
    394: Lessons from the Stoics. Discipline, Leadership, Life. With Ryan Holiday.

    enJuly 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Self-Discipline and BalanceSelf-discipline is essential for success and personal growth, involving hard work, setting boundaries, ignoring temptations, and enduring difficulties. Balance is crucial for a fulfilling life, combining technical skills and experiences.

      Self-discipline, or the virtue of temperance, is essential for success and personal growth. It involves working hard, setting boundaries, ignoring temptations, and enduring difficulties. Self-discipline is not about deprivation but rather about commanding oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually. It requires courage and sets one apart. Discipline is predictive and deterministic, making success more likely and ensuring it regardless of the outcome. Conversely, a lack of discipline puts one in danger and shapes who they are. Ryan Holiday, a prolific author, marketer, and modern-day stoic, emphasizes the importance of living an interesting life and gaining experiences to write about, rather than just focusing on technical skills. Balance is key, as one can be technically brilliant or have a lot to say, but ideally, one should strive for both. The virtue of temperance, or balance, is crucial in all aspects of life, including music and leadership.

    • Balancing desires and societal expectationsNavigate the balance between personal interests and societal expectations to live an authentic and fulfilling life, avoiding deficiencies and excesses.

      Finding the balance or the "golden mean" in life is essential. Aristotle's philosophy emphasizes that virtues, such as courage, lie in the middle of the spectrum between extremes. In life, we often aim for this balance, avoiding both deficiencies and excesses. Personal experiences, like growing up with parents in regular jobs, can shape our interests and identities. However, they might not always align with our parents' expectations. For instance, I, growing up with a police detective father and a school principal mother, was more interested in literature and heavy metal music, which puzzled them. The journey to discovering one's passions and identity can be filled with surprises and challenges. While in college, I encountered unexpected group projects and was drawn to heavy metal music, which further solidified my unique interests. Throughout our lives, we must navigate the balance between our desires and societal expectations, embracing the "golden mean" and striving for a fulfilling and authentic existence.

    • Embracing Fear and ChallengesFear of failure can hinder our potential, but embracing challenges and taking risks is essential for personal growth. Even when faced with fear, it's important to give our best effort and pursue our passions.

      Fear of failure and a reluctance to try one's best can hold people back, even when they have natural talent. The speaker shares his experience of playing football and then switching to cross country and track, where he admits he was afraid to truly give it his all. He also recalls the impulse to destroy things, like electric scooters, and the desire to avoid traditional jobs and societal expectations. The speaker's high school experience was marked by a sense that he was not living up to his full potential, and he had a vague vision of pursuing creativity and self-determination in Southern California. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing challenges and taking risks, even if it means facing potential failure.

    • Learning from Successful PeopleMeeting successful people can make lofty careers seem more attainable, but it's essential to remember that talent and hard work are still crucial factors. Understanding the process and the people behind the achievements can inspire and guide us in our own pursuits.

      Meeting people who have achieved great things, whether it's writing a novel, acting, or even having a seemingly impossible job, can make those pursuits feel more accessible. It's easy to romanticize these careers from a distance, but seeing the process and the people behind them demystifies the craft. The idea of nepotism in Hollywood can make it seem like an unattainable industry, but talent and hard work still play a crucial role. It's essential to understand that successful people are still regular people, and the path to their achievements is often a combination of genetics, resources, and dedication. As we navigate our own careers, it's essential to remember that there's a process to follow and that we can learn and grow to reach our goals.

    • Exploring Life Directions: Decisions and OpportunitiesSeizing opportunities and taking risks can lead to valuable learning experiences and shape one's future.

      Opportunities and experiences can significantly impact one's life direction, even at a young age. The speaker shares how they had to decide between different paths, including living in different areas and joining the military versus pursuing education. They also discuss the unexpected opportunity to work as a research assistant for a renowned author, which led to valuable learning experiences. Additionally, the conversation highlights the significance of the Internet and how it opened up new possibilities for creators during that time. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities and taking risks to shape one's future.

    • Learning to write research-driven books from Robert GreeneApprenticeship with Robert Greene taught the speaker how to read extensively, identify key points, and collaborate in the writing process to create research-driven books.

      Writing a research-driven book, like those by Robert Greene, involves a different process compared to writing a book based on personal experiences and lessons. While the former requires extensive research and extraction of relevant information, the latter is more about sharing personal stories to illustrate broader concepts. The speaker learned this process from working with Robert Greene, who trusted him to read and report on various books, guiding him intuitively on what to explore further. This experience was an apprenticeship in how to write the type of books the speaker admired, and it took around 6-7 years. The speaker's role was to read and report on books, identify interesting points, and eliminate potential dead ends, allowing Robert Greene to focus on the writing and storytelling aspects. This collaborative process was invaluable in the speaker's journey to becoming an author.

    • Discovering simple processes behind big decisionsMany decisions in life are not as permanent or scary as we perceive them to be. Gather info, weigh risks & benefits, and make decisions with confidence.

      Making significant life decisions can be less daunting than we imagine. The speaker shared his experience of dropping out of college to pursue a job, which he believed was a life-altering decision. However, when he went to the college administration to drop out, he discovered it was a simple process of putting his academic status on hold and paying a small fee. This experience illustrates that many decisions in life are not as permanent or scary as we perceive them to be. Even major decisions like buying a house or starting a business have ways to mitigate potential losses. So, don't let fear hold you back from making important decisions. Instead, gather as much information as possible, weigh the risks and benefits, and take the leap with confidence.

    • Unexpected setbacks can lead to new opportunitiesSetbacks can be disappointing, but they don't define our future successes. Instead, focus on learning from them and looking for new opportunities.

      Unexpected challenges and setbacks can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared his experience of being fired from a talent agency after being asked to listen in on a conference call without being introduced. He felt relieved at first, but soon realized he had made a terrible mistake. However, this experience led him to meet Dov Charney, the CEO of American Apparel, who offered him a job as an adviser despite his young age and lack of experience. The speaker had a blog and understood online culture, which was valuable to American Apparel at the time. This unexpected setback ultimately led him to a new opportunity and career path. It's important to remember that setbacks can be disappointing, but they don't define our future successes. Instead, we should focus on learning from them and looking for new opportunities.

    • A Visionary Who Built an Empire but Failed to DelegateDespite paying workers a living wage and challenging industry norms, American Apparel's founder Dov Charney's inability to delegate and focus on ethical labor practices ultimately led to the company's downfall.

      Dov Charney, the founder of American Apparel, was a singular genius who built a fashion empire from the ground up, but his inability to delegate and focus on ethical labor practices ultimately led to the company's downfall. Charney, who was the fit model, designer, photographer, CEO, and even the sewer, was a visionary who challenged the fashion industry's race to the bottom pricing model by paying workers a fair wage. However, as the company grew, he lacked the ability to delegate, and his genius could only get him so far. American Apparel, which had 250 stores in 20 countries and revenues of almost $1,000,000,000, was the largest garment manufacturer in the United States at a time when the idea of making clothes domestically was considered blasphemy. Charney's employees, who were highly skilled and paid a living wage, were loyal to him, and he built a factory where they worked in better conditions than the alternative sweatshops. However, his refusal to compromise on ethics and his inability to delegate eventually led to the company's implosion. The story of American Apparel is a fascinating one of a moral purpose and genius that ended in ruin.

    • The importance of skilled labor and vertical integration in clothing productionThoughtful, sustainable production practices lead to better quality products, fair labor conditions, and a reduced environmental impact.

      The production of clothing, especially when it comes to the creation of high-quality, long-lasting items, requires human skill and care. The speaker emphasizes the importance of vertical integration in the clothing industry, which allows for the elimination of middlemen and the retention of profits. Additionally, producing timeless, evergreen pieces rather than trendy items can help reduce waste and exploitation. The speaker also criticizes the practice of "greenwashing" in the industry, where companies claim to be environmentally friendly while still engaging in harmful production practices. Overall, the key takeaway is that thoughtful, sustainable production practices can lead to better quality products, fair labor conditions, and a reduced environmental impact.

    • Staying true to your business modelDeviating from core strategy and losing focus can lead to excessive inventory, inefficient use of resources, and lack of profitability. Maintain a disciplined and effective leadership style to stay competitive.

      Deviating from your core business strategy and losing focus can lead to a company's downfall. The story of Dov Charney and American Apparel illustrates this point. Charney's decision to abandon the company's classic basics model and compete with faster-growing, trend-driven competitors resulted in excessive inventory, inefficient use of resources, and a lack of profitability. Additionally, Charney's toxic leadership style, characterized by egotism, lack of discipline, and a need for constant validation, further contributed to the company's demise. His behavior repelled talented operators and attracted unqualified individuals, leaving American Apparel in a state of disarray. The company eventually filed for bankruptcy. This timeless business story serves as a reminder to stay true to your business model and maintain a disciplined and effective leadership style.

    • Unchecked ego leads to devastating consequencesRecognize the importance of reflection, humility, and seeking guidance to avoid impulsive decisions that could negatively impact personally and professionally.

      Unchecked ego can lead to devastating consequences, both personally and professionally. The story of this former CEO illustrates how his unyielding belief in his own innocence and refusal to listen to advisors ultimately drove his company into bankruptcy and left him with significant debt. The power of manipulating public perception and exploiting the economics of the internet can be a double-edged sword, leading to success but also to downfall. It's essential to recognize the importance of reflection, humility, and seeking guidance from others to avoid making impulsive decisions that could have long-lasting negative effects.

    • The Deceitful Internet LandscapeIn a democracy, popular opinion is shaped by the spread of information, and misinformation can significantly impact policies and cultural narratives, even with good intentions.

      The internet and media landscape can be deceiving. The speaker initially believed in the meritocracy of good content rising to the top, but realized that the same outlets reporting on serious matters were often swayed by marketing stunts and misinformation. This disillusionment led the speaker to write a book about the issue, but they acknowledged that their past actions, which involved creating and spreading fake ads, were not entirely harmless. The speaker came to understand that in a democracy, popular opinion shapes the country, and the spread of misinformation can significantly impact policies and cultural narratives. Despite their intentions, the book was not received as a warning against these issues but rather as an intriguing and interesting read.

    • Blurred lines between truth and deception in mediaDeception in media can lead to negative consequences, including overwhelming media attention and backlash. Always strive for truth and authenticity.

      The line between truth and deception in media can be blurred, leading to negative consequences for individuals involved. Ryan Holiday, the speaker, shared an experience where he pretended to be an expert in various topics for media outlets using the service "Help a Reporter Out." He was quoted in numerous publications, including the New York Times, without being a genuine expert. However, when his deception was exposed, he faced overwhelmingly negative media attention and backlash. Additionally, his book, which discussed the manipulation of public perception, was used by bad actors for nefarious purposes. This incident highlights the importance of truth and authenticity in media and the potential consequences of deception. The experience also taught Holiday a valuable lesson about the complexities of reputation and the potential for innocent individuals to be wrongly accused.

    • Lesson learned: Revealing manipulative tactics can lead to their proliferationFocusing on the substance of people's beliefs is crucial for preventing societal division, as revealing manipulative tactics can lead to their misuse and sophistication.

      Sharing the workings of manipulative tactics, rather than stopping them, can lead to their proliferation and misuse. This was a lesson the speaker learned when he wrote about social media manipulation at a young age. He believed that revealing the tricks would make them obsolete, but instead, they have become more prevalent and sophisticated. Now, with the rise of social media as the primary news source and the increasing use of bots and foreign actors to sow discord, the potential for misinformation and division is greater than ever. The speaker emphasizes that focusing on the substance of people's beliefs, rather than demonizing them, is crucial for preventing the team of society from falling apart. The Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory serves as a stark reminder of the power of misinformation and the potential for dangerous consequences when it goes unchecked.

    • Hotmail's Growth: From Industrial Marketing to Growth HackingGrowth hacking prioritizes testable, trackable, and scalable methods, turning every user into an advertiser for exponential reach and effectiveness.

      Traditional marketing methods are no longer sufficient for growing businesses in today's digital age. The story of Hotmail's growth, as recounted in the book "Growth Hacker Marketing," illustrates this point perfectly. Hotmail's founders initially considered expensive industrial marketing approaches to promote their free webmail service, but venture capitalist Tim Draper suggested a more innovative approach: growth hacking. This strategy involved adding a simple "PS I love you. Get your free email at Hotmail" message to the bottom of every email sent from the service. This feature turned every user into an advertiser, exponentially increasing the reach and effectiveness of the advertisement. Growth hackers prioritize testable, trackable, and scalable methods, relying on tools like emails, data targeting, blogs, and platform APIs. They aim to relentlessly pursue users and growth, turning them into evangelists for the product. Companies that have successfully employed growth hacking strategies, such as Facebook, have grown from small startups to multibillion-dollar enterprises. The game has fundamentally changed, and the lessons from these companies can provide valuable insights for anyone looking to grow a business from scratch.

    • Marketing Innovation: From Viral Campaigns to Ancient PhilosophySuccessful marketing involves adapting to new trends and being innovative. Ryan Holiday's experience shows how a viral marketing campaign for his first book led to traditional publishing deals, and his later efforts to promote obscure philosophy books using unconventional methods also found success.

      The marketing world is constantly evolving, and being adaptable and innovative is key to success. This was evident in Ryan Holiday's experience with publishing his books. His first book, "Trust Me I'm Lying," started as an article and went through multiple editions before being published traditionally. He secured a book deal through his agent, and despite not needing the money, he wrote the book with the intention of selling it. The book became a hot commodity, and Holiday even doubled the reported advance in a press release to generate more buzz. He also did viral marketing for the book, which contributed to its success. Later, Holiday wanted to write about an obscure school of ancient philosophy for his next book, but his publisher was hesitant. This marked a pivot in his career, as he had proven himself as a successful marketing author. All of his books, except for his kids' books, were traditionally published. Holiday also worked on the marketing for Tim Ferriss's books, including "The 4-Hour Chef," which was published by Amazon Publishing and faced resistance from traditional retailers. They gave away a large chunk of the book on BitTorrent to generate buzz and sales. Holiday met Tim Ferriss before his first book was published and was influenced by his forward-thinking strategies. Despite his publisher's initial reluctance, they are now more open to innovative marketing tactics.

    • Identifying Opportunities Early: A Key to Success for Tim FerrissTim Ferriss's success comes from identifying opportunities early and exploiting them before they become mainstream, such as investing in audiobook publishing and Twitter, and providing strategic advice to friends. His ability to deconstruct systems, understand what works, and recognize undervalued resources has led to significant rewards.

      Tim Ferriss, a well-known figure in the world of self-help and productivity, has a unique ability to identify opportunities and exploit them before they become mainstream. This was evident in his early investments in audiobook publishing and Twitter, as well as his strategic advice to his friend and author, who saw significant success from these ventures. Ferriss's skill lies in his ability to deconstruct systems, understand what works, and identify areas where he can gain an advantage. He is not necessarily the first to discover these opportunities, but he is often one of the earliest adopters, reaping significant rewards as a result. Ferriss's success can be attributed to his strategic insights, early adoption of emerging trends, and his ability to recognize undervalued resources. His approach is a reminder that being early to a trend or opportunity can be just as valuable as being the first.

    • Exploring Stoicism through Marcus Aurelius' MeditationsMarcus Aurelius' Meditations, a practical guide to living well, inspired the speaker to start a podcast. Stoicism's relatability and straightforward advice resonated deeply, offering insights for everyday life despite most events being outside one's control.

      The raw and authentic nature of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, written as private notes for himself, resonated deeply with the speaker and inspired him to start a podcast. The speaker had previously helped with marketing for Tim Ferriss' books and was introduced to stoicism before dropping out of college. The appeal of stoicism lies in its practicality and accessibility, as it offers straightforward advice on how to navigate life despite the vast majority of events being outside one's control. The speaker was struck by the relatability of Marcus Aurelius' struggles, such as debating whether to get out of bed early, and found that stoicism provided valuable insights for everyday life. Despite its ancient origins and popularity among wise and powerful figures, stoicism is not more prevalent in academic life due to its lack of theoretical complexities or paradoxes. Instead, it offers a straightforward and practical approach to living well.

    • Realizing the importance of reading and personal growth later in lifeLack of interest in reading during youth led to missed opportunities for personal growth, but later focus on reading and self-discipline led to success

      Personal growth and the importance of reading were lessons the speaker learned later in life. Growing up, the speaker's parents were avid readers and teachers, but he was not interested in reading during his high school years. Instead, he joined the military and it wasn't until he was in the SEAL teams that he realized the importance of writing and reading. He started focusing on English in college and read extensively to improve his writing skills for his future career. However, it wasn't until later in life, during interviews and podcasts, that he discovered the connection between the philosophies he was espousing and the works of ancient philosophers. The speaker wishes he had embraced these ideas earlier but recognizes that personal growth and understanding often come with experience. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that discipline and focus lead to freedom and success, both personally and professionally.

    • Applying ancient philosophy to modern lifeAncient philosophies like Stoicism and Buddhism offer practical guidance for dealing with life's challenges. Embrace setbacks as opportunities, focus on what's within control, and stay objective to overcome obstacles and thrive.

      Philosophy, specifically Stoicism and Buddhism, offer practical guidance for dealing with life's challenges. Marcus Aurelius, a powerful Roman emperor, provides an excellent example of this in his writings, particularly in his Meditations. Despite his immense power, he recognized the importance of staying virtuous and not letting power corrupt him. He emphasized the importance of persisting and resisting, focusing on what is within our control, and turning obstacles into opportunities. In his book "The Obstacle is the Way," Ryan Holiday highlights Marcus Aurelius' timeless ideas, encouraging readers to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. By staying objective, controlling emotions, and focusing on the present moment, we can overcome challenges and thrive.

    • Seeing challenges as opportunities for growthEmbrace challenges as opportunities for growth, practice virtues like forgiveness, acceptance, and resilience, and take ownership to become stronger, wiser, and more effective leaders.

      Life's challenges, or obstacles, are not something to be avoided, but rather opportunities for growth and learning. This idea, known as "the obstacle is the way," comes from the ancient Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius, who faced numerous hardships during his reign. Instead of being discouraged by these challenges, Marcus saw them as opportunities to practice virtues such as forgiveness, acceptance, and resilience. In modern times, this concept can be applied to business and leadership. Companies that are doing well often seek out experts to help them improve, while those that are struggling may blame external factors for their failures. However, true leadership means taking ownership of the situation, no matter the cause, and finding ways to turn challenges into opportunities for growth. It's important to remember that taking ownership doesn't magically solve problems, but it is a place to start. It requires humility, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. By embracing the obstacle as an opportunity, we can not only overcome challenges but also become stronger, wiser, and more effective leaders.

    • Marcus Aurelius and Antoninus Pius: A Model for Effective LeadershipAcknowledging fault and making adjustments demonstrates strength and humility, while blaming others and letting ego take over is a sign of weak leadership. Mutual respect and learning are key components of great leadership.

      Taking responsibility for one's actions and learning from mistakes is essential for growth and effective leadership. The relationship between Marcus Aurelius and Antoninus Pius, as described in Meditations, illustrates this concept beautifully. When something goes wrong, acknowledging fault and making adjustments demonstrates strength and humility, rather than blaming others and letting ego take over. Marcus Aurelius's apprenticeship under Antoninus Pius, marked by mutual respect and learning, is a model for great leadership. This historical account also emphasizes the importance of discipline, ethics, and decency in the face of power and wealth. The timelessness of philosophy, as demonstrated through Marcus Aurelius's writings, provides valuable insights into human nature and the dangers of ego. While working at American Apparel, the speaker's stoic philosophy helped keep them out of trouble and served as a reminder of the potential negative consequences of power and wealth.

    • Ego as a destructive force in leadershipEgo can prevent learning, growth, and effective decision-making. Humility is essential for openness to growth and development.

      Ego can be a dangerous and destructive force, leading to poor decision-making and causing harm to oneself and others. Throughout history, there are countless examples of leaders whose egos led them to make choices that resulted in the deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands of people. Ego can prevent individuals from learning, growing, and improving, and can result in the inability to listen to and learn from others. Humility, on the other hand, is essential for effective leadership. Epictetus wisely noted that "it is impossible to learn that which you think you already know," and that those who believe they know it all are effectively closed off to further growth and development. Ego can be particularly damaging in high-pressure environments, such as the military or sports, where individuals may believe they are the best in the world and become unable or unwilling to learn and adapt when faced with new challenges. Ultimately, ego is an enemy that can hinder progress and prevent individuals from reaching their full potential.

    • Effective Leadership: Discipline and OrganizationDelegating tasks, trusting team, and prioritizing effectively leads to success. Ego and disorganization hinder progress.

      Effective leadership requires discipline and organization. Eisenhower's presidency was a well-oiled machine, while DeLorean's car company was a chaotic mess. Eisenhower understood the importance of delegating tasks and trusting his team, while DeLorean's ego and lack of discipline led to a dysfunctional organization. The result was a spectacular failure for DeLorean and his company, while Eisenhower's legacy is one of efficiency and productivity. In life and in business, disorganization and idiosyncrasies may work when we're starting out, but they won't get us very far in the long run. To be successful, we need to learn to delegate, trust our team, and prioritize effectively. We can't let our ego get in the way of building a well-organized and disciplined team.

    • Egotism and Focusing on Tactical Problems Can Hinder Strategic Decision MakingLeaders must balance tactical tasks with strategic goals, delegate when necessary, and prioritize personal development to avoid getting stuck in day-to-day operations and missing opportunities for growth.

      Egotism and a focus on tactical problems can hinder leaders from seeing the bigger picture and making strategic decisions. This was evident in the case of Dove, a talented and genius businessman who ran a global company with 250 stores in 20 countries and 12,000 employees. Despite his success, he was so consumed by the day-to-day operations that he lost sight of the strategic direction of the company. This led him to make mistakes and miss opportunities, despite being praised for his problem-solving abilities. The lesson here is that leaders must be willing to step back and focus on the strategic goals, even if it means delegating tactical tasks to others. Personal development and self-reflection are essential for leaders to grow and avoid getting stuck in tactical hell. The consequences of not doing so can be significant, as talented individuals may miss opportunities to make a greater impact on the world.

    • Detaching for growth: Assessing situations objectivelySuccessful people can stagnate without self-reflection and humility. Objectively analyzing situations leads to growth.

      Successful people can encounter ceilings in their growth if they're unable to detach from themselves and objectively assess their situations. This requires humility and the willingness to admit mistakes. By stepping back and analyzing what's working and what's not, individuals and organizations can make improvements. This process of self-reflection can be facilitated through various means, such as journaling, therapy, or seeking advice from others. Writing things down is a powerful tool for detaching from problems and gaining clarity. Successful people throughout history have employed journaling practices for this reason. It's important to remember that the ability to see oneself from an outside perspective is inherently difficult, but cultivating this skill can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

    • Reflecting on thoughts and emotions through writingWriting down thoughts and emotions can provide clarity, help process complex feelings, and encourage accountability. Stoicism, a philosophical practice, emphasizes the importance of reflection and distinguishing between what's within our control.

      Writing down your thoughts and ideas can provide distance and perspective, allowing you to process emotions and understand what truly matters. Stoicism, a philosophical practice, encourages this reflection and helps us distinguish between what we can control and what we cannot. The act of writing also serves as a form of accountability, pushing us to share our thoughts and ideas with others. Stoic texts, like books, can serve as valuable resources, offering guidance and wisdom to be revisited during challenging times. The stoic belief that effort, not external results, is what we should focus on is a timeless idea that can help us navigate setbacks and mistakes. Ultimately, writing and philosophy provide frameworks for understanding and dealing with life's complexities.

    • Reflecting on Stoic teachings through daily practiceDaily Stoic practice strengthens memory, applies wisdom, and fosters self-improvement through repetition and reflection

      The practice of writing down and internalizing Stoic teachings is a form of repetitive meditation that strengthens memory and makes it easier to apply wisdom in daily life. The "Daily Stoic" book, with its 366 meditations on various aspects of Stoic philosophy, is structured around the three disciplines of perception, action, and will, and aims to help readers live better lives by turning philosophical concepts into practical actions. Stoicism encourages controlling one's perception of problems, taking unselfish action, and accepting situations with willing acceptance. The "Daily Stoic" journal is designed to be used as an evergreen resource for reflection and self-improvement, with no set starting date. The Stoic belief that we never experience the same situation twice in exactly the same way adds to the value of rereading and revisiting these teachings. To get started with Stoicism, one can begin by exploring the concepts of perception, action, and will and applying them to daily life.

    • The value of revisiting timeless wisdomRevisiting old ideas with new experiences can lead to deeper understanding and fresh perspectives. The Stoics' teachings, historical events, and primary sources are valuable resources for gaining insight.

      Timeless wisdom, whether it's from ancient philosophers or great works of art, can provide valuable insights when approached with an open mind and a deep understanding of one's own experiences. The speaker shares his experience of revisiting the same ideas and gaining new perspectives over time. He uses the example of the Stoics and their teachings, which can seem overwhelming for those new to the philosophy. However, as one's own experiences and understanding grow, these ideas can take on new meaning. The speaker also discusses the complexity of historical events, such as the Civil War, and how they can be studied and reinterpreted over time. He emphasizes the importance of literacy and primary sources, like soldiers' letters and diaries, to gain a closer understanding of historical events. Ultimately, the speaker values the ability to simplify complex ideas and find new meaning in old wisdom.

    • The Battle of Vicksburg: A turning point in the American Civil WarCollaboration, creativity, persistence, cutting off supply lines, taking the war to the enemy, humility, and open-mindedness were key to turning the tables in the Battle of Vicksburg, showcasing the power of unity and adaptability in the face of adversity.

      The Battle of Vicksburg was a pivotal moment in the American Civil War, where General Ulysses S. Grant and his team, including General Sherman, used creativity, collaboration, and persistence to turn the tables on their enemy. Despite initial setbacks, they learned valuable lessons, such as cutting off supply lines and taking the war to the enemy, which they later applied to win the war. The battle also showcased the importance of humility and open-mindedness, as Sherman initially opposed Grant's plan to run the gunboats but ultimately relinquished control and trusted Grant's judgment. The success of the joint Army-Navy operation at Vicksburg serves as a reminder of the power of collaboration and the importance of being adaptable in the face of adversity.

    • Leaders admit mistakes and learn from themTransparent leaders admit mistakes, learn from them, and set an example for future generations. No one can predict success, so stay open to new ideas and perspectives.

      Leaders should be open to admitting when they are wrong and learning from their mistakes. The story of General Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant illustrates this concept well. Despite initially opposing a decision made by Grant, Sherman later recognized the success of the strategy and wanted the record to reflect his dissenting opinion. This transparency and humility, even in the face of a successful outcome, sets an example for future leaders and demonstrates the importance of acknowledging mistakes rather than trying to hide them. Additionally, no one can predict with certainty what will be successful, whether it be in business or creative endeavors, so it's crucial to remain open to new ideas and perspectives. As the publisher of Extreme Ownership reminded Jocko Willink, "Nobody knows" how a book or any other project will perform, so it's essential to remain adaptable and flexible in the face of uncertainty.

    • Embracing mistakes in the creative processMaking mistakes is natural and essential for growth in the creative process. Focus on creating timeless work with the potential to stand the test of time.

      Being wrong is a natural part of the creative process, and embracing it can lead to growth and learning. The speaker shares his experience of making mistakes in book publishing and how he learned to recognize and accept them. He also discusses the importance of creating timeless work that lasts, rather than focusing on short-term success or popularity. The speaker emphasizes that the potential for longevity should be a consideration when creating something, whether it's a book or a business. He also reflects on the challenges of writing a book, which requires a significant investment of time and effort. Ultimately, the speaker encourages creating work with the potential to stand the test of time, rather than chasing fleeting trends or success.

    • The importance of marketing and selling a book for its successBelief in your work and hustle are crucial for a book's success. Writing is only the beginning, marketing and selling require equal effort.

      Writing a successful book is a long and challenging process that requires both creativity and hustle. While the initial act of writing may be fulfilling, the marketing and selling of the book can be just as important for its success. Ryan Holiday shares his experience of being underestimated and dismissed after the success of his book on stoicism, but emphasizes that the hard work of promoting and selling the book is essential. He also warns against entering the world of writing with the sole intention of making money, as books are not a reliable source of income. Tim Ferriss adds that the process doesn't end when the writing is done, as marketing and selling the book can be just as time-consuming and demanding as the writing itself. Ultimately, the success of a book depends on the author's belief in their work and their willingness to put in the effort to share it with the world.

    • A Billionaire's Long-Term RevengeThiel's decade-long campaign to destroy Gawker's reputation showcases the lengths people will go to protect their privacy and reputation.

      The author's least selling but most proud book is about the 10-year long campaign between Peter Thiel and Nick Denton to destroy each other's reputations. The author, who knew both men, was fascinated by the story and wrote a post-mortem account after extensive research. Thiel, a tech billionaire, was outed as gay by Gawker in 2007, and in response, he spent a decade planning his revenge. In 2012, Gawker published a stolen sex tape of Hulk Hogan, which Thiel used as an opportunity to fund a $100 million lawsuit against the company. The lawsuit ultimately bankrupted Gawker, and Thiel came close to acquiring its assets. This story is unique because Thiel's actions, while controversial, were intriguing to the author, who saw him as an anti-hero. The book provides insights into the lengths people will go to protect their privacy and reputation. Despite not making many sales, the author is proud of the book as it was a challenging project that pushed him outside of his comfort zone.

    • The Importance of Stillness for SuccessPracticing stillness helps us make clear decisions, manage emotions, and focus on our goals, unlocking our full potential and overcoming obstacles.

      Stillness is a crucial key to achieving success in various aspects of life. The discussion revolved around the absurd story of Hulk Hogan's privacy invasion and the subsequent lawsuit, where Peter Thiel's involvement was kept a secret for years. The absurdity of the situation showcased the importance of patience and strategic planning, much like Thiel's approach. In our own lives, we face numerous challenges and distractions that can hinder our progress. Stillness, as observed by Martin Luther King Jr., is the key to navigating these internal and external battles. It enables us to make clear decisions, manage emotions, and focus on our goals. The rarest skill for leaders is the ability to quiet the noise and lock in on the strategic objective, much like Lincoln during the Civil War. By practicing stillness, we can unlock our full potential and overcome obstacles.

    • The importance of stillness in achieving peace and clarityRoutine and structure help achieve daily stillness, but external pressures and distractions can make it challenging. Finding stillness is crucial for making moral and ethical decisions and living a fulfilling life.

      Stillness, or the ability to find peace and tranquility in the moment, is a crucial concept in various spiritual and religious traditions. It's about being free from disturbance, even in high-stress situations, and unlocking the ability to do what needs to be done. The speaker emphasizes the importance of routine and structure in achieving stillness on a daily basis. However, it's not always easy to maintain stillness, especially when faced with external pressures and distractions. The speaker shares his experience of getting caught up in the chaos of his twenties while working at American Apparel, and how he didn't have the clarity to recognize that the situation was unhealthy and not what he wanted for his life. The ability to find stillness and gain perspective is essential for making moral and ethical decisions and living a fulfilling life.

    • From youthful success to personal growthRealizing personal growth takes time and self-awareness, even after achieving youthful success and compromising values.

      Youth and success can lead to a dangerous blend of power and immaturity, which may not age well. The speaker shares his experience of being a young, successful marketing executive for a publicly traded company, where he was given significant responsibilities but not commensurate compensation. He was living a good life, but realized he was compromising his values and relationships. His wife's departure was a wake-up call, and he credits the Stoic virtues, particularly justice, for helping him recognize that courage without a just cause is empty. He had a pivotal moment when he read "The Harder They Fall" by Bud Schulberg and realized he was heading down a corrupt path. It's important to remember that personal growth and change often take time. The speaker bought the book in 2009 and left the company in 2014. This experience underscores the importance of self-awareness and taking action when necessary.

    • Staying true to your valuesIt's crucial to pursue what you're good at but ensure it aligns with your values, rather than being swayed by external pressures or short-term gains.

      Knowing what you're meant to do and having the courage to pursue it can be a long and difficult journey. It's easy to get caught up in short-term gratification or be swayed by external pressures, such as money or status. But it's important to consider whether what you're good at is truly worth dedicating your life to. The example of Seneca, a famous Roman philosopher, illustrates this concept well. Despite his wisdom and moral compass, he became the right-hand man to the evil Emperor Nero, justifying his complicity with the regime to save himself and his family. This story serves as a reminder that it's essential to stay true to your values and not compromise yourself for external gains. Ultimately, it's about finding the balance between following your passion and making a positive impact on the world.

    • Making morally complex decisionsConsider personal principles and potential ripple effects when faced with morally complex decisions, even if outcomes are uncertain.

      Individuals are often faced with morally complex decisions, especially when they are in positions of power or influence. Seneca, a philosopher in ancient Rome, and Colonel David Hackworth, a military leader, both grappled with the dilemma of speaking out against the systems they were a part of, despite the potential consequences. These decisions are not easy, as they involve weighing personal obligations, potential impact, and the uncertainty of outcomes. The examples of Seneca, Colonel Hackworth, and even modern figures like General Mattis, illustrate the difficulty of determining when to act and when to stay silent. Ultimately, individuals must consider their principles and the potential ripple effects of their actions, even if the outcome is uncertain. As Admiral Rickover wisely noted, each person has an obligation to act as if their decision matters, even if it seems insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

    • Balancing obedience and initiativeEffective leadership requires balancing obedience and initiative, questioning orders while taking calculated risks, and aiming for self-improvement.

      The spirit of initiative and the willingness to take risks, even without clear results in mind, are essential for progress. However, blindly following orders without questioning their validity can lead to unnecessary risks and potential harm. The example of Dick Winters from "Band of Brothers" illustrates this dilemma: while he could have refused to carry out seemingly unnecessary reconnaissance missions, his obedience ultimately saved his troops from further harm. However, an excessive focus on following orders without questioning their merit can also make individuals vulnerable to exploitation by bad leaders. Instead, it's crucial to find a balance between taking initiative and questioning orders, and to aim the truth at oneself to identify areas for improvement. In essence, the key takeaway is that a thoughtful and balanced approach is necessary for effective leadership and progress.

    • The importance of engaging the enemy in life and businessEngaging the enemy with courage is crucial for success in various aspects of life and business. Prioritize battles wisely and learn from military leaders who embody an offensive mindset.

      The desire to engage the enemy, whether in war or in everyday life, is a crucial aspect of courage. This offensive mindset, which involves taking initiative and intimidating the opposition rather than being intimidated, is essential for achieving great things. Whether it's physical or moral courage, the two are interconnected. In business, sports, or life, having the will to win and the courage to engage challenges head-on is essential for success. However, it's important to remember that not every battle is worth fighting, and sometimes it's more important to prioritize relationships over being right. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making conscious decisions about where to focus energy and effort, and not getting bogged down in trivial disputes. Additionally, the speaker shares their admiration for military leaders who embody this offensive mindset, such as General James Mattis, but also acknowledges the complexities and challenges that come with implementing this approach in various contexts.

    • Courage: Facing risks and challenges with determinationCourage leads to self-discipline, freedom, and success, essential for achieving personal and organizational growth.

      Courage is the ability to face risk, make sacrifices, and persevere in the face of adversity. It's not just doing what's easy or what others expect, but rather taking a stand and doing what needs to be done despite the challenges. Courage is a vital virtue, and it's the foundation for other virtues like discipline, justice, and wisdom. It's not about imposing discipline on others, but rather having self-discipline and letting that lead to freedom. The title of Jocko Willink's book, "Discipline Equals Freedom," reflects this idea that having discipline leads to greater freedom, both personally and organizationally. It's important to remember that character is deterministic, and having good character is essential for achieving success and becoming the best version of ourselves. The process of writing and publishing a book involves making tough decisions about titles and themes, and it's essential to stay true to the original message despite any challenges that may arise.

    • The importance of self-discipline for personal freedom and greatnessSelf-discipline is essential for success and personal freedom, and it's the key to conquering inner demons and achieving greatness.

      Self-discipline is the key to personal freedom and greatness, according to the ancient philosopher Seneca. Discipline determines our success or failure, but it also holds an inherent value in and of itself. Seneca believed that being a slave to anything, be it sex, money, or technology, prevents us from being the masters of ourselves. This idea was exemplified by Dwight D. Eisenhower, who, despite being the most powerful man in the world during the Cold War, understood the importance of self-mastery. By giving himself orders to quit smoking or other harmful habits, Eisenhower demonstrated that anyone can take control of their life and conquer their inner demons. Seneca's belief that "he who conquers himself is the greatest of all" emphasizes the importance of self-discipline in achieving true greatness, whether as a philosopher, king, or conqueror.

    • Self-discipline: Emotional and Physical Control for Effective LeadershipRecognizing and understanding emotions leads to better decision-making and effective leadership. Self-discipline, both emotionally and physically, is crucial for personal growth and success.

      Self-discipline, both emotional and physical, is crucial for effective leadership and decision-making. The speaker shares an anecdote about a military colleague who saw losing his temper as a desirable "superpower," but later came to understand that it was actually a weakness. This idea that emotional and physical control leads to better decision-making and leadership is a recurring theme throughout the conversation. The speaker also emphasizes that it's important to be aware of our emotions and to process them, rather than suppressing them. Stoicism, as the speaker describes it, involves recognizing and understanding our emotions, rather than being controlled by them. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-discipline and emotional awareness for personal growth and effective leadership.

    • Emotional self-control: Pause and reflect before actingConsider long-term consequences of actions, reflect before reacting, and teach emotional self-control to children through books and stories.

      Emotional self-control is crucial for making thoughtful decisions and maintaining healthy relationships. While it's natural to experience emotions and impulses, it's essential to consider the long-term consequences of our actions before acting on them. The ability to pause and reflect can help us avoid regrettable decisions and damage to our relationships. Additionally, the truth may feel good to share in the moment, but it's essential to consider the strategic implications of sharing it. Lincoln's example of holding back on sending angry letters demonstrates the importance of considering the long-term impact of our words and actions. The speakers also discussed the importance of teaching these principles to children through books like "The Boy Who Would Be King" and "The Girl Who Would Be Free," which use the stories of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus to illustrate the value of emotional self-control and wise decision-making.

    • Stoicism: Finding Freedom Through Self-ControlStoicism teaches personal responsibility and self-control, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what's up to us and not letting external factors annoy or frustrate us.

      Philosophy, specifically Stoicism, is about being a good person and being in command of oneself, regardless of gender. Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher, was born into slavery but found freedom through self-control. His teachings resonated with Jim Stockdale, who discovered Epictetus in college and applied his philosophy during his time as a POW. The Stockdale Paradox emphasizes focusing on what is up to us in any situation, which is a key principle of Stoicism. Another lesson from Stoicism is taking responsibility for how we react to situations and not allowing external factors to annoy or frustrate us. This idea was exemplified by the rule in the POW camps that if a cellmate annoyed you, it was your fault for allowing it to bother you. Epictetus' teachings, as passed down through Stockdale, emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and self-control.

    • Shaping Our Own Experiences and ResponsesOwn our thoughts and actions, make positive contributions daily, practice consistency in writing, be open-minded, and practice humility.

      We have the power to shape our own experiences and responses, even to unpleasant events. As Ryan Holiday shared, it's important to take ownership of our thoughts and actions, and to make a positive contribution every day, no matter how small. He emphasized the importance of consistency in writing, and the benefits of stopping in the middle of a sentence to make it easier to pick up where you left off the next day. Holiday also highlighted the importance of being open-minded and practicing humility, as these qualities can help us learn from others and grow. You can find more of Holiday's insights and resources on his website, ryanholiday.net, as well as on his social media channels and YouTube channel. He has written numerous books on various topics, including daily Stoic practices, and offers a free daily email version of "The Daily Stoic."

    • The importance of open-mindedness and humilityPracticing open-mindedness and humility can lead to understanding, better relationships, and informed decisions.

      Having a closed mind and forming strong opinions about others' private choices or insignificant matters can lead to unnecessary conflict and misery, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. Instead, we should strive for open-mindedness and humility, keeping our minds open to other people's ideas and perspectives. This not only makes us more understanding of the world but also makes us better individuals. Additionally, being aware of manipulative marketing tactics, as discussed in Ryan Holiday's book "Trust Me. I'm Lying," can help us navigate the complex world around us and make informed decisions. By practicing self-discipline, humility, and open-mindedness, we can live more fulfilling lives and make a positive impact on those around us.

    • Importance of resilience and focus for successResilience and focus are essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success. Jocko's book and experiences illustrate this, and his company, JockoFuel, provides products to support daily life and fitness journeys.

      Resilience and focus are key to overcoming challenges and achieving success, as discussed with Ryan during the interview about his experiences and the lessons from his book. Additionally, Jocko's company, JockoFuel, offers products like energy drinks and protein powder to help support individuals in their daily lives and fitness journeys. The conversation also highlighted the success of JockoFuel in various retailers across the country, encouraging listeners to look for it at their local stores. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of perseverance, staying true to oneself, and the benefits of JockoFuel's offerings.

    • Supporting ethical and sustainable productionChoose companies that prioritize American-made products, worker welfare, and environmental sustainability. Educate yourself and attend events for personal growth, and support charities like America's Mighty Warriors.

      Supporting companies that produce their goods in an ethical and sustainable manner is crucial. The discussion highlighted the destructive consequences of exploitation in the apparel industry, which involves the exploitation of workers, national security, and the environment. The speakers advocated for buying from companies like OriginUSA and JockoStore, which prioritize American-made products, worker welfare, and environmental sustainability. The speakers also emphasized the importance of education through reading and the benefits of attending events like Echelon Front's leadership consultancy and training programs. Additionally, they encouraged supporting charities like America's Mighty Warriors, which helps veterans and their families. Overall, the message was to make informed choices as consumers, prioritize ethical and sustainable production, and invest in personal growth and education.

    • Overcoming Challenges with Resilience and DisciplineMicah Fink's survival story and ancient philosophers teach resilience and discipline. Heroes and Horses helps veterans reconnect, and staying connected supports first responders. Discipline equals freedom and daily self-improvement.

      Resilience and discipline are key to overcoming challenges, as demonstrated by Micah Fink's survival against grizzly bears and the importance of daily practice, as taught by ancient philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. Micah's program, Heroes and Horses, helps veterans rediscover themselves through outdoor experiences. Staying connected through various online platforms and supporting our military, police, and first responders are also important reminders. The algorithm, like a sneaky bear, can waste our time if we're not disciplined. Ultimately, discipline equals freedom, and we should strive for daily self-improvement and mental freedom.

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    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    3. How are you using the voice of truth in your life?

    If you are hearing God, the only voice of truth, then you know you are loved, given a gift of salvation, and grace for your life's journey.

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    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    What if you had another hour in your day?

    Do you ever wish you had more time in the day? Do you wish you could get more done but you’re always bogged down in the minutiae of life? Do you find yourself spending too much time on social media or watching sports or doing other low-value tasks? Most of us do and the result is that you drift through life, not living intentionally. You end up wondering why you are being pulled into mediocrity. You end up wondering why you’re not getting closer to your goals. In this episode, I share with you how I’m able to get so much done and a few tools, tactics, and tips on how to get more out of your time so that you can reclaim hours back in your day.

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode-- as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode-- at JimHarshawJr.com/Action/.

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    About Your Host Jim Harshaw

    My name is Jim Harshaw. And I know where you’re at. You’re working hard and qualified for what you do but you aren’t getting what you want. You have plans on getting to the C-suite or launching a business but ultimate success seems as far away today as ever. You’re at the right place because you can get there from here.

    And I can help.

    Who I Am

    I’m a speaker, coach, and former Division I All-American wrestler that helps motivated former athletes to reach their full potential by getting clarity on what they really want and taking aggressive action to lead their ideal life not just despite their prior failures but because of them.

    I’m a husband and father of four. And I’m a serial entrepreneur. I’ve launched multiple successful businesses as well as the obligatory failed one. I’ve been the executive director of a non-profit and have raised millions of dollars. I’ve worked in sales. I’ve even been a Division I head coach. While I was born in a blue-collar home I have spent my life surrounded by Olympians, CEO’s and millionaires.

    Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

    I’ve been lucky.

    I’ve learned the habits of successful people and guess what. You’re just like them. I know because I know your type. You’re programmed for hard work, which is a prerequisite for success, but you’ve never been shown how to use what you know to create the life you want with the tools you have.

    I will show you how.

    Why You Are Here

    You've worked hard to achieve greatness. You’ve set goals and maybe even set records. You’ve definitely failed and you’ve at some point found yourself questioning if you were on the right track.

    You need to understand this: You are far more prepared to succeed than those who’ve not tried, competed, struggled and overcome like you have. That’s the value of your education as someone who aims high. You are prepared to be as successful as your wildest dreams will allow.

    Here I will teach you, with the help of brilliant minds that have been shaped by failure, struggle, and adversity, to be who you want to be. I sense that you want this because you have read this far.

    To take the next step today, click here.


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