
    283: Taking Lessons From the Hardest Combat Imaginable, And Effectively Pass Them to Your People. Combat Lessons From WW2.

    enMay 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Lessons on Effective Leadership in CombatInvesting in intelligent, aggressive leaders at all levels is crucial for success in combat and beyond.

      Importance of effective leadership in all situations, especially in combat. These combat lessons, learned from experienced soldiers during World War 2, emphasize that leadership is the priceless factor that inspires a command and upon which success depends. General Marshall, a 5-star general and the organizer of victory in World War 2, signed off on these lessons. He stressed the necessity for developing intelligent, aggressive troop leaders in all echelons, from squad leaders up. Neglecting to invest in leadership can result in unnecessary sacrifices. These lessons are not just for combat situations, but can be applied to any leadership role.

    • Taking Ownership of Mistakes and ResponsibilitiesAcknowledge, understand, and take action to correct mistakes, communicate effectively, and prevent future occurrences to grow personally and professionally.

      Taking ownership of mistakes and responsibilities is crucial for personal and professional growth. It's important to not only verbally acknowledge one's mistakes but also to genuinely believe in the responsibility and take action to correct them. The process of taking ownership involves acknowledging the mistake, understanding the impact, and taking steps to prevent it from happening again. It's also essential to communicate effectively and humbly with others when taking ownership, as defensiveness or blame-shifting can hinder progress. By demonstrating extreme ownership, individuals can build trust, strengthen relationships, and improve their leadership skills.

    • Taking Ownership of Mistakes and ResponsibilitiesEffective leaders acknowledge faults, apologize, and take corrective actions to build trust, improve team dynamics, and ultimately lead to better outcomes.

      Taking ownership of mistakes and responsibilities is a crucial aspect of effective leadership. This means acknowledging faults, apologizing, and taking corrective actions. Extreme ownership requires admitting when we've fallen short and taking steps to make things right. The military example given illustrates this concept through the story of a captain who took charge during a battle and assumed responsibility for the safety and success of his unit. By taking initiative, making decisions, and leading by example, he was able to turn the situation around and achieve the objective. This principle applies not just in the military but in any leadership role, where taking ownership of mistakes and responsibilities can help build trust, improve team dynamics, and ultimately lead to better outcomes.

    • The Importance of Discipline in Leadership on the BattlefieldEffective leadership requires discipline to maintain order, build a cohesive team, and carry out unconventional tasks in the military.

      Responsible leadership, as demonstrated by Lieutenant William E. Everett during battle in Italy, is crucial for maintaining discipline and turning individuals into a cohesive team on the battlefield. Discipline is the foundation for success and can be the deciding factor between winning and losing. While it's common to focus on the dramatic actions of leaders, the development of discipline is equally important. The term "8 balls," referring to rebellious or wild soldiers, highlights the need for a balance of disciplined and undisciplined individuals in a team. Joining the military and going into combat arms or special operations means embracing the unconventional and sometimes morally ambiguous tasks, and having the discipline to carry them out effectively is essential.

    • Military Discipline: Voluntary and CheerfulMilitary discipline is based on gaining respect and confidence through competence, knowledge, and idealism, leading to voluntary and cheerful obedience, resulting in better combat performance.

      Effective discipline in military settings is not about forcing obedience through fear or intimidation, but rather about gaining the respect and confidence of soldiers through knowledge, competence, and idealism. This type of discipline, which is voluntary and cheerful, leads to better combat results than other forms. As discussed, SEALs and military leaders emphasized the importance of a soldier's readiness to act when given orders, which depends on their faith in their leaders. This faith is not earned through barking orders or yelling, but through listening, treating soldiers with respect, and demonstrating competence. Colonel E.L. Munson further explained that true discipline is voluntary and based on knowledge, respect, a sense of duty, and idealism. A good leader develops in his men a willing and cheerful obedience that wants to respond to orders. This positive form of discipline was contrasted with replacement orientation, which can negatively impact new recruits. Instead of being welcomed and trained, they are exposed to the horrors of combat and the high mortality rate of officers. This approach does not foster a positive attitude towards discipline or obedience. In conclusion, the military's concept of discipline is not about imposing orders through fear or force, but about gaining the respect and confidence of soldiers through competence, knowledge, and idealism. This voluntary and cheerful obedience leads to better combat results than other forms of discipline.

    • Orienting new soldiers to combat zoneAuthentic description of combat conditions by commanders reduces new soldiers' anxiety and improves their performance

      The way new soldiers are introduced to the combat zone significantly impacts their morale and performance. Exaggerated stories and distorted pictures of frontline existence can cause unnecessary panic and fear among replacements, leading to more men going on sick call before an attack. Company commanders and platoon leaders play a crucial role in orienting and indoctrinating new soldiers to provide them with an authentic picture of current battle conditions. This helps new soldiers understand what to expect, reducing their anxiety and enabling them to contribute effectively to their new outfit. The unintentional exaggeration of experiences is a natural way for people to convey feelings, but it can be misleading for those who have not experienced the situation. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between providing an accurate and relatable description of combat experiences while avoiding unnecessary panic and fear.

    • Proper orientation and training for new soldiersEffective training by experienced personnel builds confidence, debunks misconceptions, and improves combat readiness for new soldiers. Addressing issues like discipline and fear helps ensure combat efficiency.

      Effective orientation and training for new soldiers is crucial for their confidence, morale, and combat readiness. Lack of proper training and discipline can lead to excessive casualties and decreased efficiency in combat situations. The use of experienced personnel to train new soldiers in essential skills, such as living in a foxhole and using weapons, can greatly improve their confidence and debunk any misconceptions they may have picked up in the rear. Common failings among replacements include a lack of discipline and excessive reaction to loud noises. These issues must be addressed promptly to ensure combat efficiency. Additionally, soldiers, even experienced ones, can experience nervousness or fear in new or challenging situations, and reassuring them that it's normal can help alleviate their anxiety. Overall, proper orientation and training are essential for new soldiers to feel confident and prepared for combat situations.

    • Stories of soldiers' reactions to stress and fear in combatEffective training and mental fortitude are crucial for soldiers to overcome fear and react appropriately in combat situations. Leadership and preparation are also essential for success.

      The human mind and body can react in unexpected ways under high-stress situations, such as in combat. This was illustrated through stories of soldiers who jumped at the sound of gunfire or were unwilling to use their weapons. For instance, a soldier named Stoner once used a grenade to teach a fearful soldier that they wouldn't be harmed by them. Another soldier, named Roger Young, showed immense bravery and sacrifice, earning a Medal of Honor. These stories demonstrate the importance of mental fortitude and effective training in the face of danger. Additionally, the discussion touched upon tactical aspects of warfare, such as river crossings and the importance of proper equipment handling. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need for resilience, leadership, and preparation in the military.

    • Balancing communication and decentralized command in patrolsEffective patrol leadership requires a balance between maintaining communication with the main force and allowing for decentralized command for discipline and control. Proper preparation, attention to detail, and patience are crucial for patrol success.

      Effective patrol leadership requires a delicate balance between maintaining communication with the main force and allowing for decentralized command to ensure strict discipline and control. The story of Private Roger Young illustrates the importance of both elements – his heroic actions saved his platoon, but only because he was demoted and no longer in charge of others. However, even with the best leadership, patrols can still fail if their presence and location are revealed to the enemy. Patrols require a high level of preparation, attention to detail, and patience, and their success ultimately depends on the qualities of the patrol leader. Organizing professional patrols is a valuable combat concept, and some commanders have even established permanent patrol groups for this purpose. It's crucial for commanders and troops to understand the importance of proper patrol preparation and execution to ensure mission success.

    • Forming specialized teams for specific tasksSelecting and training top performers for specialized roles can lead to exceptional results, allowing team members to become experts in their area of specialty

      Creating a specialized team of top performers in an organization for specific tasks can lead to exceptional results. This concept was discussed in relation to military patrol groups, where volunteers with aggressive and rugged qualities were selected and trained intensively for scouting and patrolling missions. The importance of focusing resources and expertise on particular duties, allowing team members to become professionals in their area of specialty, was emphasized. The example of a football team's special teams unit, where players excel in specific roles like field goal blocking, was used to illustrate this idea. The speaker also noted that this approach doesn't mean excluding others from learning or participating, but rather creating a core team that can handle complex or critical missions. The overall message is that specialization and focus can lead to remarkable improvements in performance.

    • Importance of clear mission for military patrolsUnclear missions with conflicting priorities can lead to confusion, casualties, and failure in military patrols. Clear, specific missions are essential for effective communication and successful patrols.

      Effective communication and clear direction from higher command are crucial for the success of military patrols. The passage discusses an unsuccessful patrol mission in New Guinea, where the troops were tasked with reconnaissance and combat without clear priority. The mission's ambiguity led to confusion and ultimately, failure. The terrain was challenging, and the patrol consisted of a rifle platoon reinforced by two 60 millimeter mortar squads, an intelligence man, a radio operator, an aid man, a platoon leader, and an attached lieutenant as coordinator. The attachment of the lieutenant raised questions about the platoon leader's ability to lead, creating a confusing chain of command for the troops. The passage emphasizes the importance of a specific and unmistakable mission for a patrol, as indefinite missions can lead to confusion, casualties, and failure. Reconnaissance patrols are used primarily for securing information, maintaining contact with the enemy, or observing terrain, and they avoid unnecessary combat. Combat patrols execute missions requiring fighting to accomplish or to help accomplish, with securing information as a secondary mission. In this case, the patrol was given two primary missions, reconnaissance and combat, without clear priority, which hindered their ability to effectively carry out their mission.

    • Clear communication and defined roles are essential for mission successEffective communication, clear roles, and focused leadership can prevent misunderstandings and help teams respond to challenges, ensuring mission success

      Clear communication and well-defined roles are crucial for mission success. The mission should have had a clear priority, whether it was combat with reconnaissance as a secondary mission or reconnaissance alone. When assigning multiple tasks, ensure that priorities are clear. In this case, the patrol was divided into three sections, but command and control were not effectively improved. When leading a patrol, focus on leading your section rather than trying to control the entire operation. Effective communication and clear roles can prevent misunderstandings and help the team respond effectively to challenges. In this mission, a loss of control led to a poor chain of command and a disastrous outcome. By ensuring clear communication, defined roles, and effective leadership, teams can avoid compounding mistakes and successfully navigate complex situations.

    • The importance of effective communication, clear chain of command, and mutual support in team success and safetyClear communication, solid chain of command, and mutual support are vital for team success and safety. Proper reconnaissance, effective coordination, and understanding mission objectives can prevent potential disasters. Avoid human chain rescues by senior commanders in patrol actions.

      Effective communication, clear chain of command, and mutual support are crucial for the success and safety of a team or patrol. Failure to prioritize these elements can lead to disastrous consequences, as illustrated in the story of three patrol sections during a combat mission. The first section returned to the command post without incident but the second and third sections faced challenges. First lieutenant X's section encountered enemy ambushes due to their predictable crossing route and failed to reconnoiter alternate crossing points. Meanwhile, the battalion commander sent out a rescue mission based on incomplete information, leading to unnecessary casualties. The story underscores the importance of clear communication, a solid chain of command, and mutual support. Proper reconnaissance, effective coordination, and understanding the mission objectives can help teams avoid potential disasters. The human chain rescue attempt by the battalion commander, despite his bravery, highlighted the inadvisability of a senior commander participating in patrol actions. In conclusion, this anecdote serves as a reminder of the importance of effective teamwork and communication in achieving mission success and ensuring the safety of all team members.

    • Effective communication and clear command intent in military contextClear communication and understanding of commander's intent can prevent misunderstandings and increase chances of success in challenging situations. Establish clear communication channels and principles in your organization.

      Effective communication and clear command intent are crucial for success in challenging situations, especially in a military context. The story of the patrol crossing a river into enemy territory illustrates this point. If the team had better communication and a clearer understanding of their commander's intent, they may have been able to avoid the tragic outcome. The patrol's lack of reconnaissance and disorganization led to their defeat when control was lost. Effective teams have established principles and clear communication channels to prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is working together towards the same goal. The principle of "cover and move" is an example of a well-established rule that everyone on the team understands and follows. By having a strong sense of implied intent and clear communication, teams can avoid costly mistakes and increase their chances of success. In your organization, it's important to establish clear communication channels and principles that everyone understands and follows. This will help prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.

    • Importance of Adhering to Security ProtocolsNeglecting security protocols can lead to unnecessary casualties and delays in military operations. Adhering to these rules is crucial for avoiding needless losses and ensuring mission success.

      Even in the heat of battle, the smallest oversights and neglect of security protocols can lead to devastating consequences. This is evident in various incidents discussed in the text, where carelessness resulted in unnecessary casualties and delays. For instance, hanging out wet towels and shirts as signals for enemy artillery fire led to the deaths of three men. Similarly, failing to crawl past a visible window in a CP building resulted in severe casualties. These incidents illustrate the importance of adhering to security protocols, even in seemingly secure situations. Military leaders should ensure that their troops are well-informed and understand the importance of following these rules to avoid needless losses. The after-action reports from past battles provide valuable insights into the reasons for these incidents and serve as reminders of the complexities and challenges faced in the field.

    • Importance of vigilance and adhering to protocolsEven small actions or lapses can have major consequences, so it's crucial to stay focused and disciplined, especially in high-risk environments. Avoid revealing sensitive information and always follow protocols.

      Even the smallest actions or lapses in judgment can have significant consequences, especially in high-risk environments. This was exemplified in the discussion about a sergeant major who covered a window with a tin sheet to allow a guard to be released, unintentionally revealing their location to the enemy. This incident underscores the importance of maintaining vigilance and adhering to protocols, even when it seems like a minor deviation. The military terms "century" and "sentry" were clarified as synonyms for a guard, and it was noted that the term "watch" is commonly used in the Navy instead of "sentry duty." The discussion also highlighted the potential danger of revealing the locations of installations or observation posts to enemy forces, even unintentionally. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying focused and disciplined, especially in high-pressure situations.

    • Maintaining physical and mental capability is crucialPrioritize health, avoid energy drinks, opt for milk or supplements, and ensure high functionality for yourself and those around you.

      Staying physically and mentally capable is crucial for not only ourselves but also for those who depend on us. Neglecting our health can lead to a domino effect of negative consequences. The importance of discipline and proper supplementation cannot be overstated. Energy drinks, which were once seen as a quick fix, are now recognized as detrimental to our health. Instead, we should opt for healthier alternatives like milk or disciplined go's supplements. By prioritizing our well-being and maintaining a high level of functionality, we can ensure that we are doing our best for ourselves and those around us. Don't let yourself or others down – aim for level 10 and stay on the path to success.

    • Elevating everyday experiencesFind ways to enhance daily life with gourmet desserts, essential health supplements, and shared values.

      Enhancing everyday experiences, whether it's through gourmet desserts or essential health supplements, can significantly improve our daily lives. The discussion touched upon adding dark chocolate to shots for a more luxurious experience, the importance of maintaining joint health with supplements like Joint Warfare and Super Krill Oil, and keeping immunity strong with Vitamin D3. Additionally, the convenience of subscribing to these supplements for free shipping was emphasized. The conversation also highlighted the importance of representing values and aligning with others, as exemplified by the encounter with a fellow Nate Diaz fan. Overall, the key takeaway is to find ways to elevate the ordinary and embrace the power of community and shared values.

    • Join The Shirt Locker for exclusive T-shirt designs, sign up early to avoid missing outJoin The Shirt Locker for exclusive T-shirt designs, sign up early to avoid missing out. For those who can't afford it, email assistance@jockounderground.com. Utilize Jocko's resources like podcasts, YouTube channels, books, and footasidecanvas.com for artwork. The upcoming book is a must-read, even if it's not the first edition yet.

      The Shirt Locker is a subscription service for exclusive T-shirt designs. Each design is only available to members for that specific month, so if you miss out on a desired design, signing up sooner rather than later is the solution. Additionally, Jocko and his team have created the Jocko Underground platform as a backup in case their content gets censored on other social media sites. For those who can't afford the subscription, they can email assistance@jockounderground.com for help. Jocko also mentioned the importance of psychological warfare, such as listening to his podcast or music, to help push through moments of weakness. Other resources include his YouTube channels, books, and the website footasidecanvas.com for artwork. The upcoming book he's working on is nearly finished and is a must-read, even if he can't quite get the "first edition" label on it yet.

    • Jocko Willink's Emphasis on Self-Discipline for Effective LeadershipJocko Willink emphasizes self-discipline as the foundation for effective leadership, sharing insights from his book 'Final Spin' and podcast with Lex Friedman. He encourages listeners to check out his website for resources and supports charity work for service members and their families.

      Jocko Willink, the author, emphasizes the importance of self-discipline as the foundation for effective leadership. He shares his experiences and insights from writing his book "Final Spin," which he describes as a "lean methodology" work. Willink also mentions his podcast with Lex Friedman, where he was noted for speaking English like a Russian, and discusses pre-orders, upcoming events, and his leadership consultancy, Echelon Front. He encourages listeners to check out his website for more information and resources, and highlights the charity work of Mark Lee's mom for supporting service members and their families. Willink also expresses his optimism about returning to normalcy post-COVID and thanks those in uniform and on the home front for their sacrifices. Overall, Willink emphasizes the importance of personal discipline and leadership in various aspects of life.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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