
    352. Greatest Hits: Is It All My Fault? & Other Questions

    enJuly 25, 2024
    What does Cara Lowenthal say about managing intense emotions?
    How does the speaker view her experience as a step-parent?
    What mindset shifts is the speaker working on for personal growth?
    What role does self-regulation play in emotional experiences?
    What invitation does the speaker extend to listeners at the end?

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing joy, managing angerEmbrace unconventional joys, practice self-regulation during intense emotions to prevent impulsive actions, and recognize emotions may not accurately represent situations.

      It's important to embrace what brings us joy, even if it's unconventional, and to practice self-regulation during intense emotional experiences rather than acting on them impulsively. The host, Cara Lowenthal, shares her perspective on answering listener questions, including one about her opinion on pineapple on pizza, and another about managing anger. She emphasizes that during moments of strong emotion, it's often not the best time to be coachable, and instead, focusing on emotional and nervous system regulation tools can help calm down and prevent impulsive actions. Additionally, recognizing that intense emotions may not accurately represent the situation and reminding oneself of one's physical safety can also be helpful in managing anger. Overall, the episode encourages listeners to be kind to themselves and embrace their unique preferences while practicing self-regulation during emotional moments.

    • Emotional response controlWe cannot control external circumstances causing negative emotions, but we can control our thoughts and reactions to them, allowing emotions to pass instead of getting stuck in them.

      Our emotions, including anger, are not solely caused by external circumstances but also by our thoughts and reactions to those circumstances. While we cannot control the circumstances that cause negative emotions, we can control how we respond to them. This is where thought work comes in, helping us to challenge inaccurate thoughts and allow emotions to pass instead of getting stuck in them. It's essential to understand that causing a reaction is not the same as being to blame. Emotions are a natural part of life, and it's important to break down the thought pattern that views emotional suffering as something to be avoided and someone to blame for. Instead, it's about recognizing that anger and other negative emotions are a normal response to life's challenges and learning to respond to them in a healthy and productive way.

    • Managing reactions to othersWe cannot control others' actions or emotions, but we can control our reactions. Focus on building new neural pathways and redirecting your brain to improve relationships.

      We cannot control other people's actions or emotions, but we can control our own reactions. It's natural to have negative emotions, and there's no need for blame or causation. Instead of focusing on staying out of other people's models, ask yourself why you're so invested in them. The solution lies in redirecting your brain and building new neural pathways. Joining a community like the Feminist Self-Help Society can provide the support and accountability needed for personal growth and habit change. Instead of trying to stop unwanted thoughts, focus on what you want to practice thinking instead. By asking powerful questions and building new neural pathways, you can effectively manage your reactions and improve your relationships.

    • Relationship motivationsExamining our reasons for wanting to be involved in someone else's life can lead to better decisions and potential new experiences in relationships

      Instead of focusing on how to avoid getting entangled in someone else's mental model, it's more productive to question why we find ourselves in those situations in the first place. This can apply to various relationships, including dating, family, or professional ones. For instance, when considering becoming a step-parent, it's essential to understand our motivations for wanting to be involved in someone else's life. By examining our reasons, we can make more informed decisions and potentially gain new experiences and learning opportunities. Ultimately, self-awareness and introspection can lead to better understanding of ourselves and our relationships.

    • Step-parentingBecoming a step-parent can bring intellectual engagement, communication opportunities, and personal growth, beyond dealing with past issues and challenges.

      The speaker went into a new experience, becoming a step-parent, expecting to deal with past issues and challenges, but was surprised by how natural and fulfilling it felt. She underestimated the intellectual engagement and the opportunity to communicate and contribute in new ways. Another key takeaway is her ongoing work on personal growth, specifically identifying with her future self and envisioning her next level of success in her business and personal life. She also emphasized her happiness in her current relationship and no desire for biological children.

    • Mindsets and RelationshipsOur mindsets significantly impact our relationships. Focusing on positivity and appreciation can lead to personal growth and stronger bonds.

      Our thoughts and mindsets shape our experiences and relationships. The speaker shared her personal journey of working on her thought patterns, specifically her tendency to be critical and focus on what's wrong. She acknowledged that this thought pattern is not helpful in her romantic relationship and has been working on changing it to be more positive and appreciative. Another thought pattern she is working on is being more open and believing in the happiness of being with her partner. These mindset shifts are important for her personal growth and improving her relationships. The speaker also invited listeners to join the Feminist Self Help Society, a community and classroom where they can get individual help and resources to better apply these concepts to their own lives.

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