
    Podcast Summary

    • Mastering the art of charm goes beyond just smilingSmiling is important but listening, contributing, and providing comfort are essential for building deeper connections

      Mastering the art of charm involves more than just superficial actions like smiling. While a smile is important for conveying approachability, the real magic lies in actively listening, contributing, and providing comfort to others. Smiling is a simple yet powerful tool for making a good first impression. But it's not enough to just smile at someone; we also need to listen attentively when we speak with them. Listening goes beyond just nodding your head. It involves making understanding noises, varying them up, and occasionally throwing in a word or two to show that you're fully engaged in the conversation. Contributing means adding value to the conversation by sharing your thoughts, experiences, and ideas. When you contribute, you show that you're invested in the relationship and that you care about what the other person has to say. Lastly, providing comfort involves creating a safe and supportive environment where the other person feels heard and understood. This can be as simple as offering a kind word or a listening ear when someone is going through a tough time. By practicing these four tips - smiling, listening, contributing, and comforting - we can transform our interactions with others and build deeper, more meaningful connections. So, if you're looking to make a big transformation in your personal or professional life, remember that mastering the art of charm is a great place to start.

    • Validate and acknowledge the speaker's perspectiveEffective communication involves acknowledging and validating the speaker's perspective through verbal cues and active listening techniques like reiterating what they've said.

      Effective communication involves not only listening attentively but also acknowledging and validating the speaker's perspective. This can be done through verbal cues like "yes," "of course," and "I understand," which help build rapport and show that you're engaged in the conversation. Additionally, reiterating what the person has said, either directly or through sharing a relevant personal story, can create a strong connection and make the speaker feel understood and valued. Ultimately, these listening techniques not only make the conversation more productive but also make the speaker feel heard and appreciated.

    • Make conversations engaging by sharing stories and opinionsCharming people contribute to conversations, use body language, offer comfort, and make others feel heard, valued, and appreciated.

      Being charming involves more than just being polite and listening. It's important to contribute to the conversation by sharing personal stories or opinions, even if they differ from others'. This shows that you're engaged and interested in the dialogue. Matthew Hussey, a relationship expert, suggests that charming people also use body language like smiling and maintaining eye contact, and offer comfort when appropriate. These actions can all be done within the first few minutes of meeting someone, making it essential for those who want to make a good first impression. Remember, being charming isn't always about agreeing, but offering alternative perspectives in a respectful way. Overall, the key to charming someone is to make them feel heard, valued, and appreciated.

    • Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life with the Love Life Podcast RetreatSign up for a phone interview to learn from expert mentors and gain practical tools for career, relationship, and overall fulfillment progress.

      The Love Life Podcast offers a valuable opportunity to learn from expert mentors and gain practical tools to improve various aspects of your life, including your career, relationships, and overall fulfillment. By signing up for a phone interview, you'll be taking the first step towards achieving the balance and happiness you've always desired. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make meaningful progress in your personal and professional growth. Visit love life podcast.com/forward/retreat to secure your spot and start your journey towards a more fulfilling life.

    Recent Episodes from Love Life with Matthew Hussey

    (Rewind): Why We Get Attracted to the Wrong People

    (Rewind): Why We Get Attracted to the Wrong People

    Do you ever find yourself getting attracted to people who are unavailable (emotionally or otherwise)? Treat you poorly? Or simply aren’t interested in you?

    Why does this happen? Why do we conveniently keep getting attracted to the least convenient people?

    It can be deeply frustrating, especially when there might be someone who does like us but who we just don’t want.

    In this episode, I explain two fundamental reasons why this keeps happening. 

    At the end of this video, I give you a practical “mind trick” you can do on yourself to change this...

    Learn the 2 mistakes that keep you from meeting the right person...


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    250: “How Soon Can I Ask for Exclusivity?”

    250: “How Soon Can I Ask for Exclusivity?”
    When is the best time to ask the person you’re dating if they’re still dating other people? Is there a “sweet spot” during the dating process to have the exclusivity conversation? 

    In today’s podcast, you’ll learn how to balance emotional intuition with practical strategy . . . plus avoid emotional manipulators and love bombers in the process. You’ll also learn how important connection is (and when feeling it in the early days of dating can lead you down the wrong path, especially when chemistry is valued over compatibility). This episode will give you tools and mindsets to navigate the early days of dating with confidence!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

    (Matt Monday): How to Heal From a Narcissistic Relationship

    (Matt Monday): How to Heal From a Narcissistic Relationship
    In today’s new episode, an incredible member of my Club 320 inner circle asked 3 beautifully vulnerable questions (and gave me permission to share them with you). From a painful childhood to a 10-year relationship with a narcissist, she wanted to figure out how to release shame, heal, and find her true self. 
    No matter what your story is, you don’t have to carry this baggage forever. After listening to Cara’s story, you might start to look at your life, your history, and your future differently.

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

    (Rewind): Don’t Avoid Difficult Conversations In Relationships. Do THIS…

    (Rewind): Don’t Avoid Difficult Conversations In Relationships. Do THIS…
    Sometimes we avoid speaking up about what we really want with a person because we're afraid we will "make waves" in the relationship.

    We come from a place of fear and anxiety. "What if me telling him I want something to be different makes him walk away altogether?" we think to ourselves.

    So we ignore the conversation and silently suffer.

    But then nothing gets better. We just put off the conversation for another day while time keeps moving on.
    If this is you, this episode is for you.

    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake

    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake
    Have you ever wondered how you can move on from someone you never dated? Perhaps you’ve been pining for them for months (or even years) . . . hoping they’ll finally notice you and see your value. 
    This great question is one of 7 I answer in today’s new episode, based on the comments you left me last week. I also dig into topics like:
    • What’s the best way to start a long-distance relationship?
    • What’s your dating advice for people over 40?
    • Why did they change their mind about being ready for a relationship?
    Don’t miss these, and once you’re done, be sure to send an email to podcast@matthewhussey.com with a question you’d like me to answer next time!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Rewind): Do You Feel You’re Giving Too Much in Relationships?

    (Rewind): Do You Feel You’re Giving Too Much in Relationships?

    What do you do when you’re a giving person but you feel like your kindness gets taken advantage of in relationships? Maybe you feel like you’re always the one trying and then your resentment builds up until one day you explode in anger. 

    In this video, I show you why we get trapped in the curse of people pleasing, how to set appropriate boundaries, and how to ask for what you need from someone you’re dating. 


    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    248: Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)

    248: Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)
    The concept of "love languages" has been incredibly popular in recent years. But is there really only 5 ways to give and receive love? And how useful is the idea of love languages when trying to find a compatible partner for a relationship?

    Join Matt, Stephen and Audrey for an explanation of the science around love languages, criticisms and challenges of the theory, and how you can apply them when dating. 

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Matt Monday): Why They ALWAYS Come Back + How to Reach Out After It Ends

    (Matt Monday): Why They ALWAYS Come Back + How to Reach Out After It Ends
    "How can you tell the difference between love bombing and genuine interest?"

    This is just one question out of 10 that I answer in today's rapid-fire Q&A episode, which also includes answers to:
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    •  "When Did You Last Cry?"
    •  "How Can I Get Over the Shame of Having Stayed Too Long in a Relationship?"
    •  "Is It Worth Reaching Back Out to an Ex Who May Have Changed?"
    ... and much more.

    It was super fun to read and answer all your questions. Be sure to leave me a comment with any questions you might have for part 2!
    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Rewind): 7 Surprising Signs They Like You...

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    Taking the risk of putting yourself on the line could mean embarrassment, rejection, or make things super-awkward between you both later on.

    You need to know when you have the green light. You need to be sure when it’s ok to flirt and test the waters.

    In this clip then, I'll show you the 7 obvious signs someone REALLY likes you...

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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