
    536 Brene Brown: Create True Belonging and Heal the World

    enSeptember 13, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring vulnerability and true belonging with Brené BrownEmbrace vulnerability to build strong, authentic connections and strive for true belonging through open communication and support.

      The importance of vulnerability and true belonging, as explored by research professor and best-selling author, Brené Brown. Throughout the conversation, Brené shared insights from her extensive research on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, emphasizing the power of demonstrating vulnerability to build strong, authentic connections. She also discussed her latest book, "Braving the Wilderness," which explores the quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone. The episode touched on various topics, including the significance of vulnerability in masculinity, the importance of open communication and support, and the challenges and rewards of parenting. Overall, this inspiring conversation highlights the importance of embracing vulnerability and striving for true belonging in our personal and professional lives.

    • The Complexity of BelongingBelonging is more than just being part of a group or having friends, it's about being a part of something bigger and having the courage to stand alone.

      Belonging is a complex concept that goes beyond just being part of a group or having many friends. According to the speaker, it's about being a part of something bigger than oneself while also having the courage to stand alone and belong to oneself. The absence of love and belonging can lead to suffering, and it's common to feel lonely and alone even though we may have large audiences or followings. The speaker shares that she still feels this way despite her success and large fanbase. The opposite of belonging is not being alone, but rather, fitting in. The speaker encourages the courage to stand up for what one believes in, even if it means standing alone. Ultimately, the most important belonging is to oneself.

    • Embrace authenticity to belong everywhereBeing true to ourselves allows us to belong everywhere, despite the cost, as we're all complex beings who resist being defined by others' expectations.

      True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are, but rather to be authentic and unapologetically ourselves. Fitting in by altering ourselves is unsustainable and can lead to losing ourselves. We're all complex and paradoxical beings, and it's essential to resist being defined by others' expectations. Maya Angelou's quote, "you are free only when you belong no place—you belong every place—no place at all," emphasizes the importance of never betraying ourselves to belong anywhere. The reward of this practice is great, even though the cost can be high. Ultimately, we belong everywhere as long as we remain true to ourselves.

    • The Danger of Over-AdaptingBeing adaptable is important, but not at the cost of authenticity. Avoid over-adapting to make others like you and instead, provide a safe space for self-exploration and growth.

      Being adaptable is a valuable trait, but it's important not to adapt solely to please others and betray oneself. The speaker shares her ability to adapt to various conversations and social situations, often adapting to men's interests like sports or politics. However, she emphasizes the danger of adapting too much to make others like her, which can lead to a loss of authenticity. The speaker also reflects on her past experiences, including her high school years when she felt the pressure to fit in and be cool, which ultimately led her down a negative path. She contrasts this with her current approach as a parent, providing her children with a safe and supportive environment to explore their interests and take risks, allowing them to develop confidence and resilience.

    • Parents taught resilience and adaptabilityParents' tough love and open-mindedness helped children learn resilience and adaptability, but struggles intensify when parents refuse to change and criticize new choices

      Despite facing significant challenges in their own lives, the speaker's parents taught them to be tough and persevere through hardships. They instilled in their children the importance of resilience and adaptability, even in the face of adversity. However, the speaker emphasizes that it is harder when parents refuse to grow and change, and instead criticize their children for trying to do things differently. The speaker's parents, on the other hand, were open-minded and encouraged their children to explore new choices. The speaker also shares a humorous anecdote about how her father implemented the "two choices" approach with their daughter, showing that even though they were tough, they were also learning and adapting as parents.

    • Parents' role in children's emotional developmentAcknowledging vulnerability and granting permission to make mistakes fosters healthy emotional development in children, while unintended shaming hinders it.

      Parents play a crucial role in their children's emotional development, and being aware of one's own vulnerabilities and allowing for growth is essential. Many parents, despite their best efforts, may have unintentionally shamed their children for expressing vulnerability. This can stem from past experiences or fears, but it ultimately hinders healthy emotional development. Permission to make mistakes and ask for help is vital in raising children who will do the same. A powerful example of this comes from men, who often learn to mask vulnerability with anger or rage. The use of shame as a tool for motivation, as seen in the football practice example, can lead to damaging consequences in personal and professional relationships. By acknowledging and addressing these patterns, parents can create a safe and supportive environment for their children to grow and learn from their mistakes.

    • The Price of Being Picked LastRecognizing vulnerability as a strength can lead to stronger relationships and better mental health for men, breaking the cycle of isolation

      The experience of being picked last in a game at a young age instilled a deep sense of determination and drive for success in the speaker. However, this drive came with a heavy price as every loss felt like a personal attack on his worth and led to feelings of unfulfillment and emotional disconnection. Men, especially those who grew up feeling the pressure to be strong and avoid vulnerability, often struggle to communicate and connect with others, perpetuating a cycle of isolation. To break this cycle, it's crucial to recognize the importance of vulnerability and emotional expression as acts of courage, not weakness. Encouraging open dialogue and normalizing vulnerability in men can lead to stronger relationships and better mental health.

    • Courage and vulnerability go hand in handTrue courage requires vulnerability and facing uncertainty, but our culture often stigmatizes vulnerability, especially for men. Brave leaders embrace uncomfortable conversations and give/receive hard feedback.

      Courage and vulnerability are interconnected. According to the speaker, true courage comes from being vulnerable and facing uncertainty. However, many people desire to be brave without being vulnerable, which creates a dilemma. Vulnerability is often associated with weakness in our culture, and men, in particular, may feel shame when they are vulnerable. Yet, being a courageous leader requires vulnerability and the willingness to have uncomfortable conversations and give and receive hard feedback. The speaker encourages choosing courage over comfort, even when it's scary, and acknowledges the importance of addressing issues like race and privilege, despite the potential discomfort and backlash.

    • Learning from Strong Women and Addressing Social IssuesIndividuals, especially those in privilege, should listen, learn, and take responsibility in addressing social issues. Encourage open dialogue, humility, and understanding for marginalized communities to heal pain and prevent perpetuation of problems.

      It's important for individuals, especially those in positions of privilege, to actively listen, learn, and take responsibility in addressing social issues, particularly those related to race and gender. The speaker shares his personal experiences of being raised by strong women who instilled values of respect and equality. He also runs a business with a predominantly female team, where women are paid more based on merit. However, he acknowledges the existence of white male privilege and the need to speak out against social injustices. He encourages open dialogue, humility, and a willingness to understand the pain and feelings of marginalized communities. By ignoring or dismissing this pain, individuals risk perpetuating the problem. As James Baldwin once said, "People cling to their hate so stubbornly because once they let it go, there's nothing left but pain."

    • Embracing Pain and Processing Emotions EffectivelyLearning to face and process emotional pain leads to resilience and fulfilling lives. Seek resources and model healthy emotional expression to overcome avoidance and promote positive change.

      As individuals and as a society, we often avoid feeling emotional pain and instead inflict pain on others or seek distractions through various means. This pattern is evident in various aspects of life, including football fields, leadership, and personal struggles. Our unwillingness to deal with pain can lead to serious issues such as addiction and social unrest. To overcome this, it's essential to learn how to embrace vulnerability and process emotions effectively. This may involve seeking out resources, such as therapy or self-help practices, and modeling healthy emotional expression. By facing our pain head-on, we can build resilience and lead more fulfilling lives. Additionally, as leaders, it's crucial to avoid scapegoating and instead focus on addressing the root causes of uncertainty and fear. Ultimately, owning our pain and working through it together can lead to positive change and growth.

    • Embracing vulnerability and working together leads to success and resilienceAcknowledging vulnerabilities and working together can prevent harm and conflict, leading to greater success and resilience in personal and collective contexts

      Acknowledging vulnerabilities and working together with power and support can lead to greater success and resilience, both in personal and collective contexts. Pretending to be invulnerable and holding onto power in a rigid, exclusive way ultimately leads to harm and conflict. The Charlottesville incident serves as an example of the destructive consequences of clinging to power over others. Instead, embracing power with and power to, through collective action and cooperation, is essential for addressing the complex challenges facing the world today.

    • The need for unity and vulnerability in facing global challengesEmbrace vulnerability and moral leadership to create positive change in a divisive world, regardless of gender.

      We are facing global challenges that require collaboration and moral leadership. The problems we face today cannot be solved with national solutions alone. The current political climate, with people clinging to the past and resorting to fear and violence, underscores the need for unity and vulnerability. Men, in particular, are encouraged to embrace vulnerability and show up authentically, as it is our greatest measure of courage. Women, too, need to let go of the pressure to be perfect and allow themselves to be vulnerable. Ultimately, moral leadership and vulnerability are essential for creating positive change in our world.

    • Practice self-compassion and speak with empathetic peopleTo cope with feelings of shame, anger, or rage, practice self-compassion and speak with empathetic individuals. Sharing experiences reduces shame's power and allows for healing and control.

      When we experience feelings of shame, anger, or rage, the most effective way to cope is to first, practice self-compassion by talking to ourselves as we would to someone we love. This helps us get back on our emotional feet and prevents us from pushing our emotions onto others. Second, it's essential to speak about our feelings with someone empathetic, as shame cannot survive empathy. Sharing our experiences and owning our stories allows us to regain control and reduce the power shame holds over us. This is especially important for those who have experienced traumatic events, such as sexual abuse, which can leave individuals feeling ashamed and unable to speak out. By sharing our stories, we can rewrite the ending and take back control.

    • Owning our stories and loving ourselvesEmbrace your experiences, own your stories, and love yourself through the process for true belonging and greatness.

      Speaking up about our experiences and owning our stories can help deflate shame and give others permission to do the same. Brené Brown emphasizes the importance of love and courage in the quest for true belonging, encouraging us to be brave and let ourselves be seen. Greatness, according to her, is the ability to own our stories and love ourselves through the process. Brown's work has inspired and provided tools for countless individuals seeking to transform their lives and find hope in uncertain times. In her own words, "To own our story and love ourselves through that process is what I believe greatness is."

    • Spread inspiring messages far and wideShare inspiring quotes and messages on social media to connect and inspire others, according to Bernay Brown and Paolo Coelho.

      The importance of sharing inspiring messages and quotes, as expressed by Bernay Brown and Paolo Coelho. Bernay encourages listeners to spread her messages far and wide by posting them on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and tagging @LewisHouse and @BernayBrown. The strongest form of love, according to Paolo Coelho, is the love that shows its vulnerability. By sharing these messages, we can inspire and connect with others, demonstrating the fragility and power of love. So, go out there and make a difference by sharing inspiring messages with your network, and remember, it's time to go out there and do something great.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Alicia Keys and Brené on More Myself

    Alicia Keys and Brené on More Myself
    Alicia’s book, More Myself: A Journey, is a master class in authenticity and vulnerability. In this episode, Alicia and I talk about the quiet, subtle experiences that fuel our need to armor up and self-protect and the courage behind owning our worth, listening to our own voice, and living with our own “girl on fire” energy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Rev. Anastassia Zinke Sermon: Embracing Vulnerability Service

    Rev. Anastassia Zinke Sermon: Embracing Vulnerability Service

    With Rev. Anastassia. Though we don’t always recognize it, shame causes us to disconnect from love and belonging. We can restore connection when we embrace our own worthiness and demonstrate vulnerability and authenticity. Why is this particularly important as we seek to build the beloved community? Music by Rob Redei and the UUCA Choir.

    Rev. Anastassia, Chalice