
    334: Work Hard, ENDURE, & Keep Hammering, w/ Bowhunter Cam Hanes.

    enMay 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of passion and determination in overcoming setbacksPassion and determination can help us push through initial failures and setbacks, leading to long-term success and the discovery of our purpose.

      Passion and determination can help us overcome initial failures and setbacks. Jocko's story of missing his first shot at a bull elk while bow hunting may have been disappointing, but it ignited a fire within him to keep trying. He became obsessed and hunted for 18 straight days until he finally succeeded. This experience marked the beginning of his lifelong passion for bow hunting and ultimately led him to discover his purpose. The average success rate for bow hunting a bull elk is low, but Jocko refused to accept that as his standard. Instead, he dedicated himself to improving and eventually became one of the most successful bow hunters in the world. Cameron Haines, the author of "How to Work Hard, Outlast, and Keep Hammering," shares a similar story of relentless dedication and focus. His experiences in bow hunting and life serve as valuable lessons for anyone looking to achieve their goals.

    • Childhood Inspired by Local Athletic Legends and Father's DivorceSpeaker's childhood was influenced by local athletic heroes and his father's athletic achievements, but was also marked by tragedy and divorce.

      Growing up in Eugene, Oregon, the speaker was inspired by both local athletic legends, Steve Prefontaine and his father, Bob Haynes. However, his childhood was marked by tragedy and divorce. The speaker's father, an accomplished athlete himself, was a gymnast and track star who earned scholarships to the University of Oregon and Oregon State. The speaker idolized his father, who seemed larger than life due to his muscular build and athletic achievements. However, the speaker's earliest memories are of his parents' marriage ending in divorce, which was preceded by a car accident involving his father. Despite these challenges, the speaker's father continued to play softball and inspire him with his athleticism. The speaker also shared his experiences of the differences between hunting with a rifle and a bow and arrow, noting the different ways animals are killed and the challenges of archery. The speaker's memoir, "Wooden Arrows," provides more detailed accounts of his upbringing and experiences.

    • Growing up with complicated family dynamicsExperiencing untrustworthy people and challenging relationships in family life can shape our perspective and teach valuable lessons about resilience and adaptability.

      Life can be unpredictable and challenging, especially when it comes to family dynamics. The speaker shares an experience of growing up with a stepfather who came into the picture after their mother remarried when they were young. This stepfather had his own struggles, including drinking issues, which led to a complicated relationship between him and the speaker. The speaker also recalls difficult experiences with their mother's friend's sons, who were left to babysit them and introduced them to drugs and dangerous behaviors. These experiences shaped the speaker's perspective on life and taught them that there are people who cannot be trusted and will cause harm. The speaker also mentions that both of their stepbrothers ended up having tragic outcomes, one from a heroin overdose and the other from a drug-induced killing. The speaker's father, who also had his own struggles, was not always present in their life. These experiences highlight the complexity and challenges that can come with family dynamics and the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating difficult situations.

    • The speaker's challenging childhoodDespite facing isolation, hardships, and failure, the speaker found resilience and determination through his experiences.

      The speaker's childhood was marked by hardships and a constant feeling of not fitting in. He spent a significant amount of time with his mom during his early years and felt isolated when he moved in with his dad. He worked various jobs, including a paper route, to earn money and experienced failure in track and field, which was a source of disappointment given his father's legendary status in the sport. The speaker felt like an outsider when he moved to a larger city and struggled to make friends. Despite these challenges, he persevered and found solace in mundane tasks like mowing lawns. Overall, the speaker's experiences shaped his perspective on life, instilling in him a sense of determination and resilience.

    • Taking Ownership of Our LivesEmbrace responsibility for your actions and experiences, eliminating excuses to make things happen in life, health, business, and relationships.

      It's essential to take ownership of our actions and experiences instead of using them as excuses. The speaker shares his personal story of growing up in a dysfunctional family and using his childhood as a crutch. He emphasizes that everyone comes from a dysfunctional family to some extent, and it's crucial to eliminate all crutches and take responsibility for our lives. The speaker learned this lesson during his first hunting experience with his stepdad, where he mistakenly shot a doe instead of a buck, and the consequences could have been severe. He encourages everyone to face the weight of responsibility for their lives, health, business, and relationships, as it's both heavy and liberating. By taking ownership, we can make things happen instead of being victims to our circumstances. This theme is prevalent throughout the speaker's book.

    • From isolation to growth through adversityAdversity can lead to personal growth and confidence building. Joining a competitive team and learning self-sufficiency can significantly improve grades and self-esteem.

      Adversity and change can lead to personal growth and confidence building. The speaker shares his experience of feeling isolated and struggling in high school, leading to poor grades, weight gain, and low self-esteem. However, when he moved to a new school and joined the football team, he discovered the importance of competition and structure, which significantly improved his grades and self-confidence. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-sufficiency and learning to compete in all aspects of life. Despite facing challenges, such as a long bike ride to visit his grandma, he found ways to escape and build resilience. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the power of perseverance and the transformative effect of facing and overcoming adversity.

    • Lessons from Grandfathers on RanchesGrandfathers' toughness and dedication on ranches taught the speaker valuable lessons about hard work, resilience, and the importance of each day.

      Hard work and resilience, learned from experiences on ranches and observing tough individuals like grandfathers, significantly shaped the speaker's character and mindset. The speaker's grandfather on his mother's side had a ranch in Eastern Oregon, where he worked and learned from his grandpa, who was a horse trainer and ex-military man. The speaker admired his grandpa's toughness and durability, but didn't share his interest in rodeo due to injury concerns. Instead, he learned valuable lessons about dedication, winning, and the importance of each day from his grandfather. When the grandfather unexpectedly passed away, the speaker was motivated to give his all in a homecoming football game as a tribute. Later, at age 17, the speaker chose to stay with his girlfriend instead of moving with his family, showing his determination and independence. These experiences instilled a strong work ethic and resilience that stayed with the speaker throughout his life.

    • Story of unexpected challenges in education and careerDespite best intentions and goals, unexpected challenges and financial constraints can lead individuals to make different choices than planned. Resilience and adaptability are crucial in navigating these situations.

      Even with high aspirations and a clear goal, unexpected circumstances and financial constraints can lead individuals to make different choices than they had planned. The speaker in this discussion shares his experience of wanting to play college football with his friend but not having the means to continue his education beyond a year. He then describes his time in college as a significant departure from his upbringing, filled with new experiences and experimentation. Ultimately, he left college without a degree and found himself working in a warehouse, but he didn't feel like he was letting anyone down since there were no significant expectations for him. This story highlights the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges and the role that financial circumstances can play in educational and career choices.

    • Discovering the rewards of bow huntingRegardless of background or experience, anyone can succeed in bow hunting through dedication and hard work, leading to personal growth and a deep understanding of animal behavior and the environment.

      Bow hunting, despite its challenges, can lead to great success and confidence-building for even the most average person. Roy encouraged the speaker to give it a try, and although it was difficult at first, the speaker's dedication and hard work paid off. Bow hunting requires a deep understanding of animal behavior and the environment, making it an exciting and rewarding experience. The speaker's story demonstrates that anyone, regardless of their background or previous hunting experience, can achieve their dreams in bow hunting. The journey may be long and filled with missed opportunities, but the sense of accomplishment and personal growth make it worthwhile.

    • Learning the Ways of the Mountain: Bow HuntingBow hunting demands a deep understanding of nature and woodsman skills beyond shooting an arrow. Learn from mentors, observe animals, and practice tracking for wind direction, blood trails, and terrain navigation.

      Successful bow hunting requires a deep understanding of the natural environment and woodsman skills, beyond just being able to shoot an arrow. The speaker shared his personal experience of learning these skills through time spent in the mountains, observing animals, and practicing tracking. He emphasized the importance of learning about wind direction, blood trails, and terrain. The speaker also mentioned the influence of mentors and the value of learning from mistakes while hunting alone. He acknowledged the challenges of the hunt, including the need to make calls and navigate various obstacles. Overall, bow hunting is a complex and challenging pursuit that requires dedication, patience, and a deep connection to nature.

    • The transformative power of huntingHunting's challenges and triumphs can inspire personal growth, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

      The transformative experience of hunting, specifically the successful kill of a bull, served as a catalyst for personal growth and change in the speaker's life. Despite his early successes in hunting, the speaker's life was unfulfilling and unhealthy, marked by reckless behavior and a lack of accountability. A near-fatal accident while driving under the influence served as a wake-up call, leading him to quit drinking and become a father. The birth of his son marked a turning point, inspiring him to be a better person and break the cycle of alcoholism in his family. The speaker's experiences illustrate how the challenges and triumphs of the outdoors can shape and influence our personal journeys.

    • Learning from the Toughest BowhuntersThrough challenging experiences with dedicated bowhunters, the speaker learned the importance of hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude for personal growth and success.

      Personal growth and success often don't come easily or overnight. The speaker shares his own experiences of struggling with addiction and finding stability through hard work, starting with his journey into bow hunting with the toughest bowhunter he's ever met, Roy Roth. They chose the harder path in the wilderness, just as they did in life, and learned valuable lessons from each other. The legend of Billy Crews, a notorious bowhunter, further inspired them. The speaker emphasizes that even the toughest men can be challenged by the mountains and that dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude are essential for growth and success.

    • The importance of physical fitness in huntingHunting in rugged terrain demands dedication, preparation, and fitness. Prioritize strength, endurance, and alertness for a successful and safe hunt.

      The harsh and rugged terrain can be unforgiving, and the longer one spends in such environments, the higher the risk of danger. This was exemplified in the story of Billy Cruz who died in a plane crash while scouting elk in the mountains. The hunters of the past, like Dr. Saxton Pope and Art Young, understood this and prepared themselves extensively for their hunts, focusing on strength, endurance, and alertness. However, the modern hunting community often views hunting as a vacation rather than a test of physical prowess. The speaker faced pushback when he started prioritizing fitness for hunting, but he persisted, citing the example of Roy, who despite being overweight, was incredibly tough and capable. The speaker's experiences in Alaska further reinforced the importance of being in top shape for hunting, as demonstrated by Roy's remarkable feat of rowing 15 miles in a raft to buy a new motor for their boat. Ultimately, the takeaway is that hunting in challenging environments requires dedication, preparation, and physical fitness.

    • The power of perseverance in the wildernessDetermination and strong work ethic can lead to success, even with limited resources. Finding what drives and motivates us is crucial for happiness and fulfillment.

      Determination and a strong work ethic can lead to success, even when resources are limited. The author's experience in the wilderness taught him that physical and mental strength, rather than wealth or connections, are the keys to dominating his domain. However, this single-minded focus came at a cost, as it often took him away from his family. The author acknowledges that his pursuit of the wilderness may have appeared selfish, but it was what brought him happiness and fulfillment. Ultimately, the author's story illustrates the power of perseverance and the importance of finding what truly drives and motivates us.

    • Personal growth through sacrifice and dedicationSacrifices and dedication are essential for personal growth and achieving goals. Stay committed to your goals, even when faced with challenges and adversity.

      Primal instincts and sacrifices play a significant role in personal growth and achieving goals. The speaker shares his experience of focusing on combat training and hunting, which required immense dedication and sacrifice. He admits that his wife was not always supportive, but he believed in the importance of pushing himself beyond his limits. He also acknowledges that he used justifications and rationalizations to explain his absences and sacrifices. The speaker emphasizes that these experiences helped him build confidence and resilience, leading him to a successful career. He encourages others to consider the sacrifices they make and the examples they set for those around them. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of staying committed to one's goals, even when faced with challenges and adversity.

    • The power of hard work and sacrificeEmbrace challenges, push through hardships, and the rewarding feeling of earned dopamine can fuel your endurance and resiliency.

      The speaker believes the key to excelling in life and building endurance and resiliency is through hard work and sacrifice. They prioritize pushing through challenges and never taking rest days, viewing them as unnecessary and insignificant. The speaker also mentions that earned dopamine is more fulfilling than dopamine gained through easy means, and they have a history of persevering through rejection and financial hardships to achieve their goals. The speaker's attitude towards rest and their dedication to their work has been a significant factor in their success.

    • Dedication to passions leads to remarkable experiencesStaying true to your passions can lead to joy, meeting incredible people, improving physical and mental strength, and success in challenges.

      Staying true to your passions and putting your heart into what you love can lead to remarkable experiences and opportunities. The speaker in this conversation shares how his dedication to bowhunting has not only brought him joy but also allowed him to meet incredible people and improve his physical and mental strength. This commitment to his passion has helped him succeed in various challenges, both in running and hunting. He emphasizes the importance of pushing through difficulties and not giving up, as quitting would mean letting down those who doubted him and proving them right. Ultimately, the speaker's dedication to his passion has led him to discover the connection between endurance and hunting, enabling him to be at his best even during the most challenging moments.

    • Overcoming Adversity with PerseverancePersevering through challenges and staying focused on goals can lead to unexpected victories. Draw inspiration from adversity and maintain a positive mindset to achieve success.

      Pushing through challenges and staying focused on your goals, even when faced with adversity, can lead to unexpected victories. The speaker shares his experience of beating cycling legend Lance Armstrong in two marathons, despite being just an average runner. He was inspired by Armstrong's endurance and determination, and used it as motivation to push himself beyond his limits. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the present moment and not dwelling on past failures. This mindset allowed him to forget about a missed shot at a moose and instead focus on the victories he achieved against Armstrong. Overall, this story highlights the power of perseverance and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset in the face of challenges.

    • Unexpected connections during challengesFinding support and connection during struggles can lead to deeper accomplishment and growth.

      Even in the midst of personal struggles and challenges, finding connection and support from others can make all the difference. The speaker shared a profound experience running in a marathon next to Lance Armstrong, a legendary athlete. Despite the speaker's initial intention to beat him, they ended up running together and sharing words of encouragement. This unexpected connection provided a boost for both of them, and the speaker was able to finish the race ahead but with a deeper sense of accomplishment. The experience was a reminder that sometimes, the focus should be on the journey and the connections made along the way, rather than just the end result. Additionally, the speaker's story highlights the power of perseverance and pushing through challenges, as well as the impact of having a supportive community.

    • A grueling ultra marathon with constant ups and downsThe Bighorn 100 is a challenging 76-mile race with steep climbs, descents, and constant ups and downs, pushing runners' endurance and mental fortitude to the limit, with many aiming to complete it within 24 hours.

      The Bighorn 100 ultra marathon is a grueling challenge, both in terms of distance and terrain. The 76-mile race, which includes 17,500 feet of climb and 18,000 feet of descent, is primarily composed of single track trail, with some rugged double track Jeep trail and gravel road. The course is characterized by constant ups and downs, making it a significant test of endurance. The runner described the experience as a grind, with a particularly challenging section from mile 60 to 82, which involved a long, steep ascent and increasing heat and darkness. The runner also noted the mental challenge of pushing through the night, having underestimated the time it would take to reach the turnaround point and facing the daunting prospect of returning uphill. The race is known for its difficulty, with many runners quitting at the 48-mile turnaround point, and the terrain and elevation gains taking a toll on the body. Despite the challenges, the goal for many runners is to complete the race within 24 hours, making it a legitimate accomplishment in the ultra marathon world.

    • Overcoming Challenges with Determination and LoveDetermination and love can help us overcome great challenges, even in the face of personal pain and loss. Symbols of accomplishment can serve as reminders of our resilience and the strength of those who support us.

      The will to persevere and the support of loved ones can help one overcome great challenges, even in the face of personal pain and loss. The speaker's determination to complete a 100-mile ultra-marathon, despite a knee injury and his father's battle with cancer, showcases the power of the human spirit. The silver buckle he earned in the Western States Endurance Run became a symbol of his accomplishment and a reminder of his father's unwavering determination to fight his illness. Despite the pain of losing his father shortly after the race, the speaker found solace in the memories of their shared love for running and the strength they had given each other during their respective battles.

    • Memories and experiences with loss and successLoss and success leave lasting impressions and serve as motivators in life, drawing inspiration from athletes' mindsets and determination.

      The journey of dealing with cancer and the loss of a loved one can be physically and emotionally challenging, but the memories and experiences shared remain unforgettable. The speaker's father, an athlete and track coach, may have had a tough crowd when it came to impressing him, but the speaker found success and validation in achieving the New York Times bestseller list. The speaker admired various athletes, from those in traditional sports like Jordan, Kobe, Brady, and Tiger, to those in unconventional ones like David Goggins and Conor McGregor, and drew inspiration from their mindsets and determination. Despite not getting to meet some of these athletes in person, the speaker valued their impact and influence on him. The experience of loss and the pursuit of success, no matter the form, leave lasting impressions and serve as motivators in life.

    • Lessons from Basketball Legends: Jordan's Winning Mentality and Bird's Work EthicLearn from Jordan's winning mentality and Bird's work ethic to apply preparation, hard work, and determination to various aspects of life.

      The mindsets of basketball legends like Michael Jordan and Larry Bird, as well as the importance of hard work and preparation, can inspire and influence us in various aspects of life. Jordan's winning mentality is something everyone can learn from, even if we haven't met him personally. Larry Bird's attitude of outworking opponents and never giving up, despite not being the most athletic player, is another valuable lesson. The documentary "The Last Dance" showcases these mindsets and is a must-watch for basketball fans. Moreover, the importance of preparation and hard work was emphasized in the speaker's personal experiences, both in basketball and hunting. The speaker's father, despite being a basketball fanatic, hasn't watched "The Last Dance," and the speaker's own hustle and determination on the basketball court were inspired by Larry Bird's work ethic. The idea of being prepared and showing respect to the animal during a hunt is also crucial, as it demonstrates respect for life and increases the chances of success. Overall, the lessons learned from these basketball legends and the importance of preparation and hard work can be applied to various aspects of life.

    • Every small detail matters for successBeing fully prepared, even with small details, can significantly increase odds of success in various aspects of life, from basketball to hunting and beyond.

      Every small detail and preparation matter in achieving success, even if it's just a fraction of a percent. The speaker's experiences in basketball, hunting, and reading his book all emphasize the importance of being as prepared as possible to increase odds of success. In basketball, being in better shape and reacting faster can make a difference in getting to the ball first. In hunting, having higher poundage and precision in shooting can result in better penetration and hitting the right artery. In the speaker's personal journey to hunt elk on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, the high cost and limited tags make every shot count, emphasizing the importance of being fully prepared. The speaker's dedication to hard work and continuous improvement, from basketball to hunting and beyond, highlights the idea that every small detail and preparation can add up to significant success.

    • Bow hunting for the world's most coveted elk brings immense pressure and personal reflectionRespect, honor, and financial investment are crucial for bow hunting the world's biggest elks. Privileged opportunities require proving worthiness and deep appreciation.

      Bow hunting for the world's most coveted elk, such as those found at San Carlos, comes with immense pressure and personal reflection. The financial investment required can impact one's quality of life, but it's not just about the money. Respect and honor are crucial, as the hunting opportunity is a privilege. San Carlos, home to the world's biggest bulls, is not easily accessible, and those who gain entry must prove themselves worthy. Kip Folkes, a founder of Under Armour and a good friend, played a significant role in securing the narrator's opportunity to hunt at San Carlos. The experience required confidence, respect, and a deep appreciation for the opportunity. The elk's bugle, a call heard by the elk hunter and his guide, symbolizes the excitement and anticipation of the hunt.

    • Quick decision-making and adaptability in huntingSuccessful hunting requires preparation, practice, and the ability to quickly adapt to unexpected circumstances.

      Hunting, especially bowhunting, requires quick decision-making and adaptability. The hunter in this story had to climb a tree and adjust his shot on the fly when a bull appeared unexpectedly. The margin for error is slim, and the consequences of a missed shot can be costly. Additionally, the importance of preparation and practice was emphasized, as the hunter's confidence came from the work he had put in leading up to the hunt. However, even with the best preparation, unexpected factors can still come into play and impact the outcome. The hunter learned a valuable lesson about the importance of staying calm and focused under pressure, and the importance of anticipating and adapting to unforeseen circumstances.

    • Story of a missed elk shot and the importance of a merciful killMissing a clean kill in hunting can be a disappointing experience, emphasizing the importance of preparation, skill, and respect for the animal.

      Hunting, especially when it comes to taking a life, requires a great deal of skill, respect for the animal, and a sense of responsibility. The speaker in this discussion shares a story of a missed shot on a bull elk, which resulted in a wound rather than a clean kill. He expresses the pressure he puts on himself to perform, not just for himself, but also for his family and the tribe he was hunting with. The elk, being a tough animal, survived the wound, making the situation even more disappointing for the speaker. He acknowledges that everyone in the hunting community understands the importance of delivering a merciful kill, and missing that mark can be a tough and disappointing experience. The respect for the animal and the weight of the situation are evident in the speaker's words, emphasizing the importance of preparation, skill, and mindset in hunting.

    • Feeling Disappointment After Wounding an ElkHunting involves disappointments and failures, but the challenges and rewards make it a worthwhile experience.

      Hunting is a challenging and rewarding experience, but it comes with its share of disappointments and failures. The speaker in this text felt horrible after wounding an elk during a hunt, not only because he had missed his target, but also because he had let down his mentor who had given him the opportunity to hunt. He was consoled by his companions who shared their own experiences of hunting mishaps and reminded him that it's a common occurrence in the hunting community. Despite the disappointment, the speaker was determined to finish the hunt and eventually succeeded in killing the elk. The experience taught him that the challenges and rewards of hunting make it all worth it.

    • The hunter's bittersweet victory and connection to natureHunting brings pride, relief, and a deeper connection to nature. Honoring the animal's life is essential. Pushing through adversity and striving for self-reliance are valuable lessons.

      The experience of hunting, despite the challenge and the potential for failure, brings a unique sense of pride, relief, and connection to nature. The hunter in this story reflects on the bittersweet moment of taking a life to sustain his own, and the importance of honoring the animal's life through use of its flesh and antlers. The parallel to jujitsu is drawn, emphasizing the value of pushing through adversity and continuing to improve. Additionally, the hunter expresses a preference for the challenge of longer shots and the desire for self-reliance, even if it means carrying the weight of failure alone.

    • Reviewing hunting footage helps hunters learn from mistakesAnalyzing footage of hunting incidents can reveal valuable insights, enabling hunters to improve their skills and avoid future mistakes.

      Having footage of a hunting incident can significantly aid in the recovery process and help hunters learn from their mistakes. For instance, a hunter shared an experience where he missed his shot at a bull elk due to the animal taking a step back just as he released the arrow. In reviewing the footage later, he realized he should have anticipated the step and adjusted his aim accordingly. Additionally, the hunter emphasized the incredible will to live in animals, especially tough ones like elk, and the human advantage of endurance in long pursuits. Another story was shared about a hunter named Roy who faced a charging brown bear and, despite the danger, didn't blink, giving the animal a chance to make a better decision. This incident highlights the importance of staying calm and giving animals a chance to avoid confrontation when possible.

    • Encounter with a protective mother bearHunting involves unpredictable encounters with dangerous wildlife, raising ethical complexities and risks for hunters.

      Hunting involves unpredictable and dangerous encounters with wildlife, even for experienced hunters. The discussion recounts an incident where the hunters, despite being in grave danger from a charging brown bear, were more concerned about the loss of another bear they didn't intend to kill. The bear, a protective mother, had been drawn to the scene by the noise of the hunters' previous kill. The hunters tried to scare her off but ended up having to defend themselves, resulting in the bear's death. The hunters acknowledged the necessity of their actions but expressed regret and disappointment. This experience highlights the risks and ethical complexities inherent in hunting. The bears were described as powerful, aggressive, and protective of their young, emphasizing the potential danger and the need for caution and respect.

    • Bonding through hunting experiencesHunting is more than just an individual pursuit; it's about the relationships and experiences shared with others. Cherish these bonds and live each day to the fullest, as loss can be a profound reminder of their significance.

      Hunting is more than just an individual pursuit; it's about the relationships and experiences shared with others. The author's account of hunting a buck and losing a friend, Roy, in a tragic accident, underscores this idea. While the hunt was successful, the author's excitement was overshadowed by the devastating news of Roy's death. Their bond, forged through hunting adventures and shared dreams, was a significant part of the author's life. Roy's influence on the author's bow hunting journey was profound, and his memory continues to inspire and motivate him. The author's dedication to being the best bowhunter he could be was driven not only by personal goals but also by the desire to honor Roy's legacy. The loss of Roy was a life-changing event, reminding the author of the importance of cherishing relationships and living each day to the fullest.

    • Embracing challenges and holding onto dreamsDedication, hard work, and perseverance lead to a fulfilling life. Responsible hunting practices contribute to conservation efforts.

      Living a fulfilling life requires dedication, hard work, and a refusal to give up in the face of challenges. The speaker draws inspiration from the life and words of Steve Prefontaine and applies it to his own pursuits, including bow hunting. He emphasizes the importance of holding onto dreams and the need to endure through difficulties. The speaker also highlights the connection between hunting and conservation, explaining that responsible hunting practices help maintain the balance of wildlife populations and their habitats. Through his experiences and encounters with figures like Bob Fromm and Joe Rogan, the speaker underscores the significance of perseverance and the potential for positive impact on both personal growth and the natural world.

    • Hunters' Role in Conservation and ExcellenceHunters contribute to habitat enhancement and animal welfare through financial support, and their passion leads to new businesses and American-made gear.

      Hunting is not just about the thrill or the sport, but it plays a crucial role in conservation efforts. Hunters contribute significantly to habitat enhancement and animal welfare through their financial support. Joe Rogan, an accomplished hunter and podcast host, embodies this commitment to conservation and excellence in various aspects of his life. People may envy his popularity, but they underestimate the dedication and hard work required to excel in archery, martial arts, or podcasting. The upcoming venture, Origin Hunt, is a testament to the passion and entrepreneurial spirit of hunters, who value American-made gear and are excited about the new options available to them. The journey of staying true to oneself, working hard, and enduring can lead to unexpected accomplishments, no matter where you start in life. The passion and excitement surrounding Origin Hunt reflect the deep-rooted patriotism and love for the outdoors among hunters.

    • The power of teamwork, open-mindedness, and humility in businessBusiness success often relies on collaboration and humility. Recognizing strengths and expertise of team members and seeking guidance from experienced mentors can lead to unique and successful products, despite challenges and skepticism.

      The success of a business often relies on collaboration and humility. The story of a jiu jitsu gi company, started in America with the help of Under Armour's co-founder, Kevin Plank, illustrates this idea perfectly. Plank saw potential in the team and provided valuable guidance, recognizing that he didn't have all the answers. This humble approach allowed them to build something from the ground up, despite facing skepticism and challenges. The team, consisting of Pete Roberts, Kip Gabriele, and the speaker, had different strengths and expertise, which they combined to create a unique and successful product. The importance of humility in business cannot be overstated, as ego can often hinder progress and collaboration. The success of this jiu jitsu gi company is a testament to the power of teamwork, open-mindedness, and humility.

    • Learning from others: Humility and collaborationHumility and collaboration are crucial for continuous learning and growth, driving progress and innovation through openness to new ideas, and recognizing the value of others' insights and contributions.

      Humility and collaboration are essential for continuous learning and growth, especially in fields like bow hunting or business. Even experts with extensive experience can benefit from the insights of others, and the best ideas should be driven by merit, not ego. The ability to subordinate one's ego and be open to new ideas is crucial for progress and innovation. This approach not only leads to improved skills and better products but also creates opportunities for people to learn and contribute to their communities. Additionally, it's important to recognize and appreciate the support and contributions of loved ones, as they play a significant role in personal and professional development.

    • Mental strength and physical ability go hand in handTo achieve challenging goals, both mental fortitude and physical ability are essential. Mental strength alone is not enough to reach the top.

      Mental strength is crucial, but physical ability is necessary to achieve challenging goals. David Goggins, a renowned ultra-endurance athlete, emphasized this during his conversation about helping a friend climb a rope. Despite having the mental fortitude, one cannot reach the top without the cooperation of their body. Goggins also shared his experience of having a son in the army, who wished to blend in and not stand out. The conversation then shifted to bowhunting, where it was clarified that crossbows are not considered bow hunting. The discussion also covered the weight and types of arrows used, with fixed blade broadheads being a common choice for elk hunting. No exotic or explosive broadheads were mentioned. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of both mental and physical preparation in overcoming challenges.

    • Discussing Broadhead Designs with Richard RyanAngled broadhead blades increase accuracy and lethality in bow hunting, inspired by rifling in gun barrels

      The use of specifically designed broadheads can significantly enhance the accuracy and lethality of arrows in bow hunting. During a conversation with Richard Ryan, a former Black Rifle collaborator, the discussion touched upon various techniques and broadhead designs. One such design involves broadheads with blades that come off at an angle, which enhances the arrow's accuracy and cuts a more devastating wound channel upon impact. This principle is similar to the rifling on a barrel that provides direction to a bullet, making it more accurate. The discussion also highlighted the inspiration and impact of figures like Jocko, and the honor of working together on their respective projects. Additionally, bow hunting was compared to surfing, with the former requiring more skill due to the need for precise aiming and the use of specialized equipment.

    • From archery to crossbow hunting: A challenging journeyBow hunting requires more than aiming and shooting - it's about learning animal behaviors, staying fit, and enjoying the rewards of nature

      Bow hunting is a challenging yet rewarding experience. The speaker shares his personal experience of trying out archery and later buying a crossbow. He acknowledges the difficulty of the sport, which goes beyond just aiming and shooting, as it involves learning about different animals and their behaviors, finding the animal after a successful shot, and being in good physical shape. Despite the challenges, the speaker expresses a desire to continue, inspired by influential figures in the hunting community. He encourages staying active and healthy for the rewards both in hunting and in life.

    • Improving taste for better salesJoccoFuel team enhances product taste to excel in market, introducing new mango and orange flavors available at Wawa, Vitamin Shoppe, and jockofuel.com. They also advocate for American-made products, fair labor, and support children's rights.

      The team behind JoccoFuel has been working hard to improve the taste of their products, having recognized that winning on health benefits alone was not enough. They have remastered their flavors to deliver a better taste experience, ensuring they now excel on all fronts. The new flavors, which include mango and orange, are now available at Wawa, Vitamin Shoppe, and jockofuel.com. Additionally, the team encourages supporting American-made products and manufacturing, which can be found on originusa.com. They also advocate against uniquely priced labor, which may be a euphemism for slave labor. The importance of this message is emphasized with the reminder that there are children working in poor conditions for as little as a dollar a week. To represent the brand, fans can visit jockostore.com to purchase apparel featuring the Discipline equals Freedom slogan.

    • Jocko's unique offerings and communityJocko's podcast and store provide exclusive content and community, emphasizing continuous learning and improvement, with a focus on resilience, leadership, and self-improvement.

      Jocko Willink's Jocko Podcast and JockoStore offer unique and high-quality subscriptions, including monthly shirt designs and a podcast subscription, as well as a platform for open discussions on various topics. The importance of these offerings lies in the control Jocko and his team have over the content and community, in contrast to the potential censorship and restrictions on other platforms. Additionally, Jocko emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and improvement, whether through his books, events, or online academy. The Jocko community values resilience, leadership, and self-improvement, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to gain an edge in life.

    • Focus on the present and give your best effortRegardless of past achievements or failures, hard work and dedication are essential for success. Embrace the present and express gratitude for the sacrifices of military personnel and first responders.

      Hard work and dedication are the keys to success, regardless of past achievements or failures. The discussion highlighted several organizations, including America's Mighty Warriors (americasmightywarriors.org) and Heroes and Horses (heroesandhorses.org), that support military personnel and first responders. The speakers also encouraged following Cameron Haynes on Instagram (@cameronhaines) and connecting with them on Twitter (@Jacque1, @Echo_AdequateCharles) and Facebook. They emphasized the importance of focusing on the present and giving your best effort every day, as nobody truly cares about your past accomplishments or excuses. This mindset can be applied to various aspects of life, from personal goals to professional pursuits. Additionally, the speakers expressed gratitude for the sacrifices made by military personnel, active duty and veterans, as well as first responders, in protecting our way of life.

    Recent Episodes from Jocko Podcast

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

    >Join Jocko Underground<

    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

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