
    198: Life is a WAR. Fighting for How You Live. Field Service Regulations FM 100-5 w/ Dave Berke.

    enOctober 09, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • U.S. Army's Foundational Knowledge on Combat Operations in 1941The 1941 U.S. army field service regulations provide essential guidance for commanders on combat operations, showcasing the army's growth and modernization during WW2, and revealing influences from German military doctrine.

      The 1941 edition of Field Service Regulations FM 100 TAC 5 represents a critical historical artifact, as it encapsulates the doctrinal thought of the U.S. army on the eve of America's entry into World War 2. The army was undergoing significant growth and modernization at the time, making up-to-date doctrinal guidance essential. Despite its unassuming introduction, the field service regulations provide the foundational knowledge and experience necessary for commanders to effectively apply combat operation doctrines in various situations. The similarities and differences between this document and the German Troopenfuhrung, which heavily influenced it, offer valuable insights into the development of military doctrine during a pivotal historical moment.

    • Balancing rigidity and flexibility in military operationsEffective military commanders strike a balance between following established procedures and being adaptable to changing situations, emphasizing free creative thinking and scientific grounding to prevent predictable patterns and exploitation by the enemy.

      While having a solid foundation of knowledge and experience in military doctrines is crucial for commanders, rigidly following set rules and methods can limit imagination and initiative, which are essential for successful military operations. Instead, commanders should strive for a balance between following established procedures and being flexible and adaptable in response to changing situations. This concept is highlighted in the military manual "Troop Leadership," which emphasizes the art of war as an activity that requires free creative thinking and scientific grounding. Avoiding inflexible rules and methods helps prevent the enemy from exploiting predictable patterns of operation. It's important to remember that humility, not just confidence, is essential for effective leadership, and admitting when you don't know something doesn't undermine your credibility.

    • Effective coordination of arms and services is crucial for successCollaboration and utilization of unique strengths of all team members or services leads to success

      No single arm or service wins battles on its own. Effective coordination and utilization of all arms and services are essential for success. Each arm or service has unique characteristics and functions, and the higher commander must exploit their powers to achieve the desired ends. This concept, known as the combined arms dilemma, was particularly important during World War 1 when various arms such as infantry, cavalry, artillery, and signal corps were used. For instance, infantry, an arm of close combat, inflicts losses on the enemy and neutralizes their combat power through fire, movement, and shock action. However, its offensive power decreases when its freedom to maneuver is limited or when confronted by an organized defensive position. Therefore, it's crucial to have supporting arms to ensure success. This principle applies to any team or organization, where everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and effective collaboration and utilization of those strengths can lead to success. In essence, no one wins alone, and everyone plays a crucial role in achieving the desired outcome.

    • Enemy uses multiple types of attacks to create a dilemma for opposing forcesThe enemy's use of various types of attacks in quick succession creates a dilemma for opposing forces, forcing them to choose which threat to prioritize and leaving them vulnerable to other attacks.

      The combined arms dilemma in warfare refers to a situation where an enemy forces an opposing side into a predicament where they cannot effectively respond due to the threat of various types of attacks. This was effectively used by the enemy in Ramadi, Iraq, where they would initiate attacks with mortars, forcing coalition forces to seek cover, and then follow up with machine gun fire, rockets, and vehicle-borne IEDs. The enemy's ability to interact with civilians and account for the coalition's normal response made the situation even more challenging. This tactic, known as a combined arms dilemma, can be compared to a triangle arm lock sweep in jiu jitsu, where an opponent is set up to be caught in multiple ways if they defend against one attack. The use of different arms of the military, such as cavalry, infantry, and field artillery, can be effective in setting up a combined arms dilemma for the enemy. However, it can also be a disadvantage when facing it oneself. This tactic requires careful planning and adaptation to effectively counter the enemy's moves.

    • Understanding human nature is key to effective leadershipEffective leadership requires recognizing the balance between individual initiative and group cohesion, understanding human nature to plan operations, and ensuring soldiers' physical and moral readiness.

      Effective leadership in war, as well as in all other areas of life, hinges on a deep understanding of human nature. As the speaker emphasizes, "Leadership is based on knowledge of men." This understanding is crucial for planning operations, leading troops, and training individual soldiers. It's essential to balance individual initiative with group cohesion, as both are necessary for success. Moreover, soldiers must be physically prepared and maintain a high moral standard to endure the challenges of war. Shakespeare's works offer valuable lessons on human nature, and studying them can provide invaluable insights for leaders. The speaker's anecdote about recognizing and empowering a natural leader in chaos underscores the importance of understanding and releasing individual initiative while maintaining group discipline. Ultimately, the physical readiness and moral stamina of soldiers are equally vital for their efficient performance in the field.

    • Leadership through connection and respectEffective leadership in challenging situations arises from individuals imbued with a strong sense of duty, pride, and mutual obligation, fostering positive emotions and better decision-making for better outcomes. Controlling emotions is crucial, and every person's worth and initiative matters.

      Effective leadership in challenging situations comes from individuals who are imbued with a strong sense of duty, pride in their unit, and a feeling of mutual obligation to their comrades. This sense of connection and respect fosters positive emotions and better decision-making, leading to better outcomes than fear or intimidation-based leadership. Additionally, controlling emotions is crucial for success, as losing control often results in negative consequences. The worth of the individual remains decisive in combat, and every person must be trained to exploit situations with energy, boldness, and the understanding that success depends on their initiatives and actions. Ultimately, empowering individuals with these qualities leads to better team performance and overall success.

    • Effective Leadership in High-Pressure SituationsSuperior knowledge, willpower, self-confidence, initiative, disregard of self, humility, fearlessness, boldness, mutual confidence, understanding, concern, caring, authenticity are key traits for effective leadership in high-pressure situations.

      Effective leadership is crucial for success in any team or unit, especially in high-pressure situations like combat. Machine gunners, corpsmen, leaders, and EOD teams all play vital roles, and every team member has the potential to make or break the plan. Leaders must possess superior knowledge, willpower, self-confidence, initiative, and disregard of self, but also humility. Fear and unwillingness to share danger are fatal to leadership, while a bold and determined leader will carry his troops with him. Building mutual confidence and gaining the hearts of the men through understanding their thoughts and feelings and showing concern for their comfort and welfare is essential for effective discipline and accountability. Ultimately, caring about one's team is the most critical aspect of leadership, as authenticity cannot be faked.

    • Building strong relationships with team membersRecognizing unique needs, fostering camaraderie, avoiding unnecessary hardships, and demonstrating consideration build trust and loyalty, leading to better performance and morale.

      Effective leadership in any context, be it military or business, requires building strong relationships with those under your command. A good commander understands the importance of recognizing and addressing the unique needs of each individual, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experience. By avoiding unnecessary hardships and demonstrating consideration, a leader can build trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to better performance and morale. Conversely, disregarding the needs and well-being of your team can lead to resentment and a negative impact on your own leadership reputation. Remember, everyone is watching and taking note of your actions.

    • Supporting others in teams leads to successCommitting to helping and supporting team members fosters camaraderie, improves team performance, and makes us better individuals

      Leading and working in teams, whether in the military or in business, requires a strong commitment to helping and supporting others, even those who may seem weak or struggling. This attitude not only fosters a sense of camaraderie and true teamwork, but also leads to greater individual and collective success. This concept, known as the "Warrior Kid Code," is valuable at any age and can be instilled in children as a crucial lesson for life. Ultimately, by putting the needs of others before our own and lifting up those around us, we not only improve the combat value of our teams, but also become better individuals ourselves.

    • Discipline and compatibility are essential for unit successEffective discipline keeps morale high and prevents failure. Compatibility and minimal changes ensure interoperability and quick integration of new members.

      Both the concept of a strong warrior kid protecting the weak and effective military unit discipline serve as crucial foundations for success. A poorly disciplined unit is more likely to fail in critical moments due to demoralizing events, making discipline the main cohesive force binding members together. A wise commander recognizes the importance of compatibility and minimal changes to unit compositions to foster interoperability and efficient integration of new members. The absorption of new individuals into existing fire teams or sections is more effective than creating new ones, as it allows for quicker understanding and communication among team members.

    • Leadership principles for team morale and unityInspire confidence, set high standards, ensure fair treatment, promote team welfare, take decisive action, prioritize physical fitness for yourself and your team.

      Effective leadership is crucial for maintaining morale and unity within a team or organization. A good leader inspires confidence, sets high standards, ensures fair treatment, and promotes a constant concern for the welfare of their team members. Decisive action is also essential, as a reputation for failure can destroy morale. Physical fitness is often overlooked but plays a significant role in maintaining efficiency and effectiveness. Leaders must prioritize their own fitness and encourage it in their teams to ensure they are at their best to tackle challenges and make informed decisions. The Marine Corps is often highlighted as an excellent example of these principles in action.

    • Importance of physical fitness in leadershipMaintain physical fitness for optimal leadership performance. Prioritize tasks, keep plans simple, and exercise initiative through offensive action to preserve freedom and impose will on challenges.

      Physical fitness is crucial for efficiency and effectiveness in leadership. During challenging times when you can't maintain your normal workout routine, it's essential to prioritize and execute the most important tasks while also recognizing that neglecting physical fitness can hinder your ability to perform at your best. In military operations, the ultimate objective is to destroy the enemy's armed forces, which requires prioritizing objectives, keeping plans simple, maintaining unity of command, and exercising initiative through offensive action. Offensive action allows a commander to preserve their freedom of action and impose their will on the enemy. While defensive actions may be necessary at times, the ultimate goal is to transition back to the offensive as soon as possible. Balancing offense with the ability to maneuver is key to success in any endeavor.

    • Maneuverability and quick response are crucial for successEffective maneuverability and quick response allow for seizing opportunities and responding to changing circumstances, essential for success in various fields including business, sports, and military operations.

      Maneuverability and the ability to act quickly are crucial in various situations, whether it's flying an aircraft, leading a military operation, or competing in business or sports. The slower you can maneuver while still remaining effective is an advantage, as it allows you to respond to changing circumstances and go on the offensive when the opportunity arises. Morale and effective leadership are also essential factors in achieving success, even when facing numerically or technically superior opponents. In business, being defensive can lead to being overrun, so it's important to be poised to strike and seize opportunities. Similarly, in martial arts like jiu-jitsu, going on the offensive can help turn the tables in your favor. Concentrating resources and people at the right time and place is essential for victory, requiring careful planning and economy.

    • Maintaining focus, unity, and surprise for effective military strategyEffective military strategy requires maintaining focus, unity, and surprise through quick execution, adaptability, deception, and humility in recognizing enemy capabilities.

      Effective military strategy involves maintaining focus and unity, avoiding unnecessary distractions or force splits, and achieving surprise through quick execution and adaptability. Command and leadership are inseparable, with the commander ultimately responsible for decision-making and the outcome, even if they seek advice from subordinates. Surprise can be gained through deception, denial of information, and rapid execution. Terrain and methods can also contribute to surprise. Humility is essential in recognizing enemy capabilities and avoiding complacency. Command is the legal authority to lead, while leadership is the ability to inspire and make decisions, with the ability to delegate when necessary.

    • Accepting responsibility in leadershipLeaders must make decisions, accept consequences, support intentions, enable independent action, and communicate clearly to empower subordinate leaders.

      Accepting responsibility is a crucial trait for effective leadership. This means that leaders must be willing to make decisions and accept the consequences, even if they turn out to be wrong. Moreover, subordinate leaders must support the intentions of their higher commanders and make decisions that align with the overall mission. Lack of orders does not excuse inactivity, and leaders must train their teams to act independently when necessary. Decentralized command requires clear communication of intent and parameters to enable subordinate leaders to make decisions and take action in the absence of direct orders. Ultimately, effective leadership involves a willingness to accept responsibility, make decisions, and empower subordinate leaders to act in alignment with the overall mission.

    • Effective communication crucial for successful command and leadershipClear communication of commander's intent, rules of engagement, and parameters is essential. Personal conferences help understand plans and intentions. Commanders should explain decisions to subordinates for understanding and buy-in.

      Effective communication is crucial for successful command and leadership, especially during uncertain and high-pressure situations. The commander's intent, rules of engagement, and parameters must be clearly communicated to subordinates. While unexpected obstacles and mistakes are inevitable, a commander should not let these setbacks discourage them from accomplishing their mission. Personal conferences between commanders and their subordinates can be beneficial for understanding plans and intentions. Contrary to some beliefs, commanders should explain their decisions to their subordinates, encouraging them to embrace and understand the reasoning behind them. The absence of this communication can lead to confusion and ineffectiveness. The German military manual does not advocate for withholding explanations from subordinates. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of clear and open communication for successful command and leadership.

    • Effective communication and assertion of authority in military leadershipClear communication, assertion of authority, and trust are vital for successful military operations and effective leadership in all contexts.

      Effective leadership involves clear communication and assertion of authority. During a discussion about military strategy, it was emphasized that leaders should be able to make decisions and communicate them to their subordinates without lengthy justifications. The bottom line is that leaders are in charge and their subordinates should trust and follow their instructions. This concept was highlighted in a military manual, which stated that all troops assigned to a distinct mission should be placed under one command to function as a task force for the duration of the operation. The importance of this principle was underscored by the observation that in some situations, conditions may dictate that attachments must be made to subordinate commands, but overall, effective commanders should be able to exercise command and maintain the established chain of command. In summary, clear communication, assertion of authority, and trust between leaders and subordinates are essential for successful military operations and can be applied to leadership in various contexts.

    • Stay humble and open-minded for better outcomesMaintaining a humble attitude and being open to different perspectives can lead to effective communication, collaboration, and ultimately, team success in complex tactical situations.

      Maintaining a humble attitude and being open to different perspectives can lead to better outcomes in tactical situations. The discussion emphasizes the importance of focusing on the mission and working together as a team, rather than being overly concerned with personal roles or egos. The commander's estimate of the situation requires quick decision-making and considering various lines of action, while staying aware of the enemy's potential moves. Being humble and adaptable allows for effective communication and collaboration, ultimately contributing to the team's success. The tactical situation is complex and constantly evolving, so staying open-minded and avoiding the ego trap is crucial for making informed decisions and achieving the mission's goals.

    • Flexible leadership in dynamic situationsEffective leaders adapt and communicate clearly in ever-changing environments, inspiring confidence and ensuring proper execution through hands-on involvement

      Effective leadership in dynamic situations requires a flexible approach. Commander's decisions must be continuously assessed and adjusted based on new information. The ability to maneuver and adapt is crucial, especially when it comes to understanding and navigating the "terrain" of human interactions and personalities. Clear and concise communication of orders, while providing freedom of action, is essential for successful execution. Leaders should place themselves in positions to exert their influence and inspire confidence, while also being present with their teams to ensure understanding and proper execution of orders. This approach, often referred to as "deck plate leadership," emphasizes the importance of being hands-on and connected with the troops. In the business world, this translates to identifying and utilizing the unique terrain of each situation to our advantage.

    • Maintaining Situational Awareness and Effective Communication in CombatCommander must prioritize understanding battlefield situation, communicate effectively with staff, anticipate need for troop replacement and reorganization, and ensure headquarters is ready for prompt movement. Balance pushing troops to limits with ensuring they remain effective and ready.

      Effective leadership during combat requires the commander to maintain a clear understanding of the battlefield situation, communicate effectively with their staff, and prioritize the use of resources, particularly in the decisive phase of battle. The commander must also anticipate the need for troop replacement and reorganization, while ensuring their headquarters remains ready for prompt movement. The most engaged troops, those at the point of friction, often have the most endurance and are the most willing to stay engaged, but they still require assessment and rest. It's important to remember that everyone wants to be at the point of friction if they are prepared and built for it, and that taking necessary breaks and refitting does not mean letting them operate in the red forever. The commander and their staff must strike a balance between pushing their troops to their limits and ensuring they remain effective and ready for the next engagement.

    • Effective Communication in Military LeadershipClearly communicate orders through proper channels, provide necessary details, build trust, and prioritize timely communication for successful mission execution.

      Effective communication is crucial for successful leadership, especially in the military context. Orders, whether complete or fragmentary, should be issued through proper channels to ensure clarity and understanding. Complete orders provide all necessary details for subordinates to execute the commander's plan, while fragmentary orders are used in urgent situations and consist of separate instructions for each subordinate unit. Warning orders are issued to prepare subordinates for upcoming operations and conserve their energy. As a leader, it's essential to maximize the time subordinates have to understand their situations and issue their orders, rather than overwhelming them with excessive details. Building strong relationships and trust is key, as it allows for effective communication and potential bypassing of the chain of command when necessary. Overall, clear, concise, and timely communication is essential for successful mission execution.

    • Clear instructions for subordinatesEffective communication in leadership involves clear, concise, and necessary orders. Let subordinates lead with clear instructions, avoid trivial expressions, and maintain focus and confidence through balance of talking and listening.

      Effective communication in leadership involves clear, concise, and necessary orders. Colonel Pogue's principle of not trespassing on a subordinate's province emphasizes letting the subordinate lead with clear instructions. Orders should be brief, explicit, and contain only what the subordinate needs to know. Avoiding trivial and meaningless expressions and exaggerated or bombastic phrases is crucial to maintain focus and confidence. The balance between talking and listening is essential, with the leader doing the majority of listening and passing on only the necessary information. The compromise is to give subordinates some reasoning behind orders, but not too much to avoid overwhelming them. Ultimately, effective communication in leadership is about getting the job done efficiently and maintaining the trust and focus of the team.

    • Effective Communication in Military OperationsClear and concise language, prescribing only foreseeable actions, avoiding frequent changes, and informing units of commander's intent are crucial for successful military operations.

      Effective communication is crucial for successful military operations. However, it's important to use clear and concise language, avoiding excessive adjectives and meaningless expressions. Orders should prescribe only what can be foreseen, and frequent changes can lead to confusion and morale issues. Subordinates should not merely repeat orders from higher authority, but issue new and clearer ones when necessary. Secrecy can be beneficial, but units should be informed of the commander's intent upon entry into action. Ignoring the commander's intent may lead to inactivity. Overall, proper planning and clear communication are essential to minimize wasted time and resources. The speaker shared personal experiences of the importance of these principles, highlighting the consequences of poor communication and the benefits of effective planning and clear orders.

    • Effective communication in military operationsStandard procedures and clear, concise orders minimize misunderstandings and errors in military operations. Adopting standardized communication saves time, minimizes errors, and simplifies execution.

      Effective communication is crucial in military operations, and using a common language and clear, concise orders is essential to minimize misunderstandings and errors. The military has recognized this and has developed manuals, such as FM 101 tac 5, which outline standard procedures and symbols for communication. These manuals are widely used in the military but were not part of the SEAL teams' training. Experience has shown that an order which can be misunderstood will be misunderstood, and omitting details like boundaries, time and place, military terminology, and abbreviations can lead to confusion. Adopting standardized procedures and clear communication saves time, minimizes errors, and simplifies the execution of operations in the field. The military also employs various means of communication, including signal communication and even homing pigeons, to ensure effective communication between units.

    • Understanding People and Caring for Their Well-BeingEffective leaders prioritize morale, discipline, and communication, learn from challenges, and welcome feedback

      Effective leadership, whether in the military or in business, requires understanding people and caring for their well-being. Leaders must prioritize the morale and discipline of their team, and be proactive in taking initiative and going on the offensive. The most valuable lessons are learned in challenging environments, and good leaders encourage questioning and open communication. Blind loyalty or disregard for a leader's decisions are detrimental, and the best leaders welcome hard questions and feedback from their team. The principles of good leadership, such as empathy, discipline, and initiative, have remained consistent throughout history. As individuals, we can apply these principles in our personal lives to be proactive and take control of our own situations.

    • Trusting and Empowering Your TeamEffective leadership involves trusting team members to make decisions, recognizing limitations, allowing expertise-led leadership, continuous learning through activities like jiu jitsu, and supporting local businesses.

      Effective leadership involves trusting and empowering those around you to make decisions. Colonel Pogue's principles of combat and leadership, which emphasize leadership from the front lines, still hold true to this day. However, it's essential for leaders to recognize their limitations and allow their team members to lead in their areas of expertise. Another key takeaway is the importance of leadership development through activities like training in jiu jitsu. This practice can improve various aspects of one's life, including leadership, followership, and personal growth. Additionally, supporting businesses that prioritize American manufacturing, like the Origin Maine brand, can contribute to the community and the country as a whole. In summary, trusting and empowering your team, engaging in continuous learning and development, and supporting local businesses, are all crucial components of effective leadership.

    • Embrace Proactivity and Take ActionTake action in all aspects of life, from responding to loved ones to starting a business. Find guidance from mentors and resources like Jocko's podcast and books to positively influence children and improve personal growth.

      Jocko Willink, the guest on the podcast, emphasizes the importance of taking action and being proactive, even in simple tasks like responding to a request from a loved one or starting a business. He encourages listeners to subscribe to his podcast, check out his store and Warrior Kid podcast, and consider purchasing his books for practical guidance on leadership and discipline. Willink also acknowledges the influence of mentors and the importance of finding the right guidance for children when they rebel against parents. He encourages parents to utilize resources like his podcast and books to provide positive influences for their kids. Additionally, he mentions the benefits of leaving podcast reviews and subscribing to YouTube channels for more engaging content.

    • Understanding and Overcoming Fears in LeadershipEffective leadership requires addressing individual and team fears, pushing through challenges, and continuous learning. Resources like Jocko Willink's books and training can help teach these skills.

      Effective leadership involves understanding and addressing the fears and obstacles that hinder individuals and teams. Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of pushing through challenges instead of avoiding them, while also providing guidance and resources to help people overcome their fears. He recommends books like "Way of the Warrior Kid," "Mikey and the Dragons," and "Disciplined Eagles Freedom Field Manual" to teach kids and adults alike how to face their fears and become strong leaders. Additionally, he stresses the importance of continuous learning and practice in leadership through resources like his Extreme Ownership books, podcast, and EF Online interactive training. Overall, Jocko's message is that leadership is a skill that requires effort and dedication, and that everyone can become a better leader with the right mindset and resources.

    • Fighting for Your Life: App and Document ReleaseThe speaker emphasizes the importance of taking an offensive approach in life and releasing valuable resources to help individuals improve.

      The speaker is working on releasing both an app and a document book, which have grown in scope due to added features. The priority is to release these projects as soon as possible. Life is seen as a metaphorical war, and each person is responsible for fighting for their own life every day. The speaker expresses gratitude for the military, first responders, and their families for their sacrifices. The speaker encourages listeners to take an offensive approach in their own lives instead of allowing life to happen to them. The projects are nearly complete and will provide valuable resources for individuals to improve their lives.

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    Don't miss this inspiring conversation with Dr. Paul White. Tune in now and be part of the global movement to live bright, live bold, and share bright vibes.


    Connect with Dr. Paul White

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    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/5-languages-of-appreciation-in-the-workplace

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    Book: The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace


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    00:05:01 Appreciation languages in the workplace.

    00:09:56 Recognition and appreciation are important.

    00:19:28 Teach team members to communicate appreciation.

    00:21:12 Culture and appreciation are key.

    00:28:32 Connection is key for appreciation.

    00:29:50 Connection is key for retention.