
    449: Be Loyal To Your Team, Friends, and Your Dogs. With Jay Kopelman

    enJuly 31, 2024
    What lesson did the Marines learn in Fallujah?
    Who is Jay Copelman and what is his book about?
    How did Lava impact Copelman's experience during the Iraq invasion?
    What challenges did Copelman face before joining the Marine Corps?
    What does the speaker's flight incident teach about calculated risks?

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected encountersBeing prepared, focused, and cautious are crucial in dangerous situations, even during unexpected encounters like an encounter with a stray dog.

      Being prepared, focused, and cautious are essential in dangerous situations, as demonstrated by the Marines in Fallujah during the Iraq invasion. They learned this lesson not only from their encounters with insurgents but also from the unexpected encounter with a stray dog named Lava. Jay Copelman, a Marine who served in Iraq, shares this story in his book "From Baghdad with Love: A Dog, A Marine, and the Love that Saved Them." Copelman was saved by Lava during a firefight and went on to adopt him. Before joining the Marines, Copelman grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where his father owned a direct mail business and his mother was a stay-at-home housewife. Despite his unremarkable academic record, Copelan's determination to play football led him to attend the University of Miami, where he became a placekicker for the team.

    • Unexpected rewardsDetermination and perseverance can lead to unexpected opportunities, even when facing numerous setbacks. Trying new things, despite the initial reservations, can ultimately lead to success.

      Determination and perseverance can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares his experience of being a walk-on football player who faced numerous setbacks, including injuries and being overlooked. Despite these challenges, he eventually discovered broadcast journalism in college and found success in that field. He also shares an unexpected encounter with Olympic diver Greg Louganis in a ballet class during college. The speaker's story illustrates that sometimes, taking a different path than planned can lead to unexpected rewards. Additionally, the speaker's willingness to try new things, such as ballet and broadcast journalism, despite initial reservations, ultimately led to his success.

    • Military training transformative journeyMilitary training, including Officer Candidate School (OCS), is a transformative journey filled with high expectations, rigorous training, and challenges that shape individuals into capable and resilient military personnel and leaders. Setbacks and failures are opportunities for growth and reflection, leading to eventual success.

      Military training, specifically Officer Candidate School (OCS), is an intense and transformative experience. The environment is drastically different, with high expectations and rigorous training. Marine Corps drill instructors, known for their perfection and discipline, play a significant role in this indoctrination. Despite the challenges, the experience is impressive and shapes individuals into capable and resilient military personnel. Despite the initial shock, trainees learn to adapt and push through setbacks. The military is filled with stories of individuals who didn't make their initial goal but continued to persist and succeed in different roles. This attitude of determination and resilience is crucial in the military and in life. After OCS, trainees move on to flight training, where they face new challenges and learn to adapt to different aircraft. Despite setbacks, such as not qualifying for jet pilot training the first time, individuals can reflect, regroup, and continue to strive for their goals. In essence, military training is a journey filled with challenges, growth, and determination. The experiences and lessons learned shape individuals into capable and resilient military personnel and leaders.

    • Risk-taking and perseveranceTaking calculated risks and learning from mistakes can lead to personal growth and success, but may also result in setbacks and disciplinary action.

      Determination and a willingness to push boundaries can lead to both exciting experiences and close calls. The speaker recounts their journey from primary flight training to solo flights, during which they attempted an unauthorized maneuver, resulting in an overstressed aircraft and a report to maintenance. Despite this incident, they continued to pursue their flying career, eventually facing disciplinary action for a bar fight. Despite the setbacks, their perseverance paid off as they were eventually allowed to continue in the program. This story highlights the importance of taking calculated risks and learning from mistakes.

    • Perseverance in the face of adversityPersevering through initial challenges and finding a place where one feels valued and supported can lead to success and the pursuit of one's dreams.

      Despite facing adversity and being treated unfairly in the Navy, the interviewee's determination and desire to serve with people who shared his values led him to transfer to the Marine Corps and ultimately find success as a C-130 pilot. Despite initial challenges, his perseverance and dedication paid off, and he was able to pursue his dream of flying jets in the Marine Corps, even if it wasn't the Harrier he initially hoped for. The experience taught him the importance of standing up for oneself and finding a place where one feels valued and supported.

    • Military career non-linearityStaying true to oneself and being open to new experiences, even if they don't fit the traditional career trajectory, can lead to personal growth and success in various fields.

      The speaker's military career was marked by a lack of a linear path to success and a tendency to push boundaries, leading to various experiences and adventures, including flying different types of aircraft, working with ground troops, and teaching helicopter rope suspension training. Despite facing challenges such as being passed over for promotion and dealing with uncomfortable situations, the speaker remained determined and continued to seek new opportunities. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences in the military shaped his character and prepared him for various civilian roles, including working for the U.S. Attorney, a tech company, and as a stockbroker. The speaker's story highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and being open to new experiences, even if they don't fit the traditional career trajectory.

    • Military interoperabilityBuilding relationships and understanding specific needs and capabilities of different military branches and forces is crucial for successful military operations

      Effective communication and understanding between different military branches and forces are crucial for successful missions. This was exemplified by the experiences of the speaker, who went from working in the Marine Corps and Navy, to negotiating with foreign governments, and eventually deploying to Iraq to work with Iraqi special forces. Throughout his career, he emphasized the importance of building relationships and interoperability, even when operating in silos or in challenging environments. He also highlighted the importance of having a solid understanding of the specific needs and capabilities of different military units and forces. Despite encountering resistance and extortion attempts, the speaker was able to navigate these situations through his knowledge and assertiveness. Overall, his experiences demonstrate the value of adaptability, strong relationships, and effective communication in military operations.

    • Military communication and cultureUnderstanding local language and customs is essential for effective communication and building trust in military operations, leading to successful outcomes

      Effective communication and cultural understanding are crucial in military operations. The speaker, a former Marine, shared his experiences training Iraqi Special Forces during Ramadan and leading an Iraqi army battalion in the Battle of Fallujah. He emphasized the importance of learning the local language and customs to build trust and establish connections. Despite the challenges, such as language barriers and fear, the speaker found that taking the time to understand the local culture led to successful outcomes. This experience underscores the importance of cultural competence in military operations and the positive impact it can have on building relationships and achieving mission goals.

    • Iraq War dogsThe presence of stray dogs in military compounds during the Iraq War brought comfort and companionship to Marines, but also added complexity to the challenging environment, making it difficult for them to regain a sense of confidence.

      During the Iraq War, the rules, including the no-pets rule, were often disregarded due to the presence of stray dogs in the military compound. The Marines formed bonds with these dogs, and they became a source of comfort and companionship in the chaotic and dangerous environment. Ann Garrels, a war journalist, observed this phenomenon and was frustrated that she couldn't convey the full reality of the situation to her radio audience. The Marines' experience of helplessness and fear made it difficult for them to regain a sense of confidence. The presence of these dogs added a layer of complexity to the already challenging situation.

    • Lava the puppyThe rescue and care of a stray puppy during war provided comfort and companionship to a Marine, but challenges arose in bringing the dog home due to military regulations.

      The rescue and care of a stray puppy named Lava during the Battle of Fallujah became a significant part of a Marine's experience. The journalist Ann Scott played a role in Lava's rescue and later reported on the story, but there were challenges in trying to bring the dog home due to military regulations. The Marine expressed caution when interacting with journalists, acknowledging that they may have an agenda to write negative stories for more clicks. Despite the challenges, the Marine had positive experiences with journalists who took extreme risks to capture stories and showed bravery. The experience of caring for Lava provided a sense of comfort and companionship during a difficult time.

    • Saving LavaDespite dangerous conditions, the author's determination to save a stray dog named Lava from Iraq taught him the importance of keeping promises and the profound impact of forming a connection with another living being.

      The author's mission to bring home a stray dog named Lava from Iraq became a deeply personal and challenging journey for him during a time of great turmoil and danger. Despite the hostile environment and numerous obstacles, the author's determination to keep his promise to the Marines and his growing attachment to the dog drove him to persist in his efforts. The experience taught him the importance of keeping his word and the profound impact of forming a connection with another living being. The author's confession also reveals his transformation from a Marine focused on orders and following rules to a man touched by compassion and the desire to save a life.

    • Human-animal bondThe human-animal bond can bring profound emotional healing to veterans and help them find renewed purpose and connection through the process of training and caring for a service dog.

      The unexpected arrival of a rescue dog named Lava from the war in Iraq brought profound emotional healing to a veteran. The journey to bring Lava home involved overcoming numerous challenges, including border closures, media attention, and the writing of a book to share their story. The process of training Lava and working on the book provided the veteran with a renewed sense of purpose and connection. Shelter to Soldier, an organization that trains shelter dogs to be service dogs for veterans, played a crucial role in this transformation. Despite initial hesitation, the veteran eventually wrote a book about Lava's journey, which gained significant media attention and became a New York Times bestseller. This experience underscores the therapeutic power of the human-animal bond and the transformative impact of resilience and determination.

    • Military Veteran's JourneyA military veteran's journey post-service can involve leading organizations, helping others through nonprofits, and focusing on personal growth, even amidst personal challenges

      Despite serving in the Marine Corps for 11 years and experiencing PTSD, Lieutenant Colonel Copeland chose to retire and pursue a new path in life. After retiring, he was approached to lead a new organization, but instead, he chose to focus on helping others through a small nonprofit and starting programs for military kids. Later, he wrote a book about the reintegration process for veterans and went into healthcare to help improve patient outcomes. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but drew inspiration from a friend who had also battled the disease. Throughout his journey, Copeland's focus on helping others and staying true to his values guided him through both challenges and successes.

    • Personal determination and resiliencePersonal determination and resilience can help individuals overcome significant challenges, including health issues and personal relationships. Focusing on health and training can aid in coping and eventually thriving. Research and knowledge are essential for making informed decisions.

      Personal determination and resilience can help individuals overcome significant challenges, whether it be health issues or personal relationships. The speaker in this discussion shared his experience of advocating for his preferred cancer treatment despite opposition, and also had to make the difficult decision to put down his beloved pet during his cancer treatments. Through focusing on his health and training in Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu, he was able to cope and eventually thrive. Additionally, the importance of research and knowledge in making informed decisions was emphasized. Despite facing grief and adversity, the speaker's story demonstrates the power of perseverance and the importance of staying true to one's beliefs.

    • New experiences, Old ageIt's never too late to pursue new passions and challenges, regardless of age, as they can lead to personal growth, improved physical health, and a sense of community.

      No matter your age, it's never too late to pursue new passions and challenges. The speaker, who started training in Jiu Jitsu at 62, discovered a love for the sport and even competed in tournaments, despite facing obstacles like weight cuts and injuries. The experience not only improved his physical health but also provided a sense of community and camaraderie. Even when setbacks occurred, he remained determined and continued to train and learn. This story serves as a reminder that age is just a number and that embracing new experiences can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Veteran mental health treatmentsMental health treatments including therapy with dogs, breath work meditation, psychedelic experiences, and Jiu-Jitsu can significantly enhance clarity, emotional growth, spiritual growth, and moral clarity for veterans, leading to improved relationships, a positive outlook, and a new appreciation for life. Approach these treatments with caution and open-mindedness.

      Mental health treatments like therapy involving Marines and dogs, breath work meditation, and psychedelic experiences can significantly improve clarity, emotional and spiritual growth, and moral clarity for veterans. These treatments can lead to a new appreciation for life, better relationships, and a more positive outlook. However, it's important to approach such treatments with caution and open-mindedness, as they may not be suitable for everyone. Additionally, taking ownership of one's actions and seeking help when needed are crucial steps towards personal growth. Jiu-Jitsu, as a physical and emotional workout, can also contribute to overall well-being and team building.

    • Making the best out of situationsTake ownership, stay prepared physically and mentally, focus on positives, fuel body with high-quality food and supplements, invest in leadership skills

      Despite limitations or challenges in life, it's essential to make the best out of the situation by taking ownership, staying physically and mentally prepared, and focusing on positive influences. This can be achieved through good nutrition, regular exercise, and a positive mindset. Jockofield.com offers high-quality fuel and supplements to support physical health, while OriginUSA.com provides American-made gear for various activities. Additionally, investing in leadership skills through resources like Extreme Ownership and Echelon Front can help individuals overcome obstacles and succeed in all aspects of life.

    • Supporting veterans and first respondersNumerous ways to support veterans, families, and first responders include charities like Americas Mighty Warriors, MICA Think Heroes and Horses, Jimmy May's Beyond the Brotherhood, and organizations like Semperfifund and America's Fund. Engage with Def Reset app for motivation and stay loyal to those who protect us.

      There are numerous ways to support and give back to veterans, their families, and first responders. Mark Lee's charity organization, Americas Mighty Warriors, is one option, as well as MICA Think Heroes and Horses and Jimmy May's Beyond the Brotherhood. Jay Copelman can be found on social media, and the Semperfifund and America's Fund are also worthy causes. The Def Reset app is another way to get involved and stay motivated. It's important to remember that military members and first responders put themselves in harm's way to protect us, and we should express our gratitude and support. The game of life only gives us one run, so let's make the most of it by staying engaged, being loyal to our teams and friends, and even our dogs.

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