
    #52 Andrew Bustamante - CIA Spy / World War 3, Money Laundering and The Next Superpower | SRS #52 Part 1

    en-usMarch 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights into Geopolitical Challenges: Russia-Ukraine Conflict and China's Rising PowerFormer CIA operative Andrew Bustamante discusses potential outcomes of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China's growing influence, and the role of propaganda and misinformation in shaping global events. Stay informed and unbiased to navigate complex global affairs.

      The world is facing significant geopolitical challenges, particularly with the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the rising power of China. Former CIA operative Andrew Bustamante, also known as the Everyday Spy, provides unique insights into these issues. With a background in the Air Force nuclear program and the CIA, Bustamante brings an unbiased perspective to complex global events. He discusses the potential outcomes of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the implications of China's growing influence. The conversation also touches on propaganda and misinformation, which can complicate an already complex global landscape. Overall, this discussion offers valuable insights into current global affairs and highlights the importance of staying informed and unbiased.

    • Preparing for a world without the US as the largest superpowerConsider the implications of the shifting global superpower dynamic between the US and China, and be prepared for potential consequences.

      The world is constantly evolving and we must be prepared for change, both the changes we welcome and those we don't. The world's superpower dynamic is shifting, and it's essential to ask ourselves what our lives would look like if the United States is not the largest superpower. This question may seem daunting, but it's crucial to consider the possibilities and probabilities. Change is inevitable, and while we can't predict the future with certainty, we can take steps to influence it. The United States and China are currently in a competition for global dominance, and it's important to understand the implications of this shift. While China has made significant strides in recent decades, it's unlikely that they surpass the United States as the world's leading superpower in the next decade. However, we must remain open to the possibility and be prepared for the potential consequences. Ultimately, embracing change and asking thoughtful questions about the future is essential for individuals and nations alike.

    • China's Advancement through Technology TheftChina's rapid technological advancement through theft could lead to it surpassing the US as the world superpower by 2033, with potential implications for individuals and businesses.

      China has leveraged its late entry into the global technological landscape by stealing and reverse engineering advanced technologies from other countries, including the US and Europe. This has allowed them to quickly advance and surpass some areas, while lagging behind in others. If China becomes the world superpower by 2033, being an American could lose its advantages, such as having a US passport or using American banking institutions. The US could lose its status as the land of opportunity and freedom, and instead, having a Chinese passport could become the new ticket to opportunity and potential freedom for many. This shift could have significant implications for individuals and businesses, and it's important to be aware of these potential changes.

    • Considering European Dual Citizenship for Future SuccessIndividuals with Chinese identity or background may face challenges in the US, leading some to consider Europe for dual citizenship and a non-threatening identity. Europe's first-world infrastructure and expected pro-US stance make it an attractive alternative. Prepare for potential economic instability by diversifying assets, including precious metals.

      Due to potential future geopolitical shifts, having a Chinese identity or background may make it challenging for individuals to succeed in certain places, particularly in the United States. As a result, some individuals are considering immigrating to Europe to establish dual citizenship and blend in as non-threats. Europe is seen as a potential alternative because it's expected to still be pro-US and offer first-world infrastructure for several decades. The speaker also mentions considering Paraguay and other Latin American countries, but the infrastructure decline is predicted to happen faster in those places. Ultimately, it's impossible to predict the future, but individuals can prepare for potential economic instability by diversifying their assets, including with precious metals. The speaker has partnered with Goldco to help listeners explore this option. Additionally, the speaker uses HVMN's ketones supplement to boost workouts and mental clarity, and is offering listeners a discount on their first subscription order.

    • Understanding the nature of global conflictsBe prepared for potential proxy and economic warfare in the global conflict, and consider Paraguay as a safe haven. Understand the nature of proxy wars and their potential escalations.

      We are currently experiencing the early stages of a global conflict, and it's essential to be prepared for potential escalations. The nature of this conflict may not resemble past wars, as it's more likely to involve proxy and economic warfare. Paraguay, with its agricultural industry and distance from drug trade and cartel violence, could serve as an option for those seeking safety during uncertain times. However, the future of this conflict is uncertain, and it's essential to be adaptable and have a backup plan, such as an EVAC plan. Proxy wars are conflicts where the primary instigators are not physically present at the site of conflict. Examples include Syria, Libya, and Yemen, where superpowers or economic powers fund one side or the other. The current conflict in Ukraine is also a proxy war, with the United States and China funding opposing sides. The majority of the death and carnage is localized to the conflict itself, but the economic foundations funding that conflict are two other powers vying for control. It's crucial to understand the nature of this conflict and be prepared for potential escalations.

    • CIA's recruitment strategy targets individuals with desirable traitsThe CIA recruits individuals with backgrounds closely aligned to intelligence work, including military backgrounds, academic achievements, and language skills.

      The CIA and humanitarian organizations like the Peace Corps have strict boundaries due to national security concerns. The speaker shared his personal experience of being recruited by the CIA instead of joining the Peace Corps, as working for one would disqualify him from the other. The CIA saw potential in him due to his background, academic achievements, and language skills, which were also desirable traits for a Peace Corps volunteer. The speaker's military background, including his high clearance level, expedited his recruitment process. The CIA's recruitment strategy involves targeting individuals with backgrounds that closely align with the demands of intelligence work. The speaker's race, military background, academic achievements, and language skills were all factors that made him an attractive candidate for the CIA.

    • CIA Training: Third World vs. Hard Target OperationsCIA's CST program offers different training paths for agents, focusing on third world operations with more creativity, risk-taking, and human connection, and hard target operations with sophisticated resources and strategic thinking.

      The CIA's clandestine service, known as CST, has different training programs for agents based on their life experiences and skill sets. The speaker, who went through the CST program, started his career focusing on "third world operations" dealing with threats that don't pose long-term risks to national security. He then transitioned into "hard target" roles, working on long-term strategic threats from countries like North Korea, Russia, and China. While both types of operations have their merits, third world operations require more creativity, risk-taking, and individuality, whereas hard target operations offer more options for sophisticated operations and collaboration with top-tier colleagues. The speaker valued the human connection and raw reality of third world operations, which provided a visceral reminder of humanity's core nature. Conversely, hard target operations deal with more refined issues and require a different skill set, focusing on connections, resources, and strategic thinking.

    • Learning espionage skills for an unfair advantageFormer CIA agent's business teaches influence, persuasion, relationship building, and predicting human behavior for personal and corporate success. Offers digital and in-person courses.

      The skills and tactics learned in espionage, such as influence, persuasion, relationship building, predicting and controlling human behavior, are equally valuable in civilian life and the commercial sector. Everyday Spy, founded by a former CIA agent and his wife, teaches these skills to help individuals and corporations gain an unfair advantage. The business has had success with executives, entrepreneurs, and teams, as everyone is secretly seeking an edge. Hoist IV level hydration, with its low sugar and high electrolytes, is another tool for gaining an advantage, particularly in physically demanding environments. Helix Sleep, with its customized mattresses, offers a better night's sleep for a refreshed start to the day. Both Hoist and Helix provide discounts for military and first responders. Everyday Spy teaches the importance of gaining an unfair advantage through mental and social skills, and offers various platforms for learning, including digital and in-person courses.

    • Ukraine-Russia conflict goes beyond those two countriesLeaders see larger geopolitical implications in Ukraine-Russia conflict, involving Europe, NATO, and other global powers.

      The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not just about those two countries, but rather a larger issue involving Europe and geopolitical power plays. The trainers on the Sean Ryan show offer elite, high-priced training with limited availability due to manpower constraints. They are now exploring digital coursework to make their training accessible to more companies and individuals at more affordable prices. In the news, there have been conflicting reports about the Nord Stream pipeline explosion, with some sources claiming the US was responsible, while others deny it. It's essential to understand that national leaders view conflicts in a more comprehensive way than the media portrays them, making the situation in Ukraine and Russia a complex issue involving Europe, NATO, and other global powers.

    • Ukraine-Russia Conflict: A Larger Geopolitical Power StruggleThe Ukraine-Russia conflict is not just about these two countries, but rather a larger geopolitical power struggle between the US and Russia, with China being another significant player. The US is using Ukraine as a testing ground for potential future conflicts with China.

      The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not just about these two countries, but rather a larger geopolitical power struggle between the United States and Russia, with China being another significant player. Ukraine, despite some democratic elements, is not a first-world democracy and has significant corruption issues. The media portrayal of the United States protecting democracy in Ukraine is a simplified narrative, and the real reasons for U.S. involvement are to deplete Russian resources and prepare for potential future conflicts with China. The United States' involvement in Ukraine is a complex issue with significant logistical challenges due to the long distance between the two countries. The United States is practicing for future conflicts with China by sending weapons and resources to Ukraine, which is 15,000 miles away, compared to having bases in countries closer to China. The media often oversimplifies the situation, but the real conflict is about the direction the United States wants to take the world as a potential superpower.

    • Ukraine Conflict Masks Economic Instability from COVID-19 ResponseThe Ukraine conflict serves as a cover for economic instability caused by COVID-19 response, benefiting certain industries and the economy, but U.S. involvement is driven by geopolitical interests beyond protecting democracy.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the resulting economic boost serve as a mask for the economic instability caused by the COVID-19 response, while also benefiting various industries and the economy as a whole. The Biden administration's decision to avoid announcing a recession by funding certain sectors tied to the conflict in Europe, particularly the military industrial complex, also has implications for the medical and other industries. However, it's important to note that the primary reason for U.S. involvement in Ukraine is not solely about protecting democracy, but also serves as a mask for other geopolitical interests.

    • Political polarization hinders economic progressPersistent political bickering in the US government is preventing efficient use of resources and hindering efforts to address long-term challenges, leading to economic stagnation.

      Uncertainty in the economy is preferable to a confirmed recession, as the latter can lead to significant decreases in spending and economic activity. However, the persistent political polarization and bickering in the US government are hindering efforts to secure a strong and prosperous future for the country. Instead of focusing on unity and cooperation, politicians are often more concerned with advancing their own careers and party agendas, leading to wasted time and resources. This infighting prevents the efficient use of resources and hampers the ability to address long-term challenges facing the United States. Ultimately, a more collaborative approach is needed to ensure American primacy and prosperity. The pyramid of civilization theory also highlights the importance of cooperation and efficiency in societal advancement, but it comes at the cost of individual freedom.

    • From individual to societal structures, efficiency and governance come at a cost of individual freedom.Politicians' financial ties to foreign entities and the revolving door of politics raise questions about whose interests are prioritized.

      As we move from individual to societal structures, we gain efficiency and governance but lose individual freedom. The pyramid of society, with the state at the top, prioritizes preserving the state over serving the people. Politicians, like Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and Nancy Pelosi, have businesses in China due to the financial benefits and the desire to maintain positive relationships for future politicians. The revolving door of politics leads to mutual benefits and the high salaries of politicians can lead to promises of no new taxes for those earning less than $400,000 a year. This is not classic corruption as it is a democratic process, but it raises questions about whose interests are truly being served. The example of Ukraine and the pipeline illustrates the complex geopolitical dynamics at play.

    • Skepticism towards Russia and the US as potential culprits of Nord Stream pipelines sabotageHistorical corruption and criminal elements in Ukraine make it a logical assumption that money laundering and black market activities continue, but the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines remains a complex issue with multiple potential culprits including China, Iran, North Korea, and even Ukraine itself.

      The lack of transparency and information surrounding the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines has led to widespread speculation about potential covert actions involved. The speaker expresses skepticism towards both Russia and the United States as potential culprits, suggesting instead that other countries, such as China, Iran, North Korea, or even Ukraine itself, could be behind the sabotage. The speaker also emphasizes the historical corruption and criminal elements in Ukraine, making it a logical assumption that money laundering and black market activities continue to exist in the country. While there is a high probability that money from Ukraine is being recycled back to politicians, the speaker acknowledges that this is a more complex issue to unravel. Overall, the lack of information and transparency surrounding the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines has fueled numerous theories and concerns.

    • Ukraine Conflict's Economic and Political ImplicationsThe Ukraine conflict presents opportunities for American businesses and the US economy through reconstruction projects, access to frozen Russian funds, and increased reliance on US support from European countries in NATO.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is not just about the war itself, but also about the economic and political implications that will follow. The reconstruction of Ukraine and Europe will bring significant financial benefits to American businesses and the US economy. Money from various sources, including frozen Russian funds, will likely be used to pay for reconstruction projects, benefiting American companies. The complex process of bringing this money back into American hands is not likely to be straightforward but will still be in the best interest of the US. Additionally, the division among European countries in NATO regarding the conflict means they will rely on the US for support and reconstruction, further benefiting American businesses. Ultimately, the US administration's goal is to maintain its position as a global economic superpower, and the conflict in Ukraine serves that purpose.

    • Europe and US perspectives on Ukraine conflict differThe US sending military aid to Ukraine and Russia's use of old weapons in the conflict highlight the complex web of alliances, economic interests, and military strategies at play, emphasizing the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

      The alignment between Europe and the United States on the Ukraine conflict may not be as straightforward as American headlines suggest. Europe and the US have different perspectives and concerns, as evidenced by European headlines. The US has sent outdated military equipment to Ukraine, using up its peacetime reserves, leading to calls for European countries to send weapons. The US military industrial complex benefits from this situation, as it leads to increased production and stockpiling. Russia, similarly, is using its old weapons in the conflict and exporting newer ones to countries like China. The lethal aid China is providing to Russia is essentially just reselling Russian weapons back to them. This complex web of alliances, economic interests, and military strategies highlights the nuanced nature of international conflicts and the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

    • The Complexities of the Russia-Ukraine ConflictThe US aids Ukraine with lethal weapons for testing, shaping narratives, and ensuring their defense, while China sells back Russian weapons. The conflict fuels a technological revolution in Ukraine and raises concerns over bio labs.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the involvement of various global powers like the US and China, is a complex issue with multiple layers. The selling of Russian weapons back to Russia from China is not an equal comparison to the lethal aid given to Ukraine by the US. This conflict is not about legality but shaping narratives. The war in Ukraine provides an opportunity for the US to test its new weapons in real-life conditions without risking American lives. This battlefield testing leads to instant improvements and the development of more effective weapons. The conflict is a delicate balancing act for NATO and the US, ensuring Ukraine has enough to fight but not enough to ensure their own security. The war also sparks a technological revolution in Ukraine, with its talented workforce turning their skills towards weapons production. The existence of bio labs in Ukraine is a necessity for biological defense, but the lack of transparency and multiple conflicting narratives make it a complex issue.

    • The complex interplay of factors shaping the world's economic and geopolitical landscapeGreat powers seek control through investments in third world countries, but risks and debates about globalization vs national interests have emerged.

      The world's economic and geopolitical landscape is shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including cost, deniability, and the pursuit of influence and power. Historically, great powers have sought to expand their reach and control by investing in third world countries, often at the cost of local populations and their wellbeing. However, the risks associated with such investments have become more apparent in recent times, as seen in the cases of China's dominance of global supply chains and Russia's aggression in Ukraine. These events have highlighted the need for diversification and self-sufficiency, and have sparked debates about the desirability of a globalized world versus a world where national interests take priority. Ultimately, the future that we want depends on our values and priorities. Do we want a world where everyone has an opportunity to maximize efficiency and generate wealth, or do we want to prioritize American primacy and control? These are complex questions with no easy answers, but it is clear that the choices we make will have far-reaching consequences for ourselves and future generations.

    • Political divisions among humans could unite in face of extraterrestrial life threatPotential extraterrestrial life and insidious influences could lead to new world wars, masked as proxy conflicts between major economies, and cause devastating consequences for resource-rich countries and their populations.

      The existence of extraterrestrial life and potential threats to Earth could lead to the dissolution of political divisions among humans. However, any potential invasion or influence from advanced intelligent life forms might not be as overt as depicted in science fiction movies, but rather through insidious means that keep humanity divided and weakened. Furthermore, we might already be in a new world war, but it's not taking the form of traditional large-scale conflicts. Instead, it's manifesting as proxy wars between major economies, with the world dividing into allied and opposing camps. These conflicts are often overlooked by the general public and can lead to devastating consequences for resource-rich countries and their populations.

    • Ukraine's Complex Geopolitical SituationPresident Zelensky's inexperience in diplomacy and politics adds uncertainty to Ukraine's conflict with Russia. China's unexpected peace proposal highlights its growing influence. Diplomacy and experienced leadership are crucial in managing international conflicts.

      The current geopolitical situation in Ukraine involves complex dynamics, with various players vying for influence and resources. President Zelensky of Ukraine, while a popular and effective leader, lacks experience in diplomacy and politics. His statements and actions, particularly regarding the potential escalation of the conflict, need to be evaluated with caution. China, an unexpected player, has proposed a peace plan, highlighting its growing global influence and potential leverage over both Ukraine and Russia. The situation underscores the importance of diplomacy and the need for experienced leadership in managing international conflicts. Additionally, the potential involvement of the US and other major powers adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The overall situation is fluid and requires careful monitoring and understanding.

    • China's Global Positioning Since US DistractionChina seizes opportunities, builds legal structures, and negotiates peace to shift global power, while the US appears as a warmonger.

      China has been strategically positioning itself globally since the US was distracted by the war on terror, taking advantage of resources and opportunities that the US left behind. This includes building a network of resources and legal structures that allow them to enforce contracts and operate under international law. If China negotiates peace in Europe, it could potentially shift the global power dynamic, making the US appear as a warmonger and losing influence in the region. The use of nuclear weapons in this scenario is a complex issue, and while the probability of a large-scale nuclear attack is low, the risk of smaller-scale nuclear incidents cannot be discounted entirely. China's actions demonstrate a long-term strategic approach and a willingness to operate within the rules of international law to achieve their goals.

    • Russia's use of bureaucratic gridlock in NATO and potential nuclear weapon use in UkraineRussia exploits NATO's bureaucracy, increasing uncertainty and confusion. A 'pocket nuke' in Ukraine could benefit Russia, but outcomes are uncertain. Ceasefires can signal democratic strength or weakness. Nuclear detonation in a NATO country has devastating consequences, making funding a delicate decision.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, particularly the potential use of nuclear weapons, is a complex issue with significant implications for global politics. Autocratic nations like Russia can exploit the bureaucratic gridlock in democratic organizations like NATO to create confusion and uncertainty, making it difficult to respond effectively. The use of a "pocket nuke" in Ukraine could lead to various outcomes, but the ultimate goal for Russia would be to gain a specific benefit. The definition of victory and loss is crucial, and the likelihood of Ukraine regaining all lost territories according to their own president's definition is slim. A ceasefire could signal either the strength or weakness of democracy depending on who drives it. The potential consequences of a nuclear weapon detonation in a NATO country are devastating, making the continued funding of the war a delicate decision for democratic governments.

    • China's growing influence in EuropeAdding a P.S. to a cover letter can increase job application read rate by 75% while US interests in Europe could be impacted by China's involvement in conflicts and global initiatives

      The United States should be paying close attention to China's growing influence in global affairs, particularly in Europe. China's President Xi Jinping has been positioning Beijing as a peacemaker in conflicts like the war in Ukraine, proposing ceasefire plans that have been rejected by the West. China's involvement in various global initiatives, such as the Belt Road Initiative and its control of rare earth minerals, gives it significant leverage. If China succeeds in directing the next steps in Europe, it could potentially impact US interests, including the safety of Taiwan. In the business world, a small tip from Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," can help job seekers stand out. Adding a P.S. to a cover letter can increase the chances of it being read by up to 75%. These are important things to keep in mind as we navigate the complexities of our globalized world. Stay informed and stay ahead.

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    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

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