
    189 Matthew Hussey on the Secret to Attracting Your Dream Relationship

    enJune 15, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Lessons from Declining Reality TV OfferMatt Hussey learned valuable lessons from declining a reality TV offer, including the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on personal growth.

      Matt Hussey is not just a dating expert, but a wealth of information and experience in personal development, relationships, business, and psychology. He has reached over 10 million people online and helped thousands in person. During this interview, he shared insights that apply to various aspects of life, not just romantic relationships. Despite being offered a spot on the reality show "Ready for Love," Hussey declined due to concerns about being typecast as a bachelor. The show was eventually canceled, but the experience taught him valuable lessons.

    • Investing in opportunities, even if they don't pan out, can lead to long-term rewardsInvesting time and effort in opportunities, even if they don't initially succeed, can provide valuable exposure and lead to future opportunities. Building a strong foundation and learning from others can also contribute to greater success.

      Investing time and effort into opportunities, even if they don't initially pan out as expected, can still lead to significant rewards in the long run. The speaker's experience with a canceled prime-time TV show serves as an example. Although the show didn't achieve mass success, it provided the speaker with valuable exposure to key decision-makers, ultimately leading to opportunities such as a radio career. The speaker also emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation and investing time in systems and content, even if success doesn't come immediately. This mindset allowed the speaker to be better prepared when opportunities did arise, ultimately leading to greater success. Additionally, the speaker's research on successful individuals and their businesses serves as a reminder that we can learn from others and apply their strategies to our own ventures.

    • Childhood Impression of America Shaped Dream to Live HereSpeaker's childhood experience in America inspired him to build a successful organization, 'Get the Guy,' which holds events attracting thousands of women, based on authentic connections and meaningful experiences.

      The speaker's experience of visiting America as a child left a lasting impression on him, shaping his dream to live and work there. Despite recognizing the artificiality of some aspects of American culture, he found a sense of belonging and importance here that he didn't feel in his native UK. The speaker's organization, "Get the Guy," holds various events, including one-day seminars for smaller audiences and larger events with up to 1,500 attendees in cities like New York and Los Angeles. The speaker's unique perspective and mission have led to the success of these events, attracting thousands of women. Despite working in a crowded market, the speaker values authentic connections and strives to create meaningful experiences for his audience.

    • Skepticism towards questionable methods in dating and self-help industriesFocus on logical, practical, and tested advice that resonates and is actionable, avoiding vague and cliche platitudes.

      Authenticity and integrity matter in delivering effective and valuable advice, especially in the dating and self-help industries. The speaker shares his experience of being skeptical towards some marketers due to their questionable methods and lack of substance in their advice. However, upon meeting the person he now endorses, he was impressed by their logical, practical, and tested advice that resonated with him and helped him understand why so many people were drawn to their content. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of avoiding vague and cliche advice, and instead, focusing on advice that is actionable, logical, and can be tested for its effectiveness. He admires people like Tim Ferriss for their approach to delivering practical and valuable advice in a market saturated with platitudes and pseudoscience.

    • Emphasizing relatable experiences for credibilityRealistic and relatable experiences build credibility, regardless of gender or relationship status.

      Realistic empowerment is essential for personal growth and effective advice-giving. The speaker, despite being young and unmarried, emphasizes that credibility comes from relatable experiences and genuine understanding, rather than gender or relationship status. He shares his personal experience of misaligned dating advice, having been raised as a gentleman but struggling to apply traditional advice in modern contexts. He found himself resonating with women's frustrations about men's lack of assertiveness and started sharing insights from his own observations and experiences with men. By focusing on realism and shared experiences, he gained credibility and was able to provide valuable advice to women.

    • Bridging the Gap: Women's Small Gestures Encourage Men to ConnectWomen can encourage men to approach them by making small gestures, like asking for a favor, which can make men feel important and valued, increasing chances for meaningful connections.

      Both men and women play a role in initiating connections. Men are often hesitant to approach women due to fear of rejection or discomfort, while women may unintentionally make it harder for men to approach them. To bridge this gap, women can make small gestures, like asking for a favor, which can make men feel important and encouraged to start a conversation. This approach doesn't require women to take on the traditional "guy's role," but rather to use the power of reciprocity to create opportunities for connection. By understanding the psychology behind these dynamics, both men and women can make small adjustments to increase their chances of forming meaningful relationships.

    • Starting conversations with men: Simple requests and group activitiesAsk for help or offer a favor, engage in group activities, or use fun conversation starters to initiate conversations with men and build connections

      Initiating conversations with men can be easier and less intimidating by starting with simple requests or engaging in group activities. For instance, asking for help or offering a favor creates an opportunity for interaction and makes the man feel important. Another approach is to initiate a fun conversation starter, like guessing jobs based on appearances, which can lead to an easy flow of conversation. However, it's essential to remember not to overstay your welcome or monopolize the conversation. Simply create the opportunity, and then allow the man to take the lead and continue the conversation. By following these tips, women can confidently initiate conversations and potentially build meaningful connections.

    • Give each other space to observe and chooseWomen should assess attraction without pressure, men should respect space, and both parties can build confidence and feel chosen for deeper connections.

      In order to effectively connect with someone romantically, both parties need to give each other space to observe and choose. Women should not feel obligated to engage with every potential suitor, but rather take the time to assess their attraction. Men, on the other hand, should respect this space and not overwhelm women with unwanted attention. By creating and recreating space, both parties can build confidence and feel chosen, leading to more meaningful connections. Additionally, it's important to remember that love is not owed to us, and growth and competence are essential in our love lives, just as they are in other areas of life.

    • One-dimensional relationshipsAmbition alone isn't enough to keep a relationship. A well-rounded personality with other qualities like enjoyment of life and spontaneity is crucial.

      Having one defining quality, such as ambition, can be attractive but it's not enough to keep a relationship. The speaker learned this the hard way when his ex-girlfriend broke up with him, revealing that he had become one-dimensional and boring despite his initial ambition. Ambition alone can make someone intriguing, but without other qualities like the ability to enjoy life or spontaneity, it can become unattractive. As Christopher Hitchens once said, "the challenge is in not allowing your strengths to negate themselves." It's essential to remember that having a well-rounded personality is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Neglecting weaknesses can limit our successRecognize and develop unique pairings of strengths and weaknesses to stand out and become more captivating

      We often focus too much on our perceived strengths, neglecting other areas that are essential for a well-rounded and attractive personality. Using the analogy of working out, the speaker explains that just as our weakest link can limit our ability to train other muscles, our over-reliance on a particular strength can hinder our success in other areas of life, such as dating. To be truly captivating, it's essential to find a unique pairing of strengths and weaknesses that make us stand out and become an addiction rather than just an attraction. By recognizing and developing these combinations, we can create a more interesting and dynamic persona that sets us apart from others.

    • The fear of losing unique connections contributes to high divorce rateUnderstanding love and desire, prioritizing effort, communication, and difference between them can help build a strong and lasting relationship.

      Unique and meaningful connections in relationships make us feel rare and valuable, but also make us fear losing those connections. The stigma around divorce has lessened, and people have a greater sense of entitlement, leading to a higher divorce rate. To maintain a successful long-term relationship, it's essential to understand that love and desire are different and require effort. The fear of losing unique connections and the belief that relationships should be effortless contribute to the high divorce rate. To build a strong and lasting relationship, it's crucial to prioritize effort, communication, and understanding the difference between love and desire.

    • Love and desire in relationshipsMaintain personal growth, keep things fresh, and make time for individual pursuits to continue desiring and loving our partners

      In a successful relationship, both love and desire are essential. Love brings us closer and fuels our desire to know and understand our partner. Desire, on the other hand, exists in the space between two people and is what keeps the mystery and excitement alive. To maintain these feelings throughout the years, it's crucial to continue growing and developing as individuals, keeping things fresh and unpredictable, and making time for individual pursuits and experiences to bring new stories and topics to share with each other. As the speaker mentioned, "the journey of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in seeing with new eyes." By focusing on personal growth and maintaining a sense of mystery, we can continue to desire and love our partners.

    • Understanding the Importance of Space in RelationshipsMaintaining space in relationships allows for self-discovery, adaptability, and open communication, ultimately fostering a healthy connection. Overestimating closeness can suffocate the relationship and lead to negative consequences.

      While it's natural to desire closeness and intimacy in relationships, giving each other space is essential for maintaining a healthy connection. The speaker emphasizes that people often underestimate the importance of understanding their partners fully and the negative consequences of suffocating the relationship with too much closeness. Additionally, the speaker raises thought-provoking questions about the evolution and purpose of marriage throughout history and its relevance today, particularly when considering its high failure rate. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-discovery, adaptability, and open communication in navigating complex relationships.

    • Two essential truths about life: Kindness matters and assume constant learningBe kind and embrace learning as essential truths for a fulfilling life. Never stop seeking knowledge and inspire others through acts of kindness.

      Kindness matters and the assumption of constant learning are two essential truths about life. The power of kindness is immeasurable and can make a significant impact on people's lives. It's essential to be kind, even when the world seems harsh, as you never know who is watching and who might be inspired by your actions. Secondly, always operate under the assumption that you don't know enough. Embrace being a learner and never stop seeking knowledge. Life is too short to read all the books you want, travel to every country, or learn every skill, so always be open to new ideas and perspectives. These two truths can guide us in making the most of our lives and leaving a positive impact on those around us.

    • Focus on enjoying the present path in lifeInstead of regretting the paths not taken, find joy in the one we're on and continuously strive for improvement. Humility and continuous learning are key to teaching and educating others effectively.

      Focusing on enjoying the present path in life, rather than dwelling on the paths not taken, is essential for living a fulfilling life. It's easy to get caught up in the idea of all the places we want to go and things we want to do, but the reality is that we can only do a select few. The same applies to careers and relationships. Instead of wasting time regretting the paths not taken, it's important to find joy in the one we're on. This doesn't mean we can't strive for improvement or change, but we should focus on enjoying the journey rather than obsessing over the alternatives. I also want to acknowledge the importance of humility and continuous learning, especially when it comes to teaching and educating others. Matt, as an example, embodies this by being ambitious yet humble, and his impact on hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people around the world is a testament to this approach. For those interested in learning more from Matt, he offers resources specifically for women, such as his free guide on the nine texts that can get any man to chase you, available at nine texts.com. For those who identify as men, Matt encourages subscribing to his YouTube channel, Get the Guy Team, or simply searching for Matthew Hussey on YouTube.

    • The importance of humility and seeking knowledge from othersEmbrace humility, learn from those who know more, and share knowledge to inspire greatness

      Greatness lies in the pursuit of continuous learning and improvement, with a focus on looking up to those who know more rather than looking down at those who know less. Matt, a guest on the podcast, emphasized the importance of humility and seeking knowledge from others. He encouraged listeners to connect with him and share their thoughts on the episode. The podcast episode with Matt can be found at LewisHouse.com slash 189, and listeners are encouraged to share the link with others who might find it helpful. The podcast aims to share wisdom from great minds and inspire listeners to apply it in their lives and share it with others. By working together, we can all strive for greatness.

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    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    “Creating, where we can, where we can find the opportunity to create micro-communities within a piece of real estate whether it’s a one multi family building or multiple adjacent. It’s something we think is very special and very important, and also hyper local which is a big part of Ypsilanti and how we hope to continue to work for and with Ypsilanti.”


    Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

    What is something that you’ve been considering that you can contribute to your community? What is one small way that you can encourage somebody else to do something that you know will help within your community, will build something important? How can you support the people that you need to support in order to build a community that’s healthy and caring for eachother? It doesn’t have to have a label, it doesn’t have to be real estate, it doesn’t have to be about homes and properties, it doesn’t have to be about helping people on a scale, as what we’re talking about with Jake and Dylan, but even swapping dough with somebody who has chickens find somebody in your community to contribute, build those relationships and let me know how that goes. 

    And, as always, thank you for listening. 


    About Jake (From Yarrow)

    Jake is devoted to helping people and organizations drive lasting change. As an undergraduate and later an MSW student at the University of Michigan, Jake learned the fundamentals of positive organizational scholarship through his work with Ann Arbor teen center The Neutral Zone and the Ross School of Business’ Center for Positive Organizations. Jake then moved to New York City to pursue a career in social impact real estate. After spending several years growing Transwestern’s nonprofit practice, Jake shifted into a leadership role at OPEN Impact Real Estate, a firm dedicated to helping mission-driven organizations flourish in meaningful spaces. Jake was recognized as one of Commercial Property Executive’s “Stars to Watch” in 2020. He currently lives in Brooklyn with his wife Emily and their assorted plants and vinyl. He also serves on the board of Bloomingdale School of Music.

    Be sure to check out Yarrow! As well as Jake’s LinkedIn


    Please check out the nonprofit mentioned by Jake and if you can make a donation within your means please do so; Mobile Studio Inc!


    Overdose Prevention Model from the FDA

    About Sarah

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

    Be sure to check out the Storytelling For Professionals Course as well to make sure you nail that next interview!

    6. People Pleasing & Self Discovery with Sara Katherine

    6. People Pleasing & Self Discovery with Sara Katherine

    Today we are so excited to have our first ever ReDIScover guest - Sara Katherine! Sara is a People-Pleasing Recovery and Self Discovery coach whose mission is to "help overwhelmed women stop people-pleasing, discover their purpose, and live life guilt-free for putting themselves first."

    During the episode, Sara was able to show us how boundary setting, intuition, and self-care practices can help us cultivate happier and healthier relationships with ourselves and others.


    Connect with Sara:


    Books Mentioned:


    And of course, if you would like to connect with us:




    250: Satisfying Relationships Are A Choice

    250: Satisfying Relationships Are A Choice

    250 Satisfying Relationships Are A Choice

    Sometimes what we want in life are things that may not be the best fit for us, be it a new leadership position and you’re either too bossy or too shy to effectively get the job done, or maybe it’s just a car that doesn’t run as well as we hoped it would. Regardless it is important to be able to keep our companions close in these times due to the valuable insight our inner circle can give us. 


    In this episode Sarah Elkins reflects on the importance of having people in your life who are willing to point out the mistakes you make with compassion, and why it is so necessary to be willing to change for the betterment of the relationships that are held dear. 


    • Being willing to change and being able to flow with change.
    • Choice and Consequences will define how you want to grow.
    • Find people who will call you out when you make a mistake.


    “If you want to be a leader people have to trust you, they have to know you’ll help them without judging them for needing help.”

    “As a leader you have to create an environment where people will see the positive impact of being there.”

    About Sarah Elkins

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


    Interested in No Longer Virtual? Check out the details and register at elkinsconsulting.com/nlv-home


    Show Notes by Chinook Bromlie

    176. How to Find Good Love After Bad with Lily Collins

    176. How to Find Good Love After Bad with Lily Collins
    Today we’re talking about how to build healthy relationships — with ourselves and others — after enduring toxic relationships with both. 1. Signs of emotional toxicity in romantic relationships – and what finally made Lily get out of her unhealthy relationship. 2. How to begin reprogramming your brain after leaving a toxic relationship in order to trust yourself and other people again. 3. The process that caused Lily to become the smallest, quietest version of herself – and how she recovered into her biggest, brightest self. 4. What healthy conflict looks and feels like – and Lily’s new script for communicating when her old triggers arise. CW: eating disorders, emotionally toxic relationships About Lily:  Lily Collins is a Golden Globe nominated actress, author of the international bestselling book “Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets Just Me”, and a philanthropist. Collins can currently be seen in the Netflix series “Emily in Paris,” for which she received her second Golden Globe nomination.Lily launched Case Study Films alongside her husband Charlie McDowell. Lily's philanthropic endeavors extend to participating in various “We Day” events and the GO Campaign. Born in West Sussex, England Collins moved to the United States at age six and currently resides in Los Angeles. TW: @lilycollins IG: @lilyjcollins To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices