
    219: Finding Love Whatever Your Age, Trusting Your Heart, And Handling Rejection (with Marie Forleo)

    enOctober 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Desires and Frustrations in LoveActive listening and open conversations are crucial for providing guidance and support in love, helping friends or clients understand their desires, frustrations, and past experiences.

      When helping friends or clients struggling in their love lives, Marie Forleo emphasizes the importance of active listening and having open conversations. She believes that truly understanding their desires, frustrations, and past experiences is the foundation for providing guidance and support. Forleo, who has a long-term engagement and a passion for relationships, encourages having fun and engaging in enjoyable conversations to approach the topic. Her approach to helping others in this area stems from her belief that love and relationships are essential components of a fulfilling life.

    • Embracing love in later stages of lifeFocus on heart and curiosity, address invisibility, and seek support in the journey of openness to love.

      Societal conditioning and personal biases can make the idea of dating and being open to love in later stages of life seem daunting. However, it's important to remember that we're not the problem, and the conversation of feeling invisible or past our prime is a common one that can be heard throughout different ages. Instead of listening to that voice, we should focus on listening to our hearts and the wisdom in our bodies. Curiosity is a beautiful and valuable asset in dating, and it's essential to come from an energetic place rather than a place of fear or apprehension. If the lived experience is that despite feeling vibrant and excited, it seems like being invisible to potential partners is a reality, it's crucial to address this issue and explore ways to increase visibility and attract the right kind of attention. Ultimately, the journey of being open to love and relationships should be approached with a partner, whether it's a coach or a trusted friend, to provide guidance, support, and structure in expressing our soul's calling in a way that feels true to us.

    • Create your own experiences, break patternsMaking small shifts in actions can lead to significant changes, try new things, be assertive, or even smile at strangers, we're all capable of creating our own reality

      We have the power to create our own experiences in life and break out of repeating patterns that no longer serve us. It's easy to feel invisible or stuck in our ways, but making small shifts in how we show up in the world can lead to significant changes. This might mean trying new things, being more assertive, or even something as simple as smiling at strangers. Ultimately, we are all divine sparks, capable of creating our own reality. If you find yourself in a lived experience that you're not happy with, consider making a change, not just in your thoughts, but in your actions as well. Remember, every small action can lead to a big difference.

    • Connecting through small actions can lead to big shiftsSmiling and giving compliments can lead to significant improvements in relationships and experiences, encouraging a body-led and open approach to connections

      Allowing yourself to make small, playful connections with others through simple actions like smiling or giving compliments can lead to significant shifts in your experiences and relationships. This approach, which involves being open to human spirit connections and not being overly guarded or afraid of vulnerability, can lead to macro transformations without requiring a complete change in personality or discomfort. This belief system, rooted in being body-led and focused on physical attraction and magnetic connections, can empower individuals to pursue relationships and connections confidently.

    • Embrace uncertainty and trust your instinctsIt's important to trust your instincts and take risks, even if the outcome is uncertain. Give yourself permission to rest and recharge when needed, and focus on personal growth rather than rushing into love.

      It's important to trust your instincts and take risks, even if the outcome is uncertain. As the speaker shared, she took a bold move in kissing someone who didn't respond, but instead of being discouraged, she pushed past her fear and found connection. However, for those feeling overwhelmed by rejection, it's essential to give yourself permission to rest and recharge. By asking yourself introspective questions and seeking internal wisdom, you may find new perspectives and solutions. Remember, you are whole and complete as you are, and validating yourself is just as important as seeking validation from others. So, take a break when needed, and don't pressure yourself to find love right away. Instead, focus on your personal growth and enjoy the journey.

    • Finding Balance in Dating and LifeBe self-aware and listen to inner voice, recognize when to take a break or grow, be open to new experiences and broaden definition of ideal partner.

      Finding balance in life, including in dating, is crucial. It's essential to recognize when we genuinely need a break and when we're using it as an excuse to avoid growth and risks. Having trusted friends or a coach to provide an objective perspective can be helpful in making these distinctions. However, it's also important to be self-aware and listen to our inner voice. Regarding the blueprint of our ideal partner, it's essential to be open to new experiences and broaden our definition of what a suitable match looks like. Letting go of rigid expectations can lead to finding attraction in unexpected places and forming fulfilling relationships.

    • Embrace new experiences and people beyond your perceived blueprintFocus on inner qualities like heart, loyalty, and respect for individual values in relationships, rather than physical attributes.

      Expanding our social horizons and being open to new experiences with people outside of our perceived "blueprint" can help us discover new aspects of ourselves and deepen our connections based on inner qualities rather than physical attributes. The speaker shares her personal experience of repeatedly dating someone who didn't align with her blueprint but felt more authentic and resonated with her on a deeper level. She encourages embracing new experiences with a sense of playfulness and curiosity, focusing on inner qualities like heart, loyalty, and respect for individual values, rather than external factors. The speaker also emphasizes that physical attraction fades over time, and it's essential to find lasting connections based on inner qualities. Overall, the takeaway is to be open to new experiences and people, focusing on the inner qualities that truly matter in a relationship.

    • Unexpected connections in real life can lead to more meaningful relationships.Listen to feelings, break free from past programming, and embrace new opportunities for a positive, expansive connection.

      Real-life interactions can surprise us in ways dating apps cannot. We may be attracted to certain types or dynamics, but the unexpected connection in person can lead to more meaningful relationships. It's essential to listen to our feelings and break free from past programming to recognize and embrace new opportunities. For some, this shift may involve moving away from unhealthy or unfulfilling relationships and embracing the potential for a more expansive, positive connection. This newness and contrast can lead to a significant improvement in our dating lives and overall well-being.

    • The importance of defining and prioritizing personal valuesBe clear about what you want, don't settle, maintain a positive attitude, long-term relationships require effort, communicate effectively, and be true to yourself.

      Defining and prioritizing personal values is crucial in both personal relationships and business endeavors. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being clear about what one wants in a partner or client, and not settling for less. She suggests that the search for a compatible match is a numbers game, and encourages maintaining a positive attitude and moving on if there's no mutual interest. The speaker also acknowledges that while chemistry is important, it's not the only factor, and long-term relationships require effort and communication skills. She recommends the Imago Therapy's "dialogue" technique as a powerful tool for maintaining healthy relationships over time. Ultimately, the key is to be honest with oneself and not compromise on what truly matters.

    • Transform conflicts into moments of deep connectionEffective communication and understanding each other's emotions can help navigate conflicts in relationships and strengthen bonds.

      Effective communication and understanding each other's perspectives are crucial for making a relationship last. Practicing active listening and reflecting back what your partner is feeling can help reestablish heart connection during conflicts. This tool, often referred to as dialogue, can transform heated moments into moments of deep connection. It's essential in both the early stages of dating and long-term relationships. When we feel hurt, it's important to name and acknowledge our emotions, rather than suppressing them or blaming our partners. This vulnerability and honesty can lead to stronger bonds and a deeper sense of love and respect. The ability to communicate effectively and understand each other's feelings is a powerful personal development tool that can help navigate even the most challenging moments in a relationship.

    • Express feelings truthfully and work through issues togetherEffective communication and emotional maturity are essential for a healthy relationship. Express feelings truthfully, use techniques like Imago dialogue and therapy, and value self-awareness and personal growth.

      Effective communication and emotional maturity are key to maintaining a healthy and connected relationship. The speaker emphasizes the importance of expressing one's feelings truthfully and without blame, allowing both partners to understand each other's perspectives and work through issues together. The use of techniques like Imago dialogue and therapy can help facilitate this process and promote personal growth. Additionally, the value of self-reflection and self-awareness in a partner is crucial, as it indicates a willingness to work on oneself and navigate relationship challenges collaboratively.

    • Effective communication in relationships: Mirroring for deeper understandingExpress appreciation, reflect back partner's words, and use 'mirroring' to deepen understanding in relationships. Approach with care and consider timing.

      Effective communication in relationships is crucial for understanding and resolving conflicts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of expressing appreciation and reflecting back what your partner says in their own words. This process, called "mirroring," can lead to a deeper level of understanding and perspective-shifting. However, it's important to approach this process with care and consideration, especially in the early stages of a relationship. If your partner isn't familiar with this process, it might be best to simplify it or wait until both parties are ready and willing to engage in a more in-depth conversation. The speaker also highlights the importance of having the tools and training to communicate effectively in relationships, just as we require licenses and education for other significant life milestones.

    • Maximize energy for dating successUnderstand energy patterns, schedule dates wisely, attend events, and prioritize time for optimal dating experiences.

      Effective time management and energy conservation are crucial for a successful dating life. Understanding your personal energy patterns and scheduling dating activities during your most energized times can lead to more enjoyable and productive experiences. Additionally, attending real-life events and putting yourself in social situations can broaden your horizons and increase the chances of meeting potential partners. Remember, everyone has the power to dictate their own rules and prioritize their time to create a dating experience that works best for them.

    • Embrace unexpected connections at social eventsApproach social events with an open mind and a playful attitude to discover new connections and personal growth. Be open to new experiences and communities for unexpected wins.

      Approaching social events with an open mind and a playful attitude can lead to unexpected connections and personal growth. Instead of focusing on preconceived notions or expectations, it's important to trust your heart and soul and embrace the opportunities for human connection that present themselves. Additionally, expanding your horizons and being open to new experiences, even if they don't turn out exactly as planned, can lead to unexpected wins and the discovery of new communities and culture fits. Finally, for those struggling with productivity and feeling overwhelmed, Marie invites listeners to check out Time Genius at join timegenius.com for free training and opportunities to learn how to be more joyfully productive and have more time for the things that matter.

    • Insights and perspectives from Marie ForleoJoin [Your Name]'s Love Life Club for exclusive interviews, master classes, and monthly live coaching calls to improve your love life.

      Key takeaway from this conversation between [Your Name] and Marie Forleo is the unique insights and perspectives shared by Marie, offering fans a fresh perspective on her expertise. This special event provided an exclusive opportunity for listeners to engage with Marie in a coaching session, typically not accessible to the public. To continue benefiting from such resources, join [Your Name]'s Love Life Club at join lovelife.com. Here, you'll find Marie's interview, along with various other interviews, master classes, and monthly live coaching calls. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to grow and improve your love life. Join now at join lovelife.com.

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    Don’t miss these, and once you’re done, be sure to send an email to podcast@matthewhussey.com with a question you’d like me to answer next time!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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    // SHOWNOTES //

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