
    407: Never Give UP. Never Quit. Bounce Back. With Travis Mills

    enOctober 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Turning adversity into victoryEven in the darkest moments, we have the power to choose our own destiny and bounce back stronger than ever.

      No matter how challenging or traumatic life gets, it's possible to turn things around and find victory, just like Travis Mills did after losing his arms and legs in an explosion during military service. Despite the immense difficulties he faced, including countless surgeries, learning to live again, and recalibrating his identity, Travis refused to let his circumstances define him. He remained positive, focused on helping others, and never gave up on his goals. His story is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments, we have the power to choose our own destiny and bounce back stronger than ever. Listen to Travis's podcast with Jocko to learn more about his inspiring journey and the principles he used to overcome adversity.

    • Overcoming challenges in Brazilian Jiu-JitsuHandicapped speaker enjoys physical challenge of BJJ, finds fun in full-contact nature, encounters resistance but continues to train, invests in home gym, passionate about sport and determination to overcome obstacles.

      The speaker found great enjoyment and physical challenge in practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, despite facing unique challenges due to being handicapped. He emphasized the fun and full-contact nature of the sport, which he found more enjoyable than traditional forms of exercise. The speaker also shared his experience of encountering resistance from another practitioner, but he understood their perspective and continued to train. The speaker's dedication to the sport led him to invest in a home gym and even joked about the benefits of "doing it for the gram." Overall, the speaker's passion for Jiu-Jitsu and determination to overcome obstacles shone through the conversation.

    • Discovering Unexpected InfluencesTwo authors unknowingly drew inspiration from each other, highlighting the interconnectedness of ideas and the power of impactful works.

      The author of "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" by Jordan Peterson, influenced the title and subtitle of another book "12 Warrior Principles to Reclaim and Calibrate Your Life." The author was unaware of this connection until being questioned by a friend. Despite not being a frequent reader, the author admires Peterson's work and plans to send him a copy of his book. The author's limited reading history is due to difficulties with flipping pages and finding audiobooks more convenient. The author's experience with Peterson's interviews and the impact of his book on popular culture is shared. The author's admiration for Peterson's personality and consistency, even with his newfound fame, is also mentioned.

    • Overcoming unique strugglesFocus on personal journey, seek help and resources, and draw inspiration from others' stories to overcome adversity.

      Overcoming adversity requires resilience and the understanding that everyone's struggles are unique. The speaker, a veteran who was unexpectedly injured and retired from the military, shared how he was often asked how he copes with difficult experiences. He explained that everyone's problems are valid and that they should focus on their own journey to recovery. The speaker also shared how he wrote a book to help others by sharing stories of individuals who had faced challenges such as addiction, sexual assault, and abuse, and how they managed to overcome them. He emphasized the importance of seeking help and resources, such as therapy programs, to aid in the healing process. The speaker's experience and perspective serve as a reminder that no matter how insurmountable a problem may seem, it is possible to overcome it with the right mindset and support.

    • Former soldier finds hope after lossThrough adversity, focus on the possibilities of the future and find comfort in support from loved ones.

      Life can change in an instant, leaving us feeling helpless and uncertain about the future. Former US Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills experienced this firsthand when he was severely injured in Afghanistan, leading him to realize his military days were over. In the face of adversity, Travis made the decision to move forward, acknowledging the loss of his past but focusing on the possibilities of the future. Despite the challenges, he found comfort in the support of his loved ones and the realization that he was one of the lucky ones. Travis' story serves as a reminder that we all face moments of uncertainty and loss, but with the right mindset and support, we can choose to move forward and create a new path for ourselves.

    • Finding a new mission after military serviceReflect on experiences, set new goals, and find a new purpose to continue moving forward after military service.

      Transitioning out of a military career can be a challenging and emotional experience, even for those with a well-planned retirement. Travis Mills, a retired staff sergeant who lost both legs and both arms in Afghanistan, shared his experience of feeling lost and uncertain about his future after his military service. Despite having a supportive VA plan and a foundation, he struggled with identity and purpose. Mills emphasized the importance of finding a new mission after military service and not relying solely on military training to provide purpose and direction. He encouraged veterans to reflect on their experiences and find their next steps, emphasizing the importance of moving forward and continuing to set goals. Mills' story highlights the emotional and practical challenges of transitioning out of military service and the importance of finding a new sense of purpose and direction in civilian life.

    • Focusing on the past can hinder progressInstead of dwelling on the past and why things happened, focus on moving forward and taking positive actions for growth.

      Dwelling on the reason behind a difficult situation or loss can hinder personal growth and progress. The story of a man named Joe, who had been injured in the military, illustrates this principle. At a workshop, he listened as a man named Bruce, who was paralyzed, expressed his desire to understand why his accident had happened. Joe, recognizing the futility of seeking an answer, advised against it, stating, "what I mean by that is you're never going to get that answer, so why harp on it? You're only slowing yourself down from accepting something you can't change and moving on." This idea, referred to as "that dog don't hunt," encourages individuals to focus on moving forward instead of dwelling on the past. Despite the occasional moments of doubt and questioning, it's essential to acknowledge that some things are beyond our control and to instead channel our energy into positive actions and growth.

    • Accepting adversity for personal growthAccepting the things we cannot change and focusing on the present and future can lead to personal growth and happiness.

      Accepting and moving on from adversity is crucial for personal growth and happiness. The stories of Lewis Poehler junior and Jim Searlsley illustrate this idea. Both men were severely wounded in the Vietnam War, but while Jim was able to accept his injuries and move forward, Lewis struggled to come to terms with his fate. This internal struggle ultimately led to a downward spiral of addiction and despair, resulting in Lewis's suicide. On the other hand, Jim's positive attitude and determination to live a fulfilling life despite his injuries inspired those around him. The stories of these two men serve as a reminder that it's important to accept the things we cannot change and focus on the present and future. Life may present us with challenges, but with a positive attitude and the willingness to move forward, we can overcome even the most difficult circumstances.

    • Living life to the fullest despite adversityFocus on positives, channel energy, recognize signs of overthinking, acknowledge privilege, and live life in honor of those who didn't make it back.

      Despite facing adversity and experiencing loss, it's essential to focus on the positives and make the most of the time we have. Survivor's guilt can be a heavy burden, but it's important to remember that we cannot change the past. Instead, we should channel our energy into living life to the fullest, not just for ourselves but also in honor of those who didn't make it back. Ruminating on the past and asking "why me?" can be detrimental, so it's crucial to recognize the signs of overthinking and instead focus on the present. The speaker drew parallels to Jim Searlsley, who shared a similar attitude towards life after experiencing trauma. By acknowledging the privilege of being given life and striving to live it to the fullest, we can honor those who didn't make it back and find meaning in our experiences.

    • Embrace new experiences, avoid regretsSeize opportunities, learn from mistakes, and appreciate the present. Unpack past experiences for growth.

      Living life to the fullest and trying new experiences, even if they come with risks, can lead to personal growth and the avoidance of regrets. The speaker shares examples of missed opportunities in his past, such as quitting college football and not going to Iraq with his friends, but also shares how he's learned to appreciate the present moment and focus on the things that truly matter. He emphasizes the importance of asking meaningful questions and being present in the moment, rather than dwelling on trivial matters like what's for dinner. The principle of "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) may not have been explicitly stated, but the overall message is clear: seize opportunities, learn from mistakes, and appreciate the present. Additionally, the speaker encourages unpacking past experiences to gain valuable insights and grow from them.

    • Reflecting on past experiences vs dwelling on themIt's crucial to process past experiences but not let them consume us, focusing on good memories and moving forward.

      Importance of reflecting on past experiences rather than dwelling on them. While it's essential to process and make sense of difficult situations, constantly revisiting them and ruminating can hinder personal growth. The speaker shares his personal experience of dealing with loss and injury, emphasizing the need to remember the past without being consumed by it. He encourages embracing the good memories and moving forward, even in the face of adversity. Additionally, the speaker discusses the challenge of narrating an audiobook and the importance of choosing the right voice actor for the job. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of finding balance between reflection and moving forward.

    • Sharing experiences can reduce isolationDiscovering others have gone through similar experiences can significantly reduce emotional burden

      Sharing your struggles with others can help alleviate feelings of isolation. During a discussion about martial arts and filming techniques, the topic shifted to the benefits of opening up about personal experiences. When we focus on the traumatic event itself, it can feel as though we're the only ones dealing with it. However, when we change our perspective and share our feelings, we discover that many others have gone through similar experiences. This realization can significantly reduce the emotional burden. The speaker shared personal stories of his own experiences with therapy and the relief he felt when he acknowledged that he wasn't alone.

    • Finding Gratitude in Community and Growth After AdversityCommunity support and focusing on what's in control can help individuals cope with difficult experiences and find gratitude in the face of adversity. The Travis Mills Foundation's Community and Warrior PATH program provide valuable resources for growth and resilience.

      Having a supportive community can help individuals cope with difficult experiences and find gratitude in the face of adversity. The speaker shares his experience of being released from a relationship where he felt he couldn't express his feelings, but found solace and connection in a community of people who had gone through similar experiences. He also found a new appreciation for his "alive day," which he once hated, and now sees as a reminder of his fortunate survival and the growth he's experienced. The importance of community and focusing on what's in one's control to find growth are themes that resonate throughout the speaker's story. Additionally, the Travis Mills Foundation's Warrior PATH program is a valuable resource for teaching individuals how to struggle well and find post-traumatic growth.

    • Recognizing personal accountability for growthRegardless of life's challenges, focusing on what we can control and taking responsibility for our actions leads to growth and positive impact on others.

      We all have things in life that are beyond our control, but focusing on the things we can control and taking responsibility for our actions is key to growth and overcoming challenges. The story of James, a marine veteran and program director, illustrates this principle. Despite facing immense hardships, including PTSD, TBI, and a multitude of medications, James eventually recognized that he was accountable for his own well-being and changed his mindset. This shift in perspective, known as Extreme Ownership, allowed him to move forward and make a positive impact on others. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and experiences setbacks, but instead of dwelling on them, we should learn from them and use them as opportunities for growth. As the saying goes, "Three fingers point back at you."

    • The importance of forgiveness in family relationshipsForgiveness towards others and oneself is essential for healthy family relationships. Make the most of opportunities to spend quality time with loved ones, and remember empathy and forgiveness in difficult situations.

      Forgiveness, not just towards others but also towards oneself, is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships, especially within families. The speaker shares an example of how he learned to forgive his son for an accident and how it led to a valuable conversation about empathy. He also emphasizes the importance of being present and making the most of opportunities to spend quality time with children, rather than keeping them at school when they're not feeling well. The speaker's experiences illustrate the importance of forgiveness, empathy, and making the most of time with loved ones.

    • Focus on small achievable goals to get moving forwardSmall actions like getting out of bed and setting goals can lead to mental shifts and progress despite trauma or adversity

      When facing trauma or adversity, it's essential to create small achievable goals to help get you moving forward. This concept, referred to as "snap your fingers, wiggle your toes and get out of bed," encourages individuals to focus on the simple act of getting out of bed and taking small steps towards progress. Even when it seems impossible, these small actions can lead to a mental shift and the ability to take responsibility for one's behavior. Additionally, setting and working towards goals, being flexible, kind to oneself, and having a support system can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve success. Success doesn't always come through blind visualization and massive leaps; instead, it often comes through taking small steps and building upon successes.

    • Lessons learned from failuresInvest time and effort before significant investments, listen to the market, and be resilient and adaptable.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like the speaker, have a vision for their business but are also willing to adapt and start small. They've experienced failures and have learned valuable lessons from them. The speaker's biggest failure was investing in a clothing line without putting enough time and effort into it. He advises that it's essential to listen to the market and understand what the public wants before investing a significant amount of money. The speaker's business, Rebel for Good, is about going against the grain and doing good. The speaker's past experiences have taught him to be resilient and adaptable, and he encourages others to do the same.

    • Growing Gradually: Lessons from Military and BusinessPersistence, caution, and a clear vision are essential for success. Grow slowly, avoid overcommitting, and stay focused on your purpose.

      Starting small and growing gradually is a wise approach to building a business or achieving goals. The speaker, a disabled veteran and entrepreneur, shared his experiences of growing his companies, Origin and Echelon Front, one step at a time. He emphasized the importance of being cautious and not overcommitting, drawing parallels from his experiences in the military and business. He also shared his tendency to be paranoid and meticulous, which helped him avoid mistakes and ensure success. Despite some regrets and financial setbacks, he emphasized the importance of staying focused on one's purpose and continuing to work hard towards one's goals. The speaker also mentioned his love for the song "I Want to Be a Billionaire," which reflects his aspirations and work ethic. Overall, the key takeaway is that persistence, caution, and a clear vision for the future are essential ingredients for success.

    • Gaining perspective and objectivity in challenging situationsEffective leaders stay emotionally intelligent by gaining perspective, practicing mindfulness, using humor, and avoiding hasty decisions.

      Managing emotions and controlling attitude is crucial for effective leadership. Robert shares his experience of staying composed during a challenging situation at work, despite strong emotions, by applying the concept of "getting on the balcony" to gain perspective and objectivity. This principle is essential for leaders, as they often face high-pressure situations and need to make clear-headed decisions. The book also emphasizes the importance of practicing mindfulness, using humor, and understanding the role of emotions in motivation. Additionally, Robert warns against the danger of being overly persuasive and reminds us to check ourselves regularly to avoid making hasty decisions. Overall, staying emotionally intelligent and in control is a vital skill for leaders to master.

    • The Power of GratitudePracticing gratitude counteracts negativity bias, leading to increased happiness, motivation, and contentment.

      The importance of practicing gratitude and overcoming negativity bias. The human brain tends to focus more on negative experiences due to a phenomenon called negativity bias. This can lead us to dwell on the negative and make decisions based on past stressful experiences. However, research shows that practicing gratitude can have positive effects on the brain and mood, leading to increased happiness, motivation, and contentment. The speaker shared a personal experience of being criticized despite the positive impact of her foundation, but she chose to focus on the gratitude and support from those who appreciated her efforts. By consciously practicing gratitude, we can build resilience and improve our overall well-being.

    • Belief and support system matter for well-beingBelieving in benefits of practices and having strong relationships enhance personal experiences and overall well-being, surpassing the impact of material wealth or status.

      The power of belief and a strong support system can significantly enhance personal experiences and overall well-being. Dr. Andrew Huberman's research emphasizes the importance of believing in the benefits of practices like ice baths for them to be effective. Additionally, a Harvard study reveals that having deep personal relationships contributes to greater happiness and improved physical health, surpassing the impact of material wealth or status. These findings underscore the significance of maintaining strong connections and believing in the positive effects of various practices for optimal well-being.

    • Impact of Loneliness on Health and Happiness with PetsPets, especially dogs, can provide companionship and happiness, but their short lifespan and significant financial investments can be concerns. Loneliness negatively affects physical and mental health, making emotional connections with pets valuable for well-being.

      Loneliness can significantly impact physical and mental health, leading to a higher risk of decline and even death. On a lighter note, having pets, particularly dogs, can contribute to happiness and companionship. However, the short lifespan of dogs might be a concern. The speaker shares his personal experience with losing a dog and the emotional attachment people have towards their pets. Some even consider them as family members, leading to significant financial investments for their care. Despite this, the speaker expresses his skepticism towards the idea of service dogs for everyone, as he believes his own dog is capable enough. The conversation also touches upon the varying perspectives on the value of pets and the costs associated with their care. Overall, the discussion highlights the emotional connection between people and their pets, and the impact it can have on their well-being.

    • The Power of Perseverance and a Growth MindsetPersevering through challenges and maintaining a growth mindset can lead to long-term success, as demonstrated by MMA fighter Shonuff and a military veteran. Psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth's research on grit emphasizes the importance of passion and effort towards goals.

      Perseverance and a growth mindset are key to achieving long-term goals. This was discussed through the example of an MMA fighter named Shonuff, who overcame challenges and adversity to become successful in the cage. Another example was given by a military veteran who refused to give up after being injured, despite the difficulties he faced. Psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth's work on grit was also referenced, emphasizing the importance of maintaining effort and passion towards goals, even in the face of setbacks. The speakers also suggested tips for cultivating a growth mindset, such as not overthinking and taking things one step at a time. Overall, the message was clear: never giving up and maintaining a growth mindset can lead to great achievements.

    • Belief in personal growth and developmentEmbrace a growth mindset to view challenges as opportunities, cultivate curiosity, persistence, patience, and proactive thinking for significant personal and professional growth.

      Having a growth mindset, the belief that abilities can be developed, is crucial for personal and professional growth. This perspective allows individuals to view challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles, leading to greater resilience and success. Additionally, being curious and persistent, even in the face of difficulties, can help individuals overcome adversity and find new solutions. Patience and proactive thinking are essential components of this mindset, enabling individuals to navigate complex situations and adapt to new circumstances. Overall, embracing a growth mindset and cultivating curiosity, persistence, patience, and proactive thinking can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

    • Using Fear as MotivationFear is a natural emotion that can be used as motivation to overcome challenges. Acknowledge and accept fear, share it with others, and take actionable steps to overcome it.

      Fear is a natural part of life, and it can be used as a motivator instead of a hindrance. The speaker shares his personal experience of using the fear of failure and the fear of being unable to provide for his family as motivation to overcome challenges. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting fear, and even sharing it with others who understand what you're going through. The speaker also suggests taking actionable steps to overcome fear, such as planning and reframing negative thoughts. Overall, the message is that fear is a normal emotion, and it's important to recognize and use it to your advantage instead of letting it hold you back.

    • Acting decisively despite uncertaintyTrust instincts, take action, and be open about personal struggles even when uncertain about the future.

      Life moves quickly and it's important to act on opportunities even when uncertain about the future. The speaker, who enlisted in the military at 18 and was deployed to Iraq six months later, didn't know how long the war would last or how his life would be affected. Similarly, when faced with a confusing math concept in his daughter's classroom, he chose to trust his own methods and experience instead of following the prescribed method. Both situations required trusting instincts and acting decisively despite uncertainty. The speaker also reflected on the importance of authenticity and vulnerability, sharing that he struggled with accepting his physical changes after being injured in the war. However, he emphasized that keeping these struggles hidden didn't benefit him or those around him. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of taking action, trusting oneself, and being open about personal struggles.

    • Embracing vulnerability as a source of strengthAccepting injuries and finding gratitude, being open and vulnerable with others, and embracing vulnerability as a sign of mental toughness and resilience.

      Vulnerability, which can be a sign of weakness in the military, can actually be a source of strength in everyday life. The speaker shares his experience of accepting his injuries and finding gratitude for the support he received during his recovery. He also acknowledges the importance of being open and vulnerable with others, even if it means being mentored instead of always being the mentor. The speaker's story of resilience and mental toughness, despite his physical limitations, serves as an inspiration to embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness.

    • Exploring the Future of Limb Loss SolutionsFrom osseointegration and skin-like prosthetics to stem cell technology and nerve regeneration, advancements in limb loss solutions continue to evolve, offering hope for improved functionality and quality of life.

      Technology and medical advancements are constantly improving, offering new solutions for those with limb loss or limb differences. The speaker shares his personal experience of undergoing osseointegration surgery to replace his arm with a steel rod, but expresses reluctance towards the idea of undergoing the same procedure for his legs due to the long recovery time. He also mentions the development of skin-like coverings for prosthetic limbs and the potential of stem cell technology to regrow limbs. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of personal preference and the value of what currently works for him. He encourages patience and the belief that future advancements will offer even better solutions. The speaker also shares the stories of quadruple amputees who have received double arm transplants and the progress being made in nerve regeneration. Overall, the discussion highlights the ongoing journey of innovation and the importance of adapting to new technologies while also respecting individual choices and experiences.

    • Understanding and adapting to prosthetic challengesDespite physical limitations and unexpected mishaps, individuals can find growth and resilience through perseverance and adaptability.

      Despite facing significant physical challenges and limitations, individuals can find meaning and growth in their experiences. As shared in the discussion, a person with arm prosthetics described the importance of understanding the unique ways his muscles control his prosthetics, and the challenges that come with relying on technology. He recounted instances of unexpected mishaps, such as a dead battery or a hook falling on the floor, which required patience and problem-solving skills. These experiences, though frustrating, ultimately led him to appreciate the value of perseverance and adaptability. This aligns with the concept of post-traumatic growth (PTG), where individuals report positive changes in their lives following difficult experiences. According to PTG expert Josh Goldberg, these changes often include increased authenticity, meaning, and purpose. Though the speaker in the discussion may not have used this terminology, his experiences and reflections demonstrate the potential for growth and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Post-traumatic growth: Thriving after adversityDespite hardships, individuals can renew hope, deepen relationships, find personal strength, and appreciate life. Programs like PATH support growth, and resilience is key.

      Despite facing adversity and hardships, individuals have the capacity to grow and thrive, a concept known as post-traumatic growth. This growth encompasses a renewed sense of hope, deeper relationships, personal strength, and the ability to appreciate life's small and big moments. It also involves reflecting on life's deepest questions, such as identity, purpose, and belonging. Programs like PATH (Progressive and Alternative Training for Heroes) offer effective support for individuals, particularly combat veterans and first responders, in their journey towards post-traumatic growth. The importance of resilience and the need for consistent practice in developing it cannot be overstated. Ultimately, each person has the power to make the most of their one life and leave a positive mark on the world.

    • Stories of individuals overcoming adversityStay optimistic, have a creative outlet, get regular exercise, practice gratitude, and embrace nature to build resilience and bounce back from hardships

      Life will present challenges and hardships, but it's up to us to decide how we react. Every day presents us with thousands of decisions that can significantly impact our lives. While we can't change the past or prevent hardships, we can control our attitude and reactions. The book "Warrior Resilience" shares stories of individuals who have faced adversity, from losing limbs to dealing with divorce and disease. These stories serve as reminders that we're not alone in our struggles and that it's possible to overcome hardships with the right mindset. Some ways to build resilience include staying optimistic, having a creative outlet, getting regular exercise, practicing gratitude, and embracing the natural world. Ultimately, the ability to bounce back from adversity is a skill that can be practiced and developed.

    • Embrace challenges and learn from them for daily resilienceChoose attitude and perspective for resilience, daily practice strengthens it, and 'Grit' book offers valuable tools to bounce back from adversity

      Resilience is a daily practice that can be strengthened over time. By making the choice to embrace challenges and learn from them, individuals can become more resilient and better equipped to handle future crises. The principles in the book can help with everyday struggles, as well as more severe traumas. Jocko, the speaker in the discussion, emphasizes that our attitude and perspective are within our control, and this book can provide valuable tools to help us bounce back. Jocko's nicknames, Mothra and Way of the Streets, serve as reminders of his resilience and determination. The book, "Grit," can be a valuable resource for anyone looking to build their resilience and make the choice to grow stronger in the face of adversity.

    • Embracing adaptability and resourcefulness in challenging situationsThe speaker values adaptability and resourcefulness, particularly in no-gi martial arts and slim fasting, and emphasizes the importance of overcoming challenges through the Travis Mills Foundation.

      The speaker values being adaptable and resourceful, especially in challenging situations. He prefers training in no-gi martial arts because it puts him at an advantage and allows him more freedom. He also shares his experiences with slim fasting and the importance of being mindful of its potential effects on energy levels. Additionally, he promotes the Travis Mills Foundation and its diverse range of activities for veterans with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of having opportunities to overcome challenges and grow. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the value of resilience and finding creative solutions to obstacles.

    • Unexpected partnership at a fundraiser boosts business expansionAn unexpected encounter at a fundraiser led to valuable advice and partnership, enabling business expansion with a brewery and potential distillery, reducing waste and increasing revenue

      Lakeside Lodge and Marina in East Winthrop, Maine, is a popular destination for fishermen due to being the number one bass lake in Maine. The marina, which also includes the White Duck Pub, has seen great success with their made-from-scratch American Bistro menu, particularly their signature White Duck Brewpub Burger. The owners are currently expanding their business by building a brewery and eventually a distillery. An unexpected encounter at a fundraising event led to valuable advice and partnership from the biggest independent brewing distillery owner in Arizona, John Peasley. The brewery will not only produce beer but also allow for the conversion of beer that has gone bad into vodka, gin, and whiskey, reducing waste and increasing revenue.

    • Turning surplus resources into a business success storyDespite limitations, a handicapped entrepreneur started a brewery with partners, transformed excess beer into spirits, and used marketing and partnerships to aim for success. Embrace unique roles in business partnerships and leverage social media for growth.

      Even with limitations or challenges, one can still turn surplus resources into a successful business. The speaker, who is handicapped, shares his experience of starting a brewery with partners, each bringing unique skills to the table. They transformed excess beer into various spirits, and with the help of marketing and partnerships, they aim to make their brewery a success. The importance of understanding and embracing each other's roles in a business partnership was emphasized. Additionally, leveraging social media platforms like Instagram for marketing and creating engaging content can significantly contribute to a business's growth.

    • Former Navy SEAL shares insights from military and entrepreneurshipResilience, teamwork, and overcoming adversity are crucial in both military and entrepreneurship. Support each other through unique challenges and pursue passions.

      Travis Steward, a former Navy SEAL and founder of Rebel Goods, shared insights from his experiences in the military and entrepreneurship during a podcast interview. He discussed the importance of resilience, the value of teamwork, and the launch of his carbon fiber prosthetic arm and Colorado Craft Beef business. Steward emphasized that everyone faces unique challenges, and we should support each other through them. He also invited listeners to visit his facility and meet him in person. The interview also touched on Steward's journey in jiu jitsu and his upcoming plans to promote his books. Overall, the conversation highlighted Travis Steward's inspiring story of overcoming adversity and pursuing his passions.

    • Applying the principles of extreme ownershipFocus on what's in your control, let go of small problems, and navigate significant obstacles with a mindset of ownership and responsibility.

      Even in the face of extreme adversity, it's important to let go of small problems and focus on moving forward. Travis Mills, a retired Army veteran who lost three limbs in Afghanistan, shared his experiences of applying the principles of extreme ownership and taking responsibility for his circumstances. A conversation with his father about the book "Extreme Ownership" led Mills to realize that his father hadn't actually read it but was trying to give him advice based on its title. This experience taught Mills the importance of taking ownership of one's own life and problems, no matter how small they may seem. Mills emphasized that everyone is dealing with their own unique challenges, and it's essential to focus on what's in our control and let go of what isn't. This mindset can help us navigate even the most significant obstacles in life. Mills also shared his involvement with Jocko Fuel, encouraging listeners to support the brand as a way to contribute to various aspects of health and wellness.

    • Considering calorie deficit for weight loss, be mindful of what you eat, support American-made products, and explore subscription services.While aiming for a calorie deficit, watch your intake, buy American-made goods, and try a monthly subscription for new designs.

      While focusing on a calorie deficit for weight loss can be effective, it's essential to be mindful of what you're consuming, even if it's considered a healthier alternative like Mokes. Overindulging in these items can still hinder weight loss goals. Additionally, supporting American-made products, like those from Origin USA, not only helps the economy but also ensures ethical manufacturing practices. Lastly, the Jocko Store offers a subscription service for those who want new designs every month, with the option to purchase past designs as well.

    • Investing in personal growth and developmentInvest in self, education, and support charities. Seek professional help and learn from leaders like Jocko Willink and Travis Mills through their podcast and consultancy.

      Personal growth and development are essential for individuals, and resources like books, podcasts, and leadership training can help in various aspects of life. Jocko Willink and Travis Mills discussed the importance of discipline, resilience, and leadership in their experiences. They encouraged listeners to invest in themselves and their children's education, support charities for military families, and seek professional help when needed. The podcast, Jocko Underground, and Echelon Front's leadership consultancy offer valuable insights and tools for personal and organizational growth. Additionally, books like "12 Warrior Principles" and "Tough as They Come" can provide guidance and inspiration. Remember, despite life's challenges, one can choose how to respond and strive for improvement every day.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    416: Be Transformed with Steven Dossou

    Are you ready to unleash your human potential? Steven Dossou is a successful entrepreneur from Africa and the founder of Sail Force Catalyst, a personal development, empowerment, and motivational platform which focuses on how to use emotional intelligence to ignite the transformation of individuals and groups. He is a motivational speaker and the author of Be Transformed and Psychology and Habits of Great Leaders.

    Today we’re going to discuss how to overcome the three toughest emotional demons we face and how to unleash your potential so you can truly soar. Listen as Steven shares his journey from humble beginnings in Togo Africa to becoming a successful leader and entrepreneur who now inspires people around the world to live with purpose and leave a legacy.  

    What We Discuss with Steven Dossou 

    • Inspiring others to aspire so they don’t expire
    • Changing your environment for growth
    • Attracting opportunity in the marketplace
    • The power of belief and saying yes
    • Selling requires energy
    • Climbing the ladder of success
    • Resilience and motivation
    • Living your calling
    • The lessons of adversity
    • Overcoming the three toughest demons (fear, self-doubt, low self-esteem)
    • Why success is inherent to us all
    • Altering your altitude of life
    • Simple daily routines to build confidence and resilience
    • Creating transformation as a leader

    Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/mindset/416-be-transformed-with-steven-dossou

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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    Turning Adversity in Victory | Ep 696

    Turning Adversity in Victory | Ep 696

    "If you want the things that everyone else doesn't have, you have to act in ways that everyone else doesn't act in." Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) discusses the idea of overcoming difficult situations and becoming a champion rather than letting those situations make you weaker. He emphasizes the importance of the story that we choose to tell ourselves and its impact on our ability to overcome adversity.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:44) - The mindset of champions

    (2:09) - When personal issues impact work

    (3:38) - The power of perception

    (9:09) - Unconditional love and the harsh reality of conditions

    (10:30) - Crafting your story

    (12:49) - Using adversity as fuel to win

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn  | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube  | Twitter | Acquisition 

    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on August 13, 2019)

    EP 422: Erik Kapitulik - Using Adverse Situations as a Catalyst for Growth

    EP 422: Erik Kapitulik - Using Adverse Situations as a Catalyst for Growth
    Eric Kapitulik was a Marine Infantry Officer and Special Ops Officer, 1st Force Reconnaissance Company.  In 1999, during routine training preparing to deploy to the Persian Gulf, Eric and his platoon were in a helicopter crash, resulting in the death of six of his Marine brothers. To raise money for college scholarships for the children of his lost teammates, he has completed 8 Ironman Triathlons and summited 5 of the seven highest peaks on each of the seven continents, including Mt. Everest. After eight years of active duty, he received an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He founded The Program, which provides leadership development and team building for companies worldwide. Talent is essential, but great teammates and leaders working together enable a world-class culture and world-class performance. That's The Program.
    The Mojo Sessions website
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    Full transcripts of the show (plus time codes) are available on Patreon.
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    If you like what you hear, we'd be grateful for a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Happy listening!
    © 2023 Gary Bertwistle.  All Rights Reserved.

    9 ways to help you increase your resilience

    9 ways to help you increase your resilience

    Back in August 2020, when I filled in the online application to be able to broadcast my own LinkedIn live, I had no idea about that very decision would test my resilience. This is why:

    On the one hand, I had that little voice in my head telling me:

    There are 706 million LinkedIn users so

    - Don't mess this up (I'd never used Streamyard before)

    - What if people didn't think that it was relevant or helpful

    - What if there was no impact


    On the other hand, that little voice was also telling me:

    What a WONDERFUL opportunity to

    - Share thinking, engage people in a conversation that I don't know from around the world

    - Have a global voice, speak up and be heard

    - Grow a global network

    Resilience can be tested by adversity but also by positive changes.

    Listen to my podcast, where I talk about what the core components of resilience can be and where I share 9 tools to equip you with developing your own resilience.

    If you are curious about how can help leverage your leadership strengths, please visit my website.