
    431: You'll Get The Political Leadership You Deserve. With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    enMarch 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Kennedy family's history of service, sacrifice, and controversyThe Kennedy family, known for their leadership and unity, left an indelible mark on American history despite facing challenges and controversies.

      The Kennedy family, as portrayed in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book "American Values," is a prominent American family with a rich history of service, sacrifice, leadership, and controversy. Jocko Willink and Echo Charles, in their podcast, discussed the family's experiences, including the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy's uncle, President John F. Kennedy. RFK Jr. grew up with the knowledge of his family's invincibility being challenged by violence, but his father continued to live fearlessly and fight for his principles. The family's legacy was marked by unity and inclusivity, as evidenced by the diverse crowd that turned out to bid farewell to RFK as his train passed through various cities. Despite the controversies surrounding the family, the Kennedys have left an indelible mark on American history. RFK Jr.'s decision to follow in his family's political footsteps is a testament to their enduring legacy and values.

    • Irish Catholics Overcame Discrimination to Become Political PowerhousesThe Irish Catholic community in the US rose from humble beginnings to influential political figures through hard work, charisma, and business acumen, with notable figures like Honey Fitz and Joseph Kennedy leading the way.

      The Irish Catholic community in the United States, represented by figures like Honey Fitz John Fitzgerald and Joseph P. Kennedy, overcame historical discrimination and adversity to become influential political figures. Starting from humble beginnings as immigrants arriving during the potato famine, they took to politics as a means of survival and power. Honey Fitz, a mayoral candidate escorted by his beautiful piano-playing daughter, used music and charisma to win over crowds. Joseph Kennedy, a Harvard graduate and bank president, used his business acumen to amass wealth during the stock market boom and later in the liquor industry after Prohibition. Both families played significant roles in Boston politics, and their children married, leading to the political dynasty that included John F. Kennedy. Despite allegations of involvement in bootlegging, there is no evidence to support these claims, and Kennedy's most notable achievements include being the first commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain.

    • Two Kennedy brothers' stories of love and courage during wartimeThe Kennedy brothers, Joe and Jack, showed immense bravery and love during their war experiences. Joe sacrificed his life in a suicide mission, while Jack saved his crew and survived a destroyer attack.

      Love and courage were prevalent in the lives of the Kennedy family members during times of war. Two siblings, Joe Kennedy and Jack Kennedy, had significant experiences. Joe Kennedy, the golden child with political ambitions, volunteered for a suicide mission during World War II, controlling a plane in the air until it exploded, leaving no trace. His death deeply affected his father, who had high hopes for his political career. Jack Kennedy, on the other hand, served in the Pacific and survived a Japanese destroyer attack, saving his crew and hiding for a week. Both brothers' stories demonstrate the depth of their personal courage and the love and support they received from others during their harrowing experiences. These accounts passed down through generations have become a part of the rich history of the Kennedy family.

    • Real love goes beyond popular notions, encompasses sacrifice and fosters growthReal love transcends romantic ideas, involves selflessness and nurtures personal development in individuals, as demonstrated by the grandparents in the text.

      Real love, as described in the text, goes beyond the popular notions of love. It encompasses affection, respect, encouragement, and support, and is unselfish, involving sacrifice and giving. Grandparents in the text, particularly Grandma, embodied this kind of love. They fostered their grandchildren's growth by exposing them to various interests and knowledge, pushing them to learn, and engaging them in meaningful discussions. This love provided strength and inspired well-roundedness. The childhood described in the text was magical, filled with exploration of the natural world, family bonding, and a love for learning. The grandparents' influence stayed with the narrator throughout his life, shaping him into an individual who cherished knowledge and the beauty of the world around him.

    • A Close-knit Community of Influential FiguresThe Kennedy family's childhood was filled with unique experiences, communal living, and connections to Hollywood and politics

      Growing up in the Kennedy family meant being surrounded by a close-knit community of influential figures. The Kennedy family homes in Hyannis Port were connected, and their weekends were filled with high-profile guests, from Hollywood stars to political figures. The family's ties to Hollywood allowed them to screen first-run films in their basement theater. When John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1960, the family moved to Hickory Hill, where their lives revolved around the seasons and included adventures like a dangerous ropes course and a zipline. Robert F. Kennedy, who attended the mafia hearings and later became attorney general, played a significant role in the family's political rise. The Kennedy family's idyllic childhood was filled with unique experiences and a sense of communal living.

    • A childhood shaped by nature and historyThe speaker's childhood in Northern Virginia was influenced by nature and historical events, including the Bay of Pigs incident, which taught him the importance of nuanced perspectives and avoiding bullying in international relations.

      The speaker's childhood in Northern Virginia was filled with a rich connection to nature and exploration, but was also shaped by significant historical events, including the Bay of Pigs incident. The speaker's uncle, who was President at the time, was lied to by the CIA, FBI, and military leaders about the Bay of Pigs operation. Despite this, the uncle had a nuanced view of Cuba and did not believe in bullying other countries into choosing their governments. The speaker also had personal interactions with individuals involved in the Bay of Pigs, including a Cuban national named Harry Ruiz. The childhood experiences in nature and the historical events had a profound impact on the speaker's life and eventual career.

    • The Failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961Despite false promises and outnumbering the Cuban forces, the CIA's attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro ended in embarrassment for the Kennedy administration, emphasizing the importance of clear separation between the executive branch and intelligence agencies.

      The Bay of Pigs invasion was a failed attempt by the CIA to overthrow the Cuban government under Fidel Castro in 1961. Castro was able to rally the Cuban people and gain the upper hand despite being outnumbered. The invasion was based on false promises of widespread support and air cover from the US military, which never materialized. The invasion led to public embarrassment for the Kennedy administration, resulting in Kennedy's decision to dismantle the CIA and appoint a new director. The invasion also highlighted the importance of maintaining a clear separation between the executive branch and intelligence agencies to prevent potential conflicts of interest.

    • Kennedy's Suspicion of CIA during Cuban Missile CrisisDespite close ties to the CIA, Kennedy questioned their role in his brother's death and made efforts to find answers during the Cuban Missile Crisis, boosting his approval ratings through ownership of the Bay of Pigs disaster.

      During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy's first instinct was to question the CIA about their involvement in the death of his brother, Robert F. Kennedy's assassinated uncle. Kennedy's father made calls to the CIA and a Cuban contact in Washington D.C., expressing his suspicion. The family was close to the CIA, with McComb, the CIA director, being a frequent visitor to their home. They even rode horses through the CIA campus every morning. Despite this close relationship, Kennedy still suspected the CIA and made efforts to find answers. The Kennedy family also worked to help Cuban refugees, including those who had been part of the Green Berets, and negotiated for their release from Castro's imprisonment. Kennedy's approval ratings even went up after the Bay of Pigs disaster due to his taking ownership of the situation and admitting his responsibility.

    • JFK's Strained Relationship with the CIA and Powerful FiguresJFK's refusal to escalate the Vietnam War and his efforts to go after the mob led to opposition from the CIA, corporations, and powerful individuals, resulting in a strained relationship and deep-seated resentment.

      President John F. Kennedy's decision not to escalate the Vietnam War into a full-scale military engagement was met with strong opposition from the CIA and other powerful figures, leading to a strained relationship and deep-seated resentment. Kennedy's stance went against the interests of corporations like United Fruit and Texaco, which the CIA and certain individuals, such as Allen Dulles and David Atlee Phillips, represented. This group saw Kennedy as a traitor, particularly after his successful negotiations with the Soviet Union and his refusal to send combat troops to Vietnam. Despite this, Kennedy only sent advisers and fewer troops than he did to integrate a black student into the University of Mississippi. When a Green Beret was killed in Vietnam, Kennedy ordered all troops home, but was assassinated just 30 days later. His successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, reversed the order and sent 250,000 troops, turning the war into an American conflict. Additionally, Kennedy and his brother Robert, with the help of J. Edgar Hoover, went after the mob, a challenging endeavor given Hoover's own personal interests and the power of organized crime.

    • The 1960s: A Decade of Chaos and Competing InterestsAmidst the civil rights movement and power struggles between law enforcement and criminal groups, my uncle's involvement in the Kennedy assassination added to the chaos of the 1960s.

      During the 1960s, the United States was in a state of chaos with various organizations, including law enforcement agencies and criminal groups, vying for power and influence. My uncle, who was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, found himself in the middle of this mayhem. He was a businessman who took his partner to horse tracks run by the Mickey Cohen mob in California and received markers from mobsters. My father, a law enforcement officer, was at odds with J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI, who were trying to prosecute the mafia. The civil rights movement was another major conflict, with my father hosting meetings at the White House to plan actions. This complex web of competing interests and ideologies made for a tumultuous time in American history.

    • Father's campaign dealings and King's arrest during the 1960 electionDuring the 1960 election, my father made deals with southern governors to secure their support, but they demanded Kennedy distance himself from civil rights activists like MLK. When MLK was arrested, my uncle intervened, but Kennedy did not respond, straining MLK's relationship with the Kennedy administration and angering my father.

      During the 1960 presidential election, my father, who was the campaign manager for JFK, made deals with southern governors to secure their support, but they demanded that Kennedy stay clear of civil rights activists like Martin Luther King. When King was arrested in October 1960, my uncle, Sarge Shriver, intervened on Coretta King's behalf, but Kennedy did not answer her calls. My father learned about the incident and confronted Sarge, believing it had cost them the election. The incident strained King's relationship with Kennedy, and my father, who disliked bullies, was angered by the treatment of King. This episode underscores the political dynamics of the time, with the importance of winning the solid south and the complexities of civil rights activism.

    • Robert Kennedy's experiences with racial discrimination and encounter with MLK's plight shaped their partnership in civil rightsRobert Kennedy's experiences with racial discrimination and his support for civil rights, including intervening in MLK's release during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, significantly impacted his political identity and legacy.

      Robert Kennedy's experiences with racial discrimination during his time at Harvard and the University of Virginia, and his encounter with Martin Luther King Jr.'s plight, played a significant role in their eventual partnership in the civil rights movement. Kennedy's intervention in securing King's release from jail during the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a pivotal moment that earned Kennedy the black community's support and ultimately helped him win the presidency. Despite his reservations about President Johnson and McNamara's handling of the Vietnam War, history has judged them harshly for their roles in the conflict's escalation and its devastating consequences. Kennedy's experiences with discrimination and his actions to support civil rights, as well as his opposition to the war, shaped his political identity and legacy.

    • The Kennedy family's response to JFK's presidency and assassination led to philosophical reconstructsThe Kennedy family's experiences during JFK's presidency and after his assassination led to philosophical shifts, with Joseph Kennedy adopting a more stoic worldview and reading works by philosophers like Camus and Shakespeare.

      The Kennedy family's experiences during John F. Kennedy's presidency, including Robert McNamara's role in the Vietnam War and JFK's assassination, deeply affected the family dynamics and led to philosophical reconstructs for some members. Robert McNamara, who served as Secretary of Defense, received a silver star for saving a plane during a military operation, while JFK received none for his famous Berlin speech. JFK's assassination left the family shattered, with patriarch Joseph Kennedy grieving and seeking solace in philosophy, extreme sports, and literature. He moved from a simplistic belief in a beneficent universe to a more stoic worldview, reading works by Camus, Shakespeare, and other philosophers. The family's response to tragedy could have either brought them apart or made them stronger, but from the outside, it appeared that their resolve was strengthened.

    • Finding joy in adversity through individual action and compassionDespite hardships and meaninglessness, discovering personal purpose and showing compassion can bring happiness and prevent chaos.

      Even in the face of adversity and meaninglessness, finding purpose through individual action and compassion can bring happiness and order to an absurd universe. This idea is exemplified by the character of Sisyphus in Camus' philosophy, who found joy in his endless task, and by Robert Kennedy's response to Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, where he urged unity and compassion instead of hatred and violence. Kennedy's courageous decision to speak directly about his brother's death in a predominantly black community during a time of unrest prevented riots and showed the power of empathy and understanding in times of crisis.

    • RFK's presidency brought hope and unity amid racial tensionRFK relied on diverse groups as bodyguards during his presidency, demonstrating unity and trust, leading to an outpouring of emotion from diverse Americans upon his death.

      Robert F. Kennedy's presidency began to fill in the American psyche with hope and unity during a time of great turmoil and racial tension. When Kennedy was shot in 1968, the black community recognized him and believed he would be there for them. Despite not having official protection, Kennedy relied on various groups, including the Black Panther Party and the Hell's Angels, as his bodyguards. When Kennedy passed away, there was an outpouring of emotion from the diverse American population, as seen in the massive crowds that gathered to pay their respects during the long train ride from New York to Washington.

    • The struggle between good and evil in politicsPeople can easily be swayed towards their darker instincts, highlighting the importance of promoting good thoughts and actions to maintain a noble and exemplary nation.

      Every individual and nation has a lighter and darker side. Robert Kennedy, who inspired people with his idealism, was succeeded by George Wallace, who appealed to their greed, bigotry, and hatred. This illustrates how easily people can be swayed towards their darker instincts. Kennedy tried to unite people by appealing to their sense of community and nobility, while Wallace divided them with segregation and demagoguery. The same individuals who had voted for Kennedy in the 1960s, switched their allegiance to Wallace in the 1970s. This dramatic turn highlights the importance of feeding the "white wolf" within us with good thoughts and actions, and avoiding the temptations of hatred, fear, and self-interest. The nation, like each individual, has a choice to make. The metaphor of the white and dark wolves represents the ongoing struggle between good and evil, and the power of individual choices in shaping our future. Kennedy's approach to politics was a departure from the norm, and his efforts to unite people around a common cause continue to inspire leaders today. However, the ease with which people can be swayed towards their darker instincts serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenge of maintaining a noble and exemplary nation.

    • Struggling with the Power of AddictionAddiction can be a powerful force, making it difficult to keep promises to oneself and leading to destructive behaviors despite negative consequences.

      Despite having strong willpower in other areas of life, the speaker found herself unable to quit using drugs despite repeated attempts and vows to do so. The compulsion was so powerful that it felt like someone else had taken control, making it impossible for her to keep contracts with herself. The speaker's addiction began with trying methadrine after a night of hallucinogens, leading to a rapid heart-racing progression to shooting heroin from the age of 15 to 28. Despite the negative consequences, such as getting kicked out of schools and failing the bar exam, drugs allowed her to excel academically. However, the addiction became miserable and she ultimately got sober at 28. The experience of addiction was like dancing with a gorilla - fun and exhilarating in the beginning but eventually becoming uncontrollable and destructive.

    • Personal experiences and spiritual awakenings as keys to overcoming addictionSpiritual transformations through personal experiences or joining religious organizations can help individuals break free from addiction, drawing inspiration from saints and spiritual leaders like Saint Augustine, Saint Francis Assisi, and Carl Jung.

      Personal experiences and spiritual awakenings can play a significant role in overcoming addiction. The speaker shares his own story of struggling with heroin and cocaine addiction and how a profound spiritual transformation in 1983 helped him break free from the compulsion. He draws inspiration from the lives of saints like Saint Augustine and Saint Francis Assisi, who also experienced spiritual transformations after leading decadent lives. The speaker also mentions a friend who became immune to drug addiction through joining the Unification Church and having a spiritual awakening. Additionally, the speaker found guidance in the works of Carl Jung, who believed in the importance of spiritual experiences in mental health and personal growth. Jung's ideas about synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, also resonated with the speaker. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the power of spiritual transformation in overcoming addiction and finding a new path in life.

    • Jung's belief in synchronicities as divine interventionsJung encouraged people to believe in intangible things, like synchronicities, by acting as if they do, as moral choices and behavior could lead to evidence reinforcing the belief.

      Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung believed in the existence of meaningful coincidences, or "synchronicities," which he saw as divine interventions. He believed that these occurrences, such as a scarab beetle appearing in a dream and then appearing in real life, were evidence of a supernatural force. Jung attempted to scientifically prove the existence of this force but ultimately failed. However, he did find that people who believed in God had better and more durable recoveries from mental health issues. Jung's advice for those seeking to believe in something intangible was to "fake it till you make it" and act as if one believes, even without tangible evidence. By making moral choices and behaving as if one believes, one may eventually see evidence that reinforces that belief. Jung's ideas, as shared in his biography "Dreams, Memories, and Something Else," offer a unique perspective on the intersection of spirituality and science.

    • Finding meaning in small actionsMaking a bed, hanging up clothes, or returning shopping carts may seem insignificant, but they build character and help us stay humble and surrendered. Spiritual awakenings can come from small decisions and synchronistic experiences.

      Building character through small actions is essential for a fulfilling life. This can be demonstrated through simple tasks like making a bed, hanging up clothes, or returning shopping carts. These seemingly insignificant actions help us stay humble and surrendered, even when success and accolades come our way. The speaker shares a personal experience of making a decision to turn his life over to God and being rewarded with synchronistic signs of confirmation. These moments serve as reminders to appreciate the present and find meaning in everyday life. The speaker's spiritual awakening came quickly after making the decision, and he continues to rely on these synchronistic experiences as guiding moments in his life.

    • Comparing spiritual growth to a flower bloomingDedicating oneself to spiritual growth and duty can lead to a fulfilling and impactful life, despite challenges and controversy

      Focusing on spiritual growth and surrendering to higher vibrations can lead to a more fulfilling and miraculous life. This concept can be compared to allowing a flower to bloom naturally instead of forcing it. After dealing with personal struggles, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dedicated his later years to environmental activism, engaging in numerous lawsuits against companies harming the environment. Despite facing backlash and controversy, particularly regarding his stance on vaccines, he continued to advocate for what he believed was right, drawing inspiration from the philosophy of doing one's duty.

    • Considered running for politics but chose against itDespite past struggles, speaker found fulfillment in his work as an environmental lawyer and didn't seek political office due to long-term commitment, family concerns, and disillusionment with party censorship and health issues.

      The speaker, who had considered running for political office in the late 1990s when family issues prevented him from doing so, ultimately decided against it due to the long-term commitment required and the fact that he already had significant influence and effectiveness outside of politics. He was concerned about the attention and scrutiny that comes with political office and the impact it would have on his family. Additionally, he was dismayed by the censorship in the Democratic party and the rise of chronic diseases and autoimmune issues in the population, which he felt needed to be addressed. Despite his past struggles with addiction and wild lifestyle, he found satisfaction in his current work as an environmental lawyer and didn't feel the need to explain his personal conduct to the public.

    • Running for President as an Independent: Concerns and ChallengesA concerned independent candidate faces challenges in securing a vice president, collecting signatures, and appealing to baby boomers, while gaining strong support from younger voters, independents, and Hispanics.

      The speaker expresses deep concern over the country's involvement in unnecessary wars, the debt accumulated due to military spending, and the apparent lack of transparency and critical questioning from the media and political parties. Feeling compelled to address these issues, the speaker decided to run for president as an independent, facing challenges such as securing a vice president and collecting signatures to get on the ballot. Despite these obstacles, the speaker believes they have strong support from younger voters, independents, and Hispanics, and aims to beat both President Trump and President Biden in the upcoming election. However, appealing to baby boomers, who often rely on traditional news sources, remains a challenge.

    • The Shift in News Consumption and Kennedy's AdaptationYounger generations consume news through podcasts and alternative media, posing a challenge for figures like RFK Jr. to reach older skeptics. RFK Jr. encourages education through his books, YouTube, and podcasts. Stay informed and open-minded to new sources of information.

      The way people consume news and information has drastically changed, with younger generations turning to podcasts and alternative media sources instead of traditional TV news. This poses a challenge for figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who have important messages to share but struggle to reach older generations who are skeptical of these new platforms. Kennedy encourages listeners to educate themselves by checking out his books, YouTube channel, and podcast appearances. Despite the challenges, Kennedy remains committed to his causes, including environmental activism and standing up for individual rights. He also expressed gratitude for the support he's received from listeners and fellow podcast guests. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying informed and open-minded to new sources of information.

    • Understanding Different PerspectivesAvoid name-calling, be aware of media manipulation, and consider various perspectives to form well-informed opinions.

      It's essential to consider various perspectives when forming opinions about political figures or issues. The speaker shares his experiences growing up with different communities and how they perceived the Kennedy family and conservative Republicans. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding name-calling and being aware of media manipulation. The speaker also encourages an open-minded approach to understanding complex issues, as hearing multiple perspectives can provide a more comprehensive understanding. He shares examples of how misconceptions can arise from assuming everyone shares the same viewpoint. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach information with a critical and open mind, considering various perspectives to form well-informed opinions.

    • Maintaining a youthful appearance as we ageGood posture, staying active, and fueling our bodies with clean energy and nutrients can help us look and feel younger as we age. Supporting eco-friendly companies also contributes to a better world for future generations.

      As we age, our bodies undergo physical changes that can make us appear less youthful. However, maintaining a good posture and keeping a "pop" in our steps can help counteract this. Additionally, staying active and fueling our bodies with clean energy and nutrients can also contribute to a more youthful appearance and overall well-being. It's important to pay attention to our bodies and make conscious choices to support our health as we age. Another important takeaway is the impact of our consumer choices on the environment. Supporting companies that prioritize environmental sustainability and fair labor practices is essential for creating a better world for future generations.

    • Taking control of personal health and well-beingPractice self-discipline and self-control to make informed decisions for better health, avoid external influences, and support ethical businesses.

      Personal discipline and self-control are crucial in making better choices for one's health and well-being. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s message of taking control and not being swayed by external influences, such as sugar-coated lies or factory-farmed meat, resonates with the importance of making informed decisions and supporting American businesses that align with these values. The discussion also highlights the impact of environment and habits on personal discipline, with suggestions to avoid shopping for temptations when hungry and instead focus on self-care and exercise. Additionally, the recommendation to source high-quality meat from small farms that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices further emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and self-discipline in making choices that benefit both personal health and the greater good.

    • Colorado craft beef sticks provide extended satietySupport free speech platforms, improve leadership skills, and consider Colorado beef sticks for longer-lasting satisfaction. Check out resources like Jocko Underground, books by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and charities helping service members.

      While a Snickers bar may provide a quick gratification, Colorado craft beef sticks offer a more extended feeling of satiety. The speaker shared his personal experience of being more satisfied and less hungry for a longer time after consuming beef sticks. He also emphasized the importance of supporting platforms that guarantee freedom of speech, like Jocko Underground, and encouraged listeners to check out resources mentioned in the podcast, including books by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and events at Echelon Front. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of leadership in all aspects of life and encouraged listeners to improve their leadership skills through Extreme Ownership's online training academy. He also encouraged support for charities helping service members and their families, such as America's Mighty Warriors, Heroes and Horses, and Beyond the Brotherhood.

    • We, the people, are the bossStay informed, be responsible, and demand good political leadership. Connect with Jocko and Echo, be cautious of social media, and thank military, first responders, and law enforcement.

      Each individual holds a significant role in shaping the kind of government we have. According to Jocko Willink, quoting John F. Kennedy, "we, the people, are the boss." Therefore, it's essential to stay informed, be responsible, and demand good political leadership. Additionally, Jocko and Echo encourage everyone to connect with them through their websites and social media platforms, such as jocko.com and Jocko Willink and Echo Charles on social media. They also remind us to be cautious of the addictive nature of social media and infinite scrolling. Lastly, they express gratitude to our military personnel, first responders, and law enforcement for protecting our freedom and democracy.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

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