
    640: Peter Zeihan | Why the World Should Care About Ukraine

    en-usMarch 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Turning homes into Airbnbs brings extra income and cultural exchangeHosting on Airbnb not only generates income but also offers opportunities to share unique experiences with guests from around the world.

      For Jen and Jordan, turning their home into an Airbnb not only brings in extra income but also allows them to share their world with others and create special experiences for their guests. Meanwhile, in geopolitical news, Putin's invasion of Ukraine is about more than just rebuilding the Soviet empire or being a madman. It's about plugging strategic gaps in Russia's European border that were opened when the Soviet Union collapsed. Ukraine, specifically its access to the Black Sea, is a crucial piece of this puzzle. The conflict in Ukraine is just the middle of the story, with another war likely to follow.

    • Russia's demographic challenges impact military strengthRussia's shrinking population and harsh climate limit military capabilities, forcing reliance on expensive, outdated methods and hypersonic weapons

      Russia's demographic challenges, coupled with its harsh climate and geography, make it difficult for the country to maintain a large and capable military. The Russians have historically relied on a large population to defend their vast territory, but their declining birth rate means they will soon have a shrinking pool of young people to conscript. This demographic shift, along with the high cost of maintaining a modern military, makes it challenging for Russia to keep up with more technologically advanced nations. Additionally, Russia's difficult climate and lack of natural resources make it hard for the country to generate capital, forcing it to rely on brute force methods. The Russians are aware of these challenges and are investing in hypersonic weapons as a potential counterbalance, but these weapons may not be enough to offset their demographic and economic disadvantages. Overall, Russia's demographic situation and harsh geography make it difficult for the country to maintain a strong military and compete on the global stage.

    • The decline of Russia's education system and its impact on the workforceThe collapse of technical training in Russian schools led to a shortage of skilled workers, worsened by emigration and addiction issues, making it hard for Russia to maintain and modernize sectors like oil, food production, and the military

      The decline of the education system in Russia, particularly after 1985, has had lasting consequences for the country's workforce and economic development. The collapse of technical training in high schools led to a shortage of skilled workers, exacerbated by the emigration of millions of young, skilled Russians following the Soviet collapse and the Ukraine war. This lack of a skilled workforce has made it difficult for Russia to maintain and modernize various sectors, including oil and natural gas production, food production, and the military. The situation is further complicated by the high rates of addiction, particularly to alcohol and drugs, and the collapsing healthcare system, which have contributed to a weakened population and increased healthcare costs. These challenges have forced Russia to make tough choices about which areas to prioritize, and the consequences of these choices will continue to shape the country's future.

    • Complex factors influencing the Ukraine conflictUkrainian forces have repelled multiple assaults, but Russian military's large-scale invasion marked by significant logistical issues and incompetence, suggesting deeper problems with strategic thinking and planning.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russian and Ukrainian forces is complex and influenced by various factors, including potential bias in news reporting and historical Russian military incompetence. Despite these challenges, Ukrainian forces have been able to repel multiple assaults, but the Russian military's large-scale invasion has been marked by significant logistical issues and incompetence, including a 40-mile long convoy that stalled due to a lack of gas and ultimately abandoned. These issues suggest a deeper problem with strategic thinking and planning within the Russian military. However, despite these challenges, Russia's larger military size, better equipment, and shorter supply lines give them an advantage, and they are expected to ultimately win the conflict. The question then becomes how much internal violence and sabotage Russia is willing to tolerate in order to move on to the next stage of the war. This shift in the dynamics of the conflict may have implications for NATO's approach to the situation.

    • U.S. Strategy in Ukraine: Preventing Russian Advancement Towards NATOThe U.S. is supplying military equipment to Ukraine to prevent Russian advancement towards NATO countries, potentially leading to a direct confrontation between the U.S. and Russia. Russia's demographic decline and aging military and leadership make this a potentially devastating war for Russia, but the human cost is significant.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and the West has become a critical issue for the United States, as it could potentially lead to a direct confrontation between the two powers. The U.S. strategy is to supply military equipment to Ukraine to keep Russia bogged down and prevent them from advancing towards NATO countries. The demographic decline of Russia and the aging of its military and leadership make this a potentially devastating war for Russia, which the U.S. could potentially benefit from, although the human cost is significant. The Russian leadership, largely composed of individuals from the KGB, is aging and there is a lack of succession planning, making Putin the last capable president of Russia. This lack of succession planning, combined with Putin's effective elimination of potential challengers, means that Putin will likely remain in power until his death. The situation in Ukraine is a complex one, with significant geopolitical implications, and the potential for a direct military confrontation between Russia and the U.S. is a serious concern.

    • The future of Russia after Putin: uncertainty and potential power strugglesRussia's future is uncertain due to potential power struggles, questionable leadership abilities of successors, and a complex political and economic landscape.

      The future of Russia after Putin remains uncertain, with potential scenarios ranging from a power struggle among factions to an organizational collapse. Putin's handpicked successors, such as Ramzan Kadyrov, have raised concerns due to their questionable leadership abilities and allegiances. The Russian political and economic structure, which is characterized by a centralized power and a history of conquered territories, makes the prospect of a power vacuum particularly alarming. The strongman leadership style, which prioritizes control over growth and jobs, may perpetuate this trend. However, Putin's strategic appointments of regional strongmen, like Kadyrov, have also allowed him to maintain a degree of control over potential threats. Ultimately, the future of Russia will depend on the ability of its leaders to navigate the complex political and economic landscape and ensure stability.

    • Sharing your home on Airbnb and Russia's geopolitical goalsAirbnb can generate income and cultural exchange, while Russia's actions raise ethical concerns and potential nuclear threats, requiring energy-efficient solutions for staying cool.

      Turning your home into an Airbnb not only brings in extra income but also allows you to share your world with others, making their stay special. Meanwhile, in the world of geopolitics, Russia's expansionist goals may lead them to consider using nuclear weapons if they cannot conventionally take control of NATO countries and secure their borders. In the discussion about Putin and Russia, the past events in Moscow and Chechnya raise questions about potential conspiracies and ethical standards. Building a strong network can help improve your personal and professional relationships, as shared in Jordan Harbinger's course. Additionally, staying cool during warmer days can be achieved through energy-efficient solutions like Consumers Energy's smart thermostat program.

    • Geopolitical Tension Between Russia and Europe Over UkraineHistorical tensions lead to conflict, causing population displacement, economic instability, and potential military confrontation. Russia's actions could be a cautionary tale for nations facing demographic decline.

      The geopolitical tension between Russia and Europe, specifically regarding Ukraine, has escalated significantly with potential consequences including massive population displacement, economic instability, and potential military conflict. Historical tensions between these regions have led to repeated attempts at cooperation and conflict, causing immense hardship for the people in between. Russia's occupation of Ukraine would require a massive military presence, potentially leading to a significant demographic shift and economic strain. The situation is reminiscent of other major powers facing demographic decline, and Russia's actions could serve as a cautionary tale for other nations. The relationship between Russia and China could be a factor, but both leaders' isolation and cults of personality may limit China's willingness to fully support Russia. The potential consequences of this conflict are vast and complex, making it a significant global concern.

    • Challenges in Chinese Leadership's Effective Communication and Information FlowDespite Xi Jinping's power, lack of communication and information flow within the Chinese bureaucracy poses significant policy challenges, affecting China's domestic and international relations and making predicting Chinese policy uncertain.

      The Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping is facing significant policy challenges due to a lack of effective communication and information flow within the bureaucracy. This was evident during the power outages in China last year, where Xi was reportedly unaware of the extent of the issue until several months later. The consequences of this information vacuum extend to China's relations with other countries, such as Russia, where Xi was allegedly misinformed about Putin's military actions. With Xi surrounded by a shrinking inner circle and facing a myriad of domestic and international challenges, predicting Chinese policy becomes an uncertain exercise. Furthermore, China's reliance on imported energy and resources leaves it vulnerable to potential sanctions, making any aggressive actions towards Taiwan or other countries a risky proposition. The implications of these challenges are far-reaching, affecting not only the Chinese government but also the Chinese people and the global community.

    • Impact of US-China Decoupling on Various SectorsWhile some sectors like tech, particularly electronics and computing manufacturing, would feel the brunt of US-China decoupling, the overall impact on the US economy would be less severe due to its diverse economic base and the fact that manufacturing is a small component of its GDP.

      While there would be disruptions in various sectors if the US were to decouple from China economically, the impact would be less severe than many believe, especially in areas like food, energy, and finance. However, the tech sector, particularly electronics and computing manufacturing, would feel the brunt of the decoupling due to heavy outsourcing to China. The US could potentially mitigate this by increasing production in countries like Vietnam, which are rapidly increasing their value-added capabilities. Mexico, once a contender for tech manufacturing, was not chosen due to historical mistrust and geographical challenges that made education and value-added production difficult. The US dominates high-end chip production, while Thailand and Malaysia handle mid-level chips, and China handles low-end manufacturing. It's important to note that manufacturing as a component of international trade is less than 5% of the US GDP, and the majority of that is energy and trade with NAFTA countries.

    • China's labor structure and education system hinder high-end semiconductor productionChina leads in low-end semiconductor production but lags in high-end chip manufacturing due to workforce skills and education system, and lacks expertise in reverse-engineering and producing firmware for advanced chips.

      China's labor structure and education system make it challenging for them to compete with North America and other advanced economies in producing high-end semiconductors. While China dominates the production of low-end semiconductors, the US and other countries lead in high-end chip manufacturing due to their skilled workforce and advanced education systems. Furthermore, reverse-engineering and producing firmware for advanced chips is a complex task that requires significant resources and expertise, which China currently lacks. The US's relatively small production share by number but large share by value also highlights this disparity. The Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine serve a destabilizing purpose rather than a clear strategic goal. Russia's capability to use precision-guided munitions suggests a deliberate intent to harm civilians, but the ultimate objective remains unclear.

    • Russia's security concerns and military actions in UkraineRussia's military actions in Ukraine are rooted in security concerns and a desire for control, resulting in civilian infrastructure destruction and population displacement. NATO's involvement and Russia's expansion of influence through threats and intimidation have led to a prolonged and devastating conflict.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and the Western world is rooted in Russia's perceived need for security and control over its neighboring countries. According to the discussion, Russia's military actions can be seen as an attempt to destroy civilian infrastructure and force the population to flee, a tactic they have used in previous conflicts. Some argue that NATO's involvement in Ukraine provoked Putin, but the idea of giving Russia control over the lives and security policies of millions of people in Eastern Europe is unrealistic and reminiscent of past conflicts and their disastrous outcomes. Putin has been able to expand his influence through threats and intimidation, but the costs are rising, and a new strategy may be needed. The conflict is unlikely to end quickly, and Russia is reportedly moving more troops to the border, suggesting a prolonged and devastating conflict.

    • Ukraine Conflict Could Lead to Global Food Shortages and Humanitarian CrisisThe ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and Ukrainian forces is causing significant damage and destruction, leading to potential food shortages and a humanitarian crisis on a global scale. The destruction of infrastructure and disruptions in the fertilizer market could impact farmers worldwide, potentially leading to a multiyear food shortage.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and Ukrainian forces is expected to cause significant damage and destruction, leading to a humanitarian crisis and potential food shortages on a global scale. The destruction of infrastructure in Ukraine, including farm fields and buildings, will force Ukrainians to hide and fight, leading to a prolonged and brutal war. The Russian economy, heavily reliant on oil and natural gas exports, is facing the possibility of losing significant foreign investments and energy exports, which could lead to a reduction in Russian output and a potential energy crisis. The conflict is also causing disruptions in the global fertilizer market, leading to phosphate, nitrogen, and potash shortages, which will impact farmers around the world and potentially lead to a multiyear food shortage. The situation is reminiscent of the devastation caused during World War 2 in Ukraine, where Ukrainian nationalists sided with invaders due to political repression, genocide, and famine. The Russian economy's reliance on foreign investment and technical expertise has left it ill-prepared to operate large-scale energy projects, and the potential loss of these projects could further exacerbate the economic crisis.

    • Ukraine Conflict to Disrupt Global Food SuppliesThe Ukraine conflict could cause significant food supply disruptions, leading to substantial price increases. Major food inputs come from North America, Morocco, Israel, and the Black Sea. The impact could last for years, potentially leading to famine and mass civil unrest.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is expected to cause significant disruptions to global food supplies, leading to substantial price increases. Canada is a major source of potash, while the US produces most of its nitrogen. Phosphates not sourced within North America come from Morocco and Israel. The destruction of the Black Sea port in Odessa, which is the world's largest wheat offloading facility, could further exacerbate the situation. The Middle East, China, Sub-Saharan Africa, and India Pakistan are likely to be most affected by food insecurity. The industrial level inputs necessary to keep the global population fed will be significantly impacted, potentially leading to famine. The west, particularly Europe, will need to radically overhaul its agricultural and energy systems. The US may ban oil exports to protect consumers, leading to a wide price disparity. This situation is expected to unfold over a minimum of 5 years and could result in mass civil unrest or even starvation in some regions.

    • US Unique Position in Global AffairsDespite economic costs and uncertain payoffs, US maintains military dominance and insulates itself from oil price fluctuations, setting it apart from previous eras. European challenge to US influence uncertain, US dollar remains dominant global currency.

      The United States, as the world's largest economy and military superpower, holds a unique position in global affairs, particularly in the context of energy markets and geopolitical tensions. The speaker argues that America's ability to insulate itself from oil price fluctuations and maintain military dominance sets it apart from previous eras, such as the Cold War. However, the decision to remain engaged in global conflicts comes with significant economic costs and uncertain payoffs. Europe, led by Germany, may attempt to challenge American influence, but it remains to be seen if they can match the US's financial and military capabilities. The speaker also dismisses the idea of alternative global currencies replacing the US dollar as a reserve currency, arguing that no country meets the necessary criteria to act as an impartial arbiter in energy markets. The ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the increasing threat of cyberattacks, add to the complex geopolitical landscape. Ultimately, the speaker expresses skepticism about the possibility of significant changes to the global order and the continued dominance of the US dollar.

    • Potential Use of Chemical Weapons and Escalation of Conflict in UkraineRisk of chemical weapons use, potential mass civilian deaths, no-fly zone could escalate conflict, possible nuclear involvement, loss of Russian oil could impact global economies

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine could involve the use of chemical weapons and mass civilian deaths, as some experts believe Putin may be using similar tactics as in the past to justify military action. The potential use of a no-fly zone, while seemingly like a solution, could escalate the situation into a larger conflict, potentially involving nuclear weapons. Additionally, the loss of Russian crude oil on the market could lead to erratic oil prices, with potential consequences for global economies. The situation in Ukraine is complex and dangerous, with potential for significant human and economic costs.

    • Geopolitical shifts in oil marketsThe ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is causing oil price increases and potential disruptions to global supplies. Countries that import oil should prepare for higher costs and explore alternative energy sources.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is causing significant disruptions to global oil supplies, leading to potentially high oil prices for countries that import oil. The situation has surprised many, with Germany's unexpected actions, including sanctions and rearmament, consolidating the western world and potentially leading to increased NATO membership and military spending. These events have united the western world in a way not seen for decades, and countries that do not produce their own oil will likely face increased costs. The conflict also has wider implications for food supplies and global economics. It's essential for countries to prepare for potential energy price increases and explore alternative energy sources. The situation remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: the world is experiencing significant geopolitical shifts that will have long-term consequences.

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    What We Discuss with Johann Hari:

    • Processed and ultra-processed foods are a major driver of the obesity epidemic, as they undermine the body's natural ability to feel full and satisfied after eating. Moving from fresh, whole foods to mostly processed foods is strongly linked to the dramatic rise in obesity rates.
    • Obesity is a complex issue with biological, psychological, and social causes. Factors like genetics, emotional eating, trauma, and the food environment all play a role. Stigmatizing or shaming people for their weight is cruel and counterproductive.
    • New weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy work by artificially boosting satiety hormones like GLP-1, helping people feel full faster and eat less. They are showing impressive weight loss results, but also come with potential risks and side effects that are not yet fully understood, especially in the long-term.
    • While these new drugs may help many people, they are not a magic solution. They don't address the underlying drivers of the obesity crisis in the food system and environment. To make a real difference, we need broader changes to make healthy eating the easy, default option.
    • The good news is, each of us can take positive steps today to improve our health, no matter our current weight. Focus on adding more whole, minimally processed foods to your diet, and find physical activities you truly enjoy. Prioritize getting good sleep, managing stress, and building a strong social support network. Small, sustainable lifestyle changes can make a big difference over time. Be patient and kind with yourself in the process. You have the power to transform your health, one choice at a time.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/993

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    992: Royals | Skeptical Sunday

    992: Royals | Skeptical Sunday

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    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday:

    • The British monarchy is a centuries-old institution that has had a significant impact on the UK's culture, politics, and history. While the monarch's role is largely ceremonial, the royal family still holds influence and plays a significant part in British society.
    • The British Royal Family receives public funding through the Sovereign Grant, which is calculated as a percentage of the profits made by the Crown Estate. The Sovereign Grant covers official expenses, while the monarch also has personal income from private estates.
    • The monarchy faces challenges in maintaining its relevance in an increasingly democratic and progressive world. The royal family must balance tradition with adapting to changing societal values and expectations.
    • The popularity of individual members of the royal family, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry, can significantly impact public perception of the monarchy as a whole.
    • Despite the controversies and challenges surrounding the British monarchy, it remains an integral part of the nation's identity and continues to captivate people worldwide. By focusing on their roles as symbols of unity, continuity, and tradition, while also embracing positive change and engaging in meaningful charitable work, the royal family can maintain its relevance and contribute to the well-being of the British people and the global community.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Andrew Gold on Twitter and Instagram, and check out On the Edge with Andrew Gold here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/992

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    991: Should You Coexist with a Manchild Narcissist? | Feedback Friday

    991: Should You Coexist with a Manchild Narcissist? | Feedback Friday

    Should you endure a toxic marriage for the sake of your son's relationship with his father, or run for the hills while you can? Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss:

    • You're contemplating leaving your narcissistic addict husband due to his poor treatment of you and your child, but you feel trapped financially and concerned about your son losing his father. Should you try to reconcile and accept him the way he is, or run for the hills while you can?
    • Betrayed by a lifelong friend who used you in an eBay scam and left you financially accountable to his victims, you found closure years later at a party by forgiving him and letting go of your own negative emotions about the situation. But you can't help but wonder if you should've just punched him in the face. Did you do the right thing?
    • After years of caring for your late mother's boyfriend like family, you feel disrespected when you're labeled as a vendor at a granddaughter's wedding, highlighting the family's lack of appreciation for your efforts. Are you still expected to bring a gift, or should you send them an invoice the day after the wedding for taking care of their grandfather?
    • Your close relationship with your daughter's ex-boyfriend, now reformed from the issues that facilitated their breakup, causes tension with your married daughter, forcing you to choose between transparency or secrecy to preserve your bond. Should you continue to "sneak around" with your daughter's ex, or just be honest and let the chips fall where they may?
    • You're a Canadian mom worried about your 18-year-old daughter's real-life meetup with the 23-year-old American boyfriend she met online. How can you ensure her safety (on the off-chance he might be a human trafficker or drug fiend) without damaging your relationship by being seen as overbearing?
    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/991

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors:...

    990: Jonathan Haidt | How Gen Z Became the Anxious Generation

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    What We Discuss with Jonathan Haidt:

    • Social media and smartphones have drastically altered childhood since the early 2010s, leading to increased rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicide among teens, especially girls.
    • Virtual interactions on social media are disembodied, shallow, and can spread mental health issues among susceptible teens. Prestige biased learning causes teens to emulate influencers, even those promoting unhealthy behaviors. Smartphones and social media also enable sexual predators to easily target children online.
    • Overprotection in the real world and underprotection online are both mistakes that need to be reversed. Parents have allowed kids too much unsupervised screen time while restricting their independence and free play in the physical world out of exaggerated fears.
    • Schools and parents need to set clear boundaries around technology use. No smartphones before high school, no social media until age 16, and phone-free schools from bell to bell are key norms to establish. The longer parents delay introducing these technologies, the better.
    • Although the situation is serious, positive change is possible when parents, educators, and lawmakers work together. Parents can start by giving kids more independence and free play time offline, schools can go phone-free, and governments can pass laws to make online spaces safer for kids. With collective action, we can restore a healthier childhood for the next generation. Small steps like "Free Play Fridays" for neighborhood kids can make a difference right away. By coming together to solve this, we can ensure today's youth have the space to develop into competent, well-adjusted adults.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/990

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    989: Bad Behavior Uncorrected Leaves Dad Unprotected | Feedback Friday

    989: Bad Behavior Uncorrected Leaves Dad Unprotected | Feedback Friday

    Your disabled father's safety is jeopardized by a violent, mentally ill relative, and legal remedies have proven insufficient. Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss:

    • Your paralyzed, terminally sick father's safety is at risk due to a violent, mentally ill family member, and legal interventions seem ineffective. What alternative solutions exist?
    • Raised in an abusive, isolating homeschool cult, you struggle with trauma, financial hardship, and inaccessibility to college due to a lack of legitimate transcripts. Are you out of luck, or might there be a workaround? [Thanks to licensed mental health counselor and cult expert Steven Hassan for helping us with this one!]
    • After enduring a volatile, unprofessional manager who alienated staff and customers, how can you diplomatically end your forced friendship now that he's been fired?
    • Your mother's disapproval of your loving husband has led to an 'all or none' ultimatum resulting in estrangement and heartbreak for your son, who wonders why you "don't visit grandma anymore." What can you do?
    • A dyslexic listener shares their journey to success, urging others with dyslexia to embrace their strengths, seek accommodations, and overcome shame by being open and advocating for their needs.
    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/989

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!


    988: Robert Mazur | How Money Laundering Works Part Two

    988: Robert Mazur | How Money Laundering Works Part Two

    Ex-federal agent Robert Mazur shares his experiences working undercover to infiltrate drug cartels, offering insights into the challenges involved. Pt 2/2. [Pt 1 can be found here!]

    What We Discuss with Robert Mazur:

    • How Robert, working undercover for US Customs and the DEA, posed as a money launderer to infiltrate Pablo Escobar's Medellin cartel and other criminal organizations.
    • Money laundering enables cartels to produce their most lethal product: corruption. Corrupt officials and governments facilitate drug trafficking operations.
    • Money laundering methods are highly sophisticated, involving legitimate businesses, secret codes, and multi-national operations to evade detection.
    • Banks and the global financial system need to change to combat money laundering effectively, with severe penalties for those involved in facilitating the flow of illicit funds.
    • Despite the risks and close calls, Robert continued his undercover work to gather intelligence and evidence against drug cartels until it became clear that the price his family was paying was not worth continuing.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/988

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    987: Robert Mazur | How Money Laundering Works Part One

    987: Robert Mazur | How Money Laundering Works Part One

    Ex-federal agent Robert Mazur shares his experiences working undercover to infiltrate drug cartels, offering insights into the challenges involved. Pt 1/2.

    What We Discuss with Robert Mazur:

    • How Robert, working undercover for US Customs and the DEA, posed as a money launderer to infiltrate Pablo Escobar's Medellin cartel and other criminal organizations.
    • The extensive planning that goes into an undercover operation, including developing a detailed backstory, establishing fake businesses, and coordinating with informants and other agents.
    • How Robert built rapport with targets by researching their interests, using active listening, and offering them gifts to gain their trust.
    • Undercover agents must be laser-focused on their targets and avoid thinking about their personal lives, as any slip-up could compromise the operation and endanger their safety.
    • During trials, these agents must be prepared for defense attorneys' tactics, such as role reversal, and maintain their composure to avoid compromising the case or their credibility in front of the jury.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/987

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    986: Porn | Skeptical Sunday

    986: Porn | Skeptical Sunday

    Has technology weaponized pornography into a public health crisis? Michael Regilio takes us through modern porn's ins and outs on this Skeptical Sunday!

    On This Week's Skeptical Sunday:

    • High-speed internet porn is a recent phenomenon that provides an intense, novel experience unlike traditional pornography, hacking into our brain's evolutionary desires for new mates and triggering dopamine responses similar to drug addiction.
    • Pornography use, especially among adolescents and young adults who grew up with easy access to internet porn, has been linked to erosion of gray matter in the brain's prefrontal cortex, which controls impulse control and decision-making.
    • Porn use has been associated with sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction in young men, as well as difficulties forming emotional bonds and intimacy in relationships.
    • While some psychologists dispute the existence of "porn addiction," neuroscientific evidence shows porn use can lead to compulsive behaviors and brain changes resembling substance addictions.
    • While some political efforts have been made to declare porn a public health crisis, there is little policy action based on scientific evidence to provide resources for treatment and awareness.
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at jordan@jordanharbinger.com and let him know!
    • Connect with Michael Regilio at TwitterInstagram, and YouTube, and make sure to check out the Michael Regilio Plagues Well With Others podcast here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/986

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    985: Lives Are at Stake in Bail Reform's Wake | Feedback Friday

    985: Lives Are at Stake in Bail Reform's Wake | Feedback Friday

    When bail reforms free violent offenders and risk others' safety, how can we uphold justice while safeguarding victims? Welcome to Feedback Friday!

    And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com. Now let's dive in!

    On This Week's Feedback Friday:

    • When bail reforms free violent offenders and risk others' safety, how can we uphold justice while safeguarding victims?
    • You've about had it with your autistic boss' cringeworthy conspiracy theories. How can you disagree respectfully and maintain professionalism?
    • As a cancer patient struggling with massive student loans and disability assistance denial, what legal help and guidance is available for navigating private loan regulations while fighting for survival?
    • You've invented a non-functional plastic object that brings laughter to all who behold its absurdity. You want to protect the IP so you can profit from this stroke of comedic novelty, but you can't ignore the potential environmental impact of manufacturing such an item en masse. What should you do?
    • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@jordanharbinger.com!
    • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
    • Connect with Gabriel on Twitter at @GabeMizrahi and Instagram @gabrielmizrahi.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/985

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    984: Susan Casey | Unraveling Mysteries in the Ocean's Darkest Depths

    984: Susan Casey | Unraveling Mysteries in the Ocean's Darkest Depths

    What challenges can the ocean help us meet, and what must we do to safeguard its treasures? The Underworld author Susan Casey dives deep for answers here!

    What We Discuss with Susan Casey:

    • The ocean plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate and serves as the largest carbon sink on the planet, making its preservation essential for mitigating climate change.
    • The ocean is home to a fascinating array of creatures that have adapted to extreme conditions, such as iron-breathing microbes, glass sponges, and jellyfish that can reverse their life cycle.
    • Pollution, including plastics, chemical weapons, and nuclear waste, has severely impacted the ocean ecosystem, with some deep-sea creatures found to have plastic particles embedded in their organs.
    • There are an estimated three million shipwrecks on the ocean floor, preserving valuable historical artifacts and information — such as the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient Greek analog computer.
    • Exploring the ocean can lead to groundbreaking discoveries in medicine, Earth's history, and climate, providing valuable insights for addressing humanity's challenges — provided we safeguard this treasury of knowledge for current and future generations.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/984

    This Episode Is Brought To You By Our Fine Sponsors: jordanharbinger.com/deals

    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at jordanharbinger.com/course!

    Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

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    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at jordanharbinger.com/course! 

    Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!

    Full show notes and resources can be found here.

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    Sign up for Six-Minute Networking — our free networking and relationship development mini course — at jordanharbinger.com/course!

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