
    226: The Code. The Evaluation. The Protocols. THE PATH. With Dave Berke

    enApril 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Striving for 5.0: Understanding and Meeting High StandardsSetting high standards and understanding what they entail can drive personal and professional growth. Aim to be a recognized expert, produce exceptional work, demonstrate superior character, and lead effectively.

      Setting high standards for personal and professional growth is essential for continuous improvement. In this podcast episode, Jocko Willink shared a story about a sailor who believed he should have received a higher evaluation grade but realized he didn't meet the criteria for a 5.0 sailor. Jocko explained the bullets that described a 5.0 sailor, which included being a recognized expert, producing exceptional work always, having exemplary military bearing and character, and demonstrating exceptional leadership. The Marine Corps evaluation system, which Jocko discussed in a previous podcast, sets a more comprehensive and higher standard for what the highest level qualified marine would be. By understanding and striving to meet these standards, individuals can challenge themselves to grow and develop, ultimately leading to personal and professional success.

    • Discovering the importance of self-evaluation and knowing the bestThe speaker emphasizes the need to understand the highest level of qualification and evaluate oneself to unlock potential. His book, 'The Code, The Evaluations, and Protocols,' offers a starting point for self-evaluation and protocols to follow.

      Having clear guidance and understanding of what it takes to improve oneself is crucial for personal growth. The speaker shared his experience as a young SEAL discovering the concept of self-evaluation and the importance of knowing what the highest level of qualification looks like. He emphasized that people often underestimate their potential until they see what the best looks like. The speaker also mentioned the lack of such documentation or guidelines for individuals to follow, leading him to write a book called "The Code, The Evaluations, and Protocols." This book aims to provide a starting point for individuals to evaluate their progress towards becoming an "eminently qualified human being," with categories for self-evaluation and protocols to follow. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having protocols in various aspects of life, from handling personal challenges to cultural practices around death.

    • Setting clear objectives and following a clear path in lifeThe importance of having clear objectives, goals, standards, missions, ideals, and executing on them to reach one's full potential, or failing is considered a 'mortal sin'.

      The book "The Code, The Evaluation, The Protocols: Striving to become an eminently qualified human" emphasizes the importance of setting clear objectives, goals, standards, missions, ideals, and following a clear path in life. The authors argue that without these elements, time and potential are wasted, and one may fall short of their highest possible manifestation. They believe that failing to execute on ideas or dreams is a "mortal sin," and becoming whatever we become without discipline and action is a failure. The book, published by Jocko Publishing, is a call to action for individuals to take control of their lives and reach their full potential. The authors, who include Dave and Sarah Armstrong, discovered the need for more than just sharing their stories and experiences, and the addition of protocols and a code of conduct was essential to help guide readers through the process.

    • Sharing your creations benefits othersDon't let fear of rejection hold you back from sharing your ideas. Creating for the sake of creating and letting the world judge is valuable, as your creations could potentially inspire and benefit many people.

      It's important to share your ideas with the world, even if you're unsure of their potential success. The speaker shared his experience of creating a podcast and a book, which inspired others to ask about the Marine Corps' performance evaluation process. He emphasized that not sharing your creations is a "sin," as they could potentially benefit many people. Fear of rejection or criticism might hold people back from sharing their ideas, but the speaker encouraged creating for the sake of creating and letting the world judge. He also mentioned the importance of evaluating ideas and considering their feasibility, but not letting initial roadblocks deter you from pursuing them. The speaker's bank of ideas, some of which were started but not finished, illustrates the importance of getting ideas out there, even if they're not perfect. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that the process of creating and sharing is valuable in itself, and the potential benefits to others make it worth the effort.

    • Bringing Ideas to Life and Personal GrowthExercise your brain by bringing ideas to life, focus on physical health, mental growth, time management, financial responsibility, goal setting, and caring for others.

      It's essential to bring your ideas to life, even if they don't meet your highest standards or receive external validation. The act of getting an idea out of your head is like exercising your brain and is necessary for personal growth. Physical health is also crucial as it impacts mental well-being. The code presented is a starting point for personal development, focusing on physical health, mental growth, time management, financial responsibility, goal setting, and caring for others. While not perfect, it's essential to strive towards living by such principles.

    • Personal code for intentional livingHaving a personal code or set of principles can help guide decision-making, prioritize health and finances, and lead to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

      Having a personal code or set of principles can help guide decision-making and lead to a more intentional and fulfilling life. This idea was discussed during a conversation on a plane, where the importance of having a "warrior kid code" was emphasized. This code serves as a framework for making decisions, helping individuals avoid wasting time, money, or energy on unproductive activities. It also encourages individuals to prioritize physical and mental health, as well as making prudent financial decisions. The concept was compared to flying a plane, where having clear instruments and understanding the commander's intent is crucial for successful navigation. The idea is not about being rigid or following someone else's code, but rather about setting up a personal framework that aligns with individual values and goals. By having a clear code to follow, individuals can make better decisions, improve their lives, and potentially even inspire those around them to do the same. While everyone's path is different, having a personal code can provide a sense of direction and help individuals avoid becoming whatever they may have become without it.

    • Focus on a clear personal commander's intent for improved decision makingBy defining a clear personal goal, you can make aligned decisions, eliminate the need for extensive self-help resources, and progress in various aspects of life including finance, work, and family.

      Having a clear personal commander's intent, or goal, is a powerful way to improve various aspects of your life. Thousands of people desire to live healthier and better lives, but often lack the understanding of how to start. By focusing on your commander's intent, you can make decisions that align with your goals and replace the need for extensive self-help books or exercise regimens. This concept can be applied to financial, work, and family life, among others. The idea was emphasized in military contexts, where having a clear goal can lead to success and progress. By keeping your commander's intent as your underlying decision-making process, you can strive to be better in the things that matter and reach your potential. The path to achieving this involves discipline, strength, knowledge, and understanding.

    • Discovering Your Unique Path to Personal GrowthIdentify goals, pursue dreams, and focus on what matters most to make a positive impact on the world, despite obstacles and challenges.

      The path to becoming an eminently qualified human is unique to each individual, but it involves identifying and pursuing one's goals, dreams, and what matters most in life. The path is not easy, as it is filled with obstacles, distractions, and gravitational pulls of weakness, habit, and fear. However, by starting and staying committed to the path, one can overcome these challenges and make a positive impact on the world. It's important to remember that the path is not defined by external factors, but rather by the questions we ask ourselves and the actions we take to answer them. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that the path is not just about personal growth, but also about contributing to the world and fulfilling the needs of those around us. Ultimately, the path is an ongoing journey that requires persistence, self-reflection, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

    • Feeling uncomfortable when loved ones changeIt's natural to feel uneasy when those close to us make significant changes, but true supporters will be happy for our growth, leaving behind those who hold us back.

      People are often uncomfortable with others who are breaking free from their own gravitational forces of weakness and fear. This discomfort can manifest in various ways, such as attempts to hold them back or even jealousy. When someone close to us makes a drastic change, it can feel uncomfortable as it challenges our preconceived notions of who they are. However, the satisfaction of being on a path towards personal growth and being surrounded by like-minded individuals can be a more powerful force than the fear of letting others down. It's important to remember that those who truly support us will be happy for our success, while those who aren't may fade away as we move forward. Ultimately, the journey towards self-improvement can lead to new and stronger relationships, leaving behind those who hold us back.

    • Focusing on Health and Personal Development for Optimal PerformanceTo live an eminently qualified life, prioritize health through physical fitness, sleep, and diet, and personal development through mind and behavior growth.

      Living an eminently qualified life requires a clear focus on health and personal development. Health encompasses physical fitness, sleep and rest, and diet and nutrition. Prioritizing these aspects ensures optimal performance and functionality. Personal development involves nourishing and growing the mind and behaviors. Both health and personal development are essential parts of the code evaluation, which sets high, unachievable standards to strive towards. The path to becoming an eminently qualified human involves making hard choices, denying immediate gratification, and implementing unmitigated daily discipline in all things. By focusing on health and personal development, we can reach our full potential and live the code.

    • Cultivating Intellectual FitnessRegularly engage in activities like reading, writing, building, and creative pursuits to challenge yourself, promote creativity, and strengthen your mental foundation. Prioritize intellectual growth to enhance abilities in various aspects of life.

      Just as our physical health requires regular exercise and nourishment, our intellectual health also needs attention and development. Engaging in activities like reading, writing, building, and creative pursuits are essential for intellectual growth. It's crucial to challenge ourselves and step out of our comfort zones to promote creativity and intellectual development. The mind is our ultimate weapon, and neglecting it can hinder our abilities in various aspects of life. Regularly learning new things, practicing activities we're not good at, and staying socially engaged are all ways to strengthen our mental foundation. As the speaker emphasized, "the intellectual piece is how your brain grows, which it has to every day." It's never too late to start prioritizing intellectual fitness.

    • Maximizing Productivity and Success through Intellectual Fitness, Time Management, and Financial DisciplineInvesting in intellectual fitness, effective time management, and financial discipline leads to increased productivity, adaptability, and overall success in life.

      Having a strong foundation in intellectual fitness and effective time and financial management are essential for success in various aspects of life. Intellectual fitness allows us to think on our feet and adapt to new situations, while time management helps us maximize our productivity. Financial management ensures we make the most of our limited resources and avoid wasting money. Politicians and consultants serve as examples of individuals who excel in these areas, while those who lack intellectual fitness, time management skills, or financial discipline may struggle. By focusing on these areas, we can make the most of our lives and overcome challenges more effectively.

    • Setting financial goals and managing money wiselyNeglecting financial planning can leave individuals vulnerable, while setting expenditures within means and focusing on long-term goals leads to financial freedom and peace of mind.

      Financial management and setting clear goals are crucial aspects of living a fulfilling life. Money may not be the only factor, but it is a necessary resource to ensure safety, security, and the ability to help others. Neglecting financial planning can leave individuals vulnerable during disruptions and unable to care for their families. Setting expenditures within means and focusing on long-term goals can lead to financial freedom and peace of mind. The mindset that money is unimportant can actually result in a lifelong pursuit of it, while embracing its importance and taking control can lead to financial security and the freedom to focus on personal growth and objectives.

    • Invest in your professional growth for personal and financial successExcel at your job for stability, minimize risk, gain autonomy, resolve workplace issues, build trust, and invest in your future.

      Focusing on professional development and performing well at your job is essential for both personal and financial success. By excelling in your role, you increase stability, minimize the risk of job loss, and gain control over your own destiny. The freedom and autonomy that come from being good at your work are highly valued and can lead to a more fulfilling career. Additionally, improving your performance can help resolve many workplace issues and build trust with your colleagues and superiors. Ultimately, the investment in your professional growth is an investment in your future.

    • The Power of Dedication and Hard WorkDedication and hard work can lead to credibility, autonomy, and potential new passions. Seek certifications or qualifications for career advancement and find meaning in your job.

      Putting in the effort to excel in your job, no matter how much you may dislike it, can lead to significant benefits. By focusing on performing well, you can build credibility, gain autonomy, and potentially even discover a new passion. However, it's important to approach this mindset with the right intentions – striving for self-improvement and team growth, rather than trying to manipulate the system. Remember, the freedom and opportunities that come from discipline and hard work are invaluable. Additionally, consider seeking out certifications or qualifications to advance in your career and find meaning in your job. The time we spend working significantly impacts our lives, so make it matter. Ultimately, the path to success lies in dedication, discipline, and a commitment to personal and professional growth.

    • Developing Character for Effective LeadershipHumility, emotional control, mentoring, and charity help shape our character and make us better leaders. Humility allows us to effectively lead, emotional control aids in making decisions and communicating, and mentoring/charity sets an example and supports others.

      Our character is a defining quality in our lives, and we have the power to develop it through humility, emotional control, and mentoring/charity. Humility is crucial for effective leadership, and emotional control helps us make better decisions and communicate effectively. Remember, you don't need to be in charge to lead, and everyone has the ability to make a positive impact on others. Emotional control doesn't mean suppressing emotions but rather learning to process and respond to them in a productive way. Mentoring and charity are essential aspects of character, as they help us support others and set an example. Ultimately, being in control of our emotions and reactions is essential for personal growth and effective leadership.

    • Hiding emotions and tiredness can impact behavior in everyday lifeRecognizing how others perceive us when we hide emotions and tiredness can help us control them, leading to better problem-solving and relationships

      Acting tired or showing emotions, even when feeling tired or frustrated, can be detrimental. This lesson was learned from Jocko Willink in the context of jujitsu, where hiding tiredness can lead to less feelings of fatigue. This concept applies beyond martial arts, as it can also impact behavior in everyday life. The speaker shares how he used to think that not showing emotions made him look cool, but later realized that others saw him the same way when he did it. He encourages people to make the connection between how they appear to others and how they perceive others when they show weakness. By recognizing this, individuals can learn to control their emotions and reactions, leading to more effective problem-solving and better relationships.

    • Expecting challenges and strengthening relationshipsMaintain a cool head, build strong family and colleague bonds, and prioritize preparedness for crises to turn loved ones into assets and create a resilient family unit.

      Expecting the unexpected and building strong relationships are key to success and preparedness in life. During a conversation with a leader, the importance of maintaining a cool head and expecting challenges was emphasized. Relationships, especially with family and colleagues, should be strengthened rather than weakened through interactions. Preparedness, including physical and mental training, is crucial for handling crises and ensuring the safety of yourself and your loved ones. By focusing on these areas, one can turn their family members into assets rather than liabilities, and build a stronger, more resilient family unit.

    • Preparing for crises and building community relationshipsMartial arts and weapons training can improve health, while relationships with neighbors provide mutual support during crises, enhancing overall quality of life

      Being prepared for various crises and building strong relationships with your community can have unexpected benefits beyond just responding to emergencies. Martial arts and weapons training, for instance, can help improve breathing and heart rate control. Developing relationships with neighbors can lead to mutual support during crises and create a safer environment for everyone. The network of relationships you build is crucial for survival. Being eminently qualified means recognizing that there is always more to learn and achieve, and that every day presents new opportunities for growth. The speaker's experience of flooding in his neighborhood illustrates the importance of having neighbors who can be relied upon during times of need. By focusing on these areas, we can improve our ability to handle crises and enhance our overall quality of life.

    • Evaluating Progress Towards Personal and Professional GrowthContinuously evaluate progress in areas of physical health, sleep, diet, intellectual fitness, time management, financial management, and personal goals using a scoring system, aiming for significant advancement in each area.

      Continuous personal and professional growth is the ultimate goal for individuals. This involves taking action in various areas of life, including physical health, sleep and rest, diet and nutrition, intellectual fitness, time management, financial management, and personal goals. The evaluation of progress in these areas can be done using a scoring system, with a "5" representing significant advancement and a "0" indicating no progress. This evaluation system provides a clear goal and a way to track progress towards becoming an "imminently qualified" person. However, achieving a "5" in each area is a challenging but rewarding pursuit. It's important to remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress and should be celebrated. The ultimate goal is to strive for improvement every day.

    • Striving for more than the minimumTo make real progress, one must challenge oneself and go beyond the basics, consistently putting in effort even when it's not easy.

      A score of one in the performance evaluation system signifies completing the minimum requirements, but to excel and improve, one must strive for higher scores. A one is not insignificant, but to truly make progress, one must challenge oneself and extend beyond the baseline. This applies not only to professional tasks but also to physical fitness, where a basic routine is a starting point, but intense activity and demanding exercises are necessary for significant growth. The discipline of consistently putting in effort, even when it's not the preferred option, is crucial for progress.

    • Challenge yourself for continuous improvementRecognize that 'one' is just a starting point, challenge yourself to strive for continuous improvement, and embrace the power of small steps and consistent effort.

      Complacency with maintaining the status quo is not enough for growth or improvement in various aspects of life. A "one" in performance or effort is better than nothing, but it's important to recognize that it's just a starting point. To achieve better results, whether it's in leadership, humility, or any other area, requires dedicated effort and hard work. Setting low goals or accepting mediocrity may seem easier, but it can limit progress and hinder personal growth. Instead, it's essential to challenge oneself and strive for continuous improvement, even if it means pushing beyond comfort zones and facing setbacks. The power of small steps and consistent effort can lead to significant progress over time.

    • Maintaining emotional control for better outcomesFocusing on emotional control during stressful situations and being prepared in various areas of life leads to better decisions and improved outcomes.

      Emotional control is crucial in achieving the best possible outcomes, especially during difficult situations. The ability to maintain emotional composure and identify red flags can lead to better decisions and improved outcomes. However, it's not just about controlling emotions during stressful encounters; it's also about being prepared and maintaining proficiency in various areas of life, such as martial arts or weapons training. Achieving a high score in these areas requires consistent effort and dedication. It's easy to delude ourselves into thinking we've achieved success by focusing on how we felt in the moment, but the true measure of success is the outcome. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize emotional control, preparation, and continuous learning to maximize our potential and achieve the best possible outcomes in all aspects of life.

    • Understanding Yourself Through Self-EvaluationSelf-evaluation is about humility, honesty, and continuous improvement. It requires effort, identification of weaknesses, and taking corrective measures. Progress becomes harder as you improve, and seeking professional help is an option.

      The self-evaluation process is not just about grading yourself, but also about understanding your capacity and performance. It requires humility and honest self-assessment. The evaluation system is about you against you, and progress depends on the effort you put in. As you improve, it becomes harder to make the same progress. When you fall off the path, it's essential to identify why and take corrective measures. Seek professional help if needed, and remember that you have the power to control your reaction and get back on the path. The evaluation process is a continuous journey of self-improvement and improvement becomes more challenging as you progress.

    • Assess, Release, Evaluate, Be Thankful, Wish Well, Move OnAssess the situation, release emotions healthily, evaluate the person, be thankful for the truth, wish them well, and move forward with a clean slate.

      When dealing with emotional detachment after a relationship ends, it's important to step back, assess the situation from another perspective, and release your emotions in a healthy way. Once you've detached, evaluate the person you've separated from and accept that they may not be who you thought they were. Be thankful for discovering the truth, wish them well, and move on without looking back. Lastly, focus on rebuilding trust in yourself and moving forward with a clean slate. This protocol may be difficult to execute, but it's a proven way to handle the emotional aftermath of a broken relationship.

    • When facing the unknown, remember these protocolsFollowing protocols for handling difficult situations empowers us to take control and lead lives with daily discipline, achieving excellence in health, work, and relationships.

      No matter what life throws at us, there are protocols to help us navigate through difficult situations. These protocols include handling death and illness, financial problems, betrayals of trust, workplace issues, apologies, accidents, addiction, trauma, and the unknown. When faced with the unknown, the strategy protocol involves taking a step back, assessing the situation, considering possibilities and outcomes, writing down a plan, taking action, pushing forward, and reassessing. By following these protocols, we can take control of our reactions and responses, even in situations where we may feel powerless. The beauty of these protocols is that they empower us to lead our lives with unmitigated daily discipline, allowing us to achieve excellence in our health, work, and personal relationships. So, when you don't know what to do, remember the protocols and go harder. For more resources, visit jocklepublishing.com/downloads.

    • Continuous self-improvement through various meansPractice martial arts, stay safe, support local businesses, and use supplements for discipline and focus

      Continuous self-improvement is essential for living an honorable and fulfilling life. This can be achieved through various means, including martial arts like jiu jitsu, but not limiting oneself to just one discipline. Staying safe and preparing for safety is also crucial. Supporting local businesses, such as Origin, that prioritize American-made products and community development is another way to contribute positively. Additionally, supplementation, particularly in the form of ready-to-drink protein or milk, can aid in maintaining discipline and focus for the mental and physical journey of self-improvement. During challenging times like a pandemic, it's important to be patient and support local businesses as they adapt to new circumstances.

    • Staying Healthy: Building Up Your Immune SystemStrengthen your immune system by taking supplements, practicing good hygiene, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Stay informed and take precautions when traveling to areas heavily impacted by the pandemic.

      Maintaining a strong immune system is crucial, especially during uncertain times. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying healthy, especially after traveling to areas heavily impacted by the pandemic. He compares building up immunity to having a "tank" or "armor," and mentions various ways to do so, including taking supplements and practicing good hygiene. The speaker also promotes their online store, Jocko Store, where listeners can purchase items related to their philosophy, such as merchandise, boxes, and soap. Additionally, they mention their podcasts and YouTube channel for further immersion into their content.

    • Digital platforms drive engagement and growth in leadership trainingDespite the pandemic, digital platforms have enabled more direct engagement, real-time feedback, and increased impact in leadership training. Inspiring podcasts, interactive consultancies, and virtual events have fostered a stronger sense of community and collaboration.

      The shift to digital platforms for leadership training and interaction has proven to be an effective solution during the pandemic, allowing for more direct engagement and real-time feedback. The Warrior Kids podcast featuring inspirational figures like Johnny Kim is motivating children, and initiatives like Mikey and the Dragons are being embraced by police officers across the country. Echelon Front's leadership consultancy has seen significant growth through their digital offerings, including live sessions and EF Online, which now features interactive Q&A sessions and detailed discussions. This approach has led to a stronger sense of community and collaboration among participants. Additionally, Echelon Front's leadership events, such as The Muster, continue to be held, with upcoming events in Phoenix, Arizona, and Dallas, Texas. Overall, the adaptability to digital platforms has allowed for increased impact and engagement in leadership training and development.

    • Connecting Veterans and Skilled Professionals with Employment OpportunitiesEF and EF Legion offer resources for veterans and skilled professionals to connect with hiring companies during economic uncertainty.

      Organizations like EF and EF Legion are providing opportunities for veterans and skilled professionals to connect and find employment. This is particularly important during times of economic uncertainty when some companies are laying off workers, while others are hiring. Veterans and other skilled professionals can sign up on EF Legion's website to connect with companies looking to hire. Additionally, veterans can consider leadership roles through EF Overwatch. The founders of EF, Dave, Echo, and Jocko, encourage everyone to keep pushing forward, even when the path is difficult and filled with obstacles. They also expressed gratitude towards those in uniform, as well as medical personnel, who are protecting our nation and communities.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    Where to reach Nausheena Hussain:

    Nausheena’s Bio:

    Nausheena Hussain is the co-founder and Executive Director of a new platform to empower women in her community known as Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment. She is dedicated in building a movement to address leadership development, increase community engagement, and create a philanthropic legacy for change.

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    Click here to learn more about Nausheena and her work.

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