
    309: There's Always Room for Improvement. There's Always More To Learn. With JP Dinnell

    enNovember 24, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning through Teaching in the MilitaryThe military offers a unique environment for continuous learning through teaching, allowing individuals to gain a deeper understanding of subjects and refine leadership strategies.

      Teaching and learning go hand in hand. Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer, shares his experiences in the military where he learned the power of teaching and learning simultaneously. He started teaching host nation personnel early on in his career and continued to do so in training cells, where he was able to teach various subjects and gain a deeper understanding of them. The detached perspective of being an instructor allowed him to observe and learn more effectively. His experiences culminated in his leadership role at Naval Special Warfare Group 1, where he was given the freedom to push boundaries and further develop the training methods he had learned. Ultimately, the military provided an exceptional environment for learning and refining leadership strategies and tactics.

    • The importance of strong leadership in a SEAL platoonEffective leadership in a SEAL platoon significantly impacts mission success or failure, regardless of team composition, and can come from various sources within the team.

      The effectiveness of a team, specifically a SEAL platoon, largely depends on the quality of its leadership. The training these individuals undergo exposes them to various complex and high-pressure scenarios, where success or failure hinges solely on leadership abilities. Regardless of the team's composition, the difference between a successful and unsuccessful mission comes down to the platoon's leadership. This leadership can come from various sources, including the platoon chief, assistant platoon commander, or leading petty officer, among others. It may take time to recognize this, but once understood, the importance of strong leadership cannot be overstated. Even in cases where a platoon leader may not excel in certain areas, the team can still thrive if other members step up and provide effective leadership.

    • Military training transformed ineffective leadersEffective leadership skills can be learned, regardless of past experience or abilities, leading to improved team performance.

      Effective leadership is not limited by an individual's previous skill set or experience. During military training, it was identified that leaders with various shortfalls could be taught how to lead effectively. This training was humbling and required a humble approach. The transformation from ineffective leadership to capable leadership was remarkable, and the impact was evident in the platoon's performance. The training aimed to teach essential leadership skills, making it valuable not just for the military but also for the business world. When JP returned home from deployment, he immediately joined Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, which was a challenging experience, but a necessary step in his career development.

    • Leadership requires empathy and building up, not breaking downEffective leadership involves teaching, guiding, and creating a positive learning environment, rather than pushing trainees beyond their limits and abusing them.

      Leadership comes with great responsibility, and the actions of a leader can have lasting impacts on those under their charge. The speaker shares his experience as a BUDS instructor where he pushed trainees beyond their limits, even going so far as to isolate and physically abuse them. He now regrets his actions and feels remorse, recognizing that he was not providing effective leadership. Instead, he should have focused on teaching and guiding his trainees, creating a positive and supportive learning environment. The experience serves as a reminder that leadership requires empathy, understanding, and the ability to build up, rather than break down, those under one's care.

    • Underage Drinking in Military Training: Consequences and EthicsUnderage drinking during military training can lead to severe consequences, including dismissal from the military. It's important to handle situations responsibly and ethically, rather than putting someone else's career at risk.

      While underage drinking may have been a common occurrence during military training in the past, it can have serious consequences, including the loss of opportunities and even dismissal from the military. The speaker shares a personal story about his brother, who covered for his fellow trainees during a weekend of underage drinking and ended up getting admin septed out of the navy, losing his contract to go to BUDS. The speaker emphasizes that he didn't want to ruin someone's career over a mistake that he himself had made, and instead chose to handle the situation responsibly. He also acknowledges that training is tough and that there may be ways to "thin the herd" that are no longer acceptable, but emphasizes the importance of doing so in a fair and ethical manner.

    • Leader's intense commitment to team's success and safetySpeaker's dedication to team led him to take extreme measures and prioritize their well-being, stemming from experiences overseas and lack of effective leadership in training program

      The speaker's intense commitment and emotional investment in ensuring the success and safety of his team members led him to take extreme measures, such as physically disciplining a fellow team member for falling asleep on watch. This dedication stemmed from his experiences overseas, where the consequences of neglecting watch duties could be fatal. Despite personal challenges in his life, the speaker prioritized the well-being of his team above all else. The lack of effective leadership in the team training program further fueled his passion to step up and lead by example.

    • The importance of effective leadership development in the militaryEarly leadership training and clear communication are essential for military success, improving interactions with other forces and preventing skill gaps among leaders.

      Effective leadership development is crucial for military success, especially at lower ranks where interaction with other forces occurs frequently. The speaker shares their personal experience of lacking leadership training until later in their career, leading to a wide range of skills among leaders and poor communication. They emphasize the importance of early leadership development and training, which can be accomplished through repetitive interactions and clear communication. The speaker's experience of taking charge of training and implementing leadership roles for everyone in their unit led to a change in thinking and improved operations. Overall, training is a critical component of success in the military.

    • Balancing direct instruction and indirect guidance in trainingEffective training requires a balance between instructing techniques and guiding individuals to learn from their experiences.

      Effective training involves a balance between direct instruction and indirect guidance. The speaker shares his experience of being called back from a SEAL team due to concerns about his behavior during training. He reflects that he might have handled the situation differently if he had been given more indirect guidance and less formulaic instruction. During his time at TradeEd, he felt out of place due to his desire to be overseas in combat situations. However, his experience at Sauk, which involved urban training with realistic simulations, helped him appreciate the importance of preparing SEALs for various environments and situations. This experience influenced his approach to training and his commitment to ensuring that SEALs are the best-trained forces in the world.

    • The power of hands-on experience in trainingEffective training balances instruction and experience. Hands-on learning helps students remember and master skills faster.

      Effective training involves a balance between instruction and hands-on experience. The speaker shared an experience from military training where some instructors talked extensively, while others focused more on action. The platoon that engaged in more doing learned the skills faster. The importance of hands-on experience was further emphasized by the speaker's recollection of his time as an instructor at Trade Ed, where he learned the value of teaching students to think, not just what to think. The speaker's own experience in teaching shooting illustrated this point, as explaining the process was not as effective as having students physically perform the actions. The power of training lies in the ability to feel and remember mistakes. The speaker's success with the FTX program, where his team now runs classes, is a testament to the importance of this approach.

    • Reflecting on mistakes in high-pressure situationsAnalyzing and learning from mistakes in high-pressure situations through recording and reviewing can lead to growth and improved decision-making.

      During high-pressure situations, people can lose focus and make mistakes, sometimes without even realizing it. This can lead to confusion and disastrous outcomes. Recording and reviewing these moments can help individuals recognize their errors and learn from them, leading to growth and improved decision-making. The use of audio recorders during training exercises, as mentioned in the discussion, can be an effective tool for capturing these moments and facilitating reflection. This approach, employed in the field training exercises at Echelon Front, allows individuals to feel humbled and gain valuable insights, not just theoretically, but through real-life experiences. The focus is on the lessons learned rather than the tactics used, enabling individuals to apply these insights to their personal and professional lives.

    • Signs of Distressed Leaders and Stepping Up to LeadIn high-pressure situations, leaders may show signs of distress and disconnection. Anyone in the team can step up and take charge to ensure efficiency and quick decision-making, preventing potential disasters.

      Effective leadership is crucial in high-pressure situations. The speaker shared an experience of a team leader who appeared overwhelmed and disconnected during a mission, leading him to step up and take charge. This behavior, where a leader starts referring to events as if they're happening to someone else, is a sign of distress and lack of control. The speaker also shared a personal story of using voice recordings to debrief himself during sales meetings, which he learned from Draydek. He emphasized that in high-stress environments, such as military operations or sales, efficiency and quick decision-making are essential. The speaker then described some of the challenges that teams faced during these operations, including down men, civilians, IED fields, split forces, and changing targets. He emphasized that these problems were just the beginning, as the enemy could also be present, leading to barricaded shooters, hostage situations, and massive casualties. The speaker concluded by emphasizing that in such situations, anyone in the team could potentially step up and lead, and failure to do so could result in everyone's demise.

    • Overwhelmed by odds but still winningEven when outnumbered or facing tough challenges, success can be achieved by assessing situations and making informed decisions

      Using the right strategies and approaches, even when faced with overwhelming odds, can lead to success. This concept was exemplified during military training exercises where individuals or small teams were pitted against larger groups. By stepping back, assessing the situation, and making informed decisions, the smaller groups were able to outmaneuver and outperform their larger counterparts. This principle applies to various aspects of life, including business. If a marketing campaign isn't yielding the desired results, instead of pouring more resources into it, take a step back, reassess, and make adjustments based on the situation. The improvement and learning curve will be significant once individuals and teams understand and implement the right strategies.

    • Ego-driven decision making can hinder business successAssess priorities and make informed decisions, even if it means abandoning a failed marketing plan or project, to avoid significant losses.

      Ego-driven decision making can lead to significant losses in business, just as it can on the battlefield. A marketing plan that doesn't make sense should not be continued with, no matter how much money has already been invested. Instead, it's crucial to take a step back, assess priorities, and make informed decisions based on what truly matters. During a training exercise called "murder hole," individuals from diverse backgrounds are put through challenging scenarios, which can reveal unexpected insights. One participant, who appeared unenthusiastic at the beginning, shared how her team had become stuck on a coding project for seven months due to their egos. This experience resonated with the importance of detaching from projects and understanding priorities. The training is designed to be humbling and is effective because it encourages learning. When applied to business, the lessons learned in this training can help improve teamwork and communication, leading to better results. For a company looking to bring their team together, the program involves bringing them through this "murder hole" scenario, where they face challenges and learn to work together, applying the lessons from the battlefield to their business environment.

    • FTX program offers customized, industry-specific training sessionsFTX program provides tailored solutions, combining universal principles with industry-specific needs, and offers both virtual and in-person training with a flexible approach to accommodate various time and budget constraints, focusing on leadership and communication skills through realistic, stressful scenarios.

      The FTX program offers customizable, industry-specific training sessions, combining universal principles with tailored solutions to address unique business challenges. The program, which can be delivered virtually or in-person, includes a call with the client to understand their objectives and industry-specific needs. The training itself includes both theoretical instruction and hands-on application, with the flexibility to accommodate various time and budget constraints. For example, a company with rapid growth and leadership development issues might benefit from a more intensive, on-site program, while others may opt for a prerecorded video or virtual session. The FTX program emphasizes leadership and communication skills, using high-tech equipment like laser tag systems to create realistic, stressful scenarios. The program's adaptability and focus on practical application make it an effective tool for businesses looking to improve their team's performance and leadership abilities.

    • New equipment requires clear communication and trainingEffective communication and training are vital when introducing new equipment or situations. Recognize individual comfort levels and provide clear instructions to ensure success.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial when working with new equipment or situations. In this case, the speaker discovered that laser tag equipment for a program could not be the traditional Nerf guns due to safety concerns. After meeting with a veteran who provided more realistic laser tag systems, the speaker and team invested in the new equipment and provided proper training to ensure comfort and success for participants. It's essential to recognize that not everyone has the same experiences or comfort levels and to approach new situations with patience and clear instructions. Additionally, mental stress and chaos can be just as challenging as physical stress during training exercises.

    • Unexpected lessons from a laser tag training exerciseFollow rules, stay focused, prioritize teamwork, adapt to chaos, and approach new experiences with an open mind

      Even seemingly harmless activities, like a laser tag training exercise, can lead to valuable leadership lessons and unexpected outcomes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following rules and staying focused on the purpose of the training, rather than getting distracted or injured. He also highlights the significance of teamwork and taking care of each other, even for individuals who may have physical limitations. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate how a seemingly benign activity can actually be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. The unexpected chaos and intensity of the training can help individuals learn to adapt and respond effectively in challenging situations. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to approach new experiences with an open mind and a willingness to learn, even if they initially seem unremarkable or unassuming.

    • Woman's health concerns initially limit her role, but she transforms through leadership opportunitiesDespite personal limitations, taking on leadership roles can lead to personal growth, breaking free from self-imposed restrictions, and challenging gender stereotypes.

      Self-imposed limitations can hold people back from reaching their full potential. This was evident during a military-style training exercise where a woman, fresh from chemotherapy, initially took on a support role due to her health concerns. However, she soon expressed a desire to lead, and her supervisors granted her that opportunity. This shift led to a transformation as she discovered her capabilities and gained new perspectives from various leadership positions. This experience resonated with many attendees, including a successful business owner who, after experiencing leadership roles firsthand, was inspired to implement similar training for his employees. Additionally, the importance of challenging gender stereotypes was highlighted when a participant expressed her reservations about female leadership. The trainers recognized the need to address her concerns and, through open dialogue and experience, demonstrated that effective leadership is not determined by gender. Overall, the training provided opportunities for personal growth, fostered teamwork, and challenged participants to break free from self-imposed limitations.

    • Overcoming past traumas for personal growthRecognizing past traumas should not define us, focusing on lessons learned and future actions leads to personal growth

      Personal growth and self-reflection are essential for overcoming limitations and becoming better leaders. During a training program, a participant shared her experience of feeling incapable of leading due to past traumas. The trainer recognized the opportunity to help her overcome this limitation and encouraged her to discuss her past. Through this conversation, she realized that her past should not define her and that today is a fresh start. This realization was her biggest takeaway from the training. The trainer emphasized the importance of focusing on lessons learned and what one will do going forward rather than dwelling on past mistakes or negative emotions. This self-reflection is powerful and can lead to deeper changes, even beyond a business or combat application. It's amazing to see how this type of training can reach people's souls and help them make profound personal transformations.

    • Investing in effective leadership and training leads to personal and professional growthEffective training rooted in strong principles can lead to personal growth, high-level leadership positions, and significant long-term benefits.

      Effective leadership and training, rooted in strong principles, can lead to personal and professional growth for individuals and teams. This was exemplified by a client executive who shared how the training "fed his soul" and helped him grow into a high-level leadership position. The speaker emphasized the importance of delivering impact and building leadership capital through training, which can enable large withdrawals and high returns on investment. This concept was illustrated through personal experiences and the impact of training on preventing disasters in dangerous work environments. The key message is that investing in effective leadership and training can lead to significant long-term benefits.

    • Leadership training prevents disastrous outcomesEffective leadership training allows teams to respond quickly and efficiently to incidents, minimizing impact and preventing future incidents through immediate action and implementation of changes.

      Effective leadership training can prevent disastrous outcomes in the workplace. This was demonstrated when a safety incident resulted in a fatal accident on a job site. The team, having recently completed FTX training, was able to respond quickly and efficiently, minimizing the impact of the incident. The absence of blame or finger-pointing allowed executive leadership to take immediate action, implementing changes to prevent future incidents. The union president, who had witnessed the benefits of the training firsthand, advocated for its continuation, leading to the training of 400 additional leaders. The smooth handling of the situation was attributed to the recent completion of the training by the involved leaders.

    • Leadership is the root cause and solution to all problemsEmpower individuals to lead, communicate effectively, and mitigate risks by adopting a 'default aggressive' approach in a decentralized command culture. Recognize the value of diverse ideas and backgrounds to foster continuous improvement.

      All problems, whether in a team or an organization, stem from leadership. This means that leadership is also the solution. When complacency creeps in, it's a sign of a lack of leadership. By being "default aggressive," teams can mitigate risks, communicate effectively, and solve problems. This approach requires a culture that empowers individuals to step up and lead, creating a decentralized command that keeps everyone engaged and focused on the mission. Groundworks, a successful company that embraced these principles, is a great example of how this approach can lead to growth and domination in various industries. Additionally, it's essential to recognize the value of diverse ideas and backgrounds, as they can bring new perspectives and solutions to the table. By embracing this mindset, teams and organizations can continuously improve and thrive.

    • The importance of a diverse teamA diverse team with varying perspectives and skills strengthens problem-solving abilities and leads to more effective solutions.

      Having a diverse team with different perspectives and skill sets is crucial for success, just like in a SEAL platoon. A team full of similar individuals may function, but a team with diverse members brings multiple viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving, making it stronger and more effective. This was demonstrated during the FTX program, where individuals rotated through different leadership positions and shared their takeaways. The cloverleaf analogy illustrates the importance of seeing a problem from multiple angles to find the best solution. Cody, an Echelon Front trainer, exemplified this by asking questions and changing perspectives during a client briefing. Echelon Front offers an Individual FTX program for smaller companies or individuals who want to experience this training.

    • Echelon Front's FTX004 in Dallas Fort WorthFTX004 offers 2 days of field training with classes, missions, team dinner, and debrief. Registration open, sold out previous installments. Importance of physical capability, dangers of energy drinks, find alternatives to cope with fatigue.

      Echelon Front is hosting FTX004 in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas during the last week of April. This event offers individuals two full days of field training exercises, including an overview, classes, missions, team dinner, and debrief. Registration is open for this event, which has already sold out the first three installments in April. The dates and locations for FTX005 and 6 are not yet determined. The discussion also touched on the importance of physical capability and the potential dangers of excessive energy drink consumption. The speaker shared a personal anecdote about his past reliance on energy drinks while working in sales, acknowledging the negative health effects and comparing it to being a drug dealer. Instead, he emphasized the importance of finding alternative ways to cope with fatigue and stay focused. Overall, the conversation highlighted the impact of Echelon Front's training programs on individuals and businesses.

    • Discovering a drink for energy and focusFind tools to perform at your best and stay focused, such as an energy drink that provides energy and focus without negative side effects, while enjoying the moment and practicing moderation.

      The speakers are discussing a drink that provides energy and focus without any negative side effects. They share personal experiences of using the drink to activate and perform at their best, drawing parallels to their time in the military. The speakers emphasize the importance of enjoying what you do and being fully present in the moment. They also caution against overconsumption and encourage moderation. The drink, which is an energy beverage, is described as being available in various flavors and being used to fuel and prepare for physical challenges. The speakers also mention the potential future availability of caffeine-free versions. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of finding tools and resources that help individuals perform at their best and stay focused and energized in a positive and sustainable way.

    • Speakers share their personal preferences for health drinks and supplementsIndividuals have unique health goals and preferences for drinks and supplements, making it important to try new options and consider personal experiences when making choices.

      The speakers in this discussion are expressing their personal preferences and experiences with various health and wellness products, specifically drinks and supplements. They share their opinions on different flavors, such as orange and mango, and their biases towards certain options. They also discuss the potential benefits of these products, including electrolytes, energy, and immune system support. Additionally, they mention the importance of staying active and using distribution networks to make these products more widely available. One speaker even shares a personal story about discovering the benefits of greens supplements for hangover prevention. Overall, the conversation highlights the subjective nature of product preferences and the importance of trying new things to find what works best for individual health and wellness goals.

    • Add flavor and nutrition to your shakes with unique ingredientsConsider adding greens and frozen bananas to enhance taste and nutritional value of milk or protein shakes. Support American-made brands like Origin USA and Jocko Fuel for reliable supply and high-quality products.

      Adding unique ingredients like greens and frozen bananas to your milk or protein shakes can significantly enhance their taste and nutritional value. Tulsi, a veteran and public figure, gave this advice, and it's a game-changer for your daily health. Additionally, choosing American-made brands like Origin USA and Jocko Fuel ensures a reliable supply chain and high-quality products. The discussion also mentioned the availability of these brands' products at various stores and their websites, including Vitamin Shoppe and jockofuel.com. The speakers emphasized the importance of supporting American-made products and avoiding the pitfalls of overseas supply chains.

    • Join the Jiu-Jitsu journey with Shirt LockerStart your Jiu-Jitsu training and collect exclusive merchandise with the Shirt Locker subscription.

      The podcast "Jocko Podcast" has inspired many people to start practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and some listeners even regret not starting sooner. Jocko encourages everyone, regardless of their current number of Jiu-Jitsu shirts, to join the Shirt Locker subscription and begin their training journey. A unique aspect of the Shirt Locker is the sense of fulfillment some subscribers experience when gifting their received shirts to others. While Jocko may not create V-neck shirts based on demand, the Shirt Locker is available on JockoStore.com for those eager to embark on their Jiu-Jitsu journey and collect exclusive merchandise along the way.

    • Challenges of being shadowbanned on platformsDespite challenges with being shadowbanned, it's important to continue sharing valuable content and exploring alternative platforms to expand reach and accessibility of important information.

      Individuals and content creators, including Jocko Willink, are facing challenges with being shadowbanned on various platforms, limiting their reach and visibility. This raises concerns about the power and control held by big tech companies over the dissemination of information and the potential suppression of free speech. Despite these challenges, it's important to continue sharing valuable content and speaking the truth, as it can still reach and impact people in meaningful ways. Additionally, exploring alternative platforms and resources can help expand the reach and accessibility of important information.

    • The Importance of a Contingency Plan and Building a Backup PlatformPrepare for unexpected situations by having a backup platform and encourage community support through a contingency plan. Emotional connections can also strengthen community engagement.

      JP and Sarah discovered the importance of having a contingency plan in their business after suspecting they might be under surveillance. They started joccounderground.com as a backup platform and encouraged their supporters to subscribe for $8.18 a month. JP also shared his experience of being deeply moved by the book "Final Spin" by Dakota Meyer and how it led him to finish the book just before boarding a flight, despite carrying an extra book with him. This conversation underscores the significance of being prepared for unexpected situations and the power of emotional connections in building a community.

    • The universally relatable nature of relatable characters and selfless leadershipRelatable characters and selfless leadership inspire deep emotional connections and drive success. Effective leaders prioritize the team and mission over their own interests, and books like 'Final Spin' provide valuable insights into these strategies.

      The power of relatable characters and selfless leadership in literature and in life. The speaker expressed deep emotion towards a book called "Final Spin," which he believes every human can connect with due to the universally relatable nature of its characters. He emphasized the importance of putting the team and the mission above oneself as a true leader, drawing on a quote from a past FTX event. The speaker also highlighted the impact of leaders who genuinely care for their team and prioritize the mission over their own interests. He recommended several books, including "Final Spin," as examples of great leadership strategies and tactics. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of empathy, selflessness, and effective leadership in creating meaningful connections and achieving success.

    • Continuous learning and supporting charitiesStay committed to learning, attend events, seek resources, and support charities like America's Mighty Warriors for personal growth and making a difference.

      Continuous learning and improvement are essential for leadership and personal growth, whether it's through attending events, online training programs, or seeking out resources like the Extreme Ownership Academy. Additionally, supporting charities like America's Mighty Warriors, founded by Jocko Willink's mother, can make a significant impact on veterans' lives through life-changing treatments. The discussion also emphasized the importance of staying open-minded, humble, and committed to learning, as well as expressing gratitude for the sacrifices made by military personnel, first responders, and other essential workers.

    • The importance of persistence and consistent effortStay focused on goals, take consistent action, and maintain a positive attitude to achieve success despite challenges. Prioritize tasks, communicate effectively, and build a strong team to maximize productivity.

      Persistence and consistent effort are key to achieving success. Jocko Willink, Echo Charles, and JP Dinnell emphasized the importance of not giving up and continuing to push forward, even when faced with challenges. They encouraged listeners to stay focused on their goals and to keep taking action, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. Jocko shared his experience of building a successful business and how it required consistent effort and a never-give-up attitude. Echo emphasized the importance of having a strong team and the value of effective communication in achieving success. JP discussed the importance of setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks to maximize productivity. Ultimately, the three emphasized the importance of resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. They encouraged listeners to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough, and to never give up on their dreams. By staying focused, taking consistent action, and maintaining a positive attitude, anyone can achieve their goals and overcome the challenges that come their way.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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