
    210: Leadership Strategy and Tactics. First Look and Review, Pt.1 with Dave Berke

    enJanuary 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Detailed Manuals for Effective Task ExecutionLeadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual provides practical advice and tactics for effective leadership, drawing from Jocko Willink's military background and experience.

      There are extensive manuals available for various military operations, with the Marine Corps' 3 TAC 1 publication on machine guns and machine gun gunnery being a prime example. This manual provides detailed instructions on how to effectively use machine guns for both offense and defense. The importance of these manuals lies in their granularity and precision, offering specific strategies and tactics for carrying out tasks effectively. As a leader, Jocko Willink recognized the need for a similar resource for leadership and wrote "Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual." This book offers practical advice and tactics for effective leadership, providing a valuable resource for those looking to improve their leadership skills. Willink's background in the military and his experience in leadership roles, from the Battle of Ramadi to his work at Echelon Front, have shaped his perspective and the content of the book. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of having detailed resources and manuals for carrying out tasks effectively, whether it be in the military or in leadership roles.

    • Recognizing Unique Abilities and Rebelling Against the Status QuoObserving others and understanding their dynamics from a young age helped the speaker develop a rebellious streak and a distinct identity, leading to a deeper understanding of people and their motivations.

      Even from a young age, the speaker recognized his unique ability to lead and bring people together, despite not being the strongest or fastest. He found his niche by observing others from the outside and understanding their dynamics, which helped him develop a rebellious streak and a distinct identity. This experience of not conforming and observing from the sidelines gave him a deeper understanding of people and their motivations. The speaker's active rebellion, such as joining the military without telling his parents, further solidified his ability to challenge the status quo and make a mark in the world.

    • Finding Personal Growth Through Challenging ExperiencesThrough challenging experiences, the Navy taught the speaker determination, perseverance, and the importance of not quitting, leading to personal growth and new perspectives on life.

      The speaker found personal growth and a new perspective on life through challenging experiences, including time spent outside of his comfort zone and military training. The Navy provided him with a blank slate and clear direction, allowing him to focus on following rules and learning new skills to earn leadership roles. Despite not excelling in specific areas, his determination and ability to persevere helped him succeed. The speaker also emphasized the importance of not quitting and finding ease in situations where there are no set timelines or pressures.

    • The power of the right frame of mind for learning and growthStay open-minded and observant to learn valuable skills and concepts from various experiences in life, even in challenging circumstances.

      Having the right frame of mind is crucial for learning and growth, even in challenging circumstances. The speaker's experiences in the SEAL teams highlighted this, as he learned valuable skills and concepts during his training, which he later applied to leadership roles. However, this mindset is not limited to specialized training environments. Everyone can benefit from being open-minded and observant to learn from various experiences in life, regardless of their background or circumstances. The speaker emphasized that even in high school, having the right frame of mind can help one understand different groups and their potential paths. It's essential to recognize that not everyone's experiences or choices may align with our own, but we can still learn valuable lessons from them. Ultimately, the ability to learn and adapt, fueled by a positive and curious mindset, is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

    • Lessons from high school shape future successBeing open-minded and attentive to learning opportunities during formative years can lead to significant improvements in one's life.

      Our mindset and awareness during our formative years can significantly impact our future success. Dave Burke reflects on how he wished he had paid more attention to the lessons and experiences around him in high school, as they all contributed to his later understanding and growth. However, not everyone may absorb information at the same rate or be ready for it, even if presented at a younger age. The military environment can provide culminating events that help individuals become more focused and absorb knowledge effectively. The difference between those who are open to learning and those who are not can be substantial. As Burke notes, some individuals may have had different starting points or experiences, but those who are currently in training seem to be more engaged and receptive to the information available to them. The power of being open-minded and attentive to learning opportunities can lead to significant improvements in one's life.

    • The value of life experiences and learning from themApproach life with a growth mindset, learning from both successes and mistakes, and recognizing that experiences, especially those that come with age and maturity, can provide valuable lessons.

      Life experiences, especially those that come with age and maturity, can teach valuable lessons that cannot be learned through books or instruction alone. The speaker shares an anecdote about his desire for a BMX bike over a 10-speed bike as a child, only to realize later that he would have benefited from the 10-speed. He reflects on how this experience mirrors the military career, where individuals are often promoted before they feel fully prepared, and the importance of having a frame of mind open to learning from experiences as they come. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being observant and able to connect the dots between different experiences to make the most progress. He also mentions the role of luck in his own career, having been exposed to a variety of experiences as an instructor before becoming a task unit commander. Overall, the takeaway is to approach life with a growth mindset, being open to learning from both successes and mistakes, and recognizing that experiences, especially those that come with age and maturity, can provide valuable lessons.

    • Bias towards initial learningThe way we first learn something can deeply influence our beliefs and be hard to change, even if proven wrong. Recognizing this bias and being open to new information can lead to better outcomes.

      The way we learn something for the first time can leave a lasting impression and be difficult to change. The speaker shares his experience in the military, where he encountered a bias towards the initial way of learning something, even if it was proven wrong through experience. He emphasizes that this phenomenon is not limited to aviation or the military, but is likely present everywhere. The speaker also shares an instance where a Vietnam era soldier taught him something incorrectly, but another soldier advised him to "play the game a little bit" and not argue, recognizing that people don't always remember things correctly. The speaker reflects on how difficult it is to undo this bias and how it impacted his career in various ways.

    • Question Everything: Seek new perspectivesEmbrace the mindset of questioning beliefs and seeking new perspectives for personal growth.

      Our beliefs and understandings can be incorrect, and it's essential to question ourselves to ensure we have accurate knowledge. This frame of mind, often referred to as "question everything," is not about being argumentative but rather about self-reflection and seeking new perspectives. The speaker shares his personal experiences, including learning to detach from chaos and observing the difference between arrogant and humble leadership, which shaped his understanding of these principles. These moments, although not immediately recognized as pivotal, played a significant role in his growth. It's crucial to recognize the importance of questioning ourselves and being open to new experiences and perspectives.

    • Impact of Good vs Bad Leadership on Personal GrowthRecognizing negative leadership can lead to personal growth opportunities, while positive leadership can foster a supportive environment for development.

      The difference between good and bad leadership can significantly impact personal growth and development. In the first instance, the speaker's lack of validation from a bad boss was contrasted with the absence of browbeating from a superior on an oil rig, which allowed him to recognize and act on an opportunity. In the second instance, the speaker experienced a mutiny against an arrogant platoon commander and was fortunate that the commanding officer took action, ultimately leading to a positive change. These experiences illustrate the importance of both recognizing the negative and the positive, and the role that luck and circumstance can play in personal and professional growth.

    • Observing a good leader from a different perspective sparks growthBeing open to new experiences and contrasting perspectives can lead to personal growth and better understanding of leadership.

      Looking for contrasting experiences and perspectives can lead to personal growth and better understanding of leadership. The speaker shares an experience from his military career where observing a good platoon commander who was once an enlisted soldier like him, sparked the idea that he too could become an officer. However, without this contrasting experience, he may not have considered it an option. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of subtle signs of arrogance or ego within oneself and learning to support the overall leader's vision rather than focusing solely on personal ideas. This realization helped the speaker become a better team player and leader throughout his career. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to be open to new experiences and perspectives, as they can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

    • The importance of long-term perspective in leadershipEffective leadership requires a long-term perspective, adaptability, and a focus on team needs.

      The desire for short-term gains and personal recognition can lead to long-term strategic losses, especially in leadership roles. This was a lesson learned the hard way in the context of military combat, but it applies to any situation where a leader must make decisions that benefit the team as a whole. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the principles of leadership and how they can be applied in various contexts. He also stresses the need for balance and adaptability, as different situations may require different approaches. Additionally, ego can be a major obstacle to effective leadership, and it's crucial to consider the motivations and perspectives of team members when implementing plans. Overall, the key takeaway is that effective leadership requires a long-term perspective, a willingness to adapt, and a focus on the needs of the team.

    • Effective Leadership: Clear Communication, Trust, and Strong RelationshipsClear communication, trusting team members, and strong relationships are essential for successful leadership.

      Effective communication and strong relationships are crucial for successful leadership. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the intent behind communication and being clear in conveying expectations. He also highlighted that in many situations, leaders don't need to micromanage but instead should rely on the expertise and judgment of their team members. The speaker shared an example from his experience at Echelon Front, where he emphasized the importance of having a clear understanding of the goals and trusting the team to execute them. He also mentioned that in his military career, nearly everything he accomplished was due to relationships rather than strict adherence to the chain of command. In summary, effective leadership requires clear communication, trust in your team, and strong relationships.

    • Building strong relationships for effective leadershipConsider the investment, ego, and impact on relationships before approaching a boss with concerns. Prioritize relationship improvement over personal gain.

      Building strong relationships is essential for effective leadership. Good relationships with team members at all levels foster open communication, leading to a stronger team. Before approaching a boss with concerns, consider if it's worth the investment, if it's driven by ego, and if it will improve or harm the relationship. Always prioritize relationship improvement over personal gain, focusing on depositing leadership capital rather than making withdrawals. This approach not only benefits the team but also avoids creating unnecessary drama or conflict.

    • Authenticity is crucial for building strong relationshipsApproach interactions with genuine care and concern for others to build trust and effective communication, not for personal gain.

      Authenticity is key in building meaningful relationships, whether in personal or professional contexts. Forcing a relationship or focusing solely on pleasing others can come off as insincere and may even decrease respect. Instead, approaching interactions with genuine care and concern for the other person's well-being is the most effective way to build strong relationships. This not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the overall success of the team and achieving the mission. Remember, the goal is to build trust and effective communication, not to manipulate or force relationships for personal gain.

    • Authentic leadership requires caring for team and missionBeing genuine and caring towards your team and mission is essential for effective leadership. Manipulation and self-gain will be noticed and backfire, while consistent and authentic actions towards everyone will positively influence your team's perception of you.

      Authenticity and genuine care for your team are essential for building successful relationships and effective leadership. If you attempt to manipulate or use people for your own gain, it will be obvious to others and ultimately backfire. Instead, focus on caring about the team's mission and individual members, and your authenticity will shine through. Additionally, your team's perception of you is influenced not only by your interactions with them but also by how you treat others in the organization. Therefore, being consistent and genuine in your actions towards everyone is crucial. Remember, if you aim to win by taking care of your team, you will personally win, but if you try to win at the expense of others, you will lose.

    • Building trust through consistent performanceConsistently exceed expectations to build trust and respect with your boss, even if it means doing things you don't agree with. Be transparent and execute plans effectively to gain influence and a stronger working relationship.

      Building trust with your superior at work is crucial, and one effective way to do this is through consistent performance. This doesn't mean just completing tasks, but going above and beyond, even if it means doing things you might not agree with. By being a reliable and productive team member, you demonstrate your value and gain the trust and respect of your boss. It's important to remember that your subordinates may recognize the same flaws in your boss's plan as you do, but being transparent with them and executing the plan to the best of your ability can help build trust and give you a stronger voice when important issues arise. It's a long-term strategy, but one that pays off in the form of increased influence and a stronger working relationship with your boss.

    • Heavy-handed leadership can lead to disastrous consequencesEffective leadership isn't about aggression or force, it's about building relationships and working through challenges for sustainable success

      Relying solely on a heavy-handed, aggressive leadership style may bring short-term success but can lead to disastrous consequences in the long run. This approach can damage relationships and burn bridges, leaving nothing behind once its effectiveness wears off. Instead, building relationships and working through challenges can lead to more sustainable success. It's important to remember that military experience or a title does not automatically make one an effective leader. The chain of command can be utilized to get things done, but forcing outcomes through aggression is not a guaranteed path to success and can ultimately result in catastrophe.

    • Building relationships and trust is key to mission successAdapt and find solutions together, prioritize mission and team success, and listen to and support each other's ideas for effective teamwork

      Building relationships and trust with your superiors and subordinates is crucial for accomplishing the mission, even if you don't personally agree with or like them. It's important to remember that no one has a perfect plan, and the willingness to adapt and find solutions together is what leads to success. Playing the long game means putting the mission and the team's success above personal feelings and ego. However, if there are ethical or safety concerns, it may be necessary to draw a line and consider a mutiny. But generally, listening to and supporting each other's ideas and plans is an effective way to build trust and empower team members.

    • Drawing a Line in the Sand: Potential OutcomesConsider the leader's attributes and potential outcomes before drawing a line in the sand to avoid team suffering or career consequences.

      When a subordinate disagrees with their boss's plan and decides to draw a line in the sand, there are potential outcomes to consider. The best-case scenario is that the boss recognizes the concern and reconsiders the plan. However, if the boss digs in and fires the subordinate, the team may suffer. It's crucial to assess the leader's attributes and consider the possibility of a big-ego leader who may replace the voice of reason with a yes man. If a subordinate refuses to execute a plan or quits, they lose all influence over the outcome. An extreme example is David Hackworth, who drew a line in the sand regarding the Vietnam War and was quickly removed from command, losing potential influence and advancement in his career. As a leader, it's essential to weigh the potential outcomes and consider the impact on the team before drawing a line in the sand.

    • Considering the consequences of following an order you disagree withDocument the results and continue building a relationship with your boss for future conversations, but remember the outcome is still your responsibility.

      As a leader, it's important to consider the potential consequences of following an order you believe is wrong. If you've exhausted all efforts to change the boss's mind, it may be better to execute the plan to the best of your ability and document the results for future reference. This approach allows you to mitigate negative impacts, gather evidence, and continue building a relationship with your boss for future conversations. However, it's crucial to remember that the outcome is still your responsibility, and falling on your sword won't make you feel better if things go wrong. It's essential to assess whether the situation is truly catastrophic or if you can exert enough control to prevent disaster. Most of the time, your leadership is the most influential factor in preventing potential catastrophes. It's tempting to see yourself as a martyr, but it's essential to articulate your concerns effectively to your boss instead of resorting to drastic measures.

    • Navigating Professional Challenges with Ego and RespectWhen faced with disagreements or potential catastrophes, subordinate ego, find ways to mitigate risks, and communicate effectively using code words to earn respect and succeed.

      In professional situations, it's rare for a boss to disregard potential catastrophes and insist on moving forward, but it's common for disagreements over plans to arise. Instead of confronting an egoistic boss directly, it's often more effective to subordinate one's own ego and find a way to implement the plan while mitigating risks. The ego can be compared to reactive armor, pushing back harder when challenged. However, subordinating one's ego is actually the ultimate form of self-confidence and earns respect. It's essential to understand that disagreements and challenging situations are part of any career and should be approached with a clear mind and strategic thinking. In the military context, it's crucial to use code words or "pro words" to communicate sensitive information up the chain of command without causing unnecessary alarm. Overall, being adaptable, strategic, and respectful in the face of professional challenges is key to success.

    • The Power of Subordinating Your EgoSubordinating your ego by giving control or credit to others builds powerful relationships and exudes confidence, leading to long-term success and unexpected opportunities.

      When you choose to give someone else control or credit, even in a situation where you feel you could have the dominant position, you exude a powerful confidence that others will recognize and respect. This act of subordinating your ego requires immense self-assurance. It's counterintuitive, as it might seem weaker, but it's actually a sign of strength. By putting your ego aside and focusing on building relationships and supporting others, you'll not only win the long game but also experience success in various aspects of life. This concept is crucial because most problems stem from our egos, and mastering the ability to subordinate yours can lead to significant improvements in your personal and professional relationships. The confidence that comes from letting go of the need to be in control is a powerful tool, and it can lead to unexpected opportunities and victories.

    • Being a humble and learning leaderConfident leaders who are also humble and willing to learn build respect and trust among team members. Familiarity and interest in team's work can make a big difference.

      Effective leadership involves being confident and capable, but also being humble and willing to learn. This means understanding the roles and skills of those under your command, and not being afraid to ask for help or even try doing the job yourself. This approach builds respect and trust among team members, and sets a positive example. As Platoon Commanders, Foremen, or Plant Managers, you may not be experts in every area, but your familiarity and interest in the work of your team can make all the difference. Remember, it's better to be a leader who genuinely tries to learn and grow, rather than one who pretends to know it all. Confidence and capability are important, but so is humility and a willingness to ask for help.

    • Learning from those under your leadershipEmbracing a humble attitude and willingness to learn from those under your leadership can lead to greater respect and effectiveness as a leader. This can foster a culture of ownership and accountability, ultimately leading to better performance and mission accomplishment.

      Showing a willingness to learn and understand the roles of those under your leadership can lead to greater respect and effectiveness as a leader. The speaker shares his experience of taking on a job outside of his expertise to learn more about it, despite being the worst at it initially. This humility and eagerness to learn not only made him smarter but also earned him the respect of his colleagues. The concept of extreme ownership further emphasizes this idea, as leaders are responsible for everything that happens under their charge, even when things go wrong. By embracing this mindset, leaders can foster a culture of ownership and accountability among their teams, ultimately leading to better performance and mission accomplishment.

    • Leaders hold ultimate responsibility for their team's actionsLeaders are accountable for every mistake, they must ensure team is properly trained, briefed, and prepared, and take proactive ownership to prevent mistakes.

      Leaders hold ultimate responsibility for their team's actions. The concept of extreme ownership means that leaders are accountable for every mistake, no matter the cause. It's easy for leaders to blame their team members when things go wrong, but it's their job to ensure their team is properly trained, briefed, and prepared. If a team member makes a mistake, it's a sign that the leader has failed in some way. This concept was particularly evident during complex and stressful training operations, where young SEAL leaders would reveal their lack of understanding of extreme ownership when their team members made mistakes. Preemptive ownership is an extension of this concept, where leaders take ownership proactively to prevent mistakes from happening in the first place. It's not just about taking responsibility after the fact, but also about being prepared and taking action before problems arise.

    • Believing everything is your responsibilityExtreme ownership means taking preventative measures, trusting your team, and balancing ownership, empowerment, and adaptation.

      Having a mindset of extreme ownership means believing that everything is your responsibility, but it doesn't mean doing everything yourself or micromanaging. Instead, it's about looking ahead and taking preventative measures to avoid potential pitfalls. This requires a long-term strategic vision and trusting your team to execute their roles. While leading from the front can be effective in certain situations, such as combat or fear-inducing moments, there are also times when leading from the rear or the middle is necessary. This could involve setting an example, treating people with respect, or tackling arduous tasks to motivate your team. Ultimately, effective leadership involves a balance of taking ownership, empowering your team, and adapting to different situations.

    • Empowering team members to leadEffective leaders allow team members to take charge in high-pressure situations, fostering ownership, buy-in, and the best ideas.

      Effective leadership often involves stepping back and allowing team members to take the lead. This is particularly important in high-pressure situations, such as during military assaults or when developing plans. By letting team members come up with their own plans and ideas, they feel ownership and buy-in, and the best ideas often emerge from those closest to the problem. Leaders should avoid being the first to enter a hostile building or dominating the planning process, as this can hinder progress and prevent team members from taking initiative. Instead, leaders should assess the situation, provide guidance when necessary, and trust their team to execute. This approach not only empowers team members but also fosters a collaborative and effective team dynamic.

    • Empowering your team to leadEffective leaders step back, set clear intentions, empower teams, and only intervene during decision-making vacuums. Cultivate a well-trained, resourced team for minimal intervention and a supportive environment.

      Effective leadership involves knowing when to step back and let your team take charge, rather than constantly leading from the front. While military training emphasizes the "lead from the front" mentality, this approach is not sustainable or productive in most situations. Instead, leaders should focus on setting clear intentions, empowering their team, and only stepping in during vacuums of decision-making. By cultivating a team that is well-trained and resourced, leaders can minimize the need for constant intervention and create an environment where their team feels supported and valued. Additionally, practicing detachment and not caring about certain decisions can help leaders make more objective and effective choices, ultimately benefiting both themselves and their team.

    • Leading with 'don't care' attitudeConfidently prioritize team goals over personal preferences for increased flexibility and efficiency in leadership.

      Having a "don't care" attitude as a leader doesn't mean being apathetic or neglectful, but rather having supreme confidence and being willing to subordinate one's ego to help the team win. This attitude can lead to increased flexibility and efficiency, as seen in the example of a team leader who didn't care about the time allocated for a presentation and was open to letting someone else cover the topic instead. However, it's important to note that this attitude should be used judiciously and with sensitivity, especially in domestic scenarios where miscommunication or insensitivity can lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings. In essence, "don't care" doesn't mean disregarding others' needs or desires, but rather having the confidence and flexibility to prioritize the team's goals over individual preferences.

    • Distinguishing Importance from DistractionsEffective leaders focus on what matters, ask questions, assess impact, and maintain balance between strategy and tactics.

      Effective leadership involves discerning what is important and focusing on it, while ignoring distractions. This mindset is crucial for leaders, as they face constant changes both internally and externally. By asking questions and assessing the potential impact of problems on strategic goals, leaders can determine whether to engage or let subordinates handle issues. However, it's essential not to become too detached and ignore problems entirely. Understanding this strategic perspective is essential for leaders, even if the situation requires different levels of involvement. This principle applies to various aspects of leadership, from managing a team to making tactical decisions on the battlefield. It's essential to maintain a balance between strategy and tactics while keeping the big picture in mind. In summary, effective leaders must be able to distinguish what is important from what is not and focus their energy accordingly.

    • Leading teams with pride and disciplineEffective leaders help team members see the connection between their tasks and strategic goals, instill discipline, and foster pride to promote self-policing and high performance.

      Effective leadership involves helping team members understand how their small tasks contribute to the larger strategic goals, pushing them toward their goals with discipline, and instilling pride in the team to foster self-policing and high performance. While discipline should ideally be self-imposed, it may be necessary for a leader to impose it carefully to help the team understand its benefits. Pride is a powerful force that can transform a team, leading to self-policing and peak performance. To build pride, leaders should give team members opportunities to earn it through meaningful work and recognition.

    • Balancing Challenges and Open Communication for Team PrideLeaders should challenge team members and foster open communication for a balanced team environment, promoting unity, strength, and perseverance. Subordinates should speak up when necessary, preventing yes men and ensuring effective decision-making.

      Building pride within a team and avoiding yes men requires a balance between challenging team members and encouraging open communication. Leaders should push their teams to their limits, fostering unity, strength, and perseverance. At the same time, subordinates should not be yes men, but rather speak up when something doesn't make sense. This healthy tension between leaders and team members leads to better decision-making and ultimately, successful teams. The notion that teams can be bad and subordinates ultimately responsible for poor performance is a myth. Leadership is the key factor in a team's success or failure. However, there is an exception: a good team can still perform exceptionally despite a bad leader when subordinates exhibit leadership qualities and work towards the mission, regardless of their rank.

    • Decisive Engagement Tour: Actively Participating in Life and CommunityEffective leadership involves strategic planning, taking action, and engaging with others. Personal growth and contributing to the greater good are essential aspects of self-leadership. Proactively seek the right tools and stay focused on personal and collective growth.

      Effective leadership involves not only strategic planning but also taking action and engaging with others. The speakers discussed their upcoming live events, which they referred to as the "Decisive Engagement Tour," emphasizing the importance of active participation in life and in one's community. They also touched on the idea of leading oneself, suggesting that making choices that enhance personal freedom and contributing to the greater good are essential aspects of self-leadership. In terms of practical applications, they mentioned the importance of having the right tools, such as a good gi for jiu jitsu practice or functional jeans that allow for mobility. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being proactive, engaged, and focused on both personal and collective growth.

    • The power of building strong relationshipsBuilding genuine connections can lead to unexpected benefits, such as receiving desirable items or recipes, even from those not closely related to us.

      Building strong relationships can lead to unexpected benefits, such as receiving desirable items without asking. In the discussion, it was mentioned that Dave has received Delta 68 jeans unsolicited, while he hasn't built a strong relationship with the giver. This illustrates the power of building genuine connections and the potential rewards that come with it. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of supplementation, specifically a molk recipe made with milk, peanut butter, and ice cream. The speaker shared this recipe as a way to satisfy a craving for tasty food after an unsatisfying meal. While the conversation ranged from jeans to relationships to food, the underlying theme of the discussion was the importance of building strong relationships and the potential rewards that come with it.

    • Jocko's Tea and Top Gun DiscussionJocko's organic tea and Top Gun discussion on the podcast reflect Jocko's philosophy of discipline and freedom.

      Jocko's JAKOI tea, though certified organic, may lead to a slight elitist attitude towards others. However, the Jocko store offers merchandise representing the philosophy of "discipline equals freedom." Top Gun, set to release in summer 2020, will be subjected to a detailed commentary on the podcast. Commentary on copyrighted content is allowed under fair use. Dave's fascination with Top Gun significantly influenced his life choices. The Jocko store website is a place to purchase merchandise and subscribe to the podcast. Listeners are encouraged to leave reviews with feedback and suggestions for the podcast, which includes "Grounded," a podcast about jiu jitsu and life.

    • Jocko Podcast and Warrior Kid: Personal Growth and Leadership DevelopmentListen to the Jocko Podcast for discipline, resilience, and leadership insights. The Warrior Kid podcast teaches kids essential life skills. Explore Echelon Front for in-person events, online training, books, and soap. Consider joining EF Overwatch or EF Legion for opportunities to contribute or start a new career path.

      The Jocko Podcast and the Warrior Kid podcast offer valuable insights and resources for personal growth and leadership development. The Jocko Podcast, often compared to military fatigues as a uniform, emphasizes the importance of discipline and resilience. The Warrior Kid podcast, on the other hand, focuses on teaching children essential life skills and values. Additionally, there are various products and services available, such as books, soap, and online training, that can help individuals continue their learning journey and apply the principles discussed in the podcasts. Echelon Front, the leadership consultancy, offers in-person events and online training for organizations seeking to align their leaders and improve overall performance. Lastly, for those interested in contributing to organizations or seeking a new career path after military service, EF Overwatch and EF Legion offer opportunities to make a difference. Overall, the podcasts and related resources provide a wealth of knowledge and tools for individuals and organizations looking to develop strong, effective leaders.

    • Connecting military personnel to opportunitiesBridging the gap between military service and civilian careers through resources and preparation.

      Connecting people in need with opportunities is crucial and is becoming increasingly recognized as important. Mike's work with Overwatch and Legion aims to bridge this gap, especially for military personnel transitioning into civilian life. EF Legion offers resources and webinars to help veterans prepare for new careers and make themselves visible to potential employers. It's essential for individuals to recognize their leadership roles in their personal and professional lives, and to stay informed and engaged. The military and first responders, who protect us both abroad and at home, deserve our gratitude and recognition for their service. Overall, this discussion emphasizes the importance of connection, preparation, and leadership in various aspects of life.

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    This episode was recorded on 03/12/21

    I had the pleasure of inviting Jocko Willink on to my podcast for the first time, I’ve been on Jocko’s podcast several times in the past and now get the opportunity to reverse the interviewing role to learn more about his life and endeavors. We discuss his experience in the military and war exploring time in the Navy Seals, Afganistan, and Iraq. Jocko recount what it looks like to be on the ground in combat scenarios and the requirement of strong leadership in the Seal teams. I ask him about his formative years growing up with a warrior personality. We cover other engaging points of interest in his kid books, time as an English major, restarting a clothing line in a dying factory town, and much more.

    Jocko Willink is an American author, podcaster, and retired naval officer who served in the Navy SEALs. His books include New Tork Times bestseller Extreme Ownership,  Discipline Equals Freedom a field manual, and his children’s book The Way of the Warrior Kid. Jocko also has one of the most successful podcasts out there so check out the Jocko Podcast.

    Find more of Jocko Willink on his podcast website, check out his clothing line originmaine.com, and in his books