
    247: W.T.F. What it Takes to Beat The Odds, with John Stryker Meyer. Wiskey Tango Foxtrot, by Lynne Black.

    enSeptember 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Inspiring Story of Lynn Black, a Green Beret Painter and Vietnam War VeteranA Green Beret soldier, Lynn Black, served in the classified Studies and Observation Group (SOG) during the Vietnam War, pursuing his dream of painting after completing military duty, conducting dangerous missions, and later sharing his experiences in a book.

      The inspiring story of Lynn Black, a Green Beret soldier who served in the highly classified Studies and Observation Group (SOG) during the Vietnam War. Lynn, also known as Blackjack, was encouraged by his art director and World War 2 veteran, Robert C. Dinsmore, to complete his military duty before pursuing his dream of becoming a fine art painter. After enlisting, Lynn was sent to Fort Ord for basic training and later to Fort Knox for advanced leadership school. Despite the risks and high casualty rates, Lynn and his fellow SOG soldiers conducted incredible and often insane missions, some of which were previously unknown to the public. John Stryker Meyer, another SOG veteran and a guest on the podcast, shares his admiration for Lynn and the heroism and courage displayed by the SOG soldiers during their service. Lynn later wrote a book about his experiences, titled "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot WTF," which provides a unique insight into the lives of these brave soldiers. The podcast episode serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers like Lynn and the importance of acknowledging their stories.

    • Growing up with historical eventsBorn in Germany, named 'Bosco', moved to an Ordnance town, became a babysitter during the Korean War, and fell in love during the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, Lynn Black's childhood was shaped by significant historical events.

      Lynn Black, a key figure in special operations during the Vietnam War, grew up in an intriguing background. Born in 1945 in Germany, he was named "Bosco" after his mother discovered he fell asleep when given a chocolate drink. His family later moved to a munitions depot town, Ordnance, Oregon, where his father managed the payroll office. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, the family moved again, and Lynn became the babysitter for his brothers. In 1954, the Viet Minh, with Soviet and Chinese support, engaged the French at Dien Bien Phu, ultimately leading to the French defeat. Meanwhile, young Lynn was in the 3rd grade and falling in love. Lynn's early life was filled with significant historical events, providing a unique foundation for his future military career.

    • Historical events and personal experiences can shape our livesUnexpected events, whether historical or personal, can lead to profound impacts and shape our lives in significant ways. Adapting to change and understanding consequences is essential.

      Historical events can unexpectedly escalate and have profound impacts, as seen in the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and the subsequent U.S. involvement in Vietnam. This event marked the first time a non-European colonial independence movement successfully defeated a modern Western occupier in pitched battle. On a personal note, individuals also face unexpected changes and challenges, such as Lynn's decision to use her real name despite teasing from peers. Historical events and personal experiences can both be unpredictable and shape our lives in significant ways. The French defeat at Dien Bien Phu was a turning point in history, leading to the U.S. involvement in Vietnam and ultimately shaping the course of the 20th century. Similarly, Lynn's decision to use her real name marked a personal turning point in her life. Both examples demonstrate the importance of adapting to change and understanding the potential consequences of our actions and the actions of historical figures.

    • An unexpected military career from a financial incentiveA small financial decision led to an unexpected military career, providing valuable experiences and skills for both military and civilian life.

      The extra $55 a month offered to a soldier for parachute jumps led him to a surprising military career in Okinawa with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, instead of his desired path in art education. This decision, made for a small financial incentive, resulted in experiences and skills that would prove valuable in both military and civilian life. The 173rd Airborne Brigade, known as "Sky Soldiers," was renowned for its parachute exercises and quick response to engage and deter enemy forces in the Pacific theater. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the soldier found himself living the peacetime army life on Okinawa, reflecting on his choices and pondering the richness of his own thoughts. The book, filled with debriefs and self-examination, showcases the author's journey and the depth of his introspection.

    • Learning from each other in high-pressure environmentsOpen communication and learning from each other's experiences are crucial for success in high-pressure environments, as demonstrated by the Special Forces team's experiences at FOB One and Fubai.

      The camaraderie and open communication among team members in a high-pressure environment led to valuable learning experiences and improvement in tactics for the Special Forces team. During their time at FOB One, they learned from senior NCOs and other experienced team members by playing games like liars dice and debriefing missions. These sessions allowed them to pass on valuable information and learn from each other's mistakes. When they arrived at Fubai, they continued to learn from anyone who would share their experiences, including those who had returned from dangerous missions. The team's makeshift clubhouse became an essential learning tool, providing insights into the reality of working with helicopters and the challenges they faced in the field. In 1965, the team received cryptic rumors of an impending deployment to South Vietnam, and they prepared for the mission by training and gearing up for combat. The team's experiences demonstrate the importance of open communication, learning from each other, and adapting to new situations in order to succeed in high-pressure environments.

    • Soldiers in Vietnam faced challenges with lack of information and outdated vehiclesDuring the Vietnam War, soldiers lacked access to real-time news and had to use outdated, low-clearance vehicles, making them vulnerable to hidden explosives

      During the Vietnam War, soldiers were deployed without prior knowledge of the situation, and they used outdated vehicles with low ground clearance which made them vulnerable to hidden explosives. The 173rd Airborne Brigade, one of the first US army units sent to Vietnam, arrived on May 12, 1965, and instead of riding on their armored personnel carriers, they were ordered to go on ambush patrols. The CEO's discussion also highlighted the stark contrast between instant global news coverage today and the lack of information available to soldiers during that time. For instance, they didn't have access to newspapers or other sources of news, and their vehicles, including the M113 armored personnel carriers, were built low to the ground to avoid detection, making them susceptible to subsurface IEDs.

    • Soldiers in the 173rd Airborne Brigade faced unexpected challenges in VietnamSoldiers in the 173rd Airborne Brigade were forced to adapt to unexpected foot patrols and harsh conditions, while dealing with the psychological toll of an unpredictable enemy and the constant shifting between offense and defense.

      Despite the anticipation of engaging in combat from armored vehicles, soldiers in the 173rd Airborne Brigade found themselves on foot patrols and enduring the harsh conditions of Vietnam. Lynn, an armor guy, expressed his discontent towards the constant digging of trenches, filling sandbags, and building bunkers, while also having to do pots and pans duty. However, the psychological preparation for the unknown enemy and the constant shifting between offense and defense proved to be challenging, especially during search and destroy missions. Lynn's brother, Hugh, was critically wounded during one such mission, leaving Lynn feeling frustrated and determined to find those responsible. The mentality of being on offense versus defense was a recurring theme, as soldiers were often targets on the move, and even during combat engagements, the enemy would quickly adapt and counterattack. Overall, the beginning of the war in Vietnam presented soldiers with a new and unpredictable enemy, leading to a constant state of defense and a mental and physical toll on the troops.

    • Adopting an offensive mindset during warDespite the challenges and dangers, it's important to have a proactive attitude during war to protect comrades and serve country, leading to a deep sense of responsibility and potential desire for revenge.

      Despite the challenges and dangers faced during war, it's important to adopt an offensive mindset instead of constantly being on defense. This was exemplified by Lynn's determination to go after the enemy despite being told to hold back. However, the consequences of war were severe, with friends and fellow soldiers being wounded or killed, leaving Lynn feeling a strong sense of revenge and a desire to return to the battlefield. Despite the uncertainty and danger, Lynn felt a deep sense of responsibility to serve his country and protect his comrades. This complex mix of emotions and experiences shaped Lynn's perspective and ultimately led him to reenlist.

    • Learning to adapt in unpredictable war situationsDuring war, adaptability is crucial. Soldiers faced hidden enemies and dangerous areas, requiring rigorous training and a willingness to adapt to unexpected situations.

      War is unpredictable and requires adaptability. During the Vietnam War, soldiers faced hidden enemies, such as snipers, who were skilled at avoiding detection. Rubber plantations were a dangerous area due to controlled fire lanes and the potential for lawsuits from plantation owners. Soldiers often took casualties without seeing the enemy, similar to experiences in Iraq. Special Forces and recon men, known as the best of the best, underwent rigorous training, including long hours in the classroom and adapting to unexpected situations. The lessons learned from these experiences were invaluable and required a willingness to adapt and take the fight to the enemy.

    • Learning Morse code and adapting to new rolesDespite resistance and skepticism, determination and adaptability can lead to achieving goals and unexpected opportunities. Unconventional training and team camaraderie play a crucial role in overcoming challenges.

      Determination and adaptability are crucial in achieving one's goals, even in the face of adversity and skepticism. The speaker, a former Navy SEAL, shared his experience of learning Morse code despite resistance and the importance of it during a potential nuclear war. He also discussed how he ended up becoming a radio operator, which allowed him to go on every mission, despite his initial desire to be an operator. The conversation also touched upon the unconventional training methods in SEAL teams and the camaraderie shared among team members before their deployment. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of staying focused on goals, being open to new experiences, and trusting the guidance of mentors.

    • A soldier's unexpected clerk role leads to a secret military unitInitially assigned to a clerk role, a soldier discovers his team conducts covert operations and sabotage in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

      The soldier, who was expecting to seek revenge for his brother and become a recon man, found himself being assigned to a clerk-like role in a top-secret military unit. Feeling betrayed, he questioned the purpose of his assignment until he received a detailed briefing about the unit's true mission: conducting classified operations in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia under the cover of MACVsaug. The soldier learned that he and his team would be part of recon teams, hatchet forces, and SLAM companies, which were responsible for conducting covert operations and sabotage against the enemy. The soldier realized that he was indeed getting what he asked for, but the nature of the mission was far more complex and crucial than he had initially anticipated.

    • A top-secret special operations group during the Vietnam WarVeteran Lynn served in MAC VSOG, a clandestine team responsible for covert missions, including kidnapping, assassination, and retrieving sensitive documents, during the Vietnam War.

      Lynn, a 75-year-old veteran, served in a top-secret special operations group called MAC VSOG during the Vietnam War. This organization was responsible for various covert missions, including cross-border operations against enemy territories, rescuing imprisoned and missing Americans, and conducting psychological warfare. MAC VSOG's primary responsibilities also included kidnapping, assassination, and retrieving sensitive documents. The missions required team members to enter enemy territory with no identification and carry no personal belongings. Team members were expected to complete a minimum of three cross-border missions and could request a change of assignment after their tour of duty. The team consisted of American leaders, assistant team leaders, radio operators, and mercenaries. The team's work involved reconnaissance, trail watching, POW snatching, wiretapping, ambushing, and enemy interdiction. The team members signed nondisclosure statements and agreed to never reveal their participation in the organization. The stakes were high, as any breach of security could compromise the entire mission.

    • Vietnam War SOG team's covert intelligence gathering toolsDuring the Vietnam War, SOG teams used wiretaps and cassette recorders for covert intelligence gathering, despite high risks and casualty rates.

      During the Vietnam War, members of the Military Assessment and Training Team (SOG) were prepared for captivity and equipped with individual recognition procedures and covert intelligence gathering tools, including wiretaps and recording devices. The team carried a variety of equipment, from weapons and survival kits to communication devices and prisoner extraction equipment. The wiretaps were a crucial part of their intelligence gathering, allowing them to record conversations and background noises undetected. The cassette recorders were small and portable, about the size of a book. Despite the risks and the high stakes, volunteers were fully committed to their mission, driven by their training and the desire to serve. The team was warned about the dangers and the high casualty rates but were not fully informed about the extent of it. The secrecy surrounding their mission added to the intensity and the allure of the "secret war."

    • The value of debriefings in gaining a third-person perspectiveDuring debriefings, team members share unique insights and perspectives, improving future operations. Gathering and utilizing all available intelligence is crucial for mission success and minimizing risks.

      The importance of debriefing and the impact it has on gaining a third-person perspective of oneself. During debriefings, team members are required to detach and explain their actions, providing a unique perspective that can help improve future operations. The discussion also highlighted an especially significant mission, Oscar 8, where teams had a history of disappearing or being severely damaged. Despite the risks, the team went in blind with no target intelligence, relying solely on maps and visual reconnaissance to prepare for the mission. This highlights the importance of gathering and utilizing all available intelligence to increase mission success and minimize risks.

    • Understanding the disconnect between frontline troops and support roles during reconnaissance missionsEffective communication and understanding between frontline troops and support roles is crucial during reconnaissance missions to make informed decisions and prevent potential dangers.

      Despite the challenges and dangers faced during reconnaissance missions, those in the rear echelon continue to push for information and analysis, often leading to a disconnect between those on the front lines and those in support roles. Lynn Black's experience during a mission on October 3rd, where they came under fire while conducting visual reconnaissance and lost a pilot, highlights this disconnect. The intensity of the situation and the weight of the decisions being made can be overwhelming for those who have just experienced such events, making it essential for those in support roles to understand the context and gravity of the situations they are analyzing. The events of October 3rd ultimately led to the decision not to proceed with the mission, demonstrating the crucial role of effective communication and understanding between frontline troops and those in support roles.

    • Ambushed Team's One-One Goes into Shock, Radio Operator Takes ChargeMental fortitude and effective communication are crucial during combat situations for survival.

      During a firefight in the Vietnam War, a team named Alabama was ambushed, resulting in multiple casualties. The team's one one, who went by the codename Blackjack, was in a state of shock and believed he was dead after seeing his team members get hit. Amidst the chaos, Blackjack was unable to take command and was found praying with a rosary. The team's radio operator, Mandolin, had to take charge and communicate with their base for help. The team had initially reported three fatalities, but it was later discovered that one team member was still alive. The incident highlights the importance of mental fortitude and leadership during combat situations. Despite the trauma, the team managed to hold their ground and communicate effectively to ensure their survival.

    • Leadership and teamwork in the face of adversityEffective leadership and teamwork are essential for survival and success on the battlefield. Adaptability, quick thinking, and decisive action are crucial in the midst of chaos, while experience and knowledge of the terrain and enemy tactics can give teams an edge.

      Effective leadership and teamwork are crucial in the face of adversity. Despite being under heavy fire and facing the enemy, team members like Cowboy and Loke stepped up to lead and take charge, ensuring the survival and progress of their team. Their quick thinking and bravery in rigging a claymore and leading the team through the battle were instrumental in creating a path of carnage through the enemy ranks. The importance of leadership, as always, cannot be overstated on the battlefield. The team's success was a testament to their ability to adapt, work together, and take decisive action in the midst of chaos. Additionally, the team's experience and knowledge of the terrain and enemy tactics played a significant role in their victory. The loss of their point man and one zero was a reminder of the sacrifices made during the mission, but their teamwork and determination ensured that they continued to make progress towards their objective.

    • Communication between ground troops and air support during wartimeStrong communication saved lives as ground troops maintained contact with air support during heavy enemy fire, while bomber crews bravely completed missions despite high casualties and difficult decisions had to be made to ensure survival.

      During wartime, having a strong and reliable communication system between ground troops and air support can be a matter of life and death. This was evident during a mission where the team was under heavy enemy fire and were unable to be extracted for hours. The team's radio operator, Spider, was able to maintain communication with the air support, keeping them informed of their situation and providing crucial guidance. This relationship was critical in helping the team survive and eventually make it back safely. Another important aspect highlighted in the discussion was the immense sacrifices made by the bomber crews during World War 2. Despite facing mass casualties, they were required to complete 25 missions before being rotated out. The vivid details shared by Lyn, who had a remarkable memory, served as a reminder of the immense bravery and resilience of these men. Lastly, the team faced a difficult decision during their mission when they had to leave behind their fallen comrades due to the heavy enemy presence and the need to focus on their own survival. This decision, though difficult, ultimately helped the team make it back alive. The experience served as a reminder of the harsh realities of war and the importance of making tough decisions when necessary.

    • Leading a team to outmaneuver enemiesIn high-pressure situations, making quick and brave decisions is crucial for survival. Outsmarting the enemy and turning the tables requires quick thinking, courage, effective communication, and adaptability.

      In high-pressure situations, making quick and brave decisions is crucial for survival. Lynne, a soldier in the discussion, demonstrates this by leading his team to turn back against their enemies and outmaneuver them, even when faced with danger. However, they were not abandoning their comrades, but rather making a strategic decision for the team's survivability. It's important to remember that in such situations, it's not about avoiding conflict, but rather outsmarting the enemy and turning the tables. This required quick thinking, courage, and effective communication between team members. Additionally, they had to be aware of their surroundings and adapt to the enemy's tactics, such as using grenades to clear the jungle and attempting to herd them towards the LZ for easier targets. The outcome was a successful charge, resulting in the destruction of several enemy forces. It's a reminder that in the face of adversity, taking bold and calculated risks can lead to victory.

    • Stay Calm Under PressureIn high-stress situations, staying calm and focused can save lives and prevent unnecessary casualties.

      Staying calm under pressure is crucial in high-stress situations, as emphasized by Spider, a seasoned veteran. Amidst intense gunfire and imminent danger, Spider advised Blackjack to keep his cool, which Blackjack eventually managed to do. The situation was dire, with gunships attempting to land and rescue attempts being thwarted by heavy enemy fire. The team was prepared for a rescue mission, but due to the intense situation on the ground and the risk of attracting more enemy attention, Spider called off the rescue and advised against sending in a "bright light." Instead, they focused on getting off the ground and out of harm's way. The team's resilience and quick thinking ultimately saved lives and prevented unnecessary casualties.

    • Marking positions with green smoke led to confusion during a firefightDuring a firefight, using the same signal for extraction as the enemy caused chaos, but air support turned the tide and highlighted the humanity of the situation.

      During a firefight in Vietnam, the team marked their position with green smoke to signal for extraction, but the NVA also used the same tactic, leading to confusion. The situation became chaotic as they faced enemy fire from multiple sides, with some team members struggling to keep up and others protecting their comrades. The arrival of air support, including Phantom jets dropping napalm, turned the tide, allowing them to pick off the enemy as they fled the inferno. However, the team's ammo supply was running low, and they were left wondering about the wisdom of using 20-round magazines. The discussion also highlighted the humanity of the situation, with team members acknowledging that they were killing other men, some of whom were likely fathers, sons, and brothers. The team's focus was on survival and protecting each other, and they were grateful for the air support that helped turn the tide in their favor.

    • Navigating Surprises and Distractions in Military OperationsEffective communication and teamwork helped soldiers defend against enemy ambushes, conserve resources, and stay focused during unexpected challenges in military operations.

      During a military operation, the element of surprise and effective communication are crucial in achieving success. The team in this narrative encountered unexpected challenges, including enemy ambushes and running out of ammo. They managed to defend themselves using captured enemy weapons and formed a "cadaver garrison" as a shield. However, they were also faced with distractions such as mosquitoes and leeches, which added to their struggles. Effective communication through radio and RDF (Radio Direction Finding) helped them stay informed and coordinate their actions. Despite the challenges, the team's determination and survival instincts kept them going until reinforcements arrived. Lynn Black, a team member, showed exceptional bravery and leadership, but even he was not immune to the physical and mental toll of the battle. The interpreter, Cowboy, played a crucial role in keeping the team informed and praying for their safety. Overall, this narrative highlights the importance of teamwork, resourcefulness, and effective communication in the face of adversity.

    • Effective teamwork and prior training save the dayProper training and strong teamwork can help a small unit overcome adversity and outmaneuver larger, less coordinated forces.

      Effective teamwork and prior training played a crucial role in the survival of a small military unit during a combat mission. The team, which had experienced a change in leadership, had undergone rigorous training and drills, enabling them to respond efficiently when one of their members went outside the perimeter to gather ammo. The enemy forces, lacking radios, used whistles and bugles to coordinate their attacks, making the team's communication and readiness essential. Despite being outnumbered, they managed to hold their ground with the help of air support, demonstrating the importance of unity and preparation in the face of adversity.

    • Amidst the chaos of war, teamwork and adaptability save the dayIn the unpredictable nature of war, quick decisions, teamwork, and adaptability are crucial for survival.

      War is chaotic and unpredictable. The excerpt describes a fierce battle between American soldiers and the NVA, where they face numerous challenges and make quick decisions to survive. The pilots' calm demeanor contrasts with the intense situation, and their actions save the team from certain danger. However, even after the battle, there is no time for celebration as they face new threats and injuries. The team must work together to address their wounds and continue fighting, demonstrating their resilience and determination. Despite the danger and hardships, they remain focused and committed to their mission. The unexpected arrival of a Skyraider plane adds an unexpected element to the battle, highlighting the unpredictability of war. Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of teamwork, adaptability, and courage in the face of adversity.

    • Amidst enemy fire, team relies on quick thinking and resourcefulnessDespite chaotic conditions and threat of friendly fire, team stays focused and uses jungle environment to their advantage, ultimately surviving through resilience and adaptability.

      The situation was chaotic and dangerous, with the team constantly under enemy fire and having to rely on quick thinking and resourcefulness to survive. The use of air support was crucial, but even that came with risks. The team faced the threat of being bombed by arc light, which could have devastating consequences. Despite the challenges, they remained focused and determined, working together to stay alive and complete their mission. The jungle environment played a significant role in their survival, with the soldiers adapting to it by building their own camouflage and relying on the cover it provided. Overall, the team's resilience and ability to adapt to the situation were key to their survival.

    • Effective communication and coordination during low-altitude flights for military missionsCommunication and coordination are essential for successful military missions involving air support. Low-altitude flights are crucial for protection and accuracy, but require effective communication to overcome challenges and coordinate air and ground efforts.

      During a military mission, the use of air support can be crucial for the survival of ground troops. However, the effectiveness of air strikes depends on the ability to communicate with the aircraft and coordinate their actions. The closer the helicopters or planes fly to the ground, the less visible they become to the enemy, making low-altitude flights essential for both protection and accuracy. Air strikes can involve the use of various types and quantities of bombs, including cluster bomb units, which can cause significant damage and disorient the enemy. Communication breakdowns and unexpected enemy actions can pose challenges, requiring quick thinking and adaptability from both ground and air personnel. The success of the mission ultimately depends on the ability to overcome these challenges and effectively coordinate air and ground efforts.

    • Risky Rescue Mission in the JungleDuring a dangerous rescue mission, the team disregarded jungle safety rules to reach their helicopter before it was too late, facing intense enemy fire and reaching it just in time.

      During a dangerous mission in the jungle, a team encounters their downed pilot and pararescue team member, who have been waiting for rescue but are now under heavy enemy fire. The team must make a risky decision to follow a trail, disregarding the usual jungle safety rules, to reach their helicopter before it's too late. The situation is dire, with the helicopter taking fire, the enemy closing in, and the arc light support unable to clear the way due to heavy smoke from air strikes. The team pushes forward, facing intense gunfire, and manages to reach the helicopter just in time.

    • Helicopter rescue mission with intense enemy fireCourage and determination are crucial in overcoming adversity, even during dangerous missions with heavy losses

      During a dangerous helicopter rescue mission in the jungle, fear and adrenaline took over as the team faced intense enemy fire and challenging conditions. Quang, a wounded team member, inspired Jack Blackjack to face his fears and protect his team, leading to a fierce fight against the enemy. The mission resulted in the loss of Quang and the injury of several team members, but they managed to escape with the help of their comrades and the resilience of the team. Despite the uncertainty of the outcome, they continued to fight and support each other, demonstrating the importance of courage and determination in the face of adversity.

    • Soldiers' Mission Takes a Toll on Their Well-BeingDespite intense danger and harsh conditions, soldiers focused on their mission and team's welfare, with 11 providing leadership. Debriefing process was emotionally taxing, revealing vast enemy operations.

      The soldiers' physical and psychological well-being were put to the test during their mission. Lynn and his team faced intense danger, with enemy fire and harsh weather conditions, leading to both physical injuries and emotional trauma. Despite this, they continued to focus on their mission and their team's welfare, with 11 stepping up to provide leadership when needed. The debriefing process, while necessary, was a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for the soldiers. The intelligence gathered during the mission revealed the vast scale of the enemy's operations, with thousands of miles of trails and numerous organizations and troops defending them. The soldiers were left reflecting on their experiences and looking forward to healing and preparing for future missions.

    • Soldier's intense emotions during combat missionsDespite personal feelings and disagreements, soldiers must focus on completing their mission during combat situations.

      Specialist Lynn, a soldier in the Vietnam War, experienced intense emotions during combat situations but had to focus on completing his mission despite personal feelings and disagreements with his team. During a mission, Lynn's helicopter, the second King Bee, was shot down, and they came across an NBA flag on the landing zone. Lynn expressed strong emotions, but soldiers typically don't have time to consider feelings in such situations. Later, Lynn argued with his team about following a well-traveled trail during contact with the enemy, which led to tension within the group. Despite these challenges, Lynn continued to follow orders and complete his mission, driven by a desire to see the enemy and avenge the loss of his brother and friends.

    • Rank and combat experience don't guarantee calmness or effective leadershipCombat missions can be overwhelming, even for experienced soldiers or team leaders. Emotions like fear and demoralization can hinder effective decision making and leadership.

      Combat experience and rank do not always go hand in hand. During a mission, the speaker, who was the only American with prior combat experience, felt anxious and scared during the initial firefight. Despite this, he remained focused and took charge when Bulldog, their team leader, was believed to be hit. However, when the realization of their actions and the high number of casualties hit him, he was overcome with fear and demoralization. This experience showed that rank and experience do not ensure calmness or effective leadership in high-pressure situations. Additionally, the speaker's reflection on the event highlights the complex emotions that come with combat and the importance of staying focused on the present moment.

    • Surviving Against Overwhelming OddsAdaptability, resourcefulness, gathering intelligence, staying calm, and a selfless mission are essential for survival in challenging situations.

      Adaptability and resourcefulness are crucial for survival in the face of overwhelming odds. The team, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, managed to hold out until darkness and use the enemy's tactics against them to gain an advantage. They also emphasized the importance of gathering intelligence and practical experience to stay alive and be successful in their mission. The team's ability to remain calm and focused, even when faced with the possibility of a B-52 strike, ultimately led to their survival and the destruction of a large enemy force. The team's motto, "so that others may live," encapsulates their selfless dedication to their mission and their commitment to each other.

    • The pivotal role of SOG soldiers in the Vietnam WarSOG soldiers, including the J G's and king bees, saved lives and achieved historic missions in the Vietnam War through their bravery and dedication, leaving a lasting impact.

      The men of Special Operations Group (SOG) in the Vietnam War, specifically those mentioned as the J G's and the king bees, played a pivotal role in saving lives and achieving historic missions, such as the one discussed on page 60 of Lynn Black Junior's book "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot." These missions were crucial in the context of the war and in the lives of those involved. The setup and tactics employed by these soldiers, including calling for fire support and attempting to find the enemy, were essential to their success. The memory of these missions remains vivid for those who experienced them, with some events seeming like they happened yesterday and others feeling like a long time ago. Overall, the bravery and dedication of these soldiers are honored and remembered.

    • A Cerebral Leader with an Aggressive Side: Len Harman's SOG ChroniclesLen Harman, a colonel in the SOG during the Vietnam War, demonstrated exceptional courage, resilience, and leadership despite being outranked. His firsthand account of shady CIA activities and battles reveals a cerebral man with an aggressive side, driven by loss. Harman's inspiring story showcases the courage and leadership of SOG members during the war.

      Len Harman, a colonel in the Special Operations Group (SOG) during the Vietnam War, was a remarkable leader who demonstrated exceptional courage, resilience, and aggression in the face of adversity. Despite being in charge of all SOG operations, including CCN, CCS, and CCC, Harman was only a colonel, not a general, in the regular army hierarchy. His book, "SOG Chronicles," provides a firsthand account of his experiences, including the shady CIA activities he was involved in, and the battles he led, some of which were so remarkable they could have been used in any leadership school or as award citations. Harman received a Silver Star for his actions, but many believed he deserved a higher honor. Harman was a cerebral man, but also had a strong aggressive side, driven by the loss of his brother and comrades from the 173rd. After the war, he went on to work at Boeing and rise through the ranks, all while remaining humble and modest about his accomplishments. Harman's inspiring story is a testament to the courage and leadership of those who served in the SOG during the Vietnam War.

    • Striving for Improvement at an Appropriate LevelUnderstand individual capabilities, reflect deeply, and consider supplements and practices for overall wellness and improvement.

      While it's important to strive for improvement and pursue unattainable standards, it's equally important to understand that everyone's capabilities and resources are different. John Striker Meyer's story serves as a reminder that we should all aim to get after it at an appropriate level for ourselves. Another key takeaway is the importance of self-reflection and thinking things through, even if they may not make perfect sense at first. Lastly, the discussion touched on the benefits of various supplements and practices, such as Jocko Palmer discipline powder and joint warfare, for overall wellness and improvement.

    • Maintaining health and immunity during summerSmall choices like nutritious drinks, desserts, American-made clothing, and immune-boosting activities contribute to overall well-being.

      While enjoying a hot summer weekend, prioritizing good health and immunity is essential. Whether it's through consuming nutritious drinks or desserts, or investing in high-quality American-made clothing, small choices can make a significant impact on overall well-being. Additionally, exploring various methodologies for immune support, such as jaco white tea or jiu jitsu, can provide additional benefits. So, remember, even during leisurely moments, maintaining a focus on health and wellness is crucial. And, don't forget to indulge in some delicious desserts along the way!

    • Irish Oaks Ranch Donates to Cancer Research for Each Bar of Warrior Kid Soap SoldIrish Oaks Ranch donates $1 per soap bar to cancer research, Warrior Kid, a young entrepreneur, sells his soap at Jocko's store, and Jocko Podcast offers various podcasts, books, and leadership services.

      During the month of September, Irish Oaks Ranch is donating $1 per bar of soap sold to the Cure Search Foundation, a cancer research center. The soap is made by a young entrepreneur named Aiden, who goes by the name Warrior Kid. Aiden's soap is available at Jocko's store, along with other soap brands like Jocko soap, Trooper soap, and killer soap. This initiative is part of Aiden's mission to help children with cancer. Jocko Podcast offers various podcasts like the Warrior Kid podcast, Jocko Unraveling podcast, debrief podcast, Grounded podcast, and a YouTube channel. They also sell books through their website, jockopodcast.com, and offer leadership consultancy services through Echelon Front. If you have any questions for Jocko, you can visit EF online on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.

    • Leadership in Challenging SituationsPrinciples like leading by example, checking ego, and gratitude for heroes are crucial for success in leadership.

      Importance of leadership, especially in challenging situations. The principles of Extreme Ownership, such as leading by example and checking your ego, were emphasized as crucial for success. For those interested in learning more, resources like the Muster events, EF Overwatch, and America's Mighty Warriors were mentioned. Additionally, the appreciation and gratitude for military personnel, first responders, and others who put their lives on the line for our safety was expressed. The SOG soldiers' sacrifices in Vietnam serve as a reminder of the incredible odds they faced and the importance of remembering their contributions. To get involved, connect with John Striker Meyer on social media or visit the mentioned websites.

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    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content

    Jocko Podcast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    #020: Cultivating Attributes & Achieving High Performance with Rich Diviney

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    #615: How to Develop Authentic Gravitas

    #615: How to Develop Authentic Gravitas

    When it comes to how you're perceived in your professional life, it's likely you want to be taken seriously. You want your words to carry weight. You want to be influential and listened to, regardless of your position in a company. You want to carry yourself with gravitas.

    My guest today is an organizational psychologist and executive coach who explains how to cultivate this quality in her book Authentic Gravitas: Who Stands Out and Why. Her name is Rebecca Newton and we begin our conversation together by delving into the traits that go into embodying gravitas, as well as the myths we have about this quality. We discuss how gravitas doesn't necessarily include confidence and charisma, as well as its false manifestations. Rebecca then walks us through the steps to carrying yourself with gravitas in meetings and presentations, including why you should script the beginning and end of your speeches, and how to put more gravitas into your voice and words. We also discuss what to focus on when you're pulled into an impromptu conversation, how to get real feedback about how you can improve the way you carry yourself, and how to convey gravitas in online communication. We then discuss why practicing self-leadership is so important to developing gravitas, why Rebecca thinks everyone needs to create a "personal thought leadership window," and how you can use your drive to and from work to become more thoughtful and reflective. We end our conversation with the questions you should start asking yourself today to develop more gravitas.

    Get the show notes at aom.is/gravitas.

    137. Pixar’s Ed Catmull: Throw out your rules

    137. Pixar’s Ed Catmull: Throw out your rules

    There's no perfect process for achieving your goals. Accepting that the rules you play by need to be constantly tweaked, hacked or reinvented will open you up to new ways of innovating. Instilling this attitude throughout your organization will help you be boldly differential in your experimentation.

    Ed Catmull literally wrote the book on creating a dynamic and sustainable creative culture. Drawing on his experience as co-founder of celebrated animation studio Pixar, and president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed shares his hard-won insights from his career as a pioneering technologist, animator and storyteller.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

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