
    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    enJune 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcast themesPodcasts offer unique opportunities for learning, entertainment, and connection, with themes ranging from romantic to educational and emotional exploration, and understanding the origins of self-worth beliefs can help overcome mental barriers in relationships.

      The podcast world continues to expand with new and engaging content for various audiences. From the romantic world of Bridgerton to educational road trips with Blippi and Mika, to deep dives into art history and emotional exploration, there's something for everyone. The podcast medium offers unique opportunities for learning, entertainment, and connection. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the common theme of self-worth and lovability, highlighting how past experiences can shape our beliefs and doubts in relationships. Understanding these origins and acknowledging their impact can be the first step towards overcoming self-imposed mental barriers and embracing the potential for vibrant and fulfilling love in our lives.

    • Unlovable beliefsDeeply rooted beliefs of unlovability can stem from past experiences or societal pressures, leading to accepting less than ideal relationships and self-sabotage. To heal, set boundaries, value ourselves, and challenge negative beliefs.

      Feeling unlovable can lead to a cycle of accepting less than ideal relationships and even self-sabotage. This deeply rooted belief can stem from past experiences or societal pressures, making us feel undeserving or even fundamentally flawed. These feelings can result in missed opportunities, loneliness, and self-rejection. It's important to recognize that this belief is not inherent and was likely taught to us by someone else. To heal, we must learn to set boundaries, value ourselves, and challenge the negative beliefs that hold us back. By doing so, we can attract healthier relationships and live a more fulfilling life.

    • Childhood experiences and self-worthChildhood experiences significantly shape our self-worth and ability to love ourselves. Unconditional love leads to seeking and expecting it, while dismissive, emotionally unavailable, or abusive care can lead to beliefs of unlovability. These beliefs, based on our experiences, can impact our relationships and self-perception.

      Our sense of self-worth and our ability to love ourselves is significantly influenced by how we were loved and cared for by our caregivers during our childhood. If we were shown unconditional love, we learn to seek and expect it in our future relationships. However, if we experienced dismissive, emotionally unavailable, or abusive care, we may internalize a belief that we are unlovable. This belief can become deeply ingrained and shape our attachment style. Freud referred to this phenomenon as repetition compulsion, where individuals unconsciously recreate traumatic experiences in new relationships or scenarios. Childhood experiences of abuse can be particularly damaging, leading individuals to believe that they deserve the mistreatment they received. It's important to remember that these beliefs are not based on reality but rather on our experiences and the way our brains protect the bond with our caregivers. As we grow older, we may recognize that these beliefs are not true, but they can still impact our relationships and self-perception. Understanding the origins of our self-worth beliefs can help us work towards healing and developing healthier relationships.

    • Childhood experiences, teenage yearsOur past experiences, especially during childhood and adolescence, can shape our self-worth and romantic relationships in adulthood. Understanding these influences can help us avoid unhealthy patterns and build stronger connections.

      Our experiences, both from childhood and adolescence, significantly impact our sense of self-worth and ability to form healthy relationships. People may unconsciously seek out relationships that mirror past traumas or negative experiences as a way to cope with emotional pain or gain mastery over those experiences. Our teenage years, in particular, can be formative in shaping our romantic social scripts and self-confidence, with experiences of rejection or insecurity potentially carrying over into adulthood. Understanding these influences can help us break cycles of unhealthy relationships and work towards building stronger, more fulfilling connections.

    • Impact of Relationships on Self-WorthNegative experiences in relationships can impact self-worth, but focusing on personal growth and self-love can help build a strong foundation for healthy relationships in the future.

      The lack of experiences with desirable relationships or feelings of being desired can significantly impact one's self-worth and confidence. Rejections and negative experiences in both romantic and platonic relationships can contribute to feelings of unlovability and worthlessness. The scarcity effect, which makes us value something more when it's less available, can also lead to lowering standards and disrespecting others. It's essential to remember that not every experience with love will be positive, and it's normal to have negative experiences with those we care about. However, it's crucial not to let these experiences define our self-worth or expectations for future relationships. Instead, focusing on personal growth and self-love can help build a strong foundation for healthy relationships in the future.

    • Narcissistic abuseBeing in a relationship with a narcissistic abuser can damage self-esteem, making it difficult to leave and find healthy relationships. Understanding self-worth and raising standards are essential steps to rebuild self-love and attract healthier relationships.

      Being in a relationship with someone who intentionally belittles and wears down your self-esteem is a form of narcissistic abuse. This manipulation keeps victims believing they are unlovable and unworthy, making it harder for them to leave and find better relationships. It's essential to understand that none of this is the victim's fault, and they deserve love and respect. The cycle of unhealthy relationships can be challenging to break, especially for those struggling with mental health issues or past traumas. To rebuild self-love and attract healthy relationships, it's crucial to understand our worth and raise our standards. This process involves more than just self-care and acceptance; it requires a deep, core belief in our value and deservingness of love.

    • Self-love and relationshipsSelf-love is crucial for healthy relationships and involves recognizing our worth, undoing limiting beliefs, and setting standards for ourselves.

      Self-love is the foundation for receiving and finding enriching and rewarding relationships. This was emphasized in the discussions from The Bright Side and The Girlfriends podcasts. It's important to recognize that self-love is not always easy, as it involves undoing limiting beliefs and being vulnerable. However, it's essential to understand that we deserve love and should be open to receiving it. The hosts also highlighted the importance of setting standards for ourselves and being willing to let go of relationships that don't meet those standards. Additionally, accessing podcast content ad-free and early through iHeart True Crime Plus subscriptions was mentioned as a perk for listeners.

    • Inherent worthOur worth is inherent and not dependent on external validation, we possess numerous qualities that make us valuable regardless of others' perceptions, and it's important to avoid projecting false beliefs onto others based on their actions.

      Our worth and desirability are inherent and not dependent on external factors or milestones. We are like pieces of art, continuing to exist and possessing inherent value, regardless of how others perceive us. It's essential to recognize that others' opinions and treatment of us do not define our worth. We are kind, creative, intelligent, attractive, and possess numerous other qualities that do not change based on external validation. When we detach our self-worth from others' perceptions, we can better appreciate our inherent value and focus on personal growth for our own sake. Additionally, it's crucial to avoid projecting false beliefs onto others based on their actions or lack thereof. Instead, let them exist, and recognize that their feelings towards us do not define us.

    • Self-worthFocus on truth about ourselves, cultivate self-love through self-care and therapy, set standard for healthy relationships, and remember inherent worth and beauty, not dictated by past experiences or opinions of others.

      Our past experiences and the opinions of others should not dictate our sense of self-worth. It's important to focus on the truth about ourselves and cultivate self-love through self-care and therapy. By treating ourselves with kindness and respect, we set the standard for healthy relationships and remind ourselves of our inherent worth and beauty. Remember, no one is more critical of ourselves than we are, and others should not have the power to influence our self-worth. Embrace your commitment to healing and self-growth, and know that you deserve love and compassion, not as something to be earned, but as a fundamental right.

    • Podcast genres and topicsNew podcasts offer engaging and educational experiences across various genres and topics, including psychology, family therapy, art, and more

      There's a wealth of new podcast content available across various genres and topics, providing listeners with engaging and educational experiences. Gabby Collins invites listeners to share episode and topic suggestions for her psychology podcast. Bridgerton fans can deepen their love for the series with The Official Podcast. Families can embark on fun road trips with Blippi and Mika's podcast. The Black Effect presents an insightful look into family therapy. And for art enthusiasts, Death of an Artist offers a fresh perspective on the lives of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner. These are just a few examples of the diverse range of podcasts now available, making it an exciting time for audio entertainment. Don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned for new episodes!

    Recent Episodes from The Psychology of your 20s

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    • Problem focused vs. emotion focused coping
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    • How to stop numbing ourselves to our experiences 
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    • Our coping statements 
    • Freud, Carl Jung and many more 

    Listen now for a comprehensive deep dive into coping in your 20s and beyond. 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    207. How to have better conversations

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    3. Story topping and bright siding 
    4. The 5 minute urge 
    5. The liking gap 

    Listen now for more so we can all be having better conversations in whatever area of life!

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen now! 

    For online help: https://whiteribbon.org.au/helplines/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    205. A mental health update

    205. A mental health update

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    Mental Health support in your area: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    • Fertility
    • Milestone anxiety and the pressure to find someone 
    • Your stories of pregnancy, parenthood and fertility in your 20s

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

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    • Repeated rejection and shame
    • The consequences of feeling unloveable 
    • Repetition of toxic relationships
    • How to restore or rediscover your sense of self worth and self love 

    And so much more. Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen now! 

    Buy notebooks here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast Instagram here: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Our notebooks are OUT NOW: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.