
    260 | Ricard Solé on the Space of Cognitions

    enJanuary 01, 2024
    What are the benefits of using Indeed for hiring?
    How does Rocket Money help users with finances?
    What insights can be gained from studying complex systems?
    How does synthetic biology relate to collective intelligence?
    What limitations exist in comparing ant colonies and human brains?

    Podcast Summary

    • Streamlining Hiring with Indeed and Managing Personal Finances with Rocket MoneyIndeed helps employers find and connect with high-quality job candidates, while Rocket Money assists users in managing their subscriptions, monitoring spending, and lowering bills, saving an average of $720 a year.

      When it comes to hiring, instead of actively searching for candidates, utilizing platforms like Indeed can help streamline the process and deliver high-quality matches. Indeed, with over 350 million monthly visitors, offers features for scheduling, screening, and messaging to connect with candidates faster. Employers agree that Indeed delivers the best quality matches compared to other job sites. On the other hand, managing personal finances can be a complex task with numerous subscriptions. Rocket Money, a personal finance app, helps users find and cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills. With over 5 million users, Rocket Money has saved its members an average of $720 a year and canceled over $500 billion in subscriptions. In the realm of complexity, studying complex systems like the brain can provide insights into general principles of intelligence and cognition. By narrowing the focus to specific kinds of complex systems and studying them from all angles, we can make progress in understanding the nature of complexity. Whether it's the human brain or artificial intelligence, the goal is to identify the general circumstances under which a system can be considered intelligent and the different phases of its development.

    • Exploring the complex landscape of cognitions in various systemsResearching general laws governing complex systems to understand evolution of language, cognition, and sentience in both biological and artificial systems

      We are exploring the concept of the "space of cognitions," which refers to the various ways that information processing and intelligence can manifest in different systems, from traditional brains with fixed neurons to more fluid systems like ant colonies and the immune system. This interdisciplinary research aims to understand if there are general laws governing complex systems that define or constrain the possibilities of evolution in terms of language, cognition, and sentience. The ambition is to map out this complex landscape and potentially discover common design principles that apply to both biological and artificial systems. While it's a challenging endeavor, the potential payoff could be significant in both understanding the natural world and designing intelligent agents.

    • The evolution of complexity and cognitionFrom simple cells to complex life, evolution has driven the need for information processing and prediction, leading to major transitions like the invention of neurons and the importance of interdisciplinary study to understand complexity and cognition.

      Complexity, whether in biological systems like termite colonies or cognitive processes like human thought, arises from emergence and the need to predict and adapt to the environment. This complexity has evolved throughout history, from the first simple cells to the invention of neurons, which allowed for the propagation of information. While some argue that single-celled organisms may not possess sentience or understanding, the speaker believes that the term is often misused and that these organisms do exhibit basic information processing abilities. The evolution of cognition, driven by the need to predict and gather information, has resulted in several major transitions throughout history. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of blending concepts from various fields, such as theoretical physics, computational theory, and biology, to fully understand the nature of complexity and cognition. Ultimately, the speaker is excited about the possibility of discovering complex life forms on other planets and the potential insights this could provide into the universal logic of life.

    • Single-cell organisms learn through associative signalingSingle-cell organisms, like bacteria, can learn and respond to environmental signals through associative learning, storing information through genetic switches, challenging our understanding of their complexity.

      Single-cell organisms, such as bacteria, have the ability to learn and respond to environmental signals through associative learning. This involves recognizing a correlation between a stress signal and a specific condition, allowing the organism to respond even if the original stressor is no longer present. This learning occurs through complex signaling networks within the cell, which can be thought of as a simple neural network. Information is stored through genetic switches, which involve the regulation of two genes that inhibit each other, allowing for binary memory storage. The exact origin of neurons in evolution is still a topic of ongoing research, as they first appeared in a multicellular context. This discovery of associative learning in single-cell organisms challenges our understanding of the complexity of these seemingly simple life forms and sheds light on the evolutionary origins of more complex learning and memory systems.

    • The development of a nervous system enabled complex animal behaviors and the evolution of predation.The evolution of a nervous system allowed animals to detect and integrate information, predicting and navigating uncertain environments, leading to the development of more complex behaviors and the emergence of predation.

      The evolution of complex organisms, specifically animals, required the development of a nervous system to help them move and respond to their environment. This was driven by the need to detect and integrate information in order to predict and navigate uncertain environments, leading to the evolution of neurons and the ability to process information. This was a crucial step in the evolution of multicellular organisms, allowing for the development of more complex behaviors and the emergence of predation and the resulting arms race for better information processing. The ability to connect and process information among neurons was a major revolution, enabling the complexity we see in modern organisms. This process likely began before the Cambrian explosion, with simple organisms having networks of neurons, but it was the integration of these neurons and the development of interneurons that allowed for true information processing and the evolution of more complex organisms.

    • Understanding Complex Information through Neural NetworksNeural networks, inspired by the brain's structure, enable complex information processing through parallel connections and emergent behavior, contrasting the sequential processing in traditional computers.

      The ability to process complex information comes from connecting cells, or neurons, into networks. This network structure allows for emergent behavior and the storage of memories in complex ways. While traditional computer architecture, like the Von Neumann architecture used in laptops and computers, is based on a central processing unit and memory, neural networks have a different structure. Neural networks consist of elements, such as neurons, that send signals in one direction and are organized in multilayers. Information processing in neural networks is highly parallel, unlike the sequential processing in traditional computers. Interestingly, when engineers built computers with dense arrays of microprocessors, they discovered that the connections between these processors had statistical properties identical to those observed in the brain cortex. This suggests that there may be universal laws at play in both neural networks and the brain. Despite the excitement about neural networks and AI, most computers still use the Von Neumann architecture, which is distinct from the network structure of neural networks. However, as we continue to push the boundaries of technology, there may be a convergence back towards a more biological, networked vision.

    • Understanding the Unique Aspects of the Human Brain for Future AIExploring the complex, scale-free organization of the human brain, its ability for mental time travel, and understanding others' thoughts, can aid in creating advanced AI systems that can mimic and surpass human cognitive abilities.

      Achieving true general artificial intelligence may require machines to follow the evolutionary paths of the human brain. Three key differences between human and current AI include complex language, mental time travel, and understanding the thoughts of others. While AI can mimic human reasoning and language to some extent, it lacks the ability to truly understand, learn, or possess a past. The brain is often described as a complex, scale-free system on the edge of chaos, meaning it's highly interconnected and operates close to a critical point where it can switch between different states. This organization is crucial for our cognitive abilities, such as memory, language, and understanding others. Understanding these unique aspects of the human brain can help guide the development of future AI systems.

    • Brain's critical state for cognitive abilitiesThe brain operates in a critical state, essential for cognitive abilities, located on the boundary of a phase transition, allowing for quick reactions, internal oscillations, and regularities.

      Our brains operate in a critical state, which is essential for our cognitive abilities. This state, located on the boundary of a phase transition, allows us to react quickly to stimuli while maintaining internal oscillations and regularities. This critical state is not only observed in the brain but also in other complex systems, such as RNA viruses and critical fluids. The connection between this dynamic state and cognition is still an ongoing research topic, but it's believed that language, as a complex system, might also exhibit features of criticality. The idea is that computation in complex systems, including the brain, occurs best at the boundary between order and disorder, allowing for the storage of information and regularities while remaining open-ended and adaptable. This critical state is crucial for our brains to function effectively and efficiently.

    • Liquid Intelligence in Nature: Flexibility and AdaptabilityLiquid intelligence, found in social insects and ecosystems like the microbiome, offers flexibility and adaptability. While it may not be as complex as solid intelligence, it plays a crucial role in reducing uncertainty in environments and creating stable ecosystems.

      The world is full of various forms of intelligence, not just the solid kind we find in humans and animals. Liquid intelligence, as seen in social insects like ants and termites, can also transform ecosystems on massive scales. While liquid intelligence may not be as complex as solid intelligence, it offers unique advantages such as flexibility and adaptability. The NEON system, a fluid neural network, is an example of liquid intelligence within an organism. The microbiome, an ecosystem inside us, also interconnects with our immune system and brain, further blurring the lines between solid and liquid intelligence. Despite the potential for greater flexibility, liquid intelligence often focuses on reducing uncertainty in their environments by creating stable internal ecosystems, much like multicellular organisms. Ultimately, both solid and liquid intelligence have their strengths and contribute uniquely to the complexity and diversity of life in the universe.

    • Comparing Ant Colonies and Human BrainsAnt colonies and human brains differ in their information processing abilities, with neurons playing a vital role in human memory. However, comparing the two comes with limitations, as ants don't form societies or communicate like humans do, and there are exceptions in nature, like Fisarum, which challenges the boundaries of our understanding.

      While ant colonies and termite colonies may not function in the same way as human brains, they still possess the ability to store and process information, making a comparison valid to some extent. Neurons, with their unique identities, play a crucial role in memory storage and function. The potential for memory is significantly reduced when neuronal identities are destroyed. However, it's essential to acknowledge that comparing colonies to human brains comes with limitations. Ant colonies don't form societies or communicate with each other like humans do. Instead, they expand their territories and form super colonies. In the context of cognition, this can be seen as a difference on the liquid-solid axis. There are other forms and dimensions in cognition, and exceptions exist in nature, such as Fisarum, a mold that behaves like a single cell but can be seen as a neural net due to its complex venation patterns and decision-making abilities. Fisarum's morphology is the solution to optimization problems, and it's essential to remember that humans define the boundary conditions for Fisarum's problem-solving. While Fisarum can solve mathematical problems, the comparison is not perfect, as humans play a significant role in defining the problem's context.

    • Natural World's Cognition and Problem-Solving AbilitiesSlime molds find shortest paths, plants gather energy and adapt, ant colonies react and maintain predictability, and natural discoveries inspire artificial intelligence research.

      The natural world, from slime molds to plants, exhibits various forms of cognition and problem-solving abilities. Slime molds, though simple, can find the shortest path by exploiting their least action capacity. Plants, on the other hand, don't move but have an enormous morphological plasticity and gather energy from the sun. They are different from animals, but equally impressive in their unique ways of adapting to their environment. Moreover, there are various organizational architectures for intelligence, not just the critical brain state. Ant colonies, for example, live in a critical state, allowing them to react immediately to external signals while maintaining predictable changes. Anything evolvable into cognition will have threshold elements and a multilayer structure, as seen in the cortex of the brain. Engineers designing artificial neural networks continue to draw inspiration from these natural discoveries. In essence, the natural world offers a wealth of inspiration for understanding cognition and intelligence, from the simplest organisms to the most complex systems. By studying these examples, we can gain new insights and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

    • Threshold elements in neural networks and other systemsExploring threshold elements could lead to efficient signal integration and decision-making in complex networks, potentially advancing AI and robotics.

      The use of threshold elements in neural networks and other systems, such as the immune system, may be crucial for efficient signal integration and decision-making, particularly in complex networks. This nonlinear approach allows for the simplest way of integrating signals and making decisions based on whether a majority of input signals crosses a given boundary. This concept, which is still being explored, could have implications for constructing artificial life and cognition, particularly in AI and robotics. The discussion also touched on the idea that emerging phenomena, such as the invention of words by robots, could lead to significant advances in artificial intelligence. However, it was noted that current AI systems lack a model of the world and that this could be a limitation. The tension between symbolic and connectionist approaches to AI was mentioned, with successful implementations being mostly connectionist but lacking a model of the world. It was emphasized that as we continue to develop artificial intelligence, it's important to remember that humans have models of the world and a theory of mind. Therefore, future AI should not be expected to simply mimic human intelligence, but rather, it could surpass it in ways that we cannot yet imagine. The use of threshold elements and the exploration of emerging phenomena could be key to unlocking the full potential of artificial intelligence.

    • Exploring the Intersection of AI and ConsciousnessAdvancements in AI and our understanding of consciousness are interconnected, raising ethical concerns and offering endless opportunities for discovery and innovation.

      As we continue to develop artificial intelligence and natural language processing, it's important to remember that these systems are not sentient beings, but rather advanced tools. However, they can still provide valuable insights and make us question our own existence and consciousness. The idea of embodiment, or giving AI bodies and desires, raises ethical concerns, but it's also an inevitable next step in the evolution of AI. The space of cognition, or the various types of intelligence and consciousness, offers fascinating possibilities for exploration, both in silicon and biologically. There is a void in this space, a domain yet to be observed or engineered, and it's an open question whether it's forbidden or simply unexplored. Overall, the advancement of AI and our understanding of consciousness are interconnected and offer endless opportunities for discovery and innovation.

    • Exploring Collective Intelligence through Synthetic BiologySynthetic biology enables us to manipulate organisms for collective intelligence, like bacteria behaving like ants, but humans' complexity relies on culture and social interactions.

      While nature has its limitations, synthetic biology allows us to explore and manipulate living organisms in ways that evolution may not have been able to achieve. This includes the potential for creating new forms of collective intelligence, such as bacteria behaving like ants. However, it's important to note that not all organisms or societies exhibit the same level of collective intelligence. For instance, humans rely heavily on culture and social interactions to develop and thrive, making us more complex beings when in groups. Yet, individually, we are virtually useless without these external influences. So, while groups of human beings may not be conscious entities on their own, they play a crucial role in shaping who we are as individuals. Ultimately, the ongoing exploration of synthetic biology and collective intelligence offers exciting possibilities for understanding the complex interplay between nature and culture.

    Recent Episodes from Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

    AMA | September 2024

    AMA | September 2024

    Welcome to the September 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with AMA questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/02/ama-september-2024/

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    287 | Jean-Paul Faguet on Institutions and the Legacy of History

    287 | Jean-Paul Faguet on Institutions and the Legacy of History

    One common feature of complex systems is sensitive dependence on initial conditions: a small change in how systems begin evolving can lead to large differences in their later behavior. In the social sphere, this is a way of saying that history matters. But it can be hard to quantify how much certain specific historical events have affected contemporary conditions, because the number of variables is so large and their impacts are so interdependent. Political economist Jean-Paul Faguet and collaborators have examined one case where we can closely measure the impact today of events from centuries ago: how Colombian communities are still affected by 16th-century encomienda, a colonial forced-labor institution. We talk about this and other examples of the legacy of history.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/26/287-jean-paul-faguet-on-institutions-and-the-legacy-of-history/

    Jean-Paul Faguet received a Ph.D. in Political Economy and an M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics, and an Master of Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He is currently Professor of the Political Economy of Development at LSE. He serves as the Chair of the Decentralization Task Force for the Initiative for Policy Dialogue. Among his awards are the W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for best political science book.

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    286 | Blaise Agüera y Arcas on the Emergence of Replication and Computation

    286 | Blaise Agüera y Arcas on the Emergence of Replication and Computation

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/19/286-blaise-aguera-y-arcas-on-the-emergence-of-replication-and-computation/

    Blaise Agüera y Arcas received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University. He is currently a vice-president of engineering at Google, leader of the Cerebra team, and a member of the Paradigms of Intelligence team. He is the author of the books Ubi Sunt and Who Are We Now?, and the upcoming What Is Intelligence?

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    285 | Nate Silver on Prediction, Risk, and Rationality

    285 | Nate Silver on Prediction, Risk, and Rationality

    Being rational necessarily involves engagement with probability. Given two possible courses of action, it can be rational to prefer the one that could possibly result in a worse outcome, if there's also a substantial probability for an even better outcome. But one's attitude toward risk -- averse, tolerant, or even seeking -- also matters. Do we work to avoid the worse possible outcome, even if there is potential for enormous reward? Nate Silver has long thought about probability and prediction, from sports to politics to professional poker. In his his new book On The Edge: The Art of Risking Everything, Silver examines a set of traits characterizing people who welcome risks.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/12/285-nate-silver-on-prediction-risk-and-rationality/

    Nate Silver received a B.A. in economics from the University of Chicago. He worked as a baseball analyst, developing the PECOTA statistical system (Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm). He later founded the FiveThirtyEight political polling analysis site. His first book, The Signal and the Noise, was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Society Book Award in Science. He is the co-host (with Maria Konnikova) of the Risky Business podcast.

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    AMA | August 2024

    AMA | August 2024

    Welcome to the August 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/05/ama-august-2024/

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    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

    The human brain does a pretty amazing job of taking in a huge amount of data from multiple sensory modalities -- vision, hearing, smell, etc. -- and constructing a coherent picture of the world, constantly being updated in real time. (Although perhaps in discrete moments, rather than continuously, as we learn in this podcast...) We're a long way from completely understanding how that works, but amazing progress has been made in identifying specific parts of the brain with specific functions in this process. Today we talk to leading neuroscientist Doris Tsao about the specific workings of vision, from how we recognize faces to how we construct a model of the world around us.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/29/284-doris-tsao-on-how-the-brain-turns-vision-into-the-world/

    Doris Tsao received her Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard University. She is currently a professor of molecular and cell biology, and a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, at the University of California, Berkeley. Among her awards are a MacArthur Fellowship, membership in the National Academy of Sciences, the Eppendorf and Science International Prize in Neurobiology, the National Institutes of Health Director’s Pioneer Award, the Golden Brain Award from the Minerva Foundation, the Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize, and the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience.

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    283 | Daron Acemoglu on Technology, Inequality, and Power

    283 | Daron Acemoglu on Technology, Inequality, and Power

    Change is scary. But sometimes it can all work out for the best. There's no guarantee of that, however, even when the change in question involves the introduction of a powerful new technology. Today's guest, Daron Acemoglu, is a political economist who has long thought about the relationship between economics and political institutions. In his most recent book (with Simon Johnson), Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity, he looks at how technological innovations affect the economic lives of ordinary people. We talk about how such effects are often for the worse, at least to start out, until better institutions are able to eventually spread the benefits more broadly.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/22/283-daron-acemoglu-on-technology-inequality-and-power/

    Daron Acemoglu received a Ph.D. in economics from the London School of Economics. He is currently Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Econometric Society. Among his awards are the John Bates Clark Medal and the Nemmers Prize in Economics. In 2015, he was named the most cited economist of the past 10 years.

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    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    The philosophy of mathematics would be so much easier if it weren't for infinity. The concept seems natural, but taking it seriously opens the door to counterintuitive results. As mathematician and philosopher Joel David Hamkins says in this conversation, when we say that the natural numbers are "0, 1, 2, 3, and so on," that "and so on" is hopelessly vague. We talk about different ways to think about the puzzles of infinity, how they might be resolved, and implications for mathematical realism.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/15/282-joel-david-hamkins-on-puzzles-of-reality-and-infinity/

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    Joel David Hamkins received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently the John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Logic at the University of Notre Dame. He is a pioneer of the idea of the set theory multiverse. He is the top-rated user by reputation score on MathOverflow. He is currently working on The Book of Infinity, to be published by MIT Press.

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    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Welcome to the July 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/08/ama-july-2024/

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    281 | Samir Okasha on the Philosophy of Agency and Evolution

    281 | Samir Okasha on the Philosophy of Agency and Evolution

    Just like with physics, in biology it is perfectly possible to do most respectable work without thinking much about philosophy, but there are unmistakably foundational questions where philosophy becomes crucial. When do we say that a collection of matter (or bits) is alive? When does it become an agent, capable of making decisions? What are the origins of morality and altruistic behavior? We talk with one of the world's leading experts, Samir Okasha, about the biggest issues in modern philosophy of biology.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/01/281-samir-okasha-on-the-philosophy-of-agency-and-evolution/

    Samir Okasha received his D.Phil. in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. He is currently Professor of the Philosophy of Science at the University of Bristol. He is a winner of the Lakatos Award for his book Evolution and the Levels of Selection, and is a Fellow of the British Academy.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/18/269-sahar-heydari-fard-on-complexity-justice-and-social-dynamics/

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    Sahar Heydari Fard received a Masters in applied economics and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Cincinnati. She is currently an assistant professor in philosophy at the Ohio State University. Her research lies at the intersection of social and behavioral sciences, social and political philosophy, and ethics, using tools from complex systems theory.

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    99 | Scott Aaronson on Complexity, Computation, and Quantum Gravity

    99 | Scott Aaronson on Complexity, Computation, and Quantum Gravity

    There are some problems for which it’s very hard to find the answer, but very easy to check the answer if someone gives it to you. At least, we think there are such problems; whether or not they really exist is the famous P vs NP problem, and actually proving it will win you a million dollars. This kind of question falls under the rubric of “computational complexity theory,” which formalizes how hard it is to computationally attack a well-posed problem. Scott Aaronson is one of the world’s leading thinkers in computational complexity, especially the wrinkles that enter once we consider quantum computers as well as classical ones. We talk about how we quantify complexity, and how that relates to ideas as disparate as creativity, knowledge vs. proof, and what all this has to do with black holes and quantum gravity.

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    Scott Aaronson received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently the David J. Bruton Jr. Centennial Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin, and director of the Quantum Information Center there. He specializes in quantum computing and computational complexity theory, but has written on topics from free will to the nature of consciousness. Among his awards are the Tomassoni-Chisesi Prize in Physics (Italy) and the Alan T. Waterman Award from the National Science Foundation. His blog Shtetl-Optimized is known both for its humor and as the most reliable source of information on news in quantum computing. He is the author of Quantum Computing Since Democritus.

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