
    28: Paul Nurse: The power of genetics, battling politicians, and the fight against cancer

    enJuly 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sir Paul Nurse's surprising personal backgroundNobel Prize winner Sir Paul Nurse discovered the cell division mechanism despite a challenging upbringing and a shocking family secret.

      Sir Paul Nurse, a Nobel Prize winner, shared his groundbreaking discovery of the cell division mechanism and his surprising personal background. Sir Paul and his team figured out how a cell divides from one to two, a fundamental process for growth and reproduction in all living things. He was born into a working-class family in London and grew up in a crowded two-bedroom flat with six siblings. He always wondered why he was different from them, but he never suspected the truth: his mother and grandmother were not his biological parents. This shocking revelation came to light when he applied for a green card in America and was denied due to the lack of a proper birth certificate. His short birth certificate, invented after World War II to address illegitimacy issues, did not name his parents. Despite these challenges, Sir Paul became a geneticist and made a significant scientific contribution to the world.

    • Discovering unexpected truths about one's parentsThough one's upbringing and identity may be complex, personal curiosity and a passion for learning can lead to a fulfilling career despite unexpected circumstances.

      Our upbringing and identity can be complex and shaped by unexpected circumstances. The speaker shares an extraordinary story of discovering that the people they had always known as their parents were actually their grandparents. This revelation came to light when they were in their 50s, and their mother had married someone else and left with them when they were young. Despite this, the grandparents had acted as parents and provided a good home for the speaker. The speaker's interest in science, specifically biology, developed during their childhood due to their natural curiosity about the world. They grew up being the youngest in a large family, which allowed them to explore nature during their long walks to school. Although they were also interested in humanities, their deep curiosity about the natural world led them to pursue a career in science. The speaker's life took an unexpected turn when they discovered their true parentage, but they continued to make significant contributions to the scientific community, eventually becoming an extraordinary scientist.

    • From struggling student to leading scientistDespite academic challenges, following curiosity in biology led to significant contributions and career success. Focus on strengths, contribute to large institutions, and hire top talent for interdisciplinary research.

      The interviewee, despite facing challenges in academia due to poor performance in exams, followed his curiosity in biology and eventually made significant contributions to the field. He shares how his interest in biology was sparked by a talented biology teacher in high school and how he found success by focusing on his strengths and contributing to large-scale research institutions. The interviewee's career progressed from working as a technician to leading the merger of several research institutes to create the Francis Crick Institute, where over 1500 scientists work under one roof, focusing on interdisciplinary research and hiring the best talent from around the world. His advice is to follow one's curiosity and contribute to society through scientific discoveries.

    • From British Library to Reality: The Journey of O2 ArenaDespite initial challenges, the O2 Arena became a reality through political support and personal connections.

      The idea for the O2 Arena in London originated around 2000, but it didn't gain traction until a colleague suggested exploring a potential site from the British Library. The project faced challenges, including competition for the land and potential cancellation during a time of austerity. However, with support from both Labour and Conservative politicians, the project was ultimately successful. Scaramucci's involvement came through his connection to President Obama, whom he had attended law school with. He made a donation to Obama's campaign in the hopes of strengthening their relationship, which proved successful. The O2 Arena is now a major rock venue and a significant achievement for both parties.

    • Exploring the connection between cell division and cancer researchThrough the discovery of cell division control, we gain a crucial understanding of cancer and advance research through a balance of curiosity and practical application.

      The process of cell division is central to understanding cancer and developing effective treatments. The discovery of how cell division is controlled provides a crucial conceptual framework for understanding this complex disease. Additionally, the spectrum of scientific research requires both creative discovery and directed application. The conversation between the podcast host and the scientist highlights the importance of both ends of the spectrum in making significant advancements in cancer research. The host, with a focus on practical applications, and the scientist, driven by curiosity and discovery, complement each other's work and demonstrate the need for a balance between the two approaches.

    • Balancing science discovery and practical applicationPoliticians should engage with scientists, value truth, and establish good interactions for societal good, despite challenges from post-truth culture and some politicians disregarding science.

      A balanced approach between scientific discovery and practical application is crucial for societal good. While Germany's system of Max Planck Institutes for discovery and Fraunhofer Institutes for application is an example of this integration, it's essential for politicians to take science and truth seriously, engage with scientists, and establish good interactions. However, the current political climate, particularly in the US, poses a challenge as some politicians disregard science and truth, and social media contributes to this post-truth culture. The solution isn't to have more scientists in politics but rather politicians with a different skill set who value science and truth. The UK, despite its challenges, is relatively better in this regard.

    • UK's departure from Horizon Europe: A significant loss for British researchersNobel laureate Sir Paul Nurse emphasizes the importance of Horizon Europe as a 'science discovery vehicle' for the European Commission, urging the UK to rejoin for access to a larger population of scientists and resources.

      The UK's departure from Horizon Europe, a major European Union science collaboration initiative, is a significant loss for British researchers and the scientific community. Sir Paul Nurse, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, emphasized the importance of Horizon, explaining it as a "science discovery vehicle" for the European Commission, which facilitates collaboration among scientists from a large population, leading to high-quality research and innovation. The UK's exit from Horizon was not mandatory, but political issues, specifically concerning Northern Ireland, prevented the UK from remaining in it. Sir Paul urged the UK government to rejoin Horizon and emphasized the value of the collaborative network and the potential access to a larger population of scientists and resources. He criticized the UK's Horizon Plan B, which he deemed insufficient for addressing the challenges the scientific community faces.

    • The importance of scientific connections in EU funding programsThe UK's delay in joining Horizon Europe could negatively impact its scientific progress due to the loss of valuable connections and networks within the EU.

      The delay in the UK's participation in Horizon Europe, a European research funding program, is not just about the financial aspect. It's also about the loss of valuable connections and networks that come with being part of the European Union. These connections are crucial for the recruitment and retention of top scientists, and the UK's absence could negatively impact its reputation and standing in the scientific community. The issue is not only about money but also about the importance of maintaining these relationships. The UK government's lack of understanding of this aspect has led to a delay in joining Horizon Europe, and it could take a toll on the UK's scientific progress.

    • UK's lagging investment in scienceThe UK needs to increase government spending on science and collaborate with Europe to maintain its position in the global scientific community.

      The UK's investment in science and research is lagging behind other developed nations, and there's a concern that the current political focus on Brexit and economic issues is overshadowing the importance of scientific advancement for the future. The speaker, a prominent figure in the scientific community and a long-time Labour Party member, emphasized the need for the UK to increase its government spending on science and work closely with Europe to maintain its position in the global scientific community. Despite his frustration with the political landscape, he remains committed to the Labour Party and has been a patron of Scientists for Labour. He hopes that a future Labour government would prioritize science and research more actively, as the UK aims to be a science superpower but currently ranks 27th in government spending on science among OECD nations.

    • Labour Party should prioritize science and R&DLabour needs to increase gov spend on science, emulate successful countries, and deliver benefits to win election

      The Labour Party should prioritize science and research and development in their agenda, focusing on increasing the government's spend and making it a central part of policy. David Sainsbury, a businessman turned minister during the Labour government, was instrumental in pushing science into the agenda. The UK currently spends only 0.12% of its GDP on government-funded research, with the rest coming from the private sector. Countries like South Korea, Germany, and the US invest significantly more. To win another election, Labour needs to endorse a science strategy, increase the government's spend, and deliver practical benefits, engaging experts and the public. The lack of focus on science could become a significant embarrassment for the party.

    • Collaboration between research institutions and sectors during the COVID-19 pandemicClear communication, quick decision-making, and a willingness to collaborate across sectors and institutions are crucial for effective response to complex challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. Diversifying research beyond universities and increasing permeability between different parts of the system is also important.

      Effective collaboration and permeability between different research institutions and sectors are crucial for driving innovation and addressing complex challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, public research institutions, like the one discussed, demonstrated their potential by quickly setting up testing facilities and collaborating with universities and hospitals. However, they faced significant challenges in getting a response from the government, which could have led to more widespread testing and potentially fewer deaths. This highlights the importance of clear communication, quick decision-making, and a willingness to collaborate across sectors and institutions. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the need to diversify research beyond universities and increase the permeability of ideas, discoveries, people, and technologies between different parts of the system.

    • The importance of science in politicsPoliticians need to prioritize science and its implications for effective decision-making, especially in the context of emerging technologies and crises like COVID-19.

      The importance of science, particularly in the context of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, is not fully understood or prioritized by many politicians and the public. George Osborne and Rishi Sunak, for instance, have shown support for science, but there's a need for more substantial action. The lack of emphasis on science in political strategies, especially regarding COVID-19, is a concern that extends beyond Britain. Politicians who don't fully grasp the implications of scientific advancements face challenges in addressing these issues effectively. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic that we will eventually deal with these issues, drawing parallels to past crises like the threat of nuclear annihilation and the ongoing pandemic. Ultimately, science must be placed at the heart of government policies to ensure we continue making progress and reap the benefits of scientific discoveries for our economy, culture, and understanding of the world.

    • Understanding Machine Learning as a Subset of AIInvest in science and research to drive economic growth, embrace technology while recognizing human ingenuity and curiosity in driving progress.

      While artificial intelligence (AI) may sound intimidating, it's important to remember that it's really just machine learning. Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves using algorithms to find patterns in data. It's developed and controlled by humans, and there's a need for regulation to prevent it from getting out of control. Sir Paul Nurse, a distinguished biologist, emphasized the importance of investing in science and research to drive economic growth. He suggested writing to Keir Starmer, the Labour Party leader, to push for more government funding for science. The conversation also touched on the excitement and curiosity of scientific exploration, where discoveries are often made through a combination of hard work and luck. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and embracing technology while also recognizing the role of human ingenuity and curiosity in driving progress.

    • The importance of hard work, shrewd guesses, and resilience in scientific researchDespite personal challenges and communication issues with the government, the individual's success in scientific research underscores the importance of persistence, intelligent risk-taking, and adaptability.

      The discussed individual's life and work are a testament to the importance of hard work, shrewd guesses, and resilience in scientific research. Despite the challenges and personal revelations he faced, he remained a balanced and humble person. However, the conversation also highlighted the issue of communication and response time in the government, specifically in regards to unanswered letters from experts during times of crisis. The system's inefficiency was a concern, and it's crucial for organizations, including governments, to prioritize and respond to important correspondence in a timely manner. The individual's experience at the Crick Institute and his interactions with politicians further emphasized the importance of science and its role in national and international life.

    • UK's commitment to scientific researchAmidst budget concerns and political shifts, the UK remains a leader in scientific research, particularly in basic research, with institutions like The Crick Institute demonstrating this commitment.

      Despite budget concerns and political shifts, the importance of scientific research and collaboration is universally recognized. Even in the face of European and global competition, the UK continues to be a leader in research, particularly in the field of basic research. The Crick Institute in London is a testament to this, showcasing the country's commitment to scientific advancement and openness to public engagement. Additionally, the potential for interviewing leading scientists, such as Dr. Robert Sapolsky, presents an opportunity to explore the impact of stress on brain development and human behavior, offering valuable insights for audiences.

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