
    243: Finding a Way Back Home. Life, Death, Murder, and Music with The White Buffalo

    enAugust 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • War shapes individuals profoundlyWar changes perspective, cherish simple pleasures, bond with comrades, and find solace in shared experiences

      War changes a person's perspective on life. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, shares his experience of accepting the harsh realities of war and the loss of normal life. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the mission and the men during war, while cherishing the simple pleasures of life upon returning home. The bond formed between comrades, such as Seth Stone and Jocko, is strengthened through shared experiences and common interests, like surfing and music. The White Buffalo, a band whose music resonated with them, became a part of their personal soundtrack, reflecting their experiences and emotions. Overall, war shapes individuals in profound ways, and the connections made during that time remain valuable throughout their lives.

    • Memories of Seth's Intense ConcertsThe speaker cherishes their memories of Seth's intense concerts, admiring his ability to create powerful music and connect with fans.

      The speaker, who had once been a soldier and a fan of Jake Smith, also known as the White Buffalo, cherishes the memories of their shared experiences, especially the intense moments at Seth's concerts. Jake's music has a deep impact on the speaker, and they appreciate the opportunity to meet and talk with the man behind the powerful songs. Jake was born in Eugene, Oregon, where his father was pursuing a college education. They later moved to Huntington Beach, California, where Jake grew up. His father was a college professor of public administration, a lesser-known field of study. Jake's mother was a nurse. He has an older brother and a younger sister. The family lived relatively close to the beach, but they didn't live in the more affluent Malibu area. Instead, they took the bus to go surfing when they were young. The conversation between the speaker and Jake eventually shifts to Jake's background. The speaker expresses admiration for Jake's ability to create such impactful music and shares a memory of a near-fight at one of Seth's shows. Despite the intense moment, the speaker looks back on it fondly as one of many powerful memories of Seth's music and the connection they shared with it.

    • Transitioning to something newEmbrace the challenge of trying new things, even if it seems daunting or impossible at first. Adapt and keep trying to progress.

      Making a mental transition to try something new, especially when it comes to something physically challenging, can be a difficult process. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of trying to surf despite being a larger person and the challenges he faced due to the size difference between him and the surfboards available. He eventually received a larger board as a surprise, which helped him progress in surfing. This experience of transitioning to a larger board parallels the mental shift required to try new things, even when it seems daunting or impossible at first. Additionally, the speaker's background in baseball and his growth from being a top prospect to moving to a different position shows that everyone's journey is unique, and it's essential to keep trying and adapting to new situations.

    • Childhood influences shaped the speaker's interests in sports and musicThe speaker's father's soccer preference led him to soccer, while a friend's punk rock taste introduced him to music. Music used to be a defining personality trait, but its vast availability today makes it less so.

      The speaker's upbringing and experiences shaped his interests and identity, particularly in the areas of sports and music. Growing up, his father preferred soccer over baseball, leading the speaker to play soccer before eventually persuading his father to let him try baseball. His musical tastes evolved from country music in his youth to punk rock in high school, influenced by a friend's introduction to the genre. The speaker also noted how music used to be a significant indicator of someone's personality, but with the vast amount of music available today, it's less defining. The speaker's father was a wrestler, and his brother was a successful high school wrestler. The speaker's musical journey began late and was heavily influenced by a friend's musical preferences. The speaker also shared how music used to be a strong identifier of someone's personality but is less so today due to the vast amount of music available.

    • Limited access to music in the pastIn the past, access to music was restricted and expensive, but today, there's an abundance of music and diverse genres available for all.

      Access to music was more limited and expensive in the past compared to today. For instance, people had to travel to cities like New York to buy albums, which cost $21 each. Borrowing tapes was an option, but the quality was poor. However, the landscape of music has significantly changed. Nowadays, there's an abundance of music, and genres cross over more frequently. The speaker's personal experience involved discovering acoustic music in high school through a friend's father, who played and sang the songs. This encounter led him to start writing his own music, even though baseball was still his primary focus. Despite feeling burnout from baseball, he didn't pursue music as a career until later. Overall, the ease of access to music and its diverse offerings have expanded the listening experiences for people today.

    • Unexpected experiences ignite passionsFollow your instincts and allow unexpected opportunities to shape your passions and creative endeavors.

      Passion can be discovered and nurtured through unexpected experiences and circumstances. For instance, the speaker's love for baseball and music were ignited by scholarships and personal experiences, leading him to pursue these passions despite not taking formal lessons or having a clear career path in mind. Additionally, the ease of creating something original, rather than trying to learn someone else's work, can be a driving force in the creative process. The speaker's first song, written as a teenager, was an expression of his thoughts and experiences, paving the way for a lifetime of songwriting. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of following one's instincts and allowing unexpected opportunities to shape one's passions and creative endeavors.

    • Staying true to passion despite unclear pathPersistence and dedication to a passion can lead to unexpected success, even without a clear plan or formal training

      Passion and persistence can lead to success, even when the path is unclear or unconventional. The speaker, Winston Thomas, shares his personal story of pursuing music despite not having formal training or a clear plan. He spent years writing songs, playing occasionally in small venues, and even waiting tables to make ends meet. However, he remained dedicated to his craft and eventually formed a band called Living Room. The band gained some traction through word of mouth, with cassette tapes passing from person to person in the surf industry. While the speaker's journey was far from easy, his determination and love for music ultimately paid off. This story highlights the importance of staying true to one's passion and continuing to put in effort, even when progress seems slow or uncertain.

    • Unexpected discovery by a filmmaker leads to validation and growthBe open to new opportunities and experiences, even if they seem unlikely or unrelated to your goals. Unexpected discoveries can lead to validation and growth.

      Sometimes unexpected opportunities can lead to validation and growth. The speaker's music was discovered by a filmmaker, leading him to believe that his work might resonate with a larger audience. This validation encouraged him to pursue music more seriously and eventually led to his first recording contract. The speaker also emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities and being open to new experiences, even if they seem unlikely or unrelated to one's goals. The speaker's journey involved many challenges and setbacks, but his determination and willingness to take risks ultimately paid off.

    • Lessons learned during the recording of first albumMaintaining creative control during recording process is crucial for artists to ensure their vision is reflected in the final product.

      The recording process of the first album for White Buffalo, named Hogtide, was a learning experience for the artist. He made the album with Peter King in San Diego but felt it got out of hand when too many producers and musicians got involved, taking control away from him. The result was an overproduced album that didn't align with his vision. He discontinued it and later re-recorded it. This experience taught him the importance of maintaining creative control during the recording process. Despite the initial setback, White Buffalo continued to perform at a sushi bar and sell his music independently until he met his wife, moved to Los Angeles, and recorded his first EP with the help of a manager. The album was independently released and sold mostly at shows until the digital format became popular. This early phase of his career was marked by a lack of industry support and significant progress. It wasn't until later that he started to gain more momentum.

    • From small gigs to a big offer from WalmartUnexpected financial success can arise in creative careers, but it's important to value yourself and not miss out on opportunities.

      Even in the early stages of a creative career, opportunities for financial success can arise unexpectedly. The speaker shares his experience of going from playing small gigs and living off minimal means, to receiving a significant offer from Walmart for a commercial. However, he also learned the importance of not undervaluing himself and passing opportunities on to his manager. Despite the financial instability, the speaker continued to write music inspired by the people and experiences around him. He also used his college degree to substitute teach, which he found both hilarious and heartbreaking. Ultimately, these experiences shaped his music and helped him navigate the early stages of his career.

    • Staying true to oneself as an artistAn artist's determination to stay authentic and independent, despite challenges, is essential for personal growth and success in the music industry.

      The artist's journey to staying true to himself and his music, despite facing struggles and lack of external validation, has been crucial to his growth as an artist. He values his independence and authenticity over commercial success and fame. His experiences, including touring with a well-known musician and having his music featured in a popular TV show, have broadened his horizons and reinforced his determination to continue being true to himself. The artist's unique perspective and ability to stay grounded in his vision, even when facing adversity, sets him apart in the music industry where collaboration and outside influence are common.

    • The Power of Music in TV ShowsA strategic music placement in a TV show can lead to international recognition and a record deal for an independent artist

      The strategic use of music in a popular TV show catapulted an independent artist into international recognition and a record deal. The artist's music, initially used in a few episodes, gained popularity through full-length montages and visual storytelling. This exposure led the artist to explore Europe as a viable market and eventually sign with a label. Despite having limited resources and experience in the industry, the artist was encouraged to join the game and benefit from professional management and marketing opportunities. This story highlights the power of creative collaboration and the potential impact of media exposure on an artist's career.

    • Navigating the unpredictable music industryStay true to your sound, be open to various genres, and value emotional responses from audiences

      The music industry can be unpredictable, and success may not always come in the same form or at the same pace in different parts of the world. The speaker shares his experience of finding success in Europe while facing challenges in the US market due to the unique nature of his music genre. He also discusses the importance of staying true to his sound and being open to various musical categories. The songs he writes often come from unexpected places, and his ability to recognize and develop these ideas is what sets him apart. Ultimately, the speaker values the emotional response his music elicits from audiences, even if it doesn't easily fit into one specific genre.

    • Unexpected moments of inspiration lead to significant artInspiration for artists can strike unexpectedly and lead to their best work, allowing a receptive mindset to let ideas flow freely.

      For the artist, inspiration and creativity often come unexpectedly and effortlessly, like a poem written in college or a song that spills out in a moment. These moments of inspiration may not be frequent, but they can lead to the development of significant works. The artist shared that they don't feel pressure to constantly produce new material and that some of their best work has come from unexpected circumstances, such as a chance encounter or a late-night idea. The artist also mentioned that they don't edit their work extensively during the initial stages and instead let the ideas flow freely. Overall, the artist's creative process is characterized by a receptive mindset, allowing inspiration to take hold and lead to the creation of their art.

    • Unexpected recording leads to creative breakthroughPressure can inspire creativity, but collaboration with talented individuals can lead to even greater results.

      Pressure can lead to creativity, but sometimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone and working with others to truly unleash your potential. The musician in this discussion shares an experience of feeling stuck with only a few ideas for an album, until he decided to just start recording without a clear plan. This unexpected move led to a productive and successful album. The musician also emphasizes the importance of collaborating with talented individuals, like his drummer Matt, who brings energy and intensity to their performances. The live shows are described as visceral experiences, where the musicians give it their all, creating an electric atmosphere that can't be fully captured on record. While they don't have a live album yet, the musician believes they could create one that would offer a unique and immersive experience for listeners.

    • Exploring the Connection to a Band and Their MusicThe artist shares his deep connection to a band, discussing shared loves, dark themes, and the importance of exploring both light and dark aspects of art and life.

      The artist discusses his connection to a band and their music, which includes both light and dark themes. He mentions how they discovered a shared love for a secret band, and how they all come together as a community, despite differences. The artist also shares the inspiration behind some of his darker songs, such as "Matador," "Carnage," and "Madman." He expresses his belief in exploring the darker aspects of art and life, and how he enjoys being able to switch between tender and aggressive styles. The artist also mentions his creation of a concept album, which tells a narrative story of a couple through a series of linked songs.

    • A soldier's journey of love, war, and redemptionThe artist's concept album explores themes of love, war, and redemption, following a soldier's journey and emphasizing the transformative power of love.

      The artist discussed creating a concept album with a cohesive narrative, drawing inspiration from war, love, and redemption. The album follows a soldier's journey, starting as a forbidden love story, leading to war, and eventually, a quest for redemption. The artist emphasized the power of love as a theme and the impact it has on the soldier's humanity. Additionally, the artist mentioned the challenges of touring and releasing an album during the pandemic, with plans for future projects, including a potential concept album about "widows' walks" and the longing of wives for their seafaring husbands.

    • Discussing the Evolution of His MusicWhite Buffalo shares how his albums have evolved, emphasizing staying true to art and creating despite challenges and successes. His music resonates deeply with listeners, blending humor and seriousness, and is accessible through his website, social media, and YouTube.

      The artistic process of creating music can be influenced by various experiences and emotions, leading to a diverse range of songs. White Buffalo, a musician known for his powerful and meaningful lyrics, discussed how his albums have evolved over time, incorporating different themes and styles. He emphasized the importance of staying true to one's art and continuing to create despite challenges and successes. White Buffalo's music resonates with listeners on a deep level, providing comfort and inspiration during difficult times. His unique ability to blend humor and seriousness, light and dark, makes his music relatable and applicable to various aspects of life. Fans can connect with him through his website, social media channels, and YouTube channel.

    • Musical Discovery of Jake's Unique TalentStay capable and healthy through regular workouts, reading, embracing challenges, and using high-quality supplements like JAKO fuel and Super krill oil.

      Jake's unique voice and raw talent were evident from the moment they met, leading to an impressive musical discovery. Jake's ability to perform and sing well without any formal training stood out to the speaker, who had previously worked with professional voice actors. The conversation then shifted to the importance of staying capable and healthy, with regular workouts and reading being key elements. The speaker emphasized the need to embrace both the darkness and the light, recognizing that challenges and recoveries are part of growth. They also discussed the importance of high-quality supplements, such as JAKO fuel and Super krill oil, to support joint health and overall wellness.

    • Tools for a healthy lifestyle: Discipline Powder, Discipline in a can, and MolkUse Discipline Powder before workouts, Discipline in a can for refreshing energy, Molk for muscle building, encourage healthy choices for kids, and embrace functional clothing for long-term growth

      Discipline Powder, Discipline in a can, and Molk are tools used for supplementation to support a healthy and active lifestyle. Discipline Powder is taken before workouts, often in place of an energy drink, while the can version functions similarly but provides a more refreshing energy boost. Molk, a protein-rich beverage, is a valuable addition for those looking to build muscle and improve overall health. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of allowing children to make healthy choices, like asking for a glass of milk, and the benefits of American-made functional clothing from Jocko's store. These tools, along with the right mindset and consistent effort, contribute to long-term growth and success.

    • Exploring Jocko Willink's Online Platforms for Personal GrowthJocko Willink's online offerings include a store, podcasts, a YouTube channel, and a spoken word album, providing a diverse range of content to motivate and inspire personal growth through consistency, discipline, and focus.

      Jocko Willink's online platforms offer a variety of content to engage and motivate audiences. From functional double-duty board shorts available at jocostore.com, to podcasts like the Jocko Podcast, the Unraveling, Grounded, and Warrior Kid, and the YouTube channel with enhanced videos, there's something for everyone. Psychological warfare, a spoken word album, serves as a source of motivation during moments of weakness. The importance of consistency and discipline, as emphasized in the podcasts, is reinforced through the availability of various content formats. Additionally, visual representations from FlipsideCanvas.com can help keep individuals focused and on track. Overall, Jocko Willink's online presence provides a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to personal growth and development.

    • Resources for Improving Leadership Skills with Jocko WillinkRetired Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink offers various resources, including music, books, consultancy, platform for live interaction, candidates, and social media, to help individuals and organizations improve leadership skills.

      Jake Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL commander, offers various resources for individuals and organizations seeking to improve leadership skills. These resources include Jake's music, books such as "Extreme Ownership," "Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual," and "The Dichotomy of Leadership," Echelon Front's leadership consultancy, and EF Online, a platform for live interaction and Q&A sessions. For those looking for experienced military leaders, EF Overwatch offers candidates. Additionally, America's Mighty Warriors, founded by Mark Lee's mother, supports military members, families, and gold star families. Lastly, Jake and his team can be found on various social media platforms under their respective handles. Overall, Jocko emphasizes that leadership is an ongoing process and encourages individuals to engage in these resources to continue their growth.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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