
    435: Get Up and Aggressively Attack Until You Win. Lessons from A Marine Named Mitch.

    enApril 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Transformative Power of Military ServiceMilitary service, particularly in the Marine Corps, challenges individuals, builds resilience, and instills commitment and perseverance.

      The military, specifically the Marine Corps, can be a transformative experience. As shared in the excerpt from "A Marine Named Mitch," the author's journey from a young man growing up during the Great Depression to a Marine recruit involved facing challenges, adversity, and discipline. From walking long distances to boot camp training under tough drill instructors, the author's story illustrates the rigors and transformative power of military service. This experience, which included moments of fear, exhaustion, and camaraderie, ultimately shaped him into a resilient and dedicated individual. The account also highlights the importance of commitment and perseverance, as the author's determination to join the Marines despite initial setbacks ultimately led him to a fulfilling military career.

    • Boot camp during the Great Depression: Challenging RealityThe author experienced rigorous discipline, harsh conditions, and moments of camaraderie during boot camp in the 1930s, despite limited resources and long waits for food.

      The author's experience in boot camp during the Great Depression was a challenging and formative time in his life. He describes the rigorous discipline and harsh conditions, including being exposed to sand fleas and the threat of punishment for the slightest movement. Despite this, he found pride in graduating from boot camp and serving under different commandants. Later, he served on various ships, including experiencing the tragic explosion on the USS Wyoming off the coast of San Clemente Island. Through it all, he endured hardships such as limited resources and long chow lines. Despite a strict commanding officer, there were still moments of camaraderie and even rebellion among the enlisted men. Overall, the author's account provides a glimpse into the tough reality of being a Marine during this time period.

    • Encountering War and Drugs in the Late 1930s and Early 1940sAn encounter with a ballerina and a warning from a lieutenant introduced the speaker to the dangers of opium, while political instability and the threat of war in Europe and Asia shaped his experiences during this time.

      The speaker's experiences during the late 1930s and early 1940s, as a peacetime marine during the Great Depression, were marked by political instability, the threat of war, and the growing influence of drugs. An unexpected encounter with a ballerina during a brawl in the Philippines led him to encounter Lieutenant Chidester, who warned him about the dangers of opium and its potential to ruin the world. The speaker also witnessed the tensions between China and Japan, and the fear of a war in Europe, particularly in Yugoslavia. His promotion to corporal and then sergeant came as the world situation grew more ominous, and when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, he and his fellow marines were among the first to be called to action. The speaker expresses a wistful longing for normalcy, even as he prepared for the realities of war.

    • CBs supported Marines with crucial construction workCBs built essential structures for Marines in combat situations, improving their ability to operate effectively

      During Chesty Puller's service in the Marine Corps, particularly during his time in the Atlantic and in Ramadi, the Construction Battalions (CBs) played a crucial role in supporting the Marines' operations. These CBs were responsible for building structures, from bunkers to buildings, whenever and wherever the Marines needed them. In Ramadi, they lived in a building called Full Metal Jacket, which was far from ideal living conditions. Despite the challenging circumstances, the Marines and CBs worked together to conduct operations and even faced a blue on blue incident. Overall, the CBs' ability to build necessary structures on the ground proved essential to the Marines' success in combat situations.

    • Seabees build essential facilities and ensure soldier comfort during deploymentSeabees construct facilities, maintain vehicles, and improve living conditions for soldiers, demonstrating their motto 'We build, we fight'.

      During their deployment in Ramadi, the Seabees played a crucial role in supporting the military unit by building infrastructure, maintaining vehicles, and ensuring the comfort and safety of the soldiers. Despite facing challenges like mortar attacks and damaged equipment, the Seabees went above and beyond to meet the needs of the soldiers, even constructing personal living spaces and repairing a large water tank. Their motto, "We build, we fight," was put into practice as they built essential facilities and fought to keep the camp functional and comfortable for the soldiers. For young people interested in hands-on work, the Seabees offer a unique opportunity to learn skills in carpentry, heavy machinery operation, and diesel mechanics while serving their country.

    • The Seabees: Navy's Construction HeroesThe Seabees, a unique branch of the U.S. Navy, are known for their construction skills, resilience, and ability to adapt and overcome challenges in any situation.

      The Seabees, also known as Construction Battalions, are a unique branch of the U.S. Navy known for their ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome in challenging situations. They are skilled in construction and have a reputation for getting things done no matter the circumstances. These men, often large and strong, would work around the clock to complete projects, from building towers with limited resources to providing essential services in war zones. Their determination and resourcefulness have earned them respect and admiration. The Seabees' story is a testament to their resilience and the importance of having a diverse skill set. Whether it's building a tower or fixing a water tank in a foreign land, their ability to adapt and overcome challenges makes them an invaluable asset.

    • Language and Culture: Embracing ComplexityOpen-mindedness and curiosity are essential for effective language learning and cultural immersion. Adopting accents or showing off language skills can be both respectful and disrespectful depending on context.

      Language learning and cultural immersion can be a complex and nuanced experience. The speaker shares an amusing anecdote about his children's reluctance to fully embrace the Spanish language in school despite growing up in a bilingual environment. He also reflects on his own experiences with his bilingual mother and her use of accents. The speaker ultimately realizes that trying to adopt accents or impress with language skills can be seen as both respectful and disrespectful, depending on the context. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's experiences during World War II, where he and his fellow marines encountered new languages and cultures in the Pacific Islands. The speaker's enthusiasm for learning and immersing himself in new cultures is evident throughout the conversation. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open-mindedness and curiosity when it comes to language learning and cultural exploration.

    • The importance of experience and knowledge in combat situationsEffective communication and connection with others relies on experience and knowledge. Learn from the experiences of others and be prepared to adapt in challenging situations.

      Experience and knowledge are invaluable in challenging situations, especially in combat. The speaker, a senior marine officer, emphasizes the importance of being well-read and having been to places in order to effectively communicate and connect with others. He also highlights the importance of learning from the experiences of others and being prepared, as demonstrated during the marine's landing on Guadalcanal in World War II. Despite disagreements and potential miscommunications, the marines were able to adapt and respond effectively to the unexpected challenges they faced, including Japanese air attacks and heavy naval gunfire. The speaker reflects on the significance of the event, which marked America's first offensive since the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the role that various industries and countries played in providing resources for the war effort.

    • Shrapnel from large weapons can cause severe injuries or deathShrapnel from large weapons is dangerous and can cause severe injuries or even death, despite their seemingly small size.

      Shrapnel, especially from large caliber weapons like 5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch guns and 120 millimeter mortars, is not as small and harmless as people might think. These fragments can be jagged, heavy, and sharp, capable of causing severe injuries or even death if they hit a vital area. The speaker experienced this firsthand during a battle, where they were miraculously unharmed despite being surrounded by these dangerous projectiles. It's important to remember that any fragment, no matter how small, can be deadly, and the size and power of the explosion should not be underestimated. Additionally, soldiers in combat face numerous threats, including snipers, enemy planes, warships, and malaria-carrying mosquitoes, all while trying to dig foxholes and man the lines. The constant danger and stress of combat can lead to tragic incidents, like the one where a marine was accidentally killed by a friend in the dark. Despite these challenges, the soldiers remained focused and continued to fight.

    • Soldiers cope with fear and uncertainty during Battle of GuadalcanalAmid intense battles, soldiers found solace in gallows humor and camaraderie, but their morale plummeted when they were left to fight alone. A new commander's promise to stay and support them restored hope and boosted morale.

      During the Battle of Guadalcanal, the soldiers experienced intense fear and uncertainty, with situations like friendly fire and constant air raids adding to their stress. Despite these challenges, they found ways to cope through gallows humor and camaraderie. However, the situation became even more dire when they received news that their support structures were leaving them to fight alone. Yet, the arrival of a new commander, Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, who pledged to stay and support them, boosted their morale and gave them renewed hope. Throughout it all, the soldiers showed immense bravery and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Anticipating enemy movements and identifying safe areas based on experience and knowledge of the environmentExperience and knowledge of the environment are crucial in combat situations, allowing soldiers to predict enemy movements and identify safe areas, potentially saving lives.

      Experience and knowledge of the environment are crucial in combat situations. The ability to anticipate enemy movements and identify safe areas can mean the difference between life and death. In the discussed scenario, the soldiers' experience of being bombed allowed them to predict where the next mortar would land, saving them from harm. Similarly, during the Battle of Guadalcanal, the soldiers' understanding of the terrain helped them set up a defensive line and survive the enemy attack. Furthermore, the unpredictability of a combat environment, whether in a city or a jungle, emphasizes the importance of situational awareness and the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

    • Fear and responsibility in high-risk environmentsHigh-risk environments demand heightened awareness, trust, teamwork, and adaptability to protect team and make informed decisions.

      Being in a high-risk environment, whether it's a warzone or a dangerous mission, comes with the constant fear of encountering enemies and the responsibility to protect one's team. The army captain from the first of 506, who had experienced 24 straight missions with enemy contact, instilled a sense of heightened awareness and vigilance. Similarly, Marine Dean Ladd, during the Battle of Tarawa, felt a deep sense of responsibility for his men and officers, even in the face of danger. Grenades, especially at night, could be used effectively without revealing one's position. However, the fear and uncertainty of not knowing where the enemy was at all times could lead to making hasty decisions, such as throwing grenades without confirming the target. Ultimately, the experiences of these soldiers underscore the importance of trust, teamwork, and adaptability in high-pressure situations.

    • The Battle of Edson's Ridge: A Turning Point in the Guadalcanal CampaignIn the Battle of Edson's Ridge during the Guadalcanal campaign, determined US marines led by Chesty Puller and Robert Hall held off a larger Japanese force, demonstrating their bravery and tenacity.

      The Battle of Edson's Ridge during the Guadalcanal campaign was a fierce and intense battle between US marines and the Japanese army. The Japanese, with a force of around 16,000 men, attempted to overtake Henderson Field, but were held off by a determined group of marines led by Chesty Puller and an army battalion under lieutenant colonel Robert Hall. The marines, including the author, defended their position on the ridge with great determination and courage, using grenades, machine guns, and rifles. The battle was chaotic and violent, with many lives lost on both sides. The Japanese soldiers were motivated by their division's motto, "remember that death is lighter than a feather, but that duty is heavier than a mountain," but were ultimately unable to overcome the marines' resolve. The author had great respect for the marine officers leading the defense and knew that they would do anything to protect their position. The battle was a turning point in the Guadalcanal campaign and demonstrated the bravery and tenacity of the US marines.

    • Quick thinking and adaptability in combatIn combat situations, quick thinking, adaptability, and effective communication are crucial for success. Soldiers must be able to respond to unexpected attacks and make repairs to their weapons to keep fighting.

      During a battle in the jungle, the soldiers had to quickly adapt and respond to enemy attacks, often turning their weapons around to defend against assaults from unexpected directions. The account describes a fierce battle where the soldiers were under constant attack, with some men being wounded or killed, and others having to make quick repairs to their weapons to keep fighting. The soldiers also had to communicate effectively with each other to coordinate their efforts and prevent the enemy from reaching their command post. Despite the challenges, they managed to hold their ground and prevent the enemy from overrunning their position. This experience highlights the importance of quick thinking, adaptability, and teamwork in combat situations.

    • A chaotic battle scene with intense firefightingIn battle, staying calm and focused, relying on teamwork and resourcefulness, and adapting quickly to changing situations are crucial for success.

      The chaos and confusion of battle can be disorienting and unpredictable, with moments of clarity and intense danger intermingling. The speaker describes a scene of intense firefighting on a knoll, where he was forced to scavenge weapons and rally his men to hold their ground against advancing enemy forces. Despite the danger, he manages to hold his position and repel the enemy, but not without close calls and moments of uncertainty. The experience left him feeling both exhausted and relieved, and he reflects on the importance of staying calm and focused in the face of adversity. Additionally, the importance of teamwork and resourcefulness in the heat of battle is highlighted, as the speaker relies on the help of his comrades to resupply him and hold their ground. Overall, the account underscores the importance of adaptability and quick thinking in the midst of battle, as well as the crucial role of communication and coordination among troops.

    • Unlikely soldiers' successful counter-attack led by brave leader John BasiloneTeamwork, courage, and leadership were crucial in an unlikely group of soldiers' successful counter-attack against the enemy, despite their injuries and support roles.

      During a fierce battle, a group of unlikely soldiers, including wounded men and support personnel, banded together to mount a successful counter-attack against the enemy. The leader, a machine gunner named John Basilone, displayed remarkable bravery and determination, even when injured himself. Despite his own wounds, he refused to abandon his men and instead rallied them to charge over the knoll and take back the lost ground. Their successful attack resulted in the discovery of numerous enemy dead and the end of the battle. Later, Basilone was recognized for his heroism and received a medal for his actions. This event highlights the importance of teamwork, courage, and leadership in the face of adversity.

    • A soldier's determination and the importance of perseveranceThrough hardships and loss, soldiers continued to fight, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

      Despite the hardships and dangers faced in battle, the fight continues and every moment counts. The author shares a story of meeting a soldier named Johnny, also known as Manila John, during a battle in the Pacific. Johnny and the author had a friendly interaction, and the author hoped that this encounter would help Johnny get promoted. Later, Johnny was killed in action. Despite this loss, the fight against the enemy continued, and the soldiers pushed forward, facing new challenges and adversities. General Vandegrift believed that it was an opportune time to continue the attack, and everyone prepared for the next battle. During this battle, the soldiers used interlocking fields of fire to great effect, eliminating the enemy troops as they approached the beach. The soldiers suffered casualties, but they continued to push forward, securing the area for all intents and purposes. Through it all, the soldiers remained determined and focused on the mission at hand, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Intense combat during the Battle of GuadalcanalSoldiers bravely endured intense naval gunfire, air attacks, and malaria to persevere and contribute to the Allied victory in the Pacific.

      Combat, particularly during the Battle of Guadalcanal, was a terrifying experience marked by intense naval gunfire, air attacks, and constant movement. The ground shook with each shell, lifting soldiers out of their holes and leaving them feeling as if they were on jelly. Heroes emerged in the form of marine corps pilots who bravely engaged the enemy in the skies, often outnumbered but never backing down. Despite the danger and hardships, soldiers continued to fight and adapt, with some even going on to be commissioned and continue in combat. The experience left a lasting impact, with soldiers enduring malaria and other challenges both during and after the battle. Ultimately, the soldiers' resilience and bravery allowed them to persevere and contribute to the Allied victory in the Pacific.

    • A Marine Corps veteran's extraordinary experiences in warDespite contracting malaria during WWII, Mitchell Page went on to serve in the Korean War and inspire a GI Joe action figure, reminding us of the sacrifices and inspiring resilience of our heroes.

      The experiences of real-life heroes, like Mitchell Page, can be more extraordinary than anything portrayed in movies. Page, a Marine Corps veteran, contracted malaria during World War II despite neglecting his malaria pills. His friend, who had taken his pills regularly, fell ill instead. Malaria, as Page learned, can stay in the body and increase the risk of heat casualties. Despite his illness, Page went on to serve in the Korean War, training officers and enlisted personnel. He retired from the Marine Corps in 1959 and wrote a book about his experiences. The GI Joe action figure based on him included a replica of his £80 water-cooled machine gun. Page passed away in 2003 and is buried in Riverside National Cemetery. His story serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by our heroes and the importance of living our lives in their honor. The realities of war are often more intense and unpredictable than movie portrayals, making the bravery and resilience of soldiers like Mitchell Page all the more inspiring.

    • Emphasizing the importance of resistance training for health and longevityExperts recommend resistance training for maintaining and improving health, as it builds muscle mass and strength, both physically and psychologically. It's now seen as a necessary discipline for longevity, making everyday tasks easier and promoting a lifelong commitment.

      Resistance training, or lifting, is becoming increasingly emphasized for overall health and longevity. Many experts, including Gabriel Lyon, Andrew Huberman, and Peter Attia, advocate for resistance training as a crucial component of health span, not just lifespan. This shift in perspective is due to the numerous benefits of muscle mass and strength, both physically and psychologically. Lifting, which was once thought to be counterproductive to longevity, is now seen as a necessary discipline for maintaining and improving health. This change is evident in everyday life, as simple tasks like changing a water cooler jug become easier with regular lifting. The initial allure of lifting comes from the temporary muscle pump and the feeling of progress, leading to a lifelong commitment to the practice. Noobie Gains, or rapid initial muscle growth, can further reinforce this commitment. Overall, incorporating resistance training into one's routine is a worthwhile investment in health and well-being.

    • Factors beyond muscle growth contribute to initial gains in strength trainingNewbie gains are influenced by various factors including body's readiness to adapt, development of balance, excitement, and motivation. However, progress may plateau or decrease, requiring new challenges to continue making progress.

      The initial gains in strength training, often referred to as "newbie gains," are influenced by various factors beyond just muscle growth. These factors include the body's readiness to adapt, the development of balance, and the excitement and motivation that comes with starting a new fitness routine. However, it's essential to recognize that these gains are not permanent, and eventually, progress may plateau or even decrease. To continue making progress, it's necessary to shock the system and find new ways to challenge the body. The speaker's experience with JP and his father illustrates how observing the gains and losses of others can provide valuable insights into the fitness journey. The discussion also highlights the importance of maintaining motivation and consistency to overcome plateaus and continue making progress.

    • Shock your system with small workout changesMake minor adjustments to workout routine for progress, add metabolic workouts, and support local businesses for quality resources

      To break through fitness plateaus, it's essential to shock your system by making small changes to your workout routine instead of drastically altering it every week. These changes can include adjusting weights, reps, rest periods, or workout volume. Additionally, incorporating metabolic workouts, such as sprints or kettlebell swings, can help boost your metabolism and fuel your body effectively. Jocko Fuel, a line of energy drinks, protein, hydrate, greens, and joint supplements, is recommended for clean fuel. Lastly, investing in American-made gear from OriginUSA.com and purchasing steak from PrimalBeef.com or ColoradoCraftBeef.com can support local businesses and provide high-quality resources for your fitness journey.

    • The Importance of Leadership and Resilience in Overcoming ChallengesRetired Navy SEAL Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of leadership and resilience in solving problems, and his team conducts events and online training to teach these skills. They also support military families and encourage positivity on social media.

      Leadership and resilience are essential in overcoming challenges, whether in business or personal life. Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL and the founder of Echelon Front, a leadership consultancy, emphasized the importance of leadership in solving problems. He has written several books, including the Warrior Kids series, and his team conducts events and online training to teach leadership skills. Moreover, Jocko and his team are passionate about helping military personnel, their families, and Gold Star families. They encourage people to support various charities, such as America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses. Jocko also warned against the dangers of social media and urged people to use it positively and avoid getting sucked into negative algorithms. He emphasized the importance of supporting each other and fighting for our way of life, appreciating the efforts of military personnel, police, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, dispatchers, correctional officers, border patrol, and secret service. Finally, Jocko shared a quote from Mitch Page's Medal of Honor citation, emphasizing the importance of bravery and courage in achieving victory. He encouraged everyone to keep fighting their battles and never cease aggressively attacking until they win.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/richard-little-4b85ba72

    Website: www.yourlandpartner.co.uk

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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

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