
    65: What to Carry to Be Prepared for Battle and Life: With Leif Babin

    enMarch 07, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The necessity of carrying essential equipment in military serviceSoldiers in different eras carry varying equipment, but the importance of being prepared and carrying necessary items for survival remains a constant in military service.

      While the specific items carried by soldiers in the Vietnam War and those in modern warfare differ, the necessity and importance of being prepared with essential equipment is a common thread. Soldiers in Vietnam carried items such as can openers, knives, ponchos, and steel helmets, while modern soldiers carry body armor, helmets, and communication equipment. Regardless of the time period, the weight and burden of carrying these necessary items was significant. My brother Leif Babin, a former SEAL and co-author of Extreme Ownership, shares similar memories of the physical strain of carrying equipment during long deployments. Despite the differences, the importance of being prepared and carrying necessary equipment to ensure survival remains a constant in military service.

    • Learning from marines in IraqIn combat situations, expect the unexpected and be prepared to carry heavy equipment. Avoid bringing vehicles into areas with high IED risk.

      Combat situations require quick adaptation and learning, as well as the ability to carry heavy equipment. The speaker recalled how they initially expected to use vehicles for patrols in Iraq, but soon found themselves having to carry all their gear on their backs due to the dangerous environment. They learned this valuable lesson from the marines they teamed up with, who had already been in the area for a while and had adjusted their tactics accordingly. Another important lesson was the need to avoid bringing vehicles into certain areas due to the risk of IEDs. The marines had lost several men in a vehicle-borne IED attack just before the speaker's unit arrived, making them wary of using vehicles in those areas. Overall, the experience taught the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and being able to carry the necessary equipment to survive in a hostile environment.

    • Staying behind concrete walls during combatIn deep-operations, carry extra ammo, grenades, and water for unpredictability and harsh conditions

      During combat situations, staying in a secure position behind concrete walls is crucial, especially when dealing with sniper overwatch. This is unless there's an urgent surgical casualty or an extreme situation that calls for evacuation. In such deep-operations, carrying excessive ammunition, grenades, and water is essential due to the unpredictability and harsh conditions. For instance, during the speaker's first patrol, they packed extra grenades, magazines, and water to ensure they were fully prepared for any potential threat or lengthy stay. The weight of the gear was significant, but it was necessary for survival. Overall, these tactics and preparation helped keep teams alive and effective in their missions.

    • Harsh realities of war revealed during patrol in RamadiWar is a challenging and humbling experience, with soldiers facing extreme conditions and carrying heavy equipment, leaving leaders struggling to keep up and adapt.

      War is not a game or a movie scene, but a harsh reality where soldiers face extreme conditions and challenges. During a patrol in Ramadi, the speaker encountered armored trucks with steel walls and sandbags for protection, which were unlike the tanks or Bradley fighting vehicles he had imagined. The soldiers were carrying heavy equipment and patrolled using a method of sprinting and holding cover, which left the speaker struggling to keep up and focus on leadership duties. The heat, humidity, and lack of acclimatization further compounded the challenges, leading the speaker to realize the harsh realities of war and the humbling experience of being outmatched by the conditions and his comrades.

    • Lesson learned: Being prepared for extreme heat is crucialBeing prepared for extreme heat with essential items and acclimatization training is crucial for safety and effectiveness in military operations.

      Being prepared for extreme conditions, such as intense heat, is crucial for safety and effectiveness in military operations. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way during a mission, where he and his team were underprepared for the heat and faced dangerous consequences, including heat exhaustion and carrying excessive gear. This experience taught him the importance of carrying only essential items and being in top physical shape to handle various situations. Additionally, the team recognized the need for acclimatization training to prepare for the worst-case scenarios. Overall, the speaker's experience served as a humbling reminder of the importance of being prepared for the challenges that come with military service.

    • Carrying excess weight or resources hinders agility and effectivenessFocus on essential personnel and resources to ensure optimal performance and adaptability, rather than spreading resources thin or planning for every contingency.

      Carrying excess weight or resources, whether in a military context or in business, can hinder agility and effectiveness. In the military, carrying unnecessary personnel or equipment can lead to chaos and mayhem, making it difficult to respond to threats effectively. In business, hiring excess staff or building unnecessary infrastructure can result in overwhelming overhead costs and a loss of ability to maneuver. The principle of carrying only what is essential applies to both contexts. In the military, focusing on securing the perimeter and having a smaller, more agile assault team is more effective than spreading resources thin. In business, it's important to assess needs and make strategic decisions about hiring or investing in resources, rather than trying to plan for every possible contingency. The essential personnel and resources should be focused on to ensure optimal performance and adaptability.

    • Military training in challenging environmentsEffective military training in challenging environments builds physical and mental readiness for success in operations.

      Effective training, even in challenging environments, is crucial for success in military operations. The use of ambushes or overwatches, as described in the text, requires both physical preparation and mental readiness. This is similar to the experiences of the SEAL teams, who trained extensively in the rugged deserts of Southern California, which are vastly different from the image of Baywatch that many people have. These training sessions, though initially perceived as simple shakeout patrols, could test the limits of the trainees and help them become effective teams. The importance of such training was highlighted by the speaker, who recalled his first shakeout patrol and the unexpected challenges it presented.

    • Surprise patrol during military training exerciseBeing self-reliant and prepared is essential, as unexpected situations may limit external resources

      Being prepared and self-reliant are crucial in challenging situations. During a military training exercise, the speaker and his team were caught off guard by a surprise "shakeout patrol" that lasted the entire night. Many team members ran out of water, but the speaker, who had brought his own supply, was able to continue and help others. The experience underscored the importance of being disciplined and carrying one's own gear, as there's no guarantee of help or resources when needed. The speaker's ability to remain focused and prepared ultimately helped him and his team navigate the difficult situation.

    • Leading through unexpected challengesEffective leadership and self-sufficiency are vital in unpredictable situations. Adaptability and carrying essential resources can help mitigate unexpected challenges.

      Adaptability and effective leadership are crucial in challenging situations. The speaker shares an experience from their time in Ramadi where plans changed rapidly, and they had to stay longer than anticipated. They emphasized the importance of having strong leaders like Tony, who helped lead their team through the unexpected challenges. Additionally, they learned the importance of being self-sufficient and carrying essential firepower, as they weren't the only unit in need of support. The experience taught them valuable lessons about resilience and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. The speaker also highlighted the reality of being part of a larger unit and not always having dedicated resources, which required them to learn how to mitigate potential threats on their own. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of adaptability, effective leadership, and self-sufficiency in challenging situations.

    • Navigating through challenging terrain in Iraq, similar to Vietnam WarSoldiers in Iraq faced unique challenges, carrying heavy weapons and adapting to the environment using innovation and teamwork, while utilizing advanced technology to enhance their effectiveness.

      Serving in MC one, a rural area east of Ramadi in Iraq, was reminiscent of the Vietnam War due to the petroleum through farm fields and flooded areas. Soldiers had to navigate through mud and canals, wading through irrigated fields, and even used Vietnam era platforms like Huey helicopters and Cobra gunships. The environment was challenging, and carrying heavy weapons like the Carl Gustaf rocket launcher required innovation and teamwork. The LPO recognized the need to carry the weapon empty and distribute rounds among team members. The use of advanced technology like airburst rounds added to their arsenal, making their missions more effective. The soldiers carried not only their equipment but also the physical and environmental challenges of the area, including diseases, humidity, and monsoons. They carried the weight of the mission and the burden of the terrain, making their experiences in Iraq a unique and challenging chapter in military history.

    • Sensory memories of warWar experiences are marked by distinct sensory memories, such as the smell of burning, trash, sewage, and gunpowder, which transport soldiers back to the battlefield and remind them of their commitment.

      The experiences of war, as described in the discussion, are characterized by distinct sensory memories. The smell of burning, trash, sewage, and gunpowder is evocative of the Iraqi battlefield, and it transports those who have been there back to that environment. Despite the hardships and danger, soldiers found meaning and excitement in these experiences, making the stench a symbol of their desire to be a part of the most challenging battlefields. The speaker recalls how training exercises, with their burning tires and Middle Eastern atmosphere, would take him back to Ramadi and the Moolah operation. The shared sensory experiences serve as a powerful reminder of the realities of war and the commitment of those who serve.

    • Serving in a warzone like Ramadi, Iraq, presented extreme challengesThe lack of infrastructure, overwhelming heat, and constant dangers tested soldiers' endurance in a warzone

      Serving in the military in a warzone like Ramadi, Iraq, presented unique and extreme challenges that were difficult to replicate in training. The lack of infrastructure, such as knocked-down electrical wires and raw sewage running through the streets, posed constant dangers. The heat was overwhelming, even for those in good shape, and could be unbearable, especially during the hours after the sun went down when the heat came up from the ground. These conditions tested soldiers' physical and mental endurance, making their service a truly challenging experience.

    • Soldiers faced harsh conditions in RamadiSoldiers endured severe water shortage, intense heat, and moon dust while risking their lives to retrieve supplies, demonstrating resilience and determination.

      During military operations in Ramadi, the soldiers faced numerous challenges including a severe water shortage, intense heat, and an abundant amount of moon dust. To alleviate the water crisis, teams would risk their lives to retrieve supplies, carrying heavy loads while sprinting through enemy territory. The extreme heat caused gear and protective eyewear to malfunction, leaving soldiers in a difficult position. Additionally, the moon dust, described as a fine, talcum powder-like substance, covered everything and got into every crevice, requiring constant cleaning and maintenance. The harsh conditions made for a challenging environment, but the soldiers persevered, demonstrating resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

    • War's sensory overload and physical strain for soldiersSoldiers faced immense pressure and physical strain, often without a clear sense of purpose, but understanding moral stakes provided some purpose.

      War can be an experience of sensory overload and physical strain for soldiers on the ground. The author describes the sensation of breathing in moon dust and the monotonous marching from village to village without a clear sense of purpose or strategy. Soldiers were under immense pressure and carried the burden of decisions that could impact life and death. The lack of understanding of the larger strategic picture often left soldiers feeling like mere robots carrying out orders. Despite these challenges, having a clear understanding of the moral stakes of the war and the need to protect the local populace provided some sense of purpose. However, the physical and emotional strain of war remained a constant and unchanging aspect of the experience.

    • The strain of war on soldiers in RamadiSoldiers in Ramadi faced constant danger, requiring adaptation and teamwork to navigate the challenges of their roles, while their leaders provided crucial support and reminders of their importance.

      The constant exposure to violence and danger in war takes a heavy toll on soldiers, leading them to feel a sense of strain and vulnerability. Despite the love-hate relationship with their equipment and roles, they understood the importance of their contributions to the team. In contrast to the ever-changing terrain in Vietnam, soldiers in Ramadi faced the same small area repeatedly, requiring them to adapt and plan for potential threats. The strain of war was ever-present, with the constant possibility of death or injury just inches away. As a leader, it was crucial to remind soldiers of their importance and help them navigate the challenges of their roles.

    • The paradoxical nature of military operationsIn the military, intense moments of camaraderie and normalcy can coexist with the constant awareness of danger and potential loss.

      Even in the midst of intense and dangerous situations, a sense of camaraderie and normalcy can still exist. The speaker describes experiencing a heavy strain during military operations, which built up over time and was always present, despite moments of fun and laughter. This strain was a constant reminder of the potential for danger and loss, and the knowledge that every day could be the last. The speaker emphasizes that this was not a morbid or panicked mindset, but rather a respectful and understanding one, where everyone acknowledged the risks and supported each other. The bond between team members was so strong that they would line up and shake hands before operations, knowing that some may not return. This illustrates the paradoxical nature of the experience, where there was both a sense of lightheartedness and a heavy awareness of the potential for loss.

    • Serving in a war zone requires courage and resilienceSoldiers and Marines show immense bravery, cope with fear through humor and camaraderie, and demonstrate selflessness in the face of adversity

      Serving in a war zone requires immense courage and resilience from soldiers and Marines. Despite the fear of death and the danger they face daily, they carry themselves with poise and dignity. They experience moments of panic and fear, but they find ways to cope, often through humor and camaraderie. The author was humbled by the bravery of the men he served with, who faced the threat of casualties and death with selflessness and a great attitude. No one is truly fearless, but the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity is truly inspiring. The author also noted an instance where a lieutenant took the blame for a soldier's death, illustrating the deep sense of responsibility and selflessness among military personnel.

    • Importance of Leadership in Enforcing Discipline and ProceduresEffective leadership is crucial for maintaining discipline and adherence to standard operating procedures, especially in high-pressure situations. Strong leadership keeps teams focused and following procedures to ensure safety and success.

      Effective leadership is crucial for maintaining discipline and adherence to standard operating procedures, even in high-pressure situations. The passage illustrates this through the character of Lieutenant Cross in the Vietnam War, who recognizes his responsibility to lead his troops after a tragic incident. He vows to impose strict discipline and enforce procedures to prevent future mishaps. This applies not only to military units but also to teams in other fields, where leaders are essential for keeping their teams focused and following procedures to ensure safety and success. Despite the monotony or boredom of certain tasks, it's essential that team members remain vigilant and committed to their roles. The passage underscores the importance of strong leadership and the potential consequences of complacency.

    • Leadership's role in maintaining discipline and safetyEffective leadership ensures discipline, safety, and mission success by holding teams accountable to standards and procedures.

      Effective leadership is crucial for ensuring the safety and success of a team. As discussed, even in life-threatening situations, complacency can set in if leaders don't hold their teams accountable to standards and procedures. This can have dire consequences, as seen in the example of a lieutenant who thought he was taking care of his men by not enforcing rules, only to lose one of them. True care for one's people involves maintaining discipline and safety while still accomplishing the mission. This concept, as illustrated in the fiction book "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien, remains relevant in various contexts, including business and warfare. The book's vivid storytelling and exploration of human nature in war resonate deeply with readers, offering valuable insights that can be gleaned through multiple readings. Ultimately, the importance of strong leadership and adherence to standards is a fundamental truth that transcends time and context.

    • Exploring the background and experiences of Extreme OwnershipMake the most of every day and surround yourself with supportive communities to foster personal and professional growth.

      The Extreme Ownership book and the Extreme Ownership Muster event share a common theme of taking ownership and responsibility for personal and professional growth. During their conversation, they expressed a desire to delve deeper into the book's background and backstory, and to discuss their experiences from the Muster event in more detail. The Muster, which is a gathering for individuals to prepare for personal and leadership growth, was described as magical due to the opportunity to interact with like-minded individuals and learn from one another. The authors emphasized the importance of making the most of every day and being grateful for the sacrifices made by others that enable us to pursue our goals. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of taking ownership of one's development and surrounding oneself with supportive communities.

    • Impactful Event for Diverse ParticipantsAttendees reported promotions, mission accomplishments, and improved relationships after engaging with speakers and each other, demonstrating the event's effectiveness in producing tangible results.

      The Extreme Ownership event in San Diego was an exceptional experience for both the speakers and attendees. The diverse group of participants, including senior executives, frontline leaders, entrepreneurs, military personnel, and volunteers, all expressed the value of learning from each other. The interaction between the speakers and attendees was a highlight, with long hours spent answering questions and providing guidance. The impact of these conversations was evident, with many attendees reporting promotions, mission accomplishments, and improved relationships. The effectiveness of the event was measured by the tangible results it produced, with attendees becoming better team members, parents, coaches, and community members. The speakers, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, committed to staying engaged with attendees, refusing to hide behind the curtain, and continuing to help apply the principles of Extreme Ownership to real-life situations. The upcoming event in New York is anticipated to be just as impactful and engaging.

    • Connecting with like-minded individuals and industry experts at the Muster eventAttend the Muster event to connect with others, learn new skills, and form meaningful relationships with industry experts and influencers, leading to potential collaborations and personal growth.

      The Muster event offers a unique opportunity for individuals to connect with like-minded people, learn new skills, and form meaningful relationships. The feedback received from a large crowd is rewarding and validating, and attendees have the chance to meet industry experts and influencers, such as Leif, JP, Dave Burke, and Echo Charles. The event also fosters the formation of new friendships and collaborations, leading to the creation of podcasts and other projects. The limited space at the venue means that securing tickets in advance is essential. The double gravitation effect at the Muster brings people together, regardless of their backgrounds or industries, as they all strive for personal and professional growth. The event provides a platform for individuals to learn from each other and find solutions to common challenges.

    • The power of preparation and knowledge in jiu jitsuPreparation through training and supplements like krill oil can enhance jiu jitsu performance. Endurance and the right knowledge lead to improvement and new opportunities.

      While there may not be magic involved in jiu jitsu or in life in general, having the right knowledge and preparation can make a significant difference. The speaker shared his personal experience of how supplements, like krill oil, have helped him improve his performance in jiu jitsu training. He also mentioned that training itself is a form of preparation, and having the endurance to keep going can open up new opportunities. The speaker also encouraged listeners to support the podcast and mentioned that they would be training no gi jiu jitsu on a Friday evening. Additionally, Echo Charles would be there, and listeners could meet him if they wanted to show their support for the podcast. Overall, the message was that while there may not be magic solutions, having the right knowledge, preparation, and endurance can lead to improvement and new opportunities.

    • Persevering through challenging workoutsPushing past limits in training, even when struggling, leads to improvement and mastery of a skill.

      Pushing through challenging workouts, even when your skill level is below that of your training partner, can lead to significant improvement in your abilities. Jocko, a highly skilled and demanding trainer, encouraged the speaker to continue despite their exhaustion, helping them to progress in their jujitsu practice. The speaker also discussed the use of performance-enhancing supplements like Shroom Tech, which can help in training and recovery, but should be used responsibly and ethically. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of perseverance and continuous learning in mastering a skill.

    • Support Jocko for personal growthEngaging with Jocko's content and products can deepen your connection to his teachings and apply them more effectively in daily life, providing benefits like improved health, motivation, and self-expression.

      Jocko Willink encourages his audience to support him through various means to enhance their own lives. This includes taking supplements like krill oil, shopping through the Jocko Podcast Amazon banner, subscribing to the podcast and YouTube channel, purchasing merchandise from the Jocko Store, and listening to his psychological warfare music. These actions not only help Jocko but also provide benefits such as improved health, convenience, motivation, and self-expression. By engaging with Jocko's content and products, individuals can deepen their connection to his teachings and apply them more effectively in their daily lives.

    • Jocko White Tea: Improved Performance and Potential Beard GrowthAnecdotes of individuals experiencing improved performance and potential beard growth from Jocko White tea. Emphasis on perseverance and self-improvement from a young age.

      Jocko White tea, a product mentioned in the discussion, may have various effects on individuals, including improved performance and potential beard growth. The speaker shared anecdotes of individuals experiencing these effects, including a police officer who saw a significant improvement in his shooting speed. The speaker also emphasized the importance of getting after it, starting from a young age, and overcoming weaknesses, as illustrated in his upcoming book "The Warrior Kid." The book aims to inspire children to overcome their fears and challenges, as exemplified by the character Mark in the story, who learns from his uncle Jake's experiences in the SEAL teams. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential benefits of Jocko White tea and the importance of perseverance and self-improvement.

    • Exploring Complex Ideas in Children's Literature: The Warrior Kid SeriesThe Warrior Kid series, with its advanced concepts broken down for kids, inspires personal growth and teamwork, resonating with readers of all ages and impacting leaders and teams in various fields.

      The integration of complex ideas into children's literature can be impressive and effective, as demonstrated in the Warrior Kid series. The books, which contain advanced concepts broken down into simple language, have resonated with readers of all ages, inspiring personal growth and teamwork. The success of the series, which includes the book "Extreme Ownership," is a testament to its impact on leaders and teams in various fields, from firefighting and policing to business. The latest release, "Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual," further emphasizes the importance of thoughts and actions in personal development and team success. The Warrior Kid series continues to make a difference by providing valuable insights and tools for individuals seeking to improve themselves and work together effectively.

    • Effective communication and a common language are essential for problem-solvingThe book 'Extreme Ownership' provides a common language and framework for identifying and solving leadership issues, enabling teams to address weaknesses and divisional problems more effectively.

      Effective communication and a common language are essential for identifying and solving problems, especially in teams or organizations where there are language or cultural barriers. The book "Extreme Ownership" provides a common language and framework for understanding leadership issues and solving them together. Without this shared understanding, teams may struggle to identify and address weaknesses and divisional issues. This was evident when working with Iraqi soldiers, where a language barrier made it difficult to identify and address leadership problems. By providing the book to everyone on a team, they gain a common language and the ability to identify and fix issues more effectively. This is why the Extreme Ownership event is such a valuable opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to come together and learn from each other. It's not just about listening to speeches, but about gaining a shared understanding and the ability to identify and address weaknesses in your own team. And if you're curious about the call to prayer in Ramadi, it's a song-like chant led by a person or loudspeaker at each mosque, signaling the start of prayer throughout the city.

    • The call to prayer marked the start of the day in RamadiThe call to prayer held great significance for both the local population and military personnel in Ramadi, indicating the start of the day and the need for readiness due to enemy activity during daytime hours.

      In Ramadi, the morning call to prayer served as a significant indicator of the start of the day for the military personnel. This call marked the transition from night to day, and it was crucial because the enemy primarily operated during daytime hours. Hearing the call to prayer meant that the city was starting to wake up, and the military needed to be prepared and in place. The call to prayer was an official commencement of the day for the entire city, and it held great significance for both the local population and the military personnel. Furthermore, the presence of mosques in Ramadi posed a challenge for the military. While some mosques were used for peaceful prayer and the start of the day, others were used as hiding places and staging grounds for attacks. The military had to navigate this complex situation carefully, as entering a mosque required massive approvals from high-level authorities. The discussion also highlighted the impact of the Jocko Podcast on its listeners. The podcast inspired many people to join the military, and some even started training in jujitsu as a result. The podcast's reach and influence have been significant, and it continues to motivate and inspire individuals around the world.

    • Jocko Podcast inspires personal growth and family appreciationA young listener intends to join the navy and is encouraged to read 'Streams of Power'. The speakers discuss the challenges of parenthood and emphasize the importance of cherishing family moments despite their demands.

      The influence of Jocko Podcast extends far and wide, inspiring individuals from various backgrounds to make positive changes in their lives. A young lady, inspired by the podcast, expressed her intention to join the navy and was encouraged to read "Streams of Power" for personal growth. The discussion also touched on the challenges of parenthood and the importance of cherishing every moment with children as they grow up quickly. The speakers, both parents themselves, emphasized the need to detach and appreciate the preciousness of family life despite its exhausting demands. The conversation ended on a reflective note, acknowledging the fleeting nature of these moments and the importance of enjoying and cherishing them.

    • Shift perspective during challenging moments with kidsRecognize when making it about yourself during challenging moments with kids, and instead make it about the children and the mission to cherish precious moments and reduce frustration.

      Parents should try to shift their perspective during challenging moments with their children, making it about the children and the mission instead of focusing on their own frustrations. Leif shared a valuable tip that when parents feel themselves getting frustrated, they should recognize that they're making it about themselves and instead, make it about the children. Embracing this mindset can help reduce frustration and cherish precious moments with kids. Additionally, Leif encouraged listeners to remember that they're not alone in their parenting experiences and to appreciate the time with their children, even during difficult moments. Lastly, Leif and Jocko expressed gratitude towards essential workers, encouraging listeners to push themselves hard and work as hard as they can, just as these workers do every day.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done."



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

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    Listen to learn:


    1. How to cultivate resilience and perseverance: Learn about the importance of not giving up when faced with fatigue or adversity, but rather pushing through until the task is complete. Drawing inspiration from figures like David Goggins and the experience of fire walk events, the conversation delves into the mindset needed to exceed perceived limitations and the power of a supportive team in overcoming challenges.


    2. How to maintain composure in chaotic situations: The podcast highlights techniques for staying calm and focused amidst turmoil, using the metaphor of the 'rock in the river.' You can understand the value of breathing techniques, detachment, and global awareness in high-pressure environments, skills that are transferable to daily life and leadership roles.


    3. How to manage your state for personal growth: Through the insights shared about learning from Tony Robbins, you can discover the significance of managing one's state of mind to handle life's challenges effectively. The episode underscores the continuous journey of personal development, emphasising the need to reframe perceptions and beliefs to maintain a positive outlook and become the best version of oneself.



    The podcast episode featuring Bill Keefe is highly relevant to individuals who are facing uncertainty in their lives or seeking personal growth and resilience. The discussion revolves around how embracing life's unknowns can lead to transformative experiences and a deeper understanding of one's capabilities.


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    Furthermore, the episode delves into the importance of resilience and perseverance, drawing from the powerful messages of individuals like David Goggins. For the reader who is tired and close to giving up on a goal or project, the mantra "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done" serves as a motivational reminder that endurance can lead to achieving one's objectives. This can be particularly relevant for those working on long-term goals that require sustained effort and commitment.


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    Chasing Shackleton — Re-creating the World’s Greatest Journey of Survival

    If you’ve ever read the classic book Endurance, you probably shivered and shuddered as you wondered what it would have been like to have undertaken Ernest Shackleton’s famously arduous Antarctic rescue mission.

    The adventurer Tim Jarvis did more than wonder. When Alexandra Shackleton challenged him to re-create her grandfather’s epic journey, he jumped at the chance to follow in the legendary explorer’s footsteps.

    Today on the show, Tim, the author of Chasing Shackleton: Re-creating the World’s Greatest Journey of Survival, first shares the story of Shackleton’s heroic effort to save the crew of his failed Antarctic expedition. Tim then tells us how he and his own crew replicated Shackleton’s journey over land and sea, from taking the same kind of rowboat to eating the same kind of rations — and the lessons in resilience and leadership he learned along the way.

    Resources Related to the Podcast

    Connect With Tim Jarivs

    The captivating book cover for


    1909 My Strength Is My Story with James Merritt

    1909 My Strength Is My Story with James Merritt

    Are you doing the hard work in building your character? Dr. James Merritt shares how to instill twelve character traits essential to godly living.

    Dr. James Merritt is a husband of 44 years to his wife Teresa. They have three sons, a daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren.

    He received his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

    Dr. Merritt is a pastor, the past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and host of The Touching Lives television program seen nationwide and in 122 countries.

    When Dr. Merritt has time to catch his breath, you can read all his thoughts as he's a prolific author.

    "Character is what you and God know that you are.” ~ Dr. James Merritt


    CONNECT with Dr. James Merritt

    BOOK: Character Still Counts

    Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including law school, character, Valentine's Day, and caging the lion plus so much more.

    • Joy in my heart
    • The movie theatre
    • Salvation
    • Law school
    • Rebellion
    • Harvest House
    • Character vs. Reputation
    • Andre Agassi
    • Social media
    • Civility
    • Politics
    • Matthew 18
    • Respect
    • Parent Involvement
    • Integrity
    • 1 Corinthians 11:1
    • Hypocrisy
    • Honesty
    • Faithfulness
    • Courage
    • Respect & Self Control
    • Prayer
    • Conviction
    • Fruits of the Spirit
    • Valentine's Day
    • The Main Character
    • Caging the Lion
    • Authenticity


    CONNECT with Dr. James Merritt

    BOOK: Character Still Counts


    "Too often though we get caught up in the humanity of it and not the divinity of it and we miss a golden opportunity for God to grow us and God to mature us." ~ Dr. James Merritt

    #MyStrengthIsMyStory #CreateYourNow #JamesMerritt

    Quotes and statements within the interview:

    "Why are they doing that? All He ever did was good."

    "And the Holy Spirit said, 'They're not crucifying Him; you are.'"

    "It wasn't the Roman soldiers that nailed Jesus to the cross. It was my sins that nailed Jesus to the cross."

    "I know now that someone did the something."

    "It was just like a bucket of peace came over my body and my heart and my soul."

    "This is the one book I didn't want to write. And it may turn out to be the best book I've ever done."

    "Image is nothing if behind the image is a facade.'"

    "And character is what you really are when you think nobody's looking."

    "But I tell our church we're not going to make the political personal here."

    "Integrity is the mouth of the river. It is the fountainhead."

    "Integrity is always doing the right thing at the right time in the right place regardless of the cost of the consequences."

    "You cannot have integrity without honesty, but you can have honesty without integrity."

    "Take the high road. There's not a lot of traffic on it."

    "The best way honestly, really to develop character in your everyday life is to let Christ form His character in you every day."

    "This book was extremely convicting to me."

    "If God is sovereign, there are appointments. They're not accidents."

    "All truths are God's truths."


    What has your story gifted you?

    • Is to realize how great a sinner I am and how great a Savior He is.

    Paul said, "I am what I am by the grace of God."

    "Because without Him, I wouldn't have a story, and if I had, it wouldn't be worth telling."


    Resources mentioned in the episode:


    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo





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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.