
    329: The Son Tay Raid. Operation Ivory Coast, With Terry Buckler.

    enApril 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Unwavering commitment during Son Tay raidSoldiers displayed selflessness and unwavering dedication during a high-risk POW rescue mission, inspired by their leader's announcement and their own sense of duty.

      Unwavering commitment and selflessness displayed by the soldiers during the attempted POW rescue mission at Son Tay in Vietnam. The briefing led by Lieutenant Colonel Bull, where he announced their mission to rescue American prisoners, instilled a sense of duty and unity among the soldiers. Despite the high risks involved, not a single man backed out, demonstrating their unwavering dedication to their fellow soldiers and their military family. This mission, led by Terry Buckler and his team, not only resulted in the rescue of several POWs but also left a lasting impact on the special operations community and the military as a whole. Growing up in a rural area in Central Missouri, Terry Buckler had a simple upbringing. Born in a 2-bedroom house on a 72-acre farm, he and his family lived without indoor plumbing until he was 12 years old. Despite these challenges, Terry's childhood instilled in him a strong sense of resilience and determination that would serve him well during his military career and the famous Son Tay raid.

    • Childhood memories and lessons from father's experiencesDespite hardships, childhood memories and personal experiences shape our lives, teaching us valuable lessons and instilling resilience.

      The speaker's father, despite being a hardworking man, had a lighter side and enjoyed having fun. This was evident in their childhood experiences, such as taking baths and spending nights at each other's houses. However, his experiences during World War 2 shaped him in significant ways, and he rarely spoke about it until much later in life. The speaker also shared stories of their summers spent working and their experiences in high school and beyond. Ultimately, the speaker's life was shaped by the lessons learned from their father and their own experiences, including the decision to join the army. Despite the challenges and hardships, the speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience and the impact of personal experiences on one's life.

    • Joining the military to serve with the best and make a differenceDespite personal cost and father's advice, speaker joined military to serve and make a difference.

      The speaker's decision to join the military and volunteer for special forces during the Vietnam War was driven by a desire to serve with the best and make a difference, despite the personal cost and his father's advice. Growing up in a rural area, the speaker had a strong work ethic but found boot camp challenging due to the strict discipline and regimented lifestyle. The presence of anti-war protests and hippie culture at Fort Bragg was minimal compared to his hometown, and his experience at the draft office was emotional as he prepared to leave his family and embark on his military service.

    • Military training: Building resilience and camaraderieMilitary training, including boot camp and jump school, built resilience and camaraderie through intense physical and mental challenges. Stories of drill sergeant encounters and SEAL adoption highlighted the formative impact.

      Military training, specifically boot camp and jump school, were intense and challenging experiences. During boot camp, a soldier had to endure physical and mental tests, and failure meant paying the price. The speaker shared a story about a run-in with their drill sergeant, who made them and another soldier continue pugil stick drills until their comrades had to intervene. The soldier also shared how they ended up becoming an honorary SEAL after basic training when they were adopted by a group of Navy SEALs. These experiences built camaraderie and a sense of resilience. The speaker also mentioned that military training, particularly in the 1990s, had lower physical standards compared to today. Overall, the military training was formative and shaped the soldier's character.

    • Surviving the Harsh Conditions of Special Forces TrainingSpecial Forces training in the late 1960s pushed recruits to their limits, with harsh conditions, physical demands, and mental challenges leading to the departure of some soldiers. Essential skills like patrolling, setting up ambushes, and medical procedures were taught, preparing soldiers for the rigors of Special Forces work.

      Special Forces training in the late 1960s was an intense and challenging experience designed to weed out those who weren't fully committed. Soldiers would start their training by jumping into Camp McCall with only their equipment and one change of clothes. The first night saw the departure of about 15 soldiers due to the harsh conditions and harassment from the cadre. Training included learning the basics of patrolling, setting up ambushes, and medical procedures. Soldiers slept under the stars or in tents and ate CRations, which included meals like ham and mother's favorite, beans and weenies. The physical demands were high, with long marches and a requirement for excellent physical fitness. This rigorous training was essential to prepare soldiers for the rigors of Special Forces work.

    • The importance of nutrition, comfort, and humor during special forces trainingMaintaining proper nutrition, prioritizing comfort, and adding humor can significantly improve morale and survival during special forces training.

      The experiences of going through special forces selection and training, as shared by the speaker, highlighted the importance of nutrition, comfort, and maintaining a sense of humor, even during challenging times. The speaker shared how he gained weight during SEAL training due to the abundance of food, and how the Air Force prioritized comfort. He also shared a humorous anecdote about adding humor during tough times. Despite breezing through selection and receiving an engineer MOS, he emphasized the importance of these elements for survival and morale.

    • Military training: A matter of life and deathPaying attention to details and being committed to duties can mean the difference between life and death in the military.

      Military training involves dangerous activities, such as demolitions and special missions, which require utmost attention and discipline. An unfortunate incident during a demolition exercise resulted in the loss of several lives due to a simple mistake. After completing special forces training, the speaker was assigned to 7th group instead of the desired 5th group for a mission led by the legendary Colonel "Bull" Simons. The speaker managed to join the interview process and was eventually selected for the mission. The interview process was rigorous, and those who were not serious or attentive were not chosen. This experience underscores the importance of paying attention to details and being committed to one's duties in the military.

    • Military Interview Showcases Importance of Positive Attitude and Willingness to LearnA positive attitude and willingness to learn, even without specific skills or experiences, can lead to opportunities and respect in challenging environments

      During a military interview, the applicant, despite not having certain skills or experiences listed on his record, showcased a positive attitude and willingness to learn. He claimed to have welding experience based on observing a friend and was honest about not having scuba experience. Despite this, he was selected for a special mission, likely due to the need for grunts and enlisted personnel. The mission, known as the Sante raid, involved setting up a compound and guarding the building around the clock. The officers leading the mission, including Bull Simons, Captain Dick Meadows, and Lieutenant Colonel Bud Sidner, were notable figures in special forces history. Despite being a young buck sergeant, the applicant felt respected and included among these officers. This experience highlights the importance of having a positive attitude and being willing to learn in the face of uncertainty.

    • Importance of doing one's best in every roleDoing your best, even in seemingly insignificant roles, can lead to important opportunities and contribute to team success.

      Teamwork and dedication are crucial, even in seemingly insignificant roles. The speaker's experience in the special forces involved strict security measures and guard duty, where he had to be excellent in his job despite its apparent insignificance. The building they guarded turned out to be a life-sized replica used for training for a raid on a POW camp. The speaker's consistent attitude and hard work during his training led to his selection for the mission. The intense training regime ensured that everyone was in top shape and prepared for the challenges ahead. The veterans, despite their impressive combat records, were approachable and willing to help. Overall, the speaker's experiences emphasize the importance of doing one's best, no matter the task, and the power of teamwork and dedication.

    • The value of teamwork and adaptability during unexpected situationsUnexpected situations require quick adaptation and trust in teamwork to overcome challenges. Trusting a leader and understanding specific circumstances are crucial for effective responses.

      No matter how much we think we're in control, unexpected situations can arise, and it's important to adapt quickly and work together with others to overcome challenges. This was exemplified during the speaker's military training, where they and their team had to clear buildings using a unique technique involving concussion grenades and covering all angles of a room with gunfire. The speaker's team, led by Captain Dan, had to work in sync and trust each other to neutralize threats efficiently. Additionally, the use of concussion grenades demonstrated the importance of understanding the specific circumstances and adversaries, as the buildings they were clearing were not made of sturdy materials and required a different approach than modern grenades. Overall, this experience taught the speaker the value of teamwork, adaptability, and trusting in a higher power when facing the unknown.

    • Effective training and preparation are crucial for success and survivalInvesting time and resources into training and improvement can save lives and ensure success in high-stakes situations

      Effective training and preparation are crucial for success and survival. The SEAL Team members discussed their experiences in neutralizing enemy forces during a mission, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and careful planning to avoid friendly fire. They shared stories of their training methods, which included practicing in various environments and accounting for the potential collateral damage of their actions. The interviewee reflected on how these rigorous training sessions saved their lives during the mission, emphasizing the importance of being fully prepared for any situation. As he stated, "Training sometimes gets boring, but when the bullets start flying in both directions, you're sure glad that you know what is expected of you and your team members." This anecdote highlights the significance of investing time and resources into training and improvement, as the stakes can be much higher in real-life situations.

    • Adapting to Unexpected Events in CombatIn combat situations, quick thinking, restraint, and adaptability are essential. Unexpected events can lead to significant losses, but linking up with friendly forces and making the right decisions can ultimately save lives. Maintaining a positive attitude and seizing opportunities during guard duty or other tasks can lead to unexpected rewards.

      Effective training and adaptability are crucial in combat situations. Despite meticulous planning, unexpected events can occur. In the discussed mission, the loss of a third of the assault force due to unforeseen circumstances required quick thinking and restraint from all involved. The ability to link up with friendly forces and make the right decisions in a high-pressure environment ultimately saved lives. Additionally, the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and seizing opportunities, even during seemingly mundane tasks like guard duty, can lead to unexpected rewards.

    • Lessons from experience and confidenceGain experience and confidence through hard work and patience. Balance aggressiveness and contentment, and be prepared for unexpected situations.

      Experience and confidence, gained through hard work and patience, can help individuals overcome age or perceived inexperience. This was demonstrated through the speaker's experience in farming and military training. Another important lesson is the balance between aggressiveness and contentment, and the need to be prepared for unexpected situations, including death. These lessons were learned through various experiences, including military training and personal loss. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused, being prepared, and maintaining a positive attitude, regardless of the circumstances.

    • Early days of Navy SEAL Team Three: Missions shrouded in secrecyDespite uncertainty and lack of mission information, Navy SEAL Team Three thrived on trust and positive relationships with leaders.

      During the early days of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team Three, the team members were often kept in the dark about their missions and even their training exercises. They would sometimes be recalled under the guise of a mission, only to find out later it was just training. This uncertainty and lack of information led to a sense of excitement and anticipation, even when the missions turned out to be cleaning up brass or other mundane tasks. One memorable incident involved a heated argument between a master sergeant and Colonel Bull Simons at a Friday night fight, which resulted in the master sergeant attempting to persuade Bull with a weapon. Despite this, Bull maintained a positive relationship with the master sergeant and the rest of the team. Overall, the team operated under a veil of secrecy, trusting in their leaders and their training, even when they didn't fully understand the mission at hand.

    • The importance of team communication and expressing disagreementsEffective leadership requires team members to challenge ideas and express disagreements, leading to successful outcomes.

      Having team members who challenge your ideas and express their disagreements is crucial for effective leadership. This was evident during a military mission where the team encountered a disagreement with their superior, but they valued the opportunity to voice their concerns and ultimately made a successful rescue mission. Another significant moment was during a prayer service held by their respected leader, Pappy, where the soldiers' unwavering faith was evident. The team's eventual destination was a surprise, and they were prepared for various possibilities, including being in Southeast Asia. The team's readiness and determination to complete their mission, which involved rescuing American service members in Vietnam, was palpable. During their preparation, they were given sleeping pills to ensure they were well-rested for the upcoming operation. The anticipation and excitement leading up to the mission's reveal were evident as they gathered in the theater for a briefing. Overall, the importance of teamwork, communication, and the value of diverse perspectives were key themes throughout their experience.

    • Raider mission in Vietnam: Staying connected and increasing chances of survivalEffective communication through radios and preparation with specialized gear enhanced the success and survival of a daring raid mission in Vietnam, despite the risks and unexpected threats.

      During a daring raid mission in Vietnam, the use of communication radios allowed team members to stay connected and increase their chances of survival. Each raider carried a survival radio, which emitted a warble tone to alert search and rescue teams. The team consisted of 56 Raider Raiders, with 92 radios in total. The mission required extensive preparation, with team members carrying various specialized gear such as chainsaws and arc welders. The long helicopter ride to the mission site provided time for reflection and prayer, with each man thinking of his family and the risks involved. Despite the potential danger, the team remained focused and determined, showcasing the bravery and sacrifice of military personnel. The team was unaware of the threat of surface-to-air missiles until they encountered one during the mission. Overall, this mission highlights the importance of communication, preparation, and the unwavering courage of military personnel.

    • Mission to destroy a bridge in North VietnamDespite unexpected challenges, including a diversionary operation, SAMs, and a change in plans, a team successfully completed a mission to destroy a bridge in North Vietnam, highlighting the importance of clear communication and teamwork.

      The mission to destroy a bridge in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War was a complex operation with unexpected challenges. The team had air cover, but they were unaware of a massive diversionary operation and a large air raid happening on the other side of Hanoi. They faced 20 SAMs and lost one jet, but their pilots did an excellent job getting them in and out. Four of the team members had no combat experience, making it an eye-opening experience for them. During the landing, they received unexpected news of an alternate plan, which added to the tension. Despite the fears and uncertainties, the team had faith in their abilities and each other, and they successfully completed their mission. The event served as a reminder of the importance of clear communication and the unpredictability of combat situations.

    • Be prepared to support your team, no one is indispensableTrain backups and adapt to new roles to ensure team success, no one should consider themselves irreplaceable

      No one should consider themselves indispensable. During a mission, the Greenleaf Group landed in the wrong location, leaving the Red Wine team with only two-thirds of their original forces. This situation required everyone to step up and perform roles beyond their own. The incident underscores the importance of training backups and being prepared to support your team. The consequences of being indispensable can be fatal, as demonstrated by the full graveyards. This lesson applies to any job or situation in life. As the mission progressed, the Red Wine team encountered enemy fire, and the adrenaline-pumping moment of their first kill proved the value of their training. The team's quick response and execution of their alternate plan were crucial to their success.

    • Green Berets execute mission with limited resources and surprise advantageThrough effective training, teamwork, and surprise advantage, the Green Berets were able to complete their mission successfully despite facing fewer resources and stronger opposition, but they suffered casualties in the process.

      Despite having fewer resources and facing stronger opposition, the Green Beret team was able to execute their mission effectively due to their training, teamwork, and surprise advantage. However, they suffered casualties, including Sergeant First Class Joe Murray, who was the only Green Beret wounded. The team's objective was to neutralize certain buildings and prevent enemy reinforcements, which they accomplished successfully. The chaos of the operation resulted in intense gunfire, but the team's discipline and focus allowed them to neutralize the enemy and complete their mission. Captain Dan and the RTO stayed close and trusted each other, and their communication and coordination were crucial to their success. Despite the danger and the grim realities of war, the team's determination and teamwork allowed them to complete their mission and return safely.

    • Encountering unexpected challenges during combatStay calm, assess quickly, and adapt effectively to overcome unexpected obstacles in combat situations

      Even in the midst of intense combat situations, it's crucial to stay focused and adapt to unexpected challenges. During a mission, the team discovered an enemy group and engaged in a firefight. While securing their positions, they encountered a surprise – a tall concrete light pole with live power lines instead of the expected wooden telephone pole. Despite the setback, the team quickly assessed the situation and found a new location for the extraction zone. This experience highlights the importance of remaining calm under pressure, making quick decisions, and executing new plans effectively. Additionally, the team learned the value of perseverance and not getting bogged down by complaints or negative thinking. Overall, their ability to adapt and overcome unexpected obstacles played a significant role in the success of their mission.

    • The Absence of POWs in a US Air Force MissionUnexpected challenges in missions can lead to unexpected successes, and the effective execution of tasks can bring pride and accomplishment.

      During a US Air Force mission in 1970, known as the Sante Raid, the team encountered unexpected challenges when they discovered no POWs at their target. Despite their disappointment and initial thoughts of regrets, the mission was a success in eliminating the threat and controlling the POW camp and guards. The team's morale was affected by the absence of POWs and the loss of Sergeant First Class Joe Murray. The mission's planning included a contingency for controlling the guards within a minute, but the POWs had already been removed. The teams, red wine, green leaf, and blue boy, each had specific tasks to accomplish, and they did so effectively. The aftermath involved debriefing, filling out paperwork, and returning to their normal world at Fort Bragg. The most memorable moment for many was the landing at Pope Air Force Base and reuniting with loved ones. The mission's success and the eventual recognition, including a televised ceremony with President Nixon, brought a sense of pride and accomplishment.

    • The Sante Raid: A Covert POW Rescue OperationThe Sante Raid, a daring special forces mission during the Vietnam War, showcased meticulous planning, execution, and the importance of compassion and bravery in high-risk operations.

      The Sante Raid, a daring special forces mission during the Vietnam War, involved a diversion tactic to cover up a POW rescue operation. This raid, which faced significant media attention, had a significant impact on subsequent special operations missions due to its meticulous planning and execution. The lessons learned from the Sante Raid were later applied to high-profile missions like the Bin Laden raid. Today, the Sante Raid is being commemorated through documentaries and training films to ensure authenticity and accuracy for future generations. Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird honored the brave men involved in the mission with numerous awards for their undaunted courage and deep compassion. The mission, which called for both bravery and compassion, received unwavering support from the president and military leadership.

    • Mission to rescue American prisoners during Operation Neptune SpearSpeaker emphasizes the importance of taking risks for a worthy cause and sharing unique veteran perspectives through storytelling.

      The mission to rescue American prisoners during the Operation Neptune Spear was a high-risk endeavor, but the potential reward of freeing captives made it worth it. The speaker, who was a part of the mission, emphasized that if a similar opportunity presented itself today, he would act similarly. After completing the mission, he enjoyed a month-long leave, but he was eager to rejoin his army buddies. He also encouraged listeners to talk to veterans and hear their unique perspectives, emphasizing the importance of sharing stories. The speaker wrote a book about the raid, including unedited accounts from other participants, to provide a well-rounded account of the event. The book includes stories from various perspectives, from the raiders to the support personnel and pilots. One notable story is about the men who had to eject from an aircraft and survive the ensuing ordeal. Despite the life-threatening nature of the situation, they remained calm and collected. After returning to normal life, the speaker became involved in orienteering as a new hobby. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of taking risks for a worthy cause and the value of sharing stories from different perspectives.

    • From military service to business successDetermination and resilience can lead to unexpected opportunities. Former Special Forces soldier turned entrepreneur shares his journey from competing in orienteering meets to starting his own document imaging business.

      Determination and resilience can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker, a former Special Forces soldier, shared his experiences of competing in orienteering meets during his service, finishing high in various championships. After feeling ready for a change, he took advantage of an early separation offer and went back to junior college. Post-graduation, he struggled to find a job but was eventually connected with Ross Perot through their shared military background. Perot kept his promise and hired the speaker for Electronic Data Systems (EDS). After three years, he moved on to sell computer furniture for Rightline, and eventually started his own document imaging business, Delta Systems, in the late 80s. The speaker met his wife, Marsha, at a board meeting and they got married in 1984. An interesting anecdote about their engagement involved the speaker hiding the ring in a 35mm camera case and proposing underwater while scuba diving in Hawaii. The speaker's story illustrates how unexpected opportunities and determination can lead to a fulfilling and successful career.

    • The Raids on Son Tay Prison boosted morale and unity among POWsDespite no POWs being found, the Son Tay Raid significantly improved morale and unity among imprisoned US soldiers, recognizing their wives as heroes and leading to better living conditions and opportunities for education and productivity.

      The Raids on Son Tay Prison in Vietnam, led by the Sante Raiders, had a profound impact beyond the intended rescue mission. Although no POWs were found, the raid significantly boosted the morale of those imprisoned. Wives of soldiers were also recognized as heroes. The experience brought prisoners together, leading to improved living conditions and opportunities for education and productivity. US Air Force POWs, like JH Spike Nasmyth and Joe Kreka, shared their accounts of the raid's impact, describing increased unity and a sense of hope amidst their captivity. This event serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unity and resilience, even in the face of adversity.

    • The Sante Raid: A Morale Boost for American POWsThe unexpected Sante Raid during the Vietnam War brought hope and improved living conditions for American POWs, boosting their morale and inspiring resilience.

      The Sante Raid, a daring military operation during the Vietnam War, brought hope and morale boost to the American prisoners of war (POWs) at the Sante POW camp. The unexpected raid, which involved US Air Force, Navy, and Marine forces, brought the POWs the news that they hadn't been forgotten by their government and provided them with a renewed sense of determination and teamwork. The raid also led to improvements in their living conditions and the creation of the 4th Airline Allied Command. The POWs' stories of their experiences during the raid and its aftermath are a testament to the human spirit and the importance of hope and resilience in challenging times. The Sante Raid is an inspiring chapter in American military history, and the stories of the POWs who lived through it continue to resonate today.

    • A successful team effort in the Sante raidThe Sante raid was a significant mission that required the efforts of many, from high-ranking officials to those on the ground. The mission's success demonstrated the versatility and adaptability of military personnel.

      The Sante raid was a remarkable team effort involving a large number of people, from high-ranking officials to those on the ground. The mission's secrecy ensured its success, and the impact on the POWs and the morale of the country was significant. Terry Butler, a veteran of the raid, shared how even those who didn't know they were contributing played essential roles. After the mission, veterans returned to their normal lives, demonstrating the versatility and adaptability of military personnel. It's a reminder that veterans can excel in various fields and that their experiences shape them into capable individuals.

    • Assumptions about veterans in businessDespite common assumptions, veterans are not just starting tactical shooting companies. They bring valuable skills and experiences to various industries and are employed in significant numbers by companies across the board.

      The assumption that all veterans start tactical shooting companies is a bias based on limited exposure. While it's common for veterans to own such businesses due to their military background and experiences, they can also pursue various other careers. Many companies, regardless of their industry, have veteran programs and employ veterans in significant numbers. It's essential to recognize that veterans are diverse and can excel in various fields, not just those related to tactical shooting. The speaker's experience may have led him to believe otherwise, but the reality is that veterans are just as likely to work in industries like finance, technology, or manufacturing, among others. The misconception arises from the limited data we have in our heads and the tendency to make assumptions based on what stands out. It's crucial to remember that veterans are an integral part of the workforce and bring unique skills and experiences to the table, regardless of the industry they choose to pursue.

    • Taking Care of Your Mind and Body for Optimal PerformanceGet good sleep, natural energy sources, feel the workout pump, focus-enhancing supplements, proper hydration, and nutrition for optimal performance.

      The speaker's mind is like a roller coaster ride in the dark, constantly coming up with new ideas but with limited sleep, leading to a lack of focus and energy. The speaker suggests getting good sleep and natural energy sources like milk to improve workouts and overall performance. The speaker also mentions the importance of feeling the physical "pump" during workouts as an indicator of a good workout. They discuss the potential benefits of taking a focus-enhancing supplement like Jocofuel, and the upcoming release of American-manufactured goods from Origin USA, including a new hunting line. The speaker also mentions the importance of proper hydration and nutrition for optimal workout performance. Overall, the takeaway is the importance of taking care of one's physical and mental well-being for optimal performance in various aspects of life.

    • Creating high-quality gear and merchandise with a focus on performance and authenticityTeam dedicated to providing high-quality gear and merchandise, collaborating with experts, and manufacturing in America to ensure authenticity and excellence

      The team is dedicated to creating high-quality gear and merchandise, with a particular focus on performance and authenticity. The collaboration with experts like Cam Haines ensures that their products meet the highest standards, and the team's commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of their business. Whether it's hunting gear or merchandise, the goal is to provide items that not only look good but can also keep up with the demands of their customers. The team's dedication to quality and authenticity is reflected in their choice to manufacture their products in America, and their offerings are more than just merchandise – they're part of the game and the culture. From Jocko's Discipline Equals Freedom store to OriginUSA.com, the team's various platforms provide opportunities for fans to engage with their brand and represent their values. So, whether you're getting into the game or looking to expand your collection, be sure to check out their stores and subscribe to their podcasts for more insights and perspectives.

    • Supporting freedom of speech and expressionAdd humor in tough situations, be excellent, always train, be patient yet aggressive, not a complainer, not indispensable, thankful for sacrifices, be prepared for death, support causes and individuals making a difference.

      Supporting freedom of speech and expression is important, as demonstrated by Elon Musk's recent purchase of Twitter. Dakota Meyer, a Medal of Honor recipient, is also making a difference through his work. For those interested, there are various resources mentioned in the discussion, including books, charities, and online academies. Key lessons from the conversation include adding humor in tough situations, being excellent in all that you do, always training and improving, being patient yet aggressive when necessary, not being a complainer, not being indispensable, being thankful for those who sacrifice for our freedom, and being prepared for death. Ultimately, living life fearlessly by being prepared for death is a good plan. Support these causes and individuals to make a positive impact on the world.

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