
    Podcast Summary

    • Comedian Jimmy Phala's Inspiring Work Ethic and New Opportunities in Skilled Trades and Submarine IndustryComedian Jimmy Phala's inspiring work ethic and positive attitude despite driving a cab and pursuing comedy. Unprecedented opportunities in skilled trades and submarine industry with 15,000 companies needing 100,000 skilled workers, offering stability, great pay, and cannot be outsourced or replaced by AI.

      Jimmy Phala, a comedian and regular on Fox News, has an inspiring work ethic and a new book and show worth checking out. Despite driving a cab for eight years and juggling a comedy career, he maintained a positive attitude and treated everyone with kindness. Meanwhile, in a different realm, the submarine industry is offering unprecedented opportunities for skilled tradespeople, with 15,000 companies in desperate need of 100,000 skilled workers over the next decade. These careers are stable, offer great pay, and cannot be outsourced or replaced by AI. So, whether you're looking for a new career or considering options for a child, the skilled trades and submarine industry are worth exploring.

    • The Fascination with the Rags to Riches to Rags StoryThe human fascination with the journey from obscurity to fame and back fuels captivating narratives in various forms of entertainment.

      The journey from rising to falling in fame holds great fascination for audiences. This was discussed in relation to the show "Behind the Music" and the example of Elvis Presley's career. The idea of getting to see a person when they're just starting out, watching them ascend to the height of success, and then experiencing their downfall, creates a captivating narrative. This concept, often referred to as the "rags to riches to rags" story, is not limited to music but can be found in various forms of entertainment. The speaker also mentioned how he had encountered some confusion regarding the pronunciation of his name, which reminded him of the impact a small mispronunciation can have on public perception. Overall, the discussion highlighted the human fascination with the ups and downs of fame and the power of storytelling in shaping cultural design ideas.

    • Growing up with a funny, eclectic family and their love for jokes and foodThe speaker's upbringing in a humorous, diverse family and their experiences influenced his appreciation for long, drawn-out jokes and the importance of perseverance and innovation, as seen in Motown's story of failure and success.

      Comedy and family were essential parts of the speaker's upbringing in a house full of jokers, mostly cops. He grew up surrounded by Sicilian and Polish heritage, which influenced their food and joke-telling traditions. The speaker's uncle even put out a hit on himself as a joke. The speaker's family was known for long, drawn-out jokes, and he appreciates a good setup that leads to a hilarious punchline. The speaker's new show is inspired by the Motown Museum and Berry Gordy's story of failure and success in the music industry. In the early days of Motown, Gordy had run a record store and failed due to his misjudgment of customer preferences. He then wrote music to the beat of the assembly line and eventually borrowed money from his sister to create a hit song for Jackie Wilson. Despite not owning the publishing rights, Gordy's Motown label went on to become a significant force in the music industry, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and innovation.

    • Making content sticky through unique strategiesFocus on unique strategies like distinctive clothing, good energy, and contributing positively to stand out in a crowded content landscape. Believe in the importance of your role and provide value to leave a lasting impact.

      To make content sticky and successful, it's essential to distinguish it from others through unique strategies. Motown Records did this by focusing on artists who could sing, dance, and perform with matching outfits and custom intros. In the broadcasting industry, making a 3-minute hit sticky can be achieved by wearing distinctive clothing, having a good energy, and contributing positively to the set. The key is to believe in the importance of your role and provide value, even when you don't have the spotlight. Just like a dog wagging its tail at the airport, savoring the opportunity to save the plane. This approach goes beyond broadcasting and applies to all aspects of life. Ultimately, a good joke or a successful hit should be measured by the story that precedes the punchline or the intro, as these elements provide context and meaning. By focusing on these strategies, you can create content that resonates with audiences and leaves a lasting impact.

    • Embrace Curiosity and WonderValuing curiosity and wonder fuels adventure, keeps us engaged with the world, and leads to unexpected successes in both life and television production.

      Curiosity and wonder are essential qualities to hold onto, especially in the face of new experiences and challenges. These traits can be easily lost if not valued, but they fuel our sense of adventure and keep us engaged with the world around us. In the context of television, this means being open to spontaneity and trusting the moment, rather than sticking rigidly to a script or formula. This can lead to unexpected successes and a more authentic connection with audiences. Additionally, navigating the ever-changing media landscape requires adaptability and a willingness to learn from past mistakes. So, don't let go of your sense of wonder and curiosity – they are valuable assets in both personal and professional growth.

    • The Power of Connection and PreparationUnderstanding the impact of connection with audiences and being prepared for emergencies, like choking, can save lives and make a big difference.

      The speaker values the connection he has with his audience and understands the impact it has on them, even if it means dealing with unrealistic expectations. He also appreciates the importance of being prepared for emergencies, as demonstrated by the success of LifeVac in saving lives. The speaker shares his experience of being in the broadcasting industry and how people have an affinity for broadcasters, leading them to expect broadcasters to feel and process things the same way they do. He has even been encouraged to quit out of solidarity with big name stars who have left the channel. However, he acknowledges the financial disparity between himself and these stars. The conversation then shifts to the importance of being prepared for emergencies, specifically choking. The speaker emphasizes the effectiveness and ease of use of LifeVac, which has saved over 1,800 lives and is being implemented by various corporations and schools. The inventor of LifeVac, Arthur Lee, has also pledged to provide every school in America with a free LifeVac. The speaker also reflects on the incremental nature of change and how it can seem fast in retrospect, but the present moment often feels slow. He uses the example of driving a cab and the differences between day and night shifts. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of connection, preparation, and the impact of small actions that can make a big difference.

    • The power of determination and hard workEven in challenging circumstances, staying committed to your passions and creating unique content can lead to success and positivity.

      Determination and hard work, even in the most challenging circumstances, can lead to success and fulfillment. The speaker, who spent seven years driving a taxi from 5 AM to 5 PM while also writing comedy with a friend before their shifts, emphasized the importance of commitment to their craft and the unique creativity that emerged from their unusual schedule. They also expressed a desire to create a show that brings people together and provides escapism from politics and division. The speaker's experiences highlight the value of staying true to one's passions and using one's platform to contribute positively to society.

    • Two Different Approaches to Stand-Up Comedy: Leno's Escapism vs. Chappelle's Risk-TakingLeno and Chappelle exemplify contrasting comedy styles: Leno focuses on light-hearted humor and avoiding politics, while Chappelle pushes boundaries and tackles controversy, both require good faith with their audience to succeed in the current cultural climate.

      Comedians like Jay Leno and Dave Chappelle have different approaches to their craft and audience engagement. Leno, a comedy legend, has chosen to avoid politics and focus on providing laughter for his audience, while Chappelle pushes boundaries and tackles controversial topics. The discussion also touched upon the impact of cancel culture on comedians, particularly those who fail in front of large audiences due to the ubiquity of social media. The most important thing for stand-up comedians, according to the speaker, is to establish good faith with their audience. Leno and Chappelle represent two distinct paths in comedy, with Leno prioritizing escapism and Chappelle embracing risk-taking and controversy. Ultimately, both approaches have their merits and challenges in the current cultural landscape.

    • Navigating the Shift in ComedyComedy should be enjoyed like a buffet, where one can choose what they like and move on from what they don't. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of cancel culture and social media but encourages focusing on personal message and following.

      Comedy should be seen as a form of escapism and enjoyed like a buffet, where one can choose what they like and move on from what they don't. The speaker believes that comedy has become a battleground due to cancel culture and social media, which incentivizes getting offended and seeking superficial wins. However, the speaker also acknowledges that this phenomenon has been going on for over a decade and that not much has been done to help the aggrieved parties. The speaker's experience as a comedian has been shaped by this shift, and they have learned to navigate it by cultivating their own following and focusing on their message. The speaker also runs a foundation and uses their platform on Fox News to share stories of people who have mastered a skill and prospered, which ties back to their message of finding passion and excitement in life.

    • The Value of Degrees and AuthenticityMike Rowe's statement about degrees being shameful was exaggerated, but it highlights the importance of authenticity and using success for good.

      The value and pride associated with a college degree have shifted significantly in today's society. Mike Rowe's statement about degrees being shameful resonated more in headlines than during his actual appearance on the show. People's actions, whether on cable news or elsewhere, can have toxic effects on the world, but not all of them are authentic or genuine. In the moment of success, one can measure the distance of the journey and consider how to use it for good. Regarding the speaker's career, they have passed through various worlds, including comedy and cab driving, and have no idea if their stand-up is a means to an end or the core of their direction. The speaker is trying to use their platform for good and is wary of contributing to the negative aspects of cable news.

    • Supporting Children of Marines in Pursuing Non-Degree Career ProgramsThe Marine Corps Scholarship Fund helps bridge the skills gap by providing financial assistance to children of marines for non-degree career and technical education programs.

      The Marine Corps Scholarship Fund (MCSF) is making a significant impact on the workforce by providing financial assistance to the children of marines, enabling them to pursue careers in various fields including health science, mechanics, information technology, and manufacturing through non-degree career and technical education programs. MCSF's goal is to help bridge the skills gap and support those who have sacrificed for our country. Jimmy Fallon shared his personal story of pursuing his dream of becoming a comic and how he believes good TV and radio are about companionship and creating a sense of community, much like the iconic Tonight Show hosted by Johnny Carson. Carson was not just a comedian or host, but an undeniable star with immense likability. MCSF's year-round financial aid applications allow eligible applicants to apply today and make a difference in their future.

    • Creating a welcoming environment for guests to shineJohnny Carson understood that by bringing on talented individuals, he could increase his own star power through association. Be a generous host and give guests the freedom to make plays, especially when they are new to the audience.

      , like Johnny Carson, a good host understands the importance of creating an environment where guests can shine. Carson recognized that by bringing on talented individuals, he could increase his own star power through association. He didn't need to be the funniest person in the room, but rather the host who brought joy and gave guests the opportunity to showcase their talents. Another key point is the challenge of balancing programming in real-time television. In news, for example, hosts must provide information and give guests room to speak, while in comedy, they may be given more time to prepare. It's essential to be mindful of these differences and give guests the freedom to make plays, especially when they are new to the audience. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of being a generous interviewer, not competing with guests, and being aware of the pressures and distractions that come with live television. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for guests, allowing them to thrive and contribute to the show's success.

    • Balancing Production and AuthenticityProducers and performers can find a balance between technical requirements and creative freedom to deliver authentic, engaging performances.

      Production and authenticity can be at odds with each other in media, particularly in television. The use of earpieces and strict production guidelines can make performers feel emasculated and limit their ability to fully express themselves. However, finding ways to incorporate behind-the-scenes footage or allowing for more authentic interactions can help bridge the gap between production needs and the desire for genuine, authentic performances. Mike Rowe's experience with the "truth cam" on Dirty Jobs serves as an example of how this can be successfully implemented. Ultimately, it's important for performers and producers to communicate and find a balance that allows for both the technical requirements of production and the creative freedom necessary for authentic, engaging performances.

    • The Power of Instant Gratification and Cancel CultureInstant gratification culture fuels cancel culture, leading to quick judgments and destruction of reputations without considering full context. We should strive for nuanced conversations and remember people's complexity and potential for growth.

      Our instant gratification culture, fueled by the convenience of technology, has led to the power of cancel culture. In the past, acquiring content required effort and time, leading to a deeper appreciation for it. However, now, with just a click, we can have anything we want, which has led to a culture of wanting and discarding quickly. This impatience and lack of valuing content has given cancel culture its power. People are more likely to jump on the bandwagon of canceling someone when it's convenient rather than having a nuanced conversation. The danger of this is that it incentivizes conflict and can lead to false narratives and the destruction of reputations without considering the full context. The conversation should not end with canceling but with understanding and learning from mistakes. We need to remember that people are complex and deserve the opportunity for growth and redemption.

    • Cancel Culture Oversimplifying Complex HistoriesCancel culture can lead to damaging consequences by oversimplifying complex histories and ignoring context. It's essential to consider the full context before jumping to conclusions.

      The cancel culture phenomenon, driven by digital dopamine from likes and shares, often oversimplifies complex histories and ignores context. For instance, the stories behind brands like Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Missus Butterworth were not as blackface as they seemed. Brands like these were named after real people, not to perpetuate racist stereotypes but to appeal to consumers. However, when the conversation is devoid of all factors and driven by convenience, it can lead to damaging consequences. A clear example is the attempt to remove Abraham Lincoln's name from a San Francisco high school. Such actions not only ignore the historical context but also potentially harm innocent individuals. The book discussed in the conversation aims to shed light on these canceled stories and their fallout, emphasizing the importance of considering the full context before jumping to conclusions. Ultimately, the goal is to move away from divisive cultural battles and focus on common ground.

    • Ice Cream Brands and Social IssuesBrands are expected to take stances on social issues, but focusing too much on changing attitudes can lead to a loss of enjoyment and a more divisive society. We should strive for a more nuanced approach that acknowledges complexity and maintains a sense of fun.

      We've reached a point where even ice cream brands are expected to take stances on social issues, and the consequences for not doing so can be severe. The speaker argues that we've lost sight of the importance of having fun and focusing on personal preferences, and that corporations are now more focused on changing consumer attitudes rather than catering to them. This trend, he believes, can lead to a more divisive society and a loss of enjoyment in everyday life. Instead of focusing on canceling individuals or brands for unfunny or unpopular comments, we should strive for a more nuanced approach that acknowledges the complexity of human behavior and the importance of maintaining a sense of fun and enjoyment in our lives. In essence, the speaker is advocating for a more balanced approach to social issues and a recognition that we're all in the business of providing enjoyment and entertainment, rather than trying to change people's beliefs or behaviors through public shaming.

    • Understanding the complexities of life through curiosity and patienceThe speaker's fascination with cop stories ignited his desire to share experiences, despite fears, and emphasized authenticity, kindness, and relatability as essential qualities.

      Curiosity and patience are essential in understanding the complexities of life and uncovering the root causes of things. This was highlighted in the discussion about the TV show "Behind the Music," which explores the rise and fall of musical acts. The speaker shared how growing up, he was fascinated by cop stories, which ignited his desire to one day share his own experiences with others in a communal setting. Despite the fear of being canceled or losing his career, the speaker expressed his hope to retire to a secluded place and share his stories with loved ones. The speaker's authenticity and kindness towards others were also emphasized as qualities that have kept him grounded on his career path. The speaker's book was praised for its relatability and the way it resonates with the reader as if the speaker's voice is being heard. The speaker's upcoming show, Fox News Saturday night with Jimmy Phala, was also mentioned.

    • Stay true to oneself and embrace individualityAuthenticity is essential for longevity in entertainment and life. Embrace individuality, focus on adding value, and avoid trying to force others to conform.

      Authenticity is key to longevity in entertainment and in life. Jimmy Fallon emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and creating an atmosphere where creativity and humor can flourish. He also warned against trying to fake it for too long, as it will eventually come crashing down. Additionally, Fallon encouraged embracing individuality and not trying to force others to conform to our sensibilities. Instead, we should focus on adding to the world rather than taking away, and not getting bogged down in petty disagreements. Overall, the message was to live authentically, embrace individuality, and focus on adding value to the world.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

    389: You Can Learn a Lot in a Smoke-Filled Airplane with Gavin de Becker

    389: You Can Learn a Lot in a Smoke-Filled Airplane with Gavin de Becker

    The nation’s leading expert on de-escalation and public figure protection unpacks the importance of intuition, the difference between true fear and unwarranted fear, and the epidemic of sudden, unexpected deaths among seemingly healthy people beginning in 2021.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

    The Jordan Harbinger Show—Visit JordanHarbinger.com/start to start listening.

    388: Swimming Against the Current with Riley Gaines

    388: Swimming Against the Current with Riley Gaines

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    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

    Groundworks.com to schedule a free inspection.

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    387: Make Me a Firefighter with Candice McDonald and Jonathan Dayton

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    385: I Don't Want to Manage People Like Me with Karey Kirkpatrick

    385: I Don't Want to Manage People Like Me with Karey Kirkpatrick

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    384: Freedom Food and Funny Cars with Matt Hagan and Chloe Hudson

    Matt is a four-time NHRA Funny Car world champion and first-generation cattle and CBD farmer. Chloe is a mikeroweWORKS work ethic scholarship recipient, an AWS Certified Weld Inspector, and a social media influencer. She also runs social media for Matt Hagan and Tony Stewart. This conversation does not stay in its lane as it veers from the high stakes involved in going 330 mph in four seconds to the tasty steaks that the Hagan Cattle Company produces in Virginia to the political stakes of not keeping your food supply chain in America. 

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    BONUS COFFEE 383: Nude Sunbathing with America’s Grandmother

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    382: Individualism Rightly Understood with Scott Mann

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    The former U.S. Army Green Beret, NYT bestselling author, leadership consultant, and perennial storyteller talks about the division and tribal behavior that permeates our country now, the death of honor, shame, and consequence, and why Alexis de Tocqueville was right when he observed that America succeeds because she puts the individual ahead of the collective. You can preorder Scott’s newest book here.

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    NetSuite.com/Mike Great financing on the number one cloud financial system.

    AuraFrames.com/Mike Use code: Mike to get $30 off their best-selling frame.

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