
    353: I Never Got to Drive the Zamboni with Scott Hamilton

    enOctober 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Scott Hamilton's inspiring journey of triumph and adversityOlympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton shares his unique perspective on learning from failure and overcoming adversity, leaving a lasting impression with his joyful and welcoming nature.

      The inspiring story of Scott Hamilton, a gold medalist figure skater, cancer survivor, and national treasure. During their conversation, Scott shared his unique perspective on learning from failure and overcoming adversity. He exuded a joyful and welcoming nature that left a lasting impression. This conversation reminded our host of the countless individuals he wants to talk to and the importance of sharing their stories. Scott's journey, filled with Olympic triumphs and personal challenges, is a testament to his resilience and perseverance. Despite his many accomplishments, he shared one regret: never getting to drive the Zamboni. Listen in to hear more about Scott's experiences, insights, and the valuable lessons he's learned throughout his life.

    • Embracing new experiences despite limitationsIt's important to stay open to learning new things, even if we feel uncomfortable or unskilled. Life's unexpected twists and turns can lead to growth and joy.

      It's important to embrace learning new things, even if we feel we may be too old or unskilled. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of feeling out of his depth when trying to use technology, despite his expertise in other areas. He reflects on how we all have limitations and it's okay not to master everything. The speaker also shares how his life has taken unexpected turns, from being a gold medalist to dealing with health issues, and how he's learned to adapt and find joy in the journey. Ultimately, he encourages us to keep an open mind and not resist new experiences, even if they seem daunting or unfamiliar. Preparation for this conversation came from a chance encounter at dinner and the speaker's impressive online presence. The conversation also touches on the idea that sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places.

    • Staying committed to a goal despite setbacksPersistence and resilience are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving growth. Ignore negativity and focus on goals to emerge stronger and more confident.

      Persistence and resilience are key to overcoming challenges and achieving growth. The speaker shares his experience of being teased and struggling in hockey, but instead of giving up, he pushed through and transformed his reputation. He faced numerous falls during competitions, but each time he got back up and tried again. The crowd's reactions added to the pressure, but he learned to ignore the negativity and focus on his goals. Through these experiences, he grew stronger and learned valuable lessons about failure and resilience. The speaker's story highlights the importance of staying committed to a goal, even when faced with setbacks and adversity. It's through these challenges that we can overcome our fears and limitations, and ultimately, emerge stronger and more confident.

    • Overcoming Adversity in Figure SkatingDetermination and resilience led Hamilton to success despite setbacks. With support and belief in herself, she overcame cancer and sponsorship challenges to reach junior nationals.

      Determination and resilience can lead to success, even in the face of adversity. The speaker, Hamilton, shared her experience of feeling defeated after a disappointing performance at a figure skating competition, but she didn't give up. She continued to train and improve, eventually reaching the junior level and even winning the junior nationals. However, her mother's diagnosis of cancer threatened to end her skating career. But with her mother's support and a new coach's guidance, Hamilton persevered and discovered unexpected sponsors who believed in her potential. The story illustrates the importance of not giving up, even when things seem bleak, and the power of having a strong support system and believing in oneself.

    • Sponsorship: Opportunities and ChallengesSponsorship can bring financial support and opportunities, but also pressure and expectations. The speaker's story highlights the importance of handling these challenges to succeed.

      Sponsorship played a crucial role in the speaker's skating career, but it came with challenges. At first, he struggled to live up to expectations and even experienced a personal tragedy that motivated him to work harder. Later, he moved to a new coach and eventually made it to the Olympics. Sponsorship provided financial support and opportunities, but it also brought pressure and expectations. In those days, the financial commitment from sponsors wasn't significant, but it was still a critical factor. The speaker's story shows that sponsorship can be a double-edged sword, bringing both opportunities and challenges.

    • The coach-student relationship: A continuous exchange of knowledge and inspirationEffective learning and growth depend on the quality of relationships with coaches, characterized by active knowledge exchange and mutual commitment.

      The relationship between a coach and student is a continuous exchange of knowledge, experience, and inspiration. This "taking" metaphor was used frequently in the discussion between the speaker and Scott, highlighting the importance of actively seeking to learn and grow from those around us. The speaker's personal experience of being chosen by his parents and sponsors to be a figure skater and the impactful relationships with his coaches, Carlo and Don, further emphasized the significance of this give-and-take dynamic. The success of an athlete or individual often depends on the quality of these relationships and the level of commitment and focus from both parties.

    • The effectiveness of coaches can change over timeCoaches play vital roles in athletes' development, but their impact can evolve over time. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial for coaches to continue helping athletes grow.

      Coaches play crucial roles in shaping athletes' development, but their effectiveness can change over time. A coach who is perfect for an athlete at one point may not be as effective later, or vice versa. The athlete may have reached a point where they no longer need that particular coach's guidance or the coach may have reached their limit in helping the athlete grow. The speaker's experiences with various coaches, including Pierre Brunet, Evie, Don, and Carlo, illustrate this concept. Each coach brought unique qualities to the table, and the athlete was able to tap into their wisdom and knowledge when needed. However, at certain stages of their development, the athlete was not yet ready to fully absorb the lessons being offered. This is a normal part of the athlete-coach relationship, and it underscores the importance of flexibility and adaptability in coaching.

    • The intersection of technique and artistry in memorable performancesTrusting in the body's ability to execute trained techniques, while letting go of conscious thought, is key to successful performances.

      The intersection of technique and artistry is what makes for truly memorable performances, even in the face of countless failures. Carlo, a coach who survived a plane crash that devastated the figure skating world and later coached the speaker, taught her the importance of rhythm and technique, but also emphasized the need to forget it all and just perform. The speaker fondly recalled her time with Carlo, who regretted letting her go after her Olympic performance, and they later became great friends. The artistry of great performances, like that of Dick Button, transcends technique and leaves a lasting impression. The speaker, despite her expertise, was reminded that the key to a successful performance is letting go of conscious thought and trusting in the body's ability to execute what has been trained. This preparation through consistent practice is crucial, as the body must remember the timing, rhythm, and feeling to perform effortlessly.

    • Dick Button's Innovative Techniques Revolutionized Figure SkatingDick Button, with coaching from ski jumper Gus Lucey, introduced explosive jumps and spins to figure skating, setting the stage for the sport's evolution into a more athletic endeavor.

      Dick Button's contributions to figure skating in the late 1940s and early 1950s were groundbreaking and set the stage for the sport's evolution into a more athletic endeavor. His coach, Gus Lucey, who was a ski jumper, taught him innovative techniques such as jumping and spinning, which were unheard of in figure skating at the time. Button's performances, filled with explosive jumps and spins, captivated audiences and inspired future generations of skaters. His influence can still be seen today in the acrobatic elements that are a staple of modern figure skating. From Ulrich Salkow's realization that jumps could be part of a routine, to Sonja Henie's desire to put on a show, to Dick Button's athletic innovations, the history of figure skating is marked by a continuous quest for new heights and new ways to captivate audiences.

    • Finding the Right Balance: Growth and AccessibilityBusinesses can efficiently find qualified candidates using free resources, while in sports and entertainment, it's crucial to maintain a balance between growth and accessibility to keep engagement high

      Opportunity is abundant in today's job market, and using free resources like ZipRecruiter can help businesses find the most qualified candidates efficiently. Meanwhile, in the world of sports, there's a concern that the focus on growth and monetization may be leading to an oversaturation of events and increasing costs, making it harder for the average person to access and enjoy them. The speaker, a former athlete, expressed worry about the future of the Olympic movement without strong leadership and a focus on making sports accessible to all. Additionally, the speaker reflected on how even in entertainment, there's a limit to how much content people can consume before becoming overwhelmed. The lesson? Find the right balance between growth and accessibility. For businesses, it's using free resources to find talent, and for sports and entertainment, it's ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to engage.

    • Connecting with underserved audiences in sportsRecognizing the potential in catering to underrepresented fans and making sports broadly appealing and fun can lead to long-term success.

      The appeal of certain sports lies in their accessibility and relatability to the average person. The underdog stories of sports like curling and figure skating resonate with audiences because they see themselves in the athletes, despite the perceived differences in skill level or popularity. The speaker's success in skating came from recognizing the untapped potential in catering to underserved audiences and making the sport broadly appealing and fun. The magic of true excellence can inspire us, but it's the attainability of true passion that keeps us engaged. Even if we can't perform the most complex moves, we can still connect with the sport and find joy in our own way. The speaker's ability to relate to fans and win over skeptics, like the football-loving husband in the airport, was a key factor in his ability to tour for 20 years. Ultimately, the success of a sport depends on its ability to connect with people and make them feel seen and inspired.

    • Balancing growth and preserving unique qualitiesTo ensure longevity, individuals and entities must balance growth with preserving unique qualities by being innovative, unpredictable, humble, and catering to both old and new fans.

      Growth and discovery are essential in any pursuit, whether it's a niche hobby or a high-profile career. However, managing the risks that come with growth, such as losing the sense of smallness and specialness, is crucial. Every individual or entity, be it a person or a business, has a moment of success and must be strategic about maintaining and engaging their audience to ensure longevity. This involves being innovative, unpredictable, and humble while also catering to both existing and new fans. The challenge lies in striking a balance between growth and preserving the unique qualities that drew people to the pursuit in the first place.

    • Recognizing when to shift prioritiesRetired ice hockey player shares experience of prioritizing personal goals over career, emphasizing the importance of finding new ways to give back and make an impact, and leveraging past experiences and relationships to do so. Utilizing technology like NetSuite can also help businesses optimize operations and free up resources for other initiatives.

      Sometimes, it's important to recognize when it's time to shift gears in life and prioritize personal goals over professional accomplishments. The speaker, a retired ice hockey player, shared his experience of realizing he wanted to be present for his young son's first years and stepping away from his career. Transitions can be difficult, especially when it comes to letting go of popularity and audience, but finding new ways to give back and make an impact can be rewarding. Whether it's through philanthropy, education, or business, the key is to leverage past experiences and relationships to make a difference. Additionally, optimizing business operations through technology, like NetSuite, can help companies increase profits and free up resources for other initiatives.

    • Rediscovering Authenticity and Priorities through Health ChallengesDespite facing health challenges, Scott learned to appreciate life's struggles and focus on living authentically, starting a family, and giving back.

      Despite facing various health challenges, including testicular and brain cancer, Scott saw these experiences as pivotal moments in his life that helped him rediscover who he truly was and what he wanted to do. These diagnoses forced him to reassess his priorities and led him to focus on living an authentic life, starting a family, and giving back. Even though he was born with a brain tumor and faced multiple recurrences, Scott came to view these challenges as essential parts of his journey that allowed him to achieve great things and deepen his faith. He learned to approach life holistically, ensuring that every aspect - physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual - was present and strong. Ultimately, Scott's perspective on his health struggles transformed his life and allowed him to appreciate the joy in the struggle.

    • Embracing Gratitude and Giving Back Despite ChallengesFind joy in giving back, even during personal struggles, and focus on authentic interactions to make a difference in your community and beyond.

      Despite facing challenges like a brain tumor, it's essential to find gratitude and focus on serving others in our communities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of authentic interactions and giving back, especially in areas like cancer research. He shares how discoveries, like finding out that glioblastoma multiform brain cancer isn't genetic, can bring hope and relief to families. The speaker's foundation aims to fund research and support those in need. The speaker's personal journey led him to Nashville, where he met Dave Ramsey and started a lasting friendship. Their shared interests in hockey and giving back brought them closer, leading to meaningful connections and experiences. Overall, the speaker encourages living a life focused on helping others and finding joy in giving.

    • Living out beliefs and valuesDave Ramsey's commitment to debt-free living and helping others inspires and transforms lives, reflecting his deep faith and community service.

      Dave Ramsey, despite not being a traditional minister, lives his life with a strong belief in the transformative power of his insights and the desire to help improve the lives of many people. He walks the walk by living debt-free and teaching others to do the same, inspiring his children and others to follow in his footsteps. His actions reflect his deep commitment to his faith and his community, as seen in his generosity and dedication to serving others. It's a reminder that true impact comes from living out one's beliefs and values, and inspiring others to do the same.

    • From challenges to joys, discovering purpose and making a differenceThrough personal experiences, finding passion for service, and leveraging identity, the speaker inspires others to make a difference through CARES, an organization dedicated to cancer research and community aid.

      Life can present both incredible challenges and unexpected joys, and it's through facing these experiences that we discover our purpose and the ways we can make a difference in the world. The speaker shares his personal journey, from raising his biological and adopted children, to witnessing the devastating earthquake in Haiti, and ultimately, bringing two orphaned siblings into his family. Through his experiences, he found his passion for service and established CARES, an organization dedicated to raising funds for cancer research and providing aid to communities in need. Music, a significant part of his life, plays a role in their events, which bring together iconic artists and Olympic skaters to raise awareness and resources. By sharing his story and leveraging his identity, the speaker continues to make an impact, inspiring others to join in and make a difference. To learn more or get involved, visit scottcares.org.

    • Unexpected encounters in the entertainment industryThe entertainment industry provides opportunities for unique experiences and unforgettable moments with idols.

      Working in the entertainment industry can lead to unexpected and surreal experiences. The speaker shared a story about inviting Jonathan Cain and Neil Schon of Journey to perform at one of their live music skating shows. The excitement and awe the speaker felt when Neil played the iconic intro to "Don't Stop Believing" directly to him was indescribable and a moment he would never forget. The entertainment industry offers unique opportunities to interact with idols and create unforgettable memories. The speaker emphasized that these experiences are best understood through witnessing them firsthand. The episode ended with a humorous request for listeners to leave a 5-star review, acknowledging the length of the episode.

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    ► Visit Shanda’s website: https://www.heartcorebusiness.com/


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