
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Significance of Soup in Slimming WorldDiscover the cultural importance of soup in Slimming World, learn about unique soup terminologies from Wales and Scotland, and gain inspiration for your next homemade soup creation.

      This episode of the podcast is all about soup, specifically focusing on the concept of "Super Saturday" in the context of Slimming World. The hosts, Claire and Anna, discuss various types of soup and its significance in their personal lives and cultures. They share some Welsh and Scottish terminologies related to soup and enlighten listeners with historical facts. The episode is perfect for those who are preparing soup at home or planning their meals for the week. The hosts' relaxed and conversational style makes listeners feel like they're sitting on a park bench with them, sharing stories and recipes. So, whether you're a soup lover or just looking for some inspiration for your next meal, tune in to this episode of the Slimming World Podcast.

    • Discover the many benefits and memories of soupSoup is a versatile, comforting, and nutritious food that can enhance meals and improve health. Whether for weight loss, hydration, or fond memories, there's a soup for every occasion.

      Soup is a versatile, comforting, and nutritious food option that can provide various benefits, from weight loss to hydration. However, not all soup experiences are positive, as some can leave unpleasant memories. Despite this, many people have fond memories of soup and even consider it a "magic bullet" for weight loss due to its filling and quick nature. Some soups can be easily replicated, while others are unique and unforgettable. Regardless, soup is a great way to stay hydrated and add more nutrients to your diet. Whether you're in the mood for a light and refreshing broth or a hearty and filling stew, there's a soup for every occasion. So, whether you have a love-hate relationship with soup or have fond memories of it, give it another try and discover the many ways it can enhance your meals and your health.

    • Discovering the Delights of SoupSoup is a versatile and nourishing meal with endless variations, from classic to unique combinations, using various ingredients like carrots, potatoes, butternut squash, leeks, tomatoes, and more. It can be made on the stove or in a soup maker, and can range from simple to complex.

      Soup can be a simple, quick, and comforting meal, and there are countless variations to suit different tastes and dietary needs. Carrots and potatoes are popular ingredients, but people also enjoy butternut squash, leeks, and tomatoes. Soup can be made in a pot on the stove or in a soup maker, and it can be as simple as canned beans and tomatoes or as complex as a homemade vegetable and spice blend. Some people find comfort in classic soups like tomato or chicken noodle, while others enjoy trying new combinations. Ultimately, soup is a versatile and nourishing food that can be enjoyed by everyone.

    • Exploring the versatility and inspiration of soupSoup offers comfort and nourishment using leftovers or simple ingredients, with endless possibilities from mac and cheese-inspired sauces to traditional Scottish cockaleekie soup. Embrace 'bottom of the fridge soup' or 'Bitza Soup' for using up small quantities of ingredients.

      Soup is a versatile and inspiring dish that can be made using leftovers or simple ingredients. Whether it's a mac and cheese-inspired sauce or a traditional Scottish cockaleekie soup, soup offers comfort and nourishment. The discussion also highlighted the concept of "bottom of the fridge soup" or "Bitza Soup," which encourages using up small quantities of ingredients. For those who prefer written recipes, there are resources available such as the new soup book from Slimming World. The episode also explored the history and cultural significance of soups like cockaleekie and Welsh cauliflower and horseradish. Overall, soup is a delicious and convenient meal option that can be easily customized to personal preferences and dietary needs.

    • The cultural significance of food, particularly soupFood, especially soup, holds deep cultural significance, brings people together, and creates cherished memories through unique textures and flavors.

      Food, particularly soup, holds deep cultural significance and brings people together. The speaker shared her personal connection to Jewish chicken soup, which is a comforting and nutritious dish that is enjoyed in various situations. The soup's recipe has been passed down through generations, and it brings warmth and healing. The texture of soup is a matter of preference, with some preferring it chunky and others smooth. Different soups have unique textures that suit them, such as minestrone, which is best enjoyed chunky. Adding ingredients like rice, pasta, or vegetables can enhance the soup's flavor and texture. Overall, food, especially soup, is a powerful connector that brings people together and creates cherished memories.

    • Exploring Delicious Soup Options in Slimming WorldEnhance soups with thickeners, herbs, and oats. Add carbs like potato wedges or baps for fillingness. Try new veggies for excitement.

      Creating delicious and satisfying meals within the Slimming World diet doesn't have to be boring or limiting. The discussion highlighted various ways to enhance soups, such as adding thickened cauliflower, horseradish, mint sauce, or even oat dumplings. For those who prefer carbs with their soup, a potato wedge or a healthy extra bap with cheese can serve as tasty and filling soup accessories. Additionally, experimenting with different vegetables, like sweet corn and chilli, can add excitement to your meals. Remember, the key is to get creative and enjoy the process of finding new ways to make your favorite dishes work within the Slimming World plan.

    • The Experience of Enjoying SoupSoup's enjoyment goes beyond the food itself, with the bowl, accessories, and method of consumption contributing to the overall experience. Clear and thick soups have distinct flavors, and their consumption dates back to ancient civilizations.

      The experience of enjoying soup goes beyond just the food itself. The bowl, accessories, and method of consumption can add to the overall experience. For instance, Bill prefers drinking his soup from a large cup without a spoon. There's a difference between soups, stews, and broths based on their stickiness. Soups can be classified into clear and thick varieties, and can be consumed hot or cold. Clear soups and thick soups have distinct flavors, and there's a rich history behind the consumption of soup, with evidence dating back to 6000 BC. The most popular soup variety in the UK is tomato soup, but there are also sweet and cold soup options. The consistency of soup can lead to different classifications, with clear soup becoming thicker and eventually turning into stew or broth. The earliest evidence of soup consumption dates back to ancient civilizations, and soups continue to be a popular and versatile food choice around the world.

    • Warm dishes bring joy and satisfactionEnjoying warm foods like ramen and soup can bring joy, regulate body temperature, and aid in weight loss. Savoring these dishes over an extended period enhances the experience.

      Food, specifically warm and comforting dishes like ramen and soup, can bring joy, satisfaction, and even help regulate body temperature. The speaker shares personal experiences of enjoying ramen in Japan and the warmth that soup provides during long walks or cold days. They also mention how soup helped them during night shifts and aided in weight loss. The speaker appreciates the textural changes and the ability to savor these foods over an extended period. Whether it's a posh flask or a simple thermos, having a hot meal on hand can make all the difference in one's day.

    • Discover the benefits of soup for consuming vegetables, but remember to vary types and add proteinsSoup is a filling way to consume veggies, vary types, add proteins, make large batches, and hide veggies in creamy dishes

      Soup is a great and filling way to consume vegetables, but it's important not to overdo it and vary the types. Adding proteins like lentils, beans, and peas can make the meal more satisfying. Making large batches and freezing extra servings can save time and money. Blending vegetables in soup is generally fine, but avoid juicing them. Labeling soups can help keep track of ingredients. Low-sin canned soups can be a good alternative when cooking isn't an option. If a soup contains cream, it may not be ideal for weight loss. For those who don't like traditional soups, hiding vegetables in creamy dishes like mac and cheese can be a good way to introduce them to the meal.

    • Making soup exciting and comforting with simple ingredients and spicesUse pre-chopped veggies, spices, and matching flavors to make soups easily and affordably. Invest in quality ingredients and tools for best results.

      Making soup, even from simple ingredients like cauliflower cheese, can bring excitement and comfort. To make soup easily, consider using pre-chopped vegetables from supermarket packets. Don't underestimate the power of spices in enhancing soup flavors. Matching flavors, such as turmeric with parsnips and paprika with peppers, can elevate your soup creations. Shopping during yellow label seasons or using canned goods can also help save money. A well-stocked pantry and a good tin opener are essential for convenient and stress-free soup making. While using ready-made soups or canned goods is not a sin, it's important to invest in good quality ingredients and tools to enhance your soup experience.

    • Explore your passion for soup with Slimming WorldTry new soup recipes, connect with others, and share experiences using the Slimming World app or Instagram handle @swimmingworldpodcast for inspiration and motivation.

      Slimming World is encouraging listeners to explore their passion for soup and try new recipes, whether they are members or not. Over the next seven days, they invite everyone to get inspired by using the Slimming World app or website, which offers a variety of soup recipes. They also encourage sharing pictures and experiences on Instagram using the handle @swimmingworldpodcast. The goal is to enjoy the soup-making process, stay warm, and feel full with the "speedy soup power." So, take this opportunity to try new soup recipes, connect with others, and share your experiences. Happy soup-making!

    Recent Episodes from Slimming World Podcast

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    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home
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    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
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    228: Let's Talk Men's Health

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    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food

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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan.
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday
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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It
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    Read more about the latest Slimming World research here: https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/overcoming-setbacks/

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    224: Keep On Running!

    224: Keep On Running!
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    Plus, Anna and Clare have a little announcement to make about Slimming World sponsoring this year's Race For Life events!

    Interested in signing up to a Race For Life event? Find out more here! https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/race-for-life/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions.
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend
    Slimming World’s Mr Sleek 2024, Mark Marsden, joins Anna and Clare to share how he changed his mindset around food, his confidence and his life for the better – so he can enjoy the food he loves (like burgers and chips!) and lose weight.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know
    Slimming World and Diabetes UK have joined forces... and both can help if you have type 1, type 2 or prediabetes. Anna and Clare chat to two special guests – Slimming World dietitian Carolyn Pallister and Stephanie Kudzin, nutritionist at Diabetes UK – to find out how.
    For specialist information and advice on all aspects of living with diabetes, call the Diabetes UK helpline on 0345 123 2399. To find out your risk of type 2 diabetes, visit

    If you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World and the support we offer people living with diabetes, head to slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Read about how Food Optimising can help you manage type 2 diabetes here: slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/slimming-world-and-diabetes-uk-partnership/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions. Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    221: Fitness...With Benefits

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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    This week Anna and Clare meet the newly crowned Miss Slinky 2024 - Leanne Hemming! We find out how she lost over 7 stone with Slimming World and how she's managing to keep the weight off with healthy new habits.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    For 6 people:
    4lbs of beef shoulder. It’s cheap and fatty and needs to be cooked for several hours - and then it’s delicious.
    A few strips of bacon cut into small pieces.
    Carrots cut into small rondelles.
    Button mushrooms.
    A handful of shallots, cut into small pieces.
    A bottle of red wine from the Languedoc.
    Laurel, thyme, parsley, salt, pepper, and/or whatever you have hanging out in the pantry. 
    Brown the bacon quickly in a big pot then throw in the beef and brown it in the bacon fat. Add the wine and all of the other ingredients and bring to a boil then reduce to the lowest heat possible and let everything simmer for approximately 4 hours. Be cool. Relax. It’s a plat en sauce. 
    If you need a thicker sauce, you can add a dash of flour or cornstarch (gluten-free) in the middle of the cooking process but it’s not really necessary. 

    Find Us Online
    Website: https://www.parisundergroundradio.com/cheztoi
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parisundergroundradio
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parisundergroundradio/

    Host: Caroline Conner https://www.parisundergroundradio.com/carolineconner; Website: www.winedinecaroline.com, www.lyonwinetastings.com
    Host: Emily Monaco https://www.parisundergroundradio.com/emilymonaco; @Emily_in_France. Website: http://www.tomatokumato.com, http://www.emilymmonaco.com
    Producer: Jennifer Geraghty https://www.parisundergroundradio.com/jenniferfoxgeraghty; @jennyphoria; Website: http://jennyphoria.com

    Music Credits
    Theme music by “A Night Alone” by TrackTribe

    About Us
    Maybe the best thing to come out of lockdown is the surge in creativity of our home-cooked meals. The Chez Toi podcast wants to take these meals one step further and pair your new creations with the perfect wine and most complementary cheese. Hear from the home cooks themselves as they describe the dish and its inspiration.
    Then, wine expert Caroline Conner and cheese expert Emily Monaco will work their magic to show you how a simple recipe can be transformed from an every day at-home experience into a gourmet meal chez toi. 

    If you have a recipe you would like to contribute, please email hello@ParisUndergroundRadio.com. We would love to hear from you!

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Find Arash on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/shredhappens/

    Find Kaizen pasta here (use code POUNDTHIS to save your 20%): https://kaizenfoodcompany.com/ 

    Find more info on Arash, including his cookbook here: https://shredhappens.net/



    If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis


    In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport and West Chester: https://www.cleaneatz.com/


    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/

    Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

    Season’s Eatings

    Season’s Eatings

    As a new season begins and our second season ends, get ready to “fall” in love. The arrival of autumn welcomes a medley of hearty roots, good gourds, and herbal farm harvests. From the OBX, Chris starts off with helpful advice on when to shop for pumpkins, butternut, acorn, and carnival squash. Then, she and Brooke spice it up with perfect fall pairings – chard with nutmeg, pears with star anise, and more. (02:21) Speaking of which, Brooke gives a rundown of our featured autumn recipe: Purée of Caramelized Onion and Sweet Potato Soup. Need we say more? The delicious, sage-infused dish is easy to make and only gets better when topped with crème fraîche and toasted pepitas. (03:44) Also known as pumpkin seeds, pepitas steal the show again! This Just Simply… Cuisine recipe building block never fails as a garnish for autumn and winter soups, veggies, pastas – or simply eaten by the handful. (07:12) Later, our co-hosts share some handy kitchen tricks, including a tip to fix soup that’s too thick (try saying that three times!). (10:32) As the seasonal theme continues, the ladies break down the art of “concept cooking” and the fruits of this ingredient-based philosophy, seen through the eyes of their children. (14:07) Before breaking to give us more goodies in Season 3, Chris and Brooke reflect on their fun-filled weekend together playing “refrigerator roulette” in the JSC kitchen. Spoiler alert: it ends with a mighty frittata! (17:43)

    For recipes and more, including information about our cooking classes and monthly newsletter, Sage Advice, visit justsimplycuisine.com and follow us on Instagram.

    Many thanks to our sponsor:



    [Episode 12]