followed by a volcanic eruption, which caused widespread destruction and made it difficult to navigate due to fallen trees and ash. Despite the danger, people continued to socialize and even held makeshift parties. When the sun rose the next day, the landscape had drastically changed. The military, which was supposed to be worldwide operational, was grounded due to the dust damaging jet engines. The unit was eventually moved to Guam, where they had to clear ash off buildings and wait for further instructions. The speaker, who was the current operations petty officer at the time, stayed in Guam for two years before the unit was moved there. Despite the challenges, they managed to adapt and carry on with their duties.

    • Building relationships and offering guidance in challenging environmentsForming connections with individuals, regardless of background, can significantly impact team performance and create a positive presence. Mentoring and teaching younger team members can foster growth and improve overall team dynamics.

      Building strong relationships and providing guidance to others can significantly impact their growth and development, especially in challenging environments. The speaker shared his experience of leading PT sessions and forming connections with various individuals during his deployment, including bartenders, bouncers, and even the local SWAT team. These relationships proved beneficial, as they helped the SEAL team navigate the unfamiliar terrain and establish a positive presence. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of mentoring and teaching younger team members, drawing on his own experiences of learning from others and wanting to become a better SEAL. He acknowledged that he could have been a better mentor at times but remained committed to helping his teammates improve and fostering a positive attitude within the platoon. Overall, the speaker's anecdotes illustrate the power of building relationships and offering guidance to others, particularly in high-pressure situations. By investing time and energy into forging connections and supporting the growth of those around them, individuals can create a strong and effective team that thrives in even the most challenging environments.

    • The importance of teamwork and empathyEffective teamwork requires understanding, commitment, and a shared sense of purpose. Treat team members as family and offer guidance instead of frustration when faced with challenges.

      Having a strong team dynamic and ensuring everyone contributes is crucial for success. The speaker shares an experience from his military days where the absence or lack of readiness from a team member was met with frustration and anger. However, with age and maturity, he learned the importance of approaching the situation with empathy and guidance. He emphasizes that team members are not just colleagues but family, and everyone plays a role in keeping each other alive and achieving their goals. The speaker also mentions the influence of his trainers, who were veterans, and the sense of camaraderie that lasted for years. In essence, the speaker's message is that teamwork requires commitment, understanding, and a shared sense of purpose.

    • Importance of staying positive during adversityMaintaining a positive attitude can help overcome adversity and build relationships, even when faced with initial hostility or challenging situations.

      Maintaining a positive attitude, even in challenging situations, can help you overcome adversity and build relationships. The speaker shared his experience of being hated by a coach during military selection due to his overly positive attitude. Despite the initial hostility, the speaker worked hard to win over the rest of the cadre and survive the grueling selection process. This experience taught him the importance of staying positive and persevering, even when faced with adversity. Additionally, the speaker mentioned his involvement in personnel indicted for war crimes operations during a time of conflict, which was a significant and unique experience.

    • Choosing the right weapon for home defenseConsider the specific needs and capabilities of the individual when choosing a home defense weapon. A 9mm AR platform is a practical option due to its accuracy, low recoil, and California legality with modifications. Avoid potential risks of using a shotgun, such as need for accurate aiming and over-penetration.

      While low-visibility operations may involve using civilian vehicles and clothes, the weapons used can be quite different. For home defense, the speaker suggests that an MP5 submachine gun could be effective due to its high rate of fire and reliability. However, he acknowledges that few people are familiar with the manual arms of the MP5 and that learning to use it could be a challenge. A more practical option, according to him, would be a 9mm AR platform, which is more ergonomic, shoots accurately with low recoil, and can be made California legal with a longer barrel and compensator. He also emphasizes the importance of considering the potential risks of using a shotgun for home defense, such as the need for accurate aiming and the potential for over-penetration. Overall, the speaker recommends considering the specific needs and capabilities of the individual when choosing a home defense weapon.

    • Effective Home Defense StrategiesHaving the right tools, knowing the right techniques, and being mentally prepared are crucial for effective home defense.

      For effective home defense, a long gun with a red dot sight and a sling is a more practical choice compared to a pistol, especially for those who may not be experienced shooters. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared and having the upper hand in a potentially dangerous situation. He also shares his experience of shifting his focus from military training to teaching civilians self-defense skills. The speaker explains that in a home defense scenario, one should collapse back on the weakest or least mobile individual's room, hold there, call the police, and be prepared to defend oneself if necessary. He emphasizes that one-man CQB (Close Quarters Battle) may not be optimal and that clearing the entire house is not always necessary. He also mentions that he shares his knowledge freely through videos on Tactical Hive, aiming to help regular Americans become better prepared for self-defense situations. The speaker's focus is on teaching point shooting, which is different from traditional target shooting methods. Overall, the key takeaway is that being prepared for home defense involves having the right tools, knowing the right techniques, and being mentally prepared to defend oneself and one's loved ones.

    • The importance of continuous training for effective handling of dynamic and dangerous situationsContinuous training is essential for individuals in high-stress professions like law enforcement to effectively respond to dynamic and dangerous situations. Increasing training hours could significantly improve their ability to handle challenges and protect the public.

      Effective training is crucial for individuals, especially those in high-stress professions like law enforcement, to handle dynamic and dangerous situations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous training, as opposed to the limited training hours currently allotted, which significantly impacts their ability to respond effectively. He uses the example of marksmanship training for police officers, highlighting the stark difference between SEAL teams' intensive training and the limited training hours for law enforcement. The speaker believes that if police officers were given just 20% of their time for training, they would be significantly better equipped to handle the challenges they face. He emphasizes that failing to prioritize training not only puts police officers at a disadvantage but also puts the civilian populace at risk. The speaker passionately advocates for increased training hours, believing that the investment in well-trained officers is worth the cost.

    • Staying Prepared: Effective Training and AwarenessEffective training and heightened awareness are vital for preventing and managing dangerous situations. Proper handling and understanding of weapons, as well as access to knowledgeable resources, are essential for those new to gun ownership.

      Effective training and situational awareness are crucial for preventing and managing potentially dangerous situations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of drilling basic protocols and maintaining a heightened sense of awareness to avoid becoming an easy target. He also highlights the need for proper handling and understanding of weapons, as well as the importance of having access to knowledgeable resources for those new to gun ownership. The lack of these elements can lead to dangerous situations and negative outcomes. By focusing on these areas, individuals can better protect themselves and those around them.

    • Empowering Individuals to Defend ThemselvesLipsey's initiative provides special edition guns with holsters, lights, and instructional materials, aiming to encourage more responsible gun ownership and confidence in self-defense

      The armed citizenry plays a crucial role in reducing crime, as law enforcement cannot be everywhere at once. To facilitate this, a company called Lipsey's is planning to release special edition guns, complete with holsters, lights, and instructional materials, making it easier for civilians to purchase and use firearms effectively. This initiative aims to empower individuals to defend themselves, while also reducing the confusion and hassle often associated with purchasing and using gun accessories. By providing a comprehensive package and educational resources, Lipsey's hopes to encourage more Americans to become responsible gun owners and feel more confident in their ability to protect themselves and their families.

    • YouTube Algorithm and Content OptimizationFocus on creating engaging and informative content for the YouTube algorithm, while optimizing titles, descriptions, and thumbnails can help increase views and reach.

      Creating engaging content and optimizing video elements, such as titles, descriptions, and thumbnails, significantly impacts the performance of videos on YouTube. The initial audience reaction and viewing duration contribute to the algorithm, leading to wider audience reach. However, the creator's focus should primarily be on producing high-quality content and providing valuable information. The speaker mentioned struggling with the YouTube algorithm despite having a large subscriber base and receiving fewer views on recent videos. They also discussed the importance of trademarks and branding in their new YouTube channel, "PFI coach." The conversation touched on various topics, including firearms instruction, home defense, and collaborations with artists. Overall, the key takeaway is that while the YouTube algorithm can be complex, the most important aspect for content creators is to focus on producing engaging and informative content.

    • Former Steadicam operator turned sword makerA former Steadicam operator, Nick Cocchiilo, turned his passion for making armor into a successful business creating intricate swords and selling belt jewelry.

      A former Steadicam operator named Nick Cocchiilo, who is two years younger than the speaker, gained notoriety for his ability to cleave a pig in one go using his handmade samurai sword. During his time in the Society For Creative Anachronism, he started making his own armor and eventually transitioned into making swords as a full-time business. Nick sells his beautiful works of art to customers and makes a living through belt jewelry sales. The speaker mentioned their plans for a collaboration with Nick and shared a personal story about their experience on September 11th, which led their group to deploy to Bosnia and later Afghanistan. During one mission, they encountered a miscommunication that resulted in a failed operation and a crash landing for another team. Despite the challenges, Nick's perseverance and craftsmanship have led him to success in creating intricate swords and armor.

    • Unexpected challenges in high-pressure situationsNo matter how well we plan, unexpected challenges and risks are inevitable. Staying adaptable, resourceful, and focused on the present moment can help us navigate through unforeseen circumstances and overcome adversity.

      Even in high-pressure, life-threatening situations, things can go wrong unexpectedly. The speaker in this story was part of a helicopter mission where they landed on the wrong target, and he ended up falling off the roof of the building and surviving with injuries. Despite his preparation and training, he encountered unforeseen circumstances that put his life at risk. The incident serves as a reminder that no matter how well we plan, there are always uncertainties and risks that we cannot eliminate entirely. It's essential to remain adaptable, resourceful, and focused on the present moment to navigate through unexpected challenges. The speaker's quick thinking and ability to communicate with his team saved his life and allowed him to eventually return to the States for medical treatment. Ultimately, the experience taught him the importance of staying calm under pressure and trusting in his ability to overcome adversity.

    • Mission during Gulf War: Encountering Challenges and Completing the TaskDuring high-risk missions, resilience and adaptability are crucial for overcoming challenges and completing the task successfully.

      During the Gulf War, a special operations team was stationed far north in Saudi Arabia, conducting deep penetrating missions to potential WMD sites while conventional forces were engaged further south. The team encountered intense fire during one mission, resulting in damage to their helicopter and injuries to one crew member. Despite these challenges, they completed their mission and were able to return safely with the help of backup helicopters. The Huey helicopters used in the Vietnam War, which had fewer technological advancements, were known for their durability and the pilots' willingness to push them to their limits in combat situations. The team's experience highlights the importance of resilience and adaptability in high-risk missions.

    • Disregarding army protocol in high-pressure situationsBreaking rules can lead to success but also carries risks and potential negative consequences.

      Disobeying army doctrine in a high-pressure situation, such as rescuing wounded soldiers in a hostile environment, can lead to unintended consequences. The story shared involves a helicopter pilot who disregarded army protocol and landed in a hot LZ despite the absence of a gunship for support. The pilot sustained injuries and was later criticized for his actions, but was ultimately not prosecuted due to the successful outcome of the mission, which resulted in the rescue of several wounded soldiers. However, the cost was high as one of the rescued soldiers died during the flight back to base. The incident serves as a reminder that while breaking rules can sometimes lead to success, it also carries risks and potential negative consequences. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the differences between military helicopters, with the Huey being smaller and more agile but less expensive, and the Blackhawk being larger, more expensive, and better armored.

    • Rescuing Jessica Lynch: Brave Military OperationDuring a dangerous mission to rescue Jessica Lynch, soldiers pressed on through gunfire, coordinated with marines, and successfully rescued her within six minutes. Despite challenges, they continued their mission and demonstrated bravery and determination.

      During a military operation to rescue Jessica Lynch, a US soldier, the team faced intense gunfire but chose to press on despite the danger. They coordinated with marines as a decoy and successfully rescued Lynch within six minutes of finding her. The operation was a success, but the team faced challenges, including clearing buildings and finding Lynch in the right room. After the rescue, the team continued their mission, searching for weapons of mass destruction and returning home. For the soldier involved, the experience led to difficult decisions about his future in the military, including the need for surgery and considering retirement. Overall, the operation demonstrated the bravery and determination of the military personnel involved in rescuing Lynch.

    • Speaker's influence on SCAR program selectionSpeaker's advocacy for FN SCAR's lack of buffer tube led to its selection over other rifles, allocating resources for production and addressing issues, resulting in a reliable 7.62mm military rifle.

      The speaker played a significant role in the development of the SCAR (Special Operations Combat Assault Rifle) program by advocating for the selection of the FN SCAR over other contending rifles due to its lack of a buffer tube, which was crucial for military use in water environments. This decision led to the elimination of other rifles and the allocation of resources towards the next phase of the SCAR program, resulting in the production of a modern, reliable 7.62mm rifle for widespread military use. The speaker's involvement in the acquisitions and weapons testing process was instrumental in identifying and addressing issues with the SCAR, ultimately making it a valuable addition to the military arsenal.

    • Military bureaucracy's importance for communication, spare parts, and system integrationAdapting to military bureaucracy's rigidity led the speaker to discover unconventional methods for improving physical and mental performance post-retirement, including functional strength training, active release therapy, and cognitive development.

      While the efficiency level of military bureaucracy can be frustrating for those used to the agility of the private sector, it is necessary to ensure seamless communication, spare parts availability, and integration of systems across the organization. The speaker, having experienced this firsthand, learned to adapt and seek out unconventional methods to improve physical and mental performance after retirement. From explosive testing of Humvee armor to working with coaches like Joe Hepingsteel and Ben Patrick, the speaker's journey involved a combination of functional strength training, active release therapy, and cognitive development to overcome injuries and address the lingering effects of explosive exposures. Ultimately, the speaker's experience underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in overcoming challenges and continuing to grow, both personally and professionally.

    • Reflecting on aging and memory lossStay positive, embrace new tools and technologies to maintain physical and mental health, and extend longevity.

      As people age and face the challenges of memory loss or physical decline, it's essential to adapt and learn new ways to improve overall well-being. The speaker shared his experience of running into an old friend, Keith David, and feeling frustrated about forgetting his face and name. However, he acknowledged that everyone experiences memory loss and emphasized the importance of staying positive and making the most of available resources. The speaker also highlighted the advancements in nutrition, physical training, and technology that can help individuals stay in top shape and increase their longevity. He mentioned the importance of being smarter about training methods and recovery techniques, such as using a shift wave chair for active meditation and relaxation. The speaker's conversation with a clinical psychiatrist at Tulane University led him to try this new technology, which has helped him manage stress and improve his overall well-being. The speaker's message is clear: it's essential to stay open to new ideas and tools that can help us age gracefully and maintain our physical and mental health. By embracing new technologies and approaches, we can improve our quality of life and extend our longevity.

    • Exploring Unique Experiences and Wellness PracticesA harmonious relationship thrives on contrasting perspectives, with one partner embracing unique experiences and wellness practices, while the other remains logical and grounded.

      The speaker had an enlightening experience with a device called a Shiftwave, which provides a unique sensation akin to skydiving. He also mentioned his wife's use of various wellness practices, including a far infrared sauna, crystals, and guided meditations, particularly those with ASMR elements. The speaker's left-brained logical nature contrasts with his wife's right-brained openness, creating a harmonious relationship. Before retiring from the military, he put in for a warrant package and was sent on a year-long deployment, during which his wife had to manage on her own with the help of her wellness practices.

    • Naval Career Transitions: From Aide to InstructorA former Navy Warrant Officer discussed his diverse roles, from aide to instructor, sharing unique experiences, turning points, and personal growth.

      The speaker, a former Navy Warrant Officer, shared his experiences of filling in various roles within the Navy, from being an aide to running war commands, to becoming a BUDS instructor. Throughout his career, he had unique experiences, from high-fiving his colleague in the hallway to learning how to teach and making a difference as an instructor. A significant turning point came when the Navy introduced the idea of anchor teams, and the speaker decided to retire instead of being sent abroad for four years. As an instructor, he and his team introduced changes to improve the training experience, focusing on having instructors with strong teaching skills and reversing the class schedule to optimize learning. The speaker's career in the Navy was filled with various roles and experiences, leading to personal growth and making a positive impact on others.

    • Training and instruction improve shooting skillsEffective training and instruction can help even struggling shooters improve, with a focus on consistent practice, mental focus, and combat shooting techniques.

      Effective training and instruction can significantly improve shooting skills, even for those who initially struggle. The instructors at BUDS recognized that everyone has the potential to learn, and they implemented a system of consistent practice, corrections, and remediation to help trainees overcome challenges. They also recognized the importance of mental focus and the ability to perform under pressure. By providing a supportive learning environment and pushing trainees to reach their full potential, the instructors were able to produce exceptional shooters, many of whom outperformed the more experienced members of the team. The emphasis on combat shooting and the use of techniques to move and shoot while using cover were also key components of the training program. Overall, the instructors' dedication to teaching and their belief in every trainee's ability to succeed led to remarkable results.

    • Retired Navy SEAL shares firearms knowledgeA retired Navy SEAL, with 30 years of experience, now teaches shooting skills through Practical Firearms Instruction, emphasizing gun proficiency and malfunction correction in high-pressure situations. He focuses on portable and reliable gear and aims to make valuable information accessible to all.

      The interviewee, a retired Navy SEAL with an impressive 30-year career, is now sharing his extensive knowledge of shooting and firearms through Practical Firearms Instruction, a website and Instagram account. He emphasizes the importance of being able to employ a gun and correct malfunctions in high-pressure situations. Portability and reliability are key factors when it comes to choosing the right gear. The interviewee spent 16 years training SEALs and has recently shifted his focus to teaching individuals and groups. His goal is to make valuable information accessible to anyone, regardless of their financial situation or availability. He's currently working with Smith & Wesson and will be attending their grand opening soon. The interviewee's dedication to sharing his expertise and prioritizing essential skills makes his instruction an invaluable resource for those interested in firearms and self-defense.

    • Choosing the Right Firearm for Self-Defense: Reliability, Portability, and AdaptabilityA self-defense strategy involves reliable, portable firearms, adapting to different threats, mastering muscle memory, and continuous learning.

      Self-defense and preparedness involve a combination of various factors, including the right tools, understanding threat levels, and proper training. Mark Cocciolo, a retired Navy SEAL, emphasizes the importance of reliability and portability when choosing a firearm. He also believes in adapting to different situations and threat levels by carrying appropriate guns. Furthermore, he stresses the importance of muscle memory and neural pathways in mastering the use of firearms through consistent practice. Cocciolo is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and breaking down barriers to gun ownership, especially for new gun owners. He's also exploring new ventures, such as commando bands and pistol-caliber carbines. Overall, his message is about being prepared and committed to continuous learning and improvement.

    • Never too late to get back in the gameRegain mobility and strength through consistent effort and patience, even when faced with challenges. Small decisions and habits can lead to transformative changes over time.

      No matter where you are in life or how broken you may feel, it's never too late to get back in the game. Whether it's through physical rehabilitation or making better lifestyle choices, the human body and mind have the incredible ability to adapt and make progress. The speaker shares his personal experience of being unable to do overhead squats due to an injury, but through consistent effort and patience, he was able to regain mobility and strength. He encourages everyone to not give up, even when faced with challenges, and to keep fighting to get back on track. Additionally, small decisions and habits can have a significant impact on our lives, and making positive choices can lead to transformative changes over time.

    • Embracing PVC pipe decisions for growthPrepare for setbacks, make positive changes in fitness, leadership, and nutrition, and support American-made companies for personal growth and global impact.

      Every decision we make influences the trajectory of our lives. Some decisions may require us to take a step back and start over, but these moments, or "PVC pipe decisions," can lead to significant growth and progress. It's essential to prepare for these opportunities, like a "def reset," and make positive changes in areas like fitness, leadership, and nutrition. By doing so, we can set ourselves on a better path and make a difference in our lives. Additionally, supporting American-made companies, like OriginUSA, is a way to make a positive impact on the world and avoid contributing to harmful practices.

    • Symbols and signs trigger motivation in communitiesWearing symbols or signs of communities can boost motivation, while being prepared and making quick decisions in critical situations is crucial. Explore resources like clothing subscription services, books, podcasts, and YouTube channels for inspiration, education, and support.

      Wearing certain symbols or signs, like the x flag or a deaf core flag, can trigger a sense of readiness and motivation among individuals who identify with that community. This was observed during interactions at events and airports. The speaker also mentioned the importance of being prepared and making quick decisions in critical situations, as demonstrated through a personal experience. Additionally, the discussion touched on various resources such as clothing subscription services, books, podcasts, and YouTube channels, which can provide inspiration, education, and support for individuals looking to improve themselves and their lives. The speaker emphasized the importance of taking action and getting involved in these communities and resources to see positive changes.

    • Impacting Lives through Giving during the HolidaysGiving the gift of development and growth during the holiday season can significantly impact children's lives. Programs like Warrior Kids and leadership consultancy services from Echelon Front, as well as personal learning platforms and charities, offer opportunities for positive impact.

      During the holiday season, giving the gift of development and growth to children can significantly impact their lives. The Warrior Kids program, with its accompanying flag and book, is an example of this. It not only helps children become more focused and capable, but it also encourages them to take action in emergencies. Echelon Front, on the other hand, offers leadership consultancy services for businesses, helping align leadership around combat-proven principles to increase profitability, efficiency, and relationships. For individuals, extremeownership.com provides a platform to learn these leadership principles, applicable to any situation, regardless of age or position. Additionally, several charities, including Mama Lee's America's Mighty Warriors, Heroes and Horses, and Beyond the Brotherhood, aim to help veterans and their families. Overall, the message is about making a positive impact, whether it's through personal growth, leadership, or charitable giving.

    • Appreciating unsung heroesRecognize and appreciate the sacrifices of military personnel, first responders, and other essential workers.

      There are countless unsung heroes working tirelessly behind the scenes to protect and serve our communities and countries. These individuals, including military personnel, first responders, and other essential workers, often go unnoticed in the digital world, but their contributions are invaluable. As Jocko and Carrie emphasized, it's essential to keep our focus on the essential tasks at hand and appreciate the sacrifices these individuals make every day. So, let us remember to express gratitude to those in uniform around the world and to our first responders, who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

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    “We’re resilient, and we adapt to it. When we’re wearing the basic training, when we’re in the crack, when we don’t have sleep for a week, we learn how to lead and motivate ourselves each and every day.” 

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