
    Podcast Summary

    • Defending Free Speech with FIREFIRE advocates for free speech, especially on college campuses, and combats cancel culture and safe spaces, led by Greg Lukianoff

      The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), as discussed in episode 257 of The Way I Heard It, is an organization dedicated to preserving and uplifting free speech. Founded in 2001, FIRE has taken on the role of advocating for free speech, particularly on college campuses, as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has shifted its focus. FIRE's name change from Foundation For Individual Rights and Education to Foundation For Individual Rights and Expression was a strategic move, allowing for a cooler image and better puns for first amendment enthusiasts. The organization, led by Greg Lukianoff, is focused on combating cancel culture and safe spaces, and their work is more important now than ever as the ability to speak freely continues to be under threat.

    • The Prioritization of Safety and Emotional Protection in EducationThe safetyism movement emphasizes emotional protection, leading to potential trade-offs with democracy, pluralism, and education. FIRE expands its mission to defend freedom of speech beyond college campuses, focusing on public education and small dollar donors for sustainability.

      The prioritization of safety, both physical and emotional, has significantly influenced education policies and college campuses in recent years. This safetyism movement, as coined by Pamela Pesky, emphasizes the protection of emotional safety at all costs, often leading to a lack of trade-offs and ridiculous precautions. This focus on safety has raised questions about the compatibility of democracy, pluralism, and education with emotional safety. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), which was founded in 1999, has traditionally focused on defending individual rights and expression on college campuses. However, due to the increasing importance of safetyism, FIRE has recently expanded its mission to include the defense of freedom of speech beyond college campuses, aiming for a nonpartisan approach and a broad base of small dollar donors. This $75,000,000 expansion includes a focus on public education about freedom of speech. The health of a civil liberties organization is best determined by its base of small dollar donors across the political spectrum, ensuring its sustainability and resilience against cancellation.

    • FIRE Announces Early Its Mission as Free Speech DefenderFIRE advocates for individual rights and expression, challenges fear of backlash, and focuses solely on free speech to make an impact.

      The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has decided to publicly announce its mission as the defender of individual rights and expression earlier than planned due to the increasing importance of free speech in today's society. The founders believe that Americans value free speech, but are afraid to express it due to fear of backlash on social media or in their workplaces. FIRE aims to challenge this trend by advocating for the importance of free speech and breaking the collective illusion that it is only the elite who don't value it. The organization also plans to focus solely on freedom of speech as its cause and maintain message discipline, unlike some other organizations that have multiple practice areas. FIRE's commitment to message discipline has been a characteristic of the organization since its inception, but it recognized that this approach was making it difficult to gain attention and make an impact. Therefore, in 2010, the founder wrote a book to explore the importance of free speech in a more nuanced way while still maintaining the organization's core message.

    • The Expectation of a Pain-Free Life and Free SpeechThe pursuit of a pain-free life can lead to a culture of intolerance and censorship, where people support free speech in theory but restrict it in practice, often using the concept of 'hate speech' as a justification.

      The expectation of a pain-free life, as promoted in certain ideologies and educational environments, can lead to an unrealistic sense of entitlement and a heightened sensitivity to offense. This, in turn, can stifle free speech and create a culture of coddling and intolerance. Gary Jacobson, a constitutional lawyer and author, has observed this trend in academia, particularly since around 2014, when students became the biggest advocates for free speech on campus, only to later become its biggest detractors. The rise of social media and the blurring of lines between online and offline personas have further fueled this polarized and uncompromising culture, which Jacobson terms "cancel culture." The introduction of the concept of "hate speech" as a justification for limiting free speech is a particularly effective form of censorship, as it allows people to claim they support free speech in principle but oppose it in practice. This complex dynamic, where people express support for free speech while also advocating for its restrictions, is a major challenge in the ongoing debate about the balance between free expression and sensitivity to offense.

    • Emergence and Impact of Hate Speech Codes on College CampusesFrom the late 1980s to 2014, hate speech codes aimed to suppress intolerant speech but often targeted individuals with unpopular opinions, creating an unprincipled and unfree environment. These codes' influence persisted, leading to the assumption that hate speech isn't protected speech and the rise of cancel culture.

      The history of free speech in the United States has seen significant challenges, particularly on college campuses. This discussion highlighted the emergence of hate speech codes in the late 1980s and their resurgence from 1995 to 2014. These codes, driven by the principles of critical race theory and influenced by thinkers like Herbert Marcuse, aimed to suppress intolerant speech. However, they often ended up being used to target and punish individuals with unpopular opinions, creating an unprincipled and unfree environment. The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the rejection of these codes, but their influence persisted and intensified during the second great age of political correctness from 1995 to 2014. This period saw the seeds of the assumption that hate speech is not protected speech take root. Furthermore, the rise of online platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to an increase in moralistic behavior and cancel culture, as people felt emboldened to shut down opposing viewpoints in the virtual world, which sometimes carried over into real life.

    • Increase in professors being fired due to cancel cultureSince 2015, around 170 professors have been terminated, including over 30 tenured ones, due to cancel culture, a trend that raises concerns about academic freedom and free speech.

      The number of attempts to get professors fired for speech, teaching, or research has significantly increased since 2015, with approximately 170 professors actually being terminated and over 30 tenured professors among them. This trend, known as cancel culture, has become a contentious issue, with some arguing that it's a valid consequence for expressing unpopular opinions, while others see it as a threat to academic freedom and free speech. The debate is not limited to one political side, as both the right and the left have experienced instances of cancel culture, with each side interpreting the phenomenon differently. Despite the evidence, there are still those who deny the existence of cancel culture, dismissing it as a conspiracy theory or an exaggeration. The implications of this trend are far-reaching, with potential consequences for the future of academic freedom and the broader societal implications of censorship.

    • Navigating the Challenging Cultural Climate: Resilience and Understanding Cognitive DistortionsUnderstand cognitive distortions to avoid anxiety and depression, promote balance between emotional well-being and intellectual growth, and be mindful of overprotective education trends.

      The current cultural climate, particularly regarding cancel culture and the impact on mental health, can be a narrow and challenging space to navigate. The speaker, who has personal experience with this, emphasizes the importance of resilience and understanding cognitive distortions to avoid anxiety and depression. He also notes the potential unintended consequences of well-intentioned parenting practices in colleges and schools. The speaker and his co-author, Jonathan Haidt, wrote about these issues in their book "Coddling the American Mind," which discusses three harmful trends in modern education: overprotecting students from discomfort, inhibiting their ability to disagree or challenge ideas, and increasing their reliance on emotional well-being as a goal. Parents and students should be mindful of these trends and strive to promote a balance between emotional well-being and intellectual growth.

    • Exploring the Harmful Effects of Modern BeliefsWell-intentioned ideas like safetyism, always trusting feelings, and viewing disagreeers as evil can hinder personal growth and harm pluralism and democracy.

      The book "The Coddling of the American Mind" explores how well-intentioned ideas, such as safetyism, always trusting your feelings, and viewing those who disagree as evil, are harming the current generation. These beliefs, which don't align with ancient wisdom and modern psychology, have become pervasive due to a lack of opposing viewpoints and societal trends like polarization and moralistic thinking. The authors argue that these beliefs, while initially appealing, can lead to negative consequences, such as hindering personal growth and harming pluralism and democracy. Instead, they suggest that we should view our feelings as information, not directions, and remember that those who disagree are generally acting with good intentions.

    • The trolley problem's limitations in real-life situationsAs social media connects billions, remember patience, forgiveness, and understanding in the face of conflict and intolerance.

      The moral complexities of real-life situations often surpass the simplistic dilemmas presented in philosophical thought experiments like the trolley problem. The speaker argues that the trolley experiment, which tests moral dilemmas, becomes less applicable when the stakes are higher and human connection is involved. In the context of social media, the ease of communicating with vast numbers of people has led to a lack of social lubricant in real-life interactions, causing increased conflict and intolerance. This period of transition, as billions of people are added to the global conversation for the first time in history, is expected to be disruptive. However, it's essential to remember ancient wisdom and strive for patience, forgiveness, and understanding as we navigate this new reality.

    • The Dangers of Certainty and the Importance of UncertaintyBeing genuinely curious to get to the truth is essential, as certainty can suppress curiosity and undermine trust in experts. Tailoring information to cater to beliefs can ultimately undermine credibility, and having trusted elites is important to counteract the influence of conspiracy theories.

      The year 2020 saw an unprecedented level of certainty in various domains, including politics, journalism, and science. This certainty, according to the speaker, is a cause for concern as it can lead to the suppression of curiosity and the undermining of trust in experts. The speaker argues that uncertainty, not uncertainty, is the opposite of certainty, and that being genuinely curious to get to the truth is essential. The speaker criticizes the trend of tailoring information to cater to people's beliefs, which can ultimately undermine the credibility of experts and institutions. The speaker also highlights the importance of having trusted elites in society to counteract the influence of conspiracy theories and paranoid thinking. The quote from Judge Learned Hand, "The true spirit of liberty is that which is not so sure that it is right," serves as a reminder of the importance of humility and open-mindedness in the face of uncertainty.

    • Navigating the Complex Media LandscapeEmbrace clear communication, defend free speech, and adapt to new media formats while promoting open dialogue and critical thinking.

      In the current digital age, trust in information and sources is a significant challenge. With the vast amount of information available and the ease of correction and fact-checking, the concept of "truth" has become more complex. People are increasingly skeptical of news and experts' opinions, leading to a need for more transparency and trustworthiness. Mike Rowe emphasizes the importance of clear communication, defending free speech, and adapting to the new media landscape. He also highlights the need for institutions, especially higher education, to protect academic freedom and encourage open dialogue. Ultimately, the key to navigating this complex media landscape is more speech, not less, and active listening. The ongoing evolution of technology has led to the demise of various media formats, but the importance of open communication and critical thinking remains constant.

    • Technology doesn't replace older ones completelyDespite negative impacts, social media can't be replaced; open dialogue is crucial for understanding complex issues; higher education concerns call for a solution to assure employers of new hires' knowledge foundation

      While new technologies may disrupt older ones, they don't necessarily replace them completely. The example given is the evolution of television and how people adapted to it over time. The same could be said for social media, which is currently undergoing significant scrutiny for its negative impacts. However, there's a risk that in trying to fix these problems, we might inadvertently make things worse. The importance of open and respectful dialogue, as exemplified by shows like "Radiolab" and "Fresh Air," is crucial for understanding complex issues. The state of higher education is another concern, with some arguing that there's too much academic freedom, leading to a lack of substantive knowledge among graduates. A potential solution could be the development of a way to assure employers that new hires possess not only intelligence and hard work but also a solid foundation of knowledge. This could help mitigate the negative effects of social media and create a more productive workforce. However, finding an effective way to measure and demonstrate this is a significant challenge.

    • Innovative approaches to higher educationExperimenting with new models to foster critical thinking and academic freedom, but addressing issues of bureaucracy, cost, and ideology is crucial.

      There is a need for innovative approaches to education, particularly in higher education, to foster critical thinking skills and academic freedom. Institutions like University of Austin, Minerva University, and Ralston College are experimenting with new models. However, it's crucial to address the issues of bureaucracy, cost, and ideology within these institutions. Additionally, there is a call for accountability regarding the effectiveness of higher education in producing better thinkers. Forgiving student debt without addressing the root causes of the issue could be seen as rewarding the status quo. Overall, there is a shared agreement on the importance of fostering critical thinking and finding solutions to the challenges within the education system.

    • Securing funding for nonpartisan organizations like Fire from foundations can be challenging due to perceived political affiliations.Nonpartisan organizations like Fire face challenges in securing funding from foundations due to perceived political biases, which can hinder their ability to promote free speech and individual rights in education.

      While small donations from a large number of individuals form the backbone of funding for organizations like Fire, the support from larger donors and foundations, such as Charles Koch's foundation, is also crucial. However, securing funding from foundations, especially those with liberal leanings, can be challenging for nonpartisan organizations like Fire due to perceived political affiliations. Despite efforts to maintain a nonpartisan stance, the organization has faced criticism and dismissal from some foundations, which can be frustrating. The increasing politicization of society and the proliferation of social media have accelerated these trends, making it more difficult for organizations to bridge political and economic divides. In the end, the ability to secure funding from diverse sources remains a significant challenge for organizations striving to promote free speech and individual rights in education.

    • Promoting open dialogue and understanding diverse perspectivesEmbracing diverse viewpoints is essential for a functioning democracy, while censorship can lead to more extreme views being expressed openly. Tolerance is America's greatest strength, but acceptance without critical evaluation can be a weakness.

      Engaging with individuals from diverse political backgrounds and promoting open dialogue is crucial for understanding different perspectives and fostering a healthy society. The homogeneity of political beliefs in certain environments, such as higher education, can limit exposure to opposing viewpoints. The documentary "Mighty Ira" and FIRE's efforts to defend free speech are great examples of creative approaches to addressing this issue. As the speaker emphasized, knowing what people truly think is essential for a functioning democracy, and censorship can often lead to more extreme views being expressed openly. The quote "America's greatest strength is tolerance, and her greatest weakness is acceptance" highlights the importance of embracing diverse viewpoints while also recognizing the need for critical evaluation and discernment.

    • Understanding the Difference Between Tolerance and AcceptanceTolerance goes beyond acceptance, it's defending the rights of those with differing viewpoints, even if disagreeable. Cancel culture promotes intolerance, not tolerance. Support organizations that advocate for individual rights and expression to foster a truly tolerant and inclusive community.

      Tolerance and acceptance are not the same thing. While it may seem that people are more tolerant now due to shifts in societal norms and values, true tolerance goes beyond just accepting certain ideas or people. It also involves defending the rights of those with differing viewpoints, even if they are deplorable or disagreeable. The confusion around this concept has led to the rise of cancel culture, where intolerant individuals demand acceptance of their own intolerance. It's important to remember that disagreement and diversity have always been a part of society, and the ability to coexist despite our differences is what makes a truly tolerant and inclusive community. To foster this kind of environment, supporting organizations that advocate for individual rights and expression is crucial. Go to thefire.org to learn more and get involved.

    • Leaving a 5-star review can make a big differenceA quick 5-star review can provide valuable feedback, recommend solutions, and positively impact a business's perception

      Leaving a 5-star review online, even for free services or products, can make a significant impact. The speaker in the text expresses a dislike for asking for favors but acknowledges the importance of reviews in today's world. O'Reilly Variscan, a free service, is an example of how a simple review can lead to valuable feedback and recommendations. By providing a quick review, individuals can help businesses improve and potentially recommend solutions or services to others in need. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a 5-star review, as it can make a difference in the perception and success of a business. Overall, the takeaway is that leaving a positive review is a simple yet powerful way to support businesses and help others make informed decisions.

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    [03:28:52] A relationship with the Great Father

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    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    Utilizing Dr. Peterson’s lectures from the 2015 and 2017 Maps of Meaning Lectures as a framework; we have continued the investigation while adding conversations from the Jordan B Peterson Podcast, as well as from conversations where Dr. Peterson was a guest on other podcasts.

    We recently decided to move this compilation up in our release queue because of Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture at Caius College at the University of Cambridge, “Why Free Speech is the Antidote to Our Problems”

    You can view that lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twc6T19tap4 

    Like in Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture, we hope this compilation will inspire you to speak the truth and act in the protection of our most fundamental rights, including, maybe most importantly, the Freedom of Speech.

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