
    Podcast Summary

    • Doctors Share Personal Experiences with Long-Haulers SyndromeDoctors Tina Moore and Amber Belt, both naturopathic physicians, shared their personal experiences of dealing with long-haulers syndrome for decades, emphasizing it's not a new phenomenon and offering clinical pearls and knowledge to help those affected.

      Long-haulers, or postviral syndrome, is not a new phenomenon, despite recent attention due to COVID-19. Doctors Tina Moore and Amber Belt, both naturopathic physicians, have dealt with it for decades. They shared their personal experiences of struggling with the condition and how it led them to naturopathic medicine. Long haulers can be debilitating, affecting various aspects of a person's health, including the brain. In the early 1990s, Tina contracted cytomegalovirus, which severely impacted her health and left her with chronic anxiety and depression. She was later diagnosed with a cytomegalovirus brain infection by her mentor, Rick Marinelli. Amber, who has been treating long haulers for over 15 years, emphasized that it's not a new phenomenon and that those who have experienced it are not alone. While they can't provide a cure, they shared their clinical pearls and knowledge to help those dealing with long haulers.

    • Symptoms of post viral syndromePost viral syndrome, also known as sequelae, can cause various symptoms including neurological issues, muscle pain, headaches, and brain fog. It's important to give the body time to recover and not jump to conclusions or labels too soon.

      Post viral syndrome, also known as sequelae, refers to a collection of symptoms that can occur after an infection has passed. These symptoms can vary widely and include neurological issues, muscle pain, headaches, brain fog, and more. Post viral syndrome can be misdiagnosed or disregarded due to its many possible symptoms and the extended recovery period. The speaker, who has personal experience with post viral syndrome from influenza and Epstein Barr virus, emphasizes the importance of giving the body time to recover and not jumping to conclusions or labels too soon. The media and medical community's recent focus on long COVID or long haulers has brought attention to this issue, but it's important to remember that post viral syndrome is not a new phenomenon and has been studied extensively for many years. It's crucial to provide proper care and support for individuals experiencing post viral syndrome, rather than dismissing or gaslighting them.

    • Long-term health effects of COVID-19 and vaccinesMaintaining good health and a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of severe illness and potential long-term effects from COVID-19 or vaccines. Severe initial infections may increase the likelihood and severity of long-term symptoms.

      The fear of long-term health effects, or long haulers, after getting COVID-19 or getting vaccinated against it, is valid. However, the severity of the initial infection seems to play a significant role in the likelihood and severity of long-term symptoms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining overall health and a healthy weight to reduce the risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19 and potential long-term effects. Additionally, some studies suggest that those who experience severe illness during the initial infection may be more likely to develop long-term symptoms. The speaker also mentions a potential correlation between long-term symptoms and multiple vaccinations, but more research is needed on that topic. Overall, it's crucial to prioritize maintaining good health to reduce the risk of severe illness and potential long-term effects from COVID-19 or other viruses.

    • Early treatment of COVID-19 crucial for symptom severity and long-term effectsEarly treatment during initial and inflammatory phases reduces symptom severity and potential long-term effects. Maintain low viral load and monitor inflammation closely during recovery.

      Prompt and effective treatment of COVID-19 during the initial viral load phase and the inflammatory phase can significantly impact the severity of symptoms and potential long-term effects. Those who denied their infection or waited too long to seek treatment risked experiencing more severe symptoms and a longer recovery process. The importance of maintaining a low viral load during the initial phase and closely monitoring inflammation and potential complications during the inflammatory phase cannot be overstated. Additionally, overall wellness and vascular health during the recovery phase play a crucial role in minimizing the impact of COVID-19.

    • Subtle neurological effects of COVID-19COVID-19 can cause hidden neurological symptoms like fatigue, depression, and insomnia. Seek help from a healthcare professional if these symptoms persist, and remember individualized care is crucial for recovery.

      COVID-19 can have subtle neurological effects that may not be immediately apparent, such as fatigue, depression, and insomnia. These symptoms can be easily overlooked and dismissed as stress or normal life circumstances. However, it's essential to consider the possibility of neurological damage, especially if these symptoms persist for an extended period. Hormonal imbalances, particularly during perimenopause, can exacerbate these symptoms. It's crucial to remember that everyone's experience with COVID-19 and post-viral recovery is unique, and individualized care is necessary. If you're experiencing persistent symptoms, it's essential to seek help from a knowledgeable healthcare professional. Additionally, taking care of your body through proper nutrition, exercise, and stress management can help support your recovery process. It's important to be patient with yourself and accept that full recovery may take time, and some lingering symptoms may be a part of the healing process.

    • The importance of acknowledging the need for recoveryRecognize that recovery from illness takes time and prioritize self-care during this process.

      Our modern culture has lost the concept of convalescence, or the recovery period after being sick, leading to unnecessary fear and pressure to return to normalcy too soon. Studies on COVID-19 long-haulers, which may be too soon to accurately represent the full picture, are adding to this anxiety. Historically, there were places called sanatoriums where people could go to recover, but this practice has largely disappeared. Instead, we're expected to bounce back quickly, which isn't realistic for everyone. It's important to remember that recovery takes time and to prioritize self-care during this process. Additionally, the speaker shares their belief that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab and was designed to target specific weak spots in the body. While this is a personal opinion, it highlights the importance of allowing time for recovery and acknowledging the complexity of viral illnesses.

    • Supporting Our Bodies During Virus OutbreaksFocus on adrenal, hormonal, gut, immune, and brain health with supplements like Resilience, Bitch Be Gone, Labito Vitality, GI rebuild, First Defense, Vital Brain, Brain Calm, Brain Spark, Just Blue, and Relight.

      While it's understandable to be concerned about potential long-term health effects of viruses like COVID-19, it's important not to let fear prevent us from living our lives. Instead, focusing on supporting our neurological, hormonal, gut, and immune systems can help mitigate any negative effects. Dr. Tina recommends supplements like Resilience for adrenal support, Bitch Be Gone for hormonal balance, Labito Vitality for androgen support, a GI rebuild product for gut health, and First Defense for immune support. For brain health, she suggests Vital Brain, Brain Calm, Brain Spark, and her favorite, Just Blue, a methylene blue product. Lastly, keeping electrolytes balanced with a product like Relight can also be beneficial. Remember, while these supplements can support overall health, they are not a substitute for medical treatment if you are experiencing symptoms.

    • Maintaining electrolyte balance, addressing hormonal imbalances, and mitigating inflammation are crucial for overall healthNeglecting electrolyte balance, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation can lead to severe and long-lasting health issues, including thyroid dysfunction, hormone disruption, and premature menopause, especially in individuals already stressed or recovering from viruses like COVID-19.

      Maintaining electrolyte balance, addressing hormonal imbalances, and mitigating inflammation are crucial for combating fatigue and potential long-term health issues. The speaker, a naturopathic doctor, has observed a correlation between these factors and thyroid dysfunction, hormone disruption, and even premature menopause, especially in individuals already on the brink due to stress or post-viral infections like COVID-19. The virus itself, the inflammation it induces, and the spike protein it produces can all contribute to damage in various ways. It's essential to prioritize overall health and wellness to better withstand potential health challenges, as the consequences of neglecting these factors can be severe and long-lasting.

    • Impact of Pre-existing Conditions on COVID-19 Susceptibility and RecoveryMaintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for reducing susceptibility and improving recovery from COVID-19. Pre-existing conditions increase the likelihood of long-term health issues and should be taken seriously. Hormonal changes, stress, and poor lifestyle choices can make individuals more susceptible to infection.

      The state of our health significantly impacts our susceptibility and recovery from conditions like COVID-19. Pre-existing conditions increase the likelihood of long-term health issues. Doctors and the medical community need to take these conditions more seriously. The importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management, cannot be overstated. Even wealthy individuals, who might be able to afford better healthcare, need to prioritize their health. Stress and poor lifestyle choices can tip people over hormonally and make them more susceptible to infection. Women, especially those approaching menopause, may experience longer recovery times due to hormonal changes. The virus itself can induce a low-grade diabetic state and affect insulin resistance and metabolic health. It's crucial for individuals to recognize the importance of their health and make necessary lifestyle changes before facing a serious health issue.

    • COVID-19's Impact on Diabetes ManagementCOVID-19 complicates diabetes management for both types, hospitals may lack insulin, virus can damage insulin-producing cells, pre-existing metabolic issues worsen impact, bring insulin when hospitalized, metabolic health and immune system interconnected.

      COVID-19 can induce blood sugar dysregulation, making it more challenging for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics to manage their condition during infection. Hospitals may not carry all types of insulin, making it difficult for type 1 diabetics to maintain control. Moreover, the virus can directly attack the pancreatic cells that produce insulin, which can further complicate diabetes management. Pre-existing metabolic health issues can worsen the impact of COVID-19, making recovery more difficult. It's crucial for diabetics to bring their insulin with them if they need to be hospitalized. The connection between metabolic health and immune system is significant, and neglecting one can negatively impact the other. It's essential to understand that COVID-19, while having unique aspects, is not an alien entity, and scientific principles still apply. Treating it as such can lead to confusion and misinformation.

    • Lockdowns led to increased deaths from alcohol, opioids, suicides, and domestic violenceLockdowns resulted in unintended consequences, including a significant increase in non-COVID related deaths and potential reactivation of infections in COVID survivors

      The COVID-19 lockdowns have had devastating effects beyond the virus itself. A recent study revealed that young people had 2 to 3 times more deaths from alcohol, opioids, suicides, and domestic violence than COVID-related deaths. The isolation and self-medication during lockdowns likely contributed to these tragic outcomes. Additionally, there's evidence that COVID survivors, especially those with persistent lung symptoms, may have reactivated infections like mycoplasma pneumoniae or chlamydia pneumonia. Treatment involves addressing these infections with medications, supplements, and IVs, as well as using nebulized nutrients. The speaker, who has personally used a nebulizer extensively during and after her COVID infection, recommends keeping one handy for respiratory issues unrelated to COVID. The speaker's perspective is that lockdowns were not effective in preventing the spread of the virus and may have caused long-term harm.

    • Saline nebulization: A long-term lung health practice for the speakerSaline nebulization has been a crucial part of the speaker's lung health management since childhood due to her history of lung issues. It provides relief and is less irritating than other solutions. Regular cardio exercises and gentle movement help recover from lung issues.

      Saline nebulization has been a game-changer for the speaker's lung health, providing relief for her "picky lungs" since her childhood. She finds that using anything other than saline in a nebulizer can be irritating. The use of saline nebulization is not limited to COVID-19 recovery, but a long-term practice for her due to her history of lung issues, including repeated pneumonias and bronchitis. She grew up in an environment with significant secondhand smoke exposure, which further affected her lung health. The speaker believes that the lungs can become fibrotic due to infections and the immune system's response, and cardio exercises help her recover. She recommends gentle movement and increasing lung capacity through exercise after lung issues. Additionally, she mentions using a simple device with Himalayan sea salt to salinate the lungs. While she emphasizes that these practices are not a prevention, treatment, or cure for COVID-19, they have been beneficial for her post-lung issue recovery.

    • Improving cardiovascular health post-COVID with simple interventionsWalking, oxygen therapy, and sauna use can enhance cardiovascular health and alleviate breathing issues for individuals recovering from COVID-19. Monitor potential clotting risks.

      For individuals recovering from COVID-19 or dealing with long-term symptoms, simple interventions like walking and using oxygen canisters can significantly improve their cardiovascular health and alleviate breathing issues. Additionally, sauna use can mimic a cardiovascular workout, decrease inflammation, and help the body clear out toxins. The speaker also mentioned that while they haven't seen many clotting issues post-COVID, they have seen more post-vaccination. It's essential to monitor and address any potential clotting risks. Overall, incorporating these practices into daily life can contribute to better health outcomes for those dealing with the long-term effects of COVID-19.

    • Long-term COVID-19 symptoms impact identity and well-beingLong-term COVID-19 symptoms can be distressing, but most resolve within a year. Self-advocacy, seeking a provider, and simple actions like accessing a sauna, eating real food, staying hydrated, and moving daily can help improve overall health and vitality.

      Physical health and the ability to perform labor are important aspects of a person's identity and well-being, especially for those who take pride in their physical capabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals have experienced long-term symptoms, often referred to as "long haulers." These symptoms can be devastating and may lead to fear and despair. However, hope is not lost, as most symptoms resolve within a year, and seeking out a provider who addresses the root cause can make a significant difference. For those who can, simple actions like accessing a sauna, eating actual food, staying hydrated, and moving every day can help improve overall health and vitality. It's crucial for individuals to advocate for themselves and not give in to the media's bleak portrayal of long-term symptoms.

    • Improve overall health with key practicesRegular sauna use, adequate sleep, adrenal support, real food, hydration, movement, and mindfulness can significantly improve health and well-being, especially for those dealing with health challenges.

      Prioritizing certain practices can significantly improve overall health and well-being, especially for those dealing with health challenges. Regular sauna use, getting enough sleep, and providing adrenal support are key areas to focus on. Sauna use can help "turn on" the body and improve instincts, while adequate sleep is essential for healing. Adrenal support can help regulate the body's hormonal balance and improve sleep quality. Additionally, eating real food, staying hydrated, engaging in movement, and practicing mindfulness can all contribute to better health. Remember, belief in recovery is crucial, and taking small, consistent actions can lead to significant progress.

    • Believing in the body's ability to heal and taking small daily actions can lead to positive changes.Imagine your mitochondria as gold, believe in your body's healing power, and practice daily mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection for optimal health.

      Our minds and bodies have the natural ability to heal, and simple practices like meditation, visualization, and self-reflection can significantly aid in this process. The speaker suggests imagining one's mitochondria as gold, emitting healing energy throughout the body. This belief in the body's ability to heal and taking small daily actions, such as asking oneself about diet, exercise, and mindfulness, can lead to positive changes. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to believe in one's ability to heal and to take action, as the hard work is ultimately the patient's responsibility. Regular meditation, even for just a few minutes a day, can be a powerful tool in facilitating this healing process.

    • Focusing on foundational aspects of healthPractice self-care, prioritize whole-person treatment, identify root causes, and ensure daily sunlight for optimal health

      When dealing with post viral syndrome or any health issue, it's essential to focus on the foundational aspects of health. This includes practicing self-care, such as affirmations, breathing exercises, and maintaining a positive mindset. Functional medicine and naturopathic medicine prioritize treating the individual as a whole, rather than just the condition or symptom picture. It's important to remember that there's art to medicine, and finding balance and homeostasis in the body is key. Just like a body of water, if it becomes stagnant, there will be overgrowth of unhealthy organisms, and the ecosystem will suffer. To reestablish health, we need to identify and address the root causes, not just treat the symptoms. Additionally, adequate sunlight every day is crucial for maintaining and restoring health.

    • Maximizing Sun Exposure and Improving Diet for Sun SensitivityGetting 10 minutes of sunlight before 9 AM without excessive sunscreen and improving diet, especially avoiding seed oils, can help reduce sun sensitivity and fear of sun damage.

      Getting enough sunlight and maintaining a healthy diet can help improve sensitivity to sunlight and reduce the fear of sun damage. Dr. Amber Belt Sander recommends getting at least 10 minutes of sun exposure before 9 AM without excessive use of sunscreen. She also emphasizes that seed oils in unhealthy diets can contribute to sun sensitivity. For those who prefer to avoid sunlight, Dr. Belt Sander suggests focusing on dietary improvements and using natural first aid kits from her company, Sage Sirona. Overall, her approach emphasizes a holistic and diplomatic approach to health and wellness. You can find Dr. Belt Sander on Instagram as @doctor_belt_sander and learn more about her medical practice at aspenmedcenter.com and her natural first aid kit company at sage sirona.com.

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    The Dr. Tyna Show
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    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 24, 2024

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch
    On this episode of The Dr Tyna Show, I'm sitting down with Civics teacher, Will Reusch. He's not just any high school civics teacher and mentor; he's on a mission to shake up the way we think. We talk about the importance of viewpoint diversity and combating groupthink to foster independent thought. From navigating the challenges of “the anxious generation” to dissecting the impact of social media on our minds, this episode explores a range of topics including health, media literacy, and the power of diverse perspectives.   Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 07:26 - Fighting against groupthink 09:57 - Intellectual laziness  12:28 - Working towards autonomy  18:17 - The Anxious Generation 23:37 - Being a young person right now  27:01 - Find the grind that you love  31:12 - Health is freedom  35:22 - Toxic compassion  41:08 - Social media + dopamine hits  45:01 - Health during the pandemic + big pharma lobbying 51:22 - Kids have great BS detectors  57:02 - Media literacy  01:05:53 - Viewpoint diversity  Sponsored By:  Momentous Go to livemomentous.com and use code DRTYNA to get 15% off all my favorite products Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Eight Sleep Go to Eightsleep.com and use code DRTYNA to save Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links: The Anxious Generation By Jonathan Haidt Man's Search for Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt Check Out Will Reusch:  Website Instagram  Youtube Podcast Patterdox Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 22, 2024

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson
    On this week’s Dr. Tyna Show we’re welcoming Niklas Gustafson, the brilliant mind behind the Hungry For Change podcast and book. From Niklas's captivating backstory to his insightful journey through nutrition and natural foods, we explore tips for staying young, embracing sunlight, and kicking screen addiction to the curb. With Niklas's expertise, we tackle the importance of ditching soda, experimenting with organ meats, and crafting wholesome meals for children. From reducing glyphosate exposure to navigating the complexities of wine and pesticides, our discussion spans the gamut of wellness topics, including peer pressure and the art of incorporating vegetables into your diet.  Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 03:05 - Niklas’s backstory  07:05 - Learning about nutrition, natural food,  10:15 - Tips for staying young  13:05 - The importance of sunlight & outdoor activities  15:41- Screen addiction  17:35 - Avoiding soda  19:01 - Eating organs & culinary experimentation  24:57 - Cooking for children  32:36 - Grassfed beef recipes  34:17 - Sauna + Cold Plunge  42:04 - Gluten Intolerance 49:50 - Keeping glyphosate low  52:54 - Wine & pesticides  58:36 - Peer Pressure 59:24 - Woking vegetables into your diet  1:03:47 -  Differences between Paleo, Keto, & Carnivore diets  1:08:09 - Pros and cons of eating seafood   Check Out Niklas Gustafson  Podcast Instagram  Hungry For Change by Niklas Gustafson Sponsored By:  PaleoValley For 15% off go to http://paleovalley.com/drtyna Cured Nutrition Go to www.curednutrition.com/drtyna with DRTYNA Lumen Go to lumen.me and use DRYTYNA to get $100 off Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Further Listening:  Dr. Tyna on Hungry For Change Podcast EP: 125 Anti-Aging + Immune Centric Approach To Health | Joel Greene Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 15, 2024

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty
    Today’s episode is all about why you need to take the stairs EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Beyond just physical fitness, we explore how this simple choice can transform your well-being, elevate your mood, mitigate the risk of diabetes, and so much more. I’m going over all the data, discussing proper form, and addressing how stair climbing can aid in injury recovery so you can take charge of your health, one stair at a time. Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover:  1:55 - Stairs, your mood + my family 3:15 - Data overview  4:18 - Focus on your form 8:49 - 2023 Tulane University study  10:01 - 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 11:08 - 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Sponsored By:  LMNT Get 8 FREE packs with any order at drinkLMNT.com/drtyna Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links:  Tulane University Study 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 10, 2024

    EP: 148: Aging In Reverse | Dr. Mark Hyman

    EP: 148: Aging In Reverse | Dr. Mark Hyman
    I am so excited to have renowned functional medicine pioneer, Dr. Mark Hyman on today’s episode of Dr. Tyna Show. We’re talking all about functional medicine and strategies for reversing the aging process found in his latest book, Young Forever. Our conversation spans Dr. Hyman's remarkable journey, from his pioneering Daniel Plan curriculum to the life-changing Functioning for Life program. Learn about Hyman’s new health longevity tool, Function Health, and how you can use it to take ownership of your health. Pre-Order His Cookbook Check Out Dr. Mark Hyman: Website Jump The List at Function Health Doctor's Farmacy Podcast Twitter Instagram Pre-Order His Cookbook On This Episode We Cover:  05:09 - Dr. Hyman’s backstory  09:51 - The Daniel Plan curriculum   16:01 - Functioning for Life program   19:19 - Community is medicine  32:04 - Strength training  35:49 - Function Health  42:22 - Disrupting allopathic medicine  46:07 - Optimizing lab work  48:59 - Functional medicine  50:24 - Analyzing biomarkers Sponsored By: Eight Sleep Go to Eightsleep.com and use code DRTYNA to save Momentous  Go to livemomentous.com and use code DRTYNA to get 15% off all my favorite products  Sundays Get 40% off your first order at sundaysfordogs.com/drtyna with code DRTYNA Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off at alituranaturals.com BIOptimizers Go to bioptimizers.com/drtyna and use code DRTYNA to save 10% and get a free gift with purchase Further Listening Dr Tyna on The Doctors Pharmacy  Show Links The Daniel Plan Curriculum  The Social Conquest of the Earth by E. O. WIlson Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease Produced By: Drake Peterson Edited By: Mike Frey Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.

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    Self-Care and Laziness

    “I need a break”… “ugh no, I can’t do nothing because I have to do x, y, z” … “I can’t believe I didn’t do anything today, I’ve been SO LAZY”.. (insert guilt and judgement here)


    How many of us have variations of these thoughts in our head? I definitely am guilty of these and I have had MANY conversations with the driven women that I work with on this topic.


    So I hope that today’s show will help bring awareness to the fact that taking time for yourself is in fact ABSOLUTELY OKAY and not only that, it’s actually MUCH NEEDED to help you achieve your goals.


    Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT


    Connect with me on Instagram:

    Learn more about how we work with you:


    Protecting our Health | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Protecting our Health | The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life

    Welcome to episode 63. When it comes to women's health, the focus is often on restriction and deprivation - cutting out certain foods and striving for smaller sizes. This episode is my rallying call for a shift in perspective: instead of less, let's focus on MORE. More strength, more self-care, and most importantly, more fun! If you’re interested in understanding how your mental and physical health are the backbone to a happier life, for now and your future self, tune in now.

    In this episode:

    ·      Embracing the power of more – how doing more of what you’re capable of is the pathway to better mental and physical health.

    ·       How understanding our health in a more holistic way brings better, longer lasting benefits.

    ·      Use it or lose it – planning for your older self by doing more activities that protect you mentally and physically.


    Today’s episode was brought to you in association with Project Woman

    You can find more information about Project Woman and it’s founder, Abi Adams here:


    Instagram @abiadams_projectwoman



    Remember to hit SUBSCRIBE or FOLLOW so you don't miss any new episodes; subscribe to my mailing list and connect with me over on Instagram @clearyourday

    If you would like to know more about how coaching works or to work with me 1-2-1, please visit https://www.clear-day.co.uk/coaching/

    For more tips and to be part of the community, sign up to The No Bullshit Guide To A Happier Life Facebook Group now!

    Have you got a copy of the The No Bullsh*t Guide to a Happier Life book? Follow this link to purchase yours now!

    Guided Meditation: Gratitude for our Digestive System and Wellbeing

    Guided Meditation: Gratitude for our Digestive System and Wellbeing

    Enjoy this peaceful guided meditation on mindfulness that pairs directly with WellBriing Podcast Episode 3: Choosing Foods that Make Us Feel Great. This meditation goes hand-in-hand with the full length talk show episode. Feel free to listen to the episode first or enjoy this calming meditation on its own, in which we celebrate and give loving attention to our digestive system, which is always working for us at every moment of the day.

    Disclaimer: if you are in motion or in any space where you need to focus on your surroundings, please keep your eyes open and focus on your surroundings. This meditation is not a replacement for therapy, counseling, or medical advice. This meditation includes breathing exercises. Please consult your doctor or therapist with any concerns regarding guided meditation or breathwork.

    Enjoyed this meditation? Please be sure to follow the podcast, and please follow us on all social platforms @wellbriing. Connect with our host, Bri, on Instagram @bri.healthy

    Have a beautiful, amazing day! Thank you for being here and for being you!

    LLN Episode #142: Allie Cass - The Art of Knowing How to Feed Your Body the Best Nutrients in Midlife

    LLN Episode #142:  Allie Cass - The Art of Knowing How to Feed Your Body the Best Nutrients in Midlife

    About Allie Cass:

    Allie Cass is a former bodybuilding pro turned functional health and fitness coach who helps stressed out women optimize their metabolism, up-level their mindset, and shift from surviving to thriving. She's an advocate for self-love, becoming your best self through mind-body health, and living a life fully alive!

    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Allie loves all things to do with health, fitness, women's health, mindset, mind-body connection, and we discuss some of these issues.

    Allie shares the catalyst that propelled her into the world of health and fitness, both personally and professionally.

    She shares the best nutrition or exercise strategy for women's health and fat-loss.

    We discuss whether or not weight loss is as simple as calories in v. calories out, or if there are other factors at play like hormones that determine someone's ability to lose weight or not.

    With all of the dietary approaches out there (keto, low-fat, vegan, intermittent fasting, high protein, paleo, Mediterranean, etc.) Allie shares how she believes someone can know what the best approach is for their individual body and goals.

    We also discuss the role that emotions, beliefs, and thoughts play in our biology and how they affect our ability to heal our body and reach our optimal health?


    Resources from Allie Cass:

    The Metabolic Makeover Free Health Audit: https://www.alliecasshealth.com   


    Connect with Allie Cass:

    Website: https://www.alliecasshealth.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alliecasshealth  

    Facebook:  https://www,facebook.com/alliecashealth


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized & Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    5 Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health: Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    How to Thrive in Menopause:  Hot flashes? Low Energy? Difficulty with weight management? If MID-LIFE & MENOPAUSE are taking their toll then I've got a solution for you! I've taken all my very best strategies and solutions to help you feel energized, vibrant, lighter & healthy, and compiled them into this FREE resource! Thrive in midlife and beyond - download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, or Stitcher are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!

    Built To Move: Kelly & Juliet Starrett On Functional Strength, Mobility, And Falling In Love With Movement

    Built To Move: Kelly & Juliet Starrett On Functional Strength, Mobility, And Falling In Love With Movement
    How do we move with ease? Maintain flexibility as we age? And how do we counteract the physical effects of technology dependence, sedentary living, and other modern ways of life? Here to help us answer these important questions are movement experts and co-authors of Built To Move Kelly & Juliet Starrett. Dr. Kelly Starett is a globally renowned physical therapist and strength coach who consults with athletes from the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB the US Olympic Team—along with elite Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard forces. Juliet is a 3-time white water rafting world champion and CEO of The Ready State, the mobility coaching company they founded together. Today we cover everything from pain management to ideal recovery and post-workout practices, the essential elements of a home gym, and easy ways to change sedentary habits and integrate more movement into your daily life. Show notes + MORE Watch on Youtube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: LMNT: drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL BetterHelp: BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL AG1: drinkAG1.com/RICHROLL Peace + Plants, Rich