
    #660 - Peter Akkies - 7 Hacks To Master Your Productivity & Get More Done

    enJuly 29, 2023
    What is the first question to ask for productivity?
    How does understanding values impact goal alignment?
    What is the purpose of the 5 Whys exercise?
    How can a to-do list reduce stress?
    What strategies help prioritize tasks effectively?

    Podcast Summary

    • Start with clarifying priorities before using productivity toolsClarify life goals before implementing productivity strategies or tools to focus on what truly matters and create an effective system

      Productivity is not just about using the right apps or tools, but rather about understanding what truly matters to us in life and prioritizing our time accordingly. Peter Akies, a productivity consultant and expert, emphasizes the importance of starting with the fundamental question of what we want to achieve in life before delving into specific productivity strategies or tools. By clarifying our priorities, we can ensure that our time and energy are focused on the things that truly matter to us, rather than being overwhelmed by tasks that may not align with our goals. This approach allows us to create a productivity system that is meaningful and effective in helping us live the lives we truly want.

    • Setting Clear Goals for Productivity and GrowthClear goals provide direction, help focus, and motivate us to take action towards meaningful outcomes.

      Having clear goals is essential for productivity and growth. As Chris Sparks, a productivity expert, stated, "there can be no growth without goals." Goals provide direction and help us focus on the iterations that will take us towards our desired outcome. However, it's important to remember that productivity is not just about optimizing day-to-day tasks but also about achieving something meaningful. Most people get goal setting wrong by being too vague. They need to dig deeper and understand why they want to achieve a goal and how it will enrich their lives. By having specific and meaningful goals, we can make progress and find the motivation to take action.

    • Clarify your goals with 'why'Understanding why you want to achieve specific goals helps clarify them and aligns them with your values and motivations. Use the 5 Whys exercise to uncover the root cause and identify effective solutions.

      Setting specific, meaningful goals with a clear understanding of why you want to achieve them is essential for productivity and success. Being clear about your goals makes it easier to identify actionable steps towards achieving them. Furthermore, understanding your values and motivations can help ensure that your goals align with what truly matters to you. The 5 Whys exercise, which involves asking "why" repeatedly to uncover the root cause of a problem, can be a helpful tool in clarifying goals and identifying effective solutions. Ultimately, by focusing on specific, meaningful goals and taking small, consistent steps towards achieving them, you can make significant progress and improve your overall productivity.

    • Setting Clear Goals and Actionable StepsTo effectively tackle large projects and make progress in life, distinguish between goals and action steps, break down projects into manageable milestones, create a list of goals and daily tasks, and regularly review and check-in.

      Having clear and specific goals, along with defined action steps, is essential for achieving projects and making progress in life. The discussion highlighted how a person's desire to lose weight could be linked to deeper issues, such as financial problems and lack of time spent together with a partner. To effectively tackle large projects, it's crucial to distinguish between goals and action steps, and break down the projects into manageable milestones and daily actions. By being clear on the destination and the steps, one can create a list of goals and a list of actionable tasks, making it easier to work through the list and make consistent progress. Regular check-ins and reviews can help keep the process on track. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being specific and clear when setting goals and taking action towards them.

    • Balancing Self-Motivation and External AccountabilityFind a system that balances self-motivation and external accountability to achieve personal goals. Set clear goals and find a frequency of check-ins that works best for you.

      Finding the right balance between self-motivation and external accountability is crucial for achieving personal goals. Some people may require frequent check-ins and external motivation, while others may prefer a self-driven approach. The frequency of these check-ins can vary from weekly to quarterly, depending on individual preferences and motivation levels. Setting clear goals in areas such as purpose, health, wealth, and relationships can help provide a framework for personal growth. Ultimately, the key is to find a system that works best for you and stick to it consistently.

    • Break down goals into various categories for a balanced approach to lifeDiscover effective goal setting strategies by categorizing goals and managing time wisely for progress

      Effective goal setting involves breaking down goals into various categories, such as travel, fun, financial, home, physical health, and mental health. It's important to have a list of potential goals to ensure a balanced approach to life, even if not all goals can be actively worked on at once. Productivity is defined as making progress towards goals, and time management strategies vary depending on individual contexts. Some may benefit from time blocking for deep work, while others may require a more flexible approach to managing their tasks. The key is to discover what works best for each person.

    • Creating an Effective Daily ScheduleConsider energy levels, task requirements, focus availability, and constraints when designing a daily schedule. Batch meetings and communication, set aside dedicated focus time, and time block for specific tasks. Personal trainers may need to set aside time for administrative tasks.

      Creating an effective daily schedule requires considering individual energy levels, task requirements, focus availability, and constraints. For knowledge workers, this may involve batching meetings and communication, setting aside dedicated focus time, and time blocking for specific tasks. For those with more varied schedules, such as personal trainers, setting aside dedicated time for administrative tasks can help manage time effectively. Ultimately, it's important to experiment with different scheduling methods and find what works best for each individual, rather than trying to adhere to a one-size-fits-all approach.

    • Identify your productivity patterns and structure your day accordinglyFind what works best for you in managing tasks and time, whether it's a to-do list, time blocking, or both, and prioritize tasks accordingly

      There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing tasks and scheduling. Some people are most productive when tackling their biggest tasks first thing in the morning, while others find they focus best late at night. It's essential to identify when you're most productive and structure your day accordingly. Furthermore, a to-do list and time blocking are not mutually exclusive but complementary. A to-do list can help you keep track of tasks, while time blocking allows you to dedicate specific time slots to completing those tasks. Breaking down your life into various areas or categories can help you effectively manage your tasks and projects within those areas. It's essential to understand that everyone is different, and there is no right or wrong way to manage tasks and time. The key is to find what works best for you and prioritize your tasks accordingly. Remember, what matters most is not when you do your tasks but that you get them done effectively and efficiently.

    • Effective To-Do List CreationCreate a to-do list, prioritize tasks, schedule intentionally, include enjoyable tasks, and regularly review commitments to make the most of your time.

      Creating a meaningful and effective to-do list is the foundation for managing your time and tasks. This list should include all the things you want to accomplish, and then prioritize and schedule them intentionally using methods like time blocking or prioritization. It's important to remember that your to-do list should be a tool to make your life easier, not a source of stress or overwhelm. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, make sure to include enjoyable tasks on your list and regularly review your commitments to ensure they align with your priorities and availability. Remember, your time is limited, and a well-managed to-do list can help you make the most of it.

    • Identify Priorities to Avoid OverwhelmTo prevent burnout, prioritize tasks based on personal goals and eliminate unnecessary tasks.

      A long to-do list doesn't cause overwhelm, but rather reveals a lack of prioritization and clear goals. When faced with numerous tasks, it's essential to identify what truly matters most in your life and focus on those priorities. Burnout, a common issue related to overwhelming workloads, can stem from a combination of factors, including lack of priorities, intense work periods, and low mood. To prevent burnout, it's crucial to establish clear goals, prioritize tasks, and take breaks when needed. Remember, the ultimate productivity system lies in knowing what you want and ruthlessly culling everything else.

    • Burnout: Coping with Overwhelm and Regaining ControlBurnout is a state of chronic stress leading to loss of resilience and inability to handle tasks. Causes include overcommitting and seeking help early is key to recovery.

      Burnout is a real and common experience, often characterized by a loss of resilience and the inability to handle basic daily tasks. It can lead to indecisiveness and a lack of capability, which can be particularly painful for those who have prided themselves on their abilities. The cause can be overcommitting and pushing oneself too hard, leading to a vicious circle of stress and poor performance. Solutions may include pushing less hard and seeking out systems or routines to bring order to chaos. This concept, which the speaker calls "productivity purgatory," can help people cope with the feeling of being overwhelmed and the desire to regain control. It's important to recognize the signs of burnout early and seek help, rather than waiting as the speaker did for a year and a half.

    • Balancing Productivity and LeisureTo lead a fulfilling life, recognize the importance of both productivity and leisure. Engage in enjoyable activities to recharge, but avoid the productivity purgatory and the dark playground by finding a balance between the two.

      Productivity and leisure are not mutually exclusive, but our mindset towards them can make a big difference. While some practices are intended for productivity improvement, others can be purely enjoyable and rejuvenating. The challenge lies in recognizing that both productivity and creativity require different environments and mindsets, and life itself offers opportunities for growth outside of these two realms. To avoid falling into the productivity purgatory, where everything becomes a means to be more productive, try engaging in activities that are so enjoyable that you forget about productivity altogether. These activities can help you recharge and come back to productivity with renewed energy. Conversely, the dark playground refers to engaging in leisure activities when you should be productive, leading to guilt and anxiety. Both productivity purgatory and the dark playground are extremes on the same spectrum, and finding a balance between the two can lead to a more fulfilling life.

    • Understanding what drives productivityProductivity is about making consistent progress towards personal goals and passions, not just completing tasks or reaching inbox 0. Align actions with goals and values to maintain focus and energy.

      Productivity is not just about completing tasks or reaching inbox 0. Instead, it's about making consistent progress towards personal goals and passions. Going on a walk or practicing meditation, for example, can be productive if it helps sustain energy and focus for work aligned with one's mission in life. However, if these activities are used to avoid unfulfilling work or jobs that drain energy, they can lead to unproductive patterns. Managing email expectations and teaching people not to expect immediate responses can also help reduce the pressure and stress associated with email management. Ultimately, productivity is about understanding what drives us and finding ways to align our actions with our goals and values.

    • Batch process emails for productivityEffectively manage emails by batch processing during designated times, set expectations, and use email triage techniques for streamlined management.

      Effective time management involves batch processing emails instead of constantly checking and replying to them throughout the day. This approach helps maintain focus and productivity, as constant interruptions can hinder the ability to complete tasks efficiently. Batch processing can be done during designated times, allowing for a more organized and focused approach to email management. Additionally, setting expectations with colleagues and employers about response times and the importance of focus can help create a more productive work environment. Quick emails can be handled immediately, while others requiring more time can be triaged and addressed during batch processing sessions. Using email triage techniques, such as flagging and unsubscribing, can help streamline the process and reduce the overall time spent on email management.

    • Effectively managing emails with a to-do list and batch processingUse a to-do list to prioritize tasks and batch process longer emails. Streamline with apps like Todoist and email integrations, but avoid overloading with too many small tasks.

      Effectively managing your emails involves using a to-do list to prioritize and batch process longer tasks, while dealing with quick responses in real-time. To-do list apps like Todoist and email integrations can help streamline this process. However, it's important not to overload your to-do list with too many small tasks, as it can lead to losing focus on larger projects. While some may prefer advanced email apps like Superhuman, the speaker believes that a simple triaging system, including unsubscribing from unnecessary emails and setting up filters, is often sufficient for most users.

    • Personalize productivity methods for optimal resultsFind productivity methods and tools that fit your unique needs and preferences, and avoid feelings of failure when they don't align with your natural tendencies.

      Productivity methods and tools, such as email management and note-taking apps, should be tailored to an individual's specific needs and preferences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a consistent system for managing emails and using a simple note-taking app, like Apple Notes, which works well for him despite having a large number of notes. He also acknowledges that other productivity methods, like building a second brain with linking notes apps, may be more suitable for others. Ultimately, it's essential to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to productivity and that it's important to find what works best for each person. The speaker encourages embracing individual differences and avoiding feelings of personal failure when productivity methods don't align with one's natural tendencies.

    • Personalize your productivity systemExperiment with different methods and tools, remember there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and keep it simple

      Finding an effective productivity system is about personalizing it to your unique needs and circumstances. It's essential to experiment with different methods and tools, and not feel pressured to conform to one specific system, no matter how popular or elaborate it may be. For instance, using a simple note-taking app like Apple Notes and organizing it with folders can create a focused workspace that helps put you in the right mindset for specific tasks. It's crucial to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and what works best for you might not be the most sophisticated or complex method. So, embrace the process of finding a system that suits your needs and keeps it as simple as possible.

    • Tailor optimization to individual goals and needsOptimize apps like Apple Notes based on personal objectives, whether it's a well-organized system or productivity for a specific task.

      Optimization for productivity and organization in apps like Apple Notes should be tailored to individual goals and needs. For Chris, the goal is producing high-quality podcasts, so a messy system is acceptable as long as it aids in that end. Peter Akis encourages optimizing for the right goal, whether it's a well-organized system or a banging podcast. To learn more from Peter and get introduced to his work, check out his YouTube channel by searching for "Peterakis." He offers tutorials on maximizing Apple Notes and other apps, as well as a 30-minute guide on organizing to-dos at organizeyourtodos.com.

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    enAugust 17, 2024

    #825 - Macken Murphy - The New Science Of Why Men & Women Cheat

    #825 - Macken Murphy - The New Science Of Why Men & Women Cheat
    Macken Murphy is an evolutionary biologist at the University of Melbourne, a writer and a podcaster. Why do people cheat? Is it just the allure of novelty? Dissatisfaction in their current relationship? Fear of being left? Retaliation for their partner cheating? Macken's brand new study gives so many fascinating answers to these questions. Expect to learn what the evolutionary drivers are behind men's and women's infidelity, what this new science says about the Dual Mating and Mate Switching hypotheses, the top 3 reasons for why men and women both cheat, whether cheating is heritable, if there is such a thing as one and done cheating, the most common behaviours of somebody who is being unfaithful and much more… Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra at https://eightsleep.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get a 20% discount & free shipping on your Lawnmower 5.0 at https://manscaped.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: https://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: https://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enAugust 15, 2024

    #824 - Ross Edgley - 317 Miles: Breaking The Longest Non-Stop Swim Record

    #824 - Ross Edgley - 317 Miles: Breaking The Longest Non-Stop Swim Record
    Ross Edgley is an endurance athlete and an author. Ross just broke the world record for the world's longest non-stop river swim. It took over 2 days with no sleep, no stopping or touching land. He's also swum around the entire UK and competed head to head with sharks. Time to find out how his mind, body and preparation works. Expect to learn how Ross prepares for an endurance event, how you go to the bathroom when you're locked in a wetsuit, what 50 hours of sleep deprivation whilst exercising feels like, Ross' diet and daily routine, the scientific mindset of resilience, strategies to push yourself to your absolute limit and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get Magic Spoon's brand-new Protein-packed Treats in your nearest grocery store Get up to 37% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout)  Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: https://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: https://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enAugust 12, 2024

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    Ep 57: Improve Your Accountability: Combine Internal Drive with External Accountability

    Today's episode of Prospecting on Purpose focuses on accountability, a key driver in professional success. We explore its crucial role in business environments, especially for those leading teams, managing client relationships, or driving sales and projects.

    Sara delves into two essential aspects of accountability: our personal commitment to goals (internal) and the structures or relationships supporting our progress (external).

    She’ll share results from a recent survey on professional accountability, revealing how people view their accountability. 

    Sara will share tips for internal accountability including setting clear goals, regularly tracking progress, and maintaining a growth mindset. For more details, listen to episode 7: Four Foundations for a Growth Mindset: 

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    Sara Murray website: https://www.saramurray.com/podcast/episode-7-four-foundations-for-a-growth-mindset 

    She’ll also introduce one of the greatest accountability tasks, assigning ourselves external accountability. This can include implementing hard deadlines, partnering with an accountability buddy, seeking guidance from coaches or mentors, and publicly announcing goals for added motivation.

    This episode also debuts a new product offering from Sara Murray, Inc. ACE Your Sales Digital Course, details can be found on: www.saramurray.com/aceyoursales.

    More from Sara: 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales 

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    The Blueprint To Achieving Personal & Professional Success

    The Blueprint To Achieving Personal & Professional Success

    Enjoy this full conversation from The Fallible Man podcast. Host Brent Dowlen is a fantastic human being and I wanted to share this here for you, too!

    Join Brandon Eastman as he reveals the Five P framework for achieving happiness and success. But what happens when his own life takes an unexpected turn, leaving him questioning everything he thought he knew? Tune in to find out how self-mastery can lead to transformation, but be prepared for a shocking twist that will leave you questioning what comes next.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    👉🏻 Discover the secrets to personal growth and self-improvement that can transform your life.
    👉🏻 Unlock the power of role models and learn how they can inspire and guide you on your journey to success.
    👉🏻 Master fearless conversations and gain the confidence to address important issues that matter to you.
    👉🏻 Explore the inspiring journey of someone who transitioned from law to personal development, and learn from their transformation.
    👉🏻 Achieve self-mastery and unlock the key to lasting happiness and success in all areas of your life.

    For more great content like this subscribe to the Brandon Eastman YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/BrandonEastman?sub_confirmation=1

    https://amzn.to/3mxdCnS - Grab Brandon's NEW book 'Be Extraordinary: Your Guide To Self-Mastery'!
    https://www.bebetterindustries.com - Book Brandon to help your leadership team become more influential and achieve self-mastery

    You can follow Brandon at:
    Website: https://www.bebetterindustries.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandonseastman/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brandon.s.eastman/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandoneastman_/
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brandon.eastman

    Listen To The Fallible Man Podcast:

    Grab your copy of Be Extraordinary: Your Guide To Self-Mastery AND the Audiobook for FREE at https://bebetterindustries.com/book. 

    52. Unlocking Success: How Finding Your 'Why' Transforms Your Life & Business (Audio)

    52. Unlocking Success: How Finding Your 'Why' Transforms Your Life & Business (Audio)

    Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Next Brave Step Podcast, where we delve into the power of understanding and embracing your core purpose – your ‘why’. This episode, titled “Unlocking Success: How Finding Your ‘Why’ Transforms Your Life & Business,” is not just a conversation; it’s a journey into the heart of what drives us.


    • The Concept of ‘Finding Your Why’: We explore the transformative concept of ‘Finding Your Why’ and how it serves as a compass for both personal growth and business success.
    • Personal Stories and Insights: I share my own experiences of discovering my ‘why’ and how it led me to take brave steps in life and my career. You’ll hear stories that resonate with your journey and inspire you to dig deeper into your own motivations.
    • Practical Tips and Strategies: Learn practical ways to uncover your ‘why’ and how to apply this understanding to make impactful decisions in your life and business.


    Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer, or someone seeking clarity in your personal and professional life, understanding your ‘why’ can be a game-changer. This episode is packed with actionable advice, heartfelt stories, and insights that will empower you to embrace your journey with confidence and purpose.


    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Trello for Photography: https://trello-for-photography.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your photography business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index