
    280: BONUS: Vacuuming in the Nude Chapters 7 & 8

    enNovember 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding new opportunities through passion and determinationPassion and determination can lead to fulfilling careers and successful ventures, even when physical limitations arise.

      Passion and determination can lead to new opportunities, even in the face of challenges. The speaker, who has always loved horses but could no longer participate due to arthritis, found a new career in writing for horse publications after selling her first story. This not only filled the void left by her inability to physically interact with horses, but also provided rewarding connections with horsemen and enthusiastic reader responses. Additionally, the success of Noble Tennessee Whiskey as a fundraiser for the Microworks Foundation is a testament to the power of passion and inspiration from family, as the whiskey is named after the speaker's grandfather and the proceeds benefit the foundation he inspired.

    • The magic of storiesStories have the power to inspire and connect people, even when the author remains anonymous. The importance of hard work, dedication, and the bond between humans and animals shines through in this heartwarming tale.

      The power of storytelling can create meaningful connections between people, even in unexpected places. The speaker, while at a funeral home, discovered a young girl engrossed in a magazine featuring one of her stories. Although she had the opportunity to reveal her authorship, she chose to let the girl believe the author was someone else. This act of letting the illusion continue showcases the magic of stories and their ability to captivate and inspire, regardless of the age or background of the reader. The story also highlights the importance of hard work, dedication, and the bond between humans and animals, as depicted through the young girl's relationship with her carriage horses.

    • Beth and her community save horses during a hurricanePreparation, community support, and quick thinking saved horses during a hurricane. Beth's determination and Lucky's strength were crucial in rescuing trapped animals.

      During a hurricane, the preparation and quick thinking of Beth and her community saved their horses' lives. Beth took action to secure her farm and animals by covering windows, providing extra hay and water, and huddling with her family in a safe area. When a neighbor's stable was destroyed, Beth and her father used their strong horse, Lucky, to pull trees away from the stable and rescue the trapped horses. Lucky's strength and Beth's determination proved invaluable in the crisis. The community came together to help each other, and the quick action of Beth and her father saved not only their animals but also their neighbors'. The experience showed the importance of preparation, community support, and the power of determination and quick thinking in times of crisis.

    • Appreciating the value of hard work and simple pleasuresReflect on the past and cherish the value of hard work and simple pleasures, contrasting the expectations of younger generations with the experiences of those who came before.

      The concept of leisure time and the meaning of hard work have evolved significantly over the generations. The author's stories about her loved ones, many of which were written for holidays, bring to life the experiences of women like her grandmother, who didn't have to work outside the home. These women, who were often relegated to domestic duties, found joy and fulfillment in their roles as homemakers. However, their lives were far from easy, as they spent long hours performing chores and caring for their families. The author's reflections on a conversation she overheard between young women in a doctor's waiting room highlight the stark contrast between their expectations of leisure time and their grandmothers' experiences. This anecdote serves as a reminder of the value of appreciating the hard work and sacrifices of those who came before us, and of cherishing the simple pleasures in life.

    • Cherishing Mother's Day through Meaningful ConnectionsExpress love and appreciation to moms by making time for meaningful connections, listening to their stories, and showing interest in their lives.

      Mother's Day is not just about giving material gifts, but rather about expressing love and appreciation through meaningful connections with our mothers. The author shares her personal experience of cherishing her mother's stories and memories, and encourages us to make time for our mothers, especially if they live far away. She emphasizes the importance of listening to them, asking about their well-being, and showing interest in their lives. The author also suggests small gestures like washing their car or weeding their garden, if possible. Ultimately, the most valuable gift we can give our mothers on Mother's Day is our time and attention.

    • Remembering loved ones through writingCherishing memories and honoring loved ones through writing brings joy and lasts a lifetime.

      Honoring loved ones through writing is a meaningful and lasting way to remember and celebrate them. The author's Father's Day tribute to her father remains one of her favorite pieces, reminding her of simple, practical gifts and cherished memories. The author's father was a hardworking man who appreciated practical gifts, and the author fondly remembers giving him a yellow ribbon at a horse show when she was 15. This gift brought him great joy, and the author still has it today. The author also reflects on attending an extravagant wedding where she felt like an outsider, but was reminded of the importance of cherishing memories and being present in the moment, even when surrounded by the unfamiliar. Overall, the author's writing demonstrates the power of memories and the importance of honoring loved ones in meaningful ways.

    • The Power of First ImpressionsFirst impressions can leave lasting impacts on our memories, shaping how we remember people and experiences.

      Some people leave lasting impressions on us, no matter how briefly they may be in our lives. The author recalls a particular CPA named "mister Brand" who stood out during her childhood due to his distinguished appearance and the aura of class he brought to their modest home. Despite being a regular visitor to reconcile her mother's books, mister Brand was more than just an auditor. His presence signaled the spotless house, her mother's specialty outfits, and the refined atmosphere that was a stark contrast to their everyday life. The author's mother, who was the bookkeeper for the family business, also recognized mister Brand's charm and sophistication, which set him apart from the men she knew growing up. This anecdote serves as a reminder of the power of first impressions and the impact that seemingly small interactions can have on our memories.

    • Respectful relationship between Peggy and mister BrandMaintain respect and proper behavior in relationships, even when circumstances change unexpectedly.

      The relationship between a teenager named Peggy and their family's CPA, mister Brand, was marked by respect and formal politeness. Peggy went out of her way to adhere to her mother's high standards of behavior when mister Brand visited their home. He was always greeted with apple strudel and coffee, and Peggy made sure to avoid any actions that might be considered improper. Mister Brand, in turn, treated Peggy and her family with great respect, presenting her with a horse figurine as a token of his regard. The relationship continued even after the family moved to a new home with a more modern office space in the basement. However, Peggy was shocked when she learned of mister Brand's fall from grace, which occurred during one of his visits to their new office. Despite this, Peggy's mother continued to treat mister Brand with respect and dignity until the end. This story illustrates the importance of maintaining proper behavior and respect in relationships, even in unexpected circumstances.

    • The mystery of Mr. Brand's relationship with the motherRespecting boundaries is important and crossing them can have consequences. People's actions may not always reveal their true intentions.

      Appearances can be deceiving and people may have hidden desires or past events that shape their actions and reactions. In the text, the mother's reaction to Mr. Brand's behavior, which was perceived as inappropriate, led to speculation and assumptions. However, the true nature of their relationship remained a mystery. The text also highlights the importance of respecting boundaries and the consequences of crossing them. The mother's stance on propriety and her refusal to engage in gossip or speak ill of others demonstrates her strong values and sense of self-respect. Ultimately, the text leaves the reader wondering about the true nature of the relationship between Mr. Brand and the mother, and the impact it had on their lives.

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    “The 70s are where everything changed and fashion became what we know today”


    “Belts were the handbags of today, every season they changed shape”


    “That was crippling none of us had experienced anything like it before”


    “How do I maintain control?”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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