
    434: War Crimes, Murder, and Leadership.

    enApril 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Clear communication from leaders during conflictEffective communication from leaders about the situation on the ground is crucial to prevent misunderstandings and speculation in times of conflict. Incomplete information can lead to assumptions, making clear communication essential.

      During times of conflict, accurate communication from leaders about the situation on the ground is crucial to prevent misunderstandings and speculation. Jocko Willink and Dave Burke, both veterans of war, discussed the importance of clear communication and the extensive documentation that exists regarding the Battle of Ramadi in Iraq. Despite having access to a wealth of information, Jocko acknowledged making assumptions about the situation based on incomplete information. The difference between being on the ground in various locations during conflict can be vast, making it essential for leaders to effectively convey the specific circumstances to those not present. Without clear communication, rumors and misunderstandings can fill the void, leading to potentially inaccurate assumptions.

    • War zones can be unpredictable and dangerous, with experiences varying greatly depending on location and time.Understanding that the situation in a war zone can be complex and ever-changing, and personal experiences may not accurately represent the overall situation.

      The experience of war zones like Iraq can vary greatly depending on the specific location and time. While some areas may see intense conflict and constant enemy attacks, others may be relatively calm. For instance, in Ramadi during the summer of 2006, there were 30 to 50 enemy attacks a day, making it a much more dangerous place compared to other parts of Iraq. Even troops who had served in Iraq at different times or in different locations could have vastly different experiences. It's essential to understand that the situation on the ground can be complex and ever-changing, and one's personal experience may not accurately represent the overall situation in a war zone.

    • Intense combat in Ramadi during Anglico missionSoldiers and marines in Ramadi faced extreme danger and intense combat, requiring leaders to prioritize their teams' well-being

      During the Anglico mission in Iraq, the situation in Ramadi was significantly more intense and dangerous compared to other areas due to the presence of insurgents and their brutal methods. The environment was much less controlled, and the risk was amplified. The previous task unit had made progress but was limited by the areas they could access due to the threat of ambushes and IDs. The soldiers and marines on the ground were putting their lives on the line daily to protect the local populace and hunt down the enemy. The experience in Ramadi was not normal, and leaders needed to pay close attention to their teams' well-being. Even in controlled environments like Baghdad, there was still a risk of insurgency, but the environment was different, and breaks could be provided for troops through log runs. The heroism of the soldiers and marines during this time was evident in their daily lives.

    • Military operations in Ramadi: Special ops as supporting actorsIn military missions, roles can be reversed and flexibility, adaptability, and teamwork are crucial for success.

      During military operations in Ramadi, the roles of special operations forces and conventional army or marine corps were reversed, with the conventional forces being the main effort and special operations forces serving as the supporting actors. While some in the special operations community disliked this arrangement, it was necessary for the success of the mission. The speaker, who was part of the special operations forces, emphasized that despite being the supporting unit on paper, they received as much support as they gave and vice versa. This experience was similar for the speaker and the interviewee, both of whom had to adapt to unfamiliar roles and find ways to contribute effectively to the mission. It's important to note that there have been historical instances where special operations forces, as supporting actors, have been abused or asked to undertake missions they were not equipped for. Overall, the experience in Ramadi taught the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and teamwork in military operations.

    • Transitioning from a kinetic to a less kinetic operation in Ramadi, IraqThe U.S. military adapted its strategy in Ramadi, Iraq to prevent a civil war, shifting from a massive kinetic operation to a less kinetic one. The army brought in more combat power, enabling them to expand military control and limit the enemy's reach, while supporting units provided additional capabilities.

      During the U.S. military operation in Ramadi, Iraq in 2006, the focus shifted from a massive kinetic operation to a less kinetic one due to the political dynamics and the need to avoid a civil war. The army, primarily made up of Shias, wanted to preserve infrastructure and minimize the appearance of a Shia-led invasion against the Sunni-majority city. The transition from the 228th Iron Soldiers to the 11th Armored Division brought more combat power, enabling the new unit to set up combat outposts and expand military control beyond containment. As a supporting unit, my role was to bring capabilities that the army lacked, such as helicopters, jets, ISR, and extra resources, to help them in their mission of limiting the enemy's reach.

    • Maliki's shift in strategy for Ramadi operationsMaliki led a new strategy to maintain an 'Iraqi face' in Ramadi operations, using Iraqi forces despite their readiness concerns and infrastructure challenges, to avoid a potential civil war.

      The strategic mindset and approach drastically changed when the military operation shifted from focusing on Fallujah to Ramadi, despite both operations taking place in Iraq and involving similar roles for the speakers. The new strategy, led by Maliki, aimed to set up combat outposts in enemy-controlled territories using Iraqi forces to maintain an "Iraqi face." However, this posed challenges as the Iraqi forces lacked the necessary capabilities and the Americans had to take them along on most operations, despite concerns over their readiness and swimming abilities. The infrastructure concerns also continued to be a significant consideration. The speakers had similar roles and were present in the same meetings, discussing the risks and drawbacks of the new strategy. Ultimately, Maliki's decision to avoid a potential civil war by leading the operations with Iraqi forces marked a significant shift in the military approach.

    • Training and fighting with Iraqi soldiers during the Iraq War presented challenges due to poor equipment and low readiness levels.During the Iraq War, U.S. forces faced challenges training and fighting alongside Iraqi soldiers due to their poor equipment and questionable loyalty, necessitating a focus on daytime operations.

      During the Iraq War, when U.S. special operations forces were tasked with training and fighting alongside Iraqi soldiers, they encountered significant challenges due to the poor equipment and readiness levels of their partners. The Iraqi soldiers, mostly conscripts, lacked essential tools like night vision equipment and flashlights, making it difficult for U.S. forces to operate effectively at night. Additionally, the Iraqi soldiers' loyalty and motivation were often questionable, with some displaying sympathies towards insurgent leaders like Muqtada al Sadr. These challenges necessitated a focus on daytime operations, as the enemy primarily operated during the day, using the civilian populace as cover. The lack of night vision capabilities among the Iraqi forces created a tactical disadvantage, but the enemy's reliance on daytime attacks made it a priority for U.S. forces to adapt to their partners' limitations.

    • During the Iraq War, night missions had a different focus than daytime operations.Night missions were intelligence-driven raids with a surprise element, while daytime operations were presence patrols. Adjustments were necessary as we were losing the war and enemy attacks were increasing.

      During the Iraq War, our night missions had a different focus than our daytime operations. Night missions were typically intelligence-driven raids with a surprise element, while daytime operations were presence patrols to show the local populace that we were a better alternative to the insurgents. This required us to make adjustments and operate during the day despite having a tactical advantage at night. Additionally, while we did conduct direct action raids and recon missions at night, the majority of our counterinsurgency operations required us to lead conventional Iraqi forces during the day. These adjustments were necessary as we were losing the war and enemy attacks were increasing.

    • Building relationships with local population through foot patrols and presence patrols during Iraq WarEffective counterinsurgency operations in Iraq required American forces to engage in foot patrols and presence patrols with the local population, building relationships, providing aid, and gathering intelligence.

      During the Iraq War, particularly in Ramadi in 2004, the use of foot patrols and presence patrols with the local population was crucial for successful counterinsurgency operations. The American forces were initially undersized and risk-averse, leading to a focus on force protection over taking back the streets. However, by getting outside the wire and engaging in presence patrols, they were able to build relationships with the local population, providing aid and gathering intelligence. These patrols often involved setting up combat operations inside the city, with Iraqi soldiers leading the way. The complexity and range of missions during this time were unlike anything that had been done before, and the lessons learned were documented and shared among the coalition forces. Examples of successful implementation of this strategy can be seen in Tal Afar, where the Marines made friends with the local populace and pointed out the whereabouts of insurgents. This approach was a departure from previous frame of references such as the march up in 03 or Desert Storm, and required a new way of thinking for even the most experienced soldiers.

    • Effective enemy engagement in Ramadi through combat outpostsCombat outposts in Ramadi, supported by units like Task Force Bruiser, allowed for permanent presence, effective enemy engagement, and security for local populations, contrasting previous failed attempts through political maneuvers and tribal cooperation.

      The successful implementation of combat outposts in Ramadi, Iraq, allowed for a permanent presence and effective enemy engagement. This was made possible by the support of units like Task Force Bruiser, which provided overwatch and tactical advantages such as snipers. The Iraqi soldiers and interpreters also played a crucial role in maintaining security and managing local populations. The enemy was shocked by this level of engagement, as they had not experienced sneak attacks in areas where driving was difficult. The success of this strategy contrasted with previous attempts to quell the insurgency in Ramadi through political maneuvers and tribal cooperation, which failed due to the inability of the US military to protect local allies. The result was a terror campaign against city bureaucrats and tribal leaders, making Ramadi a town where anti-American guerrilla activity was rampant.

    • Misconceptions of Ramadi's conditionDespite common belief, Ramadi was a dangerous war zone with a power vacuum due to tribal leader assassinations, allowing Al Qaeda related insurgents to have near-complete freedom of movement, resulting in high attack rates and complex IED belts.

      The situation in Ramadi, Iraq, was vastly different from what was perceived by those outside the city. Contrary to belief, Ramadi was not pacified and was instead a dangerous war zone when Task Unit Bruiser arrived in late May 2006. The absence of effective local leadership due to tribal leader assassinations created a power vacuum, isolating the city and allowing Al Qaeda related insurgents to have near-complete freedom of movement. The city averaged three times more attacks per capita than any other area in the country, with insurgents dominating key structures and emplacing complex IED belts. The environment was so different that the unit, which became the most scrutinized in the country, had to operate under increased micromanagement due to the high-risk nature of their missions. The misconception of Ramadi's condition highlights the importance of accurate information and understanding the complexities of local situations in effective military strategy.

    • A soldier's duty to protect and serveDespite personal safety concerns, this soldier felt a strong sense of duty to support and protect his fellow Americans in combat, understanding the risks and prioritizing mission success and team safety.

      Even when faced with the temptation of staying safe and continuing a successful career, this individual felt a strong sense of duty to support and protect his fellow Americans in combat. He understood the risks involved but believed it was necessary to help mitigate those risks and ultimately save lives. The decision-making process for each operation was not taken lightly, as it required approval and coordination from various chains of command, both military and Iraqi. The priority was to minimize risk while ensuring the success of the mission and the safety of the team.

    • Effective coordination between SOF and conventional forcesDuring the Iraq War, successful military operations relied on effective communication, coordination, and trust between special operations forces and conventional forces, resulting in significant achievements like combat outposts and the inclusion of Iraqi army companies and police substations.

      Effective coordination and collaboration between special operations forces and conventional forces were crucial for successful military operations during the Iraq War. Special operations forces relied heavily on conventional forces for support, including quick reaction forces, fire support, and casualty evacuation. The conventional forces, in turn, appreciated the efforts of special operations forces in securing their areas and killing insurgents. This teamwork led to significant achievements, such as the establishment of combat outposts and the eventual inclusion of Iraqi army companies and police substations. The success of these operations hinged on the ability of both forces to communicate, coordinate, and trust each other.

    • COPs played crucial role in Iraq WarCOPs disrupted insurgent ops, gained local support, and led to decrease in insurgent strength through random patrols, intelligence gathering, and cooperation with local leaders.

      The establishment of combat outposts (COPs) in disputed neighborhoods played a crucial role in disrupting insurgent operations and gaining the support of local populations during the Iraq War. The random and frequent patrols from these outposts prevented insurgents from accurately predicting coalition movements, making it difficult for them to effectively move and operate within the local populace. Additionally, COPs allowed for the enhancement of civil-military operations, including intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, and surveillance. However, the initial establishment of these outposts often attracted insurgent attacks, acting as "fly bait." Despite the risks, the presence of coalition forces in these areas eventually led to a decrease in insurgent strength and intimidation of the local population. The cooperation between coalition forces and local leaders, facilitated by officers like Captain Travis Patroquin, also played a significant role in gaining the trust of the population and reinvigorating police recruiting. While not every soldier or marine saw the same level of coordination and cooperation, the overall impact of the COP strategy was a major turning point in securing Ramadi.

    • Effective communication and coordination crucial for military success in complex environmentsMiscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, extensive documentation required for accountability and transparency, complex 3-4 way war involving various factions, assassination of Sunni leaders by Al Qaeda a significant tactic, building relationships with local leaders essential for military objectives

      Effective communication and coordination were crucial for the success of military operations in complex environments, such as the war in Ramadi. Misfires in communication could lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts among various factions. To ensure accountability and transparency, extensive documentation was required for every enemy fighter killed, which involved filling out multiple sworn shooter statements and having them corroborated with other reports. The conflict in Ramadi was not just a war between American forces and insurgents, but a complex 3-4 way war involving Al Qaeda, Sunni extremists, criminal elements, and sometimes even the tribes fighting each other. The assassination of Sunni leaders by Al Qaeda was a significant tactic used to gain control over the populace, leading to a power shift. Despite the challenges, building relationships with local leaders, like Sheikh Sattar, proved vital in achieving military objectives.

    • US military efforts in Ramadi went beyond combatUS forces focused on rebuilding, training, engaging, and protecting in Ramadi during the Iraq War

      The US military involvement in Ramadi during the Iraq War was not just about combat operations. American forces were also focused on rebuilding infrastructure, training local military and police, and engaging with tribal leaders to secure the region. The US military was not only made up of combat personnel, but also included logistics and support teams, military and police transition teams, civil affairs groups, and medical civil affairs teams. The Iraqi army was also present and worked alongside US forces on most operations. Criminal elements in the region were primarily motivated by making money, and human intel sources could be turned from former enemies into allies. The interim government of Ramadi, tribal leaders, and civilians all played a role in the complex dynamics of the region. Every civilian grievance, including damage to infrastructure, was reported and addressed to ensure trust and support from the local population. The importance of protecting civilians and minimizing collateral damage was crucial to the success of the mission.

    • Military actions closely monitored and reported in RamadiRobust citizen network and strict rules of engagement in Ramadi made it impossible for soldiers to get away with misconduct, ensuring accountability and protecting the war effort

      Every action taken by military personnel in war zones, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is closely monitored and reported. This was particularly true in Ramadi, where a robust citizen network and strict adherence to rules of engagement made it impossible for soldiers to get away with misconduct. Soldiers Nathan Lin and Milton Ortiz Junior learned this the hard way when they were charged with various crimes, including obstructing justice and assault. The consequences of such actions not only harm the individuals involved but also hurt the war effort as a whole. Therefore, it was essential for soldiers to coordinate with local authorities, report any incidents, and invite investigations when necessary. The high level of scrutiny and accountability made it impossible for soldiers to act outside the rules, and any attempts to do so put their own lives at risk.

    • Welcoming investigations for greater transparency and accountabilityEmbracing investigations, even those with negative implications, leads to transparency, accountability, and understanding of complex situations.

      A proactive approach to investigations, even when they have a negative connotation, is essential for uncovering the truth and improving outcomes. During my time with an army unit in Iraq, I learned that embracing investigations can lead to greater transparency and accountability. Despite the potential negative implications, we welcomed investigations into our actions and encouraged thorough examinations of every situation. This attitude led us to examine every engagement, including those that resulted in fatalities, to ensure that our actions were in line with the rules of engagement. By investigating every incident, we were able to clear any doubts and move forward with confidence. The army term "good shot, bad result" highlights the importance of investigations in understanding the complexities of war and ensuring that all actions are justified.

    • A Marine's Story of Saving Lives in IraqMarine Wilson's exceptional skills and adherence to rules of engagement saved lives in Iraq. His background and training prepared him for military life, and his team's effective operations increased enemy casualties while minimizing collateral damage.

      The discussed marine, Wilson, is an exceptional infantryman and designated marksman who has saved lives by eliminating enemy threats in Iraq, following the clear rules of engagement. Wilson's skills and composure under pressure have helped protect both American troops and Iraqi civilians. He was raised with a strong sense of responsibility and hunting background, which prepared him for his military role. The 38 marines, including Wilson, shared their effective operations with others, leading to increased enemy casualties. The rules of engagement required the use of necessary and proportional force, with clear instructions for targeting and use of graduated force. Wilson and other military personnel were authorized to protect themselves, detainees, and civilians from certain crimes, and were instructed to minimize collateral damage. Overall, Wilson's story highlights the importance of discipline, focus, and adherence to rules in the face of danger.

    • Maintaining accountability during military operationsReport any suspected violations and be prepared for potential investigations to maintain accountability during military operations.

      Adhering to the rules of engagement and maintaining accountability were of utmost importance during military operations, especially in the context of ongoing investigations and potential allegations of law of war violations. The atmosphere was highly focused and professional due to the ongoing Haditha Dam investigation and the potential repercussions of incidents like Abu Ghraib. Personnel were encouraged to report any suspected violations and be prepared for potential investigations, as even unfounded claims could lead to significant consequences. Additionally, exaggeration and emotional responses could also lead to misunderstandings and potential investigations. It's important to be truthful and clear in communication to avoid any confusion or misinterpretations.

    • Maintain transparency and authenticity in leadershipLeaders must be truthful and transparent, even during conflict and uncertainty, to build trust and integrity. Conduct investigations when necessary and make tough decisions for the greater good.

      Trust and integrity are crucial in any leadership role, especially during times of conflict and uncertainty. Jocko's story about catching every wave serves as a reminder that people may exaggerate or distort the truth, and it's essential to maintain transparency and authenticity. The escalation of violence in Ramadi during their deployment demonstrates the importance of following rules and making tough decisions for the greater good, even if it means increased casualties. As a leader, it's crucial to take the high road, conduct investigations when necessary, and be prepared for others to challenge your actions or stories. Ultimately, the success and progress made in Ramadi were a testament to the dedication and bravery of the American marines and soldiers.

    • Balancing leadership and trust in military operationsEffective military leadership requires a balance between leading from the front and trusting local forces. Seeing the situation firsthand and leading by example can build trust and improve operational success.

      Effective command and control in military operations requires a balance between leading from the front and trusting local forces. During a deployment in Iraq, the speaker described partnering with Iraqi forces and building elements for operations, while also going into the field to provide better command and control and ensure his team's understanding of the mission. The speaker emphasized the importance of seeing the situation firsthand and leading by example. Over the course of the deployment, the speaker noticed a significant reduction in enemy contact, indicating a shift towards victory. Despite leaving earlier than some team members, the speaker also observed noticeable changes in the operational tempo and decreased engagement frequency. Overall, the speaker's experiences aligned with the importance of effective communication, trust, and adaptability in military leadership.

    • A bond formed between soldiers and their commander during the Iraq WarDuring the Iraq War, a team of soldiers and their commander formed a strong bond while keeping 100 soldiers alive and liberating Ramadi from insurgents, leading to the city's rebuilding and economic boom, and becoming a model for counterinsurgency warfare.

      During the Iraq War, a bond was formed between a team of soldiers, including the speaker, and their commander, Colonel McFarland. This bond was forged during a time when fighting had subsided, and the team's efforts in keeping 100 American and Iraqi soldiers alive, as well as liberating Ramadi from insurgents, had a significant impact on the city's rebuilding and economic boom. The success in Ramadi became a model for counterinsurgency warfare, and the team's achievements were well-documented in various articles. The speaker's experiences with this team and their commander left a lasting impression on him, and the bond they formed continues to be a source of pride and significance.

    • Building relationships with local leaders during the Battle of RamadiAccepting risk, never giving the enemy respite, and maintaining the moral high ground were key to turning the tide against Al Qaeda and Iranian-supported militias during the Battle of Ramadi in Iraq. Supporting the population by taking the moral high ground gave forces a significant advantage.

      During the Battle of Ramadi in Iraq, the US military's ability to build relationships with local leaders, adapt plans based on their advice, and deliver on promises helped turn the tide against Al Qaeda and Iranian-supported militias. This approach, which included intelligence fusion, targeting meetings, and seamless operations with special forces, aviation, and riverine units, was a pivotal moment in the war. The most enduring lessons from this battle were accepting risk to achieve results, never giving the enemy respite, and maintaining the moral high ground. The tribes, representing the people of Iraq, were key terrain in the conflict, and supporting the population by taking the moral high ground gave forces a significant advantage. The Battle of Ramadi was a turning point, with a huge price paid in both lives and resources. Despite the challenges and the need for adjustments, the number of drops and kinetic actions taken was unprecedented. It's important to remember that the accusations and perspectives that seem outlandish often can't happen due to the complex realities on the ground.

    • The importance of explaining context in complex operationsEffective communication is essential to prevent misunderstandings and negative consequences in complex operations. It's the responsibility of those involved to explain the context of their actions to those outside their unit.

      Understanding and communicating the context of one's actions to those outside of the situation is crucial. The speaker, who led a military unit involved in air strikes during the Iraq War, shared his experience of the intense scrutiny and misunderstanding they faced from the public and higher-ups. He acknowledged that he had taken for granted the assumption that others would understand what they were doing and why. The speaker lost a marine under his command, and the community's reaction ranged from support to questioning their actions. He realized that it was his responsibility to explain the context of their mission to those outside of their unit. The speaker emphasized that this is not just an issue for one unit but a common obligation for all involved in complex and potentially controversial operations. Effective communication can help prevent misunderstandings, accusations, and negative consequences.

    • Effective communication crucial in high-pressure situationsClear communication prevents misunderstandings, builds trust, and maintains respect. Stay focused on doing the right thing, even when faced with criticism.

      Effective communication is crucial, especially in high-pressure situations. The speaker learned this lesson during his time in Ramadi, Iraq, when he failed to explain the situation on the ground to those who weren't part of his team. This lack of communication led to misunderstandings and negative attitudes towards the team's actions. The consequences were severe, including casualties and the loss of respect from some individuals. The speaker emphasized the importance of taking the moral high ground and doing the right thing, even when faced with criticism or opposition. He also highlighted the importance of understanding different perspectives and using clear and effective communication to address any misunderstandings. This lesson applies not only to military operations but also to everyday life and business. Effective communication can help prevent misunderstandings, build trust, and maintain respect. It's essential to remember that there will always be people who hold negative attitudes or criticize, but it's important to stay focused on doing the right thing for the right reasons.

    • Handling Explosives: A Dangerous Job for ExpertsExplosives handling requires expertise and caution. Unstable components like blasting caps can cause severe damage or death if mishandled. EOD technicians and others should follow proper procedures to ensure safety.

      Handling explosives and disarming bombs is a dangerous job that requires expertise and careful attention to detail. The bombs themselves can take various forms, from improvised devices to artillery shells, and they often require unstable components like blasting caps to function. These components can cause severe damage or even death if mishandled. Those who handle explosives, such as EOD technicians, must be vigilant and follow proper procedures to ensure safety. Additionally, those who are not directly handling the explosives should maintain a safe distance and avoid unnecessary exposure to potential danger.

    • Unexpected Enjoyment at UFC 300Unexpected encounters and experiences can lead to memorable moments, even at seemingly insignificant events.

      The speaker had an unexpected and enjoyable experience at UFC 300, despite not initially promoting or anticipating it to be a significant event. The speaker was fortunate to meet Andy Stone, who had undergone a random operation but was back in good spirits. They also met the contest winner, Corey, and his friend Fabry, and had a great time at the fights and after-party. The speaker felt that the experience was much more enjoyable in person than he had anticipated, and he wished he had promoted it more effectively. UFC 300 was a big deal, and being there was a memorable moment in time for the speaker.

    • Dana White's passion fuels UFC excitement and hypeAttending UFC events in person heightens excitement and energy compared to watching on TV, with Dana White's passionate commentary adding to the experience.

      Dana White's passion and engagement during UFC events significantly contributes to the excitement and hype surrounding the fights. Whether it's commentating on a brutal moment like Gaethje breaking his nose in the first round or simply expressing his enthusiasm, White's energy is infectious and adds to the overall experience. This was particularly noticeable during the speaker's own attendance at UFC events, where they felt the production hype paled in comparison to being there in person. Additionally, the speaker's experience of attending the Super Bowl with their son highlighted the stark contrast between watching an event on TV and experiencing it live. The speaker's description of their past experiences at UFC events, where they were often working and not fully immersed in the experience, further emphasizes the unique energy and excitement that comes from attending a UFC event in person.

    • Super Bowl in Vegas: A Gathering of Influential Figures and Jiu Jitsu TrainingMark Zuckerberg, Chris Pratt, and others attended the Super Bowl in Vegas for business discussions and jiu jitsu training. Jockofuel, founded by Jocko Willink, was a significant part of the event with its popular protein drink and expanding product line.

      The Super Bowl in Vegas was an exciting event where various influential figures, including Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Pratt, came together to discuss business and train in jiu jitsu. Jocko Willink's presence and his brand, Jockofuel, were a significant part of the gathering. Jockofuel offers various health products, including protein drinks and energy drinks, which can be found at various retailers like Wawa and Vitamin Shoppe. The protein drink is particularly popular, providing 30 grams of protein and 95 milligrams of caffeine in one serving. The event highlighted the importance of community, training, and healthy living, with Jockofuel being a key component for many. Additionally, Origin USA, the company behind Jockofuel, is expanding its product line to include training gear and apparel.

    • Supporting American-made products is a personal and meaningful choice for some individualsJoe Rogan, Cam Haines, and Chris Pratt are among those who prioritize American-made goods due to their connection to quality, authenticity, and patriotism.

      For these individuals, especially Joe Rogan, Cam Haines, and Chris Pratt, the significance of American-made products is deeply personal and meaningful. They value the idea of supporting their country and its people by investing in locally sourced and manufactured goods, whether it be boots, beef, or merchandise. The quality and authenticity of these products resonate with them on a deeper level, making them willing partners and advocates for American-made brands like OriginUSA.com and Jocko's Store. The pride and passion they have for these products extend beyond mere ownership; it's a lifestyle choice that reflects their patriotism and commitment to excellence.

    • Continuous learning and practice for effective leadership and personal growthGain knowledge from various resources, support service members, make right decisions, and don't surrender the high ground

      Effective leadership and personal growth require continuous learning and practice. Jocko Willink and Echo Charles, the hosts of the podcast, emphasized the importance of gaining knowledge from various resources, such as books, events, and organizations. They specifically mentioned the Extreme Ownership Academy, which offers training to help individuals improve their business, life, and relationships. Additionally, they highlighted the significance of supporting service members and their families through charities like America's Mighty Warriors, Heroes and Horses, and Beyond the Brotherhood. Ultimately, they encouraged listeners to make the right decisions for the right reasons and not surrender the high ground, even when faced with challenges.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    💪Elle nous partage dans cet épisode comment elle a dépassé ses peurs, le regard de l’autre et les obstacles pour monter sa boite, Wounded Woman, qui en 1 an a déjà un palmarès à couper le souffle et plus de 500 clientes.

    💪 Elle nous partage dans cet épisode comment elle a dépassé ses peurs, le regard de l’autre et les obstacles pour monter sa boite, Wounded Woman, qui en 1 an a déjà un palmarès à couper le souffle et plus de 500 clientes.

    🏆 Son projet a reçu, le prix d’honneur d’initiative France et a été Label remarquable en 2022.

    🏆 Finaliste de plusieurs concours, Audrey porte haut et fort un message à impact !

    Pour retrouver Audrey c'est ici :
    👉🏼 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/woundedwomen_officiel/
    👉🏼 Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/aud rey-bouyer-%E2%9C%8A%F0%9F%8F%BD-2545948a/  

    👉🏼 Podcast Wounded woman le podcast :  la voix des femmes résilientes


    ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨

    Tu veux faire le point sur ton business, structurer et booster ton mindset pour être alignée,
    Contacte moi sur insta ou réserve directement ton appel découverte GRATUIT

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    À très vite

    Stéphanie, Coach Business pour les femmes entrepreneures qui veulent booster leur croissance et leurs résultats sans sacrifier leur temps.


    Episode 45 - The Power of Silence

    Episode 45 - The Power of Silence

    Hi everyone,
    Welcome to the Heart & Mind of a Leader show. I am happy to have you here. Please share your feedback about this topic and episode in the comments below. Thank you!


    ​Some of the main questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


    • Different ways in which we choose to communicate. Is there a time to remain quiet during conversation or keep speaking with or without purpose as long as the audience is present?
    • Communication preferences and introduction into behavioral styles. Starting point in creating productive and positive working, business, and personal relationships by understanding what drives one person to speak and another to remain quiet
    • Understanding individual communication preferences and what factors play part in creating these preferences, while creating environment of trust and mutual respect
    • Cultural upbringing component in communication style development. Ways to foster healthy and productive communication and relationship building with others
    • Silence can be very powerful. Words have tremendous amount of power, therefore, one must choose them very carefully


    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it

    If you enjoy this podcast and interested in receiving free Growth and Success Mindset Digest, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up: http://eepurl.com/b0ReHz

    (16) Sois forte et fais des efforts

    (16) Sois forte et fais des efforts

    Si toi aussi tu compliques souvent les choses, et que tu t'en demandes beaucoup, que tu crois que la to-do list ne finira jamais et que ta charge mentale va exploser, cet épisode est pour toi !

    👉 Je vais t'expliquer ton mode de focntionnement et pourquoi tu fais ça. Comprendre l'origine va te permettre de travailler en profondeur pour avancer.

    👉Chaque comportement a des avantages et des inconvénients, mettre en lumière tes points forts va te booster, explorer tes zones d'ombres va te faire grandir.

    👉Et bien sûr, je te partage 2 astuces pour changer ton mindset.

    Tu pourras ensuite prendre de la hauteur, voir ta valeur, et moins en faire ou simplifier pour t'épanouir dans ta vie pro et perso. 

    Pour aller encore plus loin et identifer ton schema, tu peux télécharger ce guide: 

    Ton guide gratuit 

    Retrouve moi sur Instagram :


    Ep 98 - Staying Biblical as Leaders Rather than Being Political

    Ep 98 - Staying Biblical as Leaders Rather than Being Political

    Politicians and social leaders often quote the Bible to influence people without taking the full context of the scripture and character of God into account. As pastors when we have political ideas it easy for us to slip into extra-Biblical preaching for the sake of our own position. Today Tim and Todd speak with Dr. Anthony Scoma about how to protect ourselves and churches from becoming political rather than Biblical.

