
    #26 Alex Epstein - The Global Energy War

    en-usMay 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Essential Role of Affordable and Reliable Energy in Human ProsperityThe energy crisis, driven by geopolitical issues and transition to renewable energy, is causing inflation and human suffering. Affordable, reliable energy is essential for prosperity and powers every industry.

      We are currently experiencing a global energy crisis, with the national average of gasoline approaching $5 a gallon. This crisis is tied to geopolitical issues, including China's involvement, and is a major contributor to inflation. Alex Epstein, a fossil fuels philosopher, argues that affordable, reliable energy is essential for human prosperity, and that the transition to renewable energy is an unnecessary and costly burden on the system. The energy industry powers every other industry, and to the extent that energy is unreliable or scarce, human beings suffer. The US, under its current leadership, is making matters worse by advocating for unreliable energy sources and limiting free speech in the energy sector. It's important to consider the philosophical and practical implications of our energy policies as we navigate this crisis.

    • A timely reminder of energy policies that could lead to crisesThe world needs more fossil fuels for a pro-human approach to energy, according to philosopher Stefan Beck, despite controversy and personal attacks.

      The book "Fossil Future" by the philosopher and author, Stefan Beck, serves as a timely reminder of the warnings against energy policies that could lead to crises. With the energy crisis unfolding in Europe, the book's predictions are becoming a reality, making its message even more relevant. Beck has been thinking about energy issues for 15 years and advocates for a pro-human approach, considering the full context of energy sources. He argues that the world needs more fossil fuels, contrary to popular belief. The book has already caused controversy, including a personal attack on Beck by the Washington Post, which accused him of being a racist based on articles he wrote as a student. Despite this, Beck maintains that his views on fossil fuels are not based on racism but on a pro-human perspective. The book has already become an Amazon bestseller and is generating controversy, with some trying to discredit Beck's views through personal attacks.

    • Being falsely labeled as racist and dealing with negative media coverageStaying resilient and finding creative ways to respond to unexpected challenges, especially when faced with false accusations and negative media coverage, is crucial for individuals and businesses. Quality products and supporting American-made brands can also help mitigate potential reputational damage.

      In today's world, being falsely labeled as racist or facing negative media coverage can have serious consequences, including potential financial loss and reputational damage. Alex Epstein, the subject of a controversial Washington Post article, shares his experience of being falsely accused of racism and how he used public preemptive commenting to refute the allegations and regain control of the narrative. The incident highlights the power of media institutions and the potential impact of their words on individuals and businesses. It also underscores the importance of staying resilient and finding creative ways to respond to unexpected challenges. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of financial freedom and the role of Upstart in helping individuals manage debt. Lastly, the value of quality products and the importance of supporting American-made brands like American Giant was emphasized.

    • Addressing cancellation attempts and censorship publiclyWhen faced with potential hit pieces or cancellation attempts, address the situation publicly and preemptively to minimize damage and potentially turn it around. Stand firm against censorship and uphold principles of open expression and freedom.

      When faced with a potential hit piece or cancellation attempt, it's crucial to address the situation publicly and preemptively if you're in the right. This can help minimize the damage and potentially turn the situation around. The speaker shared a personal experience where they were able to do just that, and the lesson can be valuable for anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation. Additionally, the speaker discussed their experience with a Chinese publisher attempting to censor content in their book, emphasizing the importance of standing firm against censorship and upholding the principles of open expression and freedom. The speaker also touched on the motivation behind the cancellation attempt, suggesting that fear may be a driving factor. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being proactive, standing up for one's principles, and not being intimidated by attempts to silence or cancel.

    • Green New Deal: Rapid Elimination of Fossil Fuels and CO2 EmissionsThe Green New Deal prioritizes the elimination of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions, favoring solar and wind energy due to a moral belief in minimizing human impact on the planet.

      The Green New Deal, a prominent global energy agenda, aims for the rapid elimination of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions, replacing them primarily with solar and wind energy. The underlying belief is that human impact on the planet is immoral and should be minimized, viewing natural resources like the sun and wind as preferable. This agenda's dominance has led to a scramble for fossil fuels in the present day, despite initial promises to eliminate them. The hostility towards alternatives like nuclear and hydro, which don't emit CO2, can be attributed to the religious ideology of "green" as a desire for a more natural way of life, rather than an effective solution to the problems caused by fossil fuels.

    • Transition to green energy falls short of net zero emissions goalDespite the push for a fossil fuel-free world, 80% of energy comes from fossil fuels, and solar and wind energy are not yet reliable enough to power the entire world. A realistic and comprehensive plan, along with increased battery capacity and reliable power sources, is needed for the transition to green energy.

      The elimination of fossil fuels and the transition to green energy is the number one moral and energy idea in the world, with most institutions and leading thinkers aiming for net zero emissions by 2050. However, the current reality falls short as 80% of the world's energy comes from fossil fuels, which are growing in usage, particularly in energy-starved areas. Solar and wind energy, while growing, are not yet reliable enough to power the entire world and are heavily dependent on fossil fuels or other reliable power sources. The idea of a completely fossil fuel-free world powered solely by solar and wind energy is a speculative and impractical notion, as it has not been achieved anywhere yet. The transition to green energy requires a realistic and comprehensive plan, as well as a significant increase in battery capacity and reliable power sources.

    • The complexities of transitioning to renewable energyTransitioning to renewable energy involves expensive infrastructure, reliance on foreign powers, and complex approval processes, making it a challenging endeavor for energy independence.

      The push towards renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, while well-intentioned, is not as straightforward or cost-effective as some claim. The required infrastructure, including batteries for energy storage, is extremely expensive and reliant on mining and processing in countries like China. The green movement's anti-development stance adds to the complexity, making it difficult to approve and build the necessary infrastructure in a timely manner. Additionally, the dependence on foreign powers for materials and technology increases energy security risks. The first steps taken by the new administration, such as halting fossil fuel production, do not provide a viable replacement and instead hinder America's energy independence. It's crucial that solutions are thoroughly thought out before implementing destructive measures.

    • Administration's conflicting message towards fossil fuelsThe administration's inconsistent stance on fossil fuels creates uncertainty for companies, leading them to prioritize profits over investment in future drilling.

      The current administration's actions and rhetoric towards the fossil fuel industry create a conflicting message that negatively impacts companies' long-term confidence and ability to invest in drilling and production. The administration's stance on shutting down fossil fuel industries while also blaming them for current energy shortages is seen as hypocritical and unfair, leading companies to prioritize shareholder profits instead of investing in future drilling. Additionally, the push for renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, is not yet a viable replacement for fossil fuels due to the inconsistency and high cost of these sources. The cost of energy is crucial, as it determines the cost of various goods and services that rely on machines, making the transition to renewable energy sources a significant economic challenge.

    • Europe's shift from fossil fuels to renewables and reliance on foreign sourcesEurope's focus on renewable energy led to reduced investment and production in natural gas, making them heavily reliant on foreign sources. China's control of lithium deposits adds to the complexity and potential energy crises.

      Attempting to rapidly replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources without a reliable backup or domestic production can lead to increased dependence on foreign sources and potential energy crises. The European experience with natural gas serves as a cautionary tale. Europe's goal to replace fossil fuels with solar and wind power led them to restrict investment and production in natural gas. When fracking emerged as a game-changer, Europe banned it, making them heavily reliant on foreign sources. This situation has become more critical as China is positioning itself to control the world's lithium deposits, a key component in renewable energy production. The energy landscape is becoming increasingly complex, with geopolitical implications and the ongoing green versus fossil fuel war. It's crucial to understand the interconnectedness of energy sources and the potential consequences of relying too heavily on any one source.

    • US economic superpower status under threat from ChinaChina's strategic industry takeovers and resource securing pose a significant threat to the US's economic and military leadership, while domestic issues and anti-development movements limit US innovation and productivity

      According to Palmer Luckey, the inventor of modern Virtual Reality and founder of Anduril Industries, the biggest threat to the US is the loss of its economic superpower status. China is strategically taking over critical industries and securing resources, while the US is focusing on domestic issues and actively undermining its energy system. The lack of a strategic government approach and the anti-development green movement are limiting the US's ability to innovate and be productive, which are key to being an economic and military superpower. China, despite its authoritarian regime, has more freedom for development, making it a formidable competitor. The US needs to reverse course and embrace a strategic approach to maintain its position as a global leader.

    • Acknowledging the benefits of fossil fuelsFossil fuels are essential for energy production and have far-reaching benefits, including enabling agriculture and increasing food production

      While the discussion around the negative impacts of fossil fuels on the environment, particularly in relation to CO2 emissions, is important, it's equally crucial to acknowledge the benefits that come with the use of fossil fuels, particularly in the context of energy production. Fossil fuels are the leading source of energy globally, and their use is essential for powering homes and industries. The benefits of fossil fuels are far-reaching, from enabling the production of fertilizers necessary for agriculture to powering machines that significantly increase food production. Ignoring the benefits of fossil fuels in the conversation around their impact on the environment can lead to an incomplete understanding of the issue. It's essential to consider both the positives and negatives to make informed decisions about energy production and consumption.

    • The Importance of Fossil Fuels in AgricultureFossil fuels are vital for agriculture, providing energy and fertilizer. Eliminating them could lead to mass starvation. While CO2 emissions are a concern, they're necessary for plant growth and warming temperatures can boost productivity. Technological advancements can help mitigate negative impacts.

      Experts and leading voices in the conversation around climate change must consider the benefits of fossil fuels, particularly in relation to agriculture. Fossil fuels are essential for agriculture, providing energy and fertilizer. Getting rid of fossil fuels would lead to mass starvation. However, the focus on the negative aspects of fossil fuels, such as CO2 emissions, often overshadows their benefits. CO2 is a necessary component for plant growth and warming temperatures can lead to increased agricultural productivity in colder regions. While there are negative aspects to rising CO2 levels, they can be mitigated through technological advancements, such as air conditioning. It's crucial to evaluate the complex relationship between fossil fuels and climate change, rather than solely focusing on their negative impacts.

    • Climate change's impact on agriculture and civilization may not be all negativeClimate change brings challenges like rising sea levels, but also benefits such as increased CO2 and warmth for agriculture and human civilization, and the negative impacts are often exaggerated.

      While the effects of climate change, such as rising CO2 levels and warmer temperatures, can bring some challenges, particularly in the form of rising sea levels, the overall impact on agriculture and human civilization may not be negative. In fact, the natural world thrives in conditions with more CO2 and warmth, and many benefits come with these changes. The media often portrays extreme scenarios, but the current rate of sea level rise is only one foot per century, and even the most extreme projections suggest only three feet per century. Compared to the benefits of fossil fuels, which provide essential energy for shelter, mobility, education, and more, the potential negative impacts are minimal. It's crucial to consider the context and understand the real benefits and challenges of climate change.

    • Fossil fuels mitigate negative climate effectsFossil fuels provide essential energy and help reduce climate-related deaths, enabling us to irrigate land, transport food, and build shelter. We should focus on using them more efficiently and sustainably, while investing in renewable energy sources.

      Fossil fuels not only provide essential energy, but they also help mitigate the negative effects of climate, such as droughts and extreme weather. Contrary to popular belief, climate-related deaths have decreased dramatically over the last century due to the use of fossil fuels, enabling us to irrigate land, transport food, and build shelter. While fossil fuels may have negative side effects, they have the unique ability to cure and even overcome these issues. The idea of eliminating fossil fuels entirely to avoid potential climate issues is misguided, as it ignores the significant benefits they provide and the challenges we would face without them. Instead, we should focus on finding ways to use fossil fuels more efficiently and sustainably, while continuing to invest in renewable energy sources.

    • Dependence on China for renewable energy technologiesThe US and other countries' focus on reducing fossil fuel usage could make them dependent on China for renewable energy technologies, with potential security implications. It's essential to consider the full context, including benefits and side effects, when evaluating energy policies.

      The US and other countries' efforts to reduce fossil fuel usage could leave them vulnerable and dependent on countries like China, which are increasing their fossil fuel production. This dynamic could have serious security implications, as China controls a significant portion of the production of renewable energy technologies. Moreover, focusing solely on the negative side effects of fossil fuels and ignoring their benefits, such as their role in agriculture, can lead to misunderstandings and poor decision-making. Instead, it's essential to consider the full context, including both benefits and side effects, when evaluating energy policies. Additionally, the transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources is not without challenges, and every penny added to the price of energy leads to higher costs for everything. Therefore, it's crucial to highlight these issues and encourage a more nuanced and precise analysis of energy policies.

    • Anti-impact environmental philosophy harms human flourishingFocusing solely on minimizing negative human impact on Earth overlooks benefits and harms human progress, instead embrace intelligent human impact for human flourishing

      The dominant environmental philosophy, which aims to eliminate human impact on Earth, is misguided and potentially harmful to human flourishing. This philosophy, as expressed in the modern green movement, overlooks the benefits of human impact and focuses solely on minimizing negative effects. Energy, a fundamental aspect of human progress and development, is a form of impact. Therefore, an anti-impact philosophy is inherently anti-human. A more productive approach would be to embrace human impact done intelligently, with a focus on advancing human flourishing on Earth. This perspective recognizes the value of both natural and man-made environments and evaluates their impact based on their benefits for human life.

    • Human racism in environmental movementThe environmental movement can unintentionally devalue human impact on nature, promoting an anti-human ideology, and some extreme views suggest limiting or eliminating human existence. It's crucial to recognize the complex relationship between humans and the environment and seek expert knowledge to guide our actions.

      The environmental movement, as some critics argue, can unintentionally promote an anti-human ideology. This perspective, referred to as "human racism," devalues human impact on nature and implies that everything human is bad. This thinking is akin to racism, but instead of targeting people based on their race, it targets the entire human race. Some proponents of this view suggest limiting human population or eliminating human existence altogether. It's crucial to recognize that the decisions we make about the environment require extensive knowledge from expert researchers. We need a system that effectively synthesizes and disseminates this knowledge to help guide our actions. By understanding this complex relationship between humans and the environment, we can foster a more balanced and nuanced approach to environmental stewardship.

    • Expert Evaluations Can Be InaccurateExperts and institutions can make inaccurate predictions and evaluations, highlighting the importance of considering multiple perspectives when making informed decisions.

      The designation of experts and the evaluation of facts in our society can be subject to significant errors and biases. Researchers, synthesizers, disseminators, and evaluators can all be wrong in various ways. The expert evaluators, who are meant to help us make informed decisions based on available knowledge, have a track record of ignoring the benefits of certain technologies and catastrophizing side effects. This phenomenon is exemplified by figures like Paul Erlich, who have been consistently wrong in their predictions about population growth, pollution, and climate change. The institutions that designate these experts, often in the media and academia, play a crucial role in shaping public perception and policy decisions. It's essential to recognize the potential for error and to consider multiple perspectives when evaluating complex issues.

    • Climate change consensus and its limitationsThe dominant climate change knowledge system, funded mainly by governments, overlooks the benefits of fossil fuels and can ignore crucial perspectives, leading to a skewed understanding of the issue.

      The current global consensus on climate change and the push towards net zero emissions is influenced by a dominant knowledge system funded primarily by governments, leading to a monopoly on information and a lack of competition. This system overlooks the benefits of fossil fuels, which have transformed a naturally deficient and dangerous planet into an abundant and safe one. The expert guidance from this system, while important, can malfunction and ignore crucial perspectives. The shift from "global warming" to "climate change" in popular language has expanded the focus from temperature increases to negative consequences, and more recently to "climate emergency" or "crisis," which is misleading as we are currently safer from climate-related deaths than a century ago. Instead, we are in a climate renaissance, where human impact on the climate is a goal rather than a problem.

    • Understanding the Reality of Climate Change and Energy SourcesClarify the reality of climate change and the role of various energy sources, with a focus on the potential of nuclear energy as a reliable alternative to fossil fuels.

      The term "climate change" is ambiguous and often misused, particularly when it comes to implying man-made catastrophic events. While climate change is a reality, it's important to clarify the degree and cause to avoid unnecessary alarm. Fossil fuels (oil, coal, and gas) make up 80% of the world's energy, with hydro, nuclear, and biomass (wood, animal dung, ethanol) making up the rest. Hydro and nuclear are promising alternatives, but hydro is location-limited, and nuclear has the potential to scale globally. Solar and wind are intermittent and unreliable, making them parasitic on reliable energy sources. The discussion emphasized the need to look more into nuclear energy as a viable solution for reliable, on-demand electricity production.

    • Nuclear energy's challenges and public perceptionDespite its potential as a low-cost, reliable energy source, nuclear energy's deployment is hindered by regulatory challenges and public perception due to safety concerns.

      Nuclear energy is a promising, scalable source of low-cost, reliable energy with natural storage, concentration, and abundance, surpassing the attributes of fossil fuels. However, its deployment has been hindered by regulatory challenges and public perception due to safety concerns, despite its objectively safer record than other energy sources. The lack of new nuclear plants being built in the US, despite its potential, can be attributed to these challenges. Nuclear energy's versatility, as demonstrated in various industries, makes it an ideal complement and eventually replacement for fossil fuels. The ongoing opposition to nuclear energy, fueled by safety concerns and the goal to eliminate human impact on the earth, has made it a challenging investment proposition.

    • Philosophical opposition to human impact on the natural worldOpposition to nuclear energy and hydroelectric dams is rooted in a philosophical belief that human impact on nature is inherently evil. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are more appealing due to their perceived lower impact.

      Opposition to nuclear energy and hydroelectric dams stems from an anti-impact philosophy that views human influence on the natural world as inherently evil. Nuclear energy, despite being the safest form of energy in practice due to its inability to explode, faces hostility due to the long-lasting waste it produces and the belief that human impact should be minimized. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are more appealing to those who advocate for this philosophy because they align with a vision of a less impactful human presence on the earth. From a policy perspective, advocating for energy freedom and a free market competition among all sources of energy, including nuclear, is key to advancing human flourishing on earth. Fossil fuels, while necessary for global human flourishing, should be used in a free and voluntary manner, with reasonable laws in place to protect against real endangerment.

    • Discovering experts through unexpected sourcesGain expertise through personal research and learning from diverse sources, not just credentials. Examples include Stefan Henna, Ang Kargate, and Michael Schellenberger.

      Alex Epstein, an energy advocate and author, emphasizes the importance of gaining expertise and knowledge in a particular field, rather than relying solely on credentials. He recommends Stefan Henna, a researcher he discovered in a Facebook comment section, and Ang Kargate, a philosopher he previously worked with, as individuals who have significantly contributed to his work on energy. Additionally, Michael Schellenberger, a thought leader who has changed his stance on climate change, is another recommended figure. Epstein's unique perspective on the importance of human flourishing and his skepticism towards the "green movement" have influenced his perspective on energy and its role in society. Epstein can be found on Instagram as "Alex Epstein energy" and on Twitter as "@AlexEpstein."

    • Learn about energy, climate, and environmental issues with these resourcesExplore energyeducation.org for courses, energytalkingpoints.com for talking points, read T. Boone Pickens' book 'Fossil Future', add a P.S. to job applications, and listen to the Something You Should Know podcast.

      Energyeducation.org and energytalkingpoints.com are valuable resources for anyone looking to educate themselves on energy, climate, and environmental issues. The former offers comprehensive courses, while the latter provides easily accessible talking points referenced with credible sources. Additionally, author T. Boone Pickens recommends reading his book "Fossil Future" for a deeper understanding of energy issues. Another useful tip is to add a P.S. to job application cover letters to increase their chances of being read. For more practical advice and insights, listen to the Something You Should Know podcast. Finally, consider visiting Woodhouse Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Blair for your automotive needs.

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    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin
    Tu Lam is a former Army Special Forces Green Beret and CEO of Rōnin Tactics. Tu Lam escaped communist rule in Vietnam as a child and would ultimately immigrate to the United States and serve in Special Operations for over 20 years. Today, he continues to run Rōnin Tactics and is widely known for his appearances in the hit video game series Call of Duty. Most recently, Tu Lam has authored The Way of Rōnin, an incredible chronicling of his life and work. The book is available now to preorder. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://mypatriotsupply.com https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" Tu Lam Links: Preorder The Way of Rōnin - www.harpercollins.com/pages/way-of-ronin Train - https://www.ronintactics.com IG - https://www.instagram.com/ronintactics X - https://twitter.com/ronintactics FB - https://www.facebook.com/people/Ronin-Tactics/100064816893518 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbWCJCruG_3HlRlMaIq6xA Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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    Ep. 55 | Ubiquitous Energy’s Susan Stone Intends to Power Our Cities with Invisible Solar Panels

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    More About Susan Stone

    Susan Stone is CEO at Ubiquitous Energy. She has been a longtime board member and investor in the company. Prior to joining Ubiquitous, she was the founder and CEO of Sierra Wasatch Capital, an early stage venture capital firm, and managed early stage investing for Riverhorse Investments, Inc. Susan has also worked at JPMorgan in New York and Houlihan Lokey in Los Angeles as an investment banker focused on mergers & acquisitions. Stone holds an MBA from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and a bachelor’s degree from Yale University.